IMIM Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Barcelona 2015 PRBB Building Dr. Aiguader, 88 08003 Barcelona Phone: + 34 93 316 04 00 Fax: + 34 93 316 04 10 [email protected]

Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute. Barcelona 2015 IMIM © Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM)

Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) PRBB Building Dr. Aiguader, 88 08003 Barcelona () [email protected]

Coordination content Marta Calsina, Rosa Manaut


Graphic design Lluïsa Cobos

Photographies José Cano, Iván Martí

September 2016 Summary

Introduction 5

An overview of 2015 8

Research Programmes

Scientific Advisory Board 12 Biomedical Informatics 14 Cancer 40 Epidemiology and Public Health 130 Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders 190 Neurosciences 264

Core Facilities 330

Achievements 2015 348

Scientific Publications 349 Research Grants and Transfer of Results 352 Clinical Guidelines 354 Committees 357 Communication 362 Management 374 Management Structure 374 Budget 376 Human Resources 377 Governing Bodies 378

Introduction 5

Rafael de la Torre IMIM Director

This year’s scientific output was quite respectable since the total number of 1,044 publications in 2015 exceeded the number published during 2014. It is worth highlighting that 91% of our scientific output has an impact factor, with 85% in international publications. The number of publications in the first quartile is maintained at 60%. The good results with regard to scientific publications contrasts with the reduced transfer of results to the production environment, an aspect with room for improvement where resources will need to be invested next year.

As for attracting competitive resources and staff, this year the success rate achieved in ISCIII-FIS (Carlos III Health Institute - Health Research Fund) funding was 50% (22 projects out of 44), much higher than the just over 30% achieved the previous year and than the state-wide average, currently 30%. This year we benefited for several grants specific for accredited healthcare research institutes (ISCIII-FIS): integrated projects of excellence (PIE), Development of Health Technologies (DTS) and personnel (Joan Rodés). There are signs indicating that our capacity to attract competitive resources on a state-wide level has reached a limit difficult to surpass and that initiatives should be reinforced for attracting resources on an international level. The clinical trials contracted in the year 2015 exceeded those of the previous year, but we need to diversify our offering in order to be more competitive and seek new activity niches. Within this context, the start of the year will see the launch of the Clinical Trials in Nutrition Platform (specialisation in cardiovascular, inflammatory processes and cognition), in order to conduct nutritional intervention studies (or alternatively studies featuring nutraceuticals) sponsored by the food industry.

Attempts have been made to reinforce internal and external communication alike. For the coming year it is planned to take advantage of the Libraries of Barcelona network in districts in the Hospital del Mar catchment area, in order to organise a series of quarterly science cafés that we call “A Sea of Science” (Un Mar de Ciència) where we will share the scientific discoveries made by PSMAR researchers.

In June 2015, the IMIM obtained the recognition of the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research award. This recognition implicitly means that we adhere to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. We must take advantage of the development of HR Excellence in Research to review diverse aspects that affect the professional career of those workers involved in research and its management.

During the year 2015, moves were made towards ensuring that the Barcelona Anti-doping Laboratory is attached to the Catalan Sports Council (Consell Català de l’Esport – CCE). The current political situation has not helped with completion of this process but during the coming year we will continue to strive to ensure that the laboratory ultimately becomes attached to the Catalan and Spanish sporting authorities.

In recent weeks, research staff have been involved in reviewing the IMIM Strategic Research Plan which will need to be aligned with the PSMAR 2016-2020 Strategic Plan. We are currently in the process of evaluating the proposals put forward, in order to prioritise them and define a calendar for their development and application in the next year. In any case it is a great opportunity to visualise where we want to position the IMIM on the horizon of the next five years and to define actions to be implemented in order to achieve this.

To end, we would like to thank Dr Miguel López-Botet for his work directing the IMIM for the last eight years up to his resignation on 23 June 2015. We are currently immersed in the process of recruiting a new director. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 7 An overview of 2015

Cancer17 Groups

Epidemiology7 Neurosciences9 and Public Health Groups Groups 4 3 Associated Programmes5 Associated

3 13 Biomedical Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Informatics Groups Disorders Groups 2 1 Associated Associated

760 Personnel

Researchers Technicians Pre-doctorals Support 49.5% 26.0% 14.9% 9.6% IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 9

4,493 IF Accumulated

976Publications 62,63% First quartile

889 Articles with IF

Other Competitive External Grants Funding 62 Doctoral Theses Read 16.05

29Awards 952 Items Recorded in the Media An overview of 2015

Current competitive projects by funding institution

National 159 (82,5%) ISCIII 85 (44,0%) International % MINECO 17 (8,8%) 34 (17,5%) La Marató 13 (6,7%) WADA 14 (7,3%) AECC 4 (2,1%) EU 7 (3,6%) Ministerio de Sanidad Worldwide Cancer 3 (1,6%) Research 3 (1,5%) COIB 3 (1,6%) Other 5 (2,6%) Fundación Mutua IMI 5 (2,6%) Madrileña 3 (1,6%) RecerCaixa 3 (1,6%) Other 28 (14,5%)

Projects by programme

Neurosciences Epidemiology 25 and Public Health

52 Biomedical 13 Informatics

Inflammatory 51 and Cardiovascular Disorders 46 Cancer IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 11

Publications by programme

Neurosciences Epidemiology 180 261 and Public Health Biomedical 42 Informatics

Inflammatory 174 and Cardiovascular Disorders 283 Cancer

Publications with international collaboration

> 50 21 - 50 10 - 20 < 10 Scientific Advisory Board

IMIM has a Scientific Advisory Board President (SAB) made up of a group of prestigious international expert scientists from the different areas of the IMIM research Alberto Mantovani M.D. programmes. State University of Milan. Istituto Clinico Humanitas (Rozzano, Milan, Italy) IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 13


Celso Arango M.D., Ph.D. Fernando Rodríguez de Fonseca Ph.D. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón. Hospital Regional de Málaga. IBIMA. Director RTA Director CIBERSAM (, Spain) (Spain)

Antonio Bernad Ph.D. Francisco Sánchez Madrid Ph.D. National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC), Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Autonomous (Madrid, Spain) University of Madrid (Spain)

Søren Brunak Ph.D. Rodolfo Saracci M.D. Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, Technical Institute of Clinical Physiology, National Research University of Denmark (Lyngby, Denmark) Council (Pisa, Italy). University of Aarhus (Denmark)

Ángel Carracedo M.D., Ph.D. University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Ana V. Díez Roux M.D., Ph.D. Drexel University School of Public Health (Philadelphia, USA)

Jean Ferrières M.D., MSc. Toulouse University School of Medicine. Toulouse University Hospital (Toulouse, France)

Anna Lluch M.D., Ph.D. Hospital Clínico Universitario, University of Valencia (Spain)

Tudor Oprea M.D., PhD. University of New Mexico School of Medicine (Albuquerque, USA)

Carlos López Otín Ph.D. Institute of Oncology, University of Oviedo (Spain) PROGRAMME Biomedical Informatics

Ferran Sanz Carreras Programme Director

The programme is made up The programme has two of those research groups: associated groups:

Evolutionary Genomics Computational Biology Maria del Mar Albà of RNA Processing Roderic Guigó Integrative Biomedical Informatics Pharmacoinformatics Laura Inés Furlong Manuel Pastor Ferran Sanz

Systems Pharmacology Jordi Mestres 15

The Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) is a joint research of the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences of the Pompeu Fabra University. Personnel The GRIB mission is to develop and apply computational methods and information 49 technologies for a better understanding and prediction of biological phenomena, giving especial Publications emphasis to those related to the human diseases, their prevention, diagnosis and pharmacological 42 treatment. GRIB is recognized and funded by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia and one of the centres of TECNIO, the Catalan Technological Innovation Network created by ACC1Ó, and it is also the node for Biomedical Informatics of the Spanish Institute of Bioinformatics (INB). Jointly with Farmaindustria, GRIB coordinates the Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Medicamentos Innovadores (PTEMI). GRIB participates also in the Bioinformatics Barcelona Association (BIB), which aims to promote training, research, and technology transfer in bioinformatics. Ferran Sanz, GRIB’s director, is the co-president of PTEMI and the scientific director of BIB. Biomedical Informatics

People and research lines group leader and Jana Selent (Miguel Servet) is another senior scientist of this The Programme is currently composed of group. more than 70 members, and includes five • Integrative Biomedical Informatics: research groups led by scientists affiliated which promotes and tackles synergistic to IMIM: and integrative knowledge management • Evolutionary Genomics: focused on strategies for facing complex biomedical the use of comparative genomics and problems. Laura I. Furlong (Miguel Servet) large-scale data analysis to gain an and Ferran Sanz are the leaders of this understanding on the evolution of genes group. and genomes and to predict functional The members’ backgrounds are elements. Mar Albà (ICREA) is the group multidisciplinary: biologists, chemists, leader. pharmacists, medical doctors, computer • Computational Biology of RNA scientists, information specialists, etc. Processing: devoted to the development More than 30% of the members are and application of methods to identify postdoctoral researchers. functional domains in genomic sequences. The main researcher in this group is Roderic Guigó (CRG). Most rellevant issues during 2015 • Systems Pharmacology: dedicated to develop and apply computational tools ◗◗ Projects for the systematic identification of active The Programme is currently coordinating molecules for therapeutically relevant two large scale scientific initiatives funded target families. Jordi Mestres is the group by the European Commission: leader. • Pharmacoinformatics: focused on • The IMI project eTOX (2010-2016) the development and application of that integrates bioinformatics and computational methodologies in the chemoinformatics approaches for the area of drug design. Manuel Pastor is the development of expert systems allowing the in silico prediction of drug toxicity. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 17

• The H2020 project MedBioinformatics ◗◗ Publications (2015-2018) on the translational and 42 international indexed publications, 83% clinical application of bioinformatics. of them in first quartile magazines, with The Biomedical Informatics Programme is an average impact factor of 7.05. also partner in other EU-funded projects, like the ongoing IMI projects: ◗◗ Collaboration contracts with the • Open PHACTS (2011-2016) which aim is industry to develop an open access innovation platform, called Open Pharmacological We have signed contracts with the Space (OPS), via a semantic web companies Acellera, Lead Molecular approach. Design, Sanofi Aventis, Almirall, Avergen Pharmaceuticals and Jackson Laboratories • EMIF, dealing with the creation and and also with the Fundació La Marató de exploitation of a European Medical TV3. Informatics Framework. • iPiE (2015-2018), aiming to develop ◗◗ Organization of international events in a predictive framework for the the field of bioinformatics environmental impact of drugs. And the ongoing H2020 projects: • “VIII Annual Conference of the Spanish Technological Platform of Biomedical • EU-ToxRisk, aiming to achieve a Research”, organised jointly with paradigm shift in toxicology towards a Farmaindustria on July the 1st at PRBB more efficient and animal-free chemical Auditorum. safety assessment. • “Cancer genomics and personalised • ELIXIR-EXCELERATE, to accelerate the medicine workshop: focus on pancreas implementation of Europe’s life-science cancer” on July the 1st at PRBB. data infrastructure. • “Innovative in silico strategies in biomedical research” symposium on November 17th at PRBB. Evolutionary Genomics


Maria del Mar Albà Soler Group Leader (ICREA Professor)

The Evolutionary Genomics Group led by Mar Albà uses comparative genomics and large-scale data analysis to understand the complexity of gene regulation and evolutionary innovation. The group develops bioinformatics methods to predict functional elements in the genome and measure the influence of natural selection in shaping gene evolution. Some projects are performed in collaboration with experimental groups. 19


William Robert Blevins (Technician) Jorge Ruiz Orera (PhD Student) Biomedical Informatics Evolutionary Genomics

Main Publications Ongoing Research Projects

• Baldo L, Riera JL, Tooming-Klunderud A, • Evolución de nuevas funciones génicas Albà MM, Salzburger W. Gut Microbiota en genomas de mamíferos Dynamics during Dietary Shift in Eastern >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad African Cichlid Fishes. PLoS ONE 2015; 10 (BFU2012-36820) (5), e0127462. IF 3.234. Q1. >>From 2013 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Albà Soler, Maria del Mar • Radó-Trilla N, Arató K, Pegueroles C, Raya A, de la Luna S, Albà MM. Key role of amino acid repeat expansions in the Group’s recognition 2015 functional diversification of duplicated transcription factors. Mol Biol Evol 2015; • Officially recognised as a consolidated 32(9): 2263-2272. IF 9.105. Q1. research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Unitat de Genòmica • Ruiz-Orera J, Hernández-Rodríguez J, Computacional (GENCOMP) (2014) Chiva C, Sabidó E, Kondova I, Bontrop RE, >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Marqués-Bonet T, Albà MM. Origins of de Recerca (SGR 1121) novo genes in human and chimpanzee. PLoS Genet 2015; 11(12): e1005721. IF 7.528. Q1. Theses • Subirana JJ, Albà MM, Messeguer X. High • Villanueva-Cañas, J.L. Insights into evolutionary turnover of satellite families mammalian adaptive evolution through in Caenorhabditis. BMC Evol Biol 2015; genomics data. Pompeu Fabra University 15(1):218. IF 3.368. Q2. >>Director: Albà, M.M. >>Date of defense: 20/11/2015

More information at: 21 Integrative Biomedical Informatics


Ferran Sanz Carreras Laura Inés Furlong Nespolo Group Leaders

The huge wealth of biomedical information that is currently available is underused because of the difficulties in seeking, integrating and analysing the relevant information. There is also a great difficulty for the identification and use of clinically actionable information. The goal of the Integrative Biomedical Informatics (IBI) group is to develop computational methods and tools to address these challenges, with the aim of better understanding human health and disease and contributing to the design of more effective and safer therapeutic interventions.

The ongoing research lines of the IBI group are: • New methods and tools for knowledge extraction and linkage from biomedical literature and other publicly available sources. • Development of strategies for the research reuse of clinical data. • Network biology for the study of human diseases and drug toxicity. • Integrative knowledge management and exploitation in drug discovery and development. Members

Àlex Serrano (Technician) Maria Jesús Donlo Fernández (Research Assistant) Alfons González Pauner (Technician) 23 Oriol López Massaguer (Technician) Miquel Àngel Mayer Pujadas (Researcher) Carina Oliver Dutrem (Research Assistant) Janet Piñero González (Researcher) Núria Queralt Rosinach (Researcher) Maria Saarela (Research Assistant)

Apart from its participation in several international projects, the group is currently coordinating two large scale scientific initiative, the IMI project eTOX –that integrates bioinformatics and chemoinformatics approaches for the development of expert systems allowing the in silico prediction of drug toxicity– and the H2020 project MedBioinformatics, for the creation of medically-driven integrative bioinformatics applications focused on oncology, CNS disorders and their comorbidities. Biomedical Informatics Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Main Publications • Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Grosdidier S, Valverde O, Torrens M, Bravo A, Piñero J, • Berenstein AJ, Piñero J, Furlong LI, Sanz F, Furlong LI. PsyGeNET: a knowledge Chernomoretz A. Mining the Modular platform on psychiatric disorders and their Structure of Protein Interaction Networks. genes. Bioinformatics 2015; 31(18):3075- PLoS ONE 2015; 10(4): e0122477. IF 3.234. Q1. 3077. IF 4.981. Q1. • Bravo A, Piñero J, Queralt-Rosinach N, • Martí-Solano M, Iglesias A, de Fabritiis G, Rautschka M, Furlong LI. Extraction of Sanz F, Brea J, Loza MI, Pastor M, Selent J. relations between genes and diseases Detection of New Biased Agonists for the from text and large-scale data analysis: Serotonin 5-HT2A Receptor: Modeling and implications for translational research. Experimental Validation. Mol Pharmacol BMC Bioinformatics 2015, 16 (1): 55. IF 2.576. 2015; 87 (4): 740-746. IF 4.128. Q1. Q1. • Martiny VY, Carbonell P, Chevillard F, Moroy • Carrió P, López O, Sanz F, Pastor M. eTOXlab, G, Nicot AB, Vayer P, Villoutreix BO, Miteva an open source modeling framework MA. Integrated structure- and ligand-based for implementing predictive models in in silico approach to predict inhibition of production environments. J Cheminform cytochrome P450 2D6. Bioinformatics 2015; 2015; 7:8. IF 4.547. Q1. 31(24): 3930-3937. IF:4.981. Q1. • Faner R, Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Castro- • Piñero J, Queralt-Rosinach N, Bravo À, Acosta A, Grosdidier S, Gan W, Sánchez- Deu-Pons J, Bauer-Mehren A, Baron M, Mayor M, López-Campos JL, Pozo-Rodríguez Sanz F, Furlong LI. DisGeNET: a discovery F, Sanz F, Mannino D, Furlong LI, Agustí platform for the dynamical exploration of A. Molecular and clinical diseasome of human diseases and their genes. Database comorbidities in exacerbated COPD (Oxford)2015; bav028. IF 3.372. Q1. patients. Eur Respir J 2015;46 (4): 1001-1010. IF 7.636. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 25

Ongoing Research Projects • Open PHACTS-ENSO: An open, integrated and sustainable chemistry, biology and • Fast-track ELIXIR implementation and pharmacology knowledge resource for drive early user exploitation across the drug discovery life-sciences >>Complementary grant >>European Commission (676559) >>From 2014 to 2016 >>From 2015 to 2019 >>Principal researcher: Sanz Carreras, Ferran >>Principal researcher: Sanz Carreras, Ferran • Grant for H2020 proposals preparation • iPiE: Intelligence Led Assessment of >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (EUIN2013-50774) >>Innovative Medicines Initiative - IMI (JU-115735) >>From 2014 to 2016 >>From 2015 to 2018 >>Principal researcher: Sanz Carreras, Ferran >>Principal researcher: Sanz Carreras, Ferran • MedSisCom: Medicina de sistemas para • MedBioinformatics: Creating medically- el estudio de las comorbilidades driven integrative bioinformatics >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII applications focused on oncology, CNS (PI13/00082) disorders and their comorbidities >>From 2014 to 2016 >>European Commission -H2020 (PHC-32-2014- >>Principal researcher: Furlong Nespolo, Laura I. 634143) • Development of a computational >>From 2015 to 2018 approach for the study of the biological >>Principal researcher and coordinator of the mechanisms underlying drug adverse applicants’ consortium: Sanz Carreras, Ferran reactions • Open PHACTS: Open Pharmacological >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Concepts Triple Store (CP10/00524) >>Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI (115191) >>From 2010 to 2016 >>From 2011 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Furlong Nespolo, Laura I. >>Principal researcher: Sanz Carreras, Ferran Biomedical Informatics Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Group’s Recognitions

• Officially recognised as a consolidated research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Biomedicina Computacional(2014-2016) >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 1161) >>Principal researcher: Sanz Carreras, Ferran


• Piñero, J. Computational approaches and resources to support translational research in human diseases. Pompeu Fabra University >>Director: Furlong, L. >>Date of defense: 06/11/2015

More information at: 27 Systems Pharmacology


Jordi Mestres López Group Leader

The Systems Pharmacology group led by Dr. Jordi Mestres performs research at the interface between chemistry, biology, and informatics to develop novel computational approaches to designing safer, more efficacious, personalised drugs. In this respect, the group is actively involved in several initiatives to explore the potential of microbial organisms as natural sources for new drugs and to investigate the mechanisms of action leading to severe adverse drug reactions and drug-drug interactions, with special emphasis in cardiotoxicity and hepatotoxicity. Current efforts are focused on ultimately gaining a better understanding of drug polypharmacology in the context of biological systems as a means to advance towards precision medicine. The group is also the seed of the biotech Chemotargets S.L., the developer of the CT-link software for large-scale prediction of drug safety and secondary pharmacology. 29


Albert Antolín Hernández (Researcher) Xavier Jalencas Giménez (Researcher) Viktoria Szabó (Technician) Biomedical Informatics Systems Pharmacology

Main Publications Ongoing Research Projects

• Antolín AA, Mestres J. Distant • Aproximaciones de sistemas a la Polypharmacology among MLP Chemical predicción avanzada de la seguridad Probes. ACS Chem Biol 2015;10(2):395- de pequeñas moléculas para la salud 400. (Journal cover of Volume 10, Issue 2, humana y ambiental February 2015). IF 5.331. Q1. >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BIO2014-54404-R) • Ferruz N, Harvey MJ, Mestres J, de >>From 2015 to 2017 Frabitiis G. Insights from Fragment Hit >>Principal researcher: Mestres López, Jordi Binding Assays by Molecular Simulations. J Chem Inf Model 2015; 55(10): 2200-2205. IF 3.738. Q1. Participation in Research Networks • Garcia-Serna R, Vidal D, Remez N, Mestres • BACFITERed: Exploring the use of bacteria J. Large-Scale Predictive Drug Safety: as a source for new therapeutics From Structural Alerts to Biological >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Mechanisms. Chem Res Toxicol 2015; (REDES2014) 28(10): 1875-1887. (Journal cover of >>From 2015 to 2016 Volume 28, Issue 10, October 2015). IF: >>Coordinator: Veiga, Esteban (Consejo Superior 3.529. Q1. de Investigaciones Científicas) • Rubio-Pérez C, Tamborero D, Schroeder >>Principal researcher: Mestres López, Jordi MP, Antolín AA, Deu-Pons J, Pérez- Llamas C, Mestres J, González-Pérez A,

López-Bigas N. In Silico Prescription of Anticancer Drugs to Cohorts of 28 Tumor Types Reveals Targeting Opportunities. Cancer Cell 2015; 27(3): 382-396. IF 23.523. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 31


◗◗ Conferences

• Antolín AA (invited talk). The Impact of Polypharmacology: from Chemical Biology to Drug Discovery. VII Spanish Drug Discovery Network Meeting. Barcelona: November 12-13, 2015. • Antolín AA (invited talk). Probing Cancer Genomes: Limitations of Currently Available Chemical Tools for Effective Target Validation in Cancer. 4th Conference of the International Chemical Biology Society. Berlin: October 7-9, 2015. • Mestres J (invited talk). Distant Polypharmacology among MLP Chemical Probes. 4th Conference of the International Chemical Biology Society. Berlin: October 7-9, 2015.

More information at: Computational Biology of RNA Processing


Roderic Guigó Serra Group Leader

Research in our group focuses on the investigation of the signals involved in gene specification in genomic sequences (promoter elements, splice sites, translation initiation sites, etc.). We are interested both in the mechanism of their recognition and processing, and in their evolution. In addition, but related to this basic component of our research, our group is also involved in the development of software for gene prediction and annotation in genomic sequences. Our group has actively participated in the analysis of many eukaryotic genomes and in the last 10 years, the group has participated in more than 20 research projects, including large scale genome projects like ENCODE, ICGC, BluePrint and GTEx.

We are the Genomics node of the Spanish Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática. 33


Amaya Abad Cacho (Technician) Manuel Muñoz Aguirre (Technician) Estel Aparicio Prat (Researcher) Ramil Nurtdinov (Researcher) Carme Arnan Ros (Technician) Amadís Pagès Pinós (PhD Student) Gireesh Kumar Bogu (PhD Student) Emilio Palumbro (Technician) Alessandra Breschi (PhD Student) Sílvia Pérez Lluch (Researcher) Joana Carlevaro Fita (PhD Student) Dmitry Pervushin (Researcher) Cecilia Coimbra Klein (Researcher) Ferran Reverter Comes (Researcher) Francisco Câmara Ferreira (Technician) Marina Ruiz Romero (Researcher) Alexandre Esteban Franco (Technician) Dídac Santesmasses Ruiz (PhD Student) Diego Garrido Martín (PhD Student) Reza Sodaei (PhD Student) Rory Johnson (Researcher) Sebastian Ullrich (PhD Student) Julien Lagarde (Technician) Bárbara Uszczynska (Researcher) Andrés Arturo Lanzos Camaioni (PhD Student) Anna Vlasova (Technician) Biomedical Informatics Computational Biology of RNA Processing

Publications as IMIM Associated • Melé M, Ferreira PG, Reverter F, DeLuca Group D, Monlong J, Sammeth M, Young T, Goldmann JM, Pervouchine D, Sullivan TJ, • Aparicio E, Arnán C, Sala I, Bosch N, Guigó Johnson R, Segrè AV, Djebali SG, Niarchou R, Johnson R. DECKO: Single-oligo, dual- A, Wright F, Lappalainen T, Calvo M, Getz CRISPR deletion of genomic elements G, Dermitzakis ET, Ardlie KG, Guigó R, The including long non-coding RNAs. BMC GTEx Consortium. Human genomics. The Genomics 2015; 16(1): 846. IF: 3.986. Q1. human transcriptome across tissues and • GTEx Consortium (...,Guigó R,...). individuals. Science 2015; 348(6235): 660- Human genomics. The Genotype- 665. IF: 33.611. Q1. Tissue Expression (GTEx) pilot analysis: • Yang J, Huang T, Petralia F, Long Q, multitissue gene regulation in humans. Zhang B, Argmann C, Zhao Y, Mobbs CV, Science 2015; 348(6235): 648-660. IF: Schadt EE, Zhu J, Tu Z, GTEx Consortium 33.611. Q1. (...,Guigó R,...). Synchronized age-related • Mariotti M, Santesmasses D, Capella- gene expression changes across multiple Gutiérrez S, Mateo A, Aman C, Johnson tissues in human and the link to complex R, D’Aniello S, Yim SH, Gladyshev VN, diseases. Sci Rep 2015; 5: 15145. IF: 5.578. Q1. Serras F, Corominas M, Gabaldón T, Guigó R. Evolution of selenophosphate synthetases: emergence and relocation of function through independent duplications and recurrent subfunctionalization. Genome Res 2015; 25(9): 1256-1267. IF: 14.63. Q1.

More information at: 35 Pharmacoinformatics


Manuel Pastor Maeso Group Leader

The PharmacoInformatics group is devoted to the development and application of computational methodologies in the area of drug design and development.

Nowadays, computational methodologies are widely applied in many steps of the drug discovery and development; from the structural modeling of a pharmacological target to the prediction of the ligand binding affinity. However, in the vast majority of cases the limitations of current technology allow us only to obtain approximate representations of the complex biological phenomena that are the focus of interest in the development of new drugs.

The Pharmacoinformatics group aims to improve the current State of the art with a pragmatic approach. We want to develop useful tools that increase the efficiency of the pharmaceutical R&D process. At the same time, the need to produce robust models led us to go beyond reductionist approaches and to develop multi-scale methods, depicting richer and more realistic representations of the phenomena under study than those produced by classical computational methods. 37


Núria Boada Centeno (Researcher) Ramon Guixà González (Technician) Jana Selent (Researcher) Biomedical Informatics Pharmacoinformatics

Publications as IMIM Associated • Hewitt M, Ellison CM, Cronin MT, Pastor Group M, Steger-Hartmann T, Muñoz-Muriendas J, Pognan F, Madden JC. Ensuring • Capoferri L, Verkade-Vreeker MCA, Confidence in Predictions: A Scheme to Buitenhuis D, Commandeur JN, Pastor Assess the Scientific Validity of In Silico M, Vermeulen NP, Geerke DP. Linear Models. Adv Drug Deliver Rev 2015; 86: Interaction Energy Based Prediction of 101-111. IF 15.038. Q1. Cytochrome P450 1A2 Binding Affinities • Martí-Solano M, Iglesias A, de Fabritiis G, with Reliability Estimation. PLoS ONE Sanz F, Brea J, Loza MI, Pastor M, Selent J. 2015; 10 (11): e0142232. IF 3.234. Q1. Detection of New Biased Agonists for the • Carrió P, López-Massaguer O, Sanz F, Serotonin 5-HT2A Receptor: Modeling and Pastor M. eTOXlab, an open source Experimental Validation. Mol Pharmacol modeling framework for implementing 2015; 87 (4): 740-746. IF 4.128. Q1. predictive models in production • Sanz F, Carrió P, López O, Capoferri L, Kooi environments. J Cheminform 2015; 7:8. IF DP, Vermeulen NP, Geerke DP, Montanari 4.547. Q1. F, Ecker G, Schwab CH, Kleinöder T, • Cournia Z, Allen TW, Andricioaei I, Magdziarz T, Pastor M. Integrative Antonny B, Baum D, Brannigan G, Buchete Modeling Strategies for Predicting Drug NV, Deckman JT, Delemotte L, del Val C, Toxicities at the eTOX Project. Mol Inf Friedman R, Gkeka P, Hege HC, Henin J, 2015; 34 (6-7):477-484. IF 1.647. Q2. Kasimova MA, Kolocouris A, Klein ML, Khalid S, Lemieux MJ, Lindow N, Roy M, Selent J, Tarek M, Tofoleanu F, Vanni S, Urban S, Wales DJ, Smith JC, Bondar AN. Membrane Protein Structure, Function, and Dynamics: a Perspective from Experiments and Theory. J Membrane Biol 2015; 248(4): 611-640. IF 2.457. Q2. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 39

Ongoing Research Projects in Collaboration with IMIM

• Deciphering the molecular mechanism of Antipsychotic Drug Action >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (CP12/03139) >>From 2013 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Selent, Jana


• Carrió, P. Development of advanced strategies for the prediction of toxicity endpoints in drug development. Pompeu Fabra University >>Director: Pastor, M. >>Date of defense: 06/11/2015 • Martí-Solano, M. Ligand selectivity at GPCRs: from multi-target binding profiles to biased agonism. Pompeu Fabra University >>Directors: Pastor, M.; Selent, J. >>Date of defense: 10/02/2015

More information: pharmacoinformatics/index.html PROGRAMME CANCER

Joan Albanell Mestres Programme Director

The programme is made up of the following research groups:

Apoptotic Signaling Gabriel Gil

Applied Clinical Research in Hematological Malignances Carles Besses Localised Hyperthermia Poly (ADP-Ribose) Chromatin Dynamics in Therapies Polymerases Cancer Cells Fernando Burdío José Yélamos Sandra Peiró Molecular Cancer Radiation Oncology Colorectal Cancer Therapeutics Manuel Algara Miguel Pera Joan Albanell Stem Cells and Cancer Epithelial-Mesenchymal Molecular Mechanisms Anna Bigas Transition in Tumor of Cancer and Stemness Development Lluís Espinosa Translational Hematology Antonio García de Herreros Cancer Molecular Mechanisms of Lourdes Florensa Gastroesophageal Lung Cancer Predisposition Carcinogenesis Esther Barreiro Translational Research in Manuel Ramón Pera Colorectal Neoplasia Molecular Mechanisms of Montserrat Andreu Genitourinary Cancer Tumorigenesis Josep Lloreta Pilar Navarro 41

Main programme organization and objectives

The programme includes basic, preclinical and clinical groups. Group leaders include basic scientists, digestologists, hematologists, immunologists, medical oncologist, radiation oncologists, pathologists, pneumologists, and surgeons, resulting in a multidisciplinary programme that allows undertaking collaborative Personnel projects focused on clinically relevant questions. 160 The ultimate goal for this programme is to work at the interface between the laboratory and the clinic, with a priority in translational research. Publications The main changes in the groups in 2015 have been: 174 • Incorporation of a Radiation Oncology Research Group leaded by Manuel Algara. • Lluís Espinosa, who worked since 2009 together with Anna Bigas, has now his own research group called Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer and Stemness. • The Gastroesophagic Carcinogenesis group is coordinated by Manuel Pera. Carme de Bolós, former PI, is included in this group. Out of the 17 groups, 13 (Albanell, Besses, Burdío, Yélamos, Navarro, Florensa, Miguel Pera, Bigas, Manuel Pera, García de Herreros, Gil, Andreu and Lloreta) are accredited by the Catalan Government (AGAUR) and 5 (Albanell, Bigas, Florensa, García de Herreros and Besses) are recognized and financed by the Spanish Network for Cancer Research (ISCIII). Cancer

◗◗ The overall scientific objectives and (Biomedical Informatics Programme) and strategy epidemiology (Epidemiology and Public Health Programme). We aim to provide novel discoveries that As a result of the multidisciplinarity of may be a step ahead in personalized the programme, in 2015 we proposed medicine across a number (but not an Integrated Project of Excellence limited to) of highly prevalent cancer (PIE) called “Uncovering resistance to types, including breast, colon, lung, monoclonal antibodies in colorectal prostate and bladder cancers, as well and breast cancer” that has been now as chronic myeloproliferative diseases financed. This project is coordinated by and lymphoma. These diverse cancers Joan Albanell with regard to mechanisms represent well the main types in which of resistance to anti-HER2 in breast our institute has both clinical and cancer and by Clara Montagut to anti- research expertise. EGFR antibodies in colorectal cancer. Our overall strategy includes: (i) IMIM groups of Pathology, Surgery, Interrogate clinical specimens using high- Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology and throughput screening technologies and Immunology will work in this project. then go back to the lab, and (ii) Develop We are increasingly incorporating hypothesis-based studies in preclinical immunologists and bioinformatics. models and test salient findings in We are also leading the design and clinical specimens. The basic research implementation of a broad liquid biopsy groups should study and validate programme at Hospital del Mar that mechanistically the findings of the other will be instrumental to clinical care of groups and also provide translational cancer patients. Sequential blood and hypothesis on their current main areas tissue samples and clinical data are being (EMT, NF-κB, oncogenic signaling, among collected from these patients. Liquid others). We also aim to incorporate, biopsy assays based on ctDNA and CTCs by means of collaboration with other analysis in different tumor types are programmes, immunology research being developed by specific translational (Inflammatory and Cardiovascular programmes. Disorders Programme), bioinformatics IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 43

◗◗ The overall technological objectives two or more groups of the programme and 38 (21.84%) by a cancer programme The aims are to develop novel biomarkers group and at least another group of the for cancer prevention, diagnosis and institute. treatment selection, and develop novel therapeutic strategies, based on the ◗◗ Science, Approved Research Projects discovery of novel mechanisms of cancer initiation or progression, as well as on Total approved research projects of The translational and clinical studies. Cancer Research Program investigators was 16. Of the total projects, 7 were ◗◗ The overall educational objectives financed by ISCIII (Spanish Ministry of Health), 1 was financed by Spanish The combination of researchers with Economy and Competitiveness Ministry different areas of training (basic, (MINECO), and 1 by the European translational and clinical) aims Commission (under Horizon 2020). The to result in both scientists with a rest of the projects were financed by clinical perspective and clinicians private funding: Spanish Association that understand science. A number of against Cancer (AECC) (1), Spanish internal and external collaborations Association against Cancer (AECC) in are established, including national and Catalonia (1), Spanish Society of Medical international collaborations. Oncology (SEOM) (1), Spanish Foundation of Hematology and Hemoterapia (1), Main achieved results in 2015 Gilead España (1), Medtronic Ibérica SA (1), Foundation for Innovation and Foresight in Health in Spain (FIPSE) (1). ◗◗ Science, Scientific Production ◗ Total scientific production of the Cancer ◗ Science, Networking Activities Research Programme investigators was The Cancer Research Programme 174 articles, of which 98 were published investigators have participated in in first quartile journals. Of the total European and national Research of papers, 26 (14.94%) were signed by Networks to foster a culture of Cancer

networking and cooperation. The (Andreu); Research Group of PDPCCR networks are the following: European – proColon (Andreu), EPoS. European LeukemiaNet WP9, Myeloproliferative Polyp Surveillance trial group (Andreu); Neoplasms (Besses); European RTICC (Florensa, Navarro, Peiró, Espinosa, Hematology Association, Scientific Besses, Bigas, García de Herreros, Working Group on Myeloproliferative Albanell); European Research Initiative Neoplasms (Besses); European on CLL (ERIC) (Florensa); CIBER (Espinosa); Cytogeneticists Association (ECA) Biomedical Research Network Center for (Florensa); Cytogenetic European Quality Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBERehd) Assessment (CEQA), Mature B&T Cell (Yélamos). Neoplasms (Florensa); Innovation in Medical and Health Technologies ◗◗ Phase I trials, an added value Network (ITEMAS) (Miguel Pera); Spanish Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy An added value in the Cancer Research (SEHH) (Florensa); Spanish Cooperative Programme is the development of Group of Hematological Cytogenetics phase I clinical trials, including ‘first-in- (GCECGH) (Florensa); Spanish Group human’ ‘firs-in-class’, pharmacokinetic of Hematological Cytology (GECH) and pharmacodynamic trials. Due to (Florensa); Spanish Group of Chronic the growing recognition of the site for Lymphocytic Leukemia (GELLC) (Florensa); phase I trials, additional facilities were Spanish Group of Myelodysplastic set up in the main Hospital building in Syndromes (GESMD) (Florensa); 2013. During 2015, four phase I trials have Splenic B-cell Lymphoma Group (SBLG) been started in addition to 53 clinical (Florensa); Spanish Association of Human trials encompassing different phases. The Genetics (AEGH) (Florensa); Lymphoma number of phase I trials may be viewed Group of the Spanish Association of as low but we feel is in the range that Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) allows us to be competitive in terms (Florensa); Respiratory Research Network of recruitment considering our patient of Excellence (CIBERES) (Barreiro); referral area. National Multicenter Research Work within the working group GETECCU IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 45

◗◗ Technology The programme coordinator, as UPF professor, submitted in 2013 a proposal During 2015, we have established 12 for a Master of Translational and Applied contracts with industry for activities Oncology to ANECA, under the direct ranging from R&D (i.e. developing novel support of the UPF Medical Sciences agents in the laboratory/translational Dean and as part of the multi-university setting), to be a national reference Master programme coordinated by the site for testing clinically actionable UB - UAB and UPF. In 2015 the proposal biomarkers in the context of our leading has been officially approved. Pathology Department at Hospital del Mar. In addition, there were 17 Material ◗◗ Expert opinions Transfer Agreements. Members of the programme participate ◗◗ Education in various scientific and medical societies, and are authors of position papers or A total of 9 doctoral theses were members of committees establishing defended in 2015. recommendation. The programme Weekly meetings were held in the coordinator is Board member of the programme where PhD students and Cancer Director Plan of Catalonia. post-doctoral researchers present their projects and ongoing work. ◗◗ Media impact Monthly meetings were held in the An important goal of current research is programme where principal investigators to share with the public the results of the from outside of the institution are invited society investment in research. In 2015, to share the important issues and results investigators of the Cancer Research in their areas of expertise. Anna Bigas has Programme, achieved a significant been coordinating these meetings and presence in the media (24% from the an effort has been made to foster the total of IMIM impacts 2015), distributed participation of both full time researchers as follows: appearances in the media 229, and clinicians. press release 6, web notes 3, participation in dissemination actions 8. Apoptotic Signaling


Gabriel Gil Gómez Group Leader

Dysregulation of DNA damage repair and signaling to cell cycle checkpoints is associated with a predisposition to cancer and affects responses to DNA-damaging anticancer therapy. We described the role of Cyclin O, a member of the cyclin family, in the integration of different responses that affect the integrity of the genetic information of the cell. Cyclin O has a role in the regulation of DNA damage repair and in the activation of the cellular DNA damage checkpoints. Cyclin O is also a crucial regulator of the generation of multiciliated cells. It is necessary for the amplification of the centrioles, for the apical docking of the basal bodies and for the function of the ciliogenic transcription factors. In agreement to this, overexpression of Cyclin O in human tumours may be linked to the generation of aberrant spindles and, as a consequence, to the appearance of aneuploidy and genomic instability. We are currently investigating the relationships between Cyclin O overexpression and centrosome amplification in pretumoral lesions and the biochemical mechanisms regulating these processes. 47


Marta Garrido Saldaña (Technician) Cancer Apoptotic Signaling

Main Publications Ongoing Research Projects

• ILL-Raga G, Palomer E, Ramos-Fernández • Autoinmunidad, inflamación y cáncer: E, Guix FX, Bosch-Morató M, Guivernau el papel mediador de la Ciclina O y su B, Tajes M, Valls-Comamala V, Jiménez- posible aplicación clínica como indicador Conde J, Ois A, Pérez-Asensio F, Reyes- temprano de transformación tumoral Navarro M, Caballo C, Gil-Gómez G, >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Galán AM, Alameda F, Escolar G, Opazo C, (PI13/00864) Planas A, Roquer J, Valverde MA, Muñoz >>From 2014 to 2016 FJ. Fibrinogen Nitrotyrosination after >>Principal researcher: Gil Gómez, Gabriel Ischemic Stroke Impairs Thrombolysis and Promotes Neuronal Death. BBA-Mol Group’s Recognitions Basis Dis 2015, 1852(3): 421-428. IF 4.882. Q1. • Officially recognised as a consolidated • Sardanyés J, Rodrigues C, Januário research group by the Generalitat de C, Martins N, Gil-Gómez G, Duarte J. Catalunya: Grup de Recerca Apoptosi, Activation of effector immune cells Autoimmunitat i Transformació Epitelial. promotes tumor stochastic extinction: A 2014 homotopy analysis approach. Appl Math >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 136) Comput 2015, 252: 484-495. IF 1.551. Q1. >>Principal researcher: Gil Gómez, Gabriel

More information at: 49 Applied Clinical Research in Hematological Malignances


Carles Besses Raebel Group Leader

The group is studying molecular markers in chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms, mainly driver mutations, but also mutations in epigenetic modifiers and genes involved in the splicing machinery, and their role in monitoring response to cytorreductive therapy, and in the prognosis of the patients. In addition, the group is searching for new mutations by exome sequencing techniques in those patients with essential thrombocythemia unmutated for JAK2, CALR and MPL genes. Another area of research is the effect of new drugs in ex vivo cultures of neoplastic lymphoid cells obtained from lymphoma patients and to determine the mechanisms underlying response/resistance, and identification of potential synergistic combinations. 51


Eugenia Abella Monreal (Researcher) Eva Gimeno Vázquez (Researcher) Alberto Álvarez Larrán (Researcher) Carmen Jiménez Martínez (Researcher) Anna Angona Figueras (PhD Student) Anna Maria Massó Carreras (Research Assistant) Beatriz Bellosillo Paricio (Researcher) Sílvia Pairet García (Technician) Randa Ben Azaiz Ben Lahsen (Technician) Gabriel Piquer Velasco (Technician) Laura Camacho Díaz (Technician) Antonio Salar Silvestre (Researcher) Mª Concepción Fernández Rodríguez (Technician) Blanca Sánchez González (Researcher) Mariana Paola Ferraro Rosset (Technician) Alicia Senín Magán (PhD Student) Francesc Garcia Pallarols (Technician) María Elena Torres Grande (Technician) Cancer Applied Clinical Research

Main Publications • Gutiérrez A, Bento L, Bautista-Gili AM, Garcia-Pallarols F, Martínez-Serra J, • Barosi G, Tefferi A, Besses C, Birgegard Sánchez-González B, Martorell C, Gines J, G, Cervantes F, Finazzi G, Gisslinger H, García L, Gimeno E, Ferraro M, Del Campo Griesshammer M, Harrison C, Hehlmann R, Bargay J, Pérez A, Vercher J, Scaff M, R, Hermouet S, Kiladjian JJ, Kröger N, Pacheco A, Ballester C, García F, Ramos R, Mesa R, Mc Mullin MF, Pardanani A, Salar A, Besalduch J. Differential Impact Passamonti F, Samuelsson J, Vannucchi of Relative Dose-Intensity Reductions in AM, Reiter A, Silver RT, Verstovsek S, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Treated Tognoni G, Barbui T. Clinical endpoints with R-CHOP21 or R-CHOP14. PLoS One for drug treatment trials in BCR-ABL1- 2015; 10(4): e0123978. IF 3.234. Q1. negative classic myeloproliferative • Ortmann CA, Kent DG, Nangalia J, Silber neoplasms: consensus statements Y, Wedge DC, Grinfeld J, Baxter EJ, Massie from European LeukemiaNET (ELN) CE, Papaemmanuil E, Menon S, Godfrey and Internation Working Group- AL, Dimitropoulou D, Guglielmelli P, Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Research Bellosillo B, Besses C, Döhner K, Harrison and Treatment (IWG-MRT). Leukemia CN, Vassiliou GS, Vannucchi A, Campbell 2015; 29(1): 20-26. IF 10.431. Q1. PJ, Green AR. Effect of mutation order on • González-Porras JR, Mingot-Castellano myeloproliferative neoplasms. New Engl J ME, Andrade MM, Alonso R, Caparrós Med 2015; 12; 372(7): 601-612. IF 55.873. Q1. I, Arratibel MC, Fernández-Fuertes F, Cortti MJ, Pascual C, Sánchez-González B, Bernat S, Fuertes-Palacio MA, Vázquez- Ongoing Research Projects Paganini JA, Olivera PE, Álvarez-Román • Molecular characterization of Non-Small MT, Jarque I, Cortés M, Martínez-Robles Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) KRAS mutant V, Díaz-Gálvez FJ, Calbacho M, Fernández- tumors: clinical implications of new Miñano C, García-Frade J, González-López biomarkers TJ. Use of eltrombopag after romiplostim >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (20130530) in primary immune thrombocytopenia. Br >>From 2014 to 2017 J Haematol 2015; 169(1): 111-116. IF 4.711. Q1. >>Principal researcher: Bellosillo Paricio, Beatriz IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 53

• Estudio de la evolución clonal molecular Participation in Research Networks mediante análisis de secuenciación masiva en neoplasias mieloproliferativas • European LeukemiaNet WP9, JAK2V617F positivas y su correlación con Myeloproliferative Neoplasms la carga de JAK2V617F >>RETICS RD/12/0036/0010 >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII >>From 2013 to 2016 (PI13/00557) • European Hematology Association, >>From 2014 to 2016 Scientific Working Group on >>Principal researcher: Álvarez Larrán, Alberto Myeloproliferative Neoplasms • Caracterización de la trombocitemia esencial jak2v617f y mpl negativa Group’s Recognitions mediante secuenciación del exoma >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII • Officially recognised as a consolidated (PI13/00393) research group by the Generalitat de >>From 2014 to 2016 Catalunya: Grup de Recerca Clínica >>Principal researcher: Bellosillo Paricio, Beatriz Aplicada en Hematologia. 2014. • Factores que influyen en la evolución >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de de la carga alélica de JAK2V617F en Recerca (SGR 567). neoplasias mieloproliferativas >>Principal researcher: Besses Raebel, Carles >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI10/01807) >>From 2011 to 2015 Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 >>Principal researcher: Besses Raebel, Carles • Phase I-II studies: 2 (2014/5986, 2015/6273) • Phase III studies: 4 (2014/5943, 2014/5942, 2015/6115, 2015/6434) • Phase IV studies: 2 (2015/6060, 2014/5991) • Observational studies: 1 (2015/6354) Cancer Applied Clinical Research


• Martínez-Avilés, L. Clonalidad hematopoyética en la policitemia vera y la trombocitemia esencial y su papel en la transformación mielofibrótica. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Directors: Bellosillo, B.; Besses, C. >>Date of defense: 26/11/2015

More information at: 55 Chromatin Dynamics in Cancer Cells


Sandra Peiró Sales Group Leader

The group’s main research objective is focused on the characterization of chromatin dynamics and epigenetics in cancer and in epithelial-to- mesenchymal transition (EMT). Our hypothesis is that during tumour progression and acquisition of malignant traits, global epigenetic changes together with high-order chromatin reorganization occurs to convert a non- invasive cell with the same DNA sequence in a more malignant and invasive cancer cell, which behaves completely different in the same biological environment. Large-scale mapping of genome-related parameters and their comparison is a logical and necessary next step in the exploration of genomes to understand how they are converted into malignant cells. 57


Joan Pau Cebrià Costa (PhD Student) Ane Iturbide Martínez de Albéniz (Technician) Laura Pascual Reguant (PhD Student) Gemma Serra Bardenys (PhD Student) Cancer Chromatin Dynamics in Cancer Cells

Main Publications Ongoing Research Projects

• Beltrán M, Aparicio-Prat E, Mazzolini R, • Chromatin Dynamics in EMT Millanes-Romero A, Massó P, Jenner R, >>Fundación de Investigación Oncológica-FERO Díaz V, Peiró S and García de Herreros >>From 2014 to 2016 A. Splicing of a non-coding antisense >>Principal researcher: Peiró Sales, Sandra transcript controls LEF1 gene expression. • Finding oxH3 readers and new histone Nucleic Acids Res 2015; 43(12): 5785-5797. oxidases IF 9.112. Q1. >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (20132410) • Itubide A, García de Herreros A and Peiró >>From 2014 to 2017 S. A new role for LOX and LOXL2 proteins >>Principal researcher: Peiró Sales, Sandra in transcription regulation. FEBS J 2015; • Heterochromatin reorganization during 282(9): 1768-1773. IF 4.001. Q2. the EMT process is controlled by Snail1 • Itubide A, Pascual L, Fargas L, Cebrià JP, transcription factor Alsina B, García de Herreros A and Peiró >>Worldwide Cancer Research-AICR (13-0094) S. LOXL2 oxidizes methylated TAF10 and >>From 2013 to 2016 controls TFIID-dependent genes during >>Principal researcher: Peiró Sales, Sandra neural progenitor differentiation. Mol • Regulación de la expresión génica en el Cell 2015; 58(5): 755-766. IF 14.018. Q1. contexto de la cromatina. Inhibidores de modificadores de histonas como potenciales dianas terapéuticas >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI12/01250) >>From 2013 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Peiró Sales, Sandra IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 59

Participation in Research Networks

• Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (RTICC). ISCIII


• Iturbide, A. Identification of new LOXL2 substrates: A role for lysine oxidation in embryonic stem cell differentiation. Pompeu Fabra University >>Directors: Peiró, S.; García de Herreros, A. >>Date of defense: 21/12/2015

More information at: Colorectal Cancer


Miguel Pera Román Group Leader

Our group has the experience of several years in a stable line of translational research on a relevant clinical problem as tumor recurrence after surgery for colorectal cancer or liver metastases with curative intent. We have designed several in vitro assays, experimental tumor models as well as clinical studies to investigate the influence of surgery on the oncological outcome after surgical excision of colon cancer. Surgery induces an inflammatory response that in some patients may be associated to a worse prognosis. Our research has focused on identifying those factors that may enhance the inflammatory response such as the surgical approach, ischemia- reperfusion injury or postoperative intra-abdominal infection. We have shown that amplification of the inflammatory response may favour tumor recurrence by increasing angiogenesis and/or inducing an invasive phenotype of residual tumor cells. We have also demonstrated that postoperative inflammatory response induces overexpression of tumor progression-related genes in peripheral blood leukocytes. During 2014 we initiated a collaboration with the Integrative Biochemistry research group (University of Barcelona) to identify metabolic profiles in postoperative plasma samples of patients operated from colorectal cancer to identify new prognostic biomarkers. 61


Sandra Alonso Gonçálvez (Researcher) Marta Pascual Damieta (Researcher) Lluís Grande Posa (Researcher) José Antonio Pereira Rodríguez (Researcher) Xavier Mayol Girbau (Researcher) Cancer Colorectal Cancer

Main Publications Ongoing Research Projects

• Alonso S, Pascual M, Salvans S, Mayol • Infección peritoneal y recurrencia X, Mojal S, Gil MJ, Grande L, Pera M. del cáncer colorrectal: estudio de la Postoperative intra-abdominal infection inflamación, angiogénesis y otros and colorectal cancer recurrence: A mecanismos implicados en el crecimiento prospective matched cohort study of tumoral tras cirugía con intención inflammatory and angiogenic responses curativa as mechanisms involved in this >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII association. Eur J Surg Oncol 2015; 41(2): (PI11/01093) 208-214. IF 3.009. Q1. >>From 2012 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Pera Román, Miguel • Espín J, Ciga MA, Pera M, Ortiz H and the Spanish Rectal Cancer Project. • Infección peritoneal postoperatoria y Oncological outcome following recurrencia del cáncer colorrectal. Estudio anastomotic leak in rectal surgery. Br J de los cambios en el metabolismo Surg 2015; 102(4): 416-422. IF 5.542. Q1. energético de las células tumorales como mecanismo responsable de esta asociación >>Fundación Española de Coloproctología >>From 2014 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Pera Román, Miguel • Infección peritoneal postoperatoria y recurrencia del cáncer colorrectal. Estudio de los cambios en el metabolismo energético de las células tumorales como mecanismo responsable de esta asociación >>Fundación Mutua Madrileña (AP150582014) >>From 2014 to 2017 >>Principal researcher: Pascual Damieta, Marta IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 63

Participation in Research Networks Awards

• Red de Innovación en Tecnologías ◗ Médicas y Sanitarias (ITEMAS) ◗ Premio Lino Torre a la Investigación >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Quirúrgica. Parc de Salut Mar PT13/0006/0027 Salvans S, Mayol X, Alonso S, Messeguer >>Principal researcher: Grande Posa, Lluís R, Pascual M, Mojal S, Grande L, Pera M. Postoperative peritoneal infection Group’s Recognitions enhances migration and invasion capacities of tumor cells in vitro: an • Officially recognised as a consolidated insight into the association between research group by the Generalitat de anastomotic leak and recurrence after Catalunya: Grupo de Investigación en surgery for colorectal cancer. Ann Surg. Cáncer Colorrectal. 2014. 2014 Nov; 260(5): 939-43. >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 431) ◗◗ Premio Fundación Asociación Española >>Principal researcher: Pera Román, Miguel de Coloproctología a la mejor publicación, Valencia 2015 Theses Salvans S, Mayol X, Alonso S, Messeguer • Calsina, L. Aplicabilitat de les corbes R, Pascual M, Mojal S, Grande L, Pera cusum en el control de qualitat i en M. Postoperative peritoneal infection l’avaluació d’efectes d’aprenentatge enhances migration and invasion en cirurgia endovascular. Autonomous capacities of tumor cells in vitro: an University of Barcelona insight into the association between >>Directors: Clará, A.; Grande, L. anastomotic leak and recurrence after >>Date of defense: 05/11/2015 surgery for colorectal cancer. Ann Surg. 2014 Nov; 260(5): 939-43. Cancer Colorectal Cancer

◗◗ Premio Manuel Corachán a la mejor comunicación presentada en el curso académico 2014-2015

Salvans S, Mayol X, Alonso S, Messeguer R, Pascual M, Mojal S, Grande L, Pera M. Postoperative peritoneal infection enhances migration and invasion capacities of tumor cells in vitro: an insight into the association between anastomotic leak and recurrence after surgery for colorectal cancer.

More information at: 65 Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Tumor Development


Antonio García de Herreros Madueño Group Leader

The group is oriented towards the study of the mechanisms controlling the acquisition of invasiveness by epithelial tumors as the first step in tumor metastasis. More specifically we study the role of E-cadherin and E-cadherin-associated proteins in this process. We focus in the relevance of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in tumor invasion as well as the co-adjuvant role of cancer-associated fibroblasts. The group is especially interested in the role of Snail1 transcriptional factor required for EMT and also for fibroblast activation. Using fibroblast deprived in this transcriptional factor as control, we use the effect of the tumoral stroma in the growth, invasion and vascularization of epithelial tumors. We are also interested in the Snail1-dependent molecular pathways in fibroblasts involved in the activation of tumor cell invasion. 67


Lorena Alba Castellón (Researcher) Aida Mestre Farrera (Technician) Josep Baulida Estadella (Researcher) Rubén Olivera Salguero (PhD Student) Víctor Manuel Díaz Cortés (Researcher) Raúl Peña Arranz (Technician) Núria González Busqué (Researcher) Jèssica Querol Paños (Technician) Guillem Lambies Barjau (PhD Student) Laura Sala Romanyà (Technician) Rocco Mazzolini (Researcher) Cancer Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Tumor Development

Main Publications penile squamous carcinoma. J Urol 2015; 193(2): 699-705. IF 4.471. Q1. • Baulida J, García de Herreros A. Snail1- • Peláez-García A, Barderas R, Batlle R, driven plasticity of epithelial and Viñas-Castells R, Bartolomé R, Torres S, mesenchymal cells sustains cancer Mendes M, López-Lucendo M, Mazzolini malignancy. BBA - Rev Cancer 2015; R, Bonilla F, García de Herreros A, Casal 1856(1): 55-61. IF 7.845 Q1. JI. A Proteomic Analysis Reveals That • Beltran M, Aparicio-Prat E, Mazzolini Snail Regulates the Expression of the R, Millanes-Romero A, Massó P, Jenner Nuclear Orphan Nr2f6 and IL-17 to Inhibit RG,, Díaz VM, Peiró S, García de Herreros Adipocyte Differentiation. Mol Cell A. Splicing of a non-coding antisense Proteomics 2015; 14(2): 303-315. IF 6.564. transcript controls LEF1 gene expression. Q1. Nucleic Acids Res 2015; 43(12): 5785-5797. • Stanisavljevic J, Louba J, Herrera M, Luque IF 9.112. Q1 T, Peña R, Lluch A, Albanell J, Bonilla • Iturbide A, García de Herreros A, Peiró S. F, Rovira A, Peña C, Navajas D, Rojo F, A new role for LOX and LOXL2 proteins García de Herreros A, Baulida J. Snail1- in transcription regulation. FEBS J 2015; expressing fibroblasts in the tumor 282(9): 1768-1773. IF 4.001. Q2. microenvironment display mechanical • Iturbide A, Pascual-Reguant L, Fargas L, properties that support metastasis. Cebrià JP, Alsina B, García de Herreros A, Cancer Res, 2015; 75: 284-295. IF 8.556. Q1. Peiró S. LOXL2 oxidizes methylated TAF10 • Torres S, García-Palmero I, Herrera M, and controls TFIID-Dependent Genes Bartolomé R, Peña C, Fernández-Aceñero during neural progenitor differentiation. MJ, Padilla G, Peláez-García A, López- Mol Cell 2015; 58(5): 755-766. IF 14.018. Q1 Lucendo M, Rodríguez R, García de • Masferrer E, Ferrándiz-Pulido C, Herreros A, Bonilla F, Casal JI. LOXL2 is Masferrer-Niubò M, Rodríguez-Rodríguez highly expressed in cancer-associated A, Gil I, Pont A, Servitje O, García de fibroblasts and associates to poor colon Herreros A, Lloveras B, García-Patos V, cancer survival. Clin Cancer Res 2015; Pujol RM, Toll A, Hernández-Muñoz I. 21(21): 4892-4902. IF 8.722. Q1. Epithelial to mesenchymal transition in IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 69

Ongoing Research Projects • Mecanismos moleculares que regulan las propiedades de la matriz extracelular • Transición epitelio-mesenquima y y su repercusión sobre la stemness y la desarrollo tumoral: análisis de la función malignidad tumoral de Snail 1 en el estroma tumoral y en la >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII invasión de células epiteliales (PI12/00257) >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad >>From 2013 to 2015 (SAF2013-48849-C2-1-R) >>Principal researcher: Baulida Estadella, Josep >>From 2014 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: García de Herreros Madueño, Antonio Participation in Research Networks

• Analysis of the Wnt-depedent control of • Red Temática de Investigación mesenchymal stem cells differentiation Cooperativa en Cáncer >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (120131) >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII. >>From 2013 to 2016 Subprograma RETICS. RD12/0036/0005 >>Principal researcher: García de Herreros >>Principal researcher: García de Herreros Madueño, Antonio Madueño, Antonio • Análisis del papel del estroma en el crecimiento e invasión de carcinomas Group’s Recognitions de colon: identificación, caracterización • Officially recognised as a consolidated y potencial clínico de marcadores de la research group by the Generalitat de activación estromal Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Regulació >>Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer dels contactes intercel·lulars a l’epiteli >>From 2010 to 2016 intestinal. 2014. >>Principal researcher: García de Herreros Madueño, Antonio >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 32) • Transición epitelio-mesénquima en el >>Principal researcher: García de Herreros desarrollo y progresión del cáncer de Madueño, Antonio mama >>Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual >>From 2014 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: García de Herreros Madueño, Antonio Cancer Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Tumor Development


• Alba-Castellón, L. Snail1 expression in mesenchymal cells promotes tumorigenesis and tumor progression. Pompeu Fabra University >>Director: García de Herreros, A. >>Date of defense: 20/12/2015 • Frias, A. Characterization of Endothelial to Mesenchymal Transition induced by Notch. Pompeu Fabra University >>Directors: Díaz, V.M.; García de Herreros, A. >>Date of defense: 10/12/2015 • Iturbide, A. Identification of new LOXL2 substrates: A role for lysine oxidation in embryonic stem cell differentiation. Pompeu Fabra University >>Directors: Peiró, S.; García de Herreros, A. >>Date of defense: 21/12/2015 • Loubat, J. Paper de Snail1 en el pàncrees adult. Pompeu Fabra University >>Directors: García de Herreros, A.; Francí, C. >>Date of defense: 12/06/2015

More information at: 71 Gastroesophageal Carcinogenesis


Manuel Ramón Pera Román Group Leader

The sequential process prior to the appearance of a gastric or esophageal adenocarcinoma is a sequential histologically well-defined process characterized by the appearance of an intestinal phenotype. In the first stages of gastro-esophageal carcinogenesis the expression of intestinal markers, as intestinal transcription factors (CDX2), mucin genes (MUC2 an MUC4), intestinal enzymes and others, can be detected. We study the molecular mechanisms that can be initiating these processes, through the regulation of transcription factors inducing the acquisition of the intestinal phenotype. In the esophagus, the development of columnar metaplasia (Barrett’s esophagus) is a response to a chronic gastroesophageal reflux injury and is a major risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma. Patients undergoing esophagectomy with a gastric conduit reconstruction develop columnar metaplasia in the remnant esophagus on a background of significant reflux, providing a useful model to study the early molecular events in the development of Barrett’s esophagus. miRNAs expression profiles may identify a characteristic signature that could distinguish between normal squamous epithelium, esophagitis, cardiac-type epithelium, and intestinal metaplasia. A group of miRNAs may selectively target specific transcriptional factors (CDX2) involved in the Barrett’s development. 73


Marta Carmen Climent Agustín (Researcher) Carme de Bolós Pi (Researcher) Marta Garrido Saldaña (Technician) Mar Iglesias Coma (Researcher) Cancer Gastroesophageal Carcinogenesis

Main Publications Ongoing Research Projects

• Low DE, Alderson D, Cecconello I, Chang • Regulación de CDX2 por miRNAs durante AC, Darling GE, D’Journo XB, Griffin el proceso de intestinalización de la SM, Hölscher AH, Hofstetter WL, Jobe metaplasia cardial en un modelo humano BA, Kitagawa Y, Kucharczuk JC, Law SY, de esófago de Barrett Lerut TE, Maynard N, Pera MR, Peters >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII JH, Pramesh CS, Reynolds JV, Smithers (PI13/00989) BM, van Lanschot JJ. International >>From 2014 to 2016 Consensus on Standardization of data >>Principal researcher: Pera Román, Manuel collection for complications associated with esophagectomy: Esophagectomy Group’s Recognitions Complications Consensus Group (ECCG). Ann Surg 2015; 262(2): 286-294. IF 8.327. • Officially recognised as a consolidated Q1. research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Carcinogènesis Gastroesofàgica 2014.

>>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 602) >>Principal researcher: De Bolós Pi, Carme

More information at: 75 Genitourinary Cancer


Josep Lloreta Trull Group Leader

Prostate cancer is the most common non-cutaneous cancer in men, and urinary bladder cancer is the fourth most common overall in both sexes. In addition to their prevalence, there are specific features of their respective natural histories that make them two of the cancers that generate some of the highest economic costs and high morbidity rates, thus having a deep impact on patients’ quality of life and on health care costs. In addition, there are two different models of carcinogenesis, reflecting diverse aspects of cancer biology. Furthermore, in both tumors, inflammatory and immunological responses have been suggested to be involved along their initiation and progression steps. Finally, in both tumors, there is a high demand for markers of early diagnosis, follow up, and response to therapy, as well as for new therapeutic targets and for parameters that allow a more personalized management of patients. Our objectives are to identify genetic signatures that could be involved in the transition from a hypothetical latent to a clinically significant phase, to better understand the natural history of bladder and prostatic carcinoma and to design adequate treatment strategies for each patient. 77


Lluís Cecchini Rosell (Researcher) Núria Juanpere Rodero (Researcher) Albert Francés Comalat (Researcher) Marta Lorenzo Pérez (Technician) Lluís Fumadó Ciutat (Researcher) Glòria Nohales Taurines (Researcher) Marta Guix Arnau (Researcher) Cancer Genitourinary Cancer

Main Publications Group’s Recognitions

• Font-Tello A, Juanpere N, de Muga S, • Officially recognised as a consolidated Lorenzo M, Lorente JA, Fumadó L, Serrano research group by the Generalitat de L, Serrano S, Lloreta J, Hernández-Llodrà Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Càncer S. Association of ERG and TMPRSS2- Urològic. 2014. ERG with grade, stage, and prognosis of >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de prostate cancer is dependent on their Recerca (SGR 197) expression levels. Prostate 2015; 75(11): >>Principal researcher: Lloreta Trull, Josep 1216-1226. IF 3.565. Q1. Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 Ongoing Research Projects • Phase III studies: 2 (2015/6316, 2015/6321) • Validación de nuevas dianas con • Observational studies: 3 (2015/6118, potencial interés diagnóstico, pronóstico 2015/6276, 2015/6126/I) y terapéutico en cáncer de próstata y estudio de sus mecanismos de acción >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI12/01426) >>From 2013 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Lloreta Trull, Josep

More information at: 79 Localised Hyperthermia Therapies


Fernando Burdío Pinilla Group Leader

The primary objective of the group is the scientific production and technological innovation in the field of application of high frequency current in the heat generation in biological tissues, oriented to the local cell destruction, minimally invasive tissue pathological, especially (but not exclusively) of human neoplasms. 81


Maria Pilar Iskra Marco (Researcher) Juan Sánchez Parrilla (Researcher) Clara Pañella Vilamu (PhD Student) Patricia Sànchez Velázquez (PhD Student) José Ignacio Poves Prim (Researcher) Cancer Localised Hyperthermia Therapies

Main Publications Group’s Recognitions

• García-Tejedor A, Castellarnau M, Burdío • Officially recognised as a consolidated F, Fernández E, Martí D, Pla MJ, Ponce J. research group by the Generalitat de Ultrasound-guided aspiration of adnexal Catalunya: Grup de Recerca Teràpies cysts with a low risk of malignancy: is it d’Hipertèrmia Localitzada. 2014 a recommendable option? J Ultras Med >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de 2015; 34(6): 985-991. IF 1.535. Q2. Recerca (SGR 1143) >>Principal researcher: Burdío Pinilla, Fernando

Ongoing Research Projects Awards • THERMOSEAL-PLVS: Sistema Avanzado basado en Energía Para el sellado • Premi d’Innovació Parc de Salut MAR Laparoscópico de Vasos Sanguíneos 2015. Fernando Burdío >>Fundación para la Innovación y la Prospectiva • Premio de Innovación Hospital Virgen del en Salud en España-FIPSE (12-0006-14) Rocío. Clara Pañella >>From 2015 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Burdío Pinilla, Fernando • Tratamiento de tumores hepáticos primarios y secundarios con sistema de ablación por radiofrecuencia “COOL- WET”. Ensayo clínico fase I-II >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI12/00799) >>From 2013 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Burdío Pinilla, Fernando

More information at: 83 Molecular Cancer Therapeutics


Joan Albanell Mestres Group Leader

Our goal is improving human cancer treatment through preclinical research with novel anticancer agents/combinations, and translational studies in clinical settings. The group includes four medical oncologists that lead competitive projects in breast (Joan Albanell), colon (Clara Montagut), genito-urinary (Joaquim Bellmunt) and lung cancer ( Arriola). We are organized in 2 areas: Preclinical laboratory (leaded by Ana Rovira) and Clinical research (leaded by Ignasi Tusquets). With regard to the clinical research, bone health in breast cancer women is a priority area. Our integration in a single group has proven a successful strategy since allows for sharing resources, expertise, knowledge and results that improves the performance of the individual principal investigator far beyond the collaboration between independent groups.

In 2015, the group has developed liquid biopsy translational programs, projects in cancer immunotherapy and in bioinformatics that benefit from the diverse IMIM scientific expertise and external collaborations. A fine example is the financing in 2015 of an Integrated Excellence Project (ISCIII) led by Joan Albanell in which groups of the above mentioned areas work together to further uncover resistance mechanisms to therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in cancer. 85


Oriol Arpí Llucià (Technician) Gemma Martínez Peña (Technician) Edurne Arriola Aperribay (Researcher) Silvia Menéndez Romero (Technician) Montserrat Arumí Uria (Researcher) Clara Montagut Viladot (Researcher) Joaquim Bellmunt Molins (Researcher) Ana Rovira Guerin (Researcher) Clara Carreras Vila (Technician) Mohammad Ali Sabbaghi Mehrjardi (PhD Student) Josep Maria Corominas Torres (Researcher) Aïda Sampera Borràs (PhD Student) Roser Correa Soler (Technician) Francisco Javier Sánchez Martín (Researcher) Alba Dalmases Massegú (Researcher) Silvia Sánchez Serrano (Technician) Andrea Edo Guimerà (Technician) Sonia Servitja Tormo (Researcher) Susana Galtes Cruces (Technician) Álvaro Taus Garcia (Technician) Mariona Gelabert Bardrich (Researcher) Lorena Tomàs Marín (Research Assistant) Cristina Guardia Valenzuela (PhD Student) Ignacio Tusquets Trias de Bes (Researcher) Anna Hernández Prat (Predoctoral) Joana Vidal Barrull (Technician) Marta Macià Valldeperas (Technician) Xavier Villanueva Castelltort (Technician) María Martínez García (Researcher) Cancer Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

Main Publications Cervantes A, Frattini M, Fountzilas G, Johansen JS, Hogdall EV, Zhang W, Yang • Arena S, Bellosillo B, Siravegna G, Martínez- D, Yamazaki K, Nishina T, Papamichael Fernández A, Cañadas I, Lazzari L, Ferruz D, Vincenzi B, Macarulla T, Loupakis F, N, Russo M, Misale S, González I, Iglesias De Schutter J, Spindler KL, Pfeiffer P, M, Gavilán E, Corti G, Hobor S, Crisafulli G, Ciardiello F, Piessevaux H, Tejpar S. FCGR Salido M, Sánchez J, Dalmases A, Bellmunt polymorphisms and cetuximab efficacy J, de Fabritiis G, Rovira A, Di Nicolantonio in chemorefractory metastatic colorectal F, Albanell J, Bardelli A, Montagut C. cancer: an international consortium study. Emergence of multiple EGFR extracellular Gut 2015; 64(6): 921-928. IF 14.66. Q1. mutations during cetuximab treatment • Melchior L, Grauslund M, Bellosillo B, in colorectal cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2015; Montagut C, Torres E, Moragon E, Micalessi 21(9): 2157-2166. IF 8.722. Q1. I, Frans J, Noten V, Bourgain C, Vriesema R, • Cañadas I, Taus A, Villanueva X, Arpí O, van der Geize R, Cokelaere K, Vercooren N, Pijuan L, Rodríguez Y, Menéndez S, Mojal Crul K, Rüdiger T, Buchmüller D, Reijans M, S, Rojo F, Albanell J, Rovira A, Arriola E. Jans C. Multi-center evaluation of the novel Angiopoietin-2 is a negative prognostic fully-automated PCR-based Idylla™ BRAF marker in small cell lung cancer. Lung Canc Mutation Test on formalin-fixed paraffin- 2015; 90(2): 302-306. IF 3.958. Q1. embedded tissue of malignant melanoma. • Casadevall D, Gimeno J, Clavé S, Taus A, Exp Mol Pathol 2015; 99(3): 485-491. IF Pijuan L, Arumí M, Lorenzo M, Menéndez 2.706. Q2. S, Cañadas I, Albanell J, Serrano S, Espinet • Pavlovic M, Arnal-Estapé A, Rojo F, B, Salido M, Arriola E. MET expression Bellmunt A, Tarragona M, Guiu M, Planet and copy number heterogeneity in E, Garcia-Albéniz X, Morales M, Urosevic nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer J, Gawrzak S, Rovira A, Prat A, Nonell L, (nsNSCLC). Oncotarget 2015; 6(18): 16215- Lluch A, Jean-Mairet J, Coleman R, Albanell 16226. IF 6.359. Q1. J, Gomis RR. Enhanced MAF Oncogene • Geva R, Vecchione L, Kalogeras KT, Expression and Breast Cancer Bone Jensen BV, Lenz HJ, Yoshino T, Páez D, Metastasis. J Natl Cancer Inst 2015; 107(12): Montagut C, Souglakos J, Cappuzzo F, djv256. IF 12.583. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 87

• Rincón R, Cristóbal I, Zazo S, Arpí O, Ongoing Research Projects Menéndez S, Manso R, Lluch A, Eroles P, Rovira A, Albanell J, García -Foncillas J, • Potentiation of the antibody-dependent Madoz-Gúrpide J, Rojo F. PP2A inhibition cellular cytotoxicity mediated by NK determines poor outcome and doxorubicin lymphocytes for immunotherapy of resistance in early breast cancer and its cancer activation shows promising therapeutic >>Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) effects. Oncotarget 2015; 6(6): 4299-4314. IF >>From 2015 to 2018 6.359. Q1. >>Principal researcher: Albanell Mestres, Joan • Siravegna G, Mussolin B, Buscarino M, Corti • Ultra-selection and molecular monitoring G, Cassingena A, Crisafulli G, Ponzetti A, of colorectal cancer patients treated with Cremolini C, Amatu A, Lauricella C, Lamba anti-EGFR therapy using NGS platforms S, Hobor S, Avallone A, Valtorta E, Rospo G, and serial liquid biopsies Medico E, Motta V, Antoniotti C, Tatangelo >>Merck Serono International SA F, Bellosillo B, Veronese S, Budillon A, >>From 2015 to 2016 Montagut C, Racca P, Marsoni S, Falcone A, >>Principal researcher: Montagut Viladot, Clara Corcoran RB, Di Nicolantonio F, Loupakis F, • Antitumour effects of targeted therapies Siena S, Sartore-Bianchi A, Bardelli A. Clonal with high selectivity against PI3K- evolution and resistance to EGFR blockade AKT-mTOR pathway (Torc1/2 and PI3K in the blood of colorectal cancer patients. inhibitors). Defining molecular markers Nat Med 2015; 21(7): 795-801. IF 27.363. Q1. associated with drug sensibility in • Stanisavljevic J, Loubat J, Herrera M, Luque bladder cancer T, Peña R, Lluch A, Albanell J, Bonilla F, >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI13/01893) Rovira A, Peña C, Navajas D, Rojo F, García >>From 2014 to 2016 de Herreros A, Baulida J. Snail1-expressing >>Principal researcher: Bellmunt Molins, Joaquim fibroblasts in the tumor microenvironment display mechanical properties that support metastasis. Cancer Res 2015; 75(2): 284-295. IF 9.329. Q1. Cancer Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

• Identification of therapeutic targets • Molecular predictive factors to mediators of epithelial to mesenchymal chemotherapy response in urothelial transition and chemoresistance in Small tumors: miRNAs as molecular factors Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) predicting platinum response >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI13/00140) (PI10/02112) >>From 2014 to 2016 >>From 2011 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Arriola Aperribay, Edurne >>Principal researcher: Bellmunt Molins, Joaquim • Identification of resistance mechanisms to novel anti-HER2 antibodies in breast Participation in Research Networks cancer >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII • Thematic Network Cooperative Research (PI12/00680) on Cancer (RETICC) >>From 2013 to 2016 >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII. >>Principal researcher: Albanell Mestres, Joan Subprograma RETICS. RD12/0036/0051 • Mechanims of acquired resistance >>Principal researcher: Albanell Mestres, Joan to anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies cetuximab and panitumumab in Group’s Recognitions colorectal cancer >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII • Officially recognised as a consolidated (PI12/00989) research group by the Generalitat de >>From 2013 to 2015 Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Teràpia >>Principal researcher: Montagut Viladot, Clara Molecular del Càncer. 2014. • Mechanims of acquired resistance to >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de trastuzumab in gastric cancer Recerca (SGR 740). >>Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer de >>Principal researcher: Albanell Mestres, Joan Cataluña (11964) >>From 2013 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Montagut Viladot, Clara IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 89

Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 Others

• Phase I studies: 2 (2014/5944, 2015/6325) • In 2015, the Spanish Breast Cancer Research • Phase I b studies: 2 (2015/6383, Group (GEICAM), an international leader in 2015/6394) clinical research that brings together more than 100 Spanish hospitals, established • Phase II studies: 12 (2015/6388, 2014/5904, a scientific committee of which Dr. 2014/5983, 2015/6063, 2015/6059, Albanell is the Director. The committee 2015/6057, 2015/6328, 2015/6324, is formed by a multidisciplinary team 2015/6386, 2015/6385, 2015/6390, (oncologist, pathologist, immunologist, 2015/6477) bioinformatician, basic biologist). The • Phase III studies: 12 (2014/5727, 2015/6114, creation of this group facilitated the 2015/6111, 2015/6112, 2015/6110, 2014/5729, signing of an agreement between RTICC 2015/6319, 2015/6323, 2015/6317, and GEICAM, and aims to drive innovative 2015/6327, 2015/6392, 2015/6395) translational projects including the • Observational studies: 3 (2014/5977, integration of liquid biopsy, biology, 2015/6117, 2015/6230) immunology and bioinformatics in clinical trials in breast cancer.

More information at: Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer and Stemness


Lluís Espinosa Blay Group Leader

The Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer and Stemness group is fully dedicated to the identification of elements and pathways that regulate Stem Cell and Cancer Stem Cell homeostasis, with the final goal of discovering biomarkers and therapeutic targets for regenerative medicine and cancer.

The group has historically focused on studying the Notch and NF-κB pathways, which are principal actors of these processes. However, our research now aims to integrate these pathways in the context of other important signals for stem cell and cell transformation such as BRAF or ß-catenin. 91


Juan Bertran Comulada (Researcher) Erika López Arribillaga (PhD Student) Carlota Colomer Montañá (PhD Student) Laura Marruecos Aylagas (PhD Student) Jèssica González Miranda (Technician) Cancer Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer and Stemness

Main Publications stem cell proliferation and self-renewal downstream of Notch. Development • Espinosa L, Margalef P, Bigas A. Non- 2015; 142(1): 41-50. IF 6.462. Q1. conventional functions for NF-kappa • Margalef P, Colomer C, Villanueva A, B members: the dark side of NF-kappa Montagut C, Iglesias M, Bellosillo B, B. Oncogene 2015; 34(18): 2279-2287. IF Salazar R, Martínez-Iniesta M, Bigas A, 8.459. Q1. Espinosa L. BRAF-induced tumorigenesis • Gallardo F, Padrón A, García R, Rius C, is IKK alpha-dependent but NF-kappa González-Pérez A, Arumí M, Iglesias M, B-independent. Sci Signal 2015; 8(373): Nonell L, Bellosillo B, Segura S, Pujol RM, ra38. IF 6.279. Q1. López-Bigas N, Bertrán J, Bigas A, Espinosa L. Cytoplasmic accumulation of NCoR in malignant melanoma: consequences of Ongoing Research Projects altered gene repression and prognostic • Nuclear active IKKa as biomarker and new significance. Oncotarget 2015; 6(11): 9284- therapeutic target for Colorectal Cancer 9294. IF 6.359. Q1. >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (20131210) • Gallardo F, Sandoval J, Díaz-Lagares A, >>From 2014 to 2017 García R, D’Altri T, González J, Alegre V, >>Principal researcher: Espinosa Blay, Lluís Servitje O, Crujeiras AB, Stefansson OA, • Caracterización de phospho-sumo-IkBa y Espinet B, Hernández-Muñoz I, Bellosillo p45-IKKa como biomarcadores y posibles B, Esteller M, Pujol RM, Bigas A, Espinosa dianas terapéuticas en cáncer L. Notch1 Pathway Activation Results >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII from the Epigenetic Abrogation of Notch- (PI13/00448) Related MicroRNAs in Mycosis Fungoides. >>From 2014 to 2016 J Invest Dermatol 2015; 135 (12): 3144-3152. >>Principal researcher: Espinosa Blay, Lluís IF 7.216. Q1. • López-Arribillaga E, Rodilla V, Pellegrinet L, Guiu J, Iglesias M, Román AC, Gutarra S, González S, Muñoz-Cánovas P, Fernández- Salguero P, Radtke F, Bigas A, Espinosa L. Bmi1 regulates murine intestinal IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 93

Participation in Research Networks

• Spanish Network on Cancer Research >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (RD12/0036/0054) >>From 2013 to 2017 >>Principal researcher: Bachs Valldeneu, Oriol >>Participants from CIBER group: Anna Bigas, Lluís Espinosa, Rosa Aligué, Cristina Ruiz- Herguido

More information at: Molecular Mechanisms of Lung Cancer Predisposition


Esther Barreiro Portela Group Leader

Our current goals are to determine the specific mechanisms and signaling pathways whereby oxidative stress, epigenetics, and inflammation lead to cachexia (cancer- induced cachexia models) and dysplasia in the airways of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, COPD-lung cancer models). In a second stage, specific therapeutic strategies for each condition will also be explored. 95


Alba Chacón Cabrera (PhD Student) Lara Pijuan Andújar (Researcher) Víctor Curull Serrano (Researcher) Alberto Rodríguez Fuster (Researcher) Marisol Domínguez Álvarez (PhD Student) Albert Sánchez Font (PhD Student) Mercè Mateu Jiménez (PhD Student) Cancer Molecular Mechanisms of Lung Cancer Predisposition

Main Publications of Parp-1-/- and Parp-2-/- mice with lung cancer cachexia. BBA-Gen Subjects 2015; • Agustí A, Antó JM, Auffray C, Barbé F, 1850(12): 2530-2543. IF 4.381. Q1. Barreiro E, Dorca J, Escarrabill J, Faner • Guerra S, Halonen M, Vasquez MM, R, Furlong LI, Garcia-Aymerich J, Gea J, Spangenberg A, Stern DA, Morgan WJ, Lindmark B, Monsó E, Plaza V, Puhan Wright AL, Lavi I, Tares L, Carsin AE, MA, Roca J, Ruiz-Manzano J, Sampietro- Dobaño C, Barreiro E, Zock JP, Martínez- Colom L, Sanz F, Serrano L, Sharpe J, Moratalla J, Urrutia I, Sunyer J, Keidel D, Sibila O, Silverman EK, Sterk PJ, Sznajder Imboden M, Probst-Hensch N, Hallberg JI. Personalized Respiratory Medicine: J, Melén E, Wickman M, Bousquet J, Exploring the Horizon, Addressing the Belgrave DC, Simpson A, Custovic A, Issues. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2015; Antó JM, Martínez FD. Relation between 191(4): 391-401. IF 12.996. Q1. circulating CC16 concentrations, lung • Arismendi E, Rivas E, Vidal J, Barreiro E, function, and development of chronic Torralba Y, Burgos F, Rodríguez-Roisín R. obstructive pulmonary disease across Airway Hyperresponsiveness to Mannitol the lifespan: a prospective study. Lancet in Obesity Before and After Bariatric Respir Med 2015; 3(8): 613-620. IF 9.629. Surgery. Obes Surg 2015; 25(9): 1666-1671. Q1. IF 3.747, Q1. • Jaitovich A, Angulo M, Lecuona E, Dada • Barreiro E, Gea J. Respiratory and Limb LA, Welch LC, Cheng Y, Gusarova G, Muscle Dysfunction in COPD. COPD 2015; Ceco E, Liu C, Shigemura M, Barreiro E, 12(4): 413-426. IF 2.673, Q2. Patterson C, Nader GA, Sznajder JI. High • Barreiro E, Sznajder JI, Nader GA, Budinger CO2 levels cause skeletal muscle atrophy S. Muscle dysfunction in patients with via AMPK, FoxO3a and muscle-specific lung diseases. A growing epidemic. Am J ring finger protein1 (MuRF1). J Biol Chem Respir Crit Care Med 2015; 191(6): 616-619. 2015; 290(14): 9183-9194. IF 4.573. Q1. IF 12.996. Q1. • Messaggi-Sartor M, Guillén A, Depolo • Chacón-Cabrera A, Fermoselle C, Salmela M, Duarte E, Rodríguez DA, Barrera I, Yélamos J, Barreiro E. MicroRNA MC, Barreiro E, Escalada F, Orozco-Levi expression and protein acetylation M, Marco E. Inspiratory and expiratory pattern in respiratory and limb muscles muscle training in subacute stroke: A IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 97

randomized clinical trial. Neurology 2015; Ongoing Research Projects 85(7): 564-572. IF 8.286. Q1. • Epigenética, microambiente celular y • Puig-Vilanova E, Martínez-Llorens molecular y estroma en la predisposición JM, Ausin P, Roca J, Gea J, Barreiro E. al cáncer de pulmón en la EPOC: Quadriceps muscle weakness and influencia en la supervivencia y valor atrophy are associated with a differential pronóstico Epigenetic Profile in Advanced COPD. Clin >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Sci 2015; 128(12): 905-921. IF 5.598. Q1. (PI14/00713) • Puig-Vilanova E, Rodríguez DA, Lloreta J, >>From 2015 to 2017 Ausin P, Pascual S, Broquetas JM, Roca J, >>Principal researcher: Barreiro Portela, Esther Gea J, Barreiro E. Oxidative Stress, Redox • Alteraciones epigenéticas y autofagia en Signaling Pathways, And Autophagy In la predisposición al cáncer de pulmón de Cachectic Muscles Of Male Patients With los pacientes con EPOC: asociaciones con Advanced COPD And Lung Cancer. Free el estrés oxidativo y la inflamación Radical Biol Med 2015; 79: 91-108. IF 5.736. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Q1. (PI11/02029) >>From 2012 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Barreiro Portela, Esther

Participation in Research Networks

• Our group is part of Spanish Respiratory Network of Excellence (CIBERES) since 2006. Cancer Molecular Mechanisms of Lung Cancer Predisposition


• Pascual, S. Characterization of muscle phenotype in COPD and sepsis in patients: Fiber structure, inflammation, oxidative stress, and regeneration. Pompeu Fabra University >>Directors: Gea, J; Barreiro, E. >>Date of defense: 17/11/2015 • Cucarull-Martínez, B. Redox balance, apoptosis, and autophagy in PARP- 1/2 deficient mice with lung cancer. University of Barcelona >>Director: Barreiro, E. >>Date of defense: 10/07/2015

More information at: 99 Molecular Mechanisms of Tumorigenesis


Pilar Navarro Medrano Group Leader

The objective of our group is the identification of different molecular mechanisms associated to tumor progression. In particular we are focused on: i) the role of Galectin-1 in cancer and its possible use as a biomarker and/or therapeutic target for different tumors and ii) the control of gene expression in cancer by CPEB-mediated mRNA translational regulation. 101


Francisco Alameda Quitllet (Research) Judit Vinaixa Forner (PhD Student) Héctor Anta Rodríguez (PhD Student) Víctor Curull Serrano (Researcher) Sílvia Geeraerd (Research Assistant) Marisol Domínguez Álvarez (PhD Student) Joan Gibert Fernández (PhD Student) Mercè Mateu Jiménez (PhD Student) Neus Martínez Bosch (Researcher) Lara Pijuan Andújar (Researcher) Mireia Moreno Merino (Technician) Alberto Rodríguez Fuster (Researcher) Carlos Alberto Orozco Castaño (PhD Student) Albert Sánchez Font (PhD Student) Cancer Molecular Mechanisms of Tumorigenesis

Main Publications Ongoing Research Projects

• Alameda F, Garrote L, Mojal S, Sousa • Nuevas funciones de Galectina-1 y CPEBs C, Muset M, LLoveras B, Bellosillo B, en cáncer: papel en la remodelación del Saldanha C, Carreras R, Serrano S. estroma tumoral, invasión/metástasis y Cervista HPV HR test for cervical cancer pluripotencialidad celular. Implicaciones screening: a comparative study in the clínicas Catalonian population. Arch Pathol Lab >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Med 2015;139(2):241-244. IF 2.838. Q1. (PI14/00125) >>From 2015 to 2017 • Bergeron C, Ikenberg H, Sideri M, Denton >>Principal researcher: Navarro Medrano, Pilar K, Bogers J, Schmidt D, Alameda F, Keller T, Rehm S, Ridder R, and for the PALMS • Gene expression profiling (GEP) of Study Group. Prospective evaluation Glioblastoma, including long intergenic of p16/Ki-67 dual-stained cytology non-coding RNA (lincrna), in a for managing women with abnormal homogeneous population: correlation Papanicolaou cytology: PALMS study with immunophenotype, radiology results. Cancer Cytophatol 2015; 123(6): clinical outcome and response to therapy 373-381. IF 3.354. Q1. a multicenter study >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (20130332) • Ill-Raga G, Palomer E, Ramos-Fernández >>From 2014 to 2017 E, Guix FX, Bosch-Morató M, Guivernau >>Principal researcher: Alameda Quitllet, B, Tajes M, Valls-Comamala V, Jiménez- Francisco Conde J, Ois A, Pérez-Asensio F, Reyes- • Identification of new targets in cancer Navarro M, Caballo C, Gil-Gómez G, from tissue plasminogen activator López-Vílchez I, Galán AM, Alameda F, (tPA): Galectin-1 and CPEB4. Design of Escolar G, Opazo C, Planas AM, Roquer therapeutic strategies J, Valverde MA, Muñoz FJ. Fibrinogen nitrotyrosination after ischemic stroke >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI11/01562) impairs thrombolysis and promotes >>From 2012 to 2016 neuronal death. BBA-Mol Basis Dis 2015; >>Principal researcher: Navarro Medrano, Pilar 1852(3):421-428. IF 4.882. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 103

Group’s Recognitions

• Officially recognised as a consolidated research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of disease. 2014 >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 143) >>Principal researcher: Navarro Medrano, Pilar


• Mestres-Fusco, A. La Pet amb 11c-metionina com a factor pronòstic i en la caracterització dels gliomes. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Directors: Castell, J.; Conesa, J.; Alameda, F. >>Date of defense: 10/07/2015

More information at: Poly (ADP-Ribose) Polymerases


José Yélamos López Group Leader

The aim of this group is to investigate the role of poly(ADP-ribosyl) ation of nuclear proteins, catalysed by PARP family members (specially PARP-1 and PARP-2), as a critical signaling pathway at nuclear level, in both innate and acquire immune response. The results from this study could allow identifying new therapeutic target in different pathophysiological conditions associated with the immune system. 105


Coral Ampurdanés Descals (Technician) Judith Navarro Serer (Technician) Cancer Poly (ADP-Ribose) Polymerases

Main Publications • Ríos A, López-Navas A, López-López A, Gómez FJ, Iriarte J, Herruzo R, Blanco G, • Chacón-Cabrera A, Fermoselle C, Salmela Llorca FJ, Asunsolo A, Sánchez P, Gutiérrez I, Yélamos J, Barreiro E. MicroRNA PR, Fernández A, de Jesús MT, Martínez expression and protein acetylation Alarcón L, Lana A, Fuentes L, Hernández JR, pattern in respiratory and limb muscles of Virseda J, Yélamos J, Bondía JA, Hernández Parp-1(-/-) and Parp-2(-/-) mice with lung A, Ayala MA, Ramis G, Ramírez P, Parrilla cancer cachexia. BBA-Gen Subjects 2015; P. The level of acceptance of Spanish 1850(12): 2530-2543. IF 4.381. Q1. medical students of the transplantation of • Crespo M, Yélamos J, Redondo D, solid organs from animals: a stratified and Muntasell A, Pérez-Sáez MJ, López- multicentre study. Xenotransplantation Montañés M, García C, Torio A, Mir M, 2015; 22(6): 476-486. IF 2.84. Q2. Hernández JJ, López-Botet M, Pascual J. Circulating NK-cell subsets in renal allograft recipients with anti-HLA donor- Ongoing Research Projects specific antibodies. Am J Transplant 2015; • Estudio de la interacción entre rutas de 15(3): 806-814. IF 5.683. Q1. señalización mediadas por Poli-ADP- • Farrés J, Llacuna L, Martín-Caballero J, ribosilación y fosforilación en la respuesta Martínez C, Lozano JJ, Ampurdanés C, al daño en el DNA y sus implicaciones en López-Contreras AJ, Florensa L, Navarro J, cáncer Ottina E, Dantzer F, Schreiber V, Villunger >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad A, Fernández-Capetillo O, Yélamos J. (SAF2014-53467-R) PARP-2 sustains erythropoiesis in mice >>From 2015 to 2017 by limiting replicative stress in erythroid >>Principal researcher: Yélamos López, José progenitors. Cell Death Differ 2015; 22(7): • Exploring synthetic lethal interactions 1144-1157. IF 8.184. Q1. between PARP and the DNA damage • Gallart L, Pérez-Ramos A, Yélamos J, Curull response in cancer treatment V, Aguiló R. Continuous positive airway >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (20134130) pressure during one-lung ventilation and >>From 2014 to 2017 disturbed visibility. Br J Anaesth 2015; >>Principal researcher: Yélamos López, José 114(6): 1009. IF 4.853. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 107

Participation in Research Networks

• Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd)

Group’s Recognitions

• Officially recognised as a consolidated research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Diferenciació i Fisiopatologia limfocitària. 2014 >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 184) >>Principal researcher: Yélamos López, José

More information at: Radiation Oncology


Manuel Ignacio Algara López Group Leader

The Radiation Oncology Research Group (GREOR) is a clinical and basic research group working on the use of radiation as a way of basically treating cancer, especially in the lines of alteration and fractionation, radiotoxicity and quality of life, and to control technological quality and innovation; in addition to clinical projects linked to the clinical activity in the Radiation Oncology Service.

It is a multidisciplinary group comprising medical staff, physicists, technicians and nursing staff. The group has a significant scientific output in relation to Radiation Oncology groups in the area, besides activity to give research visibility.

Its main objective is to maintain the active lines of research, establish synergies with other groups, both national and international, to continue with the group’s training activities and the level of scientific output, and fundraising for both competitive and non-competitive funds, besides increasing its impact in society (popular science, clinical practice guidelines, patient groups and dissemination). 109


M. Josefa Dengra Domingo (Technician) Paula Pérez Villaverde (Researcher) Enric Fernández Velilla-Cepria (Researcher) Jaume Quera Jordana (Researcher) Palmira Foro Arnalot (Researcher) Anna Reig Castillejo (Researcher) Rafael Jiménez Lahuerta (Technician) Núria Rodríguez de Dios (Researcher) Ismael Membrive Conejo (Researcher) Javier Sanz Latiesas (PhD Student) Òscar Pera Cegarra (PhD Student) Cancer Radiation Oncology

Main Publications Ongoing Research Projects

• Henríquez LA, Valenciano A, Foro P, • Ensayo fase I/II de escalada de dosis de Álvarez MJ, Cózar JM, Suárez JF, Castells radioterapia sobre regiones hipóxicas M, Fernández P, De Paula B, Ferrer M, determinadas con f18-Fluoromisonidazol Guedea F, Sancho G, Craven-Bartle J, Ortiz (FMISO)-PET-TC en cáncer de pulmón MJ, Cabrera P, Rodríguez JL, Herrera E, >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Rodríguez C, Lara PC. Genetic variations (PI10/80376) in genes involved in testosterone >>From 2009 to 2016 metabolism are associated with prostate >>Principal researcher: Algara López, Manuel Ignacio cancer progression: A Spanish multicenter study. Urol Oncol. 2015; 33(7): 331.e1-331.e7. • EstudiReDyOR “Valoración de los IF 2.768. Q2. beneficios de la rehabilitación profiláctica de la musculatura deglutoria en la • Wong E, Zhang L, Kerba M, Foro P, calidad de vida y la deglución, a corto y Danielson B, Tsao M, Bedard G, Thavarajah medio plazo, de los pacientes sometidos N, Cheon P, Danjoux C, Pulenzas N, Chow a radioterapia por cáncer de cabeza y E. Minimal clinically important differences cuello: Ensayo Clínico Aleatorizado” in the EORTC QLQ-BN20 in patients with >>AECC grant 2014. Proyectos singulares brain metastases. Support Care Cancer PS14152556 2015; 23(9): 2731-2737. IF 2.364. Q1. >>Principal researcher: Foro Arnalat, Palmira

Clinical Trials Signed in 2015

• Observational studies: 1 (2015/6334) IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 111


• Second award of Societat Catalano- Balear d’Oncologia (Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques) for best publication in 2014: Relationship between radiation- induced apoptosis of T lymphocytes and chronic toxicity in patients with prostate càncer treated by radiation therapy: a prospective study. • First award of the XVIII National Congress of the Spanish Society for Radiation Oncology (SEOR) for best communication of nursery: “e-consulta de enfermería radioterápica. Dar respuesta a los pacientes del s.XXI” (June 4-6th 2015).

More information at: Stem Cells and Cancer


Anna Bigas Salvans Group Leader

Our research group studies the molecular mechanisms regulating the generation and maintenance of stem cells and their differentiation to functional cells. We particularly focus in studying the signaling pathways and the activation effects that control the hematopoietic system. Our goal is to understand how these signals are important in the generation of hematopoietic stem cells during embryonic development and how these signals are perturbed in leukemic processes. 113


Christos Gekas (Researcher) Cristina Porcheri (Researcher) Cristina Ruiz Herguido (Technician) Roshani Sinha (PhD Student) Cancer Stem Cells and Cancer

Main Publications • Gallardo F, Sandoval J, Díaz-Lagares A, García R, D’Altri T, González J, Alegre V, • Ayllón V, Bueno C, Ramos-Mejía V, Servitje O, Crujeiras AB, Stefansson OA, Navarro-Montero O, Prieto C, Real PJ, Espinet B, Hernández-Muñoz I, Bellosillo Romero T, García-León MJ, Toribio B, Esteller M, Pujol RM, Bigas A, Espinosa ML, Bigas A, Menéndez P. The Notch L. Notch1 Pathway Activation Results from ligand DLL4 specifically marks human the Epigenetic Abrogation of Notch- hematoendothelial progenitors and Related microRNAs in Mycosis Fungoides. regulates their hematopoietic fate. J Invest Dermatol 2015; 135(12): 3144-3152. IF Leukemia 2015; 29(8): 1741-1753. IF 10.431. Q1. 7.216. Q1. • Espinosa L, Margalef P, Bigas A. Non- • Gama-Norton L, Ferrando E, Ruiz- conventional functions for NF-kB Herguido C, Liu Z, Guiu J, Islam A, Lee SU, members: the dark side of NF-kB. Yan M, Guidos CJ, López-Bigas N, Maeda Oncogene 2015; 34(18): 2279-2287. IF T, Espinosa L, Kopan R, Bigas A. Notch 8.459. Q1. signal strength controls cell fate in the • Forn M, Díez-Villanueva A, Merlos A, haemogenic endothelium. Nat Commun Muñoz M, Lois S, Carrió E, Jordà M, Bigas 2015; 6:8510. IF 11.47. Q1. A, Batlle E, Peinado MA. Overlapping DNA • Jang IH, Lu YF, Zhao L, Wenzel PL, Kume methylation dynamics in mouse intestinal T, Datta SM, Arora N, Guiu J, Lagha M, cell differentiation and early stages of Kim PG, Do EK, Kim JH, Schlaeger TM, Zon malignant progression. PLoS ONE 2015; LI, Bigas A, Burns CE, Daley GQ. Notch1 10(5): e0123263. IF 3.234. Q1. acts via Foxc2 to promote definitive • Gallardo F, Padrón A, García R, Rius C, hematopoiesis via effects on hemogenic González-Pérez A, Arumí M, Iglesias M, endothelium. Blood 2015; 125(9): 1418-1426. Nonell L, Bellosillo B, Segura S, Pujol RM, IF 10.452. Q1. López-Bigas N, Bertrán J, Bigas A, Espinosa • López-Arribillaga E, Rodilla V, Pellegrinet L. Cytoplasmic accumulation of NCoR in L, Guiu J, Iglesias M, Román AC, Gutarra S, malignant melanoma: consequences of González S, Muñoz-Cánovas P, Fernández- altered gene repression and prognostic Salguero P, Radtke F, Bigas A, Espinosa significance. Oncotarget 2015; 6(11): 9284- L. Bmi1 regulates murine intestinal 9294. IF 6.359. Q1. stem cell proliferation and self-renewal IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 115

downstream of Notch. Development 2015; Ongoing Research Projects 142(1): 41-50. IF 6.462. Q1. • Diseccionando el proceso de • Margalef P, Colomer C, Villanueva A, especificación de células madres Montagut C, Iglesias M, Bellosillo B, hematopoyéticas normales y leucémicas Salazar R, Martínez-Iniesta M, Bigas A, >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Espinosa L. BRAF-induced tumorigenesis is (SAF2013-40922-R) α IKK -dependent but NF-kB-independent. >>From 2014 to 2016 Sci Signal 2015; 8(373): ra38. IF 6.279. Q1. >>Principal researcher: Bigas Salvans, Anna • Martín A, Salvador F, Moreno-Bueno G, • Notch1 and B-Catenin Crosstalk in T-cell Floristán A, Ruiz-Herguido C, Cuevas EP, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Morales S, Santos V, Csiszar K, Dubus P, >>Association for International Cancer Research Haigh JJ, Bigas A, Portillo F, Cano A. Lysyl (AICR) 13-0064 oxidase-like 2 represses Notch1 expression >>From 2013 to 2016 in the skin to promote squamous cell >>Principal researcher: Bigas Salvans, Anna carcinoma progression. Embo J 2015; 34(8): • Mecanismos moleculares implicados en 1090-1109. IF 10.434. Q1. el desarrollo de leucemias infantiles • Serra H, Chivite I, Angulo-Urarte A, Soler >>Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) A, Sutherland JD, Arruabarrena-Aristorena CI120588BIGA A, Ragab A, Lim R, Malumbres M, Fruttiger >>From 2012 to 2015 M, Potente M, Serrano M, Fabra A, Viñals >>Principal researcher: Bigas Salvans, Anna F, Casanovas O, Pandolfi PP, Bigas A, Carracedo A, Gerhardt H, Graupera M. Participation in Research Networks PTEN mediates Notch-dependent stalk cell arrest in angiogenesis. Nat Commun 2015; • Red Temática de Investigación de Cáncer 6: 7935. IF 11.47. Q1. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, ISCIII (RD12/0036/0054) >>From 2013 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Bachs Valldeneu, Oriol Cancer Stem Cells and Cancer

Group’s Recognitions

• Officially recognised as a consolidated research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Cèl·lules Mare i Càncer. 2014 >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 124) >>Principal researcher: Bigas Salvans, Anna


• Ferrando, E. Notch ligands orchestrate the endotelial to hematopoietic transition during embryonic development in the mouse. Pompeu Fabra University >>Directors: Bigas, A.; Gama-Norton, L. >>Date of defense: 06/11/2015

More information at: 117 Translational Hematology Cancer


Lourdes Florensa Brichs Group Leader

The Translational Research in Hematologic Neoplasms Group (GRETNHE) is integrated within the Cancer Programme from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM). The GRETNHE is a multidisciplinary group with different research areas. Among them, the most relevant are myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), myeloproliferative neoplasms/myelodysplastic syndromes (MPN/MDS), chronic lymphocytic leukemia/monoclonal B cell lymphocytosis (CLL/MBL), mantle cell lymphoma/monoclonal asymptomatic lymphocytosis cyclin D1 positive (MCL/ MALD1), splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) and cutaneous lymphomas (CL). Our aim is the phenotypic, cytogenetic and molecular characterization of these entities. 119


Leonor Arenillas Rocha (Researcher) Fernando Gallardo Hernández (Researcher) Luis Carlos Barranco Sanz (Researcher) Belén Lloveras Rubio (Researcher) Gonzalo Blanco Ares (PhD Student) M. Carme Melero Vilella (Technician) Sergi Clavé Safon (Technician) Carme Pedro Olivé (Researcher) Lluís Colomo Saperas (Researcher) Anna Maria Puiggrós Metje (Researcher) Beatriz Costán Medina (Technician) María del Mar Rodríguez Rivera (Technician) Blanca Espinet Solà (Researcher) Marta Salido Galeote (Researcher) Ana Ferrer del Álamo (Researcher) Cancer Translational Hematology Cancer

Main Publications Capetillo O, Yélamos J. PARP-2 sustains erythropoiesis in mice by • Ademà V, Larrayoz MJ, Calasanz MJ, limiting replicative stress in erythroid Palomo L, Patiño-García A, Agirre X, progenitors. Cell Death Differ 2015; 22(7): Hernández-Rivas JM, Lumbreras E, 1144-1157. IF 8.184. Q1. Buño I, Martínez-Laperche C, Mallo M, • Gallardo F, Sandoval J, Díaz-Lagares A, García O, Álvarez S, Blázquez B, Cervera García R, D’Altri T, González J, Alegre J, Luño E, Valiente A, Vallespí MT, V, Servitje O, Crujeiras AB, Stefansson Arenillas L, Collado R, Pérez de Oteyza OA, Espinet B, Hernández-Muñoz I, J, Solé F. Correlation of myelodysplastic Bellosillo B, Esteller M, Pujol RM, Bigas A, syndromes with i(17)(q10) and TP53 and Espinosa L. Notch1 Pathway Activation SETBP1 mutations. Br J Haematol 2015; Results from the Epigenetic Abrogation 171(1): 137-141. IF 4.711. Q1. of Notch-Related MicroRNAs in Mycosis • Bernal T, Martínez-Camblor P, Sánchez- Fungoides. J Invest Dermatol 2015; García J, de Paz R, Luño E, Nomdedeu B, 135(12): 3144-3152. IF 7.216. Q1. Ardanaz MT, Pedro C, Amigo ML, Xicoy • Martín-Martín L, López A, Vidriales B, B, del Cañizo C, Tormo M, Bargay J, Caballero MD, Rodrigues AS, Ferreira SI, Valcárcel D, Brunet S, Benlloch L, Sanz Lima M, Almeida S, Valverde B, Martínez G, on behalf of The Spanish Group on P, Ferrer A, Candeias J, Ruíz-Cabello F, Myelodysplastic Syndromes; PETHEMA Buadesa JM, Sempere A, Villamor N, Foundation, Spanish Society of Orfao A, Almeida J. Classification and Hematology. Effectiveness of azacitidine clinical behavior of blastic plasmacytoid in unselected high-risk myelodysplastic dendritic cell neoplasms according syndromes: results from the Spanish to their maturation-associated registry. Leukemia 2015; 29(9): 1875-1881. immunophenotypic profile. Oncotarget IF 10.431. Q1. 2015; 6(22): 19204-19216. IF 6.359. Q1. • Farrés J, Llacuna L, Martín-Caballero • Sandoval J, Díaz-Lagares A, Salgado J, Martínez C, Lozano JJ, Ampurdanés R, Servitje O, Climent F, Ortiz-Romero C, López-Contreras AJ, Florensa PL, Pérez-Ferriols A, García-Muret MP, L, Navarro J, Ottina E, Dantzer F, Estrach T, García M, Nonell L, Esteller Schreiber V, Villunger A, Fernández- IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 121

M, Pujol RM, Espinet B, Gallardo Ongoing Research Projects F. MicroRNA expression profiling and DNA methylation signature for • Biologic characterization of B-cells, deregulated microRNA in cutaneous T-cells and NK-cells of monoclonal B cell T-cell lymphoma. J Invest Dermatol 2015; lymphocytosis with a CLL phenotype 135(4): 1128-1137. IF 7.216. Q1. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI11/01621) • Saumell S, Florensa L, Rodríguez-Rivera >>From 2012 to 2016 M, Pedro C, Hernández-Rivas JM, >>Principal researcher: Espinet Solà, Blanca Lumbreras E, Abáigar M, Collado R, Ivars • Characterization of the unclassifiable D, Carbonell F, Marugán I, Tormo M, splenic B-cell lymphoma/leukemia Botia M, Piñán MA, Ancín I, González T, (splenic diffuse red pulp small B-cell Díaz-Varela N, Grau J, Granada I, Ruiz lymphoma and hairy variant) N, Martín ML, Fernández-Guijarro M, >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Duarte JJ, Calasanz MJ, Larrayoz MJ, Solé (PI10/00366) F. Fluorescence in situ hybridization >>From 2011 to 2015 analysis does not increase detection rate >>Principal researcher: Ferrer del Álamo, Ana for trisomy 8 in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. Leukemia Lymphoma 2015; 56(1): 242-243. IF 2.891. Q2. Participation in Research Networks

• Saumell S, Solé F, Arenillas L, Montoro • RETICS 2012 subprogramme J, Valcárcel D, Pedro C, Sanzo C, Luño >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. RTICC, E, Giménez T, Arnan M, Pomares RD12/0036/0044 H, De Paz R, Arrizabalaga B, Jerez >>Principal researcher: Solé Ristol, Francesc A, Martínez AB, Sánchez-Castro J, • Spanish Society of Hematology and Rodríguez-Gambarte JD, Raya JM, Ríos E, Hemotherapy (SEHH) Rodríguez-Rivera M, Espinet B, Florensa • Spanish Cooperative Group of L. Trisomy 8, a Cytogenetic Abnormality Hematological Cytogenetics (GCECGH) in Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Is Constitutional or Not? PLoS ONE 2015; • Spanish Group of Hematological 10(6): e0129375. IF 3.234. Q1. Cytology (GECH) Cancer Translational Hematology Cancer

• Spanish Group of Chronic Lymphocytic Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 Leukemia (GELLC) • Observational studies: 3 (2014/5987, • Spanish Group of Myelodysplastic 2014/5933, 2014/5976) Syndromes (GESMD) • Spanish Association of Human Genetics (AEGH) Theses

• Lymphoma Group of the Spanish • Puiggrós, A. Combinació de tècniques Association of Dermatology and citogenètiques en la leucèmia limfàtica Venereology (AEDV) crònica: Anàlisi de l’heterogeneïtat • European Cytogeneticists Association dels pacients i aplicabilitat a la pràctica (ECA) clínica. University of Barcelona • Splenic B-cell Lymphoma Group (SBLG) >>Directors: Espinet, B.; Solé, F. >>Date of defense: 10/07/2015 • Cytogenetic European Quality Assessment (CEQA), Mature B&T Cell • Saumell, S. Anàlisi de la trisomia 8 en les Neoplasms síndromes mielodisplàsiques. University of Barcelona • European Research Initiative on CLL (ERIC) >>Directors: Florensa, L.; Solé, F. >>Date of defense: 30/11/2015 Group’s Recognitions

• Officially recognised as a consolidated research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Grup de Recerca Traslacional en neoplàsies hematològiques (GRETNHE). 2014 >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 585) >>Principal researcher: Florensa Brichs, Lourdes

More information at: 123 Translational Research in Colorectal Neoplasia


Montserrat Andreu García Group Leader

The group of translational research in colorectal neoplasms has defined as the main strategic objective in the clinical and translational research to deepen in the understanding of pathogenesis of different colorectal neoplastic processes and its prevention and treatment. Nowadays our research is focused to identify factors related with metacrhonous development of neoplastic lesions especially advanced colorectal adenomas in order to improve on the surveillance of these patients, as well as identifies epigenetic markers of the disease progression in patients with CRC. 125


Marco Antonio Álvarez González (Researcher) Lucas Ilzarbe Sánchez (Researcher) Cristina Álvarez Urturi (PhD Student) Lucía Márquez Mosquera (Researcher) Xavier Bessa Caserras (Researcher) M. Francisca Murciano Gonzalo (Technician) Felip Bory Ros (Researcher) Fausto Riu Pons (PhD Student) Josep Maria Dedeu Cuscó (Researcher) Agustín Seoane Urgorri (Researcher) Cancer Translational Research in Colorectal Neoplasia

Main Publications pathogenic variants in new predisposition genes for familial colorectal cancer. Genet • Alonso A, Domènech E, Julià A, Panés J, Med 2015; 17(2): 131-142. IF 7.329. Q1. García-Sánchez V, Mateu PN, Gutiérrez A, • Hamaya Y, Guarinos C, Tseng-Rogenski Gomollón F, Mendoza JL, Garcia-Planella S, Iwaizumi M, Das R, Jover R, Castells A, E, Barreiro-de Acosta M, Muñoz F, Vera Llor X, Andreu M, Carethers JM. Efficacy M, Saro C, Esteve M, Andreu M, Chaparro of Adjuvant 5-Fluorouracil Therapy for M, Manyé J, Cabré E, López-Lasanta M, Patients with EMAST-Positive Stage II/III Tortosa R, Gelpí JL, García-Montero AC, Colorectal Cancer. PLoS ONE 2015; 10(5): Bertranpetit J, Absher D, Myers RM, e0127591. IF 3.234. Q1. Marsal S, Gisbert JP. Identification of risk loci for Crohn’s disease phenotypes • Moreira L, Muñoz J, Cuatrecasas M, using a genome-wide association study. Quintanilla I, Leoz ML, Carballal S, Ocaña Gastroenterology 2015; 148(4): 794-805. IF T, López-Cerón M, Pellise M, Castellví-Bel 16.716. Q1. S, Jover R, Andreu M, Carracedo A, Xicola RM, Llor X, Boland CR, Goel A, Castells A, • Castells A, Andreu M, Binefa G, Fité A, Balaguer F; Gastrointestinal Oncology Font R, Espinàs JA. Postpolypectomy Group of the Spanish Gastroenterological surveillance in patients with adenomas Association. Prevalence of somatic mutl and serrated lesions: a proposal for risk homolog 1 promoter hypermethylation in stratification in the context of organized Lynch syndrome colorectal cancer. Cancer colorectal cancer-screening programs. 2015; 121(9): 1395-1404. IF 4.889. Q1. Endoscopy 2015; 47(1): 86-87. IF 5.053. Q1. • Esteban-Jurado C, Vila-Casadesús M, Garre P, Lozano JJ, Pristoupilova A, Beltrán S, Muñoz J, Ocaña T, Balaguer F, López- Cerón M, Cuatrecasas M, Franch-Expósito S, Piqué JM, Castells A, Carracedo A, Ruiz-Ponte C, Abulí A, Bessa X, Andreu M, Bujanda L, Caldés T, Castellví-Bel S. Whole-exome sequencing identifies rare IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 127

Ongoing Research Projects >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI10/00918) • Optimization of surveillance of >>From 2011 to 2015 adenomatous and serrated polyps. >>Principal researcher: Andreu García, Montserrat Development of an index of risk of recurrence by environmental, clinical, morphological, histological and Participation in Research Networks molecular factors • National multicenter research work >>Associación Española Contra el Càncer-AECC within the working group GETECCU (PS14152544ANDR) >>The Chromoendoscopy as a screening of >>From 2015 to 2017 dysplasia in patients with inflammatory >>Principal researcher: Andreu García, Montserrat bowel disease of long evolution (Study CROMO)2013-2015 • Optimization of surveillance of >>Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica adenomatous and serrated polyps. >>Principal researcher: Andreu García, Montserrat Development of an index of risk of recurrence by environmental, clinical, • Research Group of PDPCCR – proColon morphological, histological and >>National Research group within the population screening program for colorectal cancer molecular factors >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII • EPoS. European Polyp Surveillance trial (PI14/00441) group >>From 2015 to 2017 >>The EPoS trials aim to investigate the optimal >>Principal researcher: Andreu García, Montserrat time intervals for colonoscopy surveillance of patients with polyps of the large bowel. • Identification of epigenetic markers of >>The EPoS I trial randomizes patients with low- progression in a prospective cohort of risk adenomas into 5 or 10-year surveillance; patients with colorectal cancer EPoS II randomizes patients with high-risk adenomas into 3 or 5-yearly surveillance; EPoS >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII III will include patients with serrated polyps in (PI12/01177) a one-arm study with surveillance after 5 and >>From 2013 to 2016 10 years. The primary endpoint for all three >>Principal researcher: Bessa Caserras, Xavier trials is incidence of colorectal cancer after 10 years of follow-up. • Susceptibility genetic variants of CRC. Useful in a screening program. Study case-control association Cancer Translational Research in Colorectal Neoplasia

Group’s Recognitions

• Officially recognised as a consolidated research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Grup de Recerca Translacional en Gastroenterologia. 2014 >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 443) >>Principal researcher: Andreu García, Montserrat

Clinical Trials Signed in 2015

• Observational studies: 1 (2015/6229)

More information at: 129 PROGRAMME Epidemiology and Public Health

Jordi Alonso Caballero Programme Director

The programme is made up of the following research groups:

Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Genetics Roberto Elosua

Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition Montserrat Fitó

Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer The programme associated groups are: Miquel Porta Occupational and Environmental Drug Abuse Epidemiology Epidemiology Antònia Domingo Manolis Kogevinas

Epidemiology and Evaluation Respiratory Health, Air Pollution, Maria Sala Childhood Development Health Services Jordi Sunyer Jordi Alonso Social Epidemiology and Occupational Health Nursing Care Fernando G. Benavides Sílvia Esteban 131

The Epidemiology and Public Health Programme (EPISAP) includes 10 research groups with a total of more than 120 professionals from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), the Research Centre for Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), and the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).

All but one EPISAP research groups are recognized Personnel by the Catalan Agency for Research (AGAUR) and researchers are members of major Spanish 122 collaborative research networks (CIBERs and RETICs).

EPISAP researchers apply advanced epidemiologic Publications methods and approaches for a better understanding 261 of: a) the frequency and burden of disease; b) major risk factors and underpinning mechanisms; and c) the role of health services and interventions, and their impact on the health outcomes of individuals and populations. Our research focuses on cancer, mental disorders, cardiovascular disease, and on environmental and occupational exposures. We carry out collaborative translational research aimed at transforming health care practices. Innovative research topics, processes and dissemination are promoted. EPISAP researchers participate in community activities, as expert members of committees and advisors of health system institutions and organizations. Researchers of the programme have a longstanding research career with international recognition and have Epidemiology and Public Health

established solid relationships Lines of Research 2015 with many regional, national and international research institutions. ◗◗ Cancer

Education and training is a key activity • Quality, effectiveness and costs of breast of EPISAP. We provide education in and colon cancer screening programmes. epidemiology and public health to • Clinical and molecular epidemiology of graduate, postgraduate and medical exocrine pancreatic cancer. specialty students. Mentoring of • Causes and consequences of diagnostic researchers and collaborators is a core and therapeutic delays in cancer. activity for improvement within the • Comparative effectiveness and cost-utility programme. Many of our researchers of localized prostate cancer therapies. are faculty members of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) or the ◗◗ Cardiovascular Autonomous University of Barcelona • Incidence, mortality and case-fatality (UAB) and lead a variety of formal trends in myocardial infarction (MI) and courses and programmes. distribution of cardiovascular (CV) risk factors. • Predictive capacity of cardiovascular risk functions. • Common and rare genetic and epigenetic variants associated with CV traits. • Gene by environment interaction in CV diseases. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 133

◗◗ Environment • Effectiveness and costs of treatments in the acute phase of MI. • Health effects of persistent organic pollutants. ◗◗ Mental health • Environmental, occupational and genetic factors related to cancer, respiratory • Prevalence trends of drug use and disease and child health. associated factors. • Exposure assessment using new • Disorders associated to drug use: biomedical technologies and Psychiatric comorbidity and blood-borne implementing complex statistics and infections. bioinformatics methods. • Frequency and risk factors of common • Environmental exposures in early life and mental disorders and suicide. neurodevelopment, obesity and metabolic • Distribution and correlates of perceived syndrome, and allergy and asthma. health and psychological well-being in the general population. ◗◗ Health care ◗◗ Nutrition • Advanced measurement methods for patient-reported outcomes (PROs). • High density lipoproteins (HDL) • Information systems for assessment of functionality and nutritional costs per patient and risk adjustment. interventions. • New strategies for improving quality and • Nutrigenomics: changes in gene patient safety. expression than can be attributed to nutrients. • Tools and methods for improving health services research, including discrete event • Interaction between diet and intestinal simulation models. flora. • Comparative effectiveness and cost- • Obesity and diabetes epidemiology and utility of therapies for most burdensome management. conditions (asthma, cancer, depression, and low-back pain, among others). Epidemiology and Public Health

◗◗ Nursing care Objectives Achieved in 2015

• Application of evidence based nursing practice. ◗◗ Scientific Objectives

• Prevalence and disability associated to During 2015, researchers of the program faecal incontinence. have published 261 papers in scientific journals ranging from Nature, PLOS ◗ ◗ Occupation and Unemployment Medicine JAMA, Circulation JAMA Psychiatry, to journals internationally • Labor market trajectories and permanent recognized in the fields of molecular, disability and mortality. clinical, and environmental epidemiology: • Occupational diseases and social such a broad integration of basic, clinical protection. and epidemiologic knowledge is one of our • Working condition surveys in Latin signs of identity worldwide. America. Investigators of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Genetics group and others have:

• Analyzed the burden of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular risk factors and their trends at the population level. • Evaluated the relationship between lifestyles (diet, physical activity), environmental exposures (air pollution, noise) and cardiovascular risk factors and subclinical markers of atherosclerosis. • Analyzed differences in the management and the prognosis of myocardial infarction (MI) patients across Europe IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 135

and have developed a valid standardized • Reported that the condition of and adjusted benchmarking monitoring hypogonadism in men with type-1 tool. diabetes can be detected with a formula • Developed and validated new based on clinical parameters. cardiovascular risk functions and • Showed that the consumption of soft analyzed the predictive added value of drinks was associated with increased new biomarkers. waist circumference and abdominal • Contributed to the knowledge of the obesity, in adults. genetic and epigenetic architecture Investigators of the Clinical and Molecular of several cardiovascular traits such Epidemiology of Cancer group and others as myocardial infarction, venous have: thromboembolism, atrial fibrillation, • Showed that there is no association stroke and hypertension. between vitamin D-related genes and Investigators of the Cardiovascular Risk pancreatic cancer risk, hence suggesting and Nutrition group and others have: that other pathways may explain the • Demonstrated that functional virgin association between vitamin D and such olive oil with thyme improves HDL- risk. subclass distribution and composition, in • Contributed to explain the increasing hypercholesterolemic patients. incidence of diabetes by environmental • Reported that the consumption of olive chemical agents, as well as the oil polyphenols decreased plasma LDL corresponding direct economic costs in concentrations and LDL atherogenicity in the European Union. healthy young men. • Showed that weight loss and other lifestyle recommendations during the first postoperative year after bariatric surgery must be encouraged to avoid hypertension relapse. Epidemiology and Public Health

• Explained how and why the current • Provided results of the first round of the ‘deconstruction of paradoxes’ is one Barcelona colorectal cancer screening sign of the current methodological programme. ‘revolution’ in medicine. • Completed a cohort of 3,000 Spanish • Described that significant subgroups women with incident breast cancer to of the general population accumulate study health care variability and survival. mixtures of Persistent Toxic Pollutants at • Estimated the average cost weights of high body concentrations. APR-DRG for the Spanish NHS based on Investigators of the Drug Abuse RECH (Spanish Hospital Cost Network) Epidemiology group and others have: dataset.

• Described trends of heavy and binge Investigators of the Health Services drinking and cannabis use in relation to Research group and others have: the economic crisis by gender. • Identified urinary incontinence as the • Estimated cocaine use prevalence trends side effect with the highest impact on for the city of Barcelona. preferences of patients with localized • Established the health-related quality prostate cancer. of life impact of psychiatric comorbidity • Shown that current studies on among street-recruited illegal substance determinants of non-adherence to users. inhaled corticosteroids have numerous Investigators of the Epidemiology and limitations. Evaluation group and others have: • Completed recruitment of 2,347 Spanish university students to estimate the • Established the impact of digital incidence and predict risks of mental mammography in ductal carcinoma in disorders, addictions and suicide. situ detection. • Estimated the benefit of assisted • Described risk of breast cancer according diagnosis for detecting anxiety disorders types of previous benign breast disease in primary care. and radiological characteristics of different breast cancer phenotypes. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 137

• Described the association of mental • Completed the field work of the Human disorders with subsequent chronic Early-Life Exposome study (HELIX project) physical conditions in 17 countries with more than 1,200 mother-child pairs worldwide. evaluated. Investigators of the Occupational and • Initiated a population based randomized Environment Epidemiology group and controlled trial to determine the others have: effectiveness of a dietary intervention (four walnuts per day, ~1.5g of n-3 PUFA) in • Shown that night work has a more enhancing brain development in teenagers. general effect on sex steroid hormones rather than only on melatonin. Investigators of the Social Epidemiology and Occupational Health group and others have: • Initiated a large study on workers rotating evaluating hormonal levels, • Completed a Basic Working and genetic variants and gene-expression Employment Questionnaire, providing within the same individual at different nationally representative, comparable data shifts. on work and health status of workers in the • Started a new collaboration with formal and informal economy in six Latin immunologists in ISGlobal and America and Caribbean countries. pathologists in Mozambique for • Shown that unstable labour market researching on endemic Burkitt’s trajectories are associated with early lymphoma (eBL) in Africa evaluating the retirement due to permanent disability and effect of malaria, EBV and environmental mortality, based on analyses of the Spanish factors. Continuous Working Life Sample. Investigators of the Respiratory Health, • Developed the Occupational Disease Unit Air Pollution and Childhood Development at the Parc de Salut Mar. group and others have:

• Described altered brain connectivity in school children exposed to high levels of traffic pollution. Epidemiology and Public Health

◗◗ Technological and Translational • EPISAP researchers have continued Objectives participating in national and international expert committees, such • 3 patents related to the prediction of as: WHO, European Research Council, cardiovascular and thromboembolic Expert Boards, European Medicines diseases risk have been transferred to a Agency (EMA), European Monitoring biotechnology company. Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction • The CASSANDRA model, an open access (EMCDDA), Generalitat de Catalunya, and web application, is used to assess the the Spanish Ministry of Health, among impact of preventive interventions at the others. population level ( • The Spanish Chapter of EuroDRG book cassandra/es/). has been updated with the lead of EPISAP • A standardized benchmarking tool was researchers ( developed by EPISAP researchers to assets/pdf_file/0004/162265/e96538. monitor hospitals coronary artery disease pdf). outcomes ( • A basic questionnaire for the future • BiblioPRO, the online library of reference Working Condition Survey in Latin for Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) in America. Spanish, has reached 3,500 monthly visits • A mathematical model developed and 2,897 new users in 2015 by EPISAP researchers is being used ( by the Director Plan of Oncology to • A platform to study working conditions predict future need of colonoscopies in and workers health risks was developed Catalonia. from databases of the Social Security workforce based on the “Continuous Work History Sample”. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 139

◗ ◗ Educational Objectives ££Other programmes: EPISAP researchers have continued actively In 2015 investigators of EPISAP have: participating in the Medical • Mentored 11 doctoral theses which were Specialties Residency Programme, successfully defended. as part of the educational units • Led a number of formal educational for the medical specialties of education activities: Preventive Medicine and Public Health, and Occupational £Postgraduate programmes: £ Medicine. Collaboration with Master’s in Public Health (120 other programmes include: ECTS) with 2 specialties: research European Educational Programme and professional; Master’s Degree in Epidemiology (EEPE), Master in Occupational Health and in Nursing Sciences, Master in Safety, in collaboration with the Cardiology Nursing, Bachelor’s Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya degree in Biology, Biotechnology and - BarcelonaTech (UPC) and the Biochemistry, among many others. University of Barcelona (UB); and the Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (30 ECTS). ££Graduate courses: The Health System; Epidemiology; Community Health; Health Management; Preventive Medicine and Public Health (Medicine), among many others. Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Genetics


Roberto Elosua Llanos Group Leader

The group is focused on the study of the epidemiology and the genetic basis of cardiovascular disorders and their risk factors. The research team involves a multidisciplinary group of epidemiologists, biologists, biochemists, cardiologists and biostatisticians who work together to tackle these topics. The best-known study is the REGICOR project (REgistre GIroni del COR). The group is currently working in the estimation of the burden of cardiovascular disease at the population level; the development and improvement of the predictive capacity of cardiovascular risk functions; the analysis of trends in the clinical characteristics, management and prognosis of patients with myocardial infarction; the identification of the genetic architecture and of the epigenetics mechanisms related to coronary heart disease. 141


Gemma Blanchart Cuella (Technician) Jaume Marrugat de la Iglesia (Researcher) Marta Cabañero Marimon (Technician) Judith Peñafiel Muñoz (Technician) Albert Clarà Velasco (Researcher) Irene Román Degano (Researcher) Sandra Farré Anton (Research Assistant) Sergi Sayols Baixeras (PhD Student) Yolanda Ferrer Campo (Research Assistant) Isaac Subirana Cachinero (Technician) Leny Franco Rojas (Technician) Susanna Tello Rovira (Technician) Sonia Gaixas Vasallo (Technician) Joan Salvador Vila Domènech (Technician) Esmeralda Gómez Pires (Research Assistant) Maria del Mar Vila Muñoz (PhD Student) Maria Grau Magaña (Researcher) Epidemiology and Public Health Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Genetics

Main Publications MM, Meisinger C, Elosua R, Marrugat J, The Acute Myocardial Infarction Trends • Agüero F, González-Zobl G, Baena-Díez in Europe (AMITIE) Study Investigators. JM, Dégano IR, García-Gil M, Alzamora Twenty-five-year trends in myocardial MT, Marrugat J, Comas-Cufí M, Pera G, infarction attack and mortality rates, and Elosua R, Ramos R, Grau M. Prevalence case-fatality, in six European populations. of lower extremity peripheral arterial Heart 2015; 101(17): 1413-1421. IF 5.595 Q1. disease in individuals with chronic • Dégano IR, Subirana I, Torre M, Grau M, immune mediated inflammatory Vila JS, Fusco D, Kirchberger I, Ferrières disorders. Atherosclerosis 2015; 242(1): 1-7. J, Malmivaara A, Azevedo A, Meisinger IF 3.994. Q1. C, Bongard V, Farmakis D, Davoli M, • Agüero F, Marrugat J, Elosua R, Sala J, Häkkinen U, Araújo C, Lekakis J, Elosua R, Masiá R, Ramos R, Grau M, on behalf Marrugat J, on behalf of the EURHOBOP of the REGICOR Investigators. New investigators. A European benchmarking myocardial infarction definition affects system to evaluate in-hospital mortality incidence, mortality, hospitalization rates rates in acute coronary syndrome: The and prognosis. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2015; EURHOBOP project. Int J Cardiol 2015; 182: 22(10): 1272-1280. IF 3.319. Q2. 509-516. IF 4.036. Q1. • Cuadrado E, Regueiro A, Núñez J, Díaz- • Nikpay M, Goel A, Won HH, Hall LM, Ricard M, Novella S, Oliveras A, Valverde Willenborg C, Kanoni S, Saleheen D, MA, Marrugat J, Ois A, Giralt E, Sanchis Kyriakou T, Nelson CP, Hopewell JC, J, Escolar G, Hermenegildo C, Heras M, Webb TR, Zeng L, et al. A comprehensive Roquer J. Endothelial Progenitor Cells 1000 Genomes-based genome-wide Predict Cardiovascular Events after association meta-analysis of coronary Atherothrombotic Stroke and Acute artery disease. Nat Genet 2015; 47(10): Myocardial Infarction. A PROCELL 1121-1130. IF 29.352. Q1 Substudy. PLoS ONE 2015; 10(9): e0132415. • Regueiro A, Cuadrado E, Bueno-Beti IF 3.234. Q1. C, Díaz-Ricart M, Oliveras A, Novella S, • Dégano IR, Salomaa V, Veronesi González-Gené G, Jung C, Subirana I, G, Ferrieres J, Kirchberger I, Laks T, Ortiz-Pérez JT, Roque M, Freixa X, Núñez Havulinna AS, Ruidavets JB, Ferrario J, Escolar G, Marrugat J, Hermenegildo C, IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 143

Valverde MA, Roquer J, Sanchis J, Heras metanálisis. Rev Esp Cardiol 2015; 68(10): M. Mobilization of endothelial progenitor 869-877. IF 3.792. Q2. cells in acute cardiovascular events in the PROCELL study: Time-course after acute myocardial infarction and stroke. J Mol Ongoing Research Projects Cell Cardiol 2015; 80: 146-155. IF 4.655. Q1. • Socioeconomic Status and Cardiovascular • Sayols-Baixeras S, Lluís-Ganella C, Health: Analysis of the Association and of Subirana I, Salas LA, Vilahur N, Corella the Mediating Mechanisms D, Muñoz D, Segura A, Jiménez-Conde >>Recercaixa (RE087465) J, Morán S, Soriano C, Roquer J, López- >>From 2015 to 2017 Farré A, Marrugat J, Fitó M, Elosua >>Principal researcher: Elosua Llanos, Roberto R. Identification of a new locus and • Validez y efectividad de un método de validation of previously reported loci auto-cribado del riesgo cardiovascular. showing differential methylation >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII associated with smoking. The REGICOR (PI14/00449) study. Epigenetics 2015; 10: 1156-65. IF >>From 2015 to 2017 4.78. Q1. >>Principal researcher: Grau Magaña, María • Velescu A, Clará A, Peñafiel J, Ramos R, • Burden of cardiovascular diseases Martí R, Grau M, Dégano IR, Marrugat associated with chronic inflammatory J, Elosua R, the REGICOR Study Group. conditions: a population approach Adding low ankle brachial index to >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII classical risk factors improves the (CP12/03287) prediction of major cardiovascular events. >>From 2013 to 2017 The REGICOR study. Atherosclerosis 2015; >>Principal researcher: Grau Magaña, María 241(2): 357-363. IF 3.994. Q1. • EUROpean treatment & Reduction of • Zabalza M, Subirana I, Lluís-Ganella C, Acute Coronary Syndromes cost analysis Sayols-Baixeras S, de Groot E, Arnold RJ, >>European Comission (20121207) Cenarro A, Ramos R, Marrugat J, Elosua >>From 2013 to 2015 R. Asociación entre variantes genéticas >>Principal researcher: Marrugat de la Iglesia, de enfermedad coronaria y aterosclerosis Jaume subclínica: estudio de asociación y Epidemiology and Public Health Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Genetics

• Papel de la metilación del ADN en Group’s Recognitions la relación de los estilos de vida con los factores de riesgo vascular y la • Officially recognised as a consolidated enfermedad cardiovascular subclínica research group by the Generalitat de >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Catalunya: Grup de recerca consolidat (PI12/00232) Registre Gironí del Cor-REGICOR 2014 >>From 2013 to 2015 >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de >>Principal researcher: Elosua Llanos, Roberto Recerca (SGR 240) >>Principal researcher: Marrugat de la Iglesia, • Papel del genotipo de riesgo coronario, y Jaume de los niveles basales y cambios a 10 años de 16 biomarcadores bioquímicos, en la expresión pre-clínica de la arteriosclerosis Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII • Observational studies: 1 (2014/5491/I) (PI11/01801) >>From 2012 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Marrugat de la Iglesia, Theses Jaume • Calsina, L. Aplicabilitat de les corbes cusum en el control de qualitat i en Participation in Research Networks l’avaluació d’efectes d’aprenentatge • Red Cardiovascular en cirurgia endovascular. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII. Subprograma RETICS. RD12/0042/0061 >>Directors: Clarà, A.; Grande, L. >>Principal researcher: Marrugat de la Iglesia, >>Date of defense: 05/11/2015 Jaume • Zabalza, M. Variantes genéticas y su • Red Cardiovascular relación con la progresión y el pronóstico >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII. de la cardiopatía isquémica. Girona Subprograma RETICS. RD12/0042/0013 University >>Principal researcher: Elosua Llanos, Roberto >>Director: Elosua, R. >>Date of defense: 09/12/2015

More information at: 145 Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition


Montserrat Fitó Colomer Group Leader

The Mediterranean diet, its foods and the interaction of nutrients, has healthy effects on morbidity and mortality related to chronic degenerative diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases. In this context, the main objective of our research is to determine the benefit of a healthy diet pattern and some of characteristic food (olive oil and wine among others) on different cardiovascular risk factors, in health and in patients. To establish the cellular and molecular mechanisms that contribute to these benefits is also a key part of our research activity. Based on the knowledge of these underlying mechanisms of the benefit of the diet, progress is being achieved in research of the classical and emergent risk factors for cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases together with in the establishment of future risk biomarkers. To achieve these goals, we are working at present in the following research lines: Nutrition studies, Molecular and cellular mechanisms related with risk and protective factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, Childhood obesity, and Nutritional epidemiology. 147


David Benaiges Boix (Researcher) Albert Goday Arno (Researcher) Anna Maria Blasco Lapuente (Research Assistant) Álvaro Hernáez Camba (PhD Student) Olga Castañer Niño (Researcher) Dolors Muns Cornellas (Technician) Juan José Chillarón Jordán (Researcher) Daniel Muñoz Aguayo (Technician) Marta Farràs Mañé (Technician) Mireia Quifer Araujo (Technician) Juana Antonia Flores Le Roux (Researcher) Helmut Schröder (Researcher) Anna Funtikova (PhD Student) Montserrat Villatoro Moreno (Researcher) Meritxell Girvent Montllor (Researcher) M. Dolores Zomeño Fajardo (Technician) Epidemiology and Public Health Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition

Main Publications • Funtikova A, Gómez S, Fitó M, Elosua R, Benítez A, Schröder H. Effect of energy • Castillo-Sánchez M, Fábregas M, Bergé under-reporting on secular trends of D, Foguet Q, Fernández-San Martín MI, dietary patterns in a mediterranean Goday A. Schizophrenia, antipsychotic population. PLoS ONE 2015; 10(5): drugs and cardiovascular risk: Descriptive e0127647. IF 3.234. Q1. study in primary care. Eur Psychiat 2015; • Funtikova A, Subirana I, Gómez S, Fitó M, 30(4): 535-541. IF 3.439. Q1. Elosua R, Benítez A, Schröder H. Soft drink • Chillarón JJ, Fernández-Miró M, Albareda consumption is positively associated M, Vila L, Colom C, Fontserè S, Pedro- with increased waist circumference and Botet J, Flores JA, and on behalf of the 10-year incidence of abdominal obesity TEST-DM1 Study Group (...,Ascoeta in spanish adults. J Nutr 2015; 145(2): 328- N, Benaiges D, Carrera MJ, Climent E, 334. IF 3.875. Q1. Goday A, Mañé L, Mas A, Puig de Dou • Hernáez A, Remaley AT, Farràs M, J, Renard M, Sagarra E,...). Age, Insulin Fernández-Castillejo S, Subirana I, Requirements, Waist Circumference, and Schröder H, Fernández-Mampel M, Triglycerides Predict Hypogonadotropic Muñoz D, Sampson M, Solà R, Farré M, de Hypogonadism in Patients with Type 1 la Torre R, López-Sabater MC, Nyyssönen Diabetes. J Sex Med 2015; 12(1): 76-82. IF K, Zunft HJF, Covas MI, Fitó M. Olive Oil 3.151. Q1. Polyphenols Decrease LDL Concentrations • Farràs M, Castañer O, Martín-Peláez S, and LDL Atherogenicity in Men in a Hernáez A, Schröder H, Subirana I, Muñoz Randomized Controlled Trial. J Nutr 2015; D, Gaixas S, de la Torre R, Farré M, Rubió 145(8): 1692-1697. IF 3.875. Q1. L, Díaz O, Fernández-Castillejo S, Solà • Navarro E, Funtikova A, Fitó M, Schröder R, Motilva MJ, Fitó M. Complementary H. Can Metabolically Healthy Obesity phenol-enriched olive oil improves HDL be explained by diet, genetics and characteristics in hypercholesterolemic inflammation? Mol Nutr Food Res 2015; subjects. A randomised, double-blind, 59(1): 75-93. IF 4.603. Q1. crossover, controlled trial. The VOHF study. Mol Nutr Food Res 2015; 59(9): 1758-1770. IF 4.603. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 149

• Toledo E, Salas-Salvadó J, Donat-Vargas Ongoing Research Projects C, Buil-Cosiales P, Estruch R, Ros E, Corella D, Fitó M, Hu FB, Arós F, Gómez-Gracia E, • Efectos de una Dieta Mediterránea Romaguera D, Ortega-Calvo M, Serra- tradicional sobre la aterogenicidad de las Majem L, Pintó X, Schröder H, Basora J, lipoproteínas de alta densidad (LDL) Sorli JV, Bullo M, Serra-Mir M, Martínez- >>Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición-FSEEN González MA. Mediterranean Diet and >>From 2015 to 2016 Invasive Breast Cancer Risk Among >>Principal researcher: Goday Arno, Albert Women at High Cardiovascular Risk in the PREDIMED Trial: A Randomized • PREDIMED-PLUS: Effect of a hypocaloric Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med 2015; Mediterranean diet and physical activity 175(11): 1752-1760. IF 13.116. Q1. promotion on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Pilot study on • Valls-Pedret C, Sala-Vila A, Serra-Mir intermediate markers (PI13/00233) M, Corella D, de la Torre R, Martínez- >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII González MA, Martínez-Lapiscina EH, (PI13/00233) Fitó M, Pérez-Heras AM, Salas-Salvadó >>From 2014 to 2016 J, Estruch R, Ros E. Mediterranean Diet >>Principal researcher: Goday Arno, Albert and Age-Related Cognitive Decline: A • Metabolic Fate of Olive Oil Phenolic Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern compounds and /or complementary Med 2015; 175(7): 1094-1103. IF 13.116. Q1. phenols in humans: Nutrigenomic Effect. The MEFOP Project >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (AGL2012-40144-C03-01) >>From 2013 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Fitó Colomer, Montserrat Epidemiology and Public Health Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition

• Effects of a lifestyle intervention on Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 the prevention of childhood obesity: a community-based model (POIBC study) • Phase IV studies: 1 (2015/6113) >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII • Observational studies: 1 (2015/6165) (PI11/01900) >>From 2012 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Schröder, Helmut Theses • Castañer, O. Molecular mechanisms Participation in Research Networks of the Mediterranean Diet involved in atherosclerosis (PREDIGENE). Universitat • CIBEROBN: Fisiopatología de la obesidad de Barcelona y nutrición >>Director: Fitó, M. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII >>Date of defense: 03/12/2015 (CB06/03/0028) • Funtikova, A. Nutrition and >>Principal researcher: Fitó Colomer, Montserrat cardiometabolic risk: a prospective • CIBERESP: Epidemiología y salud pública population-based cohort study. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII University of Barcelona (CB06/02/0029) >>Director: Schröder, H. >>Principal researcher: Schröder, Helmut >>Dade of defense: 30/11/2015 • Farràs, M. Virgin Olive Oil and HDL Group’s Recognition Functionality: a model for tailoring a functional food pattern (the VOHF Study). • Officially recognised as a consolidated Autonomous University of Barcelona research group by the Generalitat de >>Director: Fitó, M. Catalunya: Grup de recerca consolidat >>Date of defense: 12/11/2015 Registre Gironí del Cor-REGICOR 2014 >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 240) >>Principal researcher: Marrugat de la Iglesia, Jaume IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 151


• Membership of the Committee of Experts of OLIVOILA (International Olive Council Recognized Laboratory) from Wilmar, Biotechnology Research & Development Center Co., Ltd (Shanghai), since 2015.

More information at: Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer


Miquel Porta Serra Group Leader

Cancer is a complex set of processes that result from the interaction of genetic, clinical and environmental factors, “environmental” including the physical environment, as well as the public health, cultural, economical and political environments. Thus, integrative studies on the causes of cancer are a natural meeting point between molecular biology and epidemiology. Our aim is to achieve an optimal integration of professional cultures, scientific knowledge, methodologies and techniques from public health, clinical medicine and the biological sciences. We are a team that has worked across disciplines for more than two decades, one of the pioneer groups in Spain on clinical and molecular epidemiology. 153


Magda Gasull Panadès (Technician) Natàlia Pallarès Fontanet (Technician) José Antonio Pumarega Rodríguez (Technician) Yolanda Rovira Pons (Research Assistant) Epidemiology and Public Health Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer

Main Publications of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the European Union. J Clin • Arem H, Yu K, Xiong X, Moy K, Freedman Endocr Metab 2015; 100(4): 1278-1288. IF ND, Mayne ST, Albanes D, Arslan AA, 6.209. Q1. Austin M, Bamlet WR, Beane Freeman • Lope V, García-Esquinas E, Pérez-Gómez LE, Bracci PM, Canzian F, Cotterchio M, B, Altzibar JM, Gracia E, Ederra M, Molina Duell EJ, Gallinger S, Giles GG, Goggins de la Torre AJ, Llorca FJ, Tardón A, Moreno M, Goodman PJ, Hartge P, Hassan M, V, Bayo J, Salas D, Marcos-Gragera R, Helzlsouer KJ, Henderson BE, Holly EA, Pumarega JA, Dierssen-Sotos T, Barrio- Hoover RN, Jacobs EJ, Kamineni A, Klein Lera JP, De Miguel-Medina MA, Tusquets AP, Klein E, Kolonel LN, Li D, Malats N, I, Amiano P, Boldo E, Kogevinas M, Mannisto S, McCullough ML, Olson SH, Aragonés N, Castaño-Vinyals G, Pollán M. Orlow I, Peters U, Petersen G, Porta M, Perinatal and childhood factors and risk Severi G, Shu XO, Visvanathan K, White of breast cancer subtypes in adulthood. E, Yu H, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Zheng W, Cancer Epidemiol 2015; 40: 22-30. IF 2.711. Tobias GS, Maeder D, Brotzman M, Risch Q1. HA, Sampson J, Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ. Vitamin d metabolic pathway genes and • NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD- pancreatic cancer risk. PLoS ONE 2015; RisC). Danaei G, Fahimi S, Lu Y (...) Gasull 10(3): e0117574. IF 3.234. Q1. M, Porta M (...), Stevens GA, Riley LM, Ali MK, Ezzati M. Effects of diabetes • Gasull M, Pallarès N, Salcedo N, definition on global surveillance of Pumarega JA, Alonso J, Porta M. Self- diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a rated health and chronic conditions are pooled analysis of 96 population-based associated with blood concentrations studies with 331,288 participants. Lancet of persistent organic pollutants in the Diabetes Endocrinol 2015; 3(8): 624-637. IF general population of Catalonia, Spain. 9.185. Q1. Environ Res 2015; 143(Pt A): 211-220. IF 4.373. Q1. • Pearce N, Blair A, Vineis P, Ahrens W, Andersen A, Antó JM, Armstrong BK, • Legler J, Fletcher T, Govarts E, Porta Baccarelli A, Beland FA, Berrington A, M, Blumberg B, Heindel JJ, Trasande L. Bertazzi P, Birnbaum LS, Brownson RC, Obesity, diabetes, and associated costs Bucher JR, Cantor KP, Cardis E, Cherrie JW, IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 155

Christiani DC, Cocco P, Coggon D, Comba Ongoing Research Projects P, Demers PA, Dement JM, Douwes J, Eisen EA, Engel LS, Fenske RA, Fleming • Plasma concentrations of organochlorine LA, Fletcher T, Fontham E, Forastiere F, compounds and lifestyle factors Frentzel-Beyme RR, Fritschi L, Gérin M, pancreatic cancer risk within the EPIC Goldberg M, Grandjean P, Grimsrud cohort TK, et al. IARC Monographs: 40 Years >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (20132910) of Evaluating Carcinogenic Hazards to >>From 2014 to 2017 Humans. Environ Health Perspect 2015; >>Principal researcher: Porta Serra, Miquel 123(6): 507-514. IF 7.977. Q1. • Concentraciones sanguíneas de • Porta M, Vineis P, Bolúmar F. The current compuestos organoclorados, estilo de deconstruction of paradoxes: one sign of vida y riesgo de cáncer de páncreas en la the ongoing methodological “revolution”. cohorte EPIC Eur J Epidemiol 2015; 30(10): 1079-1087. IF >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI13/00020) 5.339. Q1. >>From 2014 to 2016 • Suárez-López JR, Lee DH, Porta M, >>Principal researcher: Porta Serra, Miquel Steffes M, Jacobs DR. Persistent organic pollutants in young adults and changes in glucose related metabolism over a Participation in Research Networks 23-year follow-up. Environ Res 2015; 137: • CIBERESP: Epidemiología y salud pública 485-494. IF 4.373. Q1. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria ISCIII (CB06/02/0034) >>Principal researcher: Porta Serra, Miquel Epidemiology and Public Health Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer

Group’s Recognition

• Officially recognised as a consolidated research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Epidemiologia Clínica i Molecular del Càncer. 2014 >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 1012) >>Principal Researcher: Porta Serra, Miquel

More information at: 157 Drug Abuse Epidemiology


Antònia Domingo Salvany Group Leader

The aims of the group are to contribute to knowledge about the extent and impact of drug abuse in the population, including aspects related to violence and illegal drug market activities, as well as to assist in the implementation of suitable health care initiatives. To these aims, the group carries out studies to assess the magnitude of drug consumption in the population, and contributes to the study of its consequences, like psychiatric comorbidity, the presence of blood-borne infections or impairment of health-related quality of life. Furthermore, the group has undertaken analyses to assess factors potentially related to changes in drug consumption trends. 159


Esther Colell Ortega (Researcher) Yolanda Rovira Pons (Research Assistant) Epidemiology and Public Health Drug Abuse Epidemiology

Main Publications Ongoing Research Projects

• Chahua M, Sánchez-Niubó A, Torrens M, • Adaptación de los instrumentos de Sordo L, Bravo MJ, Brugal MT, Domingo- diagnóstico de patología dual a los Salvany A, the ITINERE Project Group. criterios DSM-5 Quality of life in a community sample of >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII young cocaine and/or heroin users: the (PI14/00178) role of mental disorders. Qual Life Res 2015; >>From 2015 to 2017 24(9): 2129-2137. IF 2.486. Q1. >>Principal researcher: Domingo Salvany, Antònia • Colell E, Sánchez-Niubó A, Delclòs GL, Benavides FG, Domingo-Salvany A. Participation in Research Networks Economic crisis and changes in drug use in the Spanish economically-active population. • Red de Trastornos Adictivos - RTA Addiction 2015; 110(7): 1129-1137. IF 4.738. Q1. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (RD12/0028/0018) • Vallejo F, Barrio G, Brugal MT, Pulido J, Toro >>Principal researcher: Brugal Puig, Teresa C, Sordo L, Espelt A, Bravo MJ, the Itinere Project Group (...,Domingo-Salvany A,...). High hepatitis C virus prevalence and Theses incidence in a community cohort of young • Colell, E. Trends in drug use in the heroin injectors in a context of extensive Spanish population and the role of work- harm reduction programmes. J Epidemiol related stress. Pompeu Fabra University Community Health 2015; 69(6): 599-603. IF 3.501. Q1. >>Directors: Domingo, A.; García Benavides, F. >>Date of defense: 26/03/2015

More information at: 161 Epidemiology and Evaluation


Maria Sala Serra Group Leader

This is a group with multidisciplinary training (epidemiology, health economy, statistics and nursing) which has carried out research activity in the field of health services research (HSR), specifically in the evaluation of the effectiveness and costs of health services and interventions; the evaluation of the needs and use of health services; and the development of instruments for HSR. Current research lines are centered mainly on the evaluation of the health care process in cancer patients, focusing on breast and colon cancer screening, and the process’s impact on survival. 163


Marta Banqué Navarro (Researcher) Cristina Hernández Rodríguez (Technician) Andrea Buron Pust (Researcher) Francesc Assís Macià Guilà (Researcher) Xavier Castells Oliveres (Researcher) Esther Martínez Amor (Research Assistant) Pietro Chiarello (Technician) Marta Riu Camps (Technician) Mercè Comas Serrano (Researcher) Marta Román Expósito (Researcher) Francesc Cots Reguant (Researcher) Ana Isabel Romero Morales (Technician) Irene Fernández García (Research Assistant) Roser Terradas Robledo (Researcher) Priscila Giraldo Matamoros (Research Assistant) Isabel Torà Rocamora (Technician) Epidemiology and Public Health Epidemiology and Evaluation

Main Publications program. Breast Cancer Res Tr 2015; 149(1): 237-244. IF: 3.94. Q2. • Arrospide A, Rué M, van Ravesteyn NT, • Murta-Nascimento C, Romero A, Sala M, Comas M, Larrañaga N, Sarriugarte G, Mar Lorente JA, Bellmunt J, Juanpere N, Lloreta J. Evaluation of health benefits and harms J, Hospital A, Burón A, Castells X, Macià F. of the breast cancer screening programme The effect of smoking on prostate cancer in the Basque Country using discrete event survival: a cohort analysis in Barcelona. simulation. BMC Cancer 2015; 15: 671. IF: Eur J Cancer Prev 2015; 24(4): 335-339. IF: 3.362. Q2. 3.031. Q2. • Baré M, Torà N, Salas D, Sentís M, Ferrer J, • Sala M, Domingo L, Macià F, Comas Ibañez J, Zubizarreta R, Sarriugarte G, Barata M, Burón A, Castells X. Does digital T, Domingo L, Castells X, Sala M, On behalf mammography suppose an advance in of INCA Study Group (...,Blanch J, Comas M, early diagnosis? Trends in performance Macià F, Martínez J, Rodríguez-Arana AM, indicators 6 years after digitalization. Eur Román M, Romero A,...). Mammographic Radiol 2015; 25(3): 850-859. IF: 4.014. Q1. and clinical characteristics of different phenotypes of screen-detected and interval breast cancers in a nationwide screening program. Breast Cancer Res Tr 2015; 154(2): 403-415. IF: 3.94. Q2. • Castells X, Domingo L, Corominas JM, Torà- Rocamora I, Quintana MJ, Baré M, Vidal C, Natal C, Sánchez M, Saladie F, Ferrer J, Vernet MM, Servitja S, Rodríguez-Arana AM, Román M, Espinàs JA, Sala M, on behalf of the BELE Study Group (...,Burón A,...). Breast cancer risk after diagnosis by screening mammography of nonproliferative or proliferative benign breast disease: a study from a population-based screening IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 165

Ongoing Research Projects • Communication and apology after a medical error • Effect of interval cancer and screening >>Fundación Víctor Grífols i Lucas process on survival and disease-free >>From 2014 to 2015 interval in breast cancer >>Principal researcher: Giraldo Matamoros, >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Priscila (PI12/00387) >>From 2013 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Sala Serra, Maria Participation in Research Networks

• Determinants, evolution and biological • Research network on health services in characteristics of breast cancer detected chronical diseases – REDISSEC (Red de in a cohort of screened women Investigación en Servicios de Salud en >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Enfermedades Crónicas) (PI11/01296) >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII. >>From 2012 to 2015 Subprograma RETICS (RD12/0001/0015) >>Principal researcher: Castells Oliveres, Xavier >>Principal researcher: Sala Serra, Maria • Assessing the cost attributable to adverse events in hospitals of the Spanish Health System. CoNoCE Project Group’s Recognition (Costes de la No Calidad en España) • Officially recognised as a consolidated >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII research group by the Generalitat (PI11/01302) de Catalunya: Servei d’avaluació i >>From 2012 to 2015 epidemologia clínica. 2014 >>Principal researcher: Cots Reguant, Francesc >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de • Law and Health: Strategies for patient Recerca (SGR 427) safety >>Principal researcher: Castells Oliveres, Xavier >>Fundación Mapfre Medicina >>From 2014 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Giraldo Matamoros, Priscila Epidemiology and Public Health Epidemiology and Evaluation

Theses • Costes y tarifas GRD del SNS (Ref.10195- FIMIM) • Román, M. Evaluation of mammographic >>From 02/06/2015 to 02/06/2016 screening: the assessment of false >>Researcher: Cots Reguant, Francesc positive results, its associated factors, • Estimation of weights and costs of and its impact on women screened. the related groups by Diagnosis of the Ramon Llull University National Health System (Ref.10401- >>Directors: Castells, X; Rué, M. FIMIM) >>Date of defense: 25/06/2015 >>From 22/10/2015 to 02/02/2016 • Riu, M. Estudi de l’impacte de les >>Researcher: Cots Reguant, Francesc infeccions d’adquisició hospitalària en el cost de l’assistència. Autonomous ◗◗ Reports University of Barcelona >>Director: Cots, F. • Tebé C, Comas M, Castells X, Espallargues >>Date of defense: 11/12/2015 M. Economic evaluation of primary prevention of hip fractures by fragility: risk estimation and cost-effectiveness Others of treatment. Barcelona: Agència de • Creation and implementation of a Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalan benchmarking network of Catalunya; 2014. Publishers: Ministerio de hospital costs (Ref.10214-FIMIM) Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad and >>From 02/03/2015 to 02/03/2017 Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries >>Researcher: Cots Reguant, Francesc de Catalunya. Legal deposit: B. 6578-2015

More information at: 167 Health Services


Jordi Alonso Caballero Group Leader

Our group applies advanced epidemiologic and psychometric methods to produce new knowledge on the needs for healthcare and the outcomes of health services utilization. Our research interest focuses on the burden of common mental disorders and cancer. We use modern methods of measurement of health-related quality of life, well-being, function and disability. Besides research, we develop a number of educational, mentoring and knowledge transfer activities. Our team is composed by about 20 professionals with different backgrounds such as medicine, statistics, psychology, sociology, and economics. Our group is part of the CIBER in Epidemiology and Public Health (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and it is recognized as a Consolidated Research Group by AGAUR (DIUE, Generalitat de Catalunya). 169


Alfonso Antón López (Researcher) Carme Gasull Planes (Research Assistant) Mónica Marcela Ávila Pacheco (Technician) María Gimena Hernández Pombo (Technician) Purificación Barbas López (Research Assistant) David John Macfarlane Self (Technician) María Jesús Blasco Cubedo (Researcher) Marcos Martí Pastor (Researcher) Roser Busquets Domingo (Research Assistant) Luisa Áurea Martín Morris (Research Assistant) Pere Castellví Obiols (Researcher) Yolanda Pardo Cladellas (Researcher) Montserrat Ferrer Forés (Researcher) Àngels Pont Acuña (Technician) Carlos García Forero (Researcher) Gemma Vilagut Saiz (PhD Student) Olatz Garín Boronat (Researcher) Epidemiology and Public Health Health Services

Main Publications J Public Health 2015; 60(4): 495-504. IF 2.701. Q1. • Ávila M, Becerra V, Guedea F, Suárez JF, • McGrath JJ, Saha S, Al-Hamzawi AO, Fernández P, Macías V, Mariño A, Hervas Alonso J, Bromet EJ, Bruffaerts R, Caldas A, Herruzo I, Ortiz MJ, Ponce de León J, de Almeida JM, Chiu WT, De Jonge P, Sancho G, Cunillera O, Pardo Y, Cots F, Fayyad J, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Ferrer M, and the Multicentric Spanish Hu C, Kovess-Masféty V, Lépine JP, Lim Group of Clinically Localized Prostate CC, Medina-Mora ME, Navarro-Mateu Cancer (...,Alonso J, Garin O, Pont A,...). F, Ochoa S, Sampson NA, Scott K, Viana Estimating Preferences for Treatments in MC, Kessler RC. Psychotic Experiences in Patients With Localized Prostate Cancer. the General Population. A Cross-National Int J Radiat Oncol 2015; 91(2): 277-287. IF Analysis Based on 31.261 Respondents 4.258. Q1. From 18 Countries. JAMA Psychiatry 2015; • Barbaglia MG, Have MT, Dorsselaer 72(7): 697-705. IF 12.008. Q1. S, Alonso J, de Graaf R. Negative • Navarro-Mateu F, Tormo MJ, Salmerón socioeconomic changes and mental D, Vilagut G, Navarro C, Ruiz-Merino G, disorders: a longitudinal study. J Escámez T, Júdez J, Martínez S, Kessler RC, Epidemiol Community Health; 69(1): 55- Alonso J. Prevalence of Mental Disorders 62. IF 3.501. Q1. in the South-East of Spain, One of the • Dima AL, Hernández G, Cunillera O, Ferrer European Regions Most Affected by the M, de Bruin M, the ASTRO-LAB group. Economic Crisis: The Cross-Sectional Asthma inhaler adherence determinants PEGASUS-Murcia Project. PLoS ONE 2015; in adults: systematic review of 10(9): e0137293. IF 3.234. Q1. observational data. Eur Respir J 2015; • Olariu E, Forero CG, Castro-Rodríguez 45(4): 994-1018. IF 7.636. Q1. JI, Rodrigo-Calvo MT, Álvarez P, Martín- • Hollmann M, Borrell C, Garin O, López LM, Sánchez-Toro A, Adroher ND, Fernández E, Alonso J. Factors influencing Blasco-Cubedo MJ, Vilagut G, Fullana MA, publication of scientific articles derived Alonso J. Detection of anxiety disorders in from masters theses in public health. Int Primary Care: a meta-analysis of assisted IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 171

and unassisted diagnoses. Depress • Vilagut G, Forero CG, Adroher ND, Olariu Anxiety 2015; 32(7): 471-484. IF 4.407. Q1. E, Cella D, Alonso J, Mas MR, on behalf • Olaya B, Alonso J, Atwoli L, Kessler RC, of the INSAyD investigators (...,Álvarez- Vilagut G, Haro JM. Association between López P, Castro JI, Martín LM, Campillo traumatic events and post-traumatic M, Abellanas L, Garnier C, Reinoso M, stress disorder: Results from the ESEMeD- Barbaglia G, Fullana MA,...). Testing Spain study. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci 2015; the PROMIS® Depression measures 24(2): 172-183. IF 3.907. Q1. for monitoring depression in a clinical sample outside the US. J Psychiat Res • Silove D, Alonso J, Bromet EJ, Gruber MJ, 2015; 68: 140-150. IF 3.957. Q1. Sampson NA, Scott K, Andrade L, Benjet C, Caldas de Almeida JM, de Girolamo G, De Jonge P, Demyttenaere K, Fiestas Ongoing Research Projects F, Florescu S, Gureje O, He Y, Karam E, Lépine JP, Murphy S, Posada-Villa J, • ASTRO-LAB: Assessment of the safety Zarkov Z, Kessler RC. Pediatric-Onset and of LABAs in asthma in routine care by Adult-Onset Separation Anxiety Disorder combining health-care databases and Across Countries in the World Mental direct patient follow-up Health Survey. Am J Psychiatry 2015; >>European Commission (HEALTH-F5-2011-282593) 172(7): 647-656. IF 12.295. Q1. >>From 2011 to 2016 • Silove D, Alonso J, Bromet EJ, Gruber MJ, >>Principal researcher: Ferrer Forés, Montserrat Sampson NA, Scott K, Andrade L, Benjet • CaPROST10: Long-term effectiveness: C, Caldas de Almeida JM, de Girolamo 10 years follow-up of the “Spanish G, De Jonge P, Demyttenaere K, Fiestas multicentric study of localized prostate F, Florescu S, Gureje O, He Y, Karam cancer” cohort E, Lépine JP, Murphy S, Posada-Villa J, >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Zarkov Z, Kessler RC. Pediatric-Onset and (PI13/00412) Adult-Onset Separation Anxiety Disorder >>From 2014 to 2016 Across Countries in the World Mental >>Principal researcher: Garin Boronat, Olatz Health Survey. Am J Psychiatry 2015; 172(7): 647-656. IF 12.295. Q1. Epidemiology and Public Health Health Services

• EQ-5D: Coordinated study on the new Participation in Research Networks version of EuroQol (EQ-5D) for use in Spain. Subproject 1: Evaluation of the • CIBERESP: Epidemiología y salud pública metric benefits of the new EQ-5D-5L and >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (CB06/02/0046) reference standards >>Principal researcher: Alonso Caballero, >>Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER (PI12/00772) Jordi. Member of the steering committee >>From 2013 to 2016 CIBERESP >>Principal researcher: Ferrer Forés, Montserrat • Mental Health: calibration Group’s Recognitions and validation of a computerized Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement • Officially recognized as a consolidated Information System for mental health research group by the Generalitat de diagnosis and monitoring Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Serveis >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Sanitaris. 2015 (PI13/00506) >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de >>From 2014 to 2016 Recerca (AGAUR- SGR 748 DIUE Generalitat de >>Principal researcher: Vilagut Sanz, Gemma Catalunya) >>Principal Researcher: Alonso Caballero, Jordi • UNIVERSAL. University and Mental Health. Predictive Models for Suicidal Ideation and Behaviour in Spanish Theses University Students >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII • Pazos-López, M. Rat Optic Nerve Head (PI13/00343) Anatomy within Three-Dimensional >>From 2014 to 2016 Histomorphometric Reconstructions >>Principal researcher: Alonso Caballero, Jordi of Normal and Early Experimental Glaucoma Eyes. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Director: Burgoyne, C.F.; Antón, A.; Castilla, M. >>Date of defense: 28/12/2015 IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 173


• In 2015, some of our senior researchers achieved high cumulative citations: SCOPUS H-index: 85 (J. Alonso), 39 (M. Ferrer) and 37 (G. Vilagut). • J. Alonso has been appointed as a Board member of the PROMIS Health Organization (PHO). • M. Ferrer and J. Alonso organized the 2nd Scientific Meeting of BiblioPRO, 19/2/2015, PRBB-Barcelona with more than 150 attendees. • Dr. Montse Ferrer’s team has been chosen to participate in the first research study led by the Global Prostate Cancer Outcomes Network and funded by Movember Foundation.

More information at: Nursing Care


Silvia Esteban Sepúlveda Group Leader

The research group in nursing care arises from the need to formally integrate the Parc de Salut Mar nursing into the research field, encompassing all the parts of which it is comprised: Hospital del Mar, Hospital de l’Esperança, Centre Peracamps, Centre Forum, Centre Emili Mira and Escola Superior d’Infermeria del Mar.

The Group’s objective is to generate scientific nursing knowledge and to apply it to evidence-based assistance, with the ultimate aim of improving health, both in terms of care given to the patient and to the community.

It is worth noting that several members of the Group have participated or are actively involved in various national and international research projects.

The main lines of research will focus on training patients to manage their own health and the training of nurses who care for patients. 175


Tai Mooi Ho Wong (Technician) Laia Lacueva Pérez (Technician) Núria Orfila Tena (Technician) Rosa Villanueva Boloix (Technician) Epidemiology and Public Health Nursing Care


◗◗ Awards

• EDTNA/ERCA Manuscript & Scholarship Awards at the 44th EDTNA/ERCA International Conference in Dresden, Germany, 26th – 29th September 2015 >>1st Prize: A survey on nephrology nurses’ oral health knowledge and oral care practices. >>Authors: Ho, TM; Castillo, R; Junyent, E; Picart, MC >>Servei de Nefrologia, Hospital del Mar – Parc de Salut Mar

This group is newly created and therefore there is no information yet on publications and projects.

More information at: 177 Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology


Manolis Kogevinas Group Leader

The main research of the group is focused in environmental, occupational and genetic factors related to cancer, respiratory disease and child health. Among the main exposures, the group is focused on radiations (smartphones, UV, ionizing), water pollutants (disinfection by-products in drinking water and swimming pools), air pollution, transport and green spaces in urban areas, hormonal disruption, life style (diet, passive smoking), as well as occupational studies in cleaning workers and shift-work and circadian cycle disruption. In the last years we have applied new technologies to assess the exposure (e.g. Smartphones), extensively used new biomedical technologies (Exposome, biomarkers, genomics, epigenetics, metabolomics) and implemented complex statistics and bioinformatics methods. The group has an important international reputation and devotes considerable efforts in education, dissemination and knowledge transfer. 179


Lourdes Arjona Camí (Technician) Gemma Castaño Vinyals (Research Assistant) Anna Delgado Llobet (Technician) Laia Font Ribera (Technician) Cristina Villanueva (Researcher) Epidemiology and Public Health Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology

Publications as IMIM Associated • Papantoniou K, Castaño-Vinyals G, Group Espinosa A, Aragonés N, Pérez-Gómez B, Burgos J, Gómez-Acebo I, Llorca J, Peiró R, • Figueroa JD, Koutros S, Colt JS, Kogevinas Jiménez-Moleón JJ, Arredondo F, Tardón M, García-Closas M, Real FX, Friesen MC, A, Pollan M, Kogevinas M. Night shift Baris D, Stewart P, Schwenn M, Johnson work, chronotype and prostate cancer A, Karagas MR, Armenti KR, Moore LE, risk in the MCC-Spain case-control study. Schned A, Lenz P, Prokunina-Olsson L, Int J Cancer 2015; 137(5): 1147-1157. IF 5.085. Banday AR, Paquin A, Ylaya K, Chung JY, Q1. Hewitt SM, Nickerson ML, Tardón A, Serra • Papantoniou K, Pozo O, Espinosa A, C, Carrato A, García-Closas R, Lloreta J, Marcos J, Castaño-Vinyals G, Basagaña Malats N, Fraumeni JF Jr, Chanock SJ, X, Juanola-Pagès E, Mirabent J, Martín Chatterjee N, Rothman N, Silverman DT. J, Such P, Gascó-Aparici A, Middleton B, Modification of Occupational Exposures Skene DJ, Kogevinas M. Increased and on Bladder Cancer Risk by Common mistimed sex hormone production in Genetic Polymorphisms. J Natl Cancer night shift workers. Cancer Epidemiol Inst 2015;107(11): djv223. IF 12.583. Q1. Biomark & Prev 2015; 24(5): 854-863. IF • O’Callaghan-Gordo C, Fthenou E, 4.125. Q1. Pedersen M, Espinosa A, Chatzi L, • Pearce NE, Blair A, Vineis P, Ahrens W, Beelen R, Chalkiadaki G, Decordier I, Andersen A, Antó JM, Armstrong BK, Hoek G, Merlo DF, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Baccarelli AA, Beland FA, Berrington A, Roumeliotaki T, Vafeiadi M, Loock KV, Bertazzi PA, Birnbaum LS, et al. IARC Kleinjans J, Stephanou E, Kirsch-Volders Monographs: 40 Years of Evaluating M, Kogevinas M. Outdoor air pollution Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans. exposures and micronuclei frequencies in Environ Health Perspect 2015; 123(6): 507- lymphocytes from pregnant women and 514. IF 7.977. Q1. newborns in Crete, Greece (Rhea cohort). Environ Res 2015; 143(Pt A): 170-6. IF 4.373. • Pedersen M, Méndez MA, Schoket B, Q1. Godschalk RW, Espinosa A, Landström A, Villanueva CM, Merlo DF, Fthenou IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 181

E, Gracia E, van Schooten FJ, Hoek G, Brunborg G, Meltzer HM, Alexander J, Nielsen JK, Sunyer J, Wright J, Kovács K, de Hoogh K, Gutzkow KB, Hardie LJ, Chatzi L, Knudsen LE, Anna L, Ketzel M, Haugen M, Botsivali M, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Cirach M, Toledano MB, Smith RB, Fleming S, Agramunt S, Kyrtopoulos S, Lukács V, Kleinjans J, Segerback D, Kogevinas M. Environmental, Dietary, Maternal, and Fetal Predictors of Bulky DNA Adducts in Cord Blood: A European Mother-Child Study (NewGeneris). Environ Health Perspect 2015; 123(4): 374-380. IF 7.977. Q1. • Sampson JN, Wheeler W, Yeager M, Panagiotou O, Wang Z, Berndt SI, Lan Q, Abnet CC, Amundadottir L, Figueroa JD, Landi MT, Mirabello L, et al. Analysis of Heritability and Shared Heritability Based on Genome-Wide Association Studies for Thirteen Cancer Types. J Natl Cancer Inst 2015; 107(12): djv279. IF 12.583. Q1.

More information at: Respiratory Health, Air Pollution, Childhood Development


Jordi Sunyer Deu Group Leader

Pre and post-natal life are critical periods in the origins of chronic diseases, such as obesity, the metabolic syndrome, cognitive development, and the origins of asthma and allergy. The major scientific objective of the group is to perform epidemiological studies on the early life origins of the neurodevelopment, the obesity and metabolic syndrome and allergy and asthma. 183


Josep M. Antó Boqué (Researcher) Mònica López Vicente (PhD Student) Anne-Elie Carsin (Technician) Mariona Pinart Gilberga (Researcher) Silvia Fochs Casas (Technician) Gemma Punyet Ribes (Research Assistant) Jordi Júlvez Calvo (Researcher) Epidemiology and Public Health Respiratory Health, Air Pollution, Childhood Development

Publications as IMIM Associated primary schoolchildren. Proc Natl Acad Group Sci U S A 2015; 112: 7937-7942. IF 9.674. Q1. • Gascón M, Casas M, Morales E, Valvi D, • Agay-Shay K, Martínez D, Valvi D, García- Ballesteros-Gómez A, Luque N, Rubio Esteban R, Basagaña X, Robinson O, Casas S, Monfort N, Ventura R, Martínez D, M, Sunyer J, Vrijheid M. Exposure to Sunyer J, Vrijheid M. Prenatal exposure Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals during to bisphenol A and phthalates and Pregnancy and Weight at 7 Years of Age: childhood respiratory tract infections A Multi-pollutant Approach. Environ and allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2015; Health Perspect 2015; 123(10): 1030-1037. 135(2): 370-378.e7. IF 11.476. Q1. IF 7.977. Q1. • Gascón M, Vrijheid M, Garí M, Fort M, • Basagaña X, Jacquemin B, Karanasiou A, Grimalt JO, Martínez D, Torrent M, Ostro B, Querol X, Agis D, Alessandrini Guxens M, Sunyer J. Temporal trends in E, Alguacil J, Artiñano B, Catrambone M, concentrations and total serum burdens de la Rosa JD, Díaz J, Faustini A, Ferrari of organochlorine compounds from S, Forastiere F, Katsouyanni K, Linares C, birth until adolescence and the role of Perrino C, Ranzi A, Ricciardelli I, Samoli breastfeeding. Environ Int 2015; 74: 144- E, Zauli-Sajani S, Sunyer J, Stafoggia 151. IF 5.559. Q1. M, on behalf of the MED-PARTICLES Study group. Short-term effects of • Guerra S, Halonen M, Vasquez MM, particulate matter constituents on daily Spangenberg A, Stern DA, Morgan WJ, hospitalizations and mortality in five Wright AL, Lavi I, Tares L, Carsin AE, South-European cities: Results from the Dobaño C, Barreiro E, Zock JP, Martínez- MED-PARTICLES project. Environ Res 2015; Moratalla J, Urrutia I, Sunyer J, Keidel D, 75: 151-158. IF 4.373. Q1. Imboden M, Probst-Mensch NM, Hallberg J, Melen E, Wickman M, Bousquet J, • Dadvand P, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Esnaola Belgrave DC, Simpson A, Custovic A, M, Forns J, Basagaña X, Álvarez-Pedrerol Antó JM, Martínez FD. Relation between M, Rivas I, López-Vicente M, de Castro M, circulating CC16 concentrations, lung Su J, Jerrett M, Querol X, Sunyer J. Green function, and development of chronic spaces and cognitive development in obstructive pulmonary disease across IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 185

the lifespan: a prospective study. Lancet • Sunyer J, Esnaola M, Álvarez-Pedrerol M, Respir Med 2015; 3(8): 613-620. IF 9.629. Forns J, Rivas I, López-Vicente M, Suades- Q1. González E, Foraster M, García-Esteban • Morales E, García-Esteban R, Asensio R, Basagaña X, Viana M, Cirach M, de la Cruz O, Basterrechea M, Lertxundi Moreno T, Alastuey A, Sebastián-Gallés N, A, Martínez López de Dicastillo MD, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Querol X. Association Zabaleta C, Sunyer J. Intrauterine and between Traffic-Related Air Pollution in early postnatal exposure to outdoor air Schools and Cognitive Development in pollution and lung function at preschool Primary School Children: A Prospective age. Thorax 2015; 70(1): 64-73. IF 8.29. Q1. Cohort Study. PLoS Med 2015; 12(3): e1001792. IF 14.429. Q1. • Morales E, Júlvez J, Torrent M, Ballester F, Rodríguez-Bernal CL, Andiarena A, Vegas • Valvi D, Casas M, Romaguera D, Monfort O, Castilla AM, Rodríguez-Dehli C, Tardón N, Ventura R, Martínez D, Sunyer J, A, Sunyer J. Vitamin D in Pregnancy Vrijheid M. Prenatal Phthalate Exposure and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and Childhood Growth and Blood Disorder-like Symptoms in Childhood. Pressure: Evidence from the Spanish Epidemiology 2015; 26(4): 458-465. IF INMA-Sabadell Birth Cohort Study. 6.196. Q1. Environ Health Perspect 2015; 123(10): 1022-1029. IF 7.977. Q1.

More information at: Social Epidemiology and Occupational Health


Fernando García Benavides Group Leader

The Research Group in Social Epidemiology and Occupational Health (CISAL-UPF) is a CEXS-UPF research group that is associated with the IMIM and CIBERESP, and is recognized as a consolidated group by the AGAUR.

CISAL-UPF studies occupational health issues with important implications for employees, businesses and governments that are particularly relevant for social welfare systems. It aims for its research to be of use in improving worker health, evaluating the impact of preventive programmes in the workplace, and informing health policy priorities.

CISAL-UPF research focuses on a range of contemporary work related health problems including, but not limited to, musculoskeletal disorders, workplace injuries, workplace prevention programs; and the determinants of sickness absence and temporary/permanent disability. Its research also emphasizes vulnerable groups of workers, with a focus on population ageing, women, migrants, and precarious employment.

CISAL-UPF is involved in the development of new measurement tools for the Spanish workforce, and surveys of working conditions and health; it is also involved in ongoing research collaboration with institutes in Europe, North America and Latin America. 187


Jordi Delclòs Clanchet (Researcher) Bárbara Pons Pons (Research Assistant) Xavier Duran Jordà (Researcher) José María Ramada Rodilla (Researcher) Montserrat Fernàndez Busquets (Research Albert Sánchez Niubó (Researcher) Assistant) Consol Serra Pujadas (Researcher) David Gimeno Ruiz de Porras (Researcher) Mónica Ubalde López (PhD Student) Maria Andrée López Gómez (PhD Student) Sergio Vargas Prada Figueroa (Researcher) María López Ruiz (PhD Student) Rocío Villar Vinuesa (PhD Student) Pamela Alexandra Merino Salazar (PhD Student) Elena Zaballa Lasala (PhD Student) Joan Mirabent Domingo (Technician) Epidemiology and Public Health Social Epidemiology and Occupational Health

Publications as IMIM Associated Ongoing Research Projects Group in Collaboration with IMIM

• Benavides FG, Duran X, Gimeno D, • Welfare state and health: labour Vanroelen C, Martínez-Martínez JM. Labour trajectories disability and mortality in a market trajectories and early retirement social security affiliated cohort. 2004- due to permanent disability: a study based 2013 on 14 972 new cases in Spain. Eur J Public >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Health 2015; 25(4): 673-677. IF 2.591. Q1. (PI14/00057) >>From 2015 to 2017 • Bernal D, Campos-Serna J, Tobias A, >>Principal researcher: García Benavides, Vargas-Prada S, Benavides FG, Serra C. Fernando Work-related psychosocial risk factors and • Intervention assessment of participative musculoskeletal disorders in hospital nurses ergonomics in nurses on hospital and nursing aides: A systematic review and >>Col·legi Oficial d’Infermeria de Barcelona (PR- meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud 2015; 52(2): 1805/13) 635-648. IF 2.901. Q1. >>From 2013 to 2015 • Ruotsalainen JH, Verbeek JH, Mariné A, >>Principal researcher: Mirabent Domingo, Joan Serra C. Preventing occupational stress in healthcare workers. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015; 4: CD002892. IF 6.032. Q1. • Vizcaya D, Mirabelli M, Gimeno D, Antó JM, Delclòs GL, Rivera M, Orriols R, Arjona L, Burgos F, Zock JP. Cleaning products and short-term respiratory effects among female cleaners with asthma. Occup Environ Med 2015; 72(11): 757-763. IF 3.267. Q1.

More information at: 189 PROGRAMME Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders

Miguel López-Botet Arbona Programme Director The programme is made up of the following research groups:

B Cell Biology Andrea Cerutti

Biomedical Research into Heart Diseases Josep Comín

Cell Research on Inflammation and Cartilage Inflammatory and Neurovascular Pedro Benito Neoplastic Dermatological Jaume Roquer Critical Illness Diseases Rehabilitation Joan Ramon Masclans Ramon M. Pujol Esther Duarte Hepatologic Research Kidney Disease Ricard Solà Julio Pascual The programme has one Immunity and Infection Musculoskeletal Research associated group: Miguel López-Botet Xavier Nogués Genetic Causes of Disease Infectious Pathology and Myogenesis, Inflammation Xavier Estivill Antimicrobial Research and Muscle Function Juan Pablo Horcajada Joaquim Gea 191

The programme was primarily organized to Personnel integrate the research interests from different 199 clinical services at Hospital del Mar, related to major health problems in our population.

Shared knowledge on the genetic basis and the Publications pathophysiology of inflammatory processes was considered an operational link to promote internal 283 interactions. Currently, RICAD gathers 14 research groups, 4 created along the past two years. Most group leaders are researchers from Parc de Salut Mar (PSMar) with clinical duties, and three have expertise in basic research on Immunology / Genetics. Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders

According to their profile, every funded by the Instituto de Salud group has a specific laboratory Carlos III. Moreover, an increased and/or office space assigned at number of productive collaborations, IMIM premises, facilitating access both internal and with other IMIM to infrastructures and shared programmes is progressively core facilities, as well as scientific being achieved, illustrated by the interactions with other institutions participation in coordinated projects located at the Barcelona Biomedical and co-authored publications. In Research Park (PRBB). Conditioning of this regard, a joint effort carried out additional laboratory space required with the Cancer programme focused to allocate new groups will require on tumor immunology has recently institutional investment. Most obtained competitive funding from RICAD groups participate in teaching national and international sources. activities, training PhD students as To further strengthen RICAD’s quality well as medical residents. standards in translational research, Overall, RICAD’s contribution several challenges deserve special to IMIM’s income and external attention e.g. increasing leadership visibility in 2015 was satisfactory in original publications with good according to the rate of indexed visibility scores, reaching a greater publications, competitive research degree of internationalization and grants obtained and clinical trials transfer activities, and fostering developed. Most RICAD groups the selective integration of young participate in national research researchers in research. Considering networks (RETICs and CIBERs) the high proportion of hospital- IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 193

based groups, RICAD’s overall activity is particularly vulnerable to an increase of health-care pressure, limiting time availability for research. In this regard, we expect that positioning of RICAD researchers in the framework of the future Parc de Salut Mar strategic plan will be favorable. B Cell Biology


Andrea Cerutti Group Leader (ICREA Professor)

In the B Cell Biology research group we take advantage of different cellular, histological and molecular techniques to address basic questions related to the regulation of B cell activation and antibody production. B cells are a type of lymphocyte whose main function is to fight infections by producing antibodies. Our research group is especially interested in the immunoglobulin (Ig) class switching of the antibody heavy chains. By substituting IgM with IgG, IgA or IgE, class switching provides antibodies with novel effect or functions without changing their antigen specificity. Our overall goal is to dissect the mechanisms by which different subsets of systemic and mucosal B cells regulate class switching in response to signals from microbial products and innate immune cells. 195


Sabrina Daniela Bascones Gleave (PhD Student) Giuliana Magri (Researcher) Nerea Castro Rodríguez (Technician) Marc Pybus Oliveras (Researcher) Laura Comerma Blesa (Researcher) Jordi Sintes Castro (Researcher) David Lligé Santafé (Technician) Ada Yeste Bornal (Technician) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders B Cell Biology

Main Publications Ongoing Research Projects

• De Inocencio J, Mensa-Vilaró A, Tejada- • Estudio de la respuesta humoral en la Palacios P, Enríquez-Merayo E, González- mucosa respiratoria: papel de la IgD Roca E, Magri G, Ruiz-Ortiz E, Cerutti >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad A, Yagüe J, Aróstegui JI. Somatic NOD2 (SAF2014-52483-R) mosaicism in Blau syndrome. J Allergy >>From 2015 to 2017 Clin Immunol 2015; 136(2): 484-487.e2. IF >>Principal researcher: Cerutti, Andrea 11.476. Q1. • Innate Signalling Networks in B–Cell • Magri G, Cerutti A. Copycat innate Antibody Production: New Targets for lymphoid cells dampen gut Vaccine Development (ERC GRANT) inflammation. Cell Res 2015; 25(9): 991- >>European Community (294561) 992. IF 12.413. Q1. >>From 2012 to 2017 >>Principal researcher: Cerutti, Andrea • Magri G, Cerutti A. Role of group 3 innate lymphoid cells in antibody production. • Regulación de linfocitos B humanos de la Curr Opin Immunol 2015; 33: 36-42. IF zona marginal por neutrófilos 7.478. Q1. >>Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SAF2011-25241) >>From 2012 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Cerutti, Andrea • Regulation and function of IgD in systemic lupus erythematosus >>European Community (PIRG-08-GA-2010-276928) >>From 2011 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Cerutti, Andrea IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 197

Group’s Recognitions Other

• Officially recognized as a consolidated ◗ research group by the Generalitat de ◗ Breakthrough Award Catalunya: Grup de Biologia de les • Role of gut mucins in tolerance and Cèl·lules B. 2014 inflammation >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de >>Agency: Kenneth Rainin Foundation Recerca (SGR 832) >>Principal researcher: Cerutti, Andrea >>Principal researcher: Cerutti, Andrea

◗◗ Innovation Award Theses • Role of gut mucins in tolerance and • Cassis, L. Role of Progranulin in Humoral inflammation Immunity. Pompeu Fabra University >>Agency: Kenneth Rainin Foundation >>Director: Cerutti, A. >>Principal researcher: Cerutti, Andrea >>Date of defense: 29/10/2015 >>Support dates: 01/01/14-12/31/15

More information at: Biomedical Research into Heart Diseases


Josep Comín Colet Group Leader

The group’s multidisciplinary vocation is to generate new scientific knowledge that connects basic research with the most practical aspects of patient care, in collaboration with other groups of the Programme, in order to build a translational research philosophy with an impact on reducing the morbidity and mortality of heart diseases. This objective must materialize in the publication of biomedical studies of great impact and the attainment of competitive financing. 199


Neus Badosa Marce (Technician) Anna Maria Linàs Alonso (Technician) Begoña Benito Villabriga (Researcher) Julio Martí Almor (Researcher) Jordi Bruguera Cortada (Researcher) Oona Meroño Dueñas (PhD Student) Paula Cabero Cereto (Technician) Lluís Molina Ferragut (Researcher) Sandra Cabrera Gómez (Technician) Pedro Moliner Borja (PhD Student) Mercè Cladellas Capdevila (Researcher) Lluís Recasens Gràcia (Researcher) Cristina Enjuanes Grau (PhD Student) Núria Ribas Barquet (PhD Student) Núria Farré López (Researcher) María Pilar Ruiz Rodríguez (Technician) Marina García Rodríguez (Technician) Sonia Ruiz Bustillo (Researcher) Anna García-Elías Heras (Researcher) Cristina Soler Ayats (Technician) Paloma Garcimartín Cerezo (PhD Student) Marta Tajes Orduña (Researcher) Marta Gimeno López (Research Assistant) Helena Tizón Marcos (Researcher) Miquel Gómez Pérez (Researcher) Ermengol Vallès Gras (Researcher) Anna Herranz Blasco (Technician) Beatriz Vaquerizo Montilla (Researcher) Consol Ivern Díaz (Technician) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Biomedical Research into Heart Diseases

Main Publications G, Ruschitzka F, Anker SD, and for the CONFIRM-HF Investigators. Beneficial • Farré N, Aranyó J, Enjuanes C, Verdú effects of long-term intravenous iron JM, Ruiz-Bustillo S, González-Robledo therapy with ferric carboxymaltose in G, Meroño O, de Ramón M, Moliner patients with symptomatic heart failure P, Bruguera J, Comín J. Differences in and iron deficiency. Eur Heart J 2015; 36 neurohormonal activity partially explain (11): 657-668. IF 15.203. Q1. the obesity paradox in patients with • Ponikowski P, Filippatos G, Comín J, heart failure: The role of sympathetic Willenheimer R, Dickstein K, Lüscher activation. Int J Cardiol 2015; 181: 120-126. T, Gaudesius G, von Eisenhart Rothe B, IF 4.036. Q1. Mori C, Greenlaw N, Ford I, Macdougall • Gómez-Pérez MA, Ble M, Cladellas M, I, Anker SD; FAIR-HF Trial Investigators. Molina L, Comín J, Enjuanes C, Roqueta The impact of intravenous ferric C, Soler C, Bruguera J. Effect of Correction carboxymaltose on renal function: an of Anemia on Echocardiographic and analysis of the FAIR-HF study. Eur J Heart Clinical Parameters in Patients With Failure 2015; 17(3): 329-39. IF 6.526. Q1. Aortic Stenosis Involving a Three-Cuspid • Van der Wal HH, Comín J, Klip IT, Aortic Valve and Normal Left Ventricular Enjuanes C, Grote Beverborg N, Voors AA, Ejection Fraction. Am J Cardiol 2015; 116 Banasiak W, van Veldhuisen DJ, Bruguera (2): 270-274. IF 3.276. Q2. J, Ponikovwski P, Jankowska EA, van der • Nieminen MS, Buerke M, Parissis J, Ben Meer P. Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency Gal T, Pollesello P, Kivikko M, Karavidas A, in chronic heart failure. Heart 2015; 101(4): Severino P, Comín J, Wikström G, Fedele F. 302-310. IF 5.595. Q1. Pharmaco-economics of levosimendan in cardiology: A European perspective. Int J Cardiol 2015; 199: 337-341. IF 4.036. Q1. • Ponikovwski P, van Veldhuisen DJ, Comín- Colet J, Ertl G, Komajda M, Mareev V, McDonagh T, Parkhomenko A, Tavazzi L, Levesque V, Mori C, Roubert B, Filippatos IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 201

Ongoing Research Projects • Estudio de la fibrilación auricular silente en pacientes con ictus criptogénico. • Nuevas vías fisiopatológicas implicadas Papel de las nuevas tecnologías y nuevos en la alteración del metabolismo del marcadores biológicos hierro en pacientes con insuficiencia >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII cardiaca a través del análisis del (PI13/01830) transcriptoma >>From 2014 to 2016 >>Sociedad Española de Cardiología-SEC >>Principal researcher: Benito Villabriga, Begoña >>From 2015 to 2016 • Avaluació de la intervenció educativa >>Principal researcher: Comín Colet, Josep infermera: valoració de la qualitat de vida • Projecte NEURO-SCA. Estudi de la funció i capacitat funcional en el pacient sotmès cognitiva en pacients amb síndrome a una cirurgia valvular coronaria aguda. Alteració en l’estructura >>Col·legi Oficial d’Infermeria de Barcelona cerebral i relació amb la inflamació, (PR-1811/13) l’estrès oxidatiu i el dèficit de ferro >>From 2013 to 2016 >>Societat Catalana de Cardiologia-SCC >>Principal researcher: Cabero Cereto, Paula >>From 2015 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Meroño Dueñas, Oona Group’s Recognitions • Estudio y evolución del déficit de hierro en los pacientes con cardiopatías • Officially recognized as a emergent agudas: papel del estrés oxidativo y la research group by the Generalitat de inflamación Catalunya: Grup de Recerca Biomèdica en >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Malalties del Cor (GREC). 2014 (PI14/00175) >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de >>From 2015 to 2017 Recerca (SGR 446) >>Principal researcher: Cladellas Capdevila, Mercè >>Principal researcher: Comín Colet, Josep Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Biomedical Research into Heart Diseases

Participation in Research Networks Theses

• Red Cardiovascular • Benito-Villabriga, B. Remodelado cardíaco >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII y susceptibilidad a arritmias tras ejercicio (RD12/0042/0002) crónico intenso: estudio de mecanismos >>Researcher: Comín Colet, Josep implicados. University of Barcelona >>Directors: Mont, L.; Brugada, J. Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 >>Date of defense: 30/09/2015 • Bisbe, E. Utilitat del ferro endovenós per • Phase III studies: 4 (2014/5909, al tractament de l’anèmia en cirurgia 2014/5945, 2014/5985, 2015/6436) ortopèdica. Autonomous University of • Phase IV studies: 1 (2015/6012) Barcelona • Healthcare products studies: 3 >>Directors: Cáceres-Palou, E.; Monllau, J.C.; Cladellas, M. (2014/5949, 2015/6246, 2015/6460) >>Date of defense: 06/11/2015 • Observational studies: 3 (2015/6109, • Rodríguez-García, E. Activación del 2015/6164, 2015/6381) sistema del complemento en la insuficiencia renal aguda y su relación con otras vías inflamatorias. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Director: Pascual, J.; Cladellas, M. >>Date of defense: 07/10/2015

More information at: 203 Cell Research on Inflammation and Cartilage


Pedro Benito Ruiz Group Leader

Our group comprises multidisciplinary researchers with skills on orthopaedic surgery, rheumatology and biology, with wide experience in clinical and biomedical research in the field of clinical surgery and degenerative diseases, mainly focused on the response to drug and surgical treatment in joint diseases. 205


Josep Blanch Rubio (Researcher) Santos Martínez Díaz (Researcher) Jordi Carbonell Abelló (Researcher) Jordi Monfort Faure (Researcher) Manel Ciria Recasens (Researcher) Juan Carlos Monllau (Researcher) Marcos Cruz Sánchez (PhD Student) Daniel Pérez Prieto (Researcher) Aina Farran Díaz Cano (Technician) Laura Tío Barrera (Researcher) Marina López Ruiz (Technician) Raúl Torres Claramunt (Researcher) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Cell Research on Inflammation and Cartilage

Publications Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2015; 23(1): 334-339. IF 3.053. Q1. • Alentorn-Geli E, Pelfort X, Mingo F, • Gelber PE, Masferrer-Pino A, Erquicia Lizano-Díez X, Leal J, Torres R, Hinarejos JI, Abat F, Pelfort X, Rodríguez-Baeza P, Puig L, Monllau JC. An Evaluation of A, Monllau JC. Femoral Tunnel Drilling the Association Between Radiographic Angles for Posteromedial Corner Intercondylar Notch Narrowing and Reconstructions of the Knee. Arthroscopy Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Men: 2015; 31(9): 1764-1771. IF 3.206. Q1. The Notch Angle Is a Better Parameter Than Notch Width. Arthroscopy 2015; • Guirro P, Hinarejos P, Pelfort X, Leal- 31(10): 2004-2013. IF 3.206. Q1. Blanquet J, Torres-Claramunt R, Puig- Verdie L. Long term follow-up of • Blanco FJ, Möller I, Romera M, Rozadilla successfully treated superficial wound A, Sánchez-Lázaro JA, Rodríguez A, Gálvez infections following TKA. J Arthroplasty J, Forés J, Monfort J, Ojeda S, Moragues 2015; 30(1): 101-103. IF 2.666. Q1. C, Caracuel MA, Clavaguera T, Valdés C, Soler JM, Orellana C, Belmonte MA, • La Porta C, Bura SA, Llorente- Martín F, Giménez S, Ucar E, Pous J, Onaindia J, Pastor A, Navarrete F, Bartolomé N, Artieda M, Szczypiorska García-Gutiérrez MS, de la Torre R, M, Tejedor D, Martínez A, Montell E, Manzanares J, Monfort J, Maldonado Martínez H, Herrero M, Verges J, the R. Role of the endocannabinoid system Arthrotest Study Group (...,Montañes in the emotional manifestations of FJ,...). Improved prediction of knee osteoarthritis pain. Pain 2015; 156(10): osteoarthritis progression by genetic 2001-2012. IF 5.213. Q1. polymorphisms: the Arthrotest Study. • Martel-Pelletier J, Farran A, Montell E, Rheumatology 2015; 54(7): 1236-1243. IF Verges J, Pelletier JP. Discrepancies in 4.475. Q1. composition and biological effects of • Gelber PE, Isart A, Erquicia JI, Pelfort X, different formulations of chondroitin Tey-Pons M, Monllau JC. Partial meniscus sulfate. Molecules 2015; 20(3): 4277-4289. substitution with a polyurethane scaffold IF 2.416. Q2. does not improve outcome after an open- • Monfort J, Rotes-Sala D, Segalés N, wedge high tibial osteotomy. Knee Surg Montañes FJ, Orellana C, Llorente- IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 207

Onaindia J, Mojal S, Padró I, Benito Group’s Recognitions P. Comparative efficacy of intra- articular hyaluronic acid and corticoid • Officially recognized as a consolidated injections in osteoarthritis of the first research group by the Generalitat carpometacarpal joint: results of a de Catalunya: Unitat de Recerca en 6-month single-masked randomized Fisiopatologia Òssia i Articular (URFOA). study. Joint Bone Spine 2015; 82(2): 116- >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 775) 121. IF 2.901. Q2. >>Principal researcher: Nogués Solan, Xavier • Portillo ME, Salvadó M, Trampuz A, Siverio A, Alier A, Sorli L, Martínez-Díaz Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 S, Pérez-Prieto D, Horcajada JP, Puig L. Improved Diagnosis of Orthopedic • Phase III studies: 4 (2015/6142; 2015/6318) Implant-Associated Infections by Inoculation of Sonication Fluid into Blood Culture Bottles. J Clin Microbiol 2015; 53(5): 1622-1627. IF 3.993. Q1.

Ongoing Research Projects

• Identificació de diferents isoformes de MMP-13 en individus artròsics. Caracterització de les seves capacitats catalítiques >>Societat Catalana de Reumatologia >>Principal researcher: Monfort Faure, Jordi • Dolor femoropatelar post-meniscectomía artroscópica >>Asociación Española de Artroscopia – AEA >>From 2015 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Pérez Prieto, Daniel Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Cell Research on Inflammation and Cartilage

Theses • Aguilera, J. Ácido tranexámico en cirugía protésica de rodilla. Autonomous • Bisbe, E. Utilitat del ferro endovenós per University of Barcelona al tractament de l’anèmia en cirurgia >>Directors: Videla, S.; Lamas, C.; Monllau, J.C. ortopèdica. Autonomous University of >>Date of defense: 12/11/2015 Barcelona >>Directors: Cáceres-Palou, E.; Monllau, J.C.; Cladellas, M. Other >>Date of defense: 06/11/2015

• Pelfort, X. Utilitat de l’algometria de ◗◗ Awards pressió en el diagnòstic i seguiment del dolor tibial al compartiment medial • “Osteoarthiritis Laboratory” recived the del genoll var i al de la punta de tija Best idea 2015 award in the category of protètica. Autonomous University of Research and Pharmacology “, conceded Barcelona by Diario Médico. >>Directors: Puig, L.; Monllau, J.C.; Cáceres-Palou, E. >>Date of defense: 12/03/2015 • Tey, M. Estudio de la función del rodete acetabular en la biomecánica de la cadera: estudio cadavérico de la repercusión de la lesión y la reparación del rodete acetabular en la cinética articular de la cadera >>Directors: Cáceres-Palou, E.; Reina de la Torre, F.; Monllau, J.C. >>Date of defense: 27/04/2015

More information at: 209 Critical Illness


Joan Ramon Masclans Enviz Group Leader

The Critical Illness Research Group (GREPAC) aims at contributing to elucidate the mechanism involved in the onset and progression of different illnesses that cause a reversible dysfunction to one or more organs placing the patient’s life at risk. To do this, our research includes clinical research on patients, and also experimental models. These models allow us to study the molecular mechanisms involved in these processes and to identify therapeutic targets and new strategies against these illnesses and, whenever possible, to anticipate ourselves to these cascades to avoid more illnesses and multi-organ dysfunction.

The Critical Illness Research Group conceived Intensive Medicine research from a translational, clinical and multi-disciplinary approach; hence, another important objective is to further study new strategies and treatments by conducting controlled clinical trials and observational projects with a high interest, participating at all possible levels of commitment: as promoters, lead researchers, collaborators in multi-center projects and developing our own projects. 211


Francisco Álvarez Lerma (Researcher) Judith Marín Corral (Researcher) Yolanda Díaz Buendía (Researcher) Joan Nolla Salas (Researcher) Irene Dot Jordana (Researcher) Purificación Pérez Terán (Researcher) Marta Gas Amat (Research Assistant) Antonia Vázquez Sánchez (Researcher) María Pilar Gracía Arnillas (Researcher) Ana Zapatero Ferrándiz (Researcher) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Critical Illness

Main Publications in Severe sepsIS Study Investigators (...,Álvarez-Lerma F,...). Talactoferrin in • Ohneberg K, Wolkewitz M, Beyersmann Severe Sepsis: Results From the Phase II/ J, Palomar-Martínez M, Olaechea PM, III Oral tAlactoferrin in Severe sepsIS Trial. Álvarez-Lerma F, Schumacher M. Analysis Crit Care Med 2015; 43(9): 1832-1838. IF of Clinical Cohort Data Using Nested 6.312. Q1. Case-control and Case-cohort Sampling Designs. A Powerful and Economical Tool. Method Inform Med 2015; 54(4): 505-514. Ongoing Research Projects IF 2.248. Q1. • Papel del eje IL-33 /ST2 en el diagnóstico, • Pérez-Terán P, Roca O, Rodríguez- pronóstico y tratamiento del Síndrome de Palomares J, Sacanell J, Leal S, Solé J, distrés respiratorio agudo Rochera MI, Román A, Ruiz-Rodríguez >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII JC, Gea J, Evangelista A, Masclans JR. (PI14/01420) Influence of right ventricular function >>From 2015 to 2017 on the development of primary graft >>Principal researcher: Masclans Enviz, Joan dysfunction after lung transplantation. J Ramon Heart Lung Transpl 2015; 34(11): 1423-1429. • Papel del eje IL-33 /ST2 en el diagnóstico, IF 6.65. Q1. pronóstico y tratamiento del Síndrome de • Sakr Y, Alhussami I, Nanchal R, Wunderink distrés respiratorio agudo RG, Pellis T, Wittebole X, Martín-Loeches >>Fundación Española del Enfermo Crítico (FEEC) I, Francois b, Leone M, Vincent JL, >>From 2015 to 2017 Intensive Care Over Nations Investigators >>Principal researcher: Marín Corral, Judith (...,Álvarez-Lerma F,...). Being Overweight Is Associated With Greater Survival in ICU Participation in Research Networks Patients: Results From the Intensive Care Over Nations Audit. Crit Care Med 2015; Joan Ramon Masclans is coordinator of: 43(12): 2623-2632. IF 6.312 Q1. • Scientific Committee of CISA • Vincent JL, Marshall JC, Dellinger RP, (Cooperación Iberoamericana de Soporte Simonson SG, Guntupalli K, Levy MM, Respiratorio de Alto Flujo) Singer M, Malik R, Oral tAlactoferrin IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 213

• Scientific Committeee of Hispaflow Theses (Grupo Multidisciplinario Español de Alto Flujo en Adultos) • Pérez, M. Grip i insuficiència respiratòria aguda. Autonomous University of Joan Ramon Masclans is member of: Barcelona • European Working Group on Nitric Oxide >>Director: Masclans, J.R. Inhalation (since 1996) >>Date of defense: 18/12/2015 • Acute respiratory failure group, in the European Society of Intensive Care Other Medicine (since 1997) • Working Group on Non-Invasive ◗◗ Awards Ventilation in the Catalan Society of Emergency (since 2013) • Prize to the best oral communication • Working Group on Acute Respiratory at the Anual Congress of the Intensive Failure in the Catalan Society of Intensive Care Catalan Society (SOCMIC 2015): R. Care (since 2014) Fernández, C. Subira, F. Frutos, G. Rialp, C. Laborda, JR Masclans, G. Hernández. Francisco Álvarez-Lerma is coordinator of: Oxigenoterapia de alto flujo en la • Working Group on Infectious Diseases of prevención del fracaso de la extubación the Spanish Society of Intensive Care en pacientes de alto riesgo: un ensayo • Working Group on Infectious Studies in clínico aleatorizado multicéntrico. Critically Ill Patiens of Spanish Society of SOCMIC – Hospital de Sant Joan Despí Emergency Medicine Moisès Broggi, Barcelona, 5/03/2015. • ENVIN-HELICS National registry • National project of “Bacterièmia zero” • National project of “Pneumònia zero” • National project of “Resistència zero”

More information at: Hepatologic Research


Ricard Solà Lamoglia Group Leader

Since 2000, our work group has followed various lines of clinical research: The natural history of decompensated cirrhosis, ascites, renal insufficiency and infections; The virological response and viral kinetics during hepatitis C treatment in patients with or without HIV coinfection; The adherence to hepatitis C treatment and the study, prevention and treatment of the psychiatric pathology associated with the interferon and the progression of fibrosis in Hepatitis C with or without HIV coinfection. Recently we also have initiated diferent studies in Hepatitis B (particularly adherence to the treatment and reactivation, treatment and predictors of curation), hepatocellular carcinoma (natural history and impact of different etiologies) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). 215


María Teresa Broquetas González (PhD Student) Montserrat García Retortillo (Researcher) Beatriz Cabrero Iñiguez (Technician) Maria Dolors Giménez Romaní (Technician) Núria Cañete Hidalgo (PhD Student) Diego Lázaro Agudo (Research Assistant) José Antonio Carrión Rodríguez (Researcher) Irene Manzano Ramada (Technician) Susana Coll Estrada (PhD Student) Marc Puigvehí Badosa (PhD Student) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Hepatologic Research

Main Publications • Calleja JL, Pascasio JM, Ruiz-Antorán B, Gea F, Barcena R, Larrubia JR, Pérez-Álvarez R, • Ampuero J, del Campo JA, Rojas L, García- Sousa JM, Romero-Gómez M, Solà R, de Lozano RJ, Buti M, Solà R, Forns X, Moreno- la Revilla J, Crespo J, Navarro JM, Arenas Otero R, Andrade R, Diago M, Salmerón J, JI, Delgado M, Fernández-Rodríguez CM, Rodrigo L, Pons JA, Navarro JM, Calleja JL, Planas R, Buti M, Forns X, and the Spanish García-Samaniego J, García-Valdecasas group for the study of the use of direct- JC, García-Valdecasas M, Rojas A, Millán R, acting drugs hepatitis c with severe fibrosis. González-Escribano MF, Romero-Gómez Safety and Efficacy of Triple Therapy With M. Fine-mapping butyrophilin family Peginterferon, Ribavirin, and Boceprevir genes revealed several polymorphisms Within an Early Access Program in Spanish influencing viral genotype selection in Patients with Hepatitis C Genotype 1 with hepatitis C infection. Genes Immun 2015; Severe Fibrosis: SVRw12 Analysis. Liver Int 16(5): 297-300. IF 2.913. Q2. 2015; 35(1): 90-100. IF 4.85. Q1. • Bruno S, Bollani S, Zignego AL, Pascasio JM, • Carrión JA, Puigvehí M, Coll S, García- Magni C, Ciancio A, Caremani M, Mangia Retortillo M, Cañete N, Fernández R, A, Marenco S, Piovesan S, Chemello L, Márquez C, Giménez MD, García M, Babudieri S, Moretti A, Gea F, Colletta Bory F, Solà R. Applicability and accuracy C, Pérez-Álvarez R, Forns X, Larrubia JR, improvement of transient elastography Arenas J, Crespo J, Calvaruso V, Ceccherini using the M and XL probes by experienced Silberstein F, Maisonneuve P, Craxì A, operators. J Viral Hepatitis 2015; 22 (3): 297- Calleja JL, Italian and Spanish (IAS)-BoC 306. IF 3.909. Q1. Study Group (...,Solà R,...). Undetectable • González-Colominas E, Broquetas M, HCV-RNA at treatment-week 8 results Retamero A, García-Retortillo M, Cañete N, in high-sustained virological response Coll S, Pellicer R, Giménez MD, Cabrero B, in HCV G1 treatment-experienced Bory F, Knobel H, Salas E, Solà R, Carrión JA. patients with advanced liver disease: the Drug-drug interactions of telaprevir and International Italian/Spanish Boceprevir/ boceprevir in HCV-monoinfected and HIV/ Peginterferon/Ribavirin Name Patients HCV-coinfected patients can modify the Program. J Viral Hepatitis 2015; 22(5): 469- adherence. Liver Int 2015; 35(5): 1557-1565. 480. IF 3.909. Q1. IF 4.85. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 217

• Lens S, Torres F, Puigvehí M, Mariño Z, • Bases neurobiológicas de la depresión Londoño MC, Martínez SM, García-Juárez inducida por interferón en la hepatitis I, García-Criado A, Gilabert R, Bru C, Solà C crónica. Estudio PSICOCIT-VHC. R, Sánchez-Tapias JM, Carrión JA, Forns Subproyecto II X. Predicting the development of liver >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII cirrhosis by simple modelling in patients (PI10/02291) with chronic hepatitis C. Aliment Pharm >>From 2011 to 2015 Therap 2016; 43(3): 364-374. IF 5.727. Q1. >>Principal researcher: Solà Lamoglia, Ricard • Romero-Gómez M, Turnes J, Ampuero J, Oyagüez I, Cuenca B, González-García J, Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 Muñoz-Molina B, Aguilar R, Leal S, Planas R, García-Samaniego J, Diago M, Crespo J, • Phase III studies: 1 (2015/6322) Calleja JL, Casado MA, Solà R. Prediction of • Phase IV studies: 1 (2014/5978) Week 4 Virological Response in Hepatitis • Observational studies: 1 (2014/5997) C for Making Decision on Triple Therapy: The Optim Study. PLoS ONE 2015; 10(3): e0122613. IF 3.234. Q1. Theses • González, E. El cumplimiento Ongoing Research Projects terapéutico en el tratamiento de la hepatitis C crónica. Evaluación de la • Cuantificación del HBsAg en pacientes adherencia e importancia del abordaje con Hepatitis B HBeAg-negativo, multidisciplinar. Autonomous University portadores inactivos o en tratamiento, of Barcelona para predecir la pérdida del HBsAg y >>Directors: Solà, R.; Carrión, J.A. correlación con los marcadores de fibrosis >>Date of defense: 11/11/2015 >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI14/00540) >>From 2015 to 2017 >>Principal researcher: Carrión Rodríguez, José Antonio

More information at: Immunity and Infection


Miguel López-Botet Arbona Group Leader

The group integrates basic and clinical investigators from Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and University Pompeu Fabra (UPF). Our interest is mainly focused on the biology of human Natural Killer (NK) cells, involved in the innate immune response against infections and tumors. We originally reported that cytomegalovirus promotes a variable and persistent reconfiguration of the human NK cell compartment. We currently explore the nature of the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms, as well as the involvement in antiviral defense and their implications in different clinical settings (e.g. congenital infection, kidney transplantation, cancer, multiple sclerosis…), developing internal and external collaborations with several clinical teams. 219


Mariona Cabo Ester (PhD Student) Aura Muntasell Castellví (Researcher) Marcel Costa Garcia (PhD Student) Elvira Munteis Olivas (Researcher) Ramón Gimeno Martínez (Researcher) Jordi Pou Sánchez (Researcher) Carlos González Núñez (PhD Student) Aldi Pupuleku (PhD Student) Gemma Heredia Díaz (Technician) Carme Sánchez Galiano (Research Assistant) Mireia Llop Trujillano (Technician) Laura Soria Guerrero (Technician) María López Montañés (PhD Student) Andrea Vera Barrón (Technician) José Enrique Martínez Rodríguez (Researcher) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Immunity and Infection

Main Publications A, Munteis E, Alcina A, Comabella M, Matesanz F, Villar LM, Urcelay E. Influence • Costa-García M, Vera A, Moraru M, of the LILRA3 deletion on múltiple Vilches C, López-Botet M, Muntasell sclerosis risk: original data and meta- A. Antibody-mediated response of analysis. PLoS ONE 2015; 10(8):e0134414. IF NKG2Cbright NK cells against human 3.234. Q1. cytomegalovirus. J Immunol 2015; 194(6):2715-24. IF 4.922. Q1. • Crespo M, Yélamos J, Redondo D, Ongoing Research Projects Muntasell A, Pérez-Sáez MJ, López- • Development of molecular tools to Montañés M, García C, Torio A, Mir M, enhance NK cell-mediated ADCC Hernández JJ, López-Botet M, Pascual responses elicited by trastuzumab J. Circulating NK-cell subsets in renal against breast cancer (coordinated) allograft recipients with anti-HLA donor- >>Worldwide Cancer Research (Formerly AICR, specific antibodies. Am J Transplant 2015; 15-1146) 15(3):806-814. IF 5.683. Q1. >>From 2015 to 2018 • Moraru M, Black LE, Muntasell A, Portero >>Principal researchers: López-Botet Arbona, F, López-Botet M, Reyburn HT, Pandey Miguel (coordinator); Muntasell Castellví, Aura JP, Vilches C. NK Cell and Ig Interplay in • Targeting Natural Killer Cells Against Defense against Herpes Simplex Virus Cytomegalovirus (coordinated) Type 1: Epistatic Interaction of CD16A >>EU-Infect ERA. Ministerio de Economía y and IgG1 Allotypes of Variable Affinities Competitividad (PCIN-2015-191-C02-01) Modulates Antibody-Dependent Cellular >>From 2015 to 2018 Cytotoxicity and Susceptibility to Clinical >>Principal researcher: López-Botet Arbona, Miguel Reactivation. J Immunol 2015; 195(4):1676- 1684. IF 4.922. Q1. • Ortiz MA, Núñez C, Ordóñez D, Álvarez- Cermeño JC, Martínez-Rodríguez JE, Sánchez AJ, Arroyo R, Izquierdo G, Malhotra S, Montalban X, García-Merino IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 221

• Estudio del valor pronóstico en la Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 Esclerosis Múltiple de un nuevo biomarcador asociado a la infección por • Phase III studies: 2 (2014/5982, 2015/9914) citomegalovirus • Phase IV studies: 2 (2014/5980, >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII 2015/9965) (PI14/00177) • Observational studies: 2 (2015/6275, >>From 2015 to 2017 2015/10256) >>Principal researcher: Martínez Rodríguez, José E. • A multicenter prospective strategy to Theses improve the cure of high-risk acute • Pazos-López, M. Rat Optic Nerve Head leukemias by fostering a platform for Anatomy within Three-Dimensional on-time allogeneic therapy in patients Histomorphometric Reconstructions without an HLA-identical donor of Normal and Early Experimental >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (20133231) Glaucoma Eyes. Autonomous University >>From 2014 to 2017 of Barcelona >>Principal researcher: Gimeno Martínez, Ramón >>Directors: Burgoyne, C.F.; Antón, A.; Castilla, M. >>Date of defense: 28/12/2015 Participation in Research Networks

• Red Española de Esclerosis Múltiple (REEM) >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII. Subprograma RETICS. RD12/0032/0016 >>Principal researchers: López-Botet Arbona, Miguel; Martínez-Rodríguez, José E.

More information at: Infectious Pathology and Antimicrobial Research


Juan Pablo Horcajada Gallego Group Leader

The Group is geared towards the clinical and epidemiological study of the most prevalent or transcendental infectious diseases in the community, such as HIV, pneumonia, urinary tract infections and tuberculosis. It also focuses on infections related to the provision of healthcare, including those caused by multidrug-resistant microorganisms, osteoarticular and prosthetic infections, and bacteraemia. A large proportion of the research done by the group focuses on antimicrobial therapy with new and old antibiotics, studying the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of these drugs and also studying new antimicrobial therapy strategies through clinical trials and observational studies carried out in the group, as main researchers, and collaborators in projects run by the group or multicenter projects. 223


Albert Alier Fabrego (Researcher) Elisabet Lerma Chippirraz (PhD Student) Erika Esteve Palau (Researcher) Sònia Luque Pardos (Researcher) Alicia González Mena (Researcher) María Milagro Montero (Researcher) Santiago Grau Cerrato (Researcher) Lluís Puig Verdié (Researcher) Ana Guelar Grimberg (Researcher) Francisca Sánchez Martínez (Researcher) Roberto Carlos Güerri Fernández (Researcher) M. Luisa Sorli Redó (Researcher) Sabina Herrera Fernández (Technician) Judith Villar García (PhD Student) Hernando Knobel Freud (Researcher) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Infectious Pathology and Antimicrobial Research

Main Publications C,...). Reduced susceptibility to biocides in cinetobacter baumannii: association • Benito N, García-Vázquez E, Horcajada with resistance to antimicrobials, JP, González J, Oppenheimer F, Cofán F, epidemiological behaviour, biological Ricart MJ, Rimola A, Navasa M, Rovira M, cost and effect on the expression of Roig E, Pérez-Villa F, Cervera C, Moreno genes encoding porins and efflux pumps. A. Clinical features and outcomes of J Antimicrob Chemother 2015; 70(12): tuberculosis in transplant recipients 3222-3229. IF 5.313. Q1. compared with the general population: a • Portillo ME, Salvadó M, Trampuz A, retrospective matched cohort study. Clin Siverio A, Alier A, Sorli L, Martínez-Díaz Microbiol Infec 2015; 21(7): 651-658. S, Pérez-Prieto D, Horcajada JP, Puig IF 5.768. Q1. L. Improved Diagnosis of Orthopedic • Esteve-Palau E, Solande G, Sánchez- Implant-Associated Infections by Martínez F, Sorli L, Montero M, Güerri- Inoculation of Sonication Fluid into Blood Fernández R, Villar-García J, Grau S, Culture Bottles. J Clin Microbiol 2015; Horcajada JP. Clinical and economic 53(5): 1622-1627. IF 3.993. Q1. impact of urinary tract infections caused • Sandoval N, Grau S, Sorli L, Montero M, by ESBL-producing Escherichia coli Esteve-Palau E, Horcajada JP. Clinical requiring hospitalization: A matched experience with the use of daptomycin cohort study. J Infection 2015; 71(6): 667- in a tertiary care teaching hospital in 674. IF 4.441. Q1. Barcelona, Spain. Future Microbiol 2015; • Fernández-Cuenca F, Tomás M, Caballero- 10: 1145-1154. IF 4.275. Q1. Moyano FJ, Bou G, Martínez-Martínez L, • Shaw E, Benito N, Rodríguez-Baño J, Vila J, Pachón J, Cisneros JM, Rodríguez- Padilla B, Pintado V, Calbo E, Pallarés MA, Baño J, Pascual A, on behalf of the Gozalo M, Ruiz-Garbajosa P, Horcajada Spanish Group of Nosocomial Infections JP, on behalf of the REIPI/ITUBRAS-GEIH (GEIH) from the Spanish Society of group, Spain. Risk factors for severe sepsis Clinical Microbiology and Infectious in community-onset bacteraemic urinary Diseases (SEIMC) and the Spanish tract infection: Impact of antimicrobial Network for Research in Infectious resistance in a large hospitalised cohort. J Diseases (REIPI) (...,Horcajada JP, Segura Infection 2015; 70(3): 247-254. IF 4.441. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 225

• Villar-García J, Hernández-Sánchez JJ, • Estudio de la toxicidad ósea en Güerri-Fernández R, González-Mena el paciente VIH por medio de la A, Lerma E, Guelar A, Sáenz D, Sorli L, microindentación y su relación con Montero M, Horcajada JP, Knobel H. marcadores inflamatorios Effect of probiotics (Saccharomyces >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII boulardii) on microbial translocation and (PI13/00589) inflammation in HIV-treated patients: >>From 2014 to 2016 a double-blind, randomized, placebo- >>Principal researcher: Güerri Fernández, Roberto Carlos controlled trial. JAIDS-J Acq Immun Def Synd 2015; 68(3): 256-263. IF 4.556. Q1. Participation in Research Networks

Ongoing Research Projects • CIBERES: Enfermedades respiratorias >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria • Ensayo clínico multicéntrico aleatorizado >>Coordinator: Gea Guiral, Joaquín. que compara la eficacia de la CB06/06/0043 combinación de colistina y meropenem • Innovative Medicine Iniciative (IMI): versus colistina en monoterapia para CONSORT Combating bacterial resistance el tratamiento de bacteriemias y in Europe. neumonías por Pseudomonas aeruginosa extremadamente resistente con sensibilidad reducida a meropenem Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI13/00984) • Phase III studies: 7 (2014/5910, 2014/5903, >>From 2014 to 2016 2015/6064, 2015/6244, 2015/6167, >>Principal researcher: Horcajada Gallego, Juan 2015/6168, 2015/6169) Pablo • Phase III b studies: 2 (2015/6062, 2015/6061) • Phase IV studies: 1 (2014/5855) • Observational studies: 5 (2014/5683, 2014/5951, 2014/5993, 2015/6108, 2015/6066) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Infectious Pathology and Antimicrobial Research

Theses • Pelfort, X. Utilitat de l’algometria de pressió en el diagnòstic i seguiment • Shaw, E. Infeccions urinàries del dolor tibial al compartiment medial bacterièmiques adquirides a la del genoll var i al de la punta de tija comunitat. Validesa de la nova categoria protètica. Autonomous University of d’infeccions associades a cures sanitàries Barcelona “ACS” i impacte de la resistència >>Directors: Puig, L.; Monllau, J.C.; antibiòtica. University of Barcelona Cáceres-Palou, E. >>Directors: Horcajada, J.P.; Pujol, M. >>Date of defense: 12/03/2015 >>Date of defense: 09/09/2015 • Urbina, O. Problemas relacionados • Alier, A. Factors predictius en el con los medicamentos detectados en pronòstic de les fractures de 2 i 3 parts pacientes hospitalizados a través de de l’húmer proximal tractades de forma una herramienta informática integrada conservadora. Autonomous University of en la orden médica informatizada. Barcelona Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Directors: Torrens, C.; Cáceres-Palou, E.; Puig, L. >>Directors: Grau, S.; Ferrández, O.; Saballs, P. >>Date of defense: 14/04/2015 >>Date of defense: 25/11/2015 • Berenguer, N. Desescalada terapéutica en pacientes que ingresan en urgencias con infecciones adquiridas en el ámbito extrahospitalario tratados de inicio con imipenem. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Directors: Grau, S.; Saballs, P.; Saez, L. >>Date of defense: 28/10/2015

More information at: 227 Inflammatory and Neoplastic Dermatological Diseases


Ramon M. Pujol Vallverdú Group Leader

The Research Group in Inflammatory and Neoplastic Dermatological Diseases is composed of dermatologists, biologists and immunologists, connecting the bedside with the bench, which is a clear exemple of translational research. The group includes two diferent lines of investigation:

1. The study of inflammatory dermatological diseases, mainly psoriasis, urticaria and bullous diseases. In psoriasis, we have developed a new in-vitro model which allows to study the pathogenic mechanisms involved in early stages of the disease in different psoriasis phenotypes. A coculture of circulating CLA+ T cells (with cutaneous tropism) together with autologous epidermic cells from psoriatic patients, is activated with Streptococcus pyogenes (SP) extract, a well- known psoriasis trigger. We have shown that HLA-Cw6+ carriers presenting guttate psoriasis after a Strep throat infection, present a significant a dominant Th17 response but a reduced expression of genes associated with skin barrier, in contrast to plaque psoriasis. 229


Evelyn Andrades López (Technician) Gemma Martín Ezquerra (Researcher) Lluïsa Carnero Sánchez (Technician) Júlia Sánchez Schmidt (Researcher) Marta Ferran Farrés (PhD Student) Silvia Sánchez Serrano (Technician) Anna Maria Giménez Arnau (Researcher) Sonia Segura Tigell (Researcher) María Inmaculada Hernández Muñoz (Researcher) Agustí Toll Abelló (Researcher) Mariana Lacentra (Technician)

2. Research into the pathogenetic mechanisms of progression and immunological response to non-melanoma skin cancer. Identification of key molecular and cellular features including signaling pathways that contribute to the progression of premalignant epithelial lesions towards successive stages of neoplastic development. Characterization oncogenic mutations in human epidermal tumors and investigation of the role of the epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) process, in the metastatic dissemination of epithelial tumors, paying particular attention to the modulation of the inflammatory response by the tumoral cell in metastatic epithelial cancer. Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Inflammatory and Neoplastic Dermatological Diseases

Main Publications Pont A, Servitje O, García de Herreros A, Lloveras B, García-Patos V, Pujol RM, • Ferrándiz-Pulido C, Hernández-Losa J, Toll A, Hernández-Muñoz I. Epithelial- Masferrer E, Vivancos A, Somoza R, Marés to-mesenchymal transition in penile R, Valverde C, Salvador C, Placer J, Morote J, squamous cell carcinoma. J Urol. 2015; Pujol RM, Ramon y Cajal S, de Torres I, Toll 193(2): 699-705. IF 4.471. Q1. A, García-Patos V. Identification of somatic • Muris J, Goossens A, Gonçalo M, Bircher gene mutations inpenile squamous cell AJ, Giménez-Arnau A, Foti C, Rustemeyer carcinoma. Genes Chromosome Canc 2015; T, Feilzer AJ, Kleverlaan CJ. Sensitization 54(10): 629-637. IF 4.041. Q1. to palladium and nickel in Europe and the • Gallardo F, Padrón A, Garcia-Carbonell R, relationship with oral disease and dental Rius C, González-Pérez A, Arumí-Uria M, alloys. Contact Dermatitis 2015; 72(5): 286- Iglesias M, Nonell L, Bellosillo B, Segura S, 296. IF 3.747. Q1. Pujol RM, López-Bigas N, Bertrán J, Bigas • Pesonen M, Jolanki R, Larese Filon, A, Espinosa L. Cytoplasmic accumulation Wilkinson M, Krecisz B, Kiec-Swierczynska of NCoR in malignant melanoma: M, Bauer A, Mahler V, John SM, Schnuch consequences of altered gene repression A, Uter W, ESSCA network (...,Giménez- and prognostic significance. Oncotarget Arnau AM,...). Patch test results of the 2015; 6(11): 9284-9294. IF 6.359. Q1. European baseline series among patients • Manils J, Gómez D, Salla-Martret M, with occupational contact dermatitis Fischer H, Fye JM, Marzo E, Marruecos L, across Europe-analyses of the European Serrano I, Salgado R, Rodrigo JP, García- Surveillance System on Contact Allergy Pedrero JM, Serafín AM, Cañas X, Benito network, 2002-2010. Contact Dermatitis C, Toll A, Forcales SV, Perrino FW, Eckhart 2016; 72(3): 154-163. IF 5.692 Q1. L, Soler C. Multifaceted role of TREX2 in • Toll A, Margalef P, Masferrer E, Ferrándiz- the skin defense against UV-induced skin Pulido C, Gimeno J, Pujol RM, Bigas A, carcinogenesis. Oncotarget 2015; 6(26): Espinosa L. Active nuclear IKK correlates 22375-22396. IF 6.359. Q1. with metastatic risk in cutaneous • Masferrer E, Ferrándiz-Pulido C, Masferrer- squamous cell carcinoma. Arch Dermatol Niubó M, Rodríguez-Rodríguez A, Gil I, Res 2015; 307(8): 721-729. IF 1.902. Q2. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 231

• Uter W, Gefeller O, Giménez-Arnau A, • Genomic and expression profiles in Frosch P, Johansen JD, Schuttelaar ML, invasive and intraepithelial cutaneous Rustemeyer T, Larese F, Dugonik A, Bircher squamous cell carcinomas AJ, Wilkinson M. Characteristics of patients >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII patch tested in the European Surveillance (PI10/00785) System on Contact Allergies (ESSCA) >>From 2011 to 2013 network, 2009-2012. Contact Dermatitis >>Principal researcher: Toll Abelló, Agustí 2015; 73(2): 82-90. IF 3.747. Q1. Participation in Research Networks Ongoing Research Projects • Grupo Español de Psoriasis • Molecular mechanisms that lead • Grupo Español para la Investigación to activation of lymphoid cell and de la Dermatitis de Contacto y Alergia cutaneous resident cells in psoriasis: Cutánea, GEIDAC Search for therapeutic targets • European Environmental Contact >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Dermatitis Research Group, EECDRG (PI13/01716) >>From 2014 to 2016 • GA2LEN (Global Allergy and Asthma >>Principal researcher: Pujol Vallverdú, Ramon European Network) UCARE, Urticaria Maria Center of Reference and Excellence • Development and Implementation of European Standards on Prevention of Occupational Skin Diseases (Standerm) Action. ISCH COST Action YD1206 Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Inflammatory and Neoplastic Dermatological Diseases

Group’s Recognitions Others

• Officially recognised as a consolidated ◗ research group by the Generalitat de ◗ Awards Catalunya: Grup de Recerca de Malalties • 2nd poster prize in 43º Congreso Nacional Dematalògiques Inflamatòries i Tumorals de Dermatología y Venereología (Sevilla, (ITDED). 2014 13-16 May 2015). La activación de linfocitos >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de T CLA+ y células epidérmicas por Recerca (SGR 646) >>Principal researcher: Pujol Vallverdú, Ramon estreptococo en pacientes HLA-Cw6+: Maria respuesta predominantemente Th17 en pacientes con psoriasis en gota y Th1/Th17/ Th9 en psoriasis en placas. (M Ferran, ER Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 Romeu, M Sagrista, AM Giménez-Arnau, A • Phase IIb studies: 1 (2015/6245) Celada, RM Pujol, and LF Santamaria-Babí) CQGE031C2201E1 • Phase III studies: 3 (2014/5730, 2015/6058, 2015/6382) • Observational studies: 1 (2015/6247)

More information at: 233 Kidney Disease


Julio Pascual Santos Group Leader

The group aims to contribute to clarifying the mechanisms involved in the onset and progression of kidney diseases through preclinical research into in vivo and in vitro models. This allows the study of the molecular mechanisms involved, and will thus help us to identify the treatment targets and new strategies against kidney diseases. Also aims to study new treatment targets and strategies in depth by performing controlled clinical trials and observational projects of great interest, while securing all levels of possible commitment: promoters, main researchers, collaboration in multi-centre projects and own projects. Our research focuses mainly on kidney diseases such as diabetic or polycystic nephropathy, in addition to treatment resistant hypertension and the search for biomarkers in chronic and acute kidney failure. New pathogenetic and therapeutic targets in the field of kidney transplantation are other main areas for the group research lines. 235


Lídia Anguiano Gómez (PhD Student) Marta Rebull Santamaria (Technician) Clara Barrios Barrera (Researcher) María Dolores Redondo Pachón (PhD Student) Sergi Clotet Freixas (PhD Student) Marta Riera Oliva (Researcher) Silvia Collado Nieto (PhD Student) Judit Rigol Giner (Technician) Marta Crespo Barrio (Researcher) Eva Rodríguez García (PhD Student) Anna Faura Vendrell (Technician) Laia Sans Atxer (PhD Student) Javier Gimeno Beltrán (Researcher) M. José Soler Romeo (Researcher) Budour Jan (PhD Student) Susana Vázquez González (Researcher) Anna Oliveras Serrano (Researcher) María Vera Casanova (Technician) María José Pérez Sáez (Technician) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Kidney Disease

Main Publications Guideline on management of patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease • Anguiano L, Riera M, Pascual J, Valdivielso stage 3b or higher (eGFR <45 mL/min). JM, Barrios C, Betriu A, Mojal S, Fernández Nephrol Dial Transplan 2015; 30 (Suppl 2): E, Soler MJ; NEFRONA study. Circulating ii1-142. IF 3.577. Q1. angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activity • Crespo M, Heidt S, Redondo D, Pascual in patients with chronic kidney disease J. Monitoring B cell subsets and without previous history of cardiovascular alloreactivity in kidney transplantation. disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2015; Transplant Rev 2015; 29(2): 45-52. IF 3.816. 30(7): 1176-1185. IF 3.577. Q1. Q1. • Barrios C, Beaumont M, Pallister T, Villar • Crespo M, Yélamos J, Redondo D, J, Goodrich JK, Clark A, Pascual J, Ley Muntasell A, Pérez-Saéz MJ, López- RE, Spector TD, Bell JT, Menni C. Gut- Montañés M, García C, Torio A, Mir M, Microbiota-Metabolite Axis in Early Renal Hernández JJ, López-Botet M, Pascual Function Decline. PLoS ONE 2015; 10(8): J. Circulating NK-Cell Subsets in Renal e0134311. IF 3.234. Q1. Allograft Recipients With Anti-HLA Donor- • Barrios C, Pascual J, Otero S, Soler MJ, Specific Antibodies. Am J Transplant 2015; Rodríguez E, Collado S, Faura A, Mojal S, 15(3): 806-814. IF 5.683. Q1. Navarro-González JF, Betriu A, Fernández • Márquez E, Riera M, Pascual J, Soler MJ. E, Valdivielso JM; investigators of the Renin-angiotensin system within the NEFRONA study. Diabetic nephropathy diabetic podocyte. Am J Physiol Renal 2015; is an independent factor associated to 308(1): F1-F10. IF 3.248. Q1. severe subclinical atheromatous disease. Atherosclerosis 2015; 242(1): 37-44. IF 3.994. • Pérez-Sáez MJ, Prieto-Alhambra D, Barrios Q1. C, Crespo M, Redondo D, Nogués X, Díez- Pérez A, Pascual J. Increased hip fracture • Bilo H, Coentrão L, Couchoud C, Covic A, De and mortality in chronic kidney disease Sutter J, Drechsler C, Gnudi L, Goldsmith individuals: The importance of competing D, Heaf J, Heimburger O, Jager KJ, Nacak risks. Bone 2015; 73: 154-159. IF 3.973. Q2. H, Soler MJ, Van Huffel L, Tomson C, Van Laecke S, Weekers L, Wieçek A, Bolignano • Regueiro A, Cuadrado-Godia E, Bueno- D, Haller M, Nagler E, Nistor I, van der Betí C, Díaz-Ricart M,Oliveras A, Novella S, Veer S, Van Biesen W. Clinical Practice Gené GG, Jung C, Subirana I, Ortiz-Pérez IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 237

JT, Roqué M, Freixa X, Núñez J, Escolar G, • Denervación simpática renal versus Marrugat J, Hermenegildo C, Valverde MA, escalada terapéutica farmacológica en la Roquer J, Sanchis J, Heras M. Mobilization hipertensión arterial resistente of endothelial progenitor cells in acute >>Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad cardiovascular events in the PROCELL (EC11-426) study: time-course after acute myocardial >>From 2012 to 2015 infarction and stroke. J Mol Cell Cardiol >>Principal researcher: Oliveras Serrano, Anna 2015; 80: 146-155. IF 4.655. Q1. • Actividad sérica del ECA2 en pacientes diabéticos con Enfermedad Renal Ongoing Research Projects Crónica. Efecto de la deleción del ECA2 en la nefropatía diabética experimental • Papel del ADAM17 y “shedding” del ECA2 >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII en la nefropatía diabética (PI11/01549) >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII >>From 2012 to 2015 (PI14/00557) >>Principal researcher: Soler Romeo, M. José >>From 2015 to 2017 >>Principal researcher: Soler Romeo, M. José • Análisis prospectivo de la respuesta Participation in Research Networks humoral y celular en el trasplante renal • Red Temática de Investigación y su impacto en la disfunción crónica del Cooperativa (RETIC) Renal (RedinRen) injerto >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Subprogram RETICS. RD12/0021/0024 (PI13/00598) >>Principal researcher: Pascual Santos, Julio >>From 2014 to 2016 • Spanish Humoral Rejection Registry >>Principal researcher: Pascual Santos, Julio >>Coordinator: Crespo Barrio, Marta • Evaluation of NK cell contribution to chronic kidney allograft rejection in response to HLA-specific alloantibodies, genetic mismatch and CMV infection >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (121530) >>From 2013 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Crespo Barrio, Marta Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Kidney Disease

Group’s Recognition Theses

• Officially recognized as a consolidated • Roca, H. Caracterització de la nova línia research group by the Generalitat NOD.ACE2-/-: Estudi de l’aparició de de Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en diabetis i la progressió de la nefropatia Nefropaties (GREN). 2014 diabètica. Autonomous University of >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Barcelona Recerca (SGR 839) >>Directors: Pascual, J.; Soler, M.J.; Riera, M. >>Principal researcher: Pascual Santos, Julio >>Date of defense: 16/07/2015 • Rodríguez-García, E. Activación del Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 sistema del complemento en la insuficiencia renal aguda y su relación • Phase II studies: 2 (2014/5981, 2014/5946) con otras vías inflamatorias. Autonomous • Phase III studies: 3 (2014/5857, 2015/6331, University of Barcelona 2015/6332) >>Directors: Pascual, J.; Cladellas, M. • Phase IV studies: 1 (2015/6054) >>Date of defense: 20/10/2015 • Observational studies: 1 (2015/6342) • Sans-Atxer, L. Relación entre el perfil de presión arterial y el tamaño renal con la afectación subclínica de órgano diana en pacientes nomotensos con poliquistosis renal autosómica dominante y sin insuficiencia renal. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Directors: Pascual, J.; Fernández-Llama, P. >>Date of defense: 10/09/2015 IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 239

Other ◗◗ Anna Oliveras • President, Societat Catalana ◗◗ Julio Pascual d’Hipertensió • Award to the Best Clinical Case presented • Board, European Transplantation Group at the XXII Meeting of the Societat (DESCARTES, EDTA) Catalana d’Hipertensió • Coordinator, European-Renal-Best- • Best Selected abstracts sessions of the Practice (ERBP) Transplant Group American Heart Association - Scientific (Recipient evaluation). http://www. Sessions 2015 content/erbp-transplantation-workgroup • Editor-in-Chief, Transplantation Reviews (Elsevier, NYC, USA)

◗◗ Marta Crespo

• Coordinator, WP2, Kidney Transplantation Project, REd de Investigación Renal (RedinRen) • Council Member, Sociedad Española de Nefrología • Council Member, Sociedad Española de Trasplantes

More information at: Musculoskeletal Research


Xavier Nogués Solan Group Leader

Our group’s research is about the study of bone mineral metabolism in patients with osteoporosis and other diseases related with bone loss. There are three strong lines of investigation in the Unit: Genetics, Epidemiology and Bone quality. The study of polymorphisms of genes related with bone and osteoporosis, functional analysis and association studies are the milestones of Genetics. BARCOS and B-ABLE are two cohorts of patients currently involved in ongoing studies related with bone health. Our group is co-investigator in the development of a novel, hand-held Reference Point Indentation (RPI) instrument, osteoprobe®, that measures how well the bone of living patients resists indentation. Epidemiological local and international studies are developed also in our Unit. 241


Isabel Aymar Fabrega (Technician) Natalia García Giralt (Researcher) Gema Carretero García (Technician) Leonardo Mellibovsky Saidler (Researcher) Laura de Ugarte Corbalán (Technician) Daniel Prieto Alhambra (Researcher) Elisabeth del Amo Laforga (Researcher) María Rodríguez Sanz (Technician) Adolf Díez Pérez (Researcher) Guillem Saló Bru (Researcher) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Musculoskeletal Research

Main Publications Circulating sclerostin and estradiol levels are associated with inadequate response • De Ugarte L, Yoskovitz G, Balcells S, to bisphosphonates in postmenopausal Güerri-Fernández R, Martínez-Díaz S, women with osteoporosis. Maturitas Mellibovsky L, Urreizti R, Nogués X, 2015; 82(4): 402-410. IF 2.942. Q1. Grinberg D, García-Giralt N, Díez-Pérez • Pérez-Sáez MJ, Prieto-Alhambra D, Barrios A. MiRNA profiling of whole trabecular C, Crespo M, Redondo D, Nogués X, Díez- bone: identification of osteoporosis- Pérez A, Pascual J. Increased hip fracture related changes in MiRNAs in human hip and mortality in chronic kidney disease bones. BMC Med Genomics 2015; 8(1): 75. individuals: The importance of competing IF 2.873. Q2. risks. Bone 2015 (73): 154-159. IF 3.973. Q2. • Martínez D, Tebé C, Javaid MK, Nogués X, • Rodríguez-Sanz M, García-Giralt N, Prieto- Arden NK, Cooper C, Díez-Pérez A, Prieto- Alhambra D, Servitja S, Balcells S, Pecorelli Alhambra D. Incident type 2 diabetes R, Díez-Pérez A, Grinberg D, Tusquets I, and hip fracture risk: a population-based Nogués X. CYP11A1 expression in bone matched cohort study. Osteoporosis Int is associated with aromatase inhibitor- 2015; 26(2): 827-833. IF 4.169. Q2. related bone loss. J Mol Endocrinol 2015; • Mellibovsky L, Prieto-Alhambra D, 55(1): 69-79. IF 3.081. Q2. Mellibovsky F, Güerri-Fernández • Zheng HF, Forgetta V, Hsu YH, Estrada K, R, Nogués X, Randall C, Hansma P, Rosello-Díez A, Leo PJ, Dahia CL, Park-Min Díez-Pérez A. Bone Tissue Properties KH, Tobias JH, Kooperberg C, Kleinman Measurement by Reference Point A, Styrkarsdottir U, et al. Whole-genome Indentation in Glucocorticoid-Induced sequencing identifies EN1 as a determinant Osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res 2015; of bone density and fracture. Nature 2015; 30(9): 1651-1656. IF 6.832. Q1. 526(7571): 112-117. IF 41.456. Q1. • Morales-Santana S, Díez-Pérez A, Olmos JM, Nogués X, Sosa M, Díaz-Curiel M, Pérez-Castrillón JL, Pérez-Cano R, Torrijos A, Jódar E, del Río L, Caeiro-Rey JR, Reyes-García R, García-Fontana B, González-Macías J, Muñoz-Torres M. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 243

Ongoing Research Projects Participation in Research Networks

• Determinantes clínicos y genéticos • Red Temática de Investigación de eventos musculoesqueléticos en Cooperativa en Envejecimiento y mujeres posmenopáusicas tratadas con Fragilidad inhibidores de la aromatasa por cáncer >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII. de mama. Cohorte prospectiva B-ABLE Subprograma RETICS. RD12/0043/0022 >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII >>Principal researcher: Diéz Pérez, Adolf (PI13/00444) >>From 2014 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Nogués Solan, Xavier Group’s Recognitions • Identificación de dianas terapéuticas • Officially recognised as a consolidated para la formación ósea: regulación de la research group by the Generalitat expresión génica por microRNAs de Catalunya: Unitat de Recerca en >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Fisiopatologia Òssia i Articular. 2014 (PI13/00116) >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de >>From 2014 to 2016 Recerca (SGR 775) >>Principal researcher: Díez Pérez, Adolf >>Principal researcher: Nogués Solan, Xavier • Riesgo-beneficio de los bisfosfonatos en los pacientes con osteoporosis e Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 insuficiencia renal • Phase II: 1 (2015/6271) >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (ICI14/00248) • Observational: 1 (2015/6396) >>From 2015 to 2017 >>Principal researcher: Díez Pérez, Adolf Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Musculoskeletal Research


• Pagès-Castellà, A. Característiques del compliment dels tractaments per a l’osteoporosi i característiques dels pacients amb resposta inadequada al tractament a Catalunya. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Directors: Prieto-Alhambra, D.; Díez-Pérez, A. >>Date of defense: 23/11/2015

More information at: 245 Myogenesis, Inflammation and Muscle Function


Joaquim Gea Guiral Group Leader

Our ongoing research is focused on the role played by proinflammatory cytokines as a signaling molecules in the repairing-remodeling processes in muscles of patients with different processes with a relevant systemic inflammatory component, which share muscle dysfunction and/or loss of muscle mass. The strategic outcome is to identify potential molecular targets of therapies against muscle dysfunction and muscle cachexia. Our research is mainly addressed to lung diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and lung cancer, but also muscle problems in aging, fibromyalgia and scoliosis and includes clinical assessment, in vivo and in vitro physiological studies, and molecular biology procedures. 247


Mireia Admetlló Papiol (Technician) Antoni Ferrer Monreal (Researcher) Elia Aracil Celada (Technician) Esther Garrido Pedregal (Researcher) Pilar Ausín Herrero (PhD Student) Juana María Martínez Llorens (Researcher) Ana Balañá Corberó (PhD Student) Josep Oriol Pallás Villaronga (Researcher) Eva Balcells Vilarnau (PhD Student) Ester Puig Vilanova (Researcher) Carme Casadevall Fusté (Researcher) Diego Agustín Rodríguez (Researcher) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Myogenesis, Inflammation and Muscle Function

Main Publications Study Group. Benefits of physical activity on COPD hospitalisation depend on • Agustí A, Antó JM, Auffray C, Barbé F, intensity. Eur Respir J 2015; 46(5): 1281- Barreiro E, Dorca J, Escarrabill J, Faner 1289. IF 7.636., Q1. R, Furlong LI, Garcia-Aymerich J, Gea J, • Pérez-Terán P, Roca O, Rodríguez- Lindmark B, Monsó E, Plaza V, Puhan Palomares J, Sacanell J, Leal S, Solé J, MA, Roca J, Ruiz-Manzano J, Sampietro- Rochera MI, Román A, Ruiz-Rodríguez Colom L, Sanz F, Serrano L, Sharpe J, JC, Gea J, Evangelista A, Masclans JR. Sibila O, Silverman EK, Sterk PJ, Sznajder Influence of right ventricular function JI. Personalised respiratory medicine: on the development of primary graft exploring the horizon, addressing the dysfunction after lung transplantation. J issues. Summary of a BRN-AJRCCM Heart Lung Transplant 2015; 34(11): 1423- workshop held in Barcelona on June 12, 1429. IF 6.650. Q1. 2014. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2015; 191(4): 391-401. IF 12.996. Q1. • Puig-Vilanova E, Martínez-Llorens J, Ausín P, Roca J, Gea J, Barreiro E. Quadriceps • Barberan-García A, Rodríguez DA, Blanco muscle weakness and atrophy are I, Gea J, Torralba Y, Arbillaga-Etxarri A, associated with a differential epigenetic Barberà JA, Vilaró J, Roca J, Orozco-Levi M. profile in advanced COPD. Clin Sci 2015; Non-anaenemic iron deficiency impairs 128(12): 905-921. IF 5.598. Q1. response to pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD. Respirology 2015; 20(7): 1089-1095. • Puig-Vilanova E, Rodríguez DA, Lloreta IF 3.345. Q1. J, Ausín P, Pascual-Guardia S, Broquetas J, Roca J, Gea J, Barreiro E. Oxidative • Barreiro E, Gea J. Epigenetics and muscle stress, redox signaling pathways, and dysfunction in chronic obstructive autophagy in cachectic muscles of male pulmonary disease. Transl Res 2015; patients with advandec COPD and lung 165(1): 61-73. IF 5.030. Q1. cancer. Free Radic Biol Med 2015; 79: 91- • Donaire-González D, Gimeno-Santos 108. IF 5.736. Q1. E, Balcells E, de Batlle J, Ramon MA, • Sarlabous L, Torres A, Fiz JA, Gea J, Martínez- Rodríguez E, Farrero E, Benet M, Guerra Llorens JM, Jané R. Efficiency of mechanical S, Sauleda J, Ferrer A, Ferrer J, Barberà activation of inspiratory muscles in COPD JA, Rodríguez-Roisin R, Gea J, Agustí A, using sample entropy. Eur Respir J 2015; Antó JM, Garcia-Aymerich J; PAC-COPD 46(6): 1808-1811. IF 7.636. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 249

Ongoing Research Projects Theses

• Biomarcadores y perfiles clínicos • Pascual, S. Caracterización del fenotipo personalizados en la Enfermedad muscular en la EPOC y sepsis en Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica pacientes: Estructura fibrilar, Inflamación, >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Estrés oxidativo y Regeneración. Pompeu (SAF2014-54371-R) Fabra University >>From 2015 to 2017 >>Directors: Gea, J.; Barreiro, E. >>Principal researcher: Gea Guiral, Joaquim >>Date of defense: 17/11/2015 • Estadificación molecular del cáncer de pulmón: inflamación y señalización Other >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI12/02534) • Joaquim Gea, PhD MD. Member of >>From 2013 to 2016 Management Council of the European >>Principal researcher: Ausín Herrero, Pilar Board for Accreditation in Pneumology • Papel de TNF-a en la regulación de la (EBAP). December 2014. capacidad regenerativa muscular de • Joaquim Gea, PhD MD. Director “VII Curs sujetos sanos y de pacientes con EPOC de malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica >>Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SAF2011- (MPOC) per a metges d’assistència 26908) primària”. Servei de Pneumologia, >>From 2012 to 2015. Hospital del Mar-PSMAR. Barcelona, 19-26 >>Principal researcher: Gea Guiral, Joaquim october 2015. • Joaquim Gea, PhD MD. Director of “II Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 Curs d’Actualització en Salut Respiratòria - Hospital del Mar i Universitat Pompeu • Phase II studies: 1 (2015/6330) Fabra”. Barcelona, 7/5/2015. • Phase III studies: 3 (2015/6242, 2015/6320, • Joaquim Gea, PhD MD. Member of 2015/6391) Barcelona Respiratory Network Reviews • Phase IV studies: 1 (2015/6014) Scientific Committee. • Observational studies: 1 (2015/6231)

More information at: Neurovascular


Jaume Roquer González Group Leader

This is a clinical group involved in stroke research. Currently our group is included in the Red de Investigación Cardiovascular (RIC) that is one of the main Spanish research networks. The strengths of our group are: first, our ongoing database named BASICMAR, that contains extensive demographic, epidemiological, clinical, and outcome data about all stroke patients (n=6,400) admitted to our hospital, and second, our large collection of blood sample of stroke patients for genetic and biomarkers studies (n=4,500). The two main research lines are:

1. Clinical research and biomarkers in stroke: Epidemiology, natural history and vascular risk factors, stroke biomarkers, diet and stroke (REHANIM), neurosonology and neuro-imaging.

2. Genetic and stroke research: Our unit is part of the International Stroke Genetics Consortium, which includes many international (USA, Europe) and national groups working to develop GWAS and EWAS studies and projects. 251


Elisa Cuadrado Godia (PhD Student) Ana María Rodríguez Campello (Researcher) Eva Giralt Steinhauer (Technician) Gemma Romeral Ballester (Technician) Alejandra Gómez González (Technician) Miguel Ángel Rubio Pérez (Technician) Jordi Jiménez Conde (Researcher) Carolina Soriano Tárraga (Researcher) Marina Mola Caminal (PhD Student) Rosa Maria Vivanco Hidalgo (Researcher) Ángel Javier Ois Santiago (Researcher) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Neurovascular

Main Publications TW, Schmidt R, Montaner J, Giese AK, Roquer J, Jiménez-Conde J, Lee C, Ay H, • Battey TW, Valant V, Kassis SB, Kourkoulis Martín JJ, Rosand J, Maguire J; on behalf C, Lee C, Anderson CD, Falcone GJ, of the International Stroke Genetics Jiménez-Conde J, Fernández-Cadenas I, Consortium. Recommendations from Pare G, Rundek T, James ML, Lemmens R, the International Stroke Genetics Lee TH, Tatlisumak T, Kittner SJ, Lindgren Consortium, Part 1: Standardized A, Mateen FJ, Berkowitz AL, Holliday EG, Phenotypic Data Collection. Stroke 2015; Majersik J, Maguire J, Sudlow C, Rosand 46(1): 279-284. IF 5.723. Q1. J; on behalf of the International Stroke • Regueiro A, Cuadrado-Godia E, Bueno- Genetics Consortium. Recommendations Betí C, Díaz-Ricart M, Oliveras A, Novella from the International Stroke Genetics S, González-Gené G, Jung C, Subirana I, Consortium, part 2: biological sample Ortiz-Pérez JT, Roque M, Freixa X, Núñez collection and storage. Stroke 2015; 46 (1): J, Escolar G, Marrugat J, Hermenegildo C, 285-290. IF 5.723. Q1. Valverde MA, Roquer J, Sanchis J, Heras • Cuadrado-Godia E, Regueiro A, Núñez J, M. Mobilization of endothelial progenitor Díaz M, Novella S, Oliveras A, Valverde cells in acute cardiovascular events in the MA, Marrugat J, Ois A, Giralt-Steinhauer Procell study: Time-course after acute E, Sanchís J, Escolar G, Hermenegildo C, myocardial infarction and stroke. J Mol Heras M, Roquer J. Endothelial progenitor Cell Cardiol 2015; 80: 146-155. IF 4.655. Q1. cells predict cardiovascular events • Roquer J, Giralt-Steinhauer E, Cerdà G, after atherothrombotic stroke and Rodríguez-Campello A, Cuadrado-Godia acute myocardial infarction. A PROCELL E, Jiménez-Conde J, Vivanco-Hidalgo RM, Substudy. Plos ONE 2015; 10(9): e0132415. Soriano C, Dégano IR, Ois A. Glycated IF 3.234. Q1. hemoglobin value combined with initial • Majersik JJ, Cole JW, Golledge J, Rost glucose levels for evaluating mortality NS, Chan YF, Gurol ME, Lindgren AG, risk in patients with ischemic stroke. Woo D, Fernández-Cadenas I, Chen DT, Cerebrovas Dis 2015; 40 (5-6): 244-250. IF Thijs V, Worrall BB, Kamal A, Bentley 3.754. Q1. P, Wardlaw JM, Ruigrok YM, Battey IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 253

• Sayols-Baixeras S, Lluís-Ganella C, • GODS project: Genetic contribution to Subirana I, Salas LA, Vilahur N, Corella functional Outcome and Disability after D, Muñoz D, Segura A, Jiménez-Conde Stroke J, Morán S, Soriano-Tárraga C, Roquer >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (112030) J, López-Farré A, Marrugat J, Fitó M, >>From 2012 to 2015 Elosua R. Identification of a new locus >>Principal researcher: Jiménez Conde, Jordi and validation of previously reported • Bases genéticas de la leucoaraiosis. loci showing differential methylation Estudio de Genome Wide Association en associated with smoking. The REGICOR población española. Consorcio Español de study. Epigenetics 2015; 10(12): 1156-1165. Genética del Ictus (Genestroke) IF 4.78. Q1. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI10/02064) >>From 2011 to 2015 Ongoing Research Projects >>Principal researcher: Jiménez Conde, Jordi • MENEAS”: MEthylation of DNA depending on Nutrition and Exercise Participation in Research Networks habits. Developing a marker of “biologicalAge” andrisk of Stroke • Red Cardiovascular >>Recercaixa (JJ086116) >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII. >>From 2014 to 2016 Subprograma RETICS. RD12/0042/0020 >>Principal researcher: Jiménez Conde, Jordi >>Principal researcher: Roquer González, Jaume • Epigenética en el riesgo de Ictus. Estudio de Epigenome-WideAssociation en los Group’s Recognitions subtipos etiológicos de ictus isquémico. Consorcio Español de Genética del Ictus • Officially recognized as a consolidated (Genestroke) research group by the Generalitat >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII de Catalunya: Grup de Recerca (PI12/01238) Neurovascular (NEUVAS). 2014 >>From 2013 to 2015 >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de >>Principal researcher: Roquer González, Jaume Recerca (SGR 1213) >>Principal researcher: Roquer González, Jaume Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Neurovascular

Clinical Trials Signed in 2015

• Phase III studies: 1 (2015/6056) • Phase II-III studies: 1 (2015/5950) • Observational: 1 (2015/6105)


• Giralt, E. L’ús d’escales clíniques en els ictus isquèmics secundaris a fibril·lació auricular. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Director: Roquer, J. >>Date of defense 28/10/2015 • Cuadrado, E. Evolució inicial dels ictus per arteriosclerosi carotídia. Severitat, deteriorament neurològic i recurrència. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Director: Roquer, J. >>Date of defense: 03/12/2015

More information at: 255 Rehabilitation


Esther Duarte Oller Group Leader

The main scientific objectives of the group are to advance the knowledge of brain plasticity and motor recovery in stroke patients and to assess the effects of physical training on cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer and ageing. The group also works in the development of telerehabilitation systems applied to osteoarticular, neurological, pulmonary and cardiorespiratory diseases, encouraging the interaction between basic and clinical sciences, and health services, with potential translational application, providing innovative and potentially effective treatment alternatives. 257


María Camelia Barrera de Paz (Technician) Ester Marco Navarro (Researcher) Roser Belmonte Martínez (Researcher) Monique Messaggi Sartor (PhD Student) Roser Boza Gómez (Researcher) Josep Maria Muniesa Pórtoles (Researcher) Ferran Escalada Recto (Researcher) M. Dolores Sánchez Rodríguez (Researcher) Anna Guillén Solà (PhD Student) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Rehabilitation

Main Publications • Rubio-Ballester B, Nirme J, Duarte E, Cuxart A, Rodríguez S, Vershure P, Duff A. • Belmonte R, Monleón S, Bofill N, Alvarado The visual amplification of goal-oriented ML, Espadaler J, and Royo I. Long thoracic movements counteracts acquired non- nerve injury in breast cancer patients use in hemiparetic Stroke patients. J treated with axillary lymph node Neuroeng Rehab 2015; 12: 50. IF 2.74. Q1. dissection. Support Care Cancer 2015; 23(1):169-175. IF 2.364. Q1. • François C, Grau-Sánchez J, Duarte E, Ongoing Research Projects Rodríguez-Fornells A. Musical training • Efectos sobre la marcha del uso repetido as an alternative and effective method de la Toxina Botulínica Tipo A Sin for neuro-education and neuro- Proteínas Complejantes en el pie equino rehabilitation. Front Psychol 2015; 6: 475. varoespástico del adulto: Ensayo clínico IF 2.56. Q1 aleatorizado • Guillén-Solà A, Chiarella-Privette SC, >>SERMEF Martínez-Orfila J, Duarte E, Alvarado- >>From 2012 to 2015 Panesso ML, Figueres-Cugat A, Bas- >>Principal researcher: Duarte Oller, Esther Costas N, and Marco E. Usefulness of • Estudio “RETORNUS”. Entrenamiento citric cough test for screening of silent Dual para Restaurar la Función de los aspiration in subacute stroke patients: a Músculos Respiratorios en Pacientes con prospective study. Arch Phys Med Reha Ictus 2015; 96(7): 1277-1283. IF 2.565. Q1. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII • Messaggi-Sartor M, Guillen-Solà A, (PI10/01560) Depolo M, Duarte E, Rodríguez DA, >>From January 2011 to June 2015 Barrera MC, Barreiro E, Escalada F, >>Principal researcher: Marco Navarro, Ester Orozco-Levi M, and Marco E. Inspiratory and expiratory muscle training in Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 subacute stroke: a randomized clinical trial. Neurology 2015; 85(7): 564-72. IF • Phase II studies: 2 (2014/5948, 2015/6326) 8.286. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 259


• Aguirrezabal, A. Evaluación de la satisfacción y conocimientos sobre la rehabilitación del ictus tras la aplicación de medidas sistemáticas de información, formación y soporte para pacientes y cuidadores. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Director: Duarte, E. >>Date of defense: 01/10/2015

More information at: Genetic Causes of Disease


Xavier Estivill Pallejà Group Leader

Our lab performs experimental and bioinformatics research in medical genomics. The group explores how different types of genetic variants contribute to human diseases, mostly neuropsychiatric, neurodegenerative and inflammatory disorders. The interaction of genetic factors with environmental conditions is one of the main areas of research of the group and is addressed by integrating epidemiological and clinical data with genetics information. We study very well characterized cohorts of patients and use high-throughput genomic platforms and functional studies, including longitudinal investigations of patients at different time-points and cohorts in which exposure to environment has been monitored. Different activities of the group are coordinated towards translational and precision medicine. 261


Laura Domènech Salgado (PhD Student) Raquel Rabionet Janssen (Technician) Eulàlia Martí Puig (Researcher) Daniel Sánchez Chinchilla (PhD Student) Marta Morell Oriol (Technician) Yaris Sarria Trujillo (Technician) Joan Pallarès Albanell (PhD Student) Verónica Venturi (Researcher) Aparna Prasad (Researcher) Marta Vives Usano (PhD Student) Anna Puig Solà (Technician) M. Teresa Zomeño Abellán (Technician) Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Genetic Causes of Disease

Publications as IMIM Associated Trujillano D, Ossowski S, Estivill X, Dina Group C, Bruneval P, Chester A, Schott JJ, Irvine KD, Mao Y, Wessels A, Motiwala T, Puceat • Barja-Fernández S, Folgueira C, Seoane M, Tsukasaki Y, Menick DR, Kasiganesan LM, Casanueva FF, Diéguez C, Castelao H, Nie X, Broome AM, Williams K, C, Agüera Z, Baños R, Botella C, de la Johnson A, Markwald RR, Jeunemaitre X, Torre R, Fernández-García JC, Fernández- Hagege A, Levine RA, Milan DJ, Norris RA, Real JM, Frühbeck G, Gómez-Ambrosi J, Slaugenhaupt SA. Mutations in DCHS1 Jiménez-Murcia S, Tinahones FJ, Estivill cause mitral valve prolapse. Nature 2015; X, Fernández-Aranda F, Nogueiras R. 525(7567): 109-113. IF 41.456. Q1. Circulating Betatrophin Levels Are • Hor H, Francescatto L, Bartesaghi L, Increased in Anorexia and Decreased in Ortega-Cubero S, Kousi M, Lorenzo- Morbidly Obese Women. J Clin Endocrinol Betancor O, Jiménez-Jiménez FJ, Gironell Metab 2015; 100(9): E1188-1196. IF 6.209. A, Clarimón J, Drechsel O, Agúndez JA, Q1. Kenzelmann Broz D, Chiquet-Ehrismann R, • Bullich G, Trujillano D, Santín S, Ossowski Lleó A, Coria F, García-Martin E, Alonso- S, Mendizábal S, Fraga G, Madrid Á, Navarro H, Martí MJ, Kulisevsky J, Hor CN, Ariceta G, Ballarín J, Torra R, Estivill X, Ars Ossowski S, Chrast R, Katsanis N, Pastor P, E. Targeted next-generation sequencing Estivill X. Missense mutations in TENM4, in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome: a regulator of axon guidance and central mutations in multiple glomerular genes myelination, cause essential tremor. Hum may influence disease severity. Eur J Hum Mol Genet 2015; 24(20): 5677-5686. IF Genet 2015; 23(9): 1192-1199. IF 4.349. Q1. 6.393. Q1. • Durst R, Sauls K, Peal DS, de Vlaming A, • Puente XS, Bea S, Valdés-Mas R, Villamor Toomer K, Leyne M, Salani M, Talkowski N, Gutiérrez-Abril J, Martín-Subero ME, Brand H, Perrocheau M, Simpson JI, Munar M, Rubio-Pérez C, Jares P, C, Jett C, Stone MR, Charles F, Chiang C, Aymerich M, Baumann T, Beekman R, Lynch SN, Bouatia-Naji N, Delling FN, Belver L, Carrió A, Castellano G, Clot G, Freed LA, Tribouilloy C, Le Tourneau T, Colado E, Colomer D, Costa D, Delgado J, LeMarec H, Fernández-Friera L, Solis J, Enjuanes A, Estivill X, Ferrando AA, Gelpí IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 263

JL, González B, González S, González M, S, Weichenthal M, Weidinger S, Lieb W, Gut M, Hernández-Rivas JM, López-Guerra Foo JN, Li Y, Sim K, Liany H, Irwan I, Teo Y, M, Martín-García D, Navarro A, Nicolás Theng CT, Gupta R, Bowcock A, De Jager P, Orozco M, Payer ÁR, Pinyol M, Pisano PL, Qureshi AA, de Bakker PI, Seielstad M, DG, Puente DA, Queirós AC, Quesada Liao W, Ståhle M, Franke A, Zhang X, Liu V, Romeo-Casabona CM, Royo C, Royo J. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies R, Rozman M, Russiñol N, Salaverría I, multiple novel associations and ethnic Stamatopoulos K, Stunnenberg HG, heterogeneity of psoriasis susceptibility. Tamborero D, Terol MJ, Valencia A, Nat Commun 2015; 6: 6916. IF 11.47. Q1. López-Bigas N, Torrents D, Gut I, López- Guillermo A, López-Otín C, Campo E. Non- coding recurrent mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Nature. 2015; 526(7574): 519-524. IF 41.456. Q1. • Van der Valk RJ, Kreiner-Møller E, Kooijman MN, Guxens M, Stergiakouli E, Sääf A, Bradfield JP, Geller F, Hayes MG, Cousminer DL, Körner A, Thiering E, et al. A novel common variant in DCST2 is associated with length in early life and height in adulthood. Hum Mol Genet 201; 24(4): 1155-1168. IF 6.393. Q1. • Yin X, Low HQ, Wang L, Li Y, Ellinghaus E, Han J, Estivill X, Sun L, Zuo X, Shen C, Zhu C, Zhang A, Sánchez F, Padyukov L, Catanese JJ, Krueger GG, Duffin KC, Mucha

More information at CRG: PROGRAMME Neurosciences

The programme Neurofunctionality of is made up of the Brain and Language following research Jordi Peña groups: Neuroimaging of Addiction Mental Disorders Marta Torrens Òscar Vilarroya

Anxiety, Affective Perioperative Disorders and Medicine Schizophrenia Lluís Gallart Antonio Bulbena

Bioanalysis and The programme Analytical Services associated research Jordi Segura groups are:

Childhood and Behavioral Environment Neurobiology Óscar García-Algar Olga Valverde

Rafael de la Torre Integrative Genes and Diseases Pharmacology and Programme Director Mara Dierssen Systems Neuroscience Rafael de la Torre Genetics Luis Alberto Pérez Mental Health Jurado Víctor Pérez Laboratory of Neuropharmacology Rafael Maldonado 265

Mission: The mission of the Neurosciences Programme (NP) at the Hospital del Mar Medical Personnel Research Institute is to support basic and clinical 181 research which will lead to a better understanding of mental and neurodegenerative illnesses. Publications The pathologies to be studied by the NP include: 180 i/ addiction to drugs and the effects of their exposure in utero ii/ emotional and psychiatric disorders (anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, ADHD) iii/ chronic pain iv/ diet-related disorders and their regulation by the nervous system v/ diseases of genetic origin that can cause intellectual disability (i.e. Down syndrome, Fragile X, Williams Beuren) vi/ neurodegenerative diseases Neurosciences

General Objectives • To take advantage of the multidisciplinary approach of the • To promote and support excellence in Programme (and of the PRBB) so that all basic and clinical research, including co- the researchers can create synergies to morbidities with other health problems; improve the excellence of the research and to offer opportunities for transversal objectives they are promoting. and collaborative research with • To pay special attention to the promotion programmes from the IMIM and services of research into the areas of psychiatry from the Parc de Salut Mar. and neurodegenerative diseases. • To encourage multidisciplinary research, • To encourage translational research including the opportunities offered through the incorporation of young within the frame of the IMIM at the investigators who share this vision. Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) in order to facilitate the transfer of • To promote collaboration among knowledge and improve treatment and consolidated research groups and health services. emerging groups and investigators. • To guarantee the promotion of holistic ◗◗ Technical research amongst students and clinicians through their training in all aspects • To promote the application of of neuroscience, mental health and neuroimaging techniques in the majority addictions. of the clinical studies. • To promote the application of “omics” Specific Objectives technologies, particularly those related to genetics (and the expression of genes, polymorphisms and epigenetics) in ◗◗ Scientific clinical studies. • To include the improvement in treatment • To encourage new opportunities for and health services amongst its medium/ research into the identification of long term objectives for all research biomarkers, taking into account the projects. potential of the Programme for the IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 267

analysis of high- and low-weight • Nutrition, cognition and eating disorders. compounds with chemical and biological • Neurofunctionality and language. methodologies.

◗◗ Educational Principal Objectives

• To promote the incorporation of • To apply for funding of translational clinicians to research. research projects with multi- disciplinary research teams in order to • To promote the incorporation of post- improve treatment and prevention of doctoral investigators of excellence to cardiovascular, metabolic, psychiatric and translational research projects. cognitive impairment diseases. • To maintain the Programme’s training • To promote activities towards capacity and the current ratio of pre- dissemination of data to the non- doctoral students, and to foster assistant scientific community. physicians obtaining doctorates. • To consolidate the Neurosciences sessions programme (held twice a month Research Lines with speakers from and external to the PRBB) • Integrated pharmacology of drugs of abuse. • To maintain the accreditation of excellence in research (AGAUR) of • Development of animal models of research groups already accredited and genetic diseases and neuropsychiatric to promote the accreditation of emerging disorders. groups. • Neurobiology of addiction, pain and • To consolidate cooperative research intellectual disabilities. projects within the frame of Spanish • Genes, endophenotypes and research networks, such as CIBER and environmental factors associated with RETICS in mental health, rare diseases, substances of abuse, neuropsychiatric obesity and nutrition and addiction. disorders and intellectual disabilities. Neurosciences

• To maintain our positioning regarding the training of doctoral students and Master’s degree final practice work. • To increase our collaboration with the industry through the Government Program R+D+i Oriented to Societal Challenges, and by co-development or development agreements of clinical studies, thus contributing to the application and marketing of the results of the R+D. • To apply to calls for grants aiming at the encouragement of research value and at the mentoring for the creation of prototypes and proof of concept. • To maintain the positioning of BAPP and Neurophar as TECNIO centers, and the renewal of the quality certificate UNE- EN ISO 9001, as well as to participate in the hiring of highly qualified research personnel through the TECNIOSPRING- fellowship programme. • To maintain our positioning with respect to the diffusion of research in publications in the first decile. 269 Addiction


Marta Torrens Melich Group Leader

This is a multidisciplinary team of health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, internist, nurses…) that share clinical, research and teaching activities. In the research area, the main aim is to study addiction to substances from different perspectives to improve secondary prevention and treatment. Main lines of research are: 1) clinical and therapeutic aspects of substance use disorders (opiates, cocaine, alcohol, cannabis…); 2) infectious (i.e. HIV, HCV) and psychiatric comorbidity in substance use disorders (diagnostic tools, neurobiology); 3) New psychoactive substances of abuse (detection of abuse, potential neurotoxicity); 4) Addictions and gender. 271


Mònica Astals Vizcaino (Researcher) Gerard Mateu Codina (PhD Student) Claudio Guillermo Castillo Buenaventura Juan Ignacio Mestre Pintó (Researcher) (Researcher) Álvaro José Palma Conesa (Researcher) Adriana Farré Martínez (Technician) José Luís Pérez de Heredia Flores (Researcher) Maria Francina Fonseca Casals (Researcher) Paola Rossi (Researcher) Liliana Galindo Guarin (Researcher) Claudio Tamarit Francés (Technician) Marc Grifell Guàrdia (Researcher) Judit Tirado Muñoz (Researcher) Roser Martínez Riera (Researcher) Gabriel Vallecillo Sánchez (Researcher) Diana Martínez Sanvisens (PhD Student) Mireia Ventura Vilamala (Researcher) Neurosciences Addiction

Main Publications • Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Grosdidier S, Valverde O, Torrens M, Bravo A, • Araos P, Pedraz M, Serrano A, Lucena M, Piñero J, Sanz F, Furlong LI. PsyGeNET: Barrios V, García-Marchena N, Campos- a knowledge platform on psychiatric Cloute R, Ruiz JJ, Romero P, Suárez J, disorders and their genes. Bioinformatics Baixeras E, de la Torre R, Montesinos J, 2015; 31(18): 3075-3077. IF 4.981. Q1. Guerri C, Rodríguez-Arias M, Miñarro • Pedraz M, Martín-Velasco AI; García- J, Martínez R, Torrens M, Chowen JA, Marchena N; Araos P; Serrano A; Argente J, Mason BJ, Pavón FJ, Rodríguez- Romero-Sanchiz P; Suárez J; Castilla- de Fonseca F. Plasma profile of pro- Ortega E; Barrios V; Campos-Cloute R; inflammatory cytokines and chemokines Ruiz JJ; Torrens M; Chowen JA; Argente in cocaine users under outpatient J; de la Torre R; Santín LJ; Villanúa MA; treatment: influence of cocaine symptom Rodríguez de Fonseca F; Pavón FJ. Plasma severity and psychiatric co-morbidity. Concentrations of BDNF and IGF-1 in Addict Biol 2015; 20(4): 756-772. IF 5.359. Q1. Abstinent Cocaine Users with High • Chahua M, Sánchez-Niubò A, Torrens M, Prevalence of Substance Use Disorders: Sordo L, Bravo MJ, Brugal MT, Domingo- Relationship to Psychiatric Comorbidity. Salvany A; the ITINERE Project Group. Plos ONE 2015; 10(3): e0118610. Q1. Quality of life in a community sample of • Pérez-Mañá C, Farré M, Rodríguez- young cocaine and/or heroin users: the Morató J, Papaseit E, Pujadas M, Fitó M, role of mental disorders. Qual Life Res Robledo P, Covas MI, Cheynier V, Meudec 2015; 24(9): 2129-2137. IF 2.486. Q1. E, Escudier JL, de la Torre R. Moderate • Farré M, Tomillero A, Pérez-Mañá consumption of wine, through both C, Yubero S, Papaseit E, Roset PN, its phenolic compounds and alcohol Pujadas M, Torrens M, Camí J, de la content, promotes hydroxytyrosol Torre R. Human pharmacology of endogenous generation in humans. A 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine randomized controlled trial. Mol Nutr (MDMA, ecstasy) after repeated Food Res 2015; 59(6): 1213-1216. IF 4.603. doses taken 4h apart. Eur Q1. Neuropsychopharmacol 2015: 25 (10): 1637-1649. IF 4.369. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 273

Ongoing Research Projects • Biomarcadores de consumo de alcohol: evaluación adultos y menores • Bases neurobiológicas de la depresión >>Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social inducida por sustancias de abuso: (2013I062) NEURODEP-2 >>From 2014 to 2016 >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII >>Principal researcher: Fonseca Casals, Maria (PI12/01838) Francina >>From 2013 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Torrens Melich, Marta Participation in Research Networks • Neurobiología de la depresión inducida por alcohol: NEURODEP-OH • Red de Trastornos Adictivos >>Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. Subprograma (2012I054) RETICS. RD12/0028/0009. >>From 2012 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Torrens Melich, Marta >>Principal researcher: Torrens Melich, Marta • Tratamiento de la dependencia Group’s Recognitions de cocaína con inhibidores de la aldehídodeshidrogenasa (ALDH2) de • Officially recognised as a consolidated origen natural research group by the Generalitat de >>Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social (EC10- Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Addiccions 166) (GRAD). 2014 >>From 2011 to 2016 >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de >>Principal researcher: Torrens Melich, Marta Recerca (SGR 790). • EU-MADNESS (EUropean-wide, >>Principal researcher: Torrens Melich, Marta Monitoring, Analysis and knowledge Dissemination on Novel/Emerging pSychoactiveS): integrated EU NPS monitoring & profiling to prevent health harms and update professionals >>European Community (JUST/2013/DPIP/ AG/4823) >>From 2014 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Torrens Melich, Marta Neurosciences Addiction


• Tirado, J. Implementation of a group intervention to reduce intimate partner violence among women with substance use disorders. Autonomous University of Barcelona (European mention) >>Directors: Torrens, M.; Gilchrist, G. >>Date of defense: 17/04/2015 • Rodríguez, M.R. Aspectos neurobiológicos de la depresión en pacientes consumidores de cocaína. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Directors: Torrens, M.; Farré, M. >>Date of defense: 22/06/2015 • Vallecillo, G. Atención clínica integral y pronóstico de pacientes con abuso de drogas e infección por el VIH. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Directors: Torrens, M.; Muga, R. >>Date of defense: 25/11/2015

More information at: 275 Anxiety, Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia


Antonio Bulbena Vilarrasa Group Leader

The group is made up of different researchers involved in clinical work either in hospital and primary care. Although the backbone of the group is the original description (and derivative) of the association between anxiety and the joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS), current lines of research include bipolar illness, schizophrenia, first episode psychosis, cognitive psychotherapy for anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, psychiatric emergency services, Hikikomori syndrome and also expert patient. Recently, a very active group of ethological research (Noe syndrome, Pet grief, interaction human–animal, etc.) also joined the group, producing relevant contributions. 277


Jordi Coletas Juanico (Researcher) Luís Miguel Martín López (Researcher) María Paz Flores Martínez (Researcher) Anna Merino Torres (Researcher) Miguel Ángel Fullana Rivas (Researcher) Guillem Pailhez Vindual (Researcher) Esperanza González Fernández (Research Assistant) María Inmaculada Ruiz Ripoll (Researcher) Ángeles Malagón Amor (PhD Student) Purificación Salgado Serrano (Researcher) Anna Mané Santacana (Researcher) María José Tribó Boixareu (Researcher) Neurosciences Anxiety, Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia

Main Publications joint hypermobility: A potential link to the neural bases of anxiety and • Baeza-Velasco C, Pailhez G, Bulbena A, related somatic symptoms in collagen Baghdadli A. Joint hypermobility and the anomalies. Eur Psychiat 2015; 30(4): 454- heritable disorders of connective tissue: 458. IF 3.439. Q1. clinical and empirical evidence of links • Olariu E, Forero CG, Castro JI, Rodrigo- with psychiatry. Gen Hosp Psychiat 2015; Calvo MT, Álvarez-López P, Martín LM, 37(1): 24-30. IF 2.606. Q2. Sánchez-Toto A, Adroher ND, Blasco- • Burón E, Bulbena A, Bulbena-Cabré A. Cubedo MJ, Vilagut G, Fullana MA, Olfactory functioning in panic disorder. Alonso J. Detection of anxiety disorders in J Affect Disorders 2015; 175: 292-298. IF primary care: a meta-analysis of assisted 3.383. Q1. and unassisted diagnoses. Depress • Coplan J, Singh D, Gopinath S, Mathew SJ, Anxiety 2015; 32(7): 471-484. IF 4.407. Q1. Bulbena A. A Novel Anxiety and Affective • Picado M, Carmona S, Hoekzema E, Spectrum Disorder of Mind and Body-The Pailhez G, Bergé D, Mané A, Fauquet J, ALPIM (Anxiety-Laxity-Pain-Immune- Hilferty J, Moreno A, Cortizo R, Vilarroya Mood) Syndrome: A Preliminary Report. J O, Bulbena A. The neuroanatomical Neuropsych Clin N 2015; 27(2): 93-103. IF basis of panic disorder and social 2.817. Q2. phobia in schizophrenia: a voxel based • Harrison BJ, Fullana MA, Soriano-Mas morphometric study. PLoS ONE 2015; C, Via E, Pujol J, Martínez-Zalacaín I, 10(3): e0119847. IF 3.234. Q1. Tinoco D, Davey CG, López-Solà M, Pérez V, Menchón JM, Cardoner N. A neural mediator of human anxiety sensitivity. Hum Brain Mapp 2015; 36(10): 3950-3958. IF 5.969. Q1. • Mallorquí-Bagué N, Bulbena A, Roé- Vellvé N, Hoekzema E, Carmona S, Barba-Müller E, Fauquet J, Pailhez G, Vilarroya O. Emotion processing in IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 279

Ongoing Research Projects Group’s Recognitions

• El recuerdo de la extinción del miedo • Officially recognised as a consolidated como biomarcador y predictor de research group by the Generalitat respuesta terapéutica en los trastornos de Catalunya: Unitat de Recerca en de ansiedad: Estudio mediante Psiquiatria 2014. resonancia magnética funcional >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Recerca (SGR 851) (PI12/00273) >>Principal researcher: Bulbena Vilarrasa, Antonio >>From 2013 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Fullana Rivas, Miguel Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 Ángel • Determinantes clínicos y neurobiológicos • Observational studies: 1 (2015/6335) de segundos episodios de esquizofrenia. Estudio longitudinal de primeros episodios psicóticos Theses >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII • Bros, I. La psicoteràpia dinàmica de grup (PI11/01433) realitzada a l’Atenció Primària, dirigida a >>From 2012 to 2016 pacients amb símptomes depressius: Un >>Principal researcher: Bulbena Vilarrasa, Antonio estudi de procés. Autonomous University • Enfermedad somática y colágeno en los of Barcelona trastornos de ansiedad: un estudio caso- >>Directors: Bulbena, A.; Notó, P. control >>Date of defense: 03/11/2015 >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI10/00987) >>From 2011 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Pailhez Vindual, Guillem

More information at: Bioanalysis and Analytical Services


Jordi Segura Noguera Group Leader

The group has its main scientific objective in the research and development of analytical protocols under strict quality control regulations that may facilitate the detection and enhance the understanding of the pharmacokinetics/ pharmacology/metabolism of drugs present in biological fluids. Target compounds include new pharmaceuticals, as well as drugs prone of being exposed to or abused by individuals, also including sport related people. The research group is fully equipped to conduct studies on both high- and low- molecular-weight compounds through chemical and biological methods, being accredited by the ISO (norm 17025) and the World Anti-Doping Agency. The group is part of a joint IMIM-UPF research entity recognized by the Government of Catalonia. 281


María del Rosario Álvarez García (Technician) Xavier Matabosch Geronès (Technician) Georgina Balcells Aribau (PhD Students) Núria Monfort Mercader (Technician) Mònica Baró Prat (Research Assistant) Maribel Navarro Muñoz (Researcher) Viviana Belalcázar Guerrero (Researcher) Montserrat Núñez Maroto (Technician) Rosa Leonor Bergés Casas (Researcher) José Antonio Pascual Esteban (Researcher) Belén Cano Ávalos (Technician) Sergio Peña Segura (Technician) Mercedes de Gispert Talavera (Research Assistant) Raul Pérez Ortuño (Technician) Argitxu Esquivel López (Technician) Óscar Pozo Mendoza (Researcher) Pedro Emilio Ferro Gallego (Researcher) Rosalía Ramírez Llanelis (Technician) Immaculada Figuera Figuera (Technician) Alicia Redón Peyró (Technician) Lorena Garrostas Carreño (Technician) Lídia Requena Tutusaus (Technician) Marta Gómez Gijón (Technician) Gemma Reverter Branchat (Researcher) Àlex Gómez Gómez (Technician) María Pilar Sáez Hernández (Technician) Noemí Haro Villaverde (Technician) Jèssica Vall Montero (Technician) Patricia Maribel Herrera Guaman (Technician) Rosa Ventura Alemany (Researcher) Aristotelis Kotronoulas (Technician) Meritxell Ventura García (PhD Student) María Lázaro Miguélez (Technician) Mariola Vera González (Research Assistant) Sonia Leal Xalma (Technician) Marta Vicen Morales (Technician) Neurosciences Bioanalysis and Analytical Services

Main Publications • Matabosch X, Pozo O, Pérez-Mañá C, Papaseit E, Marcos J, Segura J, Ventura • Balcells G, Pozo O, Esquivel A, Kotronoulas R. Evaluation of the reporting level to A, Joglar J, Segura J, Ventura R. Screening detect triamcinolone acetonide misuse in for anabolic steroids in sports: Analytical sports. J Steroid Biochem & Mol Biol 2015; strategy based on the detection of phase 145: 94-102. IF 3.628. Q2. I and phase II intact urinary metabolites • Pérez-Ortuño R, Martínez-Sánchez JM, by liquid chromatography tandem mass Fernández E, Pascual JA. High-throughput spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 2015; 1389: wide dynamic range procedure for the 65-75. IF 4.169. Q1. simultaneous quantification of nicotine • Gascón M, Casas M, Morales E, Valvi D, and cotinine in multiple biological Ballesteros-Gómez A, Luque N, Rubio matrices using hydrophilic interaction S, Monfort N, Ventura R, Martínez D, liquid chromatography-tandem mass Sunyer J, Vrijheid M. Prenatal exposure spectrometry. Anal Bioanal Chem 2015; to bisphenol A and phthalates and 407(28): 8463-8473. IF 3.436. Q1. childhood respiratory tract infections • Raro M, Ibáñez M, Gil R, Fabregat A, and allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2015; Tudela E, Deventer K, Ventura R, Segura 135(2): 370-378.e7. IF 11.476. Q1. J, Marcos J, Kotronoulas A, Joglar J, • Kotronoulas A, Marcos J, Segura J, Farré M, Yang S, Xing Y, van Eenoo P, Ventura R, Joglar J, Pozo O. Ultra high Pitarch E, Hernández F, Sancho JV, Pozo performance liquid chromatography O. Untargeted metabolomics in doping tandem mass spectrometric detection control: detection of new markers of of glucuronides resistant to enzymatic testosterone misuse by ultra-high hydrolysis: Implications to doping control performance liquid chromatography analysis. Anal Chim Acta 2015; 895: 35-44. coupled to high resolution mass IF 4.513. Q1. spectrometry. Anal Chem 2015; 87(16): • Marcos J, Pol M, Fabregat A, Ventura R, 8373-8380. IF 5.636. Q1. Renau N, Hanzu FA, Casals G, Marfà S, • Such G, Bache N, Bosch J, Gutiérrez- Barceló B, Barceló A, Robles J, Segura J, Gallego R, Segura J, Jensen ON. Detection Pozo O. Urinary cysteinyl progestogens: and differentiation of 22 kDa and 20 kDa Occurrence and origin. J Steroid Biochem Growth Hormone proteoforms in human & Mol Biol 2015; 152: 53-61. IF 3.628. Q2. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 283

plasma by LC-MS/MS. BBA-Proteins Ongoing Research Projects Proteomics 2015; 1854(4): 284-290. IF 2.747. Q2. • Screening of testosterone misuse by metabolites resistant to enzymatic • Valvi D, Casas M, Romaguera D, Monfort N, Ventura R, Martínez D, Sunyer J, hydrolysis Vrijheid M. Prenatal Phthalate Exposure >>World Anti-Doping Agency (14A29OP) and Childhood Growth and Blood >>From 2015 to 2017 Pressure: Evidence from the Spanish >>Principal researcher: Pozo Mendoza, Óscar INMA-Sabadell Birth Cohort Study. • Estudio metabolómico en pacientes Environ Health Perspect 2015; 123(10): con Porfiria Aguda Intermitente: 1022-1029. IF 7.977. Q1. caracterización de los desajustes hormonales y catabólicos >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (CP14/00147) >>From 2015 to 2017 >>Principal researcher: Pozo Mendoza, Óscar • Developments for improving compliance with blood testing, a fundamental but minimally implemented tool in doping control (EASY BLOOD) >>Comité Olímpico Internacional >>From 2015 to 2017 >>Principal researcher: Segura Noguera, Jordi • Effect of tea consumption on the steroid profile in healthy volunteers >>World Anti-Doping Agency (13D26RV) >>From 2015 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Ventura Alemany, Rosa Neurosciences Bioanalysis and Analytical Services

• A Secretagogue Chemiluminescent Assay • Suplements nutritius: avaluació de >>World Anti-Doping Agency (13B08RG) possibles contaminacions o adulteracions >>From 2014 to 2016 amb agents dopants >>Principal researcher: Segura Noguera, Jordi >>CCE 8/2015 • Evaluation of alternative >>2015 glucocorticosteroid metabolites for >>Principal researcher: Ventura Alemany, Rosa the discrimination between legal and • Impact of glucocorticosteroid forbidden administration routes administration on the steroid profile >>World Anti-Doping Agency (13D22RV) >>World Anti-Doping Agency (14D06RV) >>From 2014 to 2016 >>From 2014 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Ventura Alemany, Rosa >>Principal researcher: Ventura Alemany, Rosa • New strategies to improve the detection • Synthesis of recently reported phase II of the misuse of anabolic androgenic metabolites for their inclusion in routine steroids in sports: study of new phase II doping control analysis metabolites. DANASIN >>World Anti-Doping Agency (12A13OP) >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad >>From 2013 to 2015 (DEP2012-35612) >>Principal researcher: Pozo Mendoza, Óscar >>From 2013 to 2016 • Developments for improving compliance >>Principal researcher: Ventura Alemany, Rosa with blood testing, a fundamental but • Precursor ion scanning for the detection minimally implemented tool in doping of new steroid markers. Routine control (EASY BLOOD) application for the open screening of >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad anabolic steroids and evaluation of (DEP2012-32048) population factors in the detectability of >>From 2013 to 2015 these markers >>Principal researcher: Segura Noguera, Jordi >>World Anti-Doping Agency (09A5DP) >>From 2010 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Pozo Mendoza, Óscar IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 285

• Abuso de esteroides anabolizantes • Test for blood transfusion (autologous / androgénicos en el deporte: evaluación homologous) based on observed changes de nuevas herramientas analíticas para of erythrocyte membrane proteome mejorar la capacidad de detección en el >>World Anti-Doping Agency control antidopaje >>From 2010 to 2015 >>Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (DEP2011- >>Principal researcher: Segura Noguera, Jordi 28573-C02-02) • Detection of circulating anti-Neu5Gc >>From 2012 to 2015 antibodies as a proof of use of >>Principal researcher: Pozo Mendoza, Óscar recombinant glycoproteins: rEPO and • Useful information about recently analogues reported testosterone metabolites >>World Anti-Doping Agency (11B10JP) related with doping control analysis >>From 2012 to 2015 >>World Anti-Doping Agency (11A22OP) >>Principal researcher: Pascual Esteban, José >>From 2012 to 2015 Antonio >>Principal researcher: Pozo Mendoza, Óscar • Medida de metabolitos de nicotina y • Evaluation of sulfate conjugated carcinógenos del tabaco en muestras metabolites to improve detection biológicas de una cohorte (2004-2013) de capabilities of the misuse of anabolic fumadores y no fumadores androgenic steroids >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII >>World Anti-Doping Agency (12A21RV) (PI12/01119) >>From 2012 to 2015 >>From 2013 to 2016. >>Principal researcher: Ventura Alemany, Rosa >>Principal researcher: Pascual Esteban, José Antonio • Establishment of steroidal biomarkers by • Ultra-sensitive mass spectrometric metabolomic approaches detection of an rEPO specific >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (CP10/00576) O-glycopeptide as an unambiguous proof >>From 2011 to 2015 of doping (GOpep) >>Principal researcher: Pozo Mendoza, Óscar >>World Anti-Doping Agency (13A25JP) >>From 2014 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Pascual Esteban, José Antonio Neurosciences Bioanalysis and Analytical Services

• Direct detection of homologous and Theses autologous blood transfusión through immunorecognition of specific markers • Pérez-Ortuño, R. Medida de la exposición of blood storage. (Acronym: Hemab) al humo ambiental del tabaco y nuevos >>World Anti-Doping Agency biomarcadores de carcinógenos >>From 2015 to 2016 específicos del tabaco. Pompeu Fabra >>Principal researcher: Pascual Esteban, José University Antonio >>Director: Pascual, J.A. >>Date of defense: 24/11/2015 Group’s Recognitions • Kotronoulas, A. Enzymatic resistant glucuronoconjugated metabolites of • Officially recognised as a consolidated testosterone: From their synthesis to research group by the Generalitat de their evaluation as alternative markers in Catalunya: Grup de recerca en Bioanàlisi i doping control. University of Barcelona Proteòmica. 2014 >>Director: Joglar, J; Pozo, O. >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de >>Date of defense: 17/12/2015 Recerca (SGR 692) >>Principal researcher: Segura Noguera, Jordi 287 Childhood and Environment


Óscar García Algar Group Leader

The group is dedicated to research related to childhood and its environments, from the foetus (mother’s womb) to the child’s environment (air, settings, school, etc.). The involvement in research projects for more than 15 years has had significant results as regards publications. The Group is currently working on projects related to substances of abuse (alcohol, tobacco, drugs of abuse), including: (1) prevalence of exposure and consumption studies (in pregnant women, newborns and children), especially the study of biomarkers in unconventional biological matrices; (2) follow up of exposed children especially prenatal exposure to alcohol; (3) biomarkers of damage in prenataly exposed children; (4) animal models of deleterious effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol. 289


Airam Tenesor Álvarez Sánchez (Researcher) Judith Salat Batlle (Researcher) Iris Cáceres Guillén (Technician) Oriol Vall Combelles (Researcher) Javier Joya Cecilia (Researcher) Gretsen Velezmoro Jáuregui (Technician) Maria Margaret Mercadal Hally (Researcher) Neurosciences Childhood and Environment

Main Publications • Piñol S, Sala A, Guzmán C, Marcos S, Joya X, Puig C, Velasco M, Vélez D, Vall • García-Algar O, Canchucaja L, d’Orazzio O, García-Algar O. Arsenic levels in V, Manich A, Joya X, Vall O. Different immigrant children from countries at exposure of infants and adults to risk of consuming arsenic polluted water ultrafine particles in the urban area of compared to children from Barcelona. Barcelona. Environ Monit Assess 2015; Environ Monit Assess 2015; 187(11): 661. IF 187(1): 4196. IF 1.679. Q2. 1.679. Q2. • Joya J, Salat-Batlle J, Velezmoro-Jáuregui • Vall O, Salat-Batlle J, García-Algar O. G, Clavé S, García-Algar O, Vall O. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy Prenatal ethanol exposure and placental and adverse neurodevelopmental hCG and IGF2 expression. Placenta 2015; outcomes. J Epidemiol Community 36(8): 854-862. IF 2.71. Q1. Health 2015; 69(10): 927-929. IF 3.501. Q1. • Joya X, Pacifici R, Salat-Batlle J, García- Algar O, Pichini S. Maternal and neonatal hair and breast milk in the assessment Ongoing Research Projects of perinatal exposure to drugs of abuse. • Consumo materno de alcohol durante el Bioanalysis 2015; 7(10): 1273-1297. IF embarazo: diagnóstico de la exposición 3.003. Q1. prenatal, cribado neonatal y seguimiento • Pichini S, Cortes L, Marchei E, Solimini postnatal R, Pacifici R, Gómez-Roig MD, García- >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII Algar O. Ultra-high-pressure liquid (PI10/02593) chromatography tandem mass >>From 2011 to 2015 spectrometry determination of >>Principal researcher: García Algar, Óscar antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs in • Trastorno del espectro alcohólico fetal neonatal meconium and maternal hair. en el colectivo de los niños adoptados J Pharm Biomed Anal 2015; 118: 9-16. IF en Europa del Este: diagnóstico e 2.979. Q1. intervención >>Recercaixa (OG085818) >>From 2014 to 2017 >>Principal researcher: García Algar, Óscar IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 291

• Efectos clínicos de la exposición prenatal Group’s Recognitions al alcohol: seguimiento de una cohorte >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII • Officially recognised as a consolidated (PI13/01135) research group by the Generalitat de >>From 2014 to 2016 Catalunya: Unitat de Recerca Infància i >>Principal researcher: García Algar, Óscar Entorn 2014 • Epigalocatequina galato (EGCG) como >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 584) herramienta terapéutica para mejorar >>Principal researcher: García Algar, Óscar el rendimiento cognitivo en niños con síndrome alcohol fetal (SAF) >>Fundación Mutua Madrileña (AP150572014) >>From 2014 to 2016 >>Principal researcher: Garcia Algar, Óscar

Participation in Research Networks

• Red de salud materno-infantil y del desarrollo. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII. Subprograma RETICS. RD12/0026/003 >>Principal researcher: García Algar, Óscar

More information at: Integrative Pharmacology and Systems Neuroscience


Rafael de la Torre Fornell Group Leader

Our mission is the development of pharmacological and non-pharmacological (i.e. cognitive/electrical stimulation) approaches for the treatment of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders including drug addiction with emphasis on the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of action/ physiological processes involved in therapeutic effects. The Integrative Pharmacology and Systems Neuroscience Research Group (FINS) is responsible for providing instruction in pharmacology and toxicology to human biology and medicine students (Pompeu Fabra University and Autonomous University of Barcelona) and for providing post-graduate education to students in a variety of research tracks (i.e. psychology, pharmacy, biology and medicine).

Research lines of the group include: • Pharmacology of psychoactive substances and non-pharmacological cognitive enhancing approaches. • Health benefits of nutrition in cognitive performance. • Neurophysiology and pharmacology of cognition in psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. • Integrated behavioural pharmacology of mental disorders including drug addiction, schizophrenia and depression. 293


Maria Alemany González (PhD Student) Esther Papaseit Fontanet (PhD Student) Anna Boronat Rigol (PhD Student) Antoni Pastor Bosch (Technician) Aida María Cuenca Royo (Technician) Clara Pérez Mañá (Researcher) Susana de Sola Llopis (Researcher) Marta Pérez Otero (Technician) Laura del Hoyo Soriano (PhD Student) Nieves Pizarro Lozano (Technician) Cristina Fernández Avilés (Technician) Maria Victoria Puig Velasco (Researcher) Laura Forcano Gamazo (Researcher) Mitona Pujadas Bastardes (Technician) Jordi García Quintana (Technician) Carla Ramon Duaso (PhD Student) Thomas Gener (Researcher) Patricia Robledo Montoya (Researcher) Cristina Llop Julià (Technician) Laia Roca San José (Research Assistant) Soraya Martín Sánchez (Technician) Josep Rodríguez Morató (PhD Student) Julián Andrés Mateus Rodríguez (Researcher) Juan Francisco Rodríguez Rodríguez (Technician) Esther Menoyo Colomer (Technician) Eva María Vitas Gutiérrez (Research Assistant) Eulàlia Olesti Muñoz (Technician) Laura Xicota Vila (PhD Student) Neurosciences Integrative Pharmacology and Systems Neuroscience

Main Publications Pharmacol Res 2015; 95-96C: 27-33. IF 4.408. Q1. • Del Hoyo L, Xicota L, Sánchez-Benavides • Pérez-Mañá C, Farré M, Rodríguez-Morató G, Cuenca A, de Sola S, Langohr K, Farré M, J, Papaseit E, Pujadas-Bastardes M, Fitó M, Dierssen M, de la Torre R. Semantic Verbal Robledo P, Covas MI, Cheynier V, Meudec Fluency Pattern, Dementia Rating Scores E, Escudier JL, de la Torre R. Moderate and Adaptive Behavior Correlate With consumption of wine, through both its Plasma Aß42 Concentrations in Down phenolic compounds and alcohol content, Syndrome Young Adults. Front Behav promotes hydroxytyrosol endogenous Neurosci 2015; 9: 301. IF 3.27. Q1. generation in humans. A randomized • Farré M, Tomillero A, Pérez-Mañá C, controlled trial. Mol Nutr Food Res 2015; Yubero-Lahoz S, Papaseit E, Roset PN, 59(6): 1213-1216. IF 4.603. Q1. Pujadas-Bastardes M, Torrens M, Camí • Puig MV, Gener T. Serotonin modulation J, de la Torre R. Human pharmacology of of prefronto-hippocampal rhythms in 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine health and disease. ACS Chem Neurosci (MDMA, ecstasy) after repeated doses 2015; 6(7): 1017-1025. IF 4.362. Q1. taken 4h apart Human pharmacology of MDMA after repeated doses taken 4h • Pujol J, del Hoyo L, Blanco-Hinojo L, de Sola apart. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2015; S, Macià D, Martínez-Vilavella G, Amor M, 25(10): 1637-1649. IF 4.369. Q1. Deus J, Rodríguez J, Farré M, Dierssen M, de la Torre R. Anomalous brain functional • La Porta C, Bura SA, Llorente-Onaindia J, connectivity contributing to poor adaptive Pastor A, Navarrete F, García-Gutiérrez behavior in Down syndrome. Cortex 2015; MS, de la Torre R, Manzanares J, 64: 148-156. IF 5.128. Q1. Monfort J, Maldonado R. Role of the endocannabinoid system in the emotional • Valls-Pedret C, Sala-Vila A, Serra-Mir manifestations of osteoarthritis pain. Pain M, Corella D, de la Torre R, Martínez- 2015; 156(10): 2001-2012. IF 5.213. Q1. González MA, Martínez-Lapiscina EH, Fitó M, Pérez-Heras AM, Salas-Salvadó • Pérez-Mañá C, Farré M, Pujadas-Bastardes J, Estruch R, Ros E. Mediterranean Diet M, Mustata C, Menoyo E, Pastor A, and Age-Related Cognitive Decline: A Langohr K, de la Torre R. Ethanol induces Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern hydroxytyrosol formation in humans. Med 2015; 175(7): 1094-1103. IF 13.116. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 295

• Viñals X, Moreno E, Lanfumey L, Cordomí • Estrategias terapéuticas para la A, Pastor A, de la Torre R, Gasperini P, recuperación de las alteraciones Navarro G, Howell LA, Pardo L, Lluís C, cognitivas en la discapacidad intelectual Canela EI, McCormick PJ, Maldonado mediante inhibición de la quinasa DYRK1A R, Robledo P. Cognitive Impairment >>Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Induced by Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (SAF2013-49129-C2-2-R) Occurs through Heteromers between >>From 2014 to 2016 Cannabinoid CB1 and Serotonin 5-HT2A >>Principal researcher: Puig Velasco, María Receptors. PLoS Biol 2015; 13(7): e1002194. Victoria IF 9.343. Q1. • Escalado de derivados del hidroxitirosol • Yubero-Lahoz S, Kuypers KP, Ramaekers para aplicación en alimentación con fines JG, Langohr K, Farré M, de la Torre R. nutracéuticos y antioxidantes Changes in serotonin transporter (5-HTT) >>Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (RTC- 2014-2013-2) gene expression in peripheral blood cells >>From 2014 to 2016 after MDMA intake. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2015; 232(11): 1921-1929. IF 3.875. Q1. >>Principal researcher: De la Torre Fornell, Rafael • Neural Substrates of Atypical Antipsychotic Drug Action: Role of Ongoing Research Projects Serotonin 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A Receptors in • Potencial de abuso y farmacología Neural Network Dynamics in the Mouse humana de la mefedrona: una droga de Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus diseño emergente during Executive Function >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII >>NARSAD (23014) (PI11/01961) >>From 2014 to 2017 >>From 2011 to 2015 >>Principal researcher: Puig Velasco, María >>Principal researcher: Farré Albaladejo, Magí Victoria • Recombinant hGH Biomarkers Discovery, • Characterization of novel suppressors Phase II of neurodegeneration in myotonic >>World Anti-Doping Agency (T13M07RD) dystrophy type 1 (DM1) >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (20143530) >>Principal researcher: De la Torre Fornell, Rafael >>From 2014 to 2018 >>Principal researcher: Robledo Montoya, Patricia Neurosciences Integrative Pharmacology and Systems Neuroscience

• Implicación de los heterómeros CB1-5- • Remodelando el desarrollo cerebral: HT2A en las alteraciones cognitivas y potenciación de la plasticidad neuronal conductuales de la esquizofrenia y su para mejorar el rendimiento cognitivo interacción con el consumo de cannabis: en síndromes que causan discapacidad un enfoque traslacional intelectual >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria-ISCIII >>Fundación Mutua Madrileña (AP157312015) (PI14/00210) >>Principal researcher: De la Torre Fornell, Rafael >>From 2014 to 2016 • Efectos del alcohol y las bebidas >>Principal researcher: Robledo Montoya, Patricia energéticas sobre la capacidad de • El consumo moderado de vino promueve conducción de vehículos y el riesgo de la generación endógena del antioxidante sangrado natural hidroxitirosol. Implicaciones >>Ministerio del Interior (SPIP2015-01798) en la prevención de enfermedades >>From 2015 to 2016 cardiovasculares >>Principal researcher: Pérez Mañá, Clara >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria-ISCIII (PI14/00072) >>From 2014 to 2017 Participation in Research Networks >>Principal researcher: De la Torre Fornell, Rafael • CIBER on Physiopathology of Obesity and • Nuevas sustancias psicoactivas: Nutrition (CIBEROBN) evaluación del potencial de abuso • Red de Trastornos Adictivos y farmacología humana de un >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. Subprograma cannabinoide sintético RETICS (RC12/0028/0009) >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria- ISCIII >>Principal researcher: Torrens Melich, Marta (PI14/00715) • MV Puig has founded and is currently >>From 2014 a 2015 president of the Spanish Network for >>Principal researcher: Farré Albaladejo, Magí the Interaction of Computational and Cognitive Neuroscientists.This is an official network associated with the Spanish Neuroscience Society (SENC). IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 297

Group’s Recognition • Pastor A. La formació d’esters i amides dels àcids grassos naturals com un • Officially recognized as a consolidated mecanisme per explicar els seus efectes research group by the Generalitat de en la salut humana. Autonomous Catalunya: Grup de Recerca Clínica en University of Barcelona Farmacologia i Epidemiologia de les >>Director: De la Torre Fornell, Rafael Drogues d’Abús i Neurociències. 2014 >>Date of defense: 21/12/2015 >>Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 680) >>Principal researcher: De la Torre Fornell, Rafael Other

• The FINS research group, together with Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 the IMIM Bioanalysis and Analytical Services Research Group and the • Nutrients studies: 1 (2015/6099) Proteomics Research Group from the • Observational studies: 1 (2015/6065) Pompeu Fabra University constitute • Clinical validation of analytical devices: 2 the BAPP (Bioanalysis, Proteomics and Pharmacology), a member of TECNIO (Technological Innovation Network), Theses the group created by ACC1Ó that brings together the main experts in applied • Viñals X. Neurobiological substrates research and technology transfer. involved in the behavioural alterations The BAPP is a reference in the field of induced by MDMA and THC chemistry linked to pharmacology, administration in mice. Pompeu Fabra toxicology and the development of new University drugs. >>Directors: Robledo, P; Maldonado, R >>Date of defense: 09/04/2015

More information at: Mental Health


Víctor Pérez Solà Group Leader

The Mental Health Research Group is a multidisciplinary team made up of different mental health professionals, experts in neuroimaging, technicians and research support personnel. The group’s main lines of research are:

• Affective disorders: new therapeutic instruments with greater resistance in depression; suicide prevention; structural and functional neuroimaging; biological and genetic markers; identification and assessment of new therapeutic targets and programmes; pharmacogenetics.

• Psychotic disorders: environmental, biological and genetic factors; efficacy and effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs; first psychotic episodes, genotype- environment and phenotype-environment interactions; neuroimaging; pharmacogenetics; new therapeutic strategies.

• Therapeutics in mental health: treatment efficacy and resistance; validation of diagnostic and assessment scales; systematic check-ups; neuropsychology; neurophysiology; neuroimaging. 299


María Teresa Campillo Sanz (Researcher) Núria Pujol Giménez (Researcher) Eva Luque Asín (Research Assistant) Alfonso Rodríguez Martínez (Researcher) Sílvia Oller Canet (PhD Student) Alba Toll Privat (Researcher) Antonio Luis Palomo Nicolau (Researcher) Neurosciences Mental Health

Main Publications mediator of human anxiety sensitivity. Hum Brain Mapp 2015; 36(10): 3950- • Alonso-Solís A, Vives-Gilabert Y, Grasa 3958. IF 5.969. Q1. E, Portella MJ, Rabella M, Sauras RB, Roldán A, Núñez-Marín F, Gómez-Anson B, Pérez V, Álvarez E, Corripio I. Resting- Ongoing Research Projects state functional connectivity alterations • Eficacia del programa online in the default network of schizophrenia iFightDepression para el tratamiento de patients with persistent auditory verbal la depresión leve y moderada hallucinations. Schizophr Res 2015; 161(2- >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII 3): 261-268. IF 3.923. Q1. (PI13/00171) • Castro JI, Olariu E, Garnier C, Martín >>From 2014 to 2016 LM, Pérez V, Alonso J, Forero CG, on >>Principal researcher: Pérez Solà, Víctor behalf of the INSAyD investigators. Diagnostic accuracy and adequacy of treatment of depressive and anxiety Participation in Research Networks disorders: A comparison of primary care • CIBERSAM - Centro de Investigación and specialized care patients. J Affect Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental Disorders 2015; 172: 462-471. IF 3.383. Q1. >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. Subprograma • Cebrià AI, Pérez-Bonaventura I, Cuijpers CIBER. (CB07/09/0010). P, Kerkhof A, Parra I, Escayola A, García- >>Principal researcher: Pérez Solà, Víctor Parés G, Oliva JC, Puntí J, López D, Vallès V, Pamias M, Hegerl U, Pérez V, Palao DJ. Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 Telephone Management Program for Patients Discharged From an Emergency • Phase III Studies: 2 (2015/6277, 2015/6278) Department After a Suicide Attempt. • Observational studies: 1 (2015/6011) Crisis 2015; 36(5): 345-352. IF 1.527. Q2. • Harrison BJ, Fullana MA, Soriano-Mas C, Via E, Pujol J, Martínez-Zalacaín I, Tinoco D, Davey CG, López-Solà M, Pérez V, Menchón JM, Cardoner N. A neural IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 301


• Martín, A. Estudio de la interacción gen- ambiente en el Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Directors: Pérez, V.; Pascual, J.C. >>Date of defense: 18/12/2015 • González, I. El cortisol en pelo como marcador biológico del estrés crónico y de la depresión. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Directors: Pérez, V.; Portella, M. >>Date of defense: 14/12/2015 • Arriagada, M.I. Evaluación psicopatológica en obesidad y post cirugía bariátrica. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Director: Pérez, V. >>Date of defense: 12/06/2015

More information at: Neurofunctionality of Brain and Language


Jordi Peña Casanova Group Leader

The Neurofunctionality of Brain and Language Research Group focuses on the study of the relationships between the brain and cognition, behaviour, and emotional states, with special interest on language. These relationships are studied in the context of focal and diffuse brain pathology, particularly in neurodegenerative diseases, tumours and epilepsy.

The unit has a multidisciplinary approach to neurofunctionality and language in the study of patients to be submitted to neurosurgical procedures. This approach enables to carry out advanced neurosurgery, with unquestionable benefits for the patient, given that during the surgical operation the cerebral zones related to cognitive functions can be differentiated and protected. The technology implemented in the operating theatre is used in conjunction with cognitive and neurophysiologic studies. 303


Gerardo Conesa Bertran (Researcher) Alessandro Principe (Technician) Ignacio Delgado Martínez (Researcher) Víctor Manuel Puente Periz (Researcher) Josep M. Espadaler Gamissans (Researcher) Albert Puig Pijoan (Technician) Rosa M. Manero Borràs (PhD Student) Rodrigo Alberto Rocamora Zuñiga (Researcher) Núria Massuet Pujadas (Technician) Gonzalo Sánchez Benavides (Technician) David Pereira Carpio (Technician) Gloria Villalba Martínez (Researcher) Neurosciences Neurofunctionality of Brain and Language

Main Publications • Manzano D, Conesa G, Lafuente J. Unusual case of posterior fossa syndrome • Buongiorno M, Antonelli F, Cámara A, and bilateral hypertrophic olivary Puente VM, De Fàbregues O, Hernández- degeneration after surgical removal of Vara J, Calopa M, Pascual-Sedano B, a large fourth ventricle ependymoma in Campolongo A, Valldeoriola F, Tolosa an adult. Acta Neurochir 2015; 157(7): 1271- E, Kulisevsky J, Martí MJ. Long-term 1273. IF 1.766. Q2. response to continuous duodenal • Muñiz R, Massegú-Serra C, Reisberg infusion of levodopa/carbidopa gel B, Rojo JM, del Ser T, Peña-Casanova J, in patients with advanced Parkinson Olazarán J. Cognitive-Motor Intervention disease: The Barcelona registry. in Alzheimer’s Disease: Long-Term Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2015; 21(8): 871- Results from the Maria Wolff Trial. J 876. IF 3.972. Q1. Alzheimers Dis 2015; 45(1): 295-304. IF • De Sola S, de la Torre R, Sánchez- 4.151. Q1. Benavides G, Benejam B, Cuenca A, del • Peltola J, Holtkamp M, Rocamora R, Hoyo L, Rodríguez J, Catuara S, Sánchez- Ryvlin P, Sieradzan K, Villanueva V. Gutiérrez J, Dueñas I, Hernández G, Peña- Practical guidance and considerations for Casanova J, Langohr K, Videla S, Blehaut transitioning patients from oxcarbazepine H, Farré M, Dierssen M, and The TESDAD or carbamazepine to eslicarbazepine Study Group. A new cognitive evaluation acetate - Expert opinion. Epilepsy Behav battery for Down syndrome and its 2015; 50: 46-49. IF 2.257. Q2. relevance for clinical trials. Front Psychol 2015; 6: 708. IF 2.56. Q1. • Pont-Sunyer C, Iranzo A, Gaig C, Fernández-Arcos A, Vilas D, Valldeoriola • Gramunt N, Buschke H, Sánchez- F, Compta Y, Fernández-Santiago Benavides G, Lipton RB, Peña-Casanova J, R, Fernández M, Bayés A, Calopa M, Diéguez-Vide F, Masramon X, Gispert JD, Casquero P, De Fàbregues O, Jaumà Fauria K, Camí J, Molinuevo JL. Reference S, Puente VM, Salamero M, Martí MJ, Data of the Spanish Memory Binding Santamaría J, Tolosa E. Sleep Disorders in Test in a Midlife Population from the Parkinsonian and Nonparkinsonian LRRK2 ALFA STUDY (Alzheimer’s and Family). Mutation Carriers. PLoS ONE 2015; 10(7): J Alzheimers Dis 2015; 48(3): 613-625. IF e0132368. IF 3.234. Q1. 4.151. Q1. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 305

• Rocamora R. A review of the efficacy and • Sylvius: A novel multimodal integrative safety of eslicarbazepine acetate in the computer platform to model language management of partial-onset seizures. and improve neurosurgical planning and Ther Adv Neurol Disord 2015; 8(4): 178- treatment outcome 186. IF 3.14. Q2. >>Fundació “la Caixa” • Vilas D, Ispierto L, Álvarez R, Pont-Sunyer >>From 2014 to 2018 C, Martí MJ, Valldeoriola F, Compta Y, De >>Principal researcher: Conesa Bertran, Gerard Fàbregues O, Hernández-Vara J, Puente VM, Calopa M, Jaumà S, Campdelacreu J, Clinical Trials Signed in 2015 Aguilar M, Quílez P, Casquero P, Lomeña F, Ríos J, Tolosa E. Clinical and imaging • Phase II studies: 2 (2014/5947, 2014/5941) markers in premotor LRRK2 G2019S • Phase III studies: 4 (2014/5862, 2014/5984, mutation carriers. Parkinsonism Relat 2015/6270, 2015/6323) Disord 2015; 21(10): 1170-1176. IF: 3,972. Q1. • Observational studies: 4 (2015/6027/I, 2015/6068, 2015/6067, 2015/6030) Ongoing Research Projects

• Catalan adaptation Theses and normalization of neuropsychological • Casals-Coll, M. Validesa diagnòstica de la instruments bateria NEURONORMA en deteriorament >>Fundació La Marató de TV3 (20143010) cognitiu lleu i demència tipus Alzheimer >>From 2015 to 2018 lleu. Autonomous University of Barcelona >>Principal researcher: Peña Casanova, Jordi >>Directors: Peña-Casanova, J.; Sánchez-Benavides, G. >>Date of defense: 15/04/2015

More information at: Neuroimaging of Mental Disorders


Òscar Vilarroya Oliver Group Leader

This group is a multidisciplinary research group with the objective of studying the neuroanatomical and neurofunctional bases of specific mental and neurological disorders, as well as specific cognitive, emotional and motivational functions among the general population, using structural and functional magnetic resonance techniques. At present, the group has the following research lines active in neuroimaging: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other impulsivity disorders, Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, Anxiety disorders, and other studies in the general population. 307


Daniel Bergé Baquero (Researcher) Romina Cortizo Vidal (Researcher) Neurosciences Neuroimaging of Mental Disorders

Main Publications • Picado M, Carmona S, Hoekzema E, Pailhez G, Bergé D, Mané A, Fauquet J, • García-Portilla MP, García-Álvarez L, Mané Hilferty J, Moreno A, Cortizo R, Vilarroya A, Garcia-Rizo C, Sugranyes G, Bergé D, O, Bulbena A (2015). The neuroanatomical Bernardo M, Fernández-Egea E, Bobes J. basis of panic disorder and social The negative syndrome of schizophrenia: phobia in schizophrenia: a voxel based Three -underlying components are better morphometric study. PLoS ONE 2015; than two. Schizophr Res 2015; 166(1-3): 10(3): e0119847. IF 3.234. Q1. 115-118. IF 3.923. Q1. • Mallorquí-Bagué N, Bulbena A, Roé- Vellvé N, Hoekzema E, Carmona S, Barba-Müller E, Fauquet J, Pailhez G, Vilarroya O. Emotion processing in joint hypermobility: A potential link to the neural bases of anxiety and related somatic symptoms in collagen anomalies. Eur Psychiat 2015; 30(4): 454- 458. IF 3.439. Q1. • Mané A, Fernández-Expósito M, Bergé D, Gómez-Pérez L, Sabaté A, Toll A, Díaz- Digón L, Díez-Aja C, Pérez V. Relationship between cannabis and psychosis: Reasons for use and associated clinical variables. Psychiat Res 2015; 229(1-2): 70- 74. IF 2.467. Q2.

More information at: 309 Perioperative Medicine


Lluís Gallart Gallego Group Leader

We are clinical anesthesiologists who also perform clinical research. Our main topics are: (1) respiratory aspects of anesthesia, namely treatment of perioperative hypoxemia, effects of anesthestics on respiratory function and postoperative pulmonary complications; (2) blood saving strategies, focused to avoid blood transfusion; (3) neuroanaesthesia, mainly monitoring depth of anaesthesia and effects of anaesthetics during neuroanaesthesia; (4) clinical trials related to anaesthetic procedures; (5) pathophysiological mechanisms of neuropathic pain; (6) epidemiology and treatment of postoperative pain. 311


Lluís Aguilera Cuchillo (PhD Student) Susana Fernández Galinski (Researcher) Juan Carlos Álvarez García (Researcher) Anna Mases Fernàndez (Researcher) Enriqueta Barrera Álvarez (Researcher) Lluís Molto García (Researcher) Sílvia Bermejo Martínez (PhD Student) Antonio Montes Pérez (Researcher) Elvira Bisbe Vives (Researcher) Francesc Xavier Santiveri Papiol (Researcher) Christian Dürsteler Tatxe (Researcher) Maria Teresa Silva Costa Gómes (Researcher) Fernando Escolano Villén (Researcher) Jordi Vallés Esteve (Researcher) Neurosciences Perioperative Medicine

Main Publications • Montes A, Roca G, Sabaté S, Lao JL, Navarro A, Cantillo J, Canet J, and the • Canet J, Sabaté S, Mazo V, Gallart L, de GENDOLCAT Study Group. Genetic Abreu MG, Belda J, Langeron O, Hoeft and clinical factors associated with A, Pelosi P, For the PERISCOPE group. chronic postsurgical pain after hernia Development and validation of a score repair, hysterectomy, and thoracotomy. to predict postoperative respiratory A two-year multicenter cohort study. failure in a multicentre European cohort: Anesthesiology 2015; 122(5): 1123-41. IF A prospective, observational study. Eur 5.879. Q1. J Anaesthesiol 2015; 32(7): 458-470. IF • Villar T, Pacreu S, Zalbidea M, Montes A. 2.942. Q2. Prolonged dysphonia as a complication • Gallart Ll, Pérez-Ramos A, Yélamos J, of interscalene block. Injury 2015; 46(7): Curull V, Aguiló R. Continuous positive 1409-1410. IF 2.137. Q1. airway pressure during one-lung ventilation and disturbed visibility. Br J Anaesth 2015; 114(6): 1009. IF 4.853. Q1. Ongoing Research Projects

• Grau S, Luque S, Campillo N, Samsó E, • LIIRA _ Efficacy Of Pregabalin In The Rodríguez U, García-Bernedo CA, Salas Treatment Of Pancreatic Cancer Pain. A E, Sharma R, Hope WW, Roberts A. Randomized Controlled Double-Blind, Plasma and peritoneal fluid population Parallel Group Study pharmacokinetics of micafungin in post- >>PFIZER surgical patients with severe peritonitis. >>From 2012 to 2017 J Antimicrob Chemother 2015; 70(10): >>Principal researcher: Dürsteler Tatxe, Christian 2854-2861. IF 5.313. Q1. • Prótesis de rodilla dolorosa. Relación • Meissner W, Coluzzi F, Fletcher F, Huygen entre la analgesia endógena y el dolor F, Morlion B, Neugebauer E, Montes A, postquirúrgico persistente Pergolizzi J. Improving the management >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII of post-operative acute pain: priorities (PI12/01422) for change. Curr Med Res Opin 2015; >>From 2013 to 2016 31(11): 2131-2143. IF 2.653. Q1. >>Principal researcher: Dürsteler Tatxe, Christian IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 313

• Efectos de la presión positiva continua Others (CPAP) intraoperatoria sobre la respuesta inflamatoria del pulmón con cáncer ◗◗ Awards sometido a lobectomía. Ensayo clínico aleatorizado con grupo de control • Santiveri X: Premio a la mejor >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII comunicación científica por el estudio (PI10/00383) ¿Como influye el tratamiento con >>From 2011 to 2015 analgesia intrarticular con cateter en el >>Principal researcher: Gallart Gallego, Lluís dolor postoperatorio por artroplastia de cadera? Estudio prospectivoaleatorio a Theses doble ciego. Cuenca M, Pérez D, Santiveri X, Ortiz P, Tey M, Marqués F, Leon A. 52 • Bisbe, E. Utilitat del ferro endovenós per congreso SECOT. 23-25 September 2015, al tractament de l’anèmia en cirurgia Valencia. ortopèdica. Autonomous University of • Montes A. Premio Fundación Grünenthal Barcelona a la Investigación en Dolor 2015. Genetic >>Directors: Cáceres-Palou, E.; Monllau, J.C.; and Clinical Factors Associated with Cladellas, M. Chronic Postsurgical Pain after Hernia >>Date of defense: 06/11/2015 Repair, Hysterectomy and Thoracotomy. • Bermejo, S. Almitrina combinada amb A Two-year Multicenter Cohort Study. fàrmacs vasodilatadors per la hipoxèmia Salamanca 28 January 2016. durant ventilació unipulmonar en • Mases A. Premi Raventós 2015 de la cirurgia toràcica Societat Catalana d’Anestesiologia, >>Director: Gallart, L. Reanimació i Terapèutica del Dolor. >>Date of defense: 10/09/2015 Award for the best original work of Anesthesiology, Rescuscitation and Pain Therapy published in an indexed journal in 2014.

More information at: Behavioral Neurobiology


Olga Valverde Granados Group Leader

The Behavioral Neurobiology Research Group was constituted in 2007 and is a recognized team in the study of the neurobiological substrate of psychiatric disorders and neurotoxicity, including drug addiction, affective disorders, psychiatric co-morbidity and schizophrenia.

Our group belongs to the Experimental and Health Sciences Department of Pompeu Fabra University and is located in the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park. Our team is member of the Addictive Disorders Network (Red de Trastornos Adictivos RTA-ISCIII) and was integrated in the Neurosciences Programme of IMIM for the traslational research activity undertaken. 315


Lidia Cantacorps Centellas (PhD Student) María Moscoso Castro (PhD Student) Adriana Castro Zavala (PhD Student) Marta Portero Tresserra (Researcher) Miguel Ángel Luján Pérez (PhD Student) Vincent André Rene Warnault (PhD Student) Neus Mondragón Ruiz (Technician) Neurosciences Behavioral Neurobiology

Publications as IMIM Associated • Mateos-García A, Manzanedo C, Group Rodríguez-Arias M, Aguilar MA, Reig- Sanchis E, Navarro-Francés CI, Valverde • Johansson EM, García-Gutiérrez MS, O, Miñarro J, Arenas MC. Sex differences Moscoso-Castro M, Manzanares J, in the long-lasting consequences of Valverde O. Reduced Contextual adolescent ethanol exposure for the Discrimination following Alcohol rewarding effects of cocaine in mice. Consumption or MDMA Administration Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2015; 232(16): in Mice. PLoS ONE 2015; 10(11): e0142978. 2995-3007. IF 3.875. Q1. IF 3.234. Q1. • Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Grosdidier S, Valverde O, Torrens M, Bravo À, Piñero J, Sanz F, Furlong LI. PsyGeNET: a knowledge platform on psychiatric disorders and their genes. Bioinformatics 2015; 31(18): 3075-3077. IF 4.981. Q1. • Rodríguez-Arias M, Navarrete F, Blanco- Gandia MC, Arenas MC, Aguilar MA, Bartoll-Andrés A, Valverde O, Miñarro J, Manzanares J. Role of CB2 receptors in social and aggressive behavior in male mice. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2015; 232(16): 3019-3031. IF 3.875. Q1.

More information at CEXS-UPF: 317 Genes and Diseases


Mara Dierssen Sotos Group Leader

The Genes and Diseases Group is a CRG (Centre for Genomic Regulation) research group associated with IMIM. Our overall goal is to understand how the neuronal architecture and connectivity constrain the mesoscopic network activity and influence the flow and storage of information in neuronal circuits. Alterations in the architectural properties of the neurons are observed in most mental disorders and are assumed to be the cause of the cognitive disturbances. We focus mainly on intellectual disability and neuropsychiatric disorders, using a systems neuroscience approach that combines behavioural and neurobiological analyses in mice, with the results from cellular models. Based on our understanding of the genetic and molecular circuits disturbed in intellectual disability we have initiated a clinical trial in Down syndrome (de la Torre et al, 2013) and fragile X syndrome (FRAXA Foundation). 319


Júlia Albaigès Ràfols (Technician) Linus Manubens Gil (PhD Student) Silvina Catuara (PhD Student)) María Martínez de Lagrán (Technician) Susana de Sola Llopis (Researcher) Mireia Ortega Crespo (PhD Student) Ilario de Toma (Researcher) Jordi Sala Serra (Technician) Marta Fructuoso Castellar (PhD Student) Neurosciences Genes and Diseases

Publications as IMIM Associated • Pujol J, del Hoyo L, Blanco-Hinojo L, de Group Sola S, Macià D, Martínez-Vilavella G, Amor M, Deus J, Rodríguez J, Farré M, • Del Hoyo L, Xicota L, Sánchez-Benavides Dierssen M, de la Torre R. Anomalous G, Cuenca A, de Sola S, Langohr K, Farré brain functional connectivity M, Dierssen M, de la Torre R. Semantic contributing to poor adaptive behavior in Verbal Fluency Pattern, Dementia Rating Down syndrome. Cortex 2015; 64: 148-156. Scores and Adaptive Behavior Correlate IF 4.314. Q1. With Plasma Aß42 Concentrations in • Catuara S, Espinosa JA, Erb I, Langohr Down Syndrome Young Adults. Front K, Notredame C, González JR, Dierssen Behav Neurosci 2015; 9: 301. IF 3.392. Q1. M. Principal Component Analysis of the • De Sola S, de la Torre R, Sánchez- Effects of Environmental Enrichment and Benavides G, Benejam B, Cuenca A, del (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate on Age- Hoyo L, Rodríguez J, Catuara S, Sánchez- Associated Learning Deficits in a Mouse Gutiérrez J, Dueñas I, Hernández G, Peña- Model of Down Syndrome. Front Behav Casanova J, Langohr K, Videla S, Blehaut Neurosci 2015; 9: 330. IF 3.392. Q1. H, Farré M, Dierssen M, and The TESDAD Study Group. A new cognitive evaluation battery for Down syndrome and its Ongoing Research Projects in relevance for clinical trials. Front Psychol Collaboration with IMIM 2015; 6: 708. IF 2.463. Q1. • Remodelando el desarrollo cerebral: • Rodríguez-Morató J, Xicota L, Fitó M, Farré potenciación de la plasticidad neuronal M, Dierssen M, de la Torre R. Potential para mejorar el rendimiento cognitivo Role of Olive Oil Phenolic Compounds en síndromes que causan discapacidad in the Prevention of Neurodegenerative intelectual Diseases. Molecules 2015; 20(3): 4655- >>Fundación Mutua Madrileña (AP157312015) 4680. IF 2.465. Q2. >>Principal researcher: de la Torre Fornell, Rafael

More information at CRG: 321 Genetics


Luis Alberto Pérez Jurado Group Leader

The Genetics Unit of UPF is a multidisciplinary research group associated with the IMIM integrated by medical doctors, biologists, biostatistician, psychologist, information scientists and technicians. It is also a member of the Network Center for Biomedical Research in Rare Diseases (CIBERER). We focus our research on genomic structural variation and several neurodevelopmental genetic disorders affecting behavior, language and personality, including mutational mechanisms, evolutionary studies, and the use of mouse models of disease, along with the necessary translational research in medical genetics. We aim to translate the research findings directly into clinical practice, improving clinical protocols, diagnostic tools and developing novel therapies. 323


María Victoria Campuzano Uceda (Researcher) Cristina Borralleras Fumaña (PhD Student) Roser Corominas Castiñeira (Researcher) Marcos López Sánchez (PhD Student) Ivon Cuscó Martí (Researcher) Judith Reina Castillón (PhD Student) Raquel Flores Peirats (Research Assistant) Marta Codina Solà (PhD Student) Armand Gutiérrez Arumí (PhD Student) Maria Segura Puidemon (Researcher) Andrés Medrano Muñoz (Researcher) Anna Montaner Domènech (PhD Student) Benjamin Rodríguez Santiago (Researcher) Francesc Bou de Pieri (PhD Student) Clara Serra Juhé (Researcher) Neurosciences Genetics

Publications as IMIM Associated mosaicism calling. BMC Bioinformatics Group 2015; 16: 167. IF 2.576. Q1. • Machiela MJ, Zhou W, Sampson JN,…(190 • Binelli C, Muñiz A, Subirà S, Navinés more authors), Pérez-Jurado LA, Laurie R, Blanco-Hinojo L, Pérez-García D, CC, Caporaso NE, Yeager M, Chanock Crippa JA, Farré M, Pérez-Jurado L, Pujol SJ. Characterization of large structural J, Martín-Santos R. Facial emotion genetic mosaicism in human autosomes. processing in patients with social anxiety Am J Hum Genet 2015; 96(3): 487-497. IF disorder and Williams-Beuren syndrome: 10.931. Q1. an fMRI study. J Psychiatr Neurosci 2015; 41(1): 140384. IF 5.861. Q1. • Palacios-Verdú MG, Segura-Puimedon M, Borralleras C, Flores R, del Campo M, • Borralleras C, Sahún I, Pérez-Jurado LA, Campuzano V, Pérez-Jurado LA. Metabolic Campuzano V. Intracisternal Gtf2i Gene abnormalities in Williams-Beuren Therapy Ameliorates Deficits in Cognition syndrome. J Med Genet 2015; 52(4): 248- and Synaptic Plasticity of a Mouse Model 255. IF 6.335. Q1. of Williams-Beuren Syndrome. Mol Ther 2015; 23(11): 1691-1699. IF 6.227. Q1. • Serra-Juhé C, Cuscó I, Homs A, Flores R, Torán N, Pérez-Jurado LA. DNA • Codina-Solà M, Rodríguez-Santiago B, methylation abnormalities in congenital Homs A, Santoyo J, Rigau M, Aznar-Laín heart disease. Epigenetics 2015; 10(2): 167- G, Del Campo M, Gener B, Gabau E, 177. IF 4.78. Q1. Botella MP, Gutiérrez-Arumí A, Antiñolo G, Pérez-Jurado LA, Cuscó I. Integrated • Toma C, Torrico B, Hervás A, Salgado analysis of whole-exome sequencing and M, Rueda I, Valdés-Mas R, Buitelaar JK, transcriptome profiling in males with Rommelse N, Franke B, Freitag C, Reif A, autism spectrum disorders. Mol Autism Pérez-Jurado LA, Battaglia A, Mazzone 2015; 6:21. IF 5.413. Q1. L, E, Puente XS, Cormand B. Common and rare variants of microRNA • Hernández-Ferrer C, Quintela García I, genes in autism spectrum disorders. Danielski K, Carracedo Á, Pérez-Jurado World J Biol Psychiatry 2015; 16(6): 376-386. LA, González JR. affy2sv: an R package to IF 4.183. Q1. pre-process Affymetrix CytoScan HD and 750K arrays for SNP, CNV, inversion and IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 325

Ongoing Research Projects in Collaboration with IMIM

• Caracterización de inversiones submicroscópicas ancestrales del genoma humano y su contribución a enfermedad germinal y somática >>Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI13/02481) >>Principal researcher: Pérez Jurado, Luis Alberto

More information at: Laboratory of Neuropharmacology


Rafael Maldonado López Group Leader

The Laboratory of Neuropharmacology (NeuroPhar) is a UPF research group that is associated with the IMIM. NeuroPhar studies the neurobiological substrate of drug addiction, pain, cognitive deficits, affective and eating disorders. The main interest of this research group is the development of research lines aimed at the identification of new therapeutic targets in the central nervous system.

The Laboratory of Neuropharmacology is interested in the neurochemical and neuroanatomical bases of addiction induced by opioids, cannabinoids, nicotine and psychostimulants. 327


Josep Eladi Baños Díez (Researcher) Fernando Berrendero Díaz (Researcher) Andrés Ozaita Mintegui (Researcher) Neurosciences Laboratory of Neuropharmacology

Publications as IMIM Associated Ongoing Research Projects Group in Collaboration with IMIM

• La Porta C, Bura SA, Llorente- • Redes temáticas de investigación Onaindia J, Pastor A, Navarrete F, cooperativa en salud (RETICS). Red de García-Gutiérrez MS, De la Torre R, trastornos adictivos (RTA) Manzanares J, Monfort J, Maldonado >>Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RD12/0028/0023) R. Role of the endocannabinoid system >>From 2013 to 2016 in the emotional manifestations of >>Coordinator: Fernando Rodríguez de Fonseca osteoarthritis pain. Pain 2015, 156(10): (Fundación IMABIS/Hospital Carlos Haya, Málaga) 2001-2012. IF 5.213. Q1. >>Principal researcher: Rafael Maldonado (UPF) • Viñals X, Moreno E, Lanfumey L, Cordomí >>Sub-Project: Cocaine (Responsible: Marta A, Pastor A, de La Torre R, Gasperini P, Torrens, IMIM/Hospital del Mar) Navarro G, Howell LA, Pardo L, Lluís C, Canela EI, McCormick PJ, Maldonado R, Robledo P. Cognitive Impairment Induced by Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol Occurs through Heteromers between Cannabinoid CB1 and Serotonin 5-HT2A Receptors. PLoS Biology. 2015, 13(7): e1002194. IF 9.343. Q1.

More information at CEXS-UPF: 329 Core Facilities

Internal Services

Common Areas and Laboratories

Internal and External Services

Other Services IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 331

Montserrat Torà Barnadas Piedad Navarro Moya (head of service) Lara Nonell Mazelón Eulàlia Puigdecanet Riubugent Magdalena Arnal Segura Eulàlia Puigmartí Pich Laura Arregui Egido Rebeca Rueda Miret Marta Bódalo Torruella Núria Somoza Abelló Montserrat Hidalgo Salgado Erica Torres Fernández Sergi Mojal Garcia Core Facilities


The Scientific and Technical Services (SCT) Services are organized under three main are a variety of services created with the areas: objective of providing researchers with • Internal Services both scientific and technical support and the infrastructure necessary to carry out • Common Areas and Laboratories experimental research. Each service has a • Internal and External Services specific highly qualified staff responsible of daily functioning and scientific Scientific and Technical Services have the advisement under a SCT unique general Quality Management System Certification manager that is in charge of coordination under ISO 9001:2008, from july 2014. and organization.

The services offered are based on: Internal Services • Scientific consulting ◗◗ Consulting Service on Methodology • Common laboratories and experimental for Biomedical Research areas with specific legal and technical requirements The objective of the Consulting Service on Methodology for Biomedical Research • Highly technological equipment for (AMIB) is to offer support on methodology biomedical research and statistics applied to biomedical Besides using its Scientific and Technical research to investigators of Parc de Salut Services (SCT), IMIM researchers can also Mar and health care centers and IMIM. have access to those belonging to the The services offered are: CRG and the UPF, located in the same building of the PRBB. These SCT add to and • Consultation regarding protocol design complement the services already available, • Sample size estimation covering fields such as Genomics, Proteomics, Cytometry and Microscopy. • Creation of randomization lists

• Design, management and quality control of data bases IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 333

• Statistical analysis Consultations by research programme 2015

• Report writing

• Consulting on presentations and Consultations Frequency Percentage publications Research There were a total of 694 consultations Programme on 101 46.0% Cancer in 2015, of which 68% corresponded to associated clinical groups and 32% Research corresponded to research programmes. Programme on Inflammatory and 78 35.5% Cardiovascular Disorders Consultations 2015 Research Programme on 29 13.2% Research Neurosciences Programmes Research Programme on 12 5.3% 37% Epidemiology and Public Health

TOTAL 220 100.0% 63%

Associated Clinical Groups Core Facilities

◗◗ Publications S, Rojo F, Albanell J, Rovira A, Arriola E. Angiopoietin-2 is a negative prognostic • Alonso S, Pascual M, Salvans S, Mayol X, marker in small cell lung cancer. Lung Mojal S, Gil-Egea MJ, Grande L, Pera M. Canc 2015; 90(2): 302-306. IF 3.767. Q1. Postoperative intra-abdominal infection and colorectal cancer recurrence: A • Grau S, Fondevilla E, Freixas N, Mojal S, prospective matched cohort study of Sopena N, Bella F, Gudiol F, on behalf of inflammatory and angiogenic responses the VINCat Group. Relationship between as mechanisms involved in this consumption of MRSA-active antibiotics association. Eur J Surg Oncol 2015; 41(2): and burden of MRSA in acute care 208-214. IF 2.94. Q1. hospitals in Catalonia, Spain. J Antimicrob Chemother 2015; 70(4): 1193-1197. • Anguiano L, Riera M, Pascual J, Vladivielso IF 4.919. Q1. JM, Barrios C, Betriu A, Mojal S, Fernández E, Soler MJ, on behalf of the investigators • Monfort J, Rotés D, Segalés N, Montañés from the NEFRONA study.Circulating FJ, Orellana C, Llorente-Onaindia J, Mojal angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activity S, Padro I, Benito P. Comparative efficacy in patients with chronic kidney disease of intra-articular hyaluronic acid and without previous history of cardiovascular corticoid injections in osteoarthritis of disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2015; the first carpometacarpal joint: Results 30(7): 1176-1185. IF 4.085. Q1. of a 6-month single-masked randomized study. Joint Bone Spine 2015; 82(2): 116-121. • Barrios C, Pascual J, Otero S, Soler MJ, IF 2.946. Q2. Rodríguez-García E, Collado S, Faura A, Mojal S, Navarro-González JF, Betriu A, • Pérez-Prieto D, Sánchez-Soler JF, Martínez- Fernández E, Vladivielso JM, on behalf of Llorens JM, Mojal S, Bago J, Cáceres- the investigators of the NEFRONA study. Palou E, Ramírez M. Poor outcomes and Diabetic nephropathy is an independent satisfaction in adolescent idiopathic factor associated to severe subclinical scoliosis surgery: the relevance of the body atheromatous disease. Atherosclerosis mass index and self-image. Eur Spine J 2015; 242(1): 37-44. IF 3.942. Q1. 2015; 24(2): 276-280. IF 2.132. Q2.

• Cañadas I, Taus A, Villanueva X, Arpí O, • Sánchez-Rodríguez MD, Miralles R, Pijuan L, Rodriguez Y, Menéndez S, Mojal Muniesa JM, Mojal S, Abadía-Escartín IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 335

A, Vázquez-Ibar O. Three measures of • Technical support and scientific physical rehabilitation effectiveness consultancy in elderly patients: a prospective, longitudinal, comparative analysis. BMC Equipment Geriatr 2015; 15: 142. IF 2.371. Q1. • 51 freezers of -80ºC ultra-low temperature ◗◗ Freezers and Cryopreservation • 4 temperature-controlled rooms This service is dedicated to the maintenance (Temp and O2 control in one room) and supervision of the centralized large • 3 chambers of -20ºC freezer area as well as the area where the liquid nitrogen tanks are located. • 4 chambers of 4ºC

Services • 6 combined refrigerator/freezers (double sensor) • Monitoring of the process of supplying liquid nitrogen to the tanks • 2 freezers of -20ºC

• Monitoring of the process of refilling the All the equipment has sensors to monitor nitrogen tanks the different parameters of the units.

• Process of supplying liquid nitrogen to Every week, the temperature records are portable containers sent to the different research groups that use the equipment. In 2015, a total of 6 • Monitoring of proper freezer operation new requests for cryopreservation space with a system of alarms connected to the were processed. IMIM Maintenance Service ◗ • Assignment of space in the -80º C ◗ Cell Culture Service freezers and LN2 containers Preparation of culture media • Temperature control of all refrigeration units and issuing of reports There is a service for users to prepare cell culture media for them on demand. • Storage and distribution of dry ice In 2015, a total of 198 applications for the mycoplasma test were received and a Core Facilities

total of 1.265 culture media were prepared Funding under request. 2013-2015: Support Agreement for Cell line maintenance service research in the SNS. FIS/ISCIII-Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (Healthcare The bank has more than 140 tumor and Research Fund). ISCIII. CA12/00338 normal cell lines, kept frozen in liquid nitrogen. ◗◗ Sterilization and Cleaning

The service includes maintenance of the The Sterilization and Cleaning Service bank of cell lines, replacement of stocks provides support for the research and distribution of frozen vials to users laboratories in keeping the facilities clean under request. (lab tables, fume-cupboard glass, cabinets), Requests to the cell line bank in 2015: as well as taking care of fungible material. The service carries out daily sterilization Orders controls and all records and reports are filed for examination. Origin of users requests Percentage

IMIM 102 80,32% Common Areas and Laboratories Centres PRBB 14 11,02% (non-IMIM) ◗◗ Histology External Centres 11 8,66% (non-PRBB) The Histology Area consists of a laboratory TOTAL 127 100% with the necessary infrastructure for processing tissues.


• Leika Cryostat Microtome

• Paraffin microtome

• Leika optical microscope

• Selecta oven up to 200ºC IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 337

• Leika paraffin dispenser • Observation and study of samples with the electron microscope • Myr paraffin-block dispenser • Electronic micrographs (analog and • Cooling and heating plates digital photography reprints) taken from • Battery for hematoxylin-eosin the samples staining • Interpretation of the results obtained • Heating baths from the examination using the electron microscope and interpretation of the • Refrigerator electron micrographs obtained from the study samples ◗◗ Microscopy The types of samples suitable for study The Microscopy Area consists of two (always from human or animal tissue different areas: samples) are the following: culture of cells Microscopy Room processed using the mono-layer or roll procedure; samples from any human or • 2 Fluorescence Microscopes (Microscopy animal organ or tissue, including blood, BX61 Olympus and Motorized Microscopy multiple fluids with cells and cilia samples; Nikon Eclipse Ni-E), equipped with a and microbiological samples in tissues system for recording digital images or microbiological samples coming from • 2 Dual-view optical microscopes cultures.

• 2 Fluorescence microscopes ◗◗ Radioactive Facilities

Transmission Electron Microscopy The Scientific and Technical Services of IMIM have a radioactive facility of The service is offered only under category 2, IRA - 1936 (IR-B/360/92). The collaboration or self-service for staff authorization to build and put this Service instructed in their use and functioning: into operation was granted on September • Preparation of samples for their study 21, 1993 by the Department of Industry and with the electron microscope Energy of the Government of Catalonia. Core Facilities

It consists of a laboratory equipped with ◗◗ Telephone Survey Unit the necessary tools and equipment to carry The Telephone Survey Unit provides on radioactive experimental procedures management, organization and and supplied with the protective gear adaptation of a space that has all the needed for the safe handling and storage requirements for carrying out telephone of radioactive isotopes. surveys by the different research groups. ◗ ◗ Culture Rooms and P2 The unit has two boxes (A and B), where the telephone surveys can be carried out The IMIM cell-culture area provides users after the space has been booked. with all the infrastructure and equipment necessary for culturing mammalian cells. Internal and External Services Facilities

• 4 conventional cell culture labs, with ◗◗ Microarray Analysis Service a total of 15 biosafety booths, 14 CO2 incubators at 37ºC, 1 hypoxia incubator The Microarray Analysis Service (SAM), with and 1 incubator at 32ºC. Two Biosafety the AffymetrixGeneChip® research and level -2 (BSL-2) cabins were renovated in diagnostics platform, offers an integrated 2015. service for cytogenetic, genomic and transcriptomic studies. The experimental • A level-2 biosafety lab (BSL-2) for works services offered are the sample quality, with Genetic Modified Organisms quantification and microarray processing. (GMO), approved by the Department Experimental design consultancy, of Agriculture, Food and Rural Action statistical data analysis and orientation to (Government of Catalonia), with 2 its biological interpretation with specific biosafety cabins and 2 CO2 incubators. tools are also included. • Equipment: 1 inverted microscope in Arrays of human, mouse and other species each room, 4 systems for capturing are available. images from the microscope, 2 inverted fluorescence microscopes. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 339

Applications • GeneChip® Scanner 3000 7G

• Discovery of biomarkers involved in • Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent biological processes Techonologies)

• Gene expression profile studies • Nanodrop Spectrophotometer ND-1000 (Nanodrop Technologies) • Detection of genes and pathways involved in diseases and • Qubit® 2.0 Fluorometer (Invitrogen, Life pharmacological treatments Technologies) (new)

• Pharmacogenomics and toxicogenomics Activity studies

• Alternative splicing detection Technical Procedures Number • Dose-effect studies Genomics arrays 89 • Classification of samples based on gene signatures Expression arrays 301

• Predictive models associated with genes miRNA arrays 56

• miRNA analysis qPCR 163 • Microarray analysis of degraded samples Total 609 (ex: FFPE) and low quantity samples (from 500pg of total RNA)


• AffymetrixGeneChip® System: Research platform (GCS3000) and diagnostics platform (GCS3000DX v.2)

• GeneChip® Oven 645

• GeneChip® Fluidics Station 450 Core Facilities

The services carried out correspond to the A. MiRNA profiling of whole trabecular following centres: bone: identification of osteoporosis- related changes in MiRNAs in human hip bones. BMC Med Genomics 2015; 8(1): 75. Centres Projects Percentage IF 2.726 Q2.

IMIM 28 60% • Iturbide A, Pascual-Reguant L, Fargas L, Cebrià JP, Alsina B, García de Herreros A, PRBB 2 4% Peiró S. LOXL2 Oxidizes Methylated TAF10 and Controls TFIID-Dependent Genes External Centres 17 36% (no PRBB) during Neural Progenitor Differentiation. Mol Cell 2015; 58(5): 755-766. IF 13.958 Q1 Total 47 100% • Ortega FJ, Mercader JM, Moreno- Navarrete JM, Nonell L, Puigdecanet E, The Microarray Analysis Service is Rodríguez-Hermosa JI, Rovira O, Xifra G, subscribed to the European Microarray Guerra E, Moreno M, Mayas D, Moreno- Quality Control Programme, organized Castellanos N, Fernández-Formoso by the CEQA (Cytogenic European Quality JA, Ricart W, Tinahones FJ, Torrents D, Assessment). Malagón MM, Fernández JM. Surgery- induced weight loss is associated with Publications the downregulation of genes targeted by microRNAs in adipose tissue. J Clin • De la Chica RA, de Lara A, Nonell L, Endocr Metab 2015; 100(11): E1467-1476. IF Clusellas N. Structural chromosome 5.531. Q1. rearrangements in prenatal diagnosis: results from a Spanish database. Eur J • Pavlovic M, Arnal-Estapé A, Rojo F, Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2015; 194: 252- Bellmunt A, Tarragona M, Guiu M, 254. IF 1.662 Q3. Planet E, García-Albéniz X, Morales M, Urosevic J, Gawrzak S, Rovira A, Prat A, • De Ugarte L, Yoskovitz G, Balcells S, Nonell L, Lluch A, Jean-Mairet J, Coleman Güerri-Fernández R, Martínez-Díaz S, R, Albanell J, Gomis RR.Enhanced MAF Mellibovsky L, Urreizti R, Nogués X, Oncogene Expression and Breast Cancer Grinberg D, García-Giralt N, Díez-Pérez IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 341

Bone Metastasis. J Natl Cancer Inst 2015; The Biobank Service is certified by AENOR 107(12): djv256. IF 11.37 Q1. to ISO 9001:2008.

Funding Available human biospecimen collections

• 2013-2015: Contract research support in • Cryopreserved tumor bank the SNS. FIS/ISCIII-Fondo de Investigación • Leftover diagnostic tissues Sanitaria. ISCIII. CA12/00354. • Hematological malignancies • 2014 Grants for the promotion of “empleo joven e implantación de la • Cerebral infarction Garantía Juvenil”: Implementation of • Lung diseases (Lung Biobank Platform) new protocols for difficult samples and microarray data analysis. PEJ- • Influenza A (H1N1) 2014-A-15816. MINECO. • DNA from oncological diseases

◗◗ BIOBANC MARBiobanc • DNA from cardiovascular diseases • Alzheimer disease The biobank of the Parc de Salut Mar (MARBiobanc) is a public, non-for-profit • Colorectal cancer facility which stores various collections of biological samples available to the whole New biobank collections scientific community. It is organized as • GLOSEN, renal disease collection a technical unit with regards to quality, order and destination. • ERyME (rheumatic and muscle-skeletal disease collection) It has restricted access facilities which are equipped with the security control • FORTIAM, acute myocardial infarction mechanisms necessary to ensure the sample collection correct storage of the biological samples, Research line collections their confidentiality and their traceability in accordance with all the Spanish ethical • Four new research line collections have and legal regulations. been added to the Biobank facility to be managed under biobank standards. Core Facilities

Microdissector Laser specimens are also suitable for laser microdissection. The technique causes no The ArcturusXT™ microdissection system apparent alteration to the morphology offers a combination of infrared (IR) laser- of the chosen cells, which can be directly enabled laser capture microdissection visualized after microdissection. (LCM) and ultraviolet (UV) laser cutting in one platform. Key features

The instrument has a proprietary • Dual laser system-enables a wide range combination of a gentle IR laser and a of applications ranging from single-cell powerful UV laser that work in conjunction isolation to large biopsy extractions to efficiently isolate cells without changing morphology or integrity of the biological • IR laser capture microdissection- content. The IR laser helps to capture preserves morphology of isolated the cells of interest, and the UV laser samples and integrity of biological microdissects the captured cells. This is material for downstream applications done without affecting the morphology of • Software enables rapid isolation of the cells, and allows for visual inspection specific cells in five simple steps, provides of the remaining specimen to help ensure quality control feature that allows users the quality of the sample collected. A to visualize collected sample wide-slide stage format is available for neurobiology researchers working with • Flexible sample prep-wide range of slide very large sections of brain tissue. The petri types and sample preparation formats dish stage insert has opened the door for supported live-cell microdissection applications such Funding as stem cell research and other rare-cell isolations. • Action Plan for promoting translational and clinical research with the aim of The LCM technique can be used on promotiong the Programa Estratégico de formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) los Institutos de Investigación Sanitaria sections, allowing the use of archival acreditados.01/01/2015-31/12/2015, Fondo pathological material. In addition, de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII. frozen sections of tissue and cytological IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 343

• IMIM13-4E-2709 Support for scientific Funding and technological infrastructure. • Plataforma de biobancos. Instituto de Activity Salud Carlos III/FEDER (PT13/0010/0005). • Xarxa de bancs de tumors (Network of Tumor Banks-XBTC) sponsored by VARIATIONS PARAMETER NUMBER COMPARED TO Pla director d’oncologia de Catalunya 2014 (Master Plan for Oncology of Catalonia).

Requests received 83 +2% • 2014 Grants for the promotion of “empleo joven e implantación de la Samples 2,322 +45% Garantía Juvenil”: Implementation transferred of new protocols in the Biobank: cryopreservation, immortalization, microdissection. PEJ-2014-A-40109. The Biobank is subscribed to the MINECO. Biobanks European Quality Control Programme, organized by the IBBL (Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg). Other Services MARBiobanc is the first biobanc of Spain implementing an evaluation way to ◗◗ Animal Facility (PRBB) control samples trasferred to clinical The PRBB animal facility is one of the most trials and their future uses. complex and robotized installations of In addition, MARBiobanc reviews all the its kind in Europe and is fully accredited agreements with the pharmaceutical by AAALAC, the International Association industry to prevent surpluses being used for Assessment and Accreditation of for unspecified research. Laboratory Animal Care. This is the This special and urgent system of maximum International certification evaluation guarantees the necessary and implies an acknowledgement of the quickness and control of samples used in quality of the operation of the facility clinical trials. which translates into better practices Core Facilities

and research results. The main animal The number of Animal Facility users in 2015 models are zebrafish and mice, but it is was 393. also possible to use rats, hamsters, rabbits, frogs and axolots. ◗◗ Clinical Research Unit (IMIM)

The animal facility covers 4,500 m2 The Clinical Research Unit has 12 beds with six independent units, which and capacity to run different studies at are connected and run under a single same time. The equipment is especially management: suitable for phase I clinical trials in drug development, for bioequivalence studies • The aquatic animal area (zebrafish and or for nutritional interventions. The studies xenopus) are performed in accordance with the • The specific pathogen germ free (SPF) Good Clinical Practice (GCP) standards. It is barrier zone for rodents, with modern accredited by the Government of Catalonia. auto-ventilated microisolators and three The Ethics Committee for Clinical Research support laboratories (CEIC-Parc de Salut Mar) evaluates the study • A trans genesis area with large protocols in accordance with Spanish and laboratories (250 m2) for the production European regulations. The Committee has of genetically modified mice two regular meetings every month. It is • The experimental area with laboratories, accredited by the Government of Catalonia surgery rooms and an irradiator and the Spanish Medicines Agency.

• The quarantine area with its own access Available services changing rooms and embryonic transfer • Clinical trials in phase I and phase II re-derivation laboratory • Clinical trials of efficacy and tolerability • A conventional animal facility, located at an adjacent building, which is • Evaluation of the potential abuse of new connected via a tunnel with the PRBB, drugs and has a surface area of 1,300 m2, • Neuro-psycho-pharmacology and mainly for studies with animal models in behavioral pharmacology neuropharmacology and immunology IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 345

• Methodological advice for clinical trial coordinated by the Health Services protocols Research Unit of the IMIM (Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute), with the • Pharmacokinetic studies: IMIM Foundation support. ££Bioavailability, including bioequivalence studies of generics ◗◗ Quality Control Programme for the Analysis of Drugs of Abuse in Urine ££Metabolism and identification of metabolites The Quality Control Programme for the ◗◗ Health-Related Quality of Life Analysis of Drugs of Abuse in Urine (PCQ) Questionnaires has been ongoing interruptedly since 1986. It is an external quality control programme BiblioPRO is a virtual library of Quality with a highly emphasized educational of Life Questionnaires and other Patient component. Reported Outcomes (PROs) in Spanish with The Coordinating Laboratory is the free and open access. Analytical Services Laboratory for the The mission of our project is to promote Neurosciences programme’s Bio analysis the adequate use of HRQL instruments and Analytical Services research group at in Spanish among researchers, clinicians the IMIM in Barcelona. Since November and health management, by providing of 2000, the Coordinating Laboratory has exhaustive online information, evidence- been recognized as an Assay laboratory based evaluations, and specialize training accredited by ENAC (National Entity for in this area. Accreditations) following the accrediting criteria stated in Regulation EN 45001 The library currently holds information on and ISO Guide 25. Since March 2002, the over 500 questionnaires and is updated Laboratory has been accredited as an periodically. Assay Laboratory according to ISO 17025 BiblioPRO is a CIBER in epidemiology and for the analysis of drugs of abuse and public health Research and Knowledge medications in biological fluids, including Transfer Support Action, initiated, directed the use of eight quantitative procedures Core Facilities

for the analysis of drugs of abuse in urine. Thus two modalities of participation in The PCQ works under the requirements the PQC are offered so that participating of the ISO 43 Guide (Proficiency testing by laboratories may choose the option that interlaboratory comparisons). best meets their individual needs.

Laboratories participating in the PCQ are grouped into two categories depending on the type of analyses they perform (screening qualitative analyses and specific identification of substances and quantitative analyses) and thus the type of results they provide:

• Laboratories performing screening analyses for groups of substances in control urine samples. In general, they use immunological analytical methods.

• Laboratories performing, in addition to the screening analyses, identification and in some instances quantification of substances present in control urine samples.

This distinction between laboratories based on the type of analyses they perform is similar to that made between purely clinical and medical-legal laboratories; these two types of laboratories have different requirements in regards to the quality of the results they must provide. 347


Achievements 2015

Scientific Publications

Research Grants and Transfer of Results

Clinical Guidelines




Governing Bodies IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 349


Scientific Publications

During 2015 IMIM has mantained the upward trend in the number of articles published. The number of publications in journals of the 1st quartile increases every year, as illustrated in the tables and figures provided in this section.

Number of national and international publications in the past 5 years

TYPE OF DOCUMENT 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 TOTALS INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS Original articles 495 574 620 655 680 3,024 Reviews 65 70 81 82 92 390 Case notes and short articles 63 80 62 69 73 347 Books 1 1 1 1 0 4 Book chapters 13 4 17 10 6 50 Subtotal 637 729 781 817 851 3,815 SPANISH PUBLICATIONS Original articles 106 68 77 69 80 400 Reviews 45 38 33 45 22 183 Case notes and short articles 54 28 28 36 29 175 Books 8 4 3 2 0 17 Book chapters 43 5 34 1 0 83 Doctoral theses read 34 37 44 59 62 236 Subtotal 290 180 219 212 193 1,094 TOTAL PUBLICATIONS 927 909 1,000 1,029 1,044 4,915 A Achievements 2015 Scientific Publications

Bibliometric data

• Total number of articles published in national and international journals: 976 (original articles, reviews and case notes, and short articles) • Percentage of articles published in journals with an impact factor: 91% (889/976) • Percentage of articles published in journals in the first quartile of their category according to JCR: 62% (557/889)

See all Biomedical Informatics Programme publications: See all Cancer Programme publications: See all Epidemiology and Public Health Programme publications: See all Neurosciences Programme publications: See all Research in Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Programme publications:

Trend of number of articles published with an impact factor between 2002 and 2015 889

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 351

Accumulated impact factor of articles published between 2002 and 2015

5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Number of articles published in the first quartile between 2002 and 2015

561 525 533 468


328 321 270 234 207 163 116 123 91

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 A Achievements 2015


Research Grants and Transfer of Results

Since January 2015, the IMIM has centre as the average for Spain is about submitted a total of 294 research grant 30%. An Integrated Projects of Excellence applications, 58 agreements have been study, that only accredited Healthcare signed with private companies for services Research Institutes can apply for, has also or sponsorship, and 146 agreements have been granted €711,150. In addition, ISCIII been reached to undertake clinical trials have approved one of our projects in the for an overall sum of almost seven and call for Development of Technology in half million euros – a considerable increase Healthcare (Desarrollo de Tecnologías with respect to the previous year. A total of Sanitarias). 27 agreements have also been signed with Four projects were successful in the call for other hospitals for carrying out various applications by Fundació La Marató de TV3 clinical trials promoted by our hospital. for “Research projects on heart diseases”, one as coordinators, one as a partner, and ◗◗ Grants for Projects the other two on an individual basis. With regard to competitive grants, 3 of 27% of the grant applications are the 4 proposals submitted to the call by international calls for proposals, including the Spanish Ministry for Economy and some to the Horizon 2020 programme Competitiveness (MINECO) have been (16 applications have been submitted), provisionally approved. but the centre is also applying to various Of the 44 project applications submitted private international foundations and to calls for research projects in health by other European programmes; for example, the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII), 22 one project has been approved by the projects have been awarded, a 50% success Directorate General for Justice (DGJust). rate, which is an excellent result for the IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 353

◗◗ Personnel Grants Grants awarded in 2015 by area

With regard to personnel grants, in Human the MINECO human resources calls for Resources applications, an agreement was signed to grants hire 3 Juan de la Cierva researchers (one Admission and two Training grants), and 25% one infrastructure support technician, as well as 3 more agreements in the Youth 62% 12% Guarantee Implementation Plan call for Other the employment of young people. grants Projects 2 pre-doctoral AGAUR grants were awarded. The following were funded in the ISCIII human resources calls for applications: Transfer of Results 3 intensifications, 3 Rio Hortega post- The hospital’s Innovation Department residency grants, and there was one Juan has managed the first PSMAR Innovation Rodés grant recipient. Competition and 47 proposals were In relation to calls for grants by IMIM under evaluated. 4 of these were successful and the Programme Contract, management are currently under development. of the intensification programme, The IMIM Research Service obtained funded with €57,000, has been granted funding in the VANUNI call by ACC1Ó, to the intensification for two doctors from implement a commercialisation action. Hospital del Mar. A Jordi Gras grant was also awarded for training in research for doctors 4 license agreements have been signed, who will finish their residency in 2015. two of them for antibodies, another for a peptide, and the last one in collaboration Finally, the grant application call for with CRG dealing with know-how. training in foreign research centres for specialist medical personnel at Parc de See all grants: Salut Mar has been announced and the grant awarded for the third year running. memoria2015/Projectes%202015.pdf A Achievements 2015


Clinical Guidelines

As part of the transfer to clinical practice, • Miguel Ángel Checa Vizcaíno. Manual IMIM researchers have taken part in the de Práctica Clínica en Senologia 2015. following clinical guides: Fertilidad y Cáncer de Mama. Sociedad Española de Senología y Patología • Alfonso Antón. Guía de Práctica Clínica Mamaria. ISBN: 978-84-608-1664-5. sobre Glaucoma de Ángulo Abierto. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales • Susana Coll. Recomanacions per a e Igualdad: Guías de Práctica Clínica en el l’Avaluació i Tractament del Pacient SNS: AQuAS. In process. Cirròtic Crític. Societat Catalana de Digestologia (SCD). http://www. • Esther Barreiro. Guidelines for the Evaluation and Treatment of Muscle posicio Dysfunction in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. SEPAR. • Ester Duarte. Documento de Consenso Published in: Arch Bronconeumol 2015; sobre evaluación y tratamiento del 51(8): 384-395. paciente con Ictus. Societat Catalana de Neurologia, Societat Catalana de • Jose A. Carrión. II Consenso español sobre Medicina Física i Rehabilitació, Societat tratamiento de la hepatitis C. Asociación Catalana de Medicina Familiar i Española para el Estudio del Hígado Comunitària, Fundació Ictus, Pla Director (AEEH). de l’Ictus. In process. para-el-tratamiento-de-la-hepatitis-c/ • Ester Duarte. Documento de Consenso • Xavier Castells. Estudio exploratorio sobre derivación de los pacientes con sobre la adecuación de la Red española secuelas de Ictus a los Servicios de de costes hospitalarios (RECH) para Rehabilitación. Sociedad Española de la estimación de pesos y costes de los Rehabilitación y Medicina Física. http:// GRD en el sistema nacional de salud. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, 2015. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 355

• Francina Fonseca. Guia de actuación • Hernando Knobel. Documento de en pacientes fumadores ingresados consenso de GeSIDA/Plan Nacional en Unidades de Salud Mental. Xarxa sobre el Sida respecto al tratamiento Catalana d’Hospitals sense Fum, Institut antirretroviral en adultos con infección Català d’Oncologia, Departament de por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya. humana. Grupo Estudio del SIDA de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades actuacion.pdf. Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica y Plan • Francina Fonseca. Guía de intervención Nacional sobre el SIDA. Enferm Infecc clínica en el consumo de tabaco en Microbiol Clin 2015 Oct;33(8):544-56. DOI: pacientes con trastorno mental. Xarxa 10.1016/j.eimc.2015.03.017. Epub 2015 May Catalana d’Hospitals sense Fum, Institut 26. PMID: 26021186. Català d’Oncologia, Departament de • Hernando Knobel. Documento de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya. prevención y tratamiento de infecciones oportunistas y otras coinfecciones intervencio_cat.pdf. en pacientes con infección por VIH. • Óscar García Algar. Atenció urgent Grupo Estudio del SIDA de la Sociedad extrahospitalària al pacient pediàtric Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas intoxicat. Sociedad Española de Urgencias y Microbiología Clínica. Pàgina web de Pediatría and Societat Catalana de GeSIDA: Medicina d’Urgències i Emergències. contenidos/guiasclinicas/2015/gesida- guiasclinicas-2015-InfeccionesOportunist • Ángel Gayete. Recomendaciones para el asyCoinfeccionesVIH.pdf. diagnóstico radiológico y la valoración de la respuesta terapéutica en el cáncer de • Núria López. Documento de consenso pulmón. Sociedad Española de Radiología sobre el tratamiento antirretroviral Médica and Sociedad Española de en niños y adolescentes con infección Oncología Médica. Published in: Revista por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia Radiología 2015;57(1):66-78; Clin Transl humana. Panel de expertos de la Sociedad Oncol 2015 Jan;17(1):11-23. DOI: 10.1007/ Española de Infectología Pediátrica (SEIP) s12094-014-1231-5. Epub 2014 Nov 6. y del Plan Nacional sobre el SIDA (PNS). PMID: 25373531. A Achievements 2015 Clinical Guidelines

enfLesiones/enfTransmisibles/sida/ International Stroke Genetics Consortium publicaciones/profSanitarios/GuiasTAR_ (ISGC). Published in: Stroke 2015;46:279- octubre2015completasFinal13_10_15.pdf. 284. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.006839. • Ester Marco. Rehabilitación Cardíaca en • Jaume Roquer. Recommendations Cataluña. CatSalut. In process. From the International Stroke Genetics • Antonio Montes. Prácticas seguras Consortium, Part 2. Biological Sample para el uso de opioides en pacientes Collection and Storage. The International con dolor crónico. Dirección General de Stroke Genetics Consortium (ISGC). Salud Pública, Calidad e Innovación del Stroke. 2015;46:285-290. DOI: 10.1161/ Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e STROKEAHA.114.006851. Igualdad. Prácticas seguras para el uso de • Sònia Servitja Tormo. SEOM clinical opioides en pacientes con dolor crónico. guidelines in early-stage breast cancer Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios 2015. Sociedad Española de Oncología Sociales e Igualdad; 2015. Médica. Published in: Clin Transl Oncol • Antonio Mur Sierra. Documento 2015 Dec;17(12):939-45. DOI: 10.1007/ de consenso sobre el tratamiento s12094-015-1427-3. Epub 2015 Oct 26. antirretroviral en niños y adolescentes con infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana. Panel de expertos de la Sociedad Española de Infectología Pediátrica (SEIP) y del Plan Nacional sobre el SIDA (PNS). http:// enfLesiones/enfTransmisibles/sida/ publicaciones/profSanitarios/GuiasTAR_ octubre2015completasFinal13_10_15.pdf. • Jaume Roquer. Recommendations From the International Stroke Genetics Consortium, Part 1. Standardized Phenotypic Data Collection. The IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 357



Clinical Research Ethical Committee • To evaluate the suitability of the research team with regards to its experience and The Clinical Research Ethical Committee capacity to carry out the study. (CEIC) of Parc de Salut Mar was created • Clinical care requirements and and accredited on November 11, 1993 commitments previously made to by the General Management of Health other research protocols are taken into Resources of the Autonomous Government consideration. of Catalonia, in accordance with the “Ordinance dated October 26, 1992”. • To evaluate written study information to be given to participating research Subsequently we were reaccredited on 19 subjects (or to their legal representatives). December 2008 via the Order dated 24 • To evaluate the procedure by which such October, 2006; and again on 27 October information will be given and the type of 2014. consent to be obtained. The principal duties of CEIC-Parc de • To check the compensation and Salut Mar, which are regulated by treatment being offered to research current legislation and approved by the subjects in case of injury or death Administrative Council of Parc de Salut resulting from the study and to verify Mar, are as follows: liability insurance to cover the funding • To evaluate the suitability of study agency, researchers, collaborators and protocols with regard to the objectives the individual responsible at the center of studies, their scientific efficiency and where the research is to be carried out. the justification of the foreseeable risks • To be aware of and to evaluate the weighed against the expected benefits compensation to the study researchers for research subjects and society (risk- and compensation to the subjects for benefit ratio). their participation in the study. A Achievements 2015 Committees

• To monitor studies from the time of their • Department of Health and Experimental inception and to follow them up until Sciences of the Pompeu Fabra University completion of the final report. (CEXS-UPF)

List of studies evaluated in 2015, classified by type • Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) • Centre for Research in Environmental Clinical trials with drugs 99 Epidemiology (CREAL)

Clinical trials with nutrients 5 • Centre of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona (CMRB) Clinical trials with radiotherapy 0 Acts independently and at the complete Clinical trials with cosmetics 2 service of researchers and the scientific

Healthcare products 4 community with the unique interest of giving support to the quality of research Post-authorization studies 28 and contributing to its integrity.

Observational studies 25 Its functions are:

Research projects 291 • To supervise the general, constant, and complete fulfilment of the guidelines of Total 454 the Code of Good Scientific Practice at PRBB’s centers. • To act as an arbitration body for Committee for Research Integrity uncertainties or conflicts that may arise in relation to research integrity matters. The Committee for Research Integrity (CIR) Its decisions are binding for those is a body constituted freely and voluntarily researchers submitting their conflicts to by the researchers of PRBB centers: the CIR. • Hospital del Mar Medical Research • To provide information and continuously Institute (IMIM) raise awareness with regard to events, necessities and orientations related to IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 359

ethical and deontological aspects of IMIM researchers and research support biomedical research. The Committee personnel receive appropriate training in has the commitment to request from best scientific practices, and implement the Governing Bodies of the Centers the procedures for carrying out research the resources and measures that will and for investigating potential cases of bad contribute to the development of this scientific practice. function. • To be receptive to new problems related to research integrity, to propose their Ethical Committee for Animal discussion to our institutions and, Research consequently, to update the Code of The PRBB has an Ethical Committee for Good Scientific Practice as needed. Animal Research (CEEA-PRBB) which In relation to the functions mentioned evaluates project procedures using above, the Committee will guarantee, experimental animals. It takes into account by all means, its managerial diligence, the appropriateness of the procedure in independence of action, anonymity, relation to the objectives of the study, the and confidentiality in the treatment of possibility of reaching valid conclusions with personal data, solvency of the information the fewest animals, the effect on the animals generated, impartiality in the deliberation not being disproportionate to the potential process and equity of resolutions as well as benefits of the research, and, in short, the possible allegations. avoidance of unnecessary suffering, as well as considering the possibility of alternative We are currently working on setting up methods to the use of animals. That is the the IMIM Commission for Best Scientific internationally accepted 3R rule (Reduction, Practices, with the aim of developing Refinement and Replacement). institutional strategies and procedures to encourage the adherence of the research carried out at IMIM to the Code of Best Scientific Practices of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park, ensure that A Achievements 2015 Committees

The Ethical Committee for Animal Research Committee (CEEA), which has the power (in USA, IACUC- Institutional Animal Care to evaluate procedures. The CEEA also and Use Committee) conducted 10 meetings carried out their traditional inspection where 72 experimental procedures were of the animal facility, which is a quality evaluated. requirement recommended both by the AAALAC (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care Center Number Percentage International) and current legislation.

PRBB 1 1.3%

UPF 27 37.5% PRBB Animal Facility Users’ Committee CRG 8 11.12% The Animal Facility Users’ Committee at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (CUA- IMIM 16 22.23% PRBB) is an advisory committee external to

CMRB 15 20.83% the animal facility that reports directly to the PRBB management. The committee’s main External centres 5 6.9% objective is as a forum to provide information and debate the most important issues Total 72 100% affecting the animal facility.

Its functions are:

• To remain informed and be aware of the A total of 39 new project certificates were content of animal facility’s annual report. issued and discussed in plenary sessions. These included scientific articles and new • To raise any problems identified in the ways of controlling and improving animal overall functioning of the animal facility welfare to adapt to the new legislation on as well as to discuss these and propose animal experimentation. Also included solutions. in each meeting were comments or • To discuss processes and operating amendments by the Government of procedures at the animal facility and make Catalonia’s Animal Experimentation Ethics suggestions as to how to improve them. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 361

• To propose functional or procedural Barcelona Biomedical Research Park solutions for extraordinary action within Biosafety Committee the animal facility that may involve modifications from the normal routine, The Barcelona Biomedical Research Park such as building work, repairs, supply cuts, Biosafety Committee (CBS-PRBB) was set up reviews, extraordinary maintenance, etc. with the aim of regulating and supervising the activities using GMOs (Genetically • To make suggestions for improving Modified Organisms) that take place around the facilities, including the purchase or the PRBB, as set out in Law 9/2003 of 25 April, replacement of equipment, and to prioritize establishing the legal regime for the confined these purchases. use, voluntary release and commercialization • To take part, when appropriate, in the of genetically modified organisms, and preparation of applications for equipment considering the general norms for their grants or funds for provisioning the animal development and implementation (Royal facility. Decree 178 / 5004, 30 January). • To participate in the development of The main objective of the CBS-PRBB is the satisfaction surveys. biosafety evaluation of scientific projects • To collaborate in the evaluation and using GMO, biological and chemical agents assessment of these surveys. with a complex or important biological effect The Animal Facility Users’ Committee according to current biosafety legislation. (CUA-PRBB) met twice during 2015 in order The Biosafety Committee (CBS-PRBB) met to address the various issues affecting three times in 2015. It evaluated 11 projects the functioning of the animal facility, to and responded to 3 consultations relating solve problems and consider proposals to biosafety. Among other activities, it from researchers in the field of animal collaborated with the Inter-institutional experimentation. At these meetings there Commission on Prevention of Occupational was a report on the initiative supported by Risks (CIPRL) in reviewing a document on the the Government of Catalonia to create a joint transport of biological samples in order to PCB and PRBB animal facility unit in order to implement this throughout the PRBB. harmonize prices and actions, and bring the two centers up to the same level. A Achievements 2015



Media and Social Media Google service that enabled alerts to be received for all the news items published ◗◗ Press on the network.

In 2015, a total of 952 news items referring In total, 92.3% of the appearances in the to the IMIM were registered in the media, press were motivated by press releases less than during the same period in 2014, sent out by the Communications service even though there were 35 press releases, and only 7.7% related to requests not five more than the previous year. We directly linked to any information issued believe that this decreased incidence can, from the institution itself, a percentage in part, be explained by the lesser impact that is maintained year after year and of the news coming out of the centre, but which denotes the proactivity of the also because of difficulties in accessing the institute in these issues. published articles due to the disappearance The figure shows the distribution of news of Google News on 16 December, 2014, the items according to type of media. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 363

Distribution of news items by type of media, 2014-2015

800 2014 709 700 2015


509 500



200 190 152 126 124 100 100 84 29 30 28 44 19 12 12 21 21 0 8 10 8 9 6

General Health General Health General Health Radio Television Magazine/ Agencies Social press press portal portal blog blog Journal networks

In 2015, 35 press releases were sent out, IMIM. The press releases can be found in 19 of which were drafted internally (two next tables, by programmes, arranged in less than in 2014) with 16 being written reverse chronological order and showing by other institutions and referring to the the number of appearances for each one. A Achievements 2015 Communication

◗◗ Press Releases 2015

Biomedical Informatics Research Programme

Date Title Impacts

New computational approach to predicting adverse drug reactions with higher 03/11/2015 68 confidence

3.5 million euros to develop bioinformatics tools that facilitate translational 18/05/2015 18 research and personalised medicine in oncology and neuropsychiatry

Chemotargets puts computational biotechnology within everyone's reach (PCB 18/05/2015 6 press release)

UPF researchers publish the most comprehensive work on targeted therapies for 09/03/2015 13 genomic alterations in cancer (UPF press release)

19/02/2015 The promiscuity of chemical probes discovered 62

Cancer Research Programme

Date Title Impacts

A new therapeutic target identified for the most widespread cutaneous 20/10/2015 36 lymphoma

13/10/2015 A step forward in obtaining blood stem cells in the laboratory 78

The order of genetic mutations determines the evolution and therapy response 25/05/2015 24 of a group of chronic blood diseases

11/05/2015 Key role of enzymes in the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells discovered 11 IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 365

A new therapeutic target for a type of colorectal cancer with poor prognosis has 20/04/2015 34 been identified

New biomarker for malignant melanoma identified that predicts patient 23/03/2015 25 evolution

Epidemiology and Public Health Research Programme

Date Title Impacts

Movember Foundation selects Spanish research group for the Prostate Cancer 02/12/2015 14 Outcomes Project (Movember press release)

07/09/2015 New clues on the genetic basis of myocardial infarction 34

19/05/2015 The economic crisis affects alcohol, cannabis and tranquiliser habits 33

01/04/2015 SESPAS - position on child poverty and health (SESPAS press release) 16

Dr. Jaume Marrugat “a genetic test helps identify workers with a high risk of 12/03/2015 5 cardiovascular problems” (ASPY Prevención press release)

11/03/2015 “Health training” an interactive tool for improving life habits (NESTLE press release) 8

“La Caixa” reaffirms its commitment to excellence in research with a budget of 10/03/2015 4 18 million euros for RecerCaixa (RecerCaixa press release)

European experts meet in Barcelona to improve the use of quality of life tools in 18/02/2015 2 clinical practice A Achievements 2015 Communication

Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders Research Programme

Date Title Impacts

10/12/2015 First charity golf tournament for arthritis 8

Using telemedicine to treat heart failure reduces clinical complications and 09/12/2015 36 decreases the cost by over 3500 euros per patient

New biomarkers identified that can detect chronic kidney disease even when 25/11/2015 16 there are no symptoms

21/09/2015 Novel gene implicated in osteoporosis (UB press release) 11

Respiratory muscle training proves effective in preventing respiratory 14/07/2015 10 complications in people who have suffered a stroke

27/04/2015 Research: at the bedside 0

11/03/2015 Hospital del Mar opens arthritis lab, one of a kind in Spain 4 IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 367

Neurosciences Research Programme

Date Title Impacts

Markers identified in urine that detect consumption of the “cannibal” drug 15/12/2015 13 (EFE press release)

20/11/2015 Learning from experience with animals (Fundació Affinity press release) 3

Jéssica Vall, an example of perseverance and effort leading to a world podium 07/08/2015 32 (El Confidencial press release)

23/07/2015 Hospital del Mar study helps locate the brain mechanisms for learning fear 14

The Mutua Madrileña Foundation allocates more than 1.7 million euros for 16/07/2015 17 research into leukaemia, traumatology and ER (Europa Press)

08/07/2015 How to reduce the adverse cognitive effects of cannabis (UPF press release) 27

Neuroscience, technology, information technology and creativity together to 08/07/2015 29 help people with disabilities (CRG press release)

Collaboration agreement signed between the Barcelona Antidoping Laboratory 12/06/2015 60 and the Spanish Agency for Health Protection in Sport (MECD press release)

Lack of funds hinders development of a therapy for Down's Syndrome sufferers 30/05/2015 25 (Note EFE)

See all the press releases of the year 2015: A Achievements 2015 Communication IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 369 A Achievements 2015 Communication

◗◗ Audiovisual material the web and social networks. The topics chosen are important scientifically This year a project was launched to and/or for the institute but would not complement press releases with minute- make an impact if sent to the media long videos in Catalan, Spanish and as press releases. This offers us a new English, where a scientist explains the communication resource. In 2015, 28 web results of their research. So far, there have notes were issued, eight more than the been audiovisuals complementing four previous year. press releases, making a total of 10 short videos, although in one case it could only ◗◗ World Wide Web be published in Spanish. This audiovisual material is attached to the press releases From January to December 2015, 142,005 and is posted on the institute’s YouTube people visited the page and viewed 508,458 and Vimeo channels. pages (an average of 3.5 pages per visit). The increase in number of page views per visit has gone up significantly compared to the same period in the previous year (12% higher) and the average duration of each visit is 7% longer.

If we look at the origin of the visits by country we find that 80% of visits were from Spain, followed by the US (2.7%), UK (1.8%), Mexico (1.5%), Germany (0.97%) and Colombia (0.9%). Following the trend of previous years there is an increase in visits from English-speaking countries. It can also be noted that the most visited web ◗◗ Web news pages remain the welcome page and the job offers page, followed by the research We must also emphasise the continuation programmes. of the 2012 initiative launched to prepare press releases only for distribution on IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 371

It should be highlighted that this year Scientific Dissemination work has been done on the website to incorporate new groups, and the site has ◗◗ Bringing science to secondary schools undergone a review to better adapt it to the (ACCÉS Project) requirements of non-sexist language. Continuing with the ACCÉS project, in ◗◗ Intranet 2015 we visited eight schools in Catalonia, involving the participation of more than In 2015, a total of 279 news items were 150 students. In 2015, ACCÉS Project visits published relating mainly to institutional were included in the Escolab Project, information for the IMIM, PRBB and PSMAR, an initiative of the Barcelona Science with 130 dealing with news, 48 being Programme from the Institute of Culture Inforecerca items, and 67 agenda articles. and the Scientific Culture Programme of the City Council’s Education Institute, ◗ ◗ Twitter which groups research centre activities The IMIM’s twitter account (@imimat) together, providing them greater visibility. currently has 2,869 followers and 1,639 ◗ published tweets. In 2008, we were pioneers ◗ Programme of visits as part of the in the use of this forum for science, and it is exhibition “Hospital del Mar: 100 years now a consolidated tool which gains more of beating in time with Barcelona” followers day after day. To complement the visits to the exhibition organised at the Museu d’Història de Catalunya from 15 May to 15 June, 2015, to celebrate the Hospital del Mar’s centenary, local secondary schools were offered guided tours of the IMIM after they had visited the exhibition. The institute welcomed two schools that each brought 30 students who were able to visit a medical laboratory and walk through the facilities. A Achievements 2015 Communication

◗◗ BioJunior

On 17 April, the first edition of the PRBB’s BioJunior was held. This is an ◗◗ Open Day activity for young people in their last year of secondary school or first year of The Open Day is organised annually by high school, and is aimed at showing the PRBB with the help of professionals students what day-to-day research is like from all the centres making up the PRBB. and awaking their interest in scientific This eighth edition, which took place on vocations. The initiative arose from a 3 October, included 283 volunteers and need detected during the Open Day for more than 3,500 visitors who enjoyed having an activity to resolve the doubts of activities and workshops, guided tours of secondary school students. 300 students the laboratories, scientific talks, activities attended, visiting the laboratories and for children, and a science café. facilities and hearing first-hand what More than 2,300 people entered the happens there, as well as enjoying a building on guided tours to more than 28 lecture on the brain. Volunteers and labs and scientific and technical services, laboratories from the IMIM took part in and 2000 people carried out experiments this. in the square. In addition, some 670 people attended the various scientific talks scheduled throughout the day and around 200 participated in the science café. The activities organised by the IMIM and the number of volunteers from the institute who take part increases each year, demonstrating the growing level of involvement of IMIM professionals in the dissemination of science to society, particularly on this day that has proved to be a great opportunity to show the public our day-to-day work. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 373

◗◗ Research Conference as part of the ◗◗ Ask a scientist Hospital del Mar’s centenary This is an outreach activity aimed at To celebrate the Hospital del Mar’s children aged 10-12 that is carried out centenary, a series of conferences were in collaboration with the PRBB and UPF. organised. Although all were scientific in The activity consists of an interview with content, we would like to highlight the a scientist. The interview is prepared conference: “From Fleming to Translational beforehand in the classroom using Research” held on 29 April, which brought material sent to the school regarding the together three IMIM directors, a talk by scientist’s research area. The activity is very Joan Maria Vianney Pons Ràfols, from the enriching for both sides and gives schools Agency for Health Quality and Evaluation, the option to keep working on the visit and the keynote lecture by Dr. Alberto once back at school. The children wear a Mantovani, president of the IMIM’s lab coat and go on a general visit of the External Scientific Board (SAB). building.

◗◗ Science Week

In 2015, two visits took place as part of Science Week in collaboration with the Fundació Affinity and the cavalry section of the Guàrdia Urbana. The Anxiety, Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia Research Group at the IMIM led the visits that explained how they study stress levels in animals like horses and dogs that help people perform certain tasks. A Achievements 2015



Management Structure

The mission of the Management Division is to provide administrative and logistic support to the researchers at IMIM.

Manager Communication/Reception Andreu Fort Robert Rosa Manaut Dueñas (head of service), Marta Calsina Freixas (communication), Director of Management M. Carmen de la Bella Toledano Balbina Ugena Villalobos (reception), Mercedes Montserrat Bayo Management Secretary Romero (reception), Ana María Pérez Ruiz María Muñoz Mullee, Pilar Sánchez Macías (reception)

Purchasing Quality Concepción León Pérez (head of service), Xavier Palazón Vilarrasa (head of service), Laura Erruz Peregrina, Laia Orpinell Ros, Montserrat Salguero Pulido Robert Riba Sallas Research Accounts Marta López Otero (head of service), Carol Marta Mestres Mestres (head of service), Barnwell, Carola Llonch Tebe, Teresa Macià Ana Godall Peralta, Rosa Gras López, Marta Ubeda, Sergio Sanz Ruiz, Meritxell Torres Rabal de Andrés Paisal IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 375

Human Resources IT Resources Balbina Ugena Villalobos (head of service), Joan Marc Carbó Arnau (head of service), Anna Maria Adell Vallhonesta, Esther Ricard Albert Cabrera, Iván Martínez Busquets Fontanet, Laia Rabal de Andrés, Campos, Joan Vericat Barquet, Ruben Vidal Diana Sebastián Guillart Almerge

Health and Safety General Services Sandra Vial Mora Patxi Fernández Navarro (head of service) A Achievements 2015 Management


In general terms, the external revenue generated by the IMIM in 2015 has generally increased in all areas. Competitive funding has increased for both national and EU projects, with the level of international aid being maintained.

With regard to other external funding, with the exception of donations, both the invoicing corresponding to clinical trials and other contracts with the pharmaceutical industry have increased with respect to the previous year. The same is true for the anti- doping laboratory activities thanks to various agreements signed during 2015.

Total external funding 2015 2014

Competitive Grants 8,343.10 51.99% 7,363.27 51.37%

European Commission 1,604.38 10.00% 902.40 6.30%

International 511.74 3.19% 516.2 3.60%

National 6,226.98 38.80% 5,944.67 41.47%

Other External Funding 7,704.37 48.01% 6,971.43 48.63%

Research Services 5,702.19 35.53% 4,855.73 33.87%

Other services 1,039.98 6.48% 967.2 6.75%

Charity 962.2 6.00% 1,148.50 8.01%

Total 16,047.47 100.00% 14,334.70 100.00%

In thousands of euros. IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 377

Human Resources

On 31 December 2015, IMIM had 760 people belonging to the different institutions forming the Institute, distributed as shown.

Distribution of IMIM personnel by functions (31 December 2015)

Pre- Programme Researcher Technician Support Total doctoral

Biomedical Informatics 22 10 13 4 49

Cancer 89 29 39 3 160

Epidemiology and Public Health 57 12 36 17 122

Inflammatory and 107 37 52 3 199 Cardiovascular Disorders

Neurosciences 101 25 46 9 181

Management 0 0 2 34 36

Scientific and Technical Services 0 0 10 3 13

Total 376 113 198 73 760 Governing Bodies

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the top governing Chair body of the Foundation and is comprised of Minister of Health. Government of Catalonia representatives from the Catalan Ministry Boi Ruiz Garcia of Health, Parc de Salut Mar, the Catalan First Vice-president Ministry of Economy and Knowledge and Minister of Economy and Knowledge. Government the universities Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and of Catalonia Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Andreu Mas Colell

Second Vice-president Vice-president of the Governing Council. Consorci Parc de Salut Mar de Barcelona Gemma Tarafa Orpinell

Third Vice-president Rector of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Ferran Sancho Pifarré

Fourth Vice-president Rector of the Pompeu Fabra University. Jaume Casals Pons

Ex-officio member General Director for Research Ministry of Economy and Knowledge. Government of Catalonia Josep Maria Martorell Rodon IMIM. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Annual Report 2015 379

Executive Committee

Members Chair Catalan Health Institute (ICS). Ministry of Health. Appointed by the Ministry of Health. Government of Government of Catalonia: Catalonia: Carles Constante Beitia. Carles Constante Beitia; Joan Serra Manetas; Gabriel Capellá Munar. Members Appointed by the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge. General Research Director Ministry of Economy and Government of Catalonia: Knowledge: Lluís Jofre Rosa, Iolanda Font de Rubinat García, Josep Maria Martorell Rodon Lluís Rovira Pato. Appointed by the Ministry of Economy and Appointed by Barcelona Mar Health Park Knowledge: Consortium: Lluís Rovira Pato Felip Bory Ros, Olga Pané Mena, Aureli Rubio Alcolea, Narcís Pérez de Puig (Secretary) Appointed by the Autonomous University of Barcelona: Appointed by the Autonomous University of Lluís Tort Bardolet Barcelona: Lluís Tort Bardolet Appointed by the Pompeu Fabra University: Francesc Posas Garriga Appointed by the Pompeu Fabra University: Francesc Posas Garriga Appointed by the Barcelona Mar Health Park Consortium: Appointed by the Centre for Genomic Regulation Olga Pané Mena Foundation: Narcís Pérez de Puig (Secretary) Appointment pending Appointed by the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology Foundation: Isabel Hernández Cardona Appointed by the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park Consortium: Jordi Camí Morell Appointed by the Barcelona Regenerative Medicine Centre Foundation: Appointment pending

31 December 2015 IMIM Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute Barcelona 2015 PRBB Building Dr. Aiguader, 88 08003 Barcelona Phone: + 34 93 316 04 00 Fax: + 34 93 316 04 10 [email protected]

Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute. Barcelona 2015 IMIM