arXiv:2003.04470v2 [cs.DB] 12 Apr 2021 n.J uiesPoesItgainadManagement and Integration Process Business J. Int. ehd,MT 22)‘aaWrhueadDcso upr o Support Decision and Warehouse ‘Data Data’, (2020) M.T. Kechadi, Keywords: neces return and extract to queries management. complex ev some also We present compatibility. monitori and cloud integra and s (9) governance tolerant; intelligent data (7) partition business security; and (2) (6) and schema; storage; science high flexible data (5) (1) (3) datasets; its recommendati multi by and agricultural characterised level making continental is a decision implemented agronomy and designed quality enab businesses will high other which platform, and and intelligence agronomist, crop a farmer, establishing the divers a and for complex velocity variety, of knowledge amounts volume, vast of processing terms in cost challenges in low fe application the agricultural soil, Data the by seed, Big Specially, as driven images. satellites such is and fields it drones on and information century) from 20th everything; agricultu (early the ago tech revolutionise while communication data and Agricultural information processing modern of introduction netgtra nih etefrDt nltc n CONSU and ACM. Analytics and Data IEEE for of Centre digi res Insight and mini cybersecurity, at His data Computing, Com Investigator distributed UCD. cloud of comput analytics, and at School grid data Science in systems, mining, UCD Computer data the degrees of of joined Professor areas Master He currently and France. is 1, He PhD Lille awarded of University was Kechadi M-Tahar minin /distributed spa computing. data performance interest forensics, 20 comput research Com in digital forensic science His of and in computer France. School in programme Grenoble, PhD the MSc Polytechnique his at of obtained He Lecturer Director investigation. Programme a a currently and is Le-Khac Nhien-An Unive Open HCMC and analy UCD data sentiment at and retrieval, Researcher information Senior include 2 a interests 2004, currently in Technology is of University He HCMC at science computer notes: Biographical Reference Abstract: Ireland 4, Dublin Vietnam Belfield, HCMC, Dublin, University, College Open University City Minh Chi Ho [email protected] E-mail: Kechadi M-Tahar [email protected] E-mail: Le-Khac Nhien-An [email protected] [email protected], E-mail: Ngo M. Vuong Data Big on Crop Support Integrated Decision and Warehouse Data n.J uiesPoesItgainadManagement and Integration Process Business J. Int. oti ae hudb aea olw:No .. eKa,N Le-Khac, V.M., Ngo, follows: as made be should paper this to nrcn er,peiinarcluei eoigvr pop very becoming is agriculture precision years, recent In aawrhue eiinspot rpBgDt,satagri smart Data, Big crop support, decision warehouse, Data un .Norcie h .,MEadPDdgesin degrees PhD and M.E B.E, the received Ngo M. Vuong aamnn oa scniee as considered is today mining data i,dt iig rp matching graph mining, data sis, eecetrsuc management resource efficient le epatss hshssatda started has This practises. re laetepromneo ADW of performance the aluate g 8 ossec,availability consistency, (8) ng; aawrhue(D) ADW (ADW). warehouse data pot 4 ihperformance; high (4) upport; tlsr et owahrdata, weather to pest, rtiliser, nomto oetatuseful extract to information e a oesc.H saPrincipal a is He forensics. tal distributed heterogeneous ng, o euiy rdadhigh and grid security, for g dvrct.Hnei ed to leads it Hence veracity. nd steae fcybersecurity of area the ns o.1,N.1 p 17–28. pp. 1, No. 10, Vol. , ti e onainto foundation key a is It . info elagricultural real from tion 6a h ntttNational Institut the at 06 aykoldeaotcrop about knowledge sary ooisfrcletn and collecting for nologies rjc.H samember a is He project. S 0 n 03respectively. 2013 and 007 ac neet pnthe span interests earch fcletn aaabout data collecting of n.I hsppr we paper, this In ons. nertdCo Big Crop Integrated n ue cec n1999. in Science puter ue cec,UCD Science, puter n n cybercrime and ing st.Hsresearch His rsity. rsinefrom science er culture. lr The ular. A and .A. 1 Int. J. Business Process Integration and Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2020 2

1 Introduction dimensions. The data sources are very diversified and varying levels of quality. Precision agriculture (PA) Annual world cereal productions were 2, 608 million warehousing has many decision-making processes and tons and 2, 595 million tons in 2017 and 2018, each needs different levels of data access and different respectively (USDA report, 2018; FAO-CSDB report, needs of analysis. Finally, there are many stakeholders 2018). However, there were also around 124 million involved in the data ownership and exploitation. So, people in 51 countries faced food crisis and food the data has significant number of uncertainties. For insecurity (FAO-FSIN report, 2018). According to examples, the quality of data collected by farmers United Nations (UN document, 2017), we need an depends directly on their knowledge, routines and increase 60% of cereal production to meet 9.8 billion frequency of information recording, and support tools, people needs by 2050. To satisfy the huge increase etc. All these issues make the PA data unique when it demand for food, crop yields must be significantly becomes to its storage, access, and analysis. These issues increased using modern farming approaches, such as may exist in other domains, but not at the same scale smart farming also called precision agriculture. As and as in agriculture practices. highlighted in the European Commission report (EC In this research, we firstly analyse real-world report, 2016), precision agriculture is vitally important agricultural to build the effective constellation for the future and can make a significant contribution to schema. From this schema, some simple questions can be food security and safety. easily answered directly from the modelled data. These The precision agriculture’s current mission is to use questions include: (1) For a given field, what kind of the decision-support system (DSS) based on Big Data crops are suitable to grow? (2) Which companies can approaches to provide precise information for more purchase a specific crop with the highest price in the past control of waste and farming efficiency, such as soil season? (3) List the history of soil texture and applied nutrient (Rogovska and et al., 2019), early warning fertilisers for a given field; (4) List costs of production (Rembold and et al., 2019), forecasting (Bendre and for wheat and barley in the last 5 years, and so on. et al., 2015), irrigation systems (Huang and et al., Secondly, the proposed ADW has enough main features 2013), evapotranspiration prediction (Paredes and et al., and characteristics of Big (BDW). 2014), soil and herbicide, insecticide optimisation (Ngo These are (1) high storage capacity, high performance and Kechadi, 2020), awareness (Lokers and et al., and cloud computing compatibility; (2) flexible schema 2016), supply chain (Protopop and Shanoyan, 2016) and and integrated storage structure; (3) data ingestion, financial services (Ruan and et al., 2019). Normally, monitoring, and security to deal with the data veracity. the DSSs implement a knowledge discovery process Besides, an experimental evaluation is conducted to also called data mining process, which consists of study the performance of ADW storage. data collection and data modelling, data warehousing, The rest of this paper is organised as follows: data analysis (using machine learning or statistical in the next Section, we reviewed the related work techniques), and knowledge deployment (Dicks and about decision support systems and data warehouses et al., 2014). Hence, designing and implementing an in agriculture. In Sections 3, 4 and 5, we presented efficient agricultural data warehouse (ADW) is one of big data aspects of PA, our ADW architecture and its the key steps of this process, as it defines a uniform modules. In Sections 6, 7, 8 and 9, the quality criteria, data representation through its schema model and stores implementation, performance analysis and decision- the derived datasets so that they can be analysed to making applications of the proposed ADW are presented extract useful knowledge. However, currently, this step respectively. Section 10 gives some concluding remarks was not given much attention. Therefore, there are very and future research directions. Finally, a concrete few reports in the literature that focus on the design example about the ADW and its operational average of efficient ADWs with the view to enable Agricultural run-times are shown in the appendix. Big Data analytics and mining. The design of large scale ADWs is very challenging. Because, the agricultural data is spatial, temporal, complex, heterogeneous, non- 2 Related Work standardised, high dimensional, collected from multi- sources, and very large. In particular, it has all the In precision agriculture, DSSs are designed to support features of Big Data; volume, variety, velocity and different stakeholders such as farmers, advisers and veracity. Moreover, the precision agriculture system can policymakers to optimise resources, farms’ management be used by different kinds of users at the same time, and improve business practices (Gutierreza and et al., for instance by farmers, policymakers, agronomists, and 2019). For instance, DSSs were built to 1) manage so on. Every type of user needs to analyse different microbial pollution risks in dairy farming (Oliver and information, sets thus requiring specific analytics. et al., 2017); 2) analyse nitrogen fertilisation from Unlike in any other domains; health-care, financial satellite images (Lundstrom and Lindblom, 2018); 3) data, etc, the data and its warehousing in precision control pest and disease under uncertainty in climate agriculture are unique. This is because, there are very conditions (Devitt and et al., 2017); 4) manage drip complex relationships between the agricultural data irrigation and its schedule (Friedman and et al., 2016);

Copyright © 201X Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Int. J. Business Process Integration and Management 3

5) predict and adopt climate risks (Han and et al., RDF format, and cached in the RDF triple store before 2017). However, the datasets that were used in the being transformed into relational format. The actual mentioned studies are small. Besides, they focused data used for analysis was contained in the relational on using visualisation techniques to assist end-users . However, as the schemas used in Schulze and understand and interpret their data. et al. (2007) and Schuetz and et al. (2018) were based Recently, many papers have been published on how on entity-relationship models, they cannot deal with to exploit intelligent algorithms on sensor data to high-performance, which is the key feature of a data improve agricultural economics Pantazi (2016), Park and warehouse. et al. (2016), Hafezalkotob and et al. (2018), Udiasa In Nilakanta and et al. (2008), a and et al. (2018) and Rupnik and et al. (2019). In model was used. All data marts created by the star Pantazi (2016), the authors predicted crop yield by schemas are connected via some common dimension using self-organising-maps; namely supervised Kohonen tables. However, a star schema is not enough to present networks, counter-propagation artificial networks and complex agricultural information and it is difficult XY-fusion. In Park and et al. (2016), one predicted to create new data marts for data analytics. The drought conditions by using three rule-based machine number of dimensions of the DW proposed in Nilakanta learning; namely random forest, boosted regression and et al. (2008) is very small; only 3-dimensions trees, and Cubist. To select the best olive harvesting – Species, Location, and Time. Moreover, the DW machine, the authors in Hafezalkotob and et al. (2018) concerns livestock farming. Overcoming disadvantages of applied the target-based techniques on the main criteria, the star schema, the authors of Ngo and et al. (2018) and which are cost, vibration, efficiency, suitability, damage, Ngo and Kechadi (2020) proposed a constellation schema automation, work capacity, ergonomics, and safety. To for an agricultural DW architecture in order to satisfy provide optimal management of nutrients and water, the quality criteria. However, they did not describe how the paper Udiasa and et al. (2018) exploited the multi- to design and implement their DW. objective genetic algorithm to implement an E-Water system. This system enhanced food crop production at river basin level. Finally, in Rupnik and et al. (2019) 3 Crop Big Data the authors predicted pest population dynamics by using time series clustering and structural change detection 3.1 Crop Datasets which detected groups of different pest species. However, The datasets were primarily obtained from an agronomy the proposed solutions are not scalable enough to handle company, which extracted it from them operational agricultural Big Data; they present weaknesses in one data storage systems, research results, and field trials. of the following aspects: data integration, data schema, Especially, we were given real-world agricultural datasets storage capacity, security and performance. on iFarms, Business-to-Business (B2B) sites, technology From a Big Data point of view, the papers Kamilaris centres and demonstration farms. Theses datasets were and et al. (2018) and Schnase and et al. (2017) have collected from several European countries and they are proposed “smart agricultural frameworks”. In Kamilaris presented in Figures 1 and 2 (Origin report, 2018). These and et al. (2018), the authors used Hive to store and datasets describe more than 112 distribution points, analyse sensor data about land, water and biodiversity 73 demonstration farms, 32 formulation and processing which can help increase food production with less facilities, 12.7 million hectares of direct farm customer environmental impact. In Schnase and et al. (2017), the footprint and 60, 000 trial units. authors moved toward a notion of climate analytics- as-a-service, by building a high-performance analytics and scalable data management platform, which is based on modern cloud infrastructures, such as Amazon web services, Hadoop, and Cloudera. However, the two papers did not discuss how to build and implement a DW for a precision agriculture. The proposed approach, inspired from Schulze and et al. (2007), Schuetz and et al. (2018), Nilakanta and et al. (2008) and Ngo and et al. (2018), introduces ways of building agricultural data warehouse (ADW). In Schulze and et al. (2007), the authors extended entity- relationship concept to model operational and analytical data; called multi-dimensional entity-relationship model. They also introduced new representation elements and showed how can be extended to an analytical schema. In Schuetz and et al. (2018), a relational database and an RDF triple store were proposed to model the Figure 1: Data from UK and Ireland. overall datasets. The data is loaded into the DW in 4 Ngo, V.M., Le-Khac, N.A. and Kechadi M.T.

4. Veracity: The tendency of agronomic data is uncertain, inconsistent, ambiguous and error prone because the data is gathered from heterogeneous sources, sensors and manual processes.

3.3 ADW Schema

Figure 2: Data in Continental Europe.

There is a total of 29 datasets. On average, each dataset contains 18 tables and is about 1.4 GB in size. Each dataset focuses on a few information that impact the crop. For instance, the weather dataset includes information on location of weather stations, temperature, rainfall and wind speed over time. Meanwhile, soil component information in farm sites, such as mineral, organic matter, air, water and micro-organisms, were stored in the soil dataset. The fertiliser dataset contains information about field area and geographic position, crop name, crop yield, season, fertiliser name and quantity.

3.2 Big Data Challenges

Raw and semi-processed agricultural datasets are usually collected through various sources: Internet of Thing (IoT) devices, sensors, satellites, weather stations, robots, farm equipment, farmers and agronomists, etc. Besides, agricultural datasets are very large, complex, unstructured, heterogeneous, non-standardised, and inconsistent. Hence, it has all the features of Big Data.

1. Volume: The amount of agricultural data is increasing rapidly and is intensively produced by endogenous and exogenous sources. The endogenous data is collected from operational systems, experimental results, sensors, weather stations, satellites, and farming equipment. The systems and devices in the agricultural ecosystem can be connected through IoT. The exogenous data concerns the external sources, such as government agencies, retail agronomists, and seed companies. They can help with information about local pest and disease outbreak tracking, crop monitoring, food security, products, prices, and knowledge.

2. Variety: Agricultural data has many different forms and formats, structured and unstructured data, video, imagery, chart, metrics, geo-spatial, multi-media, model, equation, text, etc. Figure 3: A part of ADW schema for Precision Agriculture 3. Velocity: The collected data increases at very high rate, as sensing and mobile devices are becoming more efficient and cheaper. The datasets must be The DW uses schema to logically describe the entire cleaned, aggregated and harmonised in real-time. datasets. A schema is a collection of objects, including Int. J. Business Process Integration and Management 5 tables, views, indexes, and synonyms which consist used to support Crop table. While, Site and Weather of some fact and dimension tables (Oracle document, Reading tables support Field and WeatherStation tables. 2017). The DW schema can be designed based on the FieldFact saves the most important facts model of source data and the user requirements. There about teh field; yield, water volume, fertiliser quantity, are three kind of models, namely star, snowflake and nutrient quantity, spray quantity and pest number. fact constellation. With the its various uses, the ADW While, in Order and Sale tables, the important facts schema needs to have more than one fact table and needed by farm management are quantity and price. should be flexible. So, the constellation schema, also known galaxy schema should be used to design the ADW schema. Table 1 Descriptions of other dimension tables Dim. No. Particular attributes tables BusinessID, Name, Address, Phone, 1 Business Mobile, Email CropStateID, CropID, StageScale, Height, MajorStage, MinStage, 2 CropState MaxStage, Diameter, MinHeight, MaxHeight, CropCoveragePercent FarmerID, Name, Address, Phone, 3 Farmer Mobile, Email FertiliserID, Name, Unit, Status, 4 Fertiliser Description, GroupName InspectionID, CropID, Description, ProblemType, Severity, Problem- 5 Inspection Notes, AreaValue, AreaUnit, Order, Date, Notes, GrowthStage NutrientID, NutrientName, Date, Figure 4 6 Nutrient : Field and Crop dimension tables Quantity Operation OperationTimeID, StartDate, End- 7 Time Date, Season PlanID, PName, RegisNo, Product- 8 Plan Name, ProductRate, Date, Water- Volume ProductID, ProductName, Group- 9 Product Name SiteID, FarmerID, SiteName, 10 Site Reference, Country, Address, GPS, CreatedBy SprayID, SprayProductName, ProductRate, Area,Date, WaterVol, 11 Spray ConfDuration, ConfWindSPeed, ConfDirection, ConfHumidity, Conf- Temp, ActivityType SupplierID, Name, ContactName, 12 Supplier Address, Phone, Mobile, Email TaskID, Desc, Status, TaskDate, 13 Task TaskInterval, CompDate, AppCode Trans TransTimeID, OrderDate, Deliver- 14 Figure 5: Soil and Pest dimension tables Time Date, ReceivedDate, Season TreatmentID, TreatmentName, We developed a constellation schema for ADW and FormType, LotCode, Rate, Appl- 15 Treatment it is partially described in Figure 3. It includes few fact Code, LevlNo, Type, Description, tables and many dimension tables. FieldFact fact table ApplDesc, TreatmentComment contains data about agricultural operations on fields. WeatherReadingID, WeatherSta- Order and Sale fact tables contain data about farmers’ tionID, ReadingDate, ReadingTime, Weather AirTemperature, Rainfall, SPLite, trading operations. The key dimension tables are 16 connected to their fact table. There are some dimension Reading RelativeHumidity, WindSpeed, WindDirection, SoilTemperature, tables connected to more than one fact table, such as LeafWetness Crop and Farmer. Besides, CropState, Inspection, Site, Weather WeatherStationID, StationName, 17 and Weather Reading dimension tables are not connected Station Latitude, Longitude, Region to any fact table. CropState and Inspection tables are 6 Ngo, V.M., Le-Khac, N.A. and Kechadi M.T.

The dimension tables contain details on each instance before it is analysed in the data mining module. A data of an object involved in a crop yield or farm management. cube is a data structure that allows advanced analysis of Figure 4 describes attributes of Field and Crop data according to multiple dimensions that define a given dimension tables. Field table contains information about problem. The data cubes are manipulated by the OLAP name, area, co-ordinates (being longitude and latitude engine. The DW storage, and data cube are of the centre point of the field), geometric (being a considered as , which can be applied to the data collection of points to show the shape of the field) and used to define other data. Finally, Data Mining module site identify the site that the field it belongs to. While, contains a set of techniques, such as machine learning, Crop table contains information about name, estimated heuristic, and statistical methods for data analysis and yield of the crop (estYield), BBCH Growth Stage Index knowledge extraction at multiple level of abstraction. (BbchScale), harvest equipment and its weight. These provide useful information for crop harvesting. Figure 5 describes attributes of Soil and Pest 5 ETL and OLAP dimension tables. Soil table contains information about PH value (a of the acidity and alkalinity), The ETL module contains Extraction, Transformation, minerals (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and Loading tools that can merge heterogeneous and calcium), its texture (texture label and percentage schemata, extract, cleanse, validate, filter, transform of Silt, Clay and Sand), cation exchange capacity and prepare the data to be loaded into a DW. The (CEC) and organic matter. Besides, information about extraction operation allows to read, retrieve raw data recommended nutrient and testing dates ware also from multiple and different types of data sources systems included in this table. In Pest table contains name, type, and store it in a temporary staging. During this density, coverage and detected dates of pests. For the operation, the data goes through multiple checks – detect remaining dimension tables, their main attributes are and correct corrupted and/or inaccurate records, such described in Table 1. as duplicate data, missing data, inconsistent values and wrong values. The transformation operation structures, converts or enriches the extracted data and presents it 4 ADW Architecture in a specific DW format. The loading operation writes the transformed data into the DW storage. The ETL A DW is a federated repository for all the data that implementation is complex, and consuming significant an enterprise can collect through multiple heterogeneous amount of time and resources. Most DW projects usually data sources; internal or external. The authors in use existing ETL tools, which are classified into two Golfarelli and Rizzi (2009) and Inmon (2005) defined groups. The first is a commercial and well-known group DW as a collection of methods, techniques, and tools and includes tools such as Oracle Data Integrator, SAP used to conduct data analyses, make decisions and Data Integrator and IBM InfoSphere DataStage. The improve information resources. DW is defined around second group is famous for it open source tools, such as key subjects and involves data cleaning, data integration Talend, Pentaho and Apatar. and data consolidations. Besides, it must show its OLAP is a category of software technology that evolution over time and is not volatile. provides the insight and understanding of data in The general architecture of a typical DW system multiple dimensions through fast, consistent, interactive includes four separate and distinct modules; Raw Data, access, management and analysis of the data. By using Extraction Transformation Loading (ETL), Integrated roll-up (consolidation), drill-down, slice-dice and pivot Information and Data Mining (Kimball and Ross, 2013), (rotation) operations, OLAP performs multidimensional which is illustrated in Figure 6. In that, Raw Data analysis in a wide variety of possible views of information (source data) module is originally stored in various that provides complex calculations, trend analysis storage systems (e.g. SQL, sheets, flat files, ...). The and sophisticated data modelling quickly. The OLAP raw data often requires cleansing, correcting noise and systems are divided into three categories: 1) Relational outliers, dealing with missing values. Then it needs to be OLAP (ROLAP), which uses relational or extended- integrated and consolidated before loading it into a DW relational database management system to store and storage through ETL module. manage the data warehouse; 2) Multidimensional OLAP The Integrated Information module is a logically (MOLAP), which uses array-based multidimensional centralised repository, which includes the DW storage, storage engines for multidimensional views of data, data marts, data cubes and OLAP engine. The DW rather than in a relational database. It often requires storage is organised, stored and accessed using a suitable pre-processing to create data cubes. 3) Hybrid OLAP schema defined by the metadata. It can be either (HOLAP), which is a combination of both ROLAP and directly accessed or used to create data marts, which is MOLAP. It uses both relational and multidimensional usually oriented to a particular business function or an techniques to inherit the higher scalability of ROLAP enterprise department. A data mart partially replicates and the faster computation of MOLAP. DW storage’s contents and is a subset of DW storage. In the context of agricultural Big Data, HOLAP is Besides, the data is extracted in a form of data cube more suitable than both ROLAP and MOLAP because: Int. J. Business Process Integration and Management 7

Figure 6: Agricultural Data Warehouse Architecture.

1) ROLAP has quite slow performance and does not and efficient information transaction. In the last meet all the users’ needs, especially when performing criterion, a user satisfaction survey should be used to complex calculations; 2) MOLAP is not capable of find out how a given DW satisfies its user’s expectations. handling detailed data and requires all calculations to be performed during the data cube construction; 3) HOLAP inherits advantages of both ROLAP and MOLAP, which 7 ADW Implementation allow the user to store large data volumes of detailed information and perform complex calculations within Currently, there are many popular large-scale database reasonable response time. types that can implement DWs. Redshift (Amazon document, 2018), Mesa (Gupta and et al., 2016), Cassandra (Hewitt and Carpenter, 2016; Neeraj, 2015), 6 Quality Criteria MongoDB (Chodorow, 2013; Hows and et al., 2015) and Hive (Du, 2018; Lam and et al., 2016). In Ngo The accuracy of data mining and analysis techniques and et al. (2019), the authors analysed the most depends on the quality of the DW. As mentioned in popular no-sql , which fulfil most of the Adelman and Moss (2000) and Kimball and Ross (2013), aforementioned criteria. The advantages, disadvantages, to build an efficient ADW, the quality of the DW should as well as similarities and differences between Cassandra, meet the following important criteria: MongoDB and Hive were investigated carefully in the context of ADW. It was reported that Hive is a better 1. Making information easily accessible. choice as it can be paired with MongoDB to implement the proposed ADW for the following reasons: 2. Presenting consistent information. 1. Hive is based on Hadoop which is the most 3. Integrating data correctly and completely. powerful cloud computing platform for Big Data. 4. Adapting to change. Besides, HQL is similar to SQL which is popular for the majority of users. Hive supports well 5. Presenting and providing right information at the high storage capacity, business intelligent and data right time. science more than MongoDB or Cassandra. These Hive features are useful to implement ADW. 6. Being a secure bastion that protects the information assets. 2. Hive does not have real-time performance so it needs to be combined with MongoDB or Cassandra 7. Serving as the authoritative and trustworthy to improve its performance. foundation for improved decision making. The analytics tools need to provide right information 3. MongoDB is more suitable than Cassandra to at the right time. complement Hive because: 1) MongoDB supports joint operation, full text search, ad-hoc query and 8. Achieving benefits, both tangible and intangible. second index which are helpful to interact with the 9. Being accepted by DW users. users. Cassandra does not support these features; 2) MongoDB has the same master – slave structure The above criteria must be formulated in a with Hive that is easy to combine. While the form of measurements. For example, with the 8th structure of Cassandra is peer - to - peer; 3) Hive criterion, it needs to determine quality indicators about and MongoDB are more reliable and consistent. benefits, such as improved fertiliser management, cost So the combination of both Hive and MongoDB containment, risk reduction, better or faster decision, adheres to the CAP theorem. 8 Ngo, V.M., Le-Khac, N.A. and Kechadi M.T.

Figure 7: Agricultural Data Warehouse Implementation

The ADW implementation is illustrated in Figure for testing. Every group has 5 queries and uses one, two 7 which contains three modules, namely Integrated or more commands (see Table 2). Moreover, every query Information, Products and Raw Data. The Integrated uses operators; And, Or, ≥, Like, Max, Sum and Count, Information module includes two components; to express complex queries. MongoDB and Hive. MongoDB receives real-time data; as user data, logs, sensor data or queries from Products Table 2 Command combinations of queries module, such as web application, web portal or mobile Group Commands app. Besides, some results which need to be obtained G1 Where in real-time will be transferred from the MongoDB to G2 Where, Group by Products. Hive stores the online data and sends the G3 Where, Left (right) Join processed data to MongoDB. Some kinds of queries G4 Where, Union having complex calculations will be sent directly to G5 Where, Order by G Hive. 6 Where, Left (right) Join, Order by G In the Raw Data module, almost data in Operational 7 Where, Group by, Having G8 Where, Group by, Having, Order by Databases or External Data components, is loaded into G9 Where, Group by, Having, Left (right) Join, Cassandra. It means that we use Cassandra to represent Order by raw data storage. Hence, with the diverse formats of G10 Where, Group by, Having, Union, Order by raw data; image, video, natural language and sql data, Cassandra is better to store them than SQL databases. In the idle times of the system, the updated raw data in Group 1 Group 2

Cassandra will be imported into Hive through the ELT ) i tool. This improves the performance of ETL and helps q 30 Group 3 us deploy ADW on cloud or distributed systems. Group 4

Times Group 5 20 Group 6 8 Performance Analysis Group 7 Group 8 10 Group 9 The performance analysis was conducted using MySQL Group 10

5.7.22, JDK 1.8.0 171, Hadoop 2.6.5 and Hive 2.3.3 Different times ( 1 which run on Bash, on Ubuntu 16.04.2, and on Windows 0 10. All experiments were run on a desktop with an 0 10 20 30 40 50 Intel Core i7 CPU (2.40 GHz) and 16 GB memory. Queries (qi) We only evaluate the performance of reading operation as ADW is used for reporting and data analysis. Figure 8: Different times between MySQL and The database of ADW is duplicated into MySQL to ADW in runtime of every Query compare performance. By combining popular HQL/SQL commands, namely Where, Group by, Having, Left All queries were executed three times and we took (right) Join, Union and Order by, we created 10 groups the average value of the their execution timess. The Int. J. Business Process Integration and Management 9 difference in runtime between MySQL and ADW for a of a reading query on MySQL and ADW is 687.8 seconds mysql ADW query qi is calculated as Timesqi = RTqi /RTqi . and 216.1 seconds, respectively. It means that ADW mysql ADW Where, RTqi and RTqi are average runtimes of is faster 3.19 times. In the future, by deploying ADW query qi on MySQL and ADW, respectively. Moreover, solution on cloud or distributed systems, we believe that with each group Gi, the difference in runtime between the performance will be even much better than MySQL. mysql ADW MySQL and ADW is TimesGi = RTGi /RTGi . Where, RTGi = Average(RTqi ) is average runtime of group Gi on MySQL or ADW. 9 Application for Decision Making Figure 8 describes the time difference between MySQL and ADW for every query. Although running on The proposed ADW and study its performance on real one computer, but with large data volume, ADW is faster agricultural data, we illustrated some queries examples than MySQL on 46 out of 50 queries. MySQL is faster to show how to extract information from ADW. These th th th for three queries 12 , 13 and 18 belonging to groups queries incorporate inputs on crop, yield, pest, soil, rd th 3 and 4 . The two systems returned the same time fertiliser, inspection, farmer, businessman and operation th th for query 24 from group 5 . Within each query group, time to reduce labour and fertiliser inputs, farmer for fair performance comparison, the queries combine services, disease treatment and also increase yields. randomly fact tables and dimensional tables. This makes These query information could not be extracted if the complex queries taking more time and the time difference Origin’s separate 29 datasets have not been integrated is significant. When varying the sizes and structures of into ADW. The data integration through ADW is the tables, the difference is very significant; see Figure 8. actually improve the value of a crop management data over time to better decision-making. ) i 6.24 Example 1: List fields, crops in the fields, yield and G 6 pest in the field with conditions: (1) the fields do not 4.66 4.63 used ’urea’ fertilizer; (2) the crops has ’yellow rust’ or Times ’brown rust’ diseases; (3) the crops were grown in 2015. 4 3.19 3.36 . 2.92 . 3 16 2 86 select CR.CropName, FI.FieldName, FF.Yield, Mean 2.27 2 1.56 PE.CommonName, FF.PestNumber, PE.Description 1.22 from FieldFact FF, Crop CR, Field FI, Pest PE, Fertiliser FE, Inspection INS, OperationTime OP Different times ( 0 2 4 6 8 10 where FF.CropID = CR.CropID and FF.FieldID = FI.FieldID and Groups (Gi) FF.PestID = PE.PestID and Figure 9: Different times between MySQL and FF.FertiliserID = FE.FertiliserID and ADW in runtime of every group CR.CropID = INS.CropID and FF.OperationTimeID = OP.OperationTimeID and Beside comparing runtime in every query, we aslo FE.FertiliserName <> ’urea’ and compare runtime of every group presented in Figure 9. (INS.Description = ’Yellow Rust’ or Comparing to MySQL, ADW is more than at most (6.24 INS.Description = ’Brown Rust’) and times) at group 1st which uses only Where command, Year(INS.Date) = ’2015’ and and at least (1.22 times) at group 3rd which uses Where Year(OP.StartDate) = ’2015’ and and Joint commands. Year(OP.EndDate) = ’2015’ Example 2: List farmers and their crop quantities 1 081 5 1,109.2 , . 1,057.3 were sold by Ori Agro company in 08/2016. 1,000 MySQL ADW 790.4776.6 select FA.FarmerID, FA.FarmerName, CR.CropName, 687.8 SF.Unit, SUM(SF.Quantity) 599 7 . 571.1 483 from Salefact SF, business BU, farmer FA, crop CR 500 where SF.BusinessID = BU.BusinessID and 342.8 366.4 276.4 297.9 SF.FarmerID = FA.FarmerID and 238 228 3 216 1 173 4205.2 . . . 143.7 SF.CropID = CR.CropID and 11191.7.2 94.2 Month(SF.SaleDate) = ’08’ and Average runtimes (seconds) 0 Year(SF.SaleDate) = ’2016’ and 12345678910Mean BU.BusinessName = ’Ori Agro’ group by CR.CropName Groups (Gi) Figure 10: Average Runtimes of MySQL and Example 3: List Crops and their fertiliser and ADW in every Groups treatment information. In that, crops were cultivated and harvested in 2017, Yield > 10 tons/ha and attached Figure 10 presents the average runtime of the 10 by ’black twitch’ pest. Besides, the soil in field has PH query groups on MySQL and ADW. Mean, the run time > 6 and Silt <= 50 mg/l. 10 Ngo, V.M., Le-Khac, N.A. and Kechadi M.T.

Select CR.CropName, FE.FertiliserName, 10 Conclusion and Future Work FF.FertiliserQuantity, TR.TreatmentName, TR.Rate, TR.TreatmentComment In this paper, we presented a schema herein optimised From FieldFact FF, Crop CR, OperationTime OT, Soil SO, PEST PE, Fertiliser FE, Treatment TR for the real agricultural datasets that were made Where FF.CropID = CR.CropID and available to us. The schema been designed as a FF.OperationTimeID = OT.OperationTimeID and constellation so it is flexible to adapt to other FF.SoildID = SO.SoilID and agricultural datasets and quality criteria of agricultural FF.PestID = PE.PestID and Big Data. Based on some existing popular open source FF.FertiliserID = FE.FertiliserID and DWs, We designed and implemented the agricultural FF.TreatmentID = TR.TreatmentID and DW by combining Hive, MongoDB and Cassandra Year(OT.StartDate) = ’2017’ and DWs to exploit their advantages and overcome their Year(OT.EndDate) = ’2017’ and limitations. ADW includes necessary modules to deal FF.Yield > 10 and with large scale and efficient analytics for agricultural SO.PH > 6 and SO.Silt <= 50 and PE.CommonName = ’Black twitch’ Big Data. Moreover, through particular reading queries using popular HQL/SQL commands, ADW storage outperforms MySQL by far. Finally, we outlined some Example 4: List crops, fertilisers, corresponding complex HQL queries that enabled knowledge extraction fertiliser quantities in spring, 2017 in every field and from ADW to optimize of agricultural operations. site of 10 farmers (crop companies) who used the large In the future work, we shall pursue the deployment amount of P2O5 in winter, 2016. of ADW on a cloud system and implement more functionalities to exploit this DW. The future To execute this request, the query needs to exploit developments will include: (1) experimentation and data in the FieldFact fact table and the six dimension analyzation the performance of MongoDB and the tables, namely Crop, Field, Site, Farmer, Fertiliser and affectation between MongoDB and Hive; (2) The OperationTime. The query consists of two subqueries sophisticated the data mining and the spreading which return 10 farmers (crop companies) that used the activation algorithms (Ngo, 2014) to determine crop largest amount of Urea in spring, 2016. data characteristics and combine with expected outputs to extract useful knowledge; (3) Predictive models Select FI.FieldName, SI.SiteName, FA.FarmerName, based on machine learning algorithms; (4) An intelligent CR.CropName, FE.FertiliserName, interface and graph representation (Helmer and et al., FF.FertiliserQuantity, FE.Unit, OT.StartDate 2015) for data access; (5) Combination with the ontology From FieldFact FF, Crop CR, Field FI, Site SI, to extract knowledge (Ngo and et al., 2011; Cao and Farmer FA, Fertiliser FE, Operationtime OT et al., 2012). Where FF.CropID = CR.CropID and FF.FieldID = FI.FieldID and FF.FertiliserID = FE.FertiliserID and FF.OperationTimeID = OT.OperationTimeID and Appendix FI.SiteID = SI.SiteID and SI.FarmerID = FA.FarmerID and The followings are HQL/SQL scripts of 10 queries which OT.Season = ’Spring’ and YEAR(OT.StartDate) = ’2017’ and are representative of 10 query groups. The average FA.FarmerID IN( runtimes of these queries on MySQL and ADW are Select FarmerID shown in Figure 11. From 1) The query 5th belongs to the group 1st: (Select SI.FarmerID as FarmerID, SUM(FF.FertiliserQuantity) as SumFertiliser SELECT fieldfact.FieldID, crop.cropname, From FieldFact FF, Field FI, Site SI, fieldfact.yield Fertiliser FE, OperationTime OT FROM fieldfact, crop Where FF.FieldID = FI.FieldID and WHERE fieldfact.cropid = crop.cropid and FF.FertiliserID = FE.FertiliserID and SprayQuantity = 7 and FF.OperationTimeID = (crop.CropName like ’P\%’ or OT.OperationTimeID and crop.CropName like ’R\%’ or SI.SiteID = FI.SiteID and crop.CropName like ’G\%’); FE.FertiliserName = ’SO3’ and OT.Season = ’Spring’ and 2) The query 10th belongs to the group 2nd: YEAR(OT.StartDate) = ’2016’ Group by SI.FarmerID SELECT soil.PH, count(*) Order by SumFertiliser DESC FROM fieldfact, soil Limit 10 WHERE fieldfact.SoildID = soil.SoilID and )AS Table1 fieldfact.sprayquantity = 2 ) GROUP by soil.PH; Int. J. Business Process Integration and Management 11

WHERE fieldfact.cropid = crop.cropid and 2,297 2,188.4 fieldfact.sprayquantity = 8 and MySQL 2,000 crop.EstYield >= 1 and crop.EstYield <=10 ADW GROUP BY crop.cropname HAVING sum1 > 100; 1,192 th th , 892.4 8) The query 40 belongs to the group 8 : 1 000 754.8 SELECT crop.cropname, 479422.6 439.5 472.1 233.2 226.7 265.9 212.3 sum(fieldfact.fertiliserquantity) as sum1 97.9 95.4 3 523.7.6 5.2 7.6 FROM fieldfact, crop 0 Average runtimes (seconds) WHERE fieldfact.cropid = crop.cropid and fieldfact.nutrientquantity= 5 and 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 crop.EstYield <=1 Queries (qi) GROUP by crop.cropname HAVING sum1 > 30 Figure 11 : Average runtimes of MySQL and ORDER BY crop.cropname; ADW in 10 typical queries 9) The query 45th belongs to the group 9th: th rd 3) The query 15 belongs to the group 3 : SELECT nutrient.NutrientName, SELECT fieldfact.yield, sum(nutrient.Quantity) as sum1 fertiliser.fertiliserName, FROM fieldfact fertiliser.fertiliserGroupName LEFT JOIN nutrient on FROM fieldfact fieldfact.NutrientID = nutrient.NutrientID RIGHT JOIN fertiliser on WHERE nutrient.nutrientName like ’%tr%’ and fieldfact.fertiliserID = fertiliser.fertiliserID (fieldfact.pestnumber = 16 or WHERE fieldfact.fertiliserQuantity = 10 and fieldfact.pestnumber = 15) fertiliser.fertiliserName like ’%slurry%’; GROUP by nutrient.NutrientName HAVING sum1 <300 th th 4) The query 20 belongs to the group 4 : ORDER BY nutrient.NutrientName;

SELECT sprayproductname th th FROM fieldfact, spray 10) The query 50 belongs to the group 10 : WHERE fieldfact.sprayid = spray.sprayid and SELECT sprayproductname as name1, fieldfact.watervolumn > 5 and sum(fieldfact.watervolumn) as sum1 fieldfact.watervolumn < 20 FROM fieldfact, spray UNION WHERE fieldfact.sprayid = spray.sprayid and SELECT productname fieldfact.Yield > 4 and fieldfact.Yield < 8 FROM product, orderfact GROUP by sprayproductname WHERE product.ProductID = orderfact.ProductID HAVING sum1 > 210 and (orderfact.Quantity = 5 or UNION orderfact.Quantity = 6); SELECT productname as name1, sum(orderfact.Quantity) as sum2 th th 5) The query 25 belongs to the group 5 : FROM product, orderfact SELECT fieldfact.fieldID, field.FieldName, WHERE product.ProductID = orderfact.ProductID and field.FieldGPS, spray.SprayProductName (orderfact.Quantity = 5 or FROM fieldfact, field, spray orderfact.Quantity = 6) WHERE fieldfact.FieldID = field.FieldID and GROUP by productname fieldfact.SprayID = spray.SprayID and HAVING sum2 > 50 fieldfact.PestNumber = 6 ORDER BY name1; ORDER BY field.FieldName; 6) The query 30th belongs to the group 6th: Acknowledgment SELECT fieldfact.FieldID, nutrient.NutrientName, nutrient.Quantity, nutrient.‘Year‘ This research is an extended work of Ngo and et al. FROM fieldfact (2019) being part of the CONSUS research program. It is RIGHT JOIN nutrient on funded under the SFI Strategic Partnerships Programme fieldfact.NutrientID = nutrient.NutrientID (16/SPP/3296) and is co-funded by Origin Enterprises Plc. WHERE fieldfact.NutrientQuantity = 3 and fieldfact.fertiliserquantity = 3 ORDER BY nutrient.NutrientName References LIMIT 10000; Adelman, S. and Moss, L. (2000). Data warehouse project 7) The query 35th belongs to the group 7th: management, 1st edition. Addison-Wesley Professional. SELECT crop.cropname, sum(fieldfact.watervolumn) as sum1 Amazon document (2018). Amazon Redshift database FROM fieldfact, crop developer guide. Samurai ML. 12 Ngo, V.M., Le-Khac, N.A. and Kechadi M.T.

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