Information for Parents: Pupils Joining September 2021/2022

Ambition, Individuality, Quality A Centre of Excellence

The Westwood is part of the Kenilworth Multi‐Academy Trust Make Westwood your first choice

We are delighted that you are interested in The Westwood Academy as a preferred choice for your child’s secondary education. The Governors and I are sure that after reading our prospectus, browsing our web site and viewing our prospective parents’ videos, and visiting for a socially distanced, pre‐booked tour at your convenience during the working day, you will share our belief. Many parents will be aware that The Westwood Academy is now an integral part of the Kenilworth Multi‐Academy Trust. This has helped us cement our vision as a Centre of Excellence and offer an ambitious and broad curriculum that will enable all our pupils to succeed academically.

Our aim is to provide every child with the opportunity to feed their passion for learning, to provide opportunities in and out of the classroom that will help them discover their place in the world. Our goal is exceptional academic performance whatever your child’s ability. Our ability to deliver this goal was affirmed to us back in 2015 when Nick Gibb, School’s Minister, wrote to us to inform us that we are a Top 100 school for our sustained exceptional examination performance and we were placed in the top 10 schools. This places us alongside who were the only other Coventry school to receive the prestigious Top 100 school accolade. Our results have continued to exceed expectations and this year, had data been published, we would have proudly been displaying a Progress 8 score of +0.27. This means that over their best 8 subjects on average our pupils performed well above their expected levels.

We have been able to do this because I know that we have the most dedicated, experienced and talented teaching staff that I have ever had the pleasure of working with. They are more than ably supported by an excellent team of support staff who are fully involved in your child’s learning journey. The work our teachers do is regularly shared locally and nationally with other schools seeking support. Outside of the classroom there are an enormous number of opportunities to provide extended learning for all our gifted and talented pupils such as, sports clubs, school drama and music productions, computer coding club, Duke of Edinburgh scheme and science, maths and technology societies. We also run a host of curriculum related trips to Europe and within the UK so that we give children an opportunity to expand their minds with new experiences. All of these curriculum enrichments result in our children leaving school with the knowledge, experience and skills that are personal to them in preparing them for the next stage of their working life or study. In this pack you will find:  An outline of our school vision  A summary of key OfSTED findings.  A data summary of recent exam results  An outline of our pastoral systems  A summary of the curriculum offered by each Department.  A ‘Promise to pupils’ which summarises details all of the subjects and experiences on offer in each year group.

Our expectation of our children’s behaviour is high; manners, respect for others and the school’s rules, exceptional attendance and a strong work ethic are most important. In return, we offer a nurturing and intensely supportive environment in which to learn and grow socially. Our Head Boy and Girl and the student leader team are heavily engaged in how we run the school and how we support all of the children here and this will continue to grow in importance year on year. As a consequence, we have a wonderfully inclusive and cohesive ethos and atmosphere which would be hard to replicate. In all of these respects our work continues to be highly regarded by Ofsted, the , our local authority education team and schools visiting us to learn about what we do. You will be aware that we have been again re‐graded as ‘Good with many outstanding features’ (Ofsted, October 2017).

Our achievements rely on a special relationship between you as parents, our school and your child. A truly successful education can only be achieved if we get this right. So in anticipation I look forward to meeting you and working with you in the future.

Ms H Lawrence – Head of School


The Westwood School was opened in 1974 and buildings finally completed in 1978. We are located on a large attractive landscaped campus in the southwest of the city. We are directly adjacent to The Westwood Business Park and the of Warwick and are ideally situated to promote strong links between higher education and business. The school became a Trust School in October 2008 and completed the transition to become one of the inaugural new style academies in August 2011. In January 2019 the academy became the first school to join the newly formed Kenilworth Multi Academy Trust (KMAT).

 We cater for pupils age 11 to 19.  We are co‐educational.  We are non‐denominational (no particular religious affiliation).  We are totally committed to providing education of the highest quality for all our pupils so that all achieve the highest academic opportunities.  We offer the full range of GCSE and A Levels which include traditional academic & vocational courses.

School Vision – A ‘Centre of Excellence’

How Will This Be Achieved?

Exceptional academic achievement is at the heart of our vision. Education entitlement for all pupils and staff is a given. Regardless of faith, race, ability or need, all pupils are driven to succeed because of the highest quality education offered by our exceptionally well‐qualified staff. As a consequence of continuous improvement in examination outcomes we will become an outstanding school. Increasingly we will be the school of choice both within and beyond our local community. Staff will also be supported to be the best that they can be. A high quality, bespoke professional development programme inspires the best quality teaching programmes. Their commitment to the school and its pupils is unrivalled and their expertise is recognised and shared at a local and national level. We find opportunities with other schools to work on joint projects that collectively improve our educational offer. Westwood will offer its pupils a whole school experience that cannot be matched.

A diverse range of opportunities will ensure that pupils can explore their interests both within and outside of the classroom. Well qualified, expert staff will deliver a rich, varied and personalised curriculum. An intelligent and bespoke careers and skills strategy will be the driver for curriculum choices and ambitions from through to year thirteen. As an Arts Mark school, we place value in the Arts and creativity. Pupils use PRIDE as a framework to develop their character and secure the highest academic success that they can. Working alongside their peers and staff they become well‐ rounded individuals who regularly demonstrate the qualities of pride, resilience, independence, determination and educational excellence and are rewarded for doing so.

As a consequence, they reach their academic potential, are valued by employers and become contributing citizens to British Society and the world beyond. Our pupils will seek to be involved in social projects and fundraising including working with our senior citizens, serving at food banks and co‐designing with architects on the City’s building projects. Pupil leadership opportunities will continue to encourage our young people to get involved in the cultural and operational growth of the school, from interviewing prospective staff to developing the curriculum further. It is our ambition that every child at the school will be involved in at least one other aspect of the life of the school. Our commitment to achievement, relationships, personal development and collective responsibility can be seen in every lesson but also beyond the classroom. In corridors, on the sports field, on residential visits, in the community and at awards presentations we thrive on the opportunities that the school provides to allow us to be ‘excellent’ in all that we do and to create memories that will last a lifetime.


Our mission is to be an outstanding school. This will be achieved by  Ensuring our pupils and staff have the highest aspirations for self, others and the school  Delivering high quality and engaging teaching and learning opportunities  Personalising pupil and staff experiences and curriculum  Maintaining a supportive, safe, nurturing and family environment in which to learn  Adopting the five ‘British’ values that we embed into our strategy and day to day actions; democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.


Our aim is to offer an outstanding educational provision, this will be evidenced through  Exceptional examination outcomes  High attendance and engagement  A fit for purpose curriculum offer  A warm, respectful and caring culture; staff who go the extra mile to secure high outcomes for pupils  An inclusive ethos; staff, parents and pupils are involved in the democratic decision making about our school, to ensure success and happiness we will work within the co‐constructed rules (ways of working) that we share, we embrace differences to ensure individual liberty, and we have mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

Westwood’s Learning Culture Our learning culture is driven by our PRIDE agenda and our 3A’s (Attendance, Achievement and Ambition) praise system. This can be evidenced in:

 P for pride. Pupils and staff strive hard to succeed and take pride in their own exceptional achievements and the achievements of others. We seek opportunities to celebrate our many successes. We respect and have compassion for the diversity of people and opinions that make up our community and continuously find opportunities to grow our unique family ethos both within and without the school gates.

 R for resilience. Pupils and staff apply the power of ‘yet’ to all that they do. We support one another to overcome our barriers to success. We take advice and guidance to reform and rebuild our ideas to ensure continual growth in knowledge and self.

 I for independence. Pupils and staff seek opportunities to share their own ideas with others. They use others ideas to create their own new thinking. They are brave enough to tackle problems alone in order to encourage deep learning, but they are also independent enough to know when to ask for help and work as a team.

 D for determination. Pupils and staff are determined to overcome challenge for their own good and the good of others. We work as relentless teams, knowing what we want to achieve, assured that we will reach our goals in the end, however hard that journey is we don’t give up.

 E for excellence. Pupils and staff know that to be excellent requires all of the above. However challenging this may be, we have a thirst for success but understand that learning for learning’s sake is one of the biggest gifts we can give to ourselves. We try to be excellent both within our own school but also beyond the school gates, working with other communities of learners in schools, sports and community.

What Ofsted says

The school underwent its seventh Ofsted inspection in October 2017. The school was rated as GOOD with many outstanding features. The report highlighted a number of areas of excellence and achievement, a selection of comments are detailed below:

 ‘The Head teacher has created a strongly shared vision’

 ‘The leadership team has high aspirations for our pupils which this has a positive impact on the progress made by pupils… teaching and learning is good’

 ‘Pupils behave well around school and in their social time, they are lively, polite and courteous and demonstrate respect for others…they wear their uniform with pride’

 ‘Parents appreciate the support – quoting one parent “My son has been made to feel very welcome and has settled in brilliantly… the school has worked very hard to settle in new Year 7 pupils…”  ‘Every pupil is valued and encouraged to fulfil their potential during lessons and in the many clubs and societies on offer’

 ‘Pupils are prepared well for their adult lives, academically, socially and emotionally.’

 ‘Pupils wear their uniform with pride’

 ‘Safeguarding is effective ‐ Pupils state that they feel safe in school, they talk confidently about topics such as e‐safety’

 ‘Pupils are extremely positive about the support they receive in school, both academically and socially’

 ‘The school is truly inclusive’

 ‘Pupils individual needs are given the highest priority’

 ‘Governors contribute significantly to the strength of school leadership, sharing high expectations of both pupils and staff’

The full Ofsted report is available either from the school or downloadable from the schools website – or the Ofsted website ‐ – and follow the link to inspection reports.

Results at The Westwood Academy

How we care for your child

The Year System

Pupils will spend 25 minutes at the start of each day with their mentor group. This is the time for our ‘Character Curriculum’. Each mentor group is led by a ‘Mentor’ who will remain with your child throughout their school career from Year 7 to Year 10. Each Year group has a lead called a Pastoral and Pupil Lead (APPL) who is responsible for the personal well‐being of every child within the Year. If you have any issues about your child’s progress throughout their school career, you should email your child’s Mentor to discuss the issue further. Year 11 pupils are grouped have timetabled into academic mentoring cohorts specific to their GCSE studies. Dealing with your Concerns

Since we are a small , we hope you will find it easy to contact us if any concerns about your child’s welfare, needs or progress arise. Quite often an issue can be solved by emailing the Personal Mentor, but if you prefer to discuss the matter with the Head, Deputy Head or APPL then this can be easily arranged. If it is a matter or urgent concern, please indicate this to the school receptionist and we will respond appropriately. There are a number of parent representatives on the Governing Body of the Academy. School Discipline

As a school we recognise that we share with parents the responsibility of helping our young people to become positive and mature members of society. We also recognise that without a disciplined approach to life in school we cannot ensure that our pupils enjoy the secure and well‐ordered environment necessary for active and effective learning. We insist on high standards of behaviour from all our pupils that promotes effective learning and a happy and secure school environment. Where everyone should act with consideration and respect for others at all times. The highest standards of behaviour are expected from all our pupils at all times. Discipline within the Academy is based on this principle, expanded within the Code of Conduct and in the Home School Agreement set out on the following pages. Firm but Fair Discipline

At the heart of our discipline system is our new 3A’s praise agenda. We consider that praise is highly motivational and as such we actively celebrate success in Attendance, Achievement and Ambition. We operate a range of monitoring systems to ensure the positive reinforcement of good attendance, behaviour, effort and achievement. The school’s response to poor behaviour, effort, or breaches of the Code of Conduct and Home School Agreement will be ‘firm but fair’. We are strongly committed to informing and involving parents as soon as possible if problems of discipline arise, inviting parents in to school with their child to discuss the issue with staff when appropriate. With more serious breaches of discipline the Head Teacher, member of our Leadership Team or APPL will contact parents immediately or call in at home to discuss the matter, but most issues are dealt with routinely by the following measures. Personal Mentors discuss problems which have arisen with the pupil concerned. Detentions may be set after school. Privileges may be removed. Charges will be made for items damaged, or lost and examinations and work experience placements not attended. Exclusion from

lessons or from school may be used in cases of serious misbehaviour. We do expect parents to offer full support of the school in implementation of the sanctions system.

Taking Responsibility

Your child will have the opportunity to be the mentor group representative on the School Council. This is an important part of the life of the school, a means by which the Head and staff can begin to address the concerns of the pupils, and a way in which pupils can influence policy and bring changes to the school. Each mentor group elects two representatives who, having discussed issues with their mentor group, meet with other School Council representatives on a regular basis. Minutes from the School Council meetings are presented to the Head for action. School Council initiatives acted upon by the school include opening up the cafeteria before morning school and at break time to provide hot and cold drinks and snacks. In addition, the School Council are always involved in the interview process for new teaching staff. Our pupils are the best possible ‘advertisement’ for our school, and we encourage them to take such responsibilities as much as possible.


The Westwood Academy is committed to safeguarding children and young people. We recognise that at some point in your child’s life they may need additional help and support. We provide different levels of support, which includes working with other agencies, based on ‘individual need’ thus ensuring the best possible outcomes for our children and young people. In accordance with Data Protection, children and young people have the right to ‘confidentiality’ this means there may be occasions when the school has to consult other agencies without the parent or carer’s prior knowledge. Our priority is the welfare of our pupils and we have a duty to act to protect the child/young person at all times. Procedures laid down by the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board (LCSB) inform our ‘Safeguarding’ and ‘Child Protection’ policies. A copy of these policies and others can be found on our Academy website or are available on request. Our latest Ofsted inspection, October 2017, highly praised the safeguarding systems, processes, policies and whole staff approach to the safeguarding of our pupils.

The 3 A’s

Attendance Ambition Achievement

Points will awarded through the 3 A’s system and every pupil will be able to contribute. Every mentor group will be competing against each other for the coveted ‘Year Trophy’. This trophy will be presented to the highest scoring mentor group at the end of each term.

At the end of every term there will be a formal assembly where the Year Trophy will be presented to the highest scoring mentor group for that term. These pupils will receive a dining room queue jump pass. There will be a £10 ‘Costa Coffee/Starbucks’ voucher and a certificate handed out to the pupil (prize draw) who has achieved 100% Attendance and the highest scoring pupil for Ambition and Achievement in the year group. The certificates that the pupils receive will provide evidence for their ‘Record of Achievement’ folders and will stay with the pupil throughout their school life.

How to find out more and join us.

‘I didn’t really know much about the school, but when I visited, I was amazed at how calm and purposeful the atmosphere was, teaching and learning looked excellent and everyone was really friendly’ (Year 7 parent)

This year is a little different. We will be unable to offer our usual Open Evening, so we encourage you to do the following:  Take time to browse our ‘Prospective Parents’ page on our website. Here you will find all the information you will need.  On the 9th September our virtual Head of School address and Head Boy/Head Girl speeches will go live on our website. Enjoy and share with your family. You will get a real feel for what we are about.  Download our prospectus from the school website  Take a look at some of the videos made by pupils and staff to show you what a great school we are.  Book a ‘socially distanced tour’ of the school. This can be arranged through the website or by emailing [email protected]. Places are restricted, but we will endeavour to offer as many tours as we can. Autumn Term You will receive official transfer documents from the Local Authority (LA) inviting you to select your preferred Secondary school. Your child’s will also organise meetings to discuss transfer to Secondary education. Spring Term The Local Authority informs the Secondary school of its prospective pupils and we then keep in close contact with our new parents for the rest of Year 6. Summer Term Our Transition Team will visit your child’s Primary school. They meet the children and begin to get to know them. They will talk to their teachers about the progress each child has made and what their particular needs are. Discussions take place with Primary school teachers to decide your child’s mentor group at The Westwood Academy, so that the decisions made are in the best interests of your child. Children of those Year 6 children who have chosen to come to The Westwood Academy spend a whole ‘Induction Day’ with us, getting to know staff and pupils in their new school. During this day they meet their Academic and Pastoral Pupil Lead (APPL) and Personal Mentor. They follow a timetable of lessons and are told about the Academy’s Code of Conduct. In this way they not only learn to find their way around the school but begin to learn what is required of them as a pupil of The Westwood Academy. On Transition evening in July all parents who have chosen The Westwood Academy as their child’s secondary school are invited to a ‘New Parents’ Evening’ to meet our staff. You will be welcomed by members of the Academy Governing Body and Board. You will be introduced to your child’s APPL (Year Head) and Personal Mentor and can spend time discussing your child’s needs. The Head, Leadership Team and those responsible for Transition discuss curriculum matters and the Academy’s vision for the future.

The First Day One of the great strengths of The Westwood Academy is that, for a Secondary school, it is small in size – only taking 800 pupils in total. This means that each Year 7 pupil is known by name very quickly – and we focus on their individual needs and stretching all young people to reach their potential from the outset. On the first morning they meet together and are welcomed by the Head of School. They are then taken by their Personal Mentor to their Mentor room, where their Personal Mentor will discuss basic routines of daily school life.

Our Curriculum Offer

The Academy follows the principles laid down in the National Curriculum that all pupils should study a broad and balance range of subjects for a reasonable amount of time. The following subjects are offered to all pupils KS3 and KS4 pupils: English Mathematics Science French Spanish Geography History Food Technology Engineering Dance Drama Music Art ICT / Computing Physical Education Character Curriculum Careers Pupils choose options subjects in Year 9 and the following may be part of that additional choice: Business Studies Health and Social Care Higher Maths

Art 3: Pupils in KS3 develop their skills through a range of projects based on either observation or an artist. In year 7 they will develop their drawing so that they are able to approach tasks with confidence. Year 8 builds on these skills so that in Year 9 they are able to use these to develop their own ideas and work independently. The curriculum provides pupils with the opportunity to use 2D and 3D, develop their understanding of colour, pattern and form and analyse their own work and that of other designers, artists and crafts people. Literacy skills are developed through the analyses of their own and others work as a crucial form of reflection, demonstration of intentions and understanding and how they record observations. : This GCSE course enables pupils to travel through a creative process learning about different materials and techniques. They are encouraged to take responsibility for their work through guided support. It promotes creativity and exploration of materials and process to inform the development of ideas. Pupils are expected to produce two projects responding to a title, one coursework project worth 60% and an exam project worth 40% of the overall qualification. Each project requires pupils to explore the title and produce work as a result of researching information and visual starting points. Year 10 gives pupils the skills and knowledge so they are able to approach the formally assessed elements of the course in Year 11. Pupils choosing to do GCSE art are encouraged to visit art galleries and look at the work of artists in their spare time. Every year group will go on a trip to a gallery so that they understand art in that context.

Business Studies The Business department exclusively teaches pupils at Key Stage 4 and above with the primary objective of introducing pupils to the world of enterprise. Pupils study a variety of topics gaining an understanding of business characteristics, customer service and business finance among others. Pupils are exposed to new business terminology which gives them a strong foundation in which to enter the working world. Lessons are focussed with clear objectives and high expectations; pupils are expected to complete high quality extended coursework projects independently. Studying business is a great opportunity for pupils to try something new and to engage with local enterprises. Inspiring Futures” (Careers) Vision: To enable all pupils to achieve social and economic success and realise aspirational future pathways through the provision of an inspirational and informed programme of careers education. At Westwood we are committed to delivering high quality, timely and independent careers guidance which supports our pupils to achieve their career aspirations and goals. In order to achieve this we engage with a range of FE colleges, employers, training providers and to enable aspirational career possibilities. Pupils are engaged as active participants in their career development from Year 7 through to Year 13. We provide opportunities for pupils to develop the necessary skills and attributes needed to make the next steps in their chosen career pathway and use local and national labour market information to increase employability prospects for all pupils. Our aim is to empower individuals to enter the competitive and evolving workplace with confidence and competence and to provide pupils with the support and advice needed to make an effective transition beyond Year 11 Computing Computing skills at an increasingly high level are expected of young people entering the workplace and the computing department strives to prepare pupils for this. Pupils are taught a blended curriculum at where they experience both ICT and computer science content. Through this pupils can prepare the skills necessary to pursue a career in computer science or use digital literacy skills alongside alternative career paths. Pupils can opt to continue their studies of computer science and/or ICT at KS4; this gives pupils the scope to specialise according to their interest. Within the computing department we aim to keep all lessons fun and engaging in addition to running a Code Club for our most enthusiastic pupils. Dance In Dance pupils can enjoy physical exercise without playing a sport. In the lessons pupils work in small groups creating, rehearsing, performing and evaluating, the elements of PRIDE (Pride, Resilience, Independence, Determination, Excellence) are reinforced in this subject as pupils enjoy the time and space to work independently in a safe, supportive environment. Pupils with a special interest or a particular talent in dance can join Dance Club and Dance is offered as an option in KS4. Design Technology Design and technology gives young people the skills and abilities to engage positively with the designed and made world and to harness the benefits of technology. They learn how products and systems are designed and manufactured, how to be innovative and to make creative use of a variety of resources including digital technologies, to improve the world around them. “Design and technology is a phenomenally important subject. Logical, creative and practical, it’s the only opportunity pupils have to apply what they learn in maths and science ‐ directly preparing them for a career in engineering. Policy‐makers must recognise design and technology’s significance for the UK economy and strive not just to preserve it – but to ensure it appeals to the brightest of young minds.” James Dyson

In Design and Technology, pupils combine practical and technological skills with creative thinking to design and make products and systems that meet human needs. They learn to use current technologies and consider the impact of future technological developments. They learn to think creatively and intervene to improve the quality of life, solving problems as individuals and members of a team. Drama At Key Stage 3, pupils learn how to express themselves using a range of drama techniques and team work opportunities. The Westwood Academy's PRIDE agenda is integrated into each lesson in order to develop pupils' confidence and skills. Pupils learn how to modify their voice, body language, movement and gesture in order to express emotions, take on a range of roles or find new ways to approach texts or ideas. Pupils are also encouraged to work together constructively, taking part in self and peer evaluation activities as they develop their skills. At Key Stage 4, pupils will further develop their performance skills through a range of scripted and devised work as well as studying a set text and evaluating live theatre productions. English The English department at Westwood Academy are committed to inspiring our pupils to be independent, critical thinkers. The curriculum at Key Stage Three to Five is varied as well as challenging and ambitious, providing pupils with the opportunity to develop their skills in reading, writing and spoken language. All of our pupils study a wide variety of fiction and non‐fiction texts and reading for pleasure is at the heart of everything we do. From Year 7 we encourage pupils to be thoughtful readers and writers who can approach all aspects of the curriculum with confidence and an open mind. Food Technology This subject calls for pupils to become autonomous and creative problem solvers, as individuals and members of a team. The focus is to develop a range of practical skills whilst also embedding understanding of healthy eating, seasonality and nutrition. Food Technology allows all learners to develop a range of skills in the selection, preparation and cooking of a variety of dishes. Geography Our vision is to use geography to stimulate an interest and a sense of wonder about places. We take pupils on field trips so we can evidence how classwork is applied to the real world. We want to help young people make sense of a complex and dynamically changing world. We offer the chance to explain where places are, how places and landscapes are formed, how people and their environment interact, and how a diverse range of economies, societies and environments are interconnected. We intend to build on pupils' own experiences to investigate places at all scales, from the personal to the global. Health & Social Care This course provides pupils with their initial steps into a career in the health and social care sector. The course is designed to give pupils a vocational approach to learning the content and skills required for working within the industry. The course is taught with a variety of methods including: group work, project work, online learning, practical tasks and debates; it is constructed to be a very interactive course and to link education and work in practical ways. This course will also enable pupils to gain a wide range of transferable interpersonal skills such as teamwork, initiative, empathy, listening and problem solving, making it the perfect study option for pupils who have a more practical and vocational approach to learning with an interest in health, wellbeing, social or childcare.

History Within the History department we aim to achieve an education that is both attainable and successful for all pupils, regardless of faith, race, ability or need. As a department, we seek to improve those making the choice for History at GCSE level. Lessons contain a variety of learning activities to enable all pupils to achieve their potential. Staff strive to deliver a rich, varied and personalised curriculum. History fires pupil’s curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. Pupils consider how the past influences the present, what past societies were like, how these societies organised their politics, and what beliefs and cultures influenced people‘s actions. As they do this, pupils develop a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people. They see the diversity of human experience, and understand more about themselves as individuals and members of society. What they learn can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values. In history, pupils find evidence, weigh it up and reach their own conclusions. To do this they need to be able to research, sift through evidence, and argue for their point of view, skills that are prized in adult life. Our schemes of learning ensure we cover the concepts, ideas, skills and knowledge necessary to meet these aims. Maths Maths at The Westwood Academy aims to equip pupils with problem solving skills and resilience to tackle problems independently. We encourage all young people to have curious minds and to take an interest in the subject. Pupils in Maths lessons are not afraid to make mistakes due to the respectful culture embedded in all classrooms. In Maths, we encourage all pupils to rid themselves of their “doubts” and reward attempts rather than solely final answers, allowing pupils to build their self‐ esteem and gain the confidence in their ability to achieve success. We equip pupils with the Mathematical skills enabling them to progress onto A‐level Mathematics. We see their journey as a seven year path regardless of ability and aim to share our passions for mathematics with the young people that we teach. We regularly run Maths enrichment activities at the University of Warwick, pupils take part in the UKMT Maths Challenge and all pupils have the opportunity to attend Genius Club. We support the NSPCC Number Day raising funds through mathematical games. Modern Foreign Languages The Modern Foreign Languages Department teaches French and Spanish. Pupils learn how to interact and use language for practical purposes, as well as in preparation for GCSE exams. We cover topics such as Where I Live, Culture & Festivals and Holidays & Tourism. Activities we offer include the opportunity to try French and Spanish food, to find out about countries where the languages are spoken, to connect with pupils from schools abroad, as well as visiting and putting their language skills into practice. Music The Westwood Academy Music department is very well resourced, with class sets of keyboards, ukuleles and wide range of percussion instruments. KS3 Music lessons are usually of a practical nature, focusing on developing performing and composing skills through a variety of themed projects, including African Drumming, Ukuleles and Film Music. The department aims to give all KS3 pupils an opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument. Throughout KS3 they will study music from a wide variety of styles and cultures and will be given opportunities to listen and appreciate a range of different music, analysing and comparing features. Pupils are actively supported in expressing their own feelings about music, using appropriate vocabulary to justify their opinions. Their work is frequently recorded towards the end of each half term project for assessment purposes. Pupils study the OCR Music GCSE qualification at KS4. Similarly to KS3, the course is split into 3 areas: Performing, Composing and Listening. Over the course of the two years pupils will develop their skills as performers and composers and will produce original performances and compositions to make up their coursework which accounts for 60% of the course marks. The final 40% of marks are obtained

through a listening exam which covers a range of styles including World Music, Pop Music, Classical Music and Film Music. The department has 5 rooms available for pupils to use during lunch time, including 3 band rooms and an ICT room with 7 iMac computers. In addition to curriculum music, the department runs a Choir and Ukulele club. Across the week there are 3 peripatetic music teachers who come in and deliver one to one instrument tuition for Keyboard, Guitar and Drum Kit. PE In PE, pupils will study a well‐rounded curriculum which encompasses each aspect of our PRIDE agenda. Pupils will develop skills, game play and performance in numerous different activities such as rugby, football, netball, gymnastics, badminton, athletics and many more throughout their time at Westwood. We also offer level 2 BTEC and GCSE PE for those pupils wanting to further study PE in year 10 and 11 with many pupils taking this option. We have superb facilities within the department including: Two football pitches Two Astro turf pitches One rugby pitch A sports hall Four netball courts A gym A cricket pitch A table tennis gallery We have an extensive extra‐curricular programme with multiple activities on offer each day after school. We compete in numerous different tournament and competitions in many different sports throughout the year and have enjoyed success in recent years across many sporting activities. Science Science at the Westwood Academy is designed to engage and inspire pupils by promoting investigation and curiosity from the world around us. Pupils are taught Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Working Scientifically throughout all key stages. With purpose built laboratories and well‐resourced practical supplies and equipment, Science at the Westwood Academy is an exciting and enthralling experience. We have a team of teachers with individual specialties and a range of experience that collaborate to develop key scientific skills whilst supporting literacy and numeracy standards across the school. Key Stage 3 Science: The science department is committed to a broad based curriculum incorporating its responsibility under regulations governing the National Curriculum. Pupils complete Key Stage 3 in 2 years. Throughout these two years they will build on the fundamental science taught to them at key stage two. Topics will cover all areas of science including Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The course aims to be both practical and engaging for the pupils to give them the best possible start to their GCSE courses. Key Stage 4 Science GCSE: Depending upon ability, from the beginning of the autumn term in year 9 all pupils will begin studying for an AQA Separate Science qualification. This will enable our pupils to develop a scientific understanding of concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. SEND In SEND we support pupils to access lessons throughout the school with a range of needs. We will support pupils who are gifted and talented in order to develop their ability and to shine in their lessons and learning and also provide support for pupils who find learning difficult so they can access all their lessons. Pupils with English as additional language are supported and encouraged to be able to develop their English while offering opportunities for pupils to take exams in their native language. The AHT SENCO has particular responsibility for ensuring that the school responds effectively to individual pupils’ needs through support in class, individual support and support in small groups. Some pupils may have special needs relating to physical, emotional or learning difficulties. The SENCO co‐

ordinates the learning support needed, devising specific learning programmes for individual pupils in consultation with the Heads of Department, teachers, Mentors and APPLs. Under the National Code of Practice (1994) all parents are consulted about pupils being placed on the Special Education Needs register. EAL Pupils with English as additional language are supported and encouraged to be able to develop their English whilst offering opportunities for pupils to take exams in their native language.

The Westwood Character Programme  Learning skills are taught through the core elements of Leadership, Oracy, Resilience, Initiative and Communication Building resilience and promoting the health, mental wellbeing and affirming positive lifestyle choices are taught through a well‐being programme which includes: My Life, My Health, My Mind  Kindness, Respect and Living without harm are taught through the ‘THEM AND US’ programme.  Careers is taught through our ‘Inspiring Futures’ programme. Academic Mentoring Programme is planned in at various points in the programme for the progress of pupils to be monitored and supported using current progress plans.  Spiritual, Moral, Social Cultural programme is delivered by Mentors Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE).  The PSHE programme is delivered as part of our Character Programme and is taught in discrete lessons by our experienced team of mentors. We take this element of a pupil’s education very seriously and believe strongly, that the development of the whole child is important to the future success of our pupils. Our Programme of Study for PSHE education and Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 is constructed around the National PSHE Association guidelines and identifies the key concepts, skills and attributes that are developed through PSHE education. The Programme fulfils the statutory responsibility to safeguard pupils, support their spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.

Arts Mark

The Westwood Academy is aspiring to achieve Arts Mark certification in 2022 which shows how much we value the Arts at Westwood. In Year 7 all pupils have the opportunity to study Drama, Music, Dance and Visual Arts. We have a clear plan to develop the provision of the Arts throughout the school to make Westwood a centre for the promotion of the arts. This will be achieved through partnerships, CPD, increased pupil engagement and opportunities for pupils to participate. We have two purpose‐ built studios and undertake work with professional artists such as The Belgrade, Warwick Arts Centre and the Pauline Quirk Academy.


Post 16 at The Westwood Academy is housed in a large refurbished sixth form suite. A state of the art sixth form study facility is located above the school library. This provides exceptional study and ICT facilities and includes a Library dedicated to our Post 16 pupils. For those pupils who choose to enter our sixth form there are many exciting opportunities. At The Westwood Academy we work in close partnership with our lead MAT School, with Year 12 and 13 pupils accessing study at both Westwood and Kenilworth Sixth Form The teaching of some courses from both academic and vocational may be shared between staff of both schools. As well as a wide range one year ‘AS’ levels and two year ‘A’ level courses, our pupils are also able to access Vocational course from BTech and OCR technical, Work experience placements, and a number of leadership and mentoring activities designed to further enrich the curriculum. Tutorial, careers guidance and entitlement sessions are held each week, allowing the progress of each pupil to be carefully monitored, and regular discussions take place between the sixth form mentors and pupils about entry to higher education or employment. In addition, the academy’s dedicated Careers Officer is available to give guidance and advice on a regular basis. A detailed prospectus for Post 16 is published each year and is made available to those Year 11 pupils who are interested in entering the sixth form the following year and the specific entry requirements will be discussed with individual pupils. The number of pupils staying on to study Post 16 courses has doubled over the past three years. This is a reflection of the courses which are on offer, the learning environment, the quality of their teaching, and of the level of tutorial support available.

Other interesting information

Academic Groups

Years 7, 8 and 9

 Ability Groups in Mathematics and Science based upon KS2 data, and internal assessment.  Communication Groups for English, History, Geography, Computing based upon KS2 data and internal assessment.  Other subjects are taught in more broad ability groups depending on the language the pupils study. Year 7 pupils will study either Spanish or French and we consider any prior language learning from primary school when we make our decisions on the groups. At the end of each term, Heads of Department will review groups and make changes based upon academic achievement in internal assessments.


 During Year 9, parents, pupils and teachers decide which courses shall be followed by a pupil in Years 10 and 11. A broad and balanced curriculum is still followed but certain choices between GCSE courses are made, in line with National Curriculum regulations.

 All pupils must study: ENGLISH: A two year course in English Language and English Literature. MATHEMATICS: A two year course at Higher or Foundation level ‐ one GCSE. SCIENCE: All pupils follow a Separate Science qualification over 3 years. PE and RE are taught in line with statutory guidelines.

 Pupils then have the opportunity to choose three GCSEs to create a personalised curriculum which matches their skills and abilities. GCSE subjects on offer vary from year to year depending on the cohort, but include: Art & Design, Computing, PE, History, Geography, Catering, Music, Drama, Spanish and French. We also offer BTEC qualifications in ICT, Sport, Health & Social Care, and Business & Engineering.

 RE: Religious Education is taught as a discreet subject within the Humanities Faculty in KS3 and is integrated into the morning mentor programme in KS4. The subject celebrates the diversity of beliefs and values of its pupils. We encourage an open exchange and sharing of viewpoints to enhance mutual respect and give opportunity for personal reflection to assist the pupils to arrive at their own standpoint on moral and religious issues.

 Sex Education ‐ There is a programme of RSE delivered throughout the school. It is taught throughout the PSHE programme during mentor times, through the Science curriculum and also through the use of outside agencies. The delivery of RSE takes account of pupils’ emotional and physical development and is set in the context of caring and stable relationships. Parents, who wish to withdraw a pupil from any part of RSE other than statutory requirements for the National Curriculum, must make the request in writing to the Head Teacher.

Reporting and Recording

Education at The Westwood Academy is based on the view that a strong, active partnership between home and school is crucial to ensure educational success for each pupil. We therefore encourage parents to be involved in every stage of their child's school career, and we keep in close touch with parents so that they are fully aware of the progress their child is making. From the very start of their school career, each pupil becomes aware that parents and teachers are working together to support and help them. Parents receive a School Report at the end of each term which provides data on progress and outlines their child’s current position and attitude to learning. In addition, a discussion takes place between the pupil and their Personal Mentor so that targets can be discussed and set. Parents then have the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress and report at Parents Events when they get the opportunity to talk to their child’s teachers. Pupils have one follow up formal mentor meeting in the school year, again to focus on the progress that is being made and any help that can be given in order that your child can reach their maximum potential. During the rest of their school career the progress of each pupil will be carefully monitored on a regular basis. The review of progress is part of a continuous cycle which continues throughout mentor time, the formal report, and a cycle of telephone calls home. The mentor and child regularly review the

progress that is being made within subjects and then, if there are causes for concern or when praise is due, letters are sent home to inform parents. 3 A’s Praise System, Merit Systems and Awards

Individual teachers and Mentors make awards for excellent Attendance, Achievement and Ambition. Individual subject teachers award e‐reward points to pupils for work which achieves a high standard, shows a marked improvement in standard by the pupil concerned or demonstrates one of our core values. We believe that it is important to reward positive achievement in this way, and that our pupils should be encouraged to take pride in having their efforts acknowledged and recorded. Each term, depending on how many points they have earned, pupils receive bronze, silver, gold or platinum badges as recognition for their effort in class and around school. At the end of each academic Year we hold Award Ceremonies for pupils. Pupils, parents, governors, sponsors and special guests are invited to these sessions so that the whole school community can formally celebrate pupil achievements within both the academic curriculum and the wider life of the school. Home and School: Keeping in touch

We believe that success at school is dependent on a strong partnership between home, school and the community. We do all that we can to make this partnership work for your child, and we look forward to working with you. The School Website Our Academy website – holds details about a wide variety of school themes. We have latest news items, what’s happening and what has recently taken place. There are also some school policies, details of school terms and holidays, a downloadable school prospectus, links to other sites of interest, such as the school bus service and our Academy partners. There are also links for pupils and parents to the School’s VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) and the Show my Homework portal. Twitter The main school Twitter address is: Email Email is the prime method of communication. It provides the first point of call will be email and each Mentor will be directly contactable via email. Satchel One (Show My Homework) This is the system used to set, monitor and track completion of Homework and praise points. Home Study

The school uses an online homework portal provided via Satchel One. The homework side of this is known as Show My Homework. Access to this is via the school website or through pupil or parent/carer apps, downloaded onto a smart phone. The apps will allow you to receive notifications about your child’s Home Study. Both parents/carers and pupils will be provided with their own log in for this, allowing you to become fully engaged in your child’s homework.

You can help by:

 ensuring you are able to log into your parent / carer Satchel One account;

 checking the homework your child has been set each night;

 taking an interest in the actual homework being done;

 offering encouragement, help and praise, as appropriate;

 finding a quiet place for your child to work at home;

 letting us know if there are any problems with homework GCSE coursework is very important in Years 10 and 11 since in many subjects it contributes a certain percentage towards your child’s final exam grade. Coursework assignments and tasks may take a number of weeks to complete, and much of the work will have to be completed at home so your child will need to take responsibility for managing their homework time effectively. Again, your support and encouragement is vital. The school uses an online homework portal ‘Show my Homework’ – access via the school website or through pupil or parent web apps. Getting to School

The school is on regular bus routes from all parts of the city. Details of the times can be obtained from the West Midlands Travel Shop in Pool Meadow. We expect parents to support us when we insist on good behaviour whilst our pupils are travelling on public transport.

Many pupils walk or cycle to school. Charter Avenue and Mitchell Avenue are both busy roads, particularly during early morning and early evening, so we do advise and educate our pupils to be aware of their responsibility to care for themselves as pedestrians or cyclists. Road safety forms part of our Tutorial programme but please do what you can to instil safety discipline into your child. If you are bringing and collecting your child by car, please use the Excel car park rather than stopping in Mitchell Avenue.

Bicycles can be secured outside the main in our fully secure & roofed cycle storage shelter. There is also a public buses available for Westwood pupils, which covers the local area, we have provided a summary on the website, although encourage you to Google for most up to date information.


Year group, college and whole school Assemblies take place on a regular basis. The assemblies aim to:

 keep pupils informed about what is going on in school;

 celebrate success for individuals and groups;

 encourage pupils to address their peers;

 encourage pupils to take an interest in affairs beyond the school;

 demonstrate the place of religious belief in our society.

The School Day

The school day starts with registration in mentor groups at 8.45 am prompt. This is followed by Mentor time every day and a formal assembly on several days of the week. (It is possible for your child to buy a simple breakfast in the school dining room from 8:00 each morning.) The school day ends at 3.10 pm unless pupils are kept in detention. (see separate COVID arrangements for change to details).

Absence from School

If, for any reason, your child is absent from school, inform the school on the first day of absence by telephoning Student Reception on telephone number 024 7642 6905 – and send a note to the Personal Mentor when your child returns to school. If you expect your child to be away from school long term please let us know. If your child is unable to take part in normal PE activities for medical reasons please send a note to the Physical Education Department and they will be only too happy to make other arrangements. A medical note will be When your child needs to visit the doctor or dentist during school hours please make sure that they show the appointment card to their Personal Mentor and Class Teacher. Please make every effort to arrange medical and dental appointments after school has ended. Pupils must not take whole days off for such appointments. If your family is to go on holiday during the school term, please collect a holiday absence form from the school. But please avoid this, as good attendance at school is essential if your child is to achieve their potential. In line with Government guidelines it is now school policy not to authorise any periods of term time holiday absence and any holiday not authorised by the school will count as truancy and may result in a fine for both parents. In accordance with government guidelines we monitor attendance closely, especially those with attendance below 85%. If your child’s attendance falls below 85% the College/Year Lead with responsibility for attendance will put together an action plan aimed at improving your child’s attendance.

Charging Policy

In accordance with recent legislation the Governors have drawn up a policy on charging for certain activities. Full details of this are available at the school but the main points are as follows: Visits taking place mainly within school hours. No charge can be made for these, expect to cover board and lodging. The school may ask parents for voluntary financial contributions towards the cost. However, activities may not take place if funds cannot be raised either through the efforts of the school or through contributions from parents. Charges for board and lodgings may be remitted for pupils whose parents are in receipt of Child Tax Credit or Income Support.

Clubs and Activities (due to COVID these have been temporarily suspended)

Many activities and clubs take place during lunchtime, at the beginning and end of the school day, or during the early evening.

Example of ‘What’s on’

Day Morning Break Lunchtime After School Monday Library Table Tennis Library Club Netball – Years 10 & 11 Library Chess Club

Tuesday Library Table Tennis Cross Country Handball – Years 10 & 11 Basketball – Years 7 & 8 Library Games Club Football – Year 10 Badminton – Year 10 & 11 Girls Rugby Wednesday Library Library Activity Club Trampolining – All Years Table Tennis Rugby – Year 7 Girls Football – Years 7 & 8 Basketball ‐ Girls

Thursday Library Table tennis Rugby – Year 8 Basketball – Year 10 Rugby – Years 9 & 10 Library Reading Club Netball – Years 7 & 8 Netball – Years 9 ‐ 11 Friday Library Table Tennis Basketball – Years 10 & 11 Futsal – Year 10 & 11 Football – Years 7 & 8 Golf putting practice Football – Girls Library Reading & Film Club Badminton – Years 7, 8 7 9

Other Activities

In addition to the above, the school organises an annual trip to Europe and regularly puts on residential trips. Outdoor pursuit trips, skiing trips, camping trips, country walks, theatre and museum visits, participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and in the annual National Maths Challenge.

We compete in team events against other schools in a range of sporting activities and enter our pupils for Coventry School’s events such as basketball, badminton, athletics and tennis, as well as organising ‘inter‐ form’ competitions within the School.

Our pupils are also encouraged to take part in fund‐raising activities to support children’s charity events such as Christmas Jumper day in December, Comic Relief, and also charities including Macmillan Cancer Relief, British Heart Foundation, Myton Hospice and dedicated children’s charities.

School Uniform

The School colours are grey, purple and white. Pupils are expected to dress smartly and appropriately at all times, and to wear their uniform with pride, so that they are a credit to the School. Each and every pupil is an ambassador of the school and this is reflected in the way that they dress.


Shirt: Plain white cotton shirt with a top button that fastens (no polo shirts) short or long sleeves acceptable Ties: Silver grey and purple stripe, ties must be worn at an appropriate length Knitwear: (either jumper or sleeveless jumper) Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9) – Purple with silver grey V neck stripe Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) – Mid Grey with purple V neck stripe Blazer Grey School Blazer with embroidered school logo Trousers: Plain black school trousers, no denim or fashion trousers Socks: Plain black Shoes: Plain black school shoes – no brands or logos, no trainer style shoes Coats: Winter coats or anoraks – optional. Plain and dark in colour (no denim, no sweatshirts. logos or hooded tops)


Shirt/blouse: Plain white cotton shirt with a top button that fastens (no polo shirts or fashion blouses), short or long sleeves acceptable Ties: Silver grey and purple stripe, ties must be worn at an appropriate length Knitwear: (cardigan, jumper or sleeveless jumper) Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9) – Purple with silver grey V neck stripe Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) – Mid Grey with purple V neck stripe Blazer Grey School Blazer with embroidered school logo Skirts: Skirts: Years 7 ‐ 11‐ Pleated purple, grey and black tartan skirt* or Trousers: The tartan skirt is the only skirt option for all girls. All skirts must be no more than 2cm above knee height in length. Trousers Years 7 – 11 plain black school trousers – (no denim or fashion trousers)

Hairbands, Must be dark purple, grey or black scrunchies Tights/Socks: Grey or black, plain block colour only, no fashion colours or designs, no sheer tights Shoes: Plain black school shoes – no brands or logos, no trainer style shoes, no heels above 2cm Coats: Winter coats or anoraks – optional. Plain and dark in colour (no denim, no sweatshirts, logos or hooded tops)

Cultural Uniform: We also offer parents the option of a cultural uniform for girls, this uniform will consist of a purple tunic, jubbah or mock wrap dress with a black headscarf or hijab. Please contact the school office for specific details.


GIRLS BOYS Plain black skort – with logo Plain black shorts – with logo Purple polo shirt ‐ with logo Purple polo shirt ‐ with logo Sports Trainers only (no pumps) Sports Trainers only (no pumps) predominantly black or white predominantly black or white Standard one‐piece swimming costume Swimming trunks (dark colour) (dark colour) Football boots Rugby shirt

Plus – optional but recommended Boys & Girls PE Black & Purple Hooded top – with logo Black track suit bottoms – with logo Black & Purple school football style socks ‐ with logo ‐ optional but advisable for cold weather

Other equipment needed: Pocket English dictionary, pocket English/Spanish dictionary (Collins or Harraps), calculator, pens, pencils, crayons, ruler and other basic items of stationery and school bag.

Kenilworth Multi Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in and Wales, number 7700728.