Ian Hughes | 224 pages | 29 Feb 2012 | Pen & Sword Books Ltd | 9781848842793 | English | South Yorkshire, United Kingdom Aetius: Attilas Nemesis PDF Book

I suppose this sounds a bit negative, but overall I enjoyed the book and it definitely created a cogent narrative for a period of history I was not perfectly acquainted with. To ask other readers questions about Aetius , please sign up. The character dies in his climactic battle with the . At least 2, including Gaudentius. It is the sort of history book which I prefer…. Brezel rated it really liked it Apr 11, In his spare time he builds or restores electric guitars, plays football and historical wargames. Ian Hughes. This is no small feat considering the scarcity of sources which requires Hughes to formulate some very convincing and well thought hypotheses. I found this extremely useful as it didn't purport these as facts. He was brought to battle on the Cataluanian Plain and defeated by a coalition hastily assembled and led by Aetius. Refresh and try again. The best thing Hughes does is to list all of the primary sources, as well as how far removed they are from the time and what biases they may have had. Luis Negrete rated it liked it May 29, Who was this man that saved Western Europe from the Hunnic yoke? A good biography about an extremely interesting and under-appreciated Roman general. BDT rated it it was ok Oct 01, Ian Hughes. For this reason, I also recommend his book "Stilicho," who is another person that up frequently but not enough to get a sense of who he was. Namespaces Article Talk. This book was supposed to come out in April and arrived in July. Products Authors Categories Series. Select Personalities. List of Maps. Academic, but still quite readable biography of Aetius, the last great Western Roman general, who defeated the Hun. Maximus expected to be made in place of Aetius, but was blocked by Heraclius. Available in the following formats: ePub Hardback Kindle. But the writing style is not great to be honest. Aetius: Attilas Nemesis Writer

The sources for this time period are sparse and suspect. Academic, but still quite readable biography of Aetius, the last great Western Roman general, who defeated Attila the Hun. Available in the following formats: Paperback ePub Kindle. Attila returned in to again press his claim of marriage to Honoria ; Aetius was unable to block Attila's advance through the Julian Alps. Aetius: Attila's Nemesis is Ian Huges's latest offering, fitting in nicely among his earlier works on Belisarius and Stilicho. My only complaint: a sprinkling of copy edit factcheck? The Late Roman Army. Aetius' legacy has been filled with controversy somewhat similar to that of Stilicho as both left the Empire significantly weaker when they died. For this reason, I also recommend his book "Stilicho," who is another person that comes up frequently but not enough to get a sense of who he was. Aetius had an eventful life, and lived in momentous times, and Hughes does it justice. More Details Select Personalities. Possibly that was because, despite Mr. Traditionally, historians also consider the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains as decisively important, crippling Attila by destroying his aura of invincibility. The Battle of the Catalaunian Plains. This author left me in awe. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In defeated a Frankish siege of Turonum , which was followed by a Frankish attack under Clodio in the region of Atrebatum , in Belgica Secunda. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Those used to the relative certainties of the late republic and early empire can only look on with admiration at those brave souls who plunge into the mess that is late antiquity. Overall I would recommend this book to anyone, whether beginner or veteran to Roman history in the 5th Century. While Attila is a household name, his nemesis remains relatively obscure. May 24, Thomas James rated it really liked it. Thanks for telling us about the problem. For example, the author would be speaking of Placidia and suddenly it was changed to Pulcheria or Pelagia. Aetius is portrayed by Michael Nardone in the final episode of the History Channel docudrama Barbarians Rising , set during the campaign against the Huns. Aetius: Attilas Nemesis Reviews

Imperial Family Tree. A good biography about an extremely interesting and under-appreciated Roman general. In Aetius held the consulate , but was recalled to Italy and received warmly by Placidia. He also takes care to point out when it is only speculation. But enough of that and just to be clear to any readers, the last three sentences above were largely tongue in cheek. Latest Releases Coming Soon Blog. Dahmer rated it liked it Aug 04, I would recommend this book to anyone who like me has little knowledge of the late empire. In Majorian defeated a Frankish siege of Turonum , which was followed by a Frankish attack under Clodio in the region of Atrebatum , in Belgica Secunda. During the course of his life he was a hostage, first with Alaric and the , and then with Rugila, King of the Huns. Books by Ian Hughes. Before Aetius had signed an agreement with the Huns , allowing some of them to settle in Pannonia , along the Sava River ; he also sent to Attila , the king of the Huns, a man called Constantius as a secretary. Still, the loss of the Empire's tax base in North remains a black mark on his career in the eyes of many modern historians. Those used to the relative certainties of the late republic and early empire can only look on with admiration at those brave souls who plunge into the mess that is late antiquity. In the end, we know little about Aetius the man, but can extrapolate from his actions. This changes towards the second half of the book until the end and is quite enjoyable. This book is another excellent read from Pen and Sword. Details if other :. Jordan rated it it was amazing Sep 27, While Aetius was campaigning in Gaul, there was an ongoing power struggle among Aetius, , Bonifacius , and the emperor Valentinian's mother and regent . Maximus expected to be made patrician in place of Aetius, but was blocked by Heraclius. Attila finally halted at the Po , where he met an embassy including the prefect Trygetius, the ex- consul Gennadius Avienus , and Pope Leo I. Attila returned in to again press his claim of marriage to Honoria ; Aetius was unable to block Attila's advance through the Julian Alps. The best thing Hughes does is to list all of the primary sources, as well as how far removed they are from the time and what biases they may have had. Aetius is an important supporting character in Thomas B. Consul of the with Flavius Studius. He settled the around Valence in and along the Loire including Aurelianum in to contain unrest in Armorica. Praesentalis. He was recalled and Merobaudes defeated the Bacaudae of Aracellitanus in Need a currency converter? Welcome back. Even though all parties to the protection of the had a common hatred of the Huns, it was still a remarkable achievement on Aetius' part to have drawn them into an effective military relationship. Possible relief of Aetius, [1] although the sarcophagus has also been thought to depict Stilicho d. The Roman senator Petronius Maximus and the chamberlain Heraclius were therefore able to enlist Valentinian in a plot to assassinate Aetius. All By Date Books Outline Chronology. Modern authors typically overlook the battle and focus on the greater impact of Aetius' career, and he is generally seen as one of the greatest Roman military commanders of all time, as well as an excellent diplomat and administrator. He held Aetius responsible for the empire's troubles and accused him of trying to steal the empire from him. Aetius is one of the major figures in the history of the late Roman Empire and his actions helped maintain the integrity of the West in the declining years of the Empire.

Aetius: Attilas Nemesis Read Online

In , Attila was angry over an alleged theft of a golden plate, and Aetius sent him an embassy under Romulus to calm him; Attila sent him a dwarf, Zerco , as a present, whom Aetius gave back to his original owner, . In AD Attila, with a huge force composed of Huns, allies and vassals drawn from his already-vast empire, was rampaging westward across Gaul essentially modern France , then still nominally part of the Western Roman Empire. To ask other readers questions about Aetius , please sign up. Martin rated it liked it Nov 10, No trivia or quizzes yet. Both novels are ambivalent portraits of Flavius Aetius, and the complicated Roman history during the barbarian invasions of the fifth century. Meanwhile, Thraustila stepped forward and killed Heraclius. One of his greatest achievements was the assembling of the coalition against Attila. Prosperi Hauniensis , s. Wilmington rated it really liked it Apr 03, Sometimes it seems that he's grasping at straws, and in this book I often had the feeling that he speculated more than was appropriate in a nonfiction book. While Attila is a household name, his nemesis remains relatively obscure. I couldn't help thinking this was all uncomfortably similar to Western Europe today. Available in the following formats: Kindle Paperback ePub. But know that you have cut off your right hand with your left. Anyone knowing the time period, knew this was an error, but others might be confused. The sources for this time period are sparse and suspect. Hughes Ancient Warfare. As the stunned emperor turned to see who had struck him, Optila finished him off with another thrust of his blade. Aetius Takes the Stage. In the Western Emperor died. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. In the end, we know little about Aetius the man, but can extrapolate from his actions. Neither could find all of the answers. The following two years were occupied by a campaign against the Suebi and by the war against the ; in Aetius won a major battle probably the Battle of Mons Colubrarius , but in the Visigoths defeated and killed Litorius and his Hunnic . He is careful to state when he is speculating and why he comes to the conclusions he does. That this saviour of Rome was himself half Scythian is indicative of the complexity of the late Roman world. Brezel rated it really liked it Apr 11, Traditionally, historians also consider the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains as decisively important, crippling Attila by destroying his aura of invincibility. Aetius is portrayed as the heroic "Last of the Romans" in William Napier's Attila trilogy , uniting the Romans and the Goths in one final, titanic battle to stop the Huns in their tracks, in the epochal Battle of the Catalaunian Fields.