United States Patent to 11 4,016,118 Hamada Et Al

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United States Patent to 11 4,016,118 Hamada Et Al United States Patent to 11 4,016,118 Hamada et al. 45 Apr. 5, 1977 (54) POLYOLEFIN PLASTIC COMPOSITIONS (56) References Cited 75 Inventors: Kenzo Hamada; Hiroshi Uchiyama, UNITED STATES PATENTS both of Hirakata, Japan 3,639,312 2/1972 Turner ........................ 260/17.4 SG 73 Assignees: E. C. Chemical Industries & Co., Primary Examiner-Harry Wong, Jr. Ltd; C. Itoh & Co., Ltd., both of Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Wenderoth, Lind & Ponack Osaka, Japan 57 ABSTRACT 22 Filed: Aug. 12, 1975 A polyolefin plastic composition having improved (21) Appl. No.: 604,045 transparency and reduced molding shrinkage, which 9 consists essentially of at least one polymer or copoly 30 Foreign Application Priority Data mer of an aliphatic monoolefin and dibenzylidene sor bitol, the proportion of the dibenzylidene sorbitol being Aug. 16, 1974 Japan .............................. 49.94424 0.1 to 0.7% by weight based on the total weight of the 52) composition. (51) (58) 4 Claims, 1 Drawing Figure U.S. Patent April 5, 1977 4,016,118 s OO 90 5O 4O 3O O 34O 38O 42O 46O 5OO 540 - WAVELENGTH (m.p.) 4,016, 118 POLYOLEFN PLASTEC COMPOSETIONS This invention relates to a polyolefin plastic composi tion having improved transparency and reduced mold ing shrinkage. N N Polyolefins, for example, polyethylene or polypropyl ene, have found a wide range of applications as packag o--)-() ing materials and containers in the form of films, sheets h-i-o or hollow articles, but because of their poor transpar 10 H--oh ency, their use has been limited. In particular, they are H-C-OH unsuitable as packaging materials or containers for H such articles as are desired to be visible through them (e.g., cosmetics or foodstuffs). Attempts have been made to improve the transpar 15 The dibenzylidene sorbitol obtained by the above ency of polyolefins by incorporating certain kinds of method contains about 2% of by-product monobenzyli additives in them, and para-t-butylbenzoic acid, its dene sorbitol and tribenzylidene sorbitol. Although it is salts, low-molecular-weight waxy polyethylene, and not always necessary to remove these impurities, the low-molecular-weight waxy polypropylene have been product is preferably purified so that the purity of the suggested as the additives. These conventional addi 20 dibenzylidene sorbitol becomes 99.0 to 99.5% or more. tives, however, are unable to bring about a sufficient The purification can be performed by recrystallization improvement of the transparency because they deterio from dimethyl formamide. rate the mechanical and chemical properties of the The proportion of the dibenzylidene sorbitol in the products, or have poor miscibility with the polyolefins. composition of this invention is 0.1 to 0.7% by weight, it is an object of this invention, therefore, to provide 25 preferably 0.3 to 0.5% by weight, based on the total an additive which can improve the transparency of weight of the composition. When the content of diben polyolefins without deteriorating the mechanical and zylidene sorbitol is less than 0.1% by weight, the result chemical properties of the final products. ing composition is not sufficiently improved in respect Another object of this invention is to provide a poly of transparency and molding shrinkage. Even when the olefin plastic composition having improved transpar 30 content of dibenzylidene sorbitol is increased beyond ency as a result of incorporating a specific additive. 0.7% by weight, no additional advantage can be ob Still another object of this invention is to provide a tained, although it could be incorporated in an amount polyolefin plastic composition having reduced molding of more than 0.7% by weight. Alternatively, a thick shrinkage. composition containing as much as up to about 4% by The above objects of this invention can be achieved 35 weight of dibenzylidene sorbitol may be used as a mas by a plastic composition having improved transparency ter batch. - - and reduced molding shrinkage which consists essen The composition of this invention can be obtained by tially of at least one aliphatic monoolefin polymer or adding a specific amount of dibenzylidene sorbitol to copolymer and dibenzylidene sorbitol, the amount of the olefin polymer or copolymer, and merely mixing the dibenzylidene sorbitol being 0.1 to 0.7% by weight 40 them by any suitable mixing means. : based on the total weight of the composition. Other additives such as a transparent coloring agent Examples of olefin polymers whose transparency can or plasticizer (e.g., dioctyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, be improved and whose molding shrinkage can be re dioctyl stearate, or dioctyl adipate), can be added to duced conveniently by this invention are polymers and the composition of this invention so long as they do not copolymers of aliphatic monoolefins containing 2 to 6 45 adversely affect the improvement of transparency and carbon atoms which have an average molecular weight for the reduction of molding shrinkage. It has been of about 10,000 to 200,000, preferably about 30,000 to found that plasticizers such as those exemplified above 150,000, such as polyethylene, polypropylene, a crys aid in the improvement of the transparency by diben talline ethylene-propylene copolymer, and polymethyl zylidene sorbitol. pentene. Polyolefins as exemplified above are basically 50 The olefin polymer or copolymer used in the compo linear regular polymers which may optionally contain sition of this invention is crystalline, and the diffraction short side chains. of light caused by microcrystals contained in it is con The novel aspect of this invention is that the olefin sidered to be responsible for the deterioration of the polymer or copolymer contains an active amount of transparency of the polymer. Although the present 55 invention is not intended to be limited by any theory, dibenzylinene sorbitol. we assume that dibenzylidene sorbitol takes a certain The dibenzylidene sorbitol is a white powder having kind of three dimensional structure in the polyolefin a melting point of 210 to 212°C. which is obtained by composition thereby to render the microcrystals even reacting 1 mole of d-sorbitol and 2 moles of benzalde finer and consequently, improve the transparency of hyde in the presence of an acid catalyst at an elevated 60 the polymer. temperature. It includes an isomer of the formula The composition of this invention is suitable for use as packing materials and container materials for cos metics and foodstuffs because it gives films, sheets or hollow articles having improved transparency, reduced cho (ch-()); 65 molding shrinkage, and superior mechanical and chem ical properties. - and is typically expressed by the following structural The accompanying drawing is a graphic representa formula tion showing the improvement of the light transmit 4,016,118 3 4. tance of polypropylene when dibenzylidene sorbitol is the resin composition and the haze values and shrink added to it in varying amounts. age values of the test pieces are shown in Table 2. The following Examples further illustrate the present invention. All the parts and percents given in these Table 2 Examples are by weight unless otherwise specified. 5 Properties of the Constituent pro- injection-molded The transparency (haze value) and molding shrink portions (parts) products age were measured by the following methods. Composition Poly- Haze value Shrinkage 1. Haze value - ASTM D 1003-61 No. DBDS propylene (%) (%) The test piece used was an injection-molded plate O 2 - 1 -- OO 87 12.5 with a thickness of 0.2 mm. 1 2 - 2 O.2 99.8 60 9.4 2. Molding shrinkage (shrinkage) 2-3 0.5 99.5 23 6.0 A test piece formed by injection-molding the compo sition of this invention at a predetermined injection temperature using a mold having a cavity in the shape of a rectangular pararellepiped, 55 mm long with the 15 EXAMPLE 3 section measuring 10 X 10 mm. The shrinkage value Test pieces were prepared in the same way as in was calculated from the following equation. Example 1 except that pellets of polyethylene having a number average molecular weight of 60,000 (NOVA TEC ET 010, trademark for a product of Mitsubishi Depth of the Thickness of 20 mold cavity the test piece Chemical Industries, Ltd.) were used instead of the Shrinkage as x 100 (%) ethylene-propylene copolymer, and the injection tem Depth of the mold cavity perature was changed to 230 C. The constituent pro i: The injection molding to form the test pieces in the portions of the resin composition, and the haze values tests on the haze value and molding shrinkage was 25 and shrinkage values of the test pieces are shown in carried out under the following conditions. Table 3. Injection temperature: Predetermined temperatures Table 3 shown in Examples Properties of the Injection time: 5 seconds Constituent pro- injection-molded Hold-up time: 3 seconds 30 portions (parts) products Cooling time: 40 seconds Composition Poly- Haze value Shrinkage i Mold temperature: 80 C. No. DBDS ethylene (%) (%) 3 - - 100 75 15.1 EXAMPLE 1 3 - 2 0.2 99.8 50 5 35 3 - 3 O.S 99.5 26 2.4 A resin composition obtained by adding a predeter mined amount of dibenzylidene sorbitol (DBDS) hav ing a purity of 99.5% to pellets of an ethylene-propy lene copolymer having a number average molecular EXAMPLE 4 weight of 40,000 and containing 90 mole% of propyl 40 Test pieces were prepared in the same way as in ene units (Mitsubishi NOBLENE BC-8, trademark for Example 1 except that a methyl pentene polymer (a a product of Mitsubishi Petrochemical Co., Ltd.) and mixture of 3 parts of DX-845 and 1 part of DX-836 mixing them by a blender was injection-molded at an having a melt index of 8, a product of Mitsui Petro injection temperature of 240 C.
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