Civic Voice Convention and AGM

25 and 26 October 2013

Time FRIDAY 25 OCTOBER 2013 Where/What/Who Fringe Meetings (invitation only)

9:30am Welcome Desk Opens for morning workshop attendees The Bluecoat

10 – 12pm Workshop The Bluecoat Sandon Room Civic Voice Leadership group An introduction to local listing with English Heritage meeting (invitation only) (Registration required at [email protected])

12:00 Welcome Desk Bluecoat main reception Opens for delegates going on afternoon tours area / Civic Society Lunch Own arrangements at Bluecoat or local area 12.00 Tours Bluecoat main reception Tours of area / Merseyside Civic (Registration required at [email protected]) Society 1.15 – 3.15pm Tours Led by The Merseyside Civic Tours of Society (Registration required at [email protected]) Visits include: (a) World Heritage Site – including St George’s Hall Civic Voice Convention and AGM

25 and 26 October 2013

John Hinchliffe (b) Cultural Heritage and Sculpture – Cathedrals and Hope Street Andrew Jackson (c) Princes Park and Sefton Park Palm House Visit Jean Grant [to include Park Representatives/Friends] (d) New Developments – and others Trevor Skempton (e) World Heritage Site - Waterfront Graham Marshall (f) Local Listing workshop

3.00 – 3.30 Refreshments at The Bluecoat Civic Voice Planning Panel meeting (invitation only) 3.30 – 5.30pm Tours Led by The Merseyside Civic Tours of Liverpool Society (Registration required at [email protected]) Visits include: (a) World Heritage Site – including St George’s Hall John Hinchliffe (b) Cultural Heritage and Sculpture – Cathedrals and Hope Street Andrew Jackson (c) Princes Park and Sefton Park Palm House Visit Civic Voice Convention and AGM

25 and 26 October 2013

Jean Grant [to include Park Representatives/Friends] (d) New Developments – Liverpool One and others Trevor Skempton (e) World Heritage Site - Waterfront Graham Marshall (f) Local Listing workshop

5.30- 7.00pm Free time Exhibition Set Up – from 5pm, Friday 25 October in the Small Ballroom

Evening event sponsored by

7.00 Official arrival time of guests at Welcome Drinks reception

7.30- 8.00pm Liverpool City Council and its Deputy Lord Mayor, Erica Kemp, Large Ballroom, Liverpool will host a Welcome Reception in the Town Hall on Friday 25 Town Hall October. Paula Ridley will present awards.

8.00 – 9pm Food and Town Hall tours. Opportunity to network and view exhibits. Shanty Kings play. Cash bar available. 8.30pm Evening tour of Liverpool’s famous public houses Eileen Wilshaw Civic Voice Convention and AGM

25 and 26 October 2013

[run clockwise and anti-clockwise] Andrew Jackson Purple Flag – Night-time economy management Liverpool City Council 9pm Carriages

SATURDAY 26 OCTOBER 2013 Mayor or Lord Mayor invited to opening of Convention 9.00 – 10am Registration / welcome drinks / opportunity to network and Liverpool Town Hall Core Cities meeting (invitation view exhibitions only)

 Heritage Open Days Keep Britain Tidy Regional/Cluster Panel meeting  Living Streets Places Matter (invitation only)  Design Council CPRE  English Heritage War Memorials Trust  Considerate Construction Civic Societies.

10.00 – 11am Civic Voice AGM Council Chamber

(see agenda on

Any motions should be submitted to [email protected] Civic Voice Convention and AGM

25 and 26 October 2013

11.00 – 11.10 Comfort break Civic Voice Board meeting (invitation only) 11.10 – 11.45 Keynote presentation – Civic Voice President, Griff Rhys Jones Council Chamber BBC North West, BBC Merseyside and Liverpool Echo newspaper invited to talk to listen to Griff Rhys Jones. 12.45 – 1pm Workshops and Panel discussions Council Chamber / West  Neighbourhood Planning – is it really power? Reception /  Should the Community have a right to appeal? Gladstone  Living Street – Community Audit Bevan  Heritage Open Days – get involved! Chavasse rooms  War Memorials Trust – An introduction to Condition Hall of Remembrance Surveys 1 – 2pm Lunch – opportunity to network and visit exhibits Large Ballroom

2 – 2.30pm Civic Survey 2013 – The results and plans for 2014 Council Chamber 2.30 – 3.30pm The theme of the afternoon is Civic Manifesto 2015 Council Chamber Members will be asked to vote on a campaign /initiative for 2014

 Myplace Awards  Civicwatch Civic Voice Convention and AGM

25 and 26 October 2013

 Gardencheck To put forward an item for campaign – email [email protected] before 14 October.

3.30 Final comments and announcement of 2014 location 4pm Finish