H1144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 28, 2006 He integrated the Giants at a time Duke’’ as a youngster by Giants players, In his almost 80 years associated with the when much of the league remained all joined the Giants in 1937 as a part-time as- Giants, attended almost white. He drafted running back Frank sistant to the president, started working full- every Giants practice and home game until Gifford and offensive tackle Roosevelt time in 1938 as a club secretary and later falling ill last spring. In fact, the only extended Brown and then traded for quarterback served as vice president before becoming the time he ever spent away from the team was Y.A. Tittle, all future Hall of Famers. team’s president after the death of his brother, in brave service to his country. While serving He was the architect of the dominant Jack. in the Navy during World War II, Wellington Giant teams of 1958–1963. No one sur- Mara’s extensive experience in organization, Mara proudly achieved the rank of Lieutenant passed him, paralleled perhaps by Dan player personnel, trading and drafting helped Commander while serving in both the Atlantic Rooney of the Pittsburgh Steelers. produce 16 NFL/NFC divisional titles (two and Pacific theaters. During World War II, Mara briefly came after his induction into the Hall of Fame) It was Wellington Mara’s vision and leader- left his beloved Giants and joined the and four NFL championships during his 68– ship in the 1960’s that may provide the most Navy. He served in the Atlantic and season tenure that began with his graduation lasting impact on the NFL. His willingness to the Pacific theaters. He earned the from Fordham in 1937. He engineered trades share television revenue from the largest tele- rank of lieutenant commander. He re- throughout the League solidifying deals with vision market with smaller market teams en- turned to the Giants following the war. such stars as and Roosevelt abled a balanced economic playing field which b 1515 Brown—both future Hall of Famers—to mold continues in the NFL today. the Giants into a dominant team in the late In addition to his leadership in the NFL, In the early 1960s the Giants were the 1950s and early 1960s. Wellington Mara was a generous, caring man most valuable franchise in the league, From 1956 to 1963, the Giants won six divi- whose compassion can be summed up in one and television was the next great rev- sional championships and the 1956 NFL title. phrase: once a Giant, always a Giant. He was enue stream. You have already heard, Mara’s Giants went on to win Super Bowls well known for providing medical care for cur- Mr. Chairman, how we shared the rev- XXI and XXV. rent and former players and their families, in- enue to make sure that the league sur- From 1984 to 2005, he served as president cluding finding doctors and covering their vived. of the National Football Conference. He was medical expenses. Additionally he often kept In the late 1970s, Mara further inducted into the advisors and scouts on payroll long after their strengthened the team by hiring Hall of Fame in 1997 and into the Fordham service to the team ended, simply as a means George Young as the general manager, Athletic Hall of Fame. of showing appreciation for their service. who became the architect of the domi- In spite of a busy, grueling schedule Wel- Simply put, Wellington Mara was football in nant Giant teams of the late 1980s. lington Mara always found time to serve his America. A member of the NFL’s founding All told, in Mara’s 81 years, 81 years community as a member of the board of the generation, Mara served on the NFL’s Execu- with one football team, they appeared Giants Foundation, a charitable organization tive Committee, Hall of Fame Committee, and in 26 post seasons, won 16 division founded by the to provide fi- Competition Committee and was elected to championships and six NFL titles. nancial and social support for disadvantaged the Hall of Fame himself in 1997. Those six championships represent the youths in the New York Metropolitan Area. Mr. Speaker, I wish to offer my condolences third most, as my friend from Pennsyl- Wellington Mara, who was born on August to the entire Mara family, and I urge my col- vania pointed out. 14, 1916, in , was respected as leagues to support this resolution. In 1972, inducted one of the most knowledgeable executives in Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I have no Mara into the Athletic Hall of Fame, pro football. He passed away on October 25, further speakers at the moment, and I and in 2002, he was honored at the 2005. He leaves to cherish his memory his reserve the balance of my time. Fordham Founders Dinner, the univer- wife, Ann, his 11 children and his 40 grand- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I sity’s highest honor. children. He also leaves a legion of devoted yield back the balance of my time. In 1997, Mara was introduced into the admirers, friends and colleagues. Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I urge all National Football League Hall of The NFL game was known as ‘‘The Members to support the adoption of Fame, an honor he reluctantly accept- Duke’’ from 1941 to 1969. The NFL first used House Resolution 517. ed. He believed that since players and a ball in honor of Mara at the suggestion of I yield back the balance of my time. coaches made the game great, the Hall owner , who The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. of Fame should be reserved for them along with , Wellington’s father, ar- BRADLEY of New Hampshire). The ques- and not for owners. ranged for Wilson to become the league’s tion is on the motion offered by the Mara was so highly regarded by his supplier of game balls. ‘‘The Duke’’ ball was gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. fellow owners that just yesterday the discontinued before the start of the 1970 sea- DENT) that the House suspend the rules National Football League renamed son. The NFL owners recently voted unani- and agree to the resolution, H. Res. 517. their official game ball ‘‘The Duke,’’ mously to bring back ‘‘The Duke’’ game ball The question was taken; and (two- the nickname given to Mara as a child with the logo written on all game-day footballs. thirds having voted in favor thereof) by the New York Giants players. I believe it is more than befitting that the the rules were suspended and the reso- I am proud to have authored House National Football League pay tribute to the lution was agreed to. Resolution 517 honoring the life and memory of this outstanding gentleman by A motion to reconsider was laid on work of Wellington Timothy Mara. I bringing back ‘‘The Duke’’ football named in the table. respectfully urge my colleagues join his honor and that this House pay him tribute f me and support the passage of this res- with the passage of this Resolution today. olution of not only a great football Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support PROVIDING THAT ATTORNEYS EM- player, great owner, but a darn great of this resolution to honor Wellington Timothy PLOYED BY THE DEPARTMENT human being. Mara. OF JUSTICE SHALL BE ELIGIBLE Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Mara, a longtime constituent of mine FOR COMPENSATORY TIME OFF honor the memory and legacy of Wellington from Westchester County, was a pioneer in FOR TRAVEL Mara, former co-owner of the National Football the sports world who has left an indelible mark Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I move to League’s New York Giants franchise and on the National Football League. suspend the rules and pass the bill League businessman extraordinaire, and in Having been closely associated with the (H.R. 4057) to provide that attorneys support of Congressman PASCRELL’s resolu- New York Giants since its inception in 1925 employed by the Department of Justice tion recognizing the life of Wellington Mara and having assumed partial ownership of the shall be eligible for compensatory time and his outstanding contributions to the New team at the age of 14, Wellington Mara played off for travel under section 5550b of York Giants football club, the National Football a critical role in helping the Giants become title 5, United States Code, as amend- League and the United States of America. one of the cornerstone franchises of the NFL. ed. Wellington Timothy Mara was a man among Under his leadership, the Giants achieved The Clerk read as follows: men. Wellington Mara was a man whose en- greatness—26 postseason appearances, 18 H.R. 4057 tire lifetime was dedicated to the National divisional championships, and six league Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Football League and his family-owned Giants. championships, including two vic- resentatives of the United States of America in Mara, who was given the nickname ‘‘The tories. Congress assembled,

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:53 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28MR6.REC H28MR6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1145 SECTION 1. COMPENSATORY TIME OFF FOR Mr. Speaker, I thank you once again King Jordan for his contributions to TRAVEL. for your attention to this bill, and I Gallaudet University and the deaf and (a) IN GENERAL.—Attorneys employed by the Department of Justice (including assist- urge passage of H.R. 4057 as amended. hard of hearing community. ant United States attorneys) shall be eligible Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of The Clerk read as follows: for compensatory time off for travel under my time. H. RES. 680 Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I section 5550b of title 5, United States Code, Whereas in 1988, Dr. I. King Jordan became without regard to any provision of section yield myself such time as I might con- the first deaf President of Gallaudet Univer- 115 of the Departments of Commerce, Jus- sume. sity, and the first deaf president of any insti- tice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join tution of higher education in the United Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000 (as en- Representatives DAVIS, WAXMAN, POR- States; acted into law by section 1000(a)(1) of Public TER and VAN HOLLEN in introducing Whereas Gallaudet University grants more Law 106–113 and reenacted by section 111 of H.R. 4057, which would make attorneys bachelor’s degrees to deaf people than any the Department of Justice Appropriations other institution of higher learning in the Act, 2001 (as enacted into law by appendix B employed by the Department of Justice eligible for compensatory time off for world, is the only such institution serving of Public Law 106–553)). primarily deaf and hard of hearing students, (b) APPLICABILITY.—Subsection (a) shall travel. and provides groundbreaking research in the apply with respect to time spent in travel In 2004, Congress passed the Federal field of deafness; status on or after the date of the enactment Workforce Flexibility Act which pro- Whereas deaf and hard of hearing grad- of this Act. vided compensatory time off to Federal uates of Gallaudet University serve as lead- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- employees when they travel on official ers around the globe; ant to the rule, the gentleman from business during nonworking hours. If Whereas Dr. I. King Jordan graduated from Nevada (Mr. PORTER) and the gen- an employee must travel on a Sunday Gallaudet University in 1970 with a B.A. in tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each to attend an out-of-town meeting on Psychology, and received both a master’s de- gree and a doctorate in Psychology from will control 20 minutes. Monday, that employee can receive The Chair recognizes the gentleman University of Tennessee by 1973; credit for giving up his weekend to Whereas before his appointment as presi- from Nevada. travel on official government business. dent, Dr. I. King Jordan served as the Chair GENERAL LEAVE The Office of Personnel Management of the Department of Psychology and Dean Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask issued interim regulations that went of the College of Liberal Arts and Science at unanimous consent that all Members into effect on January 28, 2005, allow- Gallaudet University; have 5 legislative days within which to ing Federal workers to receive equal Whereas Dr. I. King Jordan was a research revise and extend their remarks and in- time off in exchange for work-related fellow at Donaldson’s School for the Deaf in clude extraneous material on the bill Edinburgh, Scotland, an exchange scholar at travel outside of regular business Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, under consideration. hours. and a lecturer at schools in Paris, Toulouse, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there In February of last year, the Justice and Marseille, France; objection to the request of the gen- Department issued guidelines barring Whereas from 1997 to 2001, Dr. I. King Jor- tleman from Nevada? DOJ attorneys from receiving the ben- dan led the first comprehensive capital cam- There was no objection. efit. In support of its decision, the De- paign for Gallaudet University and success- Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise partment cited provisions in its fiscal fully raised nearly $40,000,000, which was used today in support of H.R. 4057 as amend- year 2000 appropriations, which banned by the University to strengthen academic ed. I want to thank the leadership for overtime pay to Justice Department programs, increase the endowment, and con- bringing this important legislation to struct the Student Academic Center; attorneys. However, those provisions Whereas Dr. I. King Jordan established the the floor. sought to limit overtime pay for attor- President’s Fellow program to increase the This bill, which has been introduced neys, not compensatory time. number of deaf and hard of hearing faculty by myself, Government Reform Com- H.R. 4057, which has bipartisan and members by providing support for deaf and mittee Chairman TOM DAVIS, Mr. WAX- bicameral support, will clarify that hard of hearing college graduates to com- MAN, Mr. DAVIS from Illinois and Mr. DOJ attorneys are entitled to compen- plete their terminal degree; VAN HOLLEN, is intended to clarify that satory time off. And therefore, I am Whereas in 1988, Dr. I. King Jordan pro- the Department of Justice attorneys pleased to join with my colleagues in claimed to the world, ‘‘Deaf people can do are eligible to receive compensatory anything, except hear.’’; introduction and urge passage of this Whereas Dr. I. King Jordan is a strong ad- time off for time spent in travel status legislation. vocate on the national and international like all other General Schedule em- Mr. Speaker, I don’t believe that I level for deaf people and people of all disabil- ployees. am going to have any additional re- ities, and was a lead witness in support of In 2004, Congress approved this gov- quests for time, and I would yield back the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ernment-wide ‘‘comp time for travel’’ the balance of my time. during a joint session of Congress prior to in the Federal Workforce Flexibility Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I have no the passage of ADA; Act. After the bill had passed, the De- other speakers. I yield back the bal- Whereas in July 2005, Dr. I. King Jordan re- ceived the George Bush Medal for the Em- partment of Justice determined that ance of my time. the bill as written did not give it the powerment of People with Disabilities, an The SPEAKER pro tempore. The award established to honor those individuals authority to waive certain limitations question is on the motion offered by who perform outstanding service to encour- imposed on its attorneys by a previous the gentleman from Nevada (Mr. POR- age the spirit of ADA throughout the world; appropriations measure. H.R. 4057 now, TER) that the House suspend the rules Whereas Dr. I. King Jordan served in the through the technical assistance of the and pass the bill, H.R. 4057, as amend- Navy from 1962 to 1966; Justice Department, unequivocally ed. Whereas Dr. I. King Jordan has shared clarifies congressional intent. The question was taken; and (two- nearly 38 years of marriage with Linda This bill would allow Justice Depart- thirds having voted in favor thereof) Kephart, with whom he has two children, ment attorneys to be compensated for King and Heidi; the rules were suspended and the bill, Whereas Dr. I. King Jordan is a strong sup- travel time during nonbusiness hours. as amended, was passed. porter of physical fitness and has completed This would greatly assist those em- A motion to reconsider was laid on more than 200 marathons and 40 100-mile ployees who take early morning flights the table. marathons; in order to attend to business away f Whereas Dr. I. King Jordan will retire as from the home office, but don’t cur- the first deaf president of Gallaudet Univer- rently get compensated for their dedi- RECOGNIZING DR. I. KING JORDAN sity on December 31, 2006; and cation. In light of the fact that qual- FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO Whereas Dr. I. King Jordan is an accom- ity-of-life programs are among the GALLAUDET UNIVERSITY AND plished, respected leader who devoted his life to Gallaudet University and efforts to im- most effective recruitment and reten- THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEAR- ING COMMUNITY prove the quality of life for individuals who tion tools, I believe that Federal em- are deaf or hard of hearing, and individuals ployees should receive compensation Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I move to with disabilities: Now, therefore, be it while traveling to do the Government’s suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Resolved, That the House of Representa- business. lution (H. Res. 680) recognizing Dr. I. tives—

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:53 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28MR6.REC H28MR6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE