EMC-Harvard Supervisory Certificate Program Workplace Performance Project Results Overview/Summary TOTAL IMPACT = Millions of dollars in cost, time and efficiency savings

Title Problem & Approach Tangible/Intangible Results Problem: Supervisors, Lead Hands, Material Handlers and set up personnel are not following schedules as set out. Time spent to 360 Degree Work • Error reduction resulted in savings of $20,000 in one-month test period develop schedules has increased with changing customer requirements. • Schedule development reduced to 3.6 hours per week (from 7.8 hours) Order Scheduling • Reduced requirement to clarify instructions (from 5.75 hours to 0 hours per System Workplace Performance Project Approach: Brainstorm with team. Conduct time studies for schedule development, as well as lost productivity in terms of quantity and quality. Implement a new scheduling system to address identified issues. week) Problem: Communication between the four shifts was insufficient and was not providing effective hand-off between Shift to Shift supervisors. • Enhanced information-sharing from shift to shift Communications Workplace Performance Project Approach: Create a flow chart showing the general areas used to supply and run the plant. • Time savings/productivity improvements estimated at 2-3 hours per week Enhancement Develop a communications template to track daily information. Create processes to print and share information at the beginning of each shift. Waste Reduction Problem: Reduced revenue on smaller packages despite first-grade quality. • Annual savings of $500,000 per machine through recaptured inventory that Through Strategic Workplace Performance Project Approach: Analyze packing process to integrate smaller tubes without affecting customer does not require rework Pallet Packing satisfaction. Implement new pallet-packing techniques.

Streamlining the Problem: Machines that produce strips of nonwoven require adjustments in order to increase production flexibility and • Save $100,000 by decreasing the amount of wasted materials and increasing nonwoven efficiency, as well as innovation and adaptation opportunities and, ultimately, improve customer satisfaction. efficiency production Workplace Performance Project Approach: Take a sample of two strips produced at the same workstation and analyze product • Possible $1,000,000 resulting from better quality and cost control, process variability. additional sales, and productivity increases Problem: Lack of interdepartmental communication has been causing order production delays, stock shortages, overlapping

Improvement of work and oversights, as well as all too frequent emergencies. • Continuous improvement of information sharing and centralization

Interdepartmental Workplace Performance Project Approach: Increase interdepartmental communication, particularly between managers, between • Reduction of order processing times Planning the QC and R&D departments, and with production staff. Centralize all order and inventory data. Clarify job descriptions and • Sales increase ensure use of available computerized tools. Problem: The current procedures for new employees and the reduced time allotted to train them efficiently have resulted in Orientation unsatisfied trainees and more frequent errors on orders and communications with clients. • More efficient comprehensive training delivered in a shorter time frame. Training • Less errors from employees working with order taking system. Standardization Workplace Performance Project Approach: Renew procedures to allow a concise yet efficient training without compromising • Better coaching processes to address errors and minimize error repetition. quality of our service.

Problem: Introducing new tracking systems and processes without updating or eliminating old procedures has caused duplication • Time savings (or triplication) of forms and has resulted in decreased efficiency and delays in executing orders. • Reduced errors Lean Paperwork Workplace Performance Project Approach: By examining all existing forms and paperwork to determine which can be retired or • Less confusion combined we can streamline all paperwork processes. • Increased staff morale

EMC-Harvard Supervisory Certificate Program Workplace Performance Project Results Overview/Summary TOTAL IMPACT = Millions of dollars in cost, time and efficiency savings

Title Problem & Approach Tangible/Intangible Results Problem: Handling of single vane rolls has increased 10 fold since the customer requested separate packaging for each vane roll. It now takes 1 hour to pack 1 skid of boxes for shipping. We would like to reduce this time by at least 50% while dropping the Product Packing number of misplaced boxes to zero. • Saving 61% on man hours per skid packed. Process • Saving 100% man hours looking for misplaced single vane boxes. Enhancement Workplace Performance Project Approach: By analyzing the existing packing method and brainstorming with the team on how • $232 saved per month on shipping costs. to configure bulk pack, it was determined that strapping 5 boxes together was the ideal solution as the bundles were manageable and bar codes could still be scanned without issue. Problem: By implementing 4 teams consisting of 4-man self-relieving crews, we plan to improve the current schedule for 21 Personnel employees that is created by 1 person. We hope to address the increase of overtime and decrease in morale cause by the • No need for dedicated resource to address scheduling needs. • Increased morale for crews. Scheduling current scheduling system. • Consistent training and mentoring for new employees. Optimization Workplace Performance Project Approach: Manager brainstormed to come up with a new schedule approach that would cover • Continued adherence to TSSA regulations necessary areas, adhere to TSSA requirements, train newer employees, and maintain flexibility for vacation and holidays. Problem: Checkfluid does not have a fully designed and implemented Health and Safety policy and program and therefore is not

compliant with OHSA regulations. • Employees are aware on new policy and its requirements.

H&S Policy Workplace Performance Project Approach: By performing a workplace hazard assessment, researching existing policies of other • Proper PPE’s are being used to present accidents. Implementation companies, delivering WSIB training sessions and capitalizing on the relocation of the business to a new building, we plan to • Employees now have an avenue of communication to voice concerns. optimize workspace layout, eliminate hazards by design, and implement a customized H&S policy to ensure that our workers are • Company is compliant with OHSA regulations. healthy and safe in their workplace. Problem: Robot cell is producing non-conforming assemblies and generating $1200.00 of rework cost each month. • Administrative cost savings: $205.00 / month-$2,460.00 /year • Product rework savings: Rework Reduction Workplace Performance Project Approach: Rework from this cell generally falls into the following categories: Bad Weld, $600.00/ month-$7,200.00 / year Operator, Setup, and Non-Conformance reports (NCR’s) are initiated by the operators. The approach is to use the 5 Whys and • Potential sales increase with no increase in resources: fishbone diagrams and involve the weld shop team leader and operators. $48,000.00 / year Problem: The company is having machine downtime Issues that are not being resolved in a timely manner, inefficient problem solving/ root cause analyses are causing production to go below 80 percent OEE. This increases costs in overtime which we are Maintenance currently not budgeted for. • Average 1200 hours’ savings. • This will help reduced the overall costs of the department and bring us in on Training and Workplace Performance Project Approach: We will be completing a study of all downtime recorded in the maintenance database budget. 30 hours per associate x 15 =450 hours. 1200 – 450 = 750 hours. Development to identify the major problems/issues on the equipment. This will allow us to focus in on the main issues in our current 750 hours x 30$(per associate) = 22500 first year in savings. troubleshooting techniques. We also will be having all personal complete a self-evaluation to help us understand what they believe their deficiencies are

EMC-Harvard Supervisory Certificate Program Workplace Performance Project Results Overview/Summary TOTAL IMPACT = Millions of dollars in cost, time and efficiency savings

Title Problem & Approach Tangible/Intangible Results Improving the Problem: The current C&S method for the tank required two employees for a total of 17 man hrs to complete. Our target was to efficiency of reduce the cleaning time for two employees. This will increase production capacity and have a projected annual cost savings • First Trial: overall savings of $50/cleaning, which in turn will be $5,000 - $7,000 in total cost savings annually Cleaning and Workplace Performance Project Approach: Current method analysis: The number of employees involved, the methods and • Freed up 35 hours/week in additional kettle time and have the potential of Sanitization materials used, the number of hours incurred. Alternative methods for C&S, these included: Using different cleaning agents, adding 2-3 more batches to the weekly schedule. Process Using different equipment and processes. We will then implement changes based on the results of our studies Time Savings: • Reduction of double staffing due to driver inexperience. Problem: Our material handlers are currently driving for the same department every day. When we have to move them around • Elimination of re-training efforts due to insufficient opportunity for skills Cross Training/ due to shortage of work in certain departments, many of them are not familiar with the work involved; which cause re-training practice. as well as extra material movers to help keep up with the area. Rotating Material • Increased ability to flex drivers between departments at short notice. This

Movers Workplace Performance Project Approach: The decision has been made to cross train all the drivers in each area of the plant. By will reduce driver idle time due to varying work demand. training them to each area; it allows us to set up a rotation schedule. By doing this, all drivers will be familiar with each area. Cost Savings: • In addition to many intangible benefits, labour savings are estimated at 4hrs / day or approximately $25K per year. Problem: Elimination of unsafe use of compressed air arose from a JHSC recommendation. Safety of workers being the number • Removal of compressed air usage from unskilled workers Elimination of one concern. • Ongoing development of standards for safe use of compressed air by skilled workers (task cleaning containment units) Unsafe Use of Workplace Performance Project Approach: Submit to JHSC for investigation and follow up. Develop a questionnaire on safe use • Cost reduction with loss of uncontrolled use of compressed air Compressed Air of compressed air and add instructions to training guidelines. Restricting the use and access of air guns to all employees. • Cost saved from removal and control of compressed air Addition of air control valves. Additional installation of vacuums. Modifying the regrind/conveyor area. Marketing campaign for • Based on one area: Production of grease interceptors $5000.00 per year in safe use of compressed air throughout the plant. savings from removal of compressed air for cleaning. • 43% Total cost savings for Labour Loading operation over 1 year. • With the creation of the new work station – and the addition of a drying Problem: Production process time for internal orders is not being utilized to full potential. rack – we are able to cut labour costs. Pre-staging will be done on day shift, using only a single operator for a specialty process. Workplace Performance Project Approach: Collect Data on current process for EC695 (production part that involves processing in Internal • Improvements in quality are also greatly enhanced by controlling the both North and South Plants). Identify efficiencies and in-efficiencies in the current process. This will include Man / Method/ Processing operation of the specialty process. Decrease in rework and potential scrap Machine/ Material. Each Supervisor to generate time study reports for review. Study cycle & loading times for all processes is also favorable results moving forward. Scheduling involved. • System Better Quality Interview Materials Supervisor to understand the current method of issuing and moving product between North and South • Less Possibility for Rework = Less Scrap = Less Furnace Time = Gas and Plants. Examine our current method of internal parts movement and forms of communication being used. Hydro Savings • Less machining time • Labour cost savings in several processes.

EMC-Harvard Supervisory Certificate Program Workplace Performance Project Results Overview/Summary TOTAL IMPACT = Millions of dollars in cost, time and efficiency savings

Title Problem & Approach Tangible/Intangible Results Problem: The information provided to Tool Makers is not always relevant to their project. The current systems do not allow Tool • Financial Makers to analyze information to answer their own questions resulting in lost time for them and the design group providing the • Reduced paper trail information. • Improved communication and traceability Shop Information • Improved morale Work Flow Workplace Performance Project Approach: Create a new electronic system that can be applied to different types of tooling • Gave shop floor more independence providing more information to the shop floor. Eliminate Mold Books. Provide computer hardware, software and electronic 3D • Staying current Cad files similar to other departments that can be fully analyzed to provide answers and perform tool inspections. By storing all • Labour Savings = $84,288 information electronically as live documents they accessed and updated by anyone with a computer. • Significant costs avoidance associated with premium freight move achieved. Problem: Cannot consistently meet customer requirements in a timely manner. Zero costs associated with premium freight moves since implementation. • Zero expedites since implementation. Inventory Workplace Performance Project Approach: The Seven Steps of Problem Solving. Define the problem, study the process, • Customer risk greatly reduced. Controls determine the root causes, develop the solution, implement the solution, review and evaluated results and follow up. Min/max • Scheduling system greatly improved with live visual management for levels were established. Excel spreadsheet developed to track inventory and releases. Excel spreadsheet contents transferred to min/max inventory. corporate ERP system for all parts. • Overtime associated with over/under production was eliminated. • Improvement in line performance achieved via event. Problem: No standardized process for implementing changes (word of mouth). Faced with breakdowns within team. Faced with breakdowns from department to department. Understanding and feeling team member’s frustrations. • Time saved – decrease in • Increase in process flow Workplace Performance Project Approach: Together with stakeholders (all department leaders) communicated thoughts and • Increase in communications Power of Unity ideas on what would be a solution to this ongoing issue. Get buy in to be on board with a clear understanding of the desired • Set standards to follow process outcome. Generated and implemented document ensures that everyone will have to follow the same process. Create a formal • Higher morale – no frustration or confusion document to improve process flow and communication. Have a proper procedure. Create and implement a “legacy”, a tool to • Effective team approach streamline process for ease of rapid growth.

EMC-Harvard Supervisory Certificate Program Workplace Performance Project Results Overview/Summary TOTAL IMPACT = Millions of dollars in cost, time and efficiency savings

Title Problem & Approach Tangible/Intangible Results • Savings over two-year period = $67,823 • Removing the paper documentation and investing in software and training Problem: Need to reduce the amount of waste within daily job tasks in order to reduce costs. By eliminating the process of can reduce the ECO/ECR process time by at least 50%. creating paper documentation where ever possible and investing in technology/software that allows to do it. • Created standard job flows, automation reduces the time to perform tasks

Workplace Performance Project Approach: Assembled team consisting of various department members. Brainstorm processes and increased efficiencies. Paperless Process as a team and obtain submission ideas. Divide into smaller teams and create and develop process map. Analyzed data and • Sharing of information in a data vault will allow other plant locations to start determined required inputs and outputs. Printing of drawings and its associated processes had the biggest potential for savings. up faster. Focused on the Engineering department and improving efficiency of the ECR/ECO process by changing the whole process to • Software helps organization to manage and share product data more paperless. effectively and automate workflow to allow better collaboration from engineering to the shop floor, resulting in better products, lower costs, and faster processing time. • Interaction and team building across various groups within the company during the WPP process Problem: Hours required doing quality inspection are too long. The traditional CMM measuring machines and software are an • Remain Profitable. older technology with limited capabilities. This limitation forces to manually create graphical reports costing additional labour Quality • Customer Retention. costs and overtime. It also puts the delivery commitment to the customer at risk. • Increased Capacity. Improvement • Cross Training of Employees Initiative Workplace Performance Project Approach: Create a new style of report for jobs that are measured on the CMM machines. Research new laser scanning technologies that offer portability, automatic electronic graphical reporting, large scanning • Potential of Repeat Customers envelope and high tolerance to meet customer requirements. • Potential for Larger Tools Quality Operator Savings = $13,400 Setup/Tear Down Savings = $4,355 Reduced Review Savings = $20,100 Estimated Total Savings = $37,855 • Remain profitable • Increase capacity Problem: Significant shift in product mix, reducing output per man from 33.2 tons per man per month to 28.2 tons per man per • Customer satisfaction month in straightening area which is a 15% decrease in production. • Team building Increase Efficiency • Problem Solving through the Audit Workplace Performance Project Approach: Retrain all operators as per SOP (standard operating procedures). Reiterate • Each 1% efficiency improvement yields $1.95/ton cost improvement Process expectations. Reduction of unproductive/wasted time. Train operators in basic robot training. Standardize all machine set ups. • Average tons per month = 1341 = 16092 per year Having all parts available in required order (someone other than operator to arrange this. Supervisor, shippers, or painters). • @1% increase $31,379.40 Ensure availability of lift truck in area. Schedule operator every day/shift to ensure optimal use of uptime of machine. Ensure • Reduction of wasted time by 10% = 14 hours/month = 168 hours/year operators are not used for relief of other machines/operators. would increase efficiency 1.8% = $56,482.92 • Reduction of wasted time by 25% = 35 hours/month, 420 hours per year would increase efficiency 4.5% - $141,207.30

EMC-Harvard Supervisory Certificate Program Workplace Performance Project Results Overview/Summary TOTAL IMPACT = Millions of dollars in cost, time and efficiency savings

Title Problem & Approach Tangible/Intangible Results • Staff has been very reception to new process Improved Problem: Documents published in a Controlled Documents folder, often times without making the department responsible for • Greater communication and awareness of changes that impact operations’ Communication carrying out the procedure or instructions, aware of the changes. This is an issue that has been present for well over a decade. tasks overall. and Awareness of • This design model met the needs of 3 additional forms in use at the Revised Workplace Performance Project Approach: Data was gathered by reviewing: NCMR Pareto Charts (2010 – 2014), CAPA items, company. Procedures and Training records, Monthly business reviews and E-mails. Interviews were conducted with staff involved in the procedure revision • Process will be reviewed every month to ensure the desired result in being Instructions process as well as those who are end users to understand how each staff member perceives their role and to understand the achieved. consistency with which the process is undertaken. • Created a process (procedure) and defined the purpose, scope, responsibility and outline pertaining to the revision of an Operations task document. • Reduced the fix scrap Problem: Needed to reduce the expired bulk quantity defectives, 4622.68 kilos with an associated cost of $221,582.62. The • Implemented revised process MDA (Material Destruction Authorization) Reduction of objective for this project will be to reduce the expired bulk quantity defectives from 4622.68 kilos to 2311.34 kilos (i.e. 50% along with regular review of bulk due-to-expire. Expired reduction) with a cost savings of $110,791.00 in one year. Project was selected due to: Over-inventory, waste, non-value added, • Before starting this project, expired bulk quantity of L/S was 1129 kilos, with warehouse space, resource time, infestation, safety and cost saving potential. $62,859 associated cost, while as of project end date, the expired bulk Bulk Quantity Defectives Workplace Performance Project Approach: Conducted using the following tools: Pareto Diagram (Minitab), quantity defectives was 136.82 kilos with an associated cost of $3,776.83. Brain Storming, 5-Whys, Fishbone Diagram. • Apply same approach for other product categories to improve the process quality. • Development of the Delivery Status Form and Delivery Notification Board. Able to manage manpower/overtime more efficiently because now aware Problem: As growth continues, occasionally encounter breakdowns in communication between departments (Quality, of when the parts are arriving. Manufacturing, Procurement and Logistics). For example, replacement part delivery status process not defined, misplacing • Reduced Wait time Departments vs. delivered parts, wait time, scheduling, manpower/overtime and delay in shipping trucks to customers. 27% (over 500 trucks) of • Products organized effectively production in 2014, was completed past the estimated time of delivery to dealers. • Taking the skills learned, we are confident that moving forward we can deal Communication Workplace Performance Project Approach: Have chosen to create a communication board called “Delivery Notification Board” with problems that arise more efficiently and effectively in regards to for parts within the plant in order to track and monitor the status of incoming parts, in addition to a “Delivery Status Form”. Problem Solving, Difficult Interactions, Team Building, Leadership Building and Coaching and Mentoring.

EMC-Harvard Supervisory Certificate Program Workplace Performance Project Results Overview/Summary TOTAL IMPACT = Millions of dollars in cost, time and efficiency savings

Title Problem & Approach Tangible/Intangible Results • Standardized Assembly Procedures • Removed unnecessary parts/Assembly through analysis process. Problem: Entering this project, we found an opportunity with our 10hp screw compressor. During product development, • Time Saved/ $$ Saved engineering designs and introduces new product, shows one assembler how to build it, that assembler Cross-trains other • Step-by-step procedure that employees can follow assemblers, and over time, assemblers develop own methods. Needed to establish standardization. • Identifies what tools are required for each step

Standardized Workplace Performance Project Approach: Our team picked a team of assemblers and determined that we needed to have an • Procedure allows us to maintain consistency between units Assembly assembly procedure so that all units were built the same. This was the root cause of our problem. Team was on board since it • Improves the “Tangible intangibles”: allows us to easily communicate any Procedures would provide a step-by-step method that they could reference. As a team we brainstormed requirements for procedure, step- changes in the product. by-step, Lego-Style, with pictures. Anyone can walk into the job and start from scratch by following the procedure. We shadowed • Building block for the future 2 different assemblers, took notes on the process, what tools were used, what parts, and took pictures for reference. Compiled • cross-training, new hires this into one assembly document. • Use as a template across all units • Could eventually put this document into a tablet and eliminate paper documents • 10% of total assembly time

Problem: Due to a significant higher order intake in 2014 the workload in our shop increased by around 35%. Material handling • Reduce handling time of material and semi-finished goods by up to 75 – 90 Optimization of and storage became an issue. min/day. Due to bigger raw material storage capacity we should be able to purchase higher quantities and obtain better prices. Work Shop Workplace Performance Project Approach: Situation had been evaluated with production control by using numbers out of our • Expected savings $25,000 - $30,000 annually Layout/ ERP system and involving our operators. Risk Assessment had been done. Space limitations for material storage and on the shop • Efficiency improvement of workflow Reorganization floor have been identified as root cause. Investigation of possible solutions by contacting suppliers, as well as our sister • The program provided a wide range of ideas, suggestions and perspectives companies. on excellent topics

• Creates 1500 SQ FT of open floor space • Eliminates 40-50 parts being double/triple handled • Reduces potential for injury while loading shelves with product Problem: Unorganized Product and under-utilized floor space. Storage limitations and high product volumes resulting in • Ability to create “home locations” for product tracking unnecessary time spent sorting product. Rack Em Up • Reduces congestion/blind spots throughout the plant

Workplace Performance Project Approach: Installed racking. • $25,240 annual savings • Learning the skills from this program moving forward will ensure confidence in maintaining a positive atmosphere along with effective process improvement

EMC-Harvard Supervisory Certificate Program Workplace Performance Project Results Overview/Summary TOTAL IMPACT = Millions of dollars in cost, time and efficiency savings

Title Problem & Approach Tangible/Intangible Results Problem: Current vendor qualification process is very slow and inefficient resulting in delays in production and submissions to • Earlier implementation of more cost-effective alternate suppliers in the Authorities and ultimately higher costs. Need to improve the efficiency and quality of the vendor qualification process which production = improved profitability $$$$ will lead to improved profitability. Implement a new procedure that will reduce the time it takes for R&D to complete the • A more accelerated, consistent and organized procedure Implementation qualification of one raw material secondary source by at least 30-40% within the next 6 months. • Streamlined R&D procedure = opportunity cost reduction of $15,000 – of R & D Raw $45,000/ year based on salaries $$ Material Vendor Workplace Performance Project Approach: Interviewed stakeholders, created an inter-departmental functional activity chart, • Improved quality assessment will accelerate regulatory approvals = Qualification analyzed current process to determine root causes, researched current regulations for active pharmaceutical ingredient starting corporate financial gain $$ materials, conducted benchmarking research to generate ideas. Time Efficiency: Will be able to eliminate unnecessary steps by Process • Less staff confusion and frustration = higher morale! using team’s expertise to conduct a quick preliminary quality assessment of the raw materials. Organization: Need to develop a • Improved Communication ― All stakeholders will be clear on objectives database to keep track of project progress. Communication: Need to improve communication between departments which will • Leading and Motivating, Difficult Interactions & Coaching modules very improve information flow and clarity on objectives and timelines. beneficial • We have now increased our capacity by 25% per shift and can keep up with Problem: Materials, Labour Cost, Late Orders, Health and Safety, Employee morale. Operators looking for tools and materials, higher customer demands. Material shortages were noticed after builds were started, causing downtime. 5S and Point of • Wins in Inventory Control, Production, Customer satisfaction, Lowered

Use Workplace Performance Project Approach: Implemented 5S, purchased colour coded, stenciled bins. Implemented point of use, Accidents/incidents and Employee morale Redefined the Fork Lift drivers / Material Handlers. • Materials and tools present at line in a standardized location • Materials can be visually noticed if running low by operators or purchasing Initial Investment • $9.6K Purchase & Install RFID Technology • $3.2K Reconfigure Physical Layout of Tool Crib $15.0K Software Problem: Evaluate the issues with the current process for booking, locating and returning specialty tooling in the tool crib. Development Cost Tool Crib Tooling is not consistently booked, tooling can be difficult to locate when it is required, and tooling is not consistently returned in • $1.2K Tool Reconciliation • $29.0K Total Management a timely manner. Compare to… Process Workplace Performance Project Approach: Tool Crib Time Study, Root Cause Analysis 5 Whys, system is cumbersome and easily • Average annual investment in new tooling of $70K (past 6 years) by-passed, no accountability /unmanned after hours, process owner is not a stake holder. • Almost $100K invested in new tooling in 2014 alone • Cost Reduction 87% • Program enhanced collaborative Teamwork and provided the skills to be a great Supervisor

EMC-Harvard Supervisory Certificate Program Workplace Performance Project Results Overview/Summary TOTAL IMPACT = Millions of dollars in cost, time and efficiency savings

Title Problem & Approach Tangible/Intangible Results

• Improved efficiency Problem: Project installations that run over budgeted hours cause the following issues: Project profitability is decreased, • Improved project throughput Machine resource allocation for other projects is affected, overall employee morale is affected, impacts customer timelines, puts added • Improved profitability • ISO Compliance Installation pressure on suppliers. • Improved customer satisfaction Process Workplace Performance Project Approach: Measure budgeted install hours vs actual install hours, survey Installers, group survey • This program taught us: Adapt approach and tools to apply to the situation, Improvement responses into common causes, Pareto analysis of Common Causes Categorize by: items controlled during build phase, items brought awareness of the concept of the “ladder of accountability” to requiring definition for final buyoff, installation related items. team members. Look at making process improvements in small steps instead of trying to solve all the issues at once. • Understand barriers within departments • more empathetic • Gained a process for problem resolution and making change • Acquired tools to apply concepts across all Problem: Service work is a small portion of our revenue; invoicing has not been a priority in the past; recent growth has brought departments. issues to light. We do not launch service reports correctly and share information effectively to allow employees to use correct job Improving the • Increased awareness: “the time for change is now, not tomorrow” numbers. It often takes 3 months to send an invoice for service work. The solution? Update our software to reflect changing Cycle Time of • Created buy-in to make chargeable service work a priority needs. • Increased communication Service Report Invoicing Workplace Performance Project Approach: Information was gathered by interviewing: 2 Mechanical Assemblers/Developers, 1 • Improved cycle time: saving 2/3 of our current turn around time (average 1 Programmer, 1 Project Manager and 1 IT Administrator. This information lead us to the “Root Cause” of our problem. month vs. previous 3 months) • Fewer “pulling” motions – Accounting waiting on information from Project Managers • Less re-work. Job cost information will be accurate. • Generated ideas for other continuous improvement opportunities. Problem: We need to eliminate robot crashes preventing downtime and quality Issues. Gasket machine 3 is set in such a way Eliminate Robot that if a part is not placed correctly onto the loading fixture it will cause the robot to crash into the part. This has cost us $10,980 Crashes a year in scrap, rework, repair costs and warehouse sorts. • Total Wasted Hours Eliminated = 461.6 hours preventing • End of program savings = 32,668.16 Downtime and Workplace Performance Project Approach: Kaizen Approach: ASSESS: Assess and Document the current situation, investigate • Can now apply skills to other improvement projects contributing factors, define the root cause(s), PLAN & DESIGN: Visualize the ideal situation, brainstorm ways to improve the Quality Issues • Program enhanced Teambuilding current situation, develop Kaizen plan, IMPLEMENT: Implement the plan, EVALUATE: Measure, record, document and compare

the new situation vs. the old, create short-term action plan, on-going standards and sustaining plan.

EMC-Harvard Supervisory Certificate Program Workplace Performance Project Results Overview/Summary TOTAL IMPACT = Millions of dollars in cost, time and efficiency savings

Title Problem & Approach Tangible/Intangible Results Benefits: • Cost savings – Estimated $78,000 in first year (32%), $963,000 over 13 yrs • Replacement based on filter performance • Dedicated storage area Air Filter Problem: We are unaware of how many air filters we have and condition/replacement needs of these filters as the filters are • Easier access to filters • Filter inventory control system Replacement cleaned and stored offsite. • Improved dust control Optimization Workplace Performance Project Approach: Brainstorming data, 5 Why Analysis and Scoring Matrix. • Less dependent on supply base • Tools for coaching, work with team on vision for team, when to use different styles of leadership • Structured approach to problem solving • Refreshing new approaches • Improves safety with tool training • 5s improvement - Tools are at point of use & people are not wasting time looking for them. Problem: Current tool program that exists on the shop floor is not being followed. It does not have a clear process/SOP’s. We • Helps with eliminating the 8 Deadly wastes don’t have the tools to support production requirements (Customer Demands) and because of this we end up with late deliveries • Improves morale when people have what they need to perform their tasks to our customers, increased costs, higher defects, lower morale. Our Productivity is down because we have employees sharing and complete assignments on time Tool Management tools. • Company does not have to buy new tools every year – decreases our costs Program / increases our profits Workplace Performance Project Approach: Do a current tool count, determine the number of tools required, brainstorm current • Tools program set up to fit a TPM program which will increase their life issues with support team and filter through high impact / low difficulty exercise. Brainstorm solutions and filter through high span impact / low difficulty exercise. This allowed for everyone to input their ideas and build consensus among team members. • Better on-time delivery to customer because we have control • Cut tool expenses in half • 3% decrease in labour cost • Program provided excellent Coaching skills & enjoyed learning at own pace