T he G overnm ent G azette.


Vol. 3, No 24. , NOVEMBER 12TH, 1864. Price 12 1/2 cents.

T able of Contents. Colonial Secretary's Notices Colonial Secretary's Notices.

C o l o n i a l S e c r e t a r y ’ s O f f i c e ,

Colonial Secretary’s Notices. Page. 28th October, 1864. . £100 Reward— Murder of Everina R ice...... 1 HEREAS, by an Order of the Queen in Council, Reward of $250 for the apprehension of the Fort Simpson dated the 11th day of June, A. D. 1863, a Le­ Murderers...... 1 To all whom it may concern Reservation of all Crown Lands...... 1 gislative Council for the Colony of British Columbia Appointment of Legislative Councillors ...... 1 Wwas constituted and established, such Legislative Greeting. Her Majesty’s confirmation of certain Ordinances ...... 1 Council to consist of such Public Officers within the Respecting vessels of war of the belligerent powers of North America entering British ports — ...... 1 said Colony, as shall from time to time be designated, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Her Most Gra­ Colonial Secretary’s Report on the Kootenay District...... 4 and of such persons as shall from time to time be cious Majesty The Queen has been pleased to Offering a Reward of £100 for the discovery of Coal...... 4 named, by or in pursuance of any Instructions or Nconfirm and allow the following Ordinance, passed Postal Contract...... 7 Respecting the supply of resin and turpentine falling off in Warrant under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet, at the late Session of the Legislative Council of this Great Britain ...... 8 and of such other persons as may from time to time C o lo n y : be appointed by the Governor, by Instruments to be D i r e c t o r y , ...... 8 No. 11. An Ordinance to declare the lawful rate passed under the Public Seal of the said Colony, pro­ General Post Office. of Interest in the Colony. vided however that every such last mentioned appoint­ Postal Regulations ...... 7 Conveyance of Mails...... 2 ment shall be provisional only until the same shall And the same is therefore hereby declared and pro­ Rates or P ostage...... 2 have been approved by Her Majesty, through one of claimed to be confirmed and allowed accordingly. Issue of Postage Stamps...... 2 the Principal Secretaries of State. AND WHEREAS, List of uncalled for Letters...... 3 Dated at New Westminster, in the Colony of British Her Majesty, by Instructions issued under the Royal Tenders for Conveyance of Mails through British Columbia...3 Columbia, this 29th day of October, A. D. 1864. Sign Manual and Signet, and dated the 31st day of Governm ent Assay Office. July, A .D . 1863, hath appointed and declared that By Command. Rates of Charges...... 2 the following Public Officers shall, during Her plea­ ARTHUR N. BIRCH, Harbour Master. sure, be Members of the said Legislative Council, that Colonial Secretary. Notice to Mariners...... 8 is to say the respective Officers lawfully acting for Lands and W orks Notices. the time being BRITISH COLUMBIA. Notice respecting the width of tire for vehicles on the W ag­ As Colonial Secretary for the said Colony, gon Roads...... 8 Government Reserve at Metlakahtla...... 8 As Attorney General for the said Colony, Sale of Lands on the 7th December...... 8 As Treasurer for the said Colony, To all w hom it may concern, Proclamations. As Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for the No. 10. An Ordinance to facilitate the formation of Mining said Colony, Greeting. Joint Stock Companies...... 5 As Collector of Customs for the said Colony. N o. 11. An Ordinance to declare the lawful rate of Interest NOW THESE ARE TO NOTIFY AND DECLARE OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Her Most Gra­ in the Colony...... 5 cious Majesty The Queen has been pleased to N o. 12. An Ordinance to increase the facilities for Registering that in pursuance of the power and authority given N documents relating to real property...... 5 as aforesaid, the Governor has constituted and ap­ confirm and allow the following Ordinances, passed N o. 13. An Ordinance for the Regulation of the Inland pointed the undermentioned Magistrates to be, during at the late Session of the Legislative Council of this Navigation of British Columbia ...... 5 C olony : N o. 14. An Ordinance for regulating the Postal Service, 6 Her Majesty’s pleasure, Members of the said Legisla- No. 10. An Ordinance to facilitate the formation of Registrar General’s Notices. lative Council, viz: Mining Joint Stock Companies; Prepayment of Fees...... 2 The Honourables Receipt for Deeds returned...... 2 Chartres Brew, Magistrate, New Westminster, No. 12. An Ordinance to increase the facilities for Deeds for Registration...... 2 Peter O’Reilly, Magistrate, Cariboo, registering documents relating to real property; Municipal notice to Tax Payers ...... 1 Henry Maynard Ball, Magistrate, Lytton, No. 15. An Ordinance for the relief of certain Na­ Andrew Charles Elliott, Magistrate, Lillooet, val and Military Settlers; John Carmichael Haynes, Magistrate, Osoyoos and Colonial Secretary's Notices. K ootenay. No. 17. An Ordinance for the protection of Inven­ The following appointments to the Council have tions. also been made by the Governor, in deference to the COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, And the same are therefore hereby declared and wishes of the people, as expressed in the Districts New Westminster, proclaimed to be confirmed and allowed accordingly. mentioned after each Honourable Member’s name : 5th October, 1864. The Honourables Dated at New Westminster, in the Colony of British W HEREAS, EVERINA RICE, commonly known Joshua Attwood Reynolds Homer, New Westminster, Columbia, this 10th day of November, A.D. 1864. as the “ Scotch Lassie,” was wilfully murder­ Henry Holbrook, Douglas and Lillooet, ed at Richfield, Cariboo East, on the 19th of Septem­ Clement Francis Cornwall, Hope, Yale, and Lytton, By Command. ber last, by some person or persons unknown. George Anthony Walkem, Cariboo East and Ques- ARTHUR N. BIRCH, NOTICE is hereby given that a Reward of ONE nel Forks, Colonial Secretary. HUNDRED POUNDS will be paid by the Govern­ Cariboo West and Quesnel- ment to any person who shall, after the date of this mouth. notice, furnish such information as will lead to the Provided always that such appointments as last C o l o n i a l S e c r e t a r y ’ s O f f i c e , apprehension and conviction of the offender or offen­ mentioned shall be provisional only, as aforesaid, and ders. provided also that they shall continue in force, unless 10th November, 1864. By Command. previously determined, until the 1st day of May, A.D CHARLES GOOD, 1866, and no longer. AND THESE ARE FURTHER HE follow in g Extract from The London Gazette o f for the Colonial Secretary. TO NOTIFY, SUMMON, AND CONVENE the various Friday, the 9th September, 1864, is published officers and persons, as aforesaid, to meet at New T for general information. Westminster, on the 12th day of December, in the year C o l o n ia l S e c r e t a r y ’ s O f f i c e , By Command. 22nd October, 1864. of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty- four. ARTHUR N. BIRCH. HE Governor directs it to be notified that it is his By Command, intention to bring before the Legislative Council ARTHUR N. BIRCH. Ta Bill revising the Land Laws of this Colony, and F OREIGN OFFICE, SEPTEMBER 8, 1864. particularly as affecting the method of acquiring un­ PROCLAMATION. surveyed Crown Lands. From and after the date of T is hereby notified that Her Majesty has been this notice, until the question has been decided by A Reward of $250 the Legislature, all the Crown Lands of the Colony IL L be paid by Government of British Columbia upon I pleased to order, that for the future, no ship of war are reserved from pre-emption, and instructions have and for the apprehension of TH O M A S JA CK SO N , belonging to either of the belligerent powers of North been given to the several Magistrates not to receive any JOH N L O V E , and SA M U E L H O W A R D , for each andAmerica for shall be allowed to enter, or to remain, or further records of pre-emption, unless with the sanction Weither o f them, who were concerned in the murder, near of the Government. This sanction will be granted in Fort Simpson, of certain Police Constables, while in the be, in any of Her Majesty’s ports for the purpose of every instance where it shall appear that the tranquil­ execution of their duty, on board the Sloop “ Random,” on being dismantled or sold; and Her Majesty has been lity of the Colony, and the public interests, are not the 18th August last. pleased to give directions to the Commissioners of likely to he prejudiced. Dated at Government House, New Westminster, the 10th Her Majesty’s Customs, and to the Governors of Her By Command. day of September, 1864. By Command. Majesty’s Colonies and foreign possessions, to see CHARLES GOOD, C h a r l e s G o o d , that this Order is properly carried into effect. for the Colonial Secretary. for the Colonial Secretary. 2 THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [NOVEMBER 12TH, 1864.

Governm ent Assay Office . General Post Office. General Post Office. GOVERNMENT ASSAY OFFICE, LETTERS UNCALLED FOR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. During the Quarter ending 30th September, 1864. NEW WESTMINSTER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. ROM and after the date of this notice, the convey­ Anderson, A. Kelley, Thomas ance or sending by means of Vessels, Teams, Anderson, Albert G. SSAYS OF GOLD BULLION are made on Stages,F or through the agency of Express Companies, Anderson, Thomas Lane, John A the following terms, and under the following or by private individuals, or otherwise, of any letter Booth, Eliza Miller, James P. conditions:— liable to postage under the Postal Ordinance of 1864, for British Columbia, without the previous payment Birrell, Andrew M cIntosh, A . J. 2. 1. A receipt will be given to the Depositor for of the postage thereon, (see clauses 14 and 15) is Bryden, James Musselwhite, Mr. the exact gross weight of his deposit. strictly prohibited, and a penalty of not less than £5, Cosens, Stephen McKinnon, A. nor more than £50, is attached to every such offence. C ooke, W . J. 2. Millard, Charles T. 2. The resulting ingot will be delivered to any Mead & Jones, The informer will be paid half the penalty recovered. Cloney, Martin 2. party returning the aforesaid receipt, whether the M cInnes, Neil WARNER R. SPALDING, Crichlow, Thomas Depositor or any one else, and the party returning Cutler, John McCarthy, Michael the receipt will be required to cancel it by his sig­ General Post Office, Postmaster General Clunes, William Oden, George New Westminster, 4th June, 1864. nature at the time of receiving the ingot. Davies, John Patterson, Robert Englefield, J. A. 4. 3. Each ingot will be stamped with its number, Richards, Stephen M. corresponding to its number in the official records, PU BLIC NOTICE. Fellon, John Robertson, David with its weight, in ounces and decimals of ounces, Garrihan, W . M. Ramage, John BRITISH COLUMBIA. its fineness in thousandths, and its value in dollars Grier, David Shelford, John and cents; also with a Government cipher, a crown Gay, J. H. Stevenson, C. Gillitlee, Mr. Shearer, Edward encircled by the words “B r it is h C o l u m b ia RATES OF POSTAGE. Harkness, Robert Storey, John G o v e r n m e n t A s s a y ; ” thus: Sing, Hi ETWEEN British Columbia and Is­ Hardison, John D. S. B land, delivered at Victoria or New Westmin­ Hood, James Shiller, Joseph ster, for each letter under 1/2 ounce ...... 3d. Humphries, Joseph Steitz, George Seinger, Arcene And for every additional 1/2 ounce, or fractional Hunter, Richard Stalker, Hugh e x ce ss...... 3d. Hobbs, Samuel For each Newspaper ...... 1d. Hodgins, Henry Tremlett, R. Holmes, D. Trenders, Henry J. On all Letters and Papers, to or from abroad, and Hodgkinson, George delivered or mailed at New Westminster, in Wilson. Arnold Insley, S. Jr. addition to Foreign Postage, for each Letter Ward, H. B. under 1/2 ounce ...... 3d. Johnston, John Wright, John And for every additional 1/2 ounce, or fractional Jamieson, William Wharton, Hiram and the clip comer will be protected by a small excess ...... 5d. crown impressed on the face of it. WARNER R. SPALDING, For each Newspaper...... 1d. Postmaster General. 4. With each ingot will be given a certificate, Between a Post Office at any one place in the General Post Office, signed by a Government officer, of the weight of Colony and a Post Office at any other place in New Westminster, 1st Oct., 1864. the deposit before melting; its weight after; the the Colony, in all cases to be prepaid, for each fineness; the charge for assaying; and the value Letter under 1/2 ounce ...... 6d. LIST OF LETTERS in dollars and cents. And for every additional 1/2 ounce, or fractional remaining in this Office on the 30th September, 1864. e x ce ss...... 6d. 5. For all bars not exceeding 50 ounces in For each Newspaper ...... 6d. Ardell, James weight, a charge of seven shillings and six pence Orr, James Cullis, Daniel (Reg.) Salmon, John N.B.—Packages or parcels, other than News­ (7s. 6d.) sterling will be made, and for every ad­ Cullis, William Saunders, T. F. ditional 10 ounces, or fraction of same, one shilling papers, and not exceeding eight ounces in weight, Hacking, W. P. Smith, R. H. will be charged at Letter rate of 6d. per 1/2 ounce. and six pence ( 1s. 6d.) Martenez, Pablo D. Spinks, John No parcel can be taken exceeding 8 ounces in Meason, William Sweetman, Matthew All clips are retained in the Government Assay w eight. Nelson, Charles Wehoore, George office; but on bars not exceeding 10 ounces in WARNER R. SPALDING, weight, allowance will be made off the assay charge Post Office, John V. Woolsey. Postmaster General. Quesnelmouth, 30th Sep. 1864. for the value of the clip. General Post Office, 8th June, 1864. Letters returned from Williams Ceeek 30th N.B.— Bars assayed at this office, or D u s t , may September, 1864. be exchanged for American coin, at the current Byrne, Michael W. Kamlebeleke, William R. market rates. PU BLIC NOTICE. Bowers, Lloyd Martin, Alfred W. Chisholm, D. Mc Lean, Daniel A s s a y s o f O r e s are made at the charge of One N and after the 20th day of June, 1864, all Letters Chaubard, E. Mariet Ritchie, Robert Pound (£1.) for each specimen experimented upon. O and Mail matter liable to Postage must be pre­ Davies, Baac Ross, Alexander paid. F o r a C o m p l e t e A n a l y s i s o f a n y M in e r a l Davies, Joseph Stark, Alexander Until other Stamps shall have been substituted, Tripp, J. W . Two Pounds (£ 2 .) is the charge. Dougherty, John there will be issued for the pre-payment of Postage, Herdman, John No Analyses or Assays will be made until the the Postage Stamps at present in use, bearing the fees for the same have been first paid. mark of 2 1/2d., for which the sum of 3d. will in future List of unclaimed Letters in the Post Office at be charged. Lilloet. on the 30th September, 1864. W . D r is c o l l G o s s e t . WARNER R. SPALDING, Anderson, S. F. Mc Clure, E. M. 4. Brown, R. L. P.S.— Useful geological specimens, whether me­ Postmaster General. Mc Avity, Thomas Carpenter, George Mc Dermott, Henry General Post Office, 11th June, 1864. tallic or not, if accompanied by a note of the local­ Devlin, Robert Mc Kenzie. Daniel ity where found, position with regard to other Dodd, N. Y. Michael, Wallace rocks, altitude, dip, &c., &c., will be thankfully BRITISH COLUMBIA. Fenton, C. H. Mooman, W. H. received. W D. G. G illingham C. F. 2. Nash, Daniel Godfrey, John Nicholls John April 4th, 1861. Goulding & Co. Prager, M. RATES OF Gray, Thom as 2. Ramirez, Concipio Registry O ffice. FOREIGN POSTAGE. Gumbinner, Rider, Henry M. Hixon, Markham Robinson, George W. Hillebrand, Gustavus Seymour, C. T. NOTICE. PA­ LETTERS. James, John Simpson, W. W. L. PERS. Acapulco, ...... 20 cents 1 /2 oz. Compulsory 2 cts. Jeffreys, John & Solomon Tollnar, W. H. EFORE A N Y DEED deposited in this Office Aspinwall, ...... 20 ,, ,, do. 2 ,, Kirkman, W. Truman, George B can be returned, the Depositor himself must Australia, via England,...... 38 , , , , do. 6 ,, Kennedy, A. W allace, G. 2. Do. by private Ship either sign a receipt for the same or else lodge form San Francisco,...... 10 ,," do. 2 ,, Lusk, S. B. Wallace, Mark with the Registrar a written order for its delivery. A u stria ,...... 35 , , " do. 6 ,, Lumpkins Walters, John Belgium, via France, ...... 21 ,, 1 / 4 do. 2 ,, L attona Wright, Gus. British North American Provinces, ...... 10 „ 1/2 do. 2 ,, Malone, J. A. Prepayment of Fees. California, ...... 10 ,, " do. 2 ,, Cape of Good Hope, ...... 38 , , " do. 2 ,, Letters returned from Lillooet 30th Sept. 1864. O INSTRUMENT will be registered, no co­ Ceylon, via England, ...... 26 , , , , do. 6 ,, A dnum , C. Blondean, Monsieur 2. pies furnished, no searches made, nor any Chili, ...... 34 , , , , do. 6 ,, N C u b a ,...... 20 ,, ,, do. "2 Andrew, John M. Brown, William M. 3. service whatever rendered in connection with this Denmark...... 40 ,, ,, do. 6 ,, Ash, Richard Bohanon, J. M. East Indies, by Prussian Mail Allen, Thomas Bosh, C. W. Office, until the fees for the same, as prescribed via Trieste, ...... 42 , , " do. 10 ,, by law, are first paid, or tendered. France,...... 20 ,, 1/4 Optional. 2 ,, Aimable, Bonnet Burgess, John German States,...... 35 , , 1/2 do. 6 , , Anderson, J. G. Brown, Robert H. A r t h u r T. B u s h b y , Gibraltar, via France,...... 26 , , 1/4 Compulsory 2 , , Andrew, John Alexander Ballerton, James Great Britain and Ireland, 24 ,, 1/2 Optional. 2 , , Registrar General. Greece, ...... 42 , , , , Compulsory 6 , , Armow, James Boyle, John Land Registry Office, Holland, via France, ...... 26 " 1/4 do. 2 , , Blake, John 2 Clark, Thomas New Westminster, 1st January, 1863. Hong K o n g ,...... 26 , , 1/2 do. 6 , , Bonnet, Benjamin 3. Clark, John R. Mexico, ...... 20 ,, " do. 2 , , Norway, ...... 51 , , , , do. 6 , , Beemer, Joseph Coffin, Wallace 3. Oregon, ...... 10 ,, " do. 2 , , Bishop, Elizah H. Collins, Douglas W. 2. NOTICE. Panama, ...... 20 ,," do. 2 , , Baird, Carroll Carl, Eugene Peru, ...... 27 , , " do. 6 , , Poland, ...... 42 , , " do. 6 , , Bailey, William C. Carter, Winston N Y person depositing a Deed for Registration Portugal, via England, ...... 63 , , " do. 4 ,, Baker, William Corry, John A having attached to it, or endorsed on it, a map, P ru ssia,...... 35 , , , , do. 6 ,, Brown, John C rook, John 2. Russia, ...... 43 , , " do. 2 ,, plan, or tracing, referred to in the Deed, must leave Sandwich Islands, ...... 10 ,, " do. 2 ,, Barwise, Jackson Croser, James 3. Spain, via France, ...... do. 2 ,, with the Registrar a copy of the map, plan, or 43 " 1/4 Burk, Edward Carrol, Michael Sw eden,...... 47 ,, 1/2 do. 3 , , Bogers, George 2. Crawford, Alexander tracing, which must be duly certified to be a true United States, ...... 10 , , , , do. 2 ,, West Indies, ...... 20 ,," do. 2 ,, Blyth, Robert Collison James D. copy of the original by the maker or makers of Washington Territory, ...... 10 , , , , do. 2 ,, Brown, John J. Carter, William the Deed. N. B. In all cases, in addition to the above rates, the Colonial Bowyer, James R. Clark, William A r t h u r T. B u s h b y , Postage is to be added. Bracke, Charles Clark, Michael Registrar General. Baker, C. W . Cavers, Walter WARNER R. SPALDING, Bailly, Lisa Copp, Orlando Land Registry Office, General Post Office, Postmaster General, B. C. Barre, Luis Colman, Thomas British Columbia, New Westminster, 14th August, 1863. 17th September, 1864. Boker, W. S. Canzler Anton 2 NOVEMBER 12TH, 1864.] THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3

Letters returned from Lillooet ( continued,) Beatty, Henry B, McDonald, Benjamin Chase, Whitfield Muller, Otto Carey, Daniel Mc Leery, F. DeCagis, Dr. McKeon, Revd. Fras. Municipal Council, Campbell, Hugh Mc Naughton, Donald Decugis, A. Ogilvie, William A. Cohn Isedor Moffat, Thomas Davis & Co. 2. Stanley, Edwin Deshiell, Joseph Murphy, Thom as 2. Downs, James Sampson & Son, NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. D ickson, Charles 2. Mc Lure, E. M. 3. Edwards, Dr. Tucker, Albert G. Douherty, John Murdick, James Fisher, Charles G. 7. Tunas, Dr. Daplin, Mc Caw, S . Harris & Bros. Whetstone, Abraham OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the By-Law im­ Duck, Thomas Moore, Elizah W. Humphrey, William posing a Tax of Two per Cent, upon the assess­ Duncan, George Moberly, H. T. Letters and Papers remaining at Douglas, 30th September, 1864. Ned value of property in the City of New Westminster, Derbofen, William Mc Dermott, Henry for the Municipal Year 1864-5, has this day been con­ Dunlop, Robert A. 2. MacGillis, John Bryant, William Pitchford, W. H. firmed, and that the Taxes are now due and payable Douglass, James Mc Nab, Henry A. Bell, Ewen Pocock, Thomas forthwith at the Collector’s Office. Dickson, William A. Nicola, Esteba Druiff, P. Robertson, W. H. Delaney, John Neil, William Florence, Charles Roskridge, J. All Taxes remaining unpaid one month from this Darien, Rev. Father Oulton, Joseph A. 2. Gray, Thomas Ritchie, Robert date will be placed in the hands of the proper authori­ Devereux, Richard O’Neil, James Jervis, L. Shaine, Barty ties for collection. Dougherty, Edward O’Neil, Patrick Lovell, J. B. Wood, John THOS. McMICKING, Dunn, Barnaby Orr, James Launty, Jacob Watson, James Collector. Dalgeby, James O’Brien, Thomas Lamberton, John Wyatt, E. R. New Westminster, Dumont, Emile Oates, Joseph O’Brien, T. October 14th, 1864. D avidson, John N Pomeroy, Sturgis Letters returned from WILLIAMS CREEK, unclaimed up to 30th Eockings, Joseph Picken, William September, 1864. Eden, Philip 2. Putnam, J. J. Alden, S. B. Lecluse, Robt. H. G o v e r n m e n t H o u s e , Aicheson, Thos. J. Lepine, F. X. English, B. F. 4. Puerington, Jos 1st November, 1864. Erskine, W. H. Powell, William Archer, Saml. McDougall, Peter E lliot, A . G . 9. Pow ell, H. Mc K. Brown, Augustus L. Munro, Dan. (5.) HE GOVERNOR directs the publication of the Byrne, Michael Ferres, Serjeant Major Purdy, David McCane, Robt. following interesting report by the Colonial Sec­ Brown, John F low iney, H. D« 2. Parker, Jos M. Mitchell, John (2.) retary,T on his visit to the Kootenay mines. Farrell, J. 2. Parker, James M. 3. Byrne, Martin McArthur, Peter Foster, F. W. Perry, Alfred C. 4. Brown, John W. (2.) McLeod, Saml. By His Excellency’s command, Bradley, Joseph Froienk, Charles Prager, M. (Registered) Murray, John G. W. HOLMES, Gillard, Auguste Parker, Mrs. Julia Blackwell, Edwd. McIntosh, Austin G ordon, John 2. Pierre, Thomas W. Cameron, A. Morgans, Shadrach Private Secretary. Gibbons, Pat Robinson, John N. Chartres, Robt. Morin, Patrick

Gibbons, Thomas 4. Robinson, Walter B. 3. Crain, Matthew Maclean, Hector (2.) C o l o n i a l S e c r e t a r y ’ s O f f i c e , Gregan, Philip Robins, Robert Cameron, Alex. J. Mackinnon, Alex. New Westminster, Gillespie, Charles Rowles, Brown Cary, Daniel McIntosh, Jas. 31st October, 1864. Gillingham, Dr. Revely, Thomas Clarke, Michael McMasters, John S i r , Goulding & Co. Rogers, William L. Connelly, Michael McGregor, Geo. I have the honor to report to you my return G rove, Edward 2. Robins, Stephen Dougall, James Primrose, P. J. from visiting the Kootenay District. I much regret Howman, Edward D. Rogers, Charles H. Evans, Thos. W. R eid, G eo. that my absence has been prolonged beyond the time Howay, Burgess Rutledge, B. Feeney, Wm. Riley, Wm. Joseph (2.) I had anticipated, in consequence of the far greater Havoener, G. C. Rae, John Fry, O . J. Robinson, Wm. B. distance of the Mining portion of that District from the Haskell, Elizah Reed, Matthew Forrest, Wm. Swordfeger, Saml. (3.) Town of Hope than I had been led to expect, from Hutton, John B. Robbertshaw, William Gordon, Alex. Stubbs, Saml. the reports that had reached New Westminster before Hung, A h 2. Randal, F. W. Gorget, Noel Snyder, Mrs. my departure. Hunsaker, Daniel S. Ronan, Thomas Grogin, Jas. Sanderson, John (2.) Leaving Hope on the 2nd September, in company Hawn, George S. Robinson, Christopher Glover, David Starret, Robt. with Mr. Bushby and Mr. Evans, we crossed the Cas­ Hosking, Richard Richards Nicholas Grass, Saml. T. Stephen, Jas. cade range to Princeton, a distance of 75 miles, in 3 Hendree, Arthur E. 2. Ruddell, Robert Hunter, John Steven, Robert days, and following the beautiful Valley of the Henry, James 2: Robinson, Lafaytte Hardie, Thos. Thorp, John Similkameen, we reached the Custom House at Os- Hill, Simon Richards Robert K. Henningsen, F. Taylor, Chas. oyoos on the 8th of September. Howell, David Reed, J. B. Harvey, Moses Thompson, Samuel Heatherly, James Robbins, Cyrus S. Julian, H. B. (2.) Treeleven, Joseph D. From Osoyoos we proceeded by way of Rock Creek, Harper, Reynolds, B. Jhon, Richard Whitford, A. T. (6.) where we found several Chinamen and 5 white men Howard, William R oberts, John H. 2. Jones, Humphrey Wright, Wm. H. employed in mining on the lower portion of the stream. Herrick, Ned Stadman, D. Kemmens, Duncan W ells, M. (2 .) The latter were taking out from 6 to 8 dollars a day Hauford, Edward Sm ythe, M. A . 5. Lorenzo, P. Weller, L. A. "to the hand,” and from information I was enabled Haskins, Mr. Sanders, James or Henry Launtz, Jacob White, P. H. to gather on the spot it only requires an influx of Hamanoven, John Simm ons, W illiam 2. Low, Anthony Wood, John Miners to develop the resources of this once famous Haller, Joseph 2. Swim, R. W. 3. Lyon, J. H. Wright, Wm. creek. Harvey, Job E. Schuebly, F. WARNER R. SPALDING, After leaving this we followed the N-whoy-al- H odgins, Henry 3. Sloan, E. D. Postmaster General. pit-kwu, or Kettle River, as far as Boundary Creek, Hawke, William Smith, George T. 2nd November, 1864. where we left the old Colvile trail and proceeded by Hay, William Swan, Joseph the new Hudson Bay Company’s trail, which con­ Hunter, Charles Smith A. (Sapper) PUBLIC NOTICE. tinues through British Territory and after some 15 Isert, Alexander Schwarz, E. miles strikes the old trail again on the Grande Prairie. Invrie, Peter Spencer, A. 2. Conveyance of Mails through With the exception of a very few miles the entire route Ingalls, S. E. Schnall, Jacob British Columbia. from Rock Creek lies through a fine rolling prairie Jones, Thomas Scott, Jonathan H. country, thinly wooded and abounding in bunch Jamieson, W. S. Scott, R obert M. 2. EALED TENDERS will be received at the General grass. Jamieson Andrew T. Sanderson, John Post Office, New Westminster, up to 12 o’clock The Grande Prairie is a magnificent level plateau of Jones Benjamin D. Simpson, William L. S (noon) of the 17th day of December, 1864, for the con­ some 15 miles in length, by 8 in breadth, admirably Jones, Elsy Streithoff, Jno veyance of Letters, and the usual Government Mail adapted for grazing and agriculture; it is almost en­ Jones, Samuel 2. Sherrat, R. W. matter, through British Columbia, for one year from circled by the Kettle River, the banks of which for Jenkins, Benjamin Scurr, Robert 1st June, 1865. some distance on either side consist of a deep rich Knowlton, E. G. Simiton, James 1. From 1st June, 1865, to 31st October, 1865, and soil. Krusse, M. H. Swan, Alexander from 1st April, 1866, to 31st May, 1866, Mails to be Lampront, A. Tinker, George 5. My intention was to have continued on the new trail dispatched from New Westminster to Williams Creek Lewis, Alfred Thom pson, Jacob 2. to Fort Shepherd without passing into American ter­ and intermediate stations every Wednesday and Sat­ Louis, Verspruch Taylor, S. 2. ritory, but on learning from the Indians, whom we urday, at 2 o’clock, p. m ., arriving at Hope, Yale, and Lorimer, William Thom as, R. F. 2. met on the Grande Prairie, that the trail from Fort Douglas the following day, Lillooet and Lytton on or Lyford, Z. 3. Tucker, George Shepherd to the Kootenay Lake was extremely rough before the third day, Clinton on or before the fourth Linn, W illiam A . 4. Trevorrow, Thomas 2. and bad for horses, I deemed it prudent to proceed to day, Quesnelmouth on or before the seventh day, Livermore, P. P. Thibault, Leon Fort Shepherd by way of Colvile, where I was enabled Williams Creek on or before the tenth day. Lowe, William Thompson, W. H. G. 2. to have some of the horses, which had become foot 2. From 1st November, 1865, to 31st March, 1866, Lehm an, David 3. Thompkins, Gilbert sore, properly shod at the United States Barracks, Mails to be dispatched from New Westminster 3 times Lyon, J. H. Tache, Simon 2. through the kindness of the officer in command of the a month, at intervals of not less than 10 days, or more Loving, L. D. Tilton, Hanson garrison. than 12 days, arriving as above at the various up Martin, A. W. Verseysuech, Louis stations. After a delay of two days at Colvile we started for Mack, William Vere, Emanuel 3. From 1st June to 31st October, 1865, and from Fort Shepherd, a newly erected trading post of the M itchell, James 3. Victor, Jacquemin 1st April to 31st May, 1866, Mails to be dispatched Hudson Bay Company, situated in a wild and barren Mann, John Vemer, Lewis from Williams Creek twice a week, at intervals of not spot, some two miles northward of the Boundary Line, McKenzie, Thomas Whitcomb, Hamlet less than 3 days, or more than 4 days (such days to and forty miles from Colvile. Mc Crellish, A . 3. Wilmot, Harry be specified by the contractor) for New Westminster Here we had to swim the horses in a very rapid part Minakeu, John R. G. W ilson, Thomas 2. and intermediate stations, arriving at Quesnelmouth of the Columbia, a short distance above the Pend Mc Rae, John D. W ilson, Haram 2. on or before the third day, Clinton on or before the d’oreilles River. M orrow , Joseph 2. Wise, John B. fifth day, Lytton and Lillooet on or before the sixth I find that the trail from this point to the Kootenay Mc William, Alexander Wily, Edgar day, Douglas, Yale, and Hope on or before the eighth M iller, Hugh 2. Wilson, John Valley, which passes over a densely wooded Mountain, day, New Westminster on or before the tenth day. Mc Leod, Charles 4. Wright, William a distance of some 80 miles, was opened out in the 4. From 1st November, 1865, to 31st March, 1866, early spring by the Merchants of Colvile, but what Mauly, Samuel H. Waw, He (Chinese) Mails to be dispatched from Williams Creek 3 times Moses, J. F. Wilson, Joseph additions or improvements have since been made by the a month, at intervals of not less than 10 days or more McNamara, William Williams, James employes of the Hudson Bay Company, I am at a loss than 12 days, arriving as above at the various down to conceive. McArthur, Neal W illiam s, Mrs. E liziberth stations. Morgan, John M. Worth, Henry No attempt has been made to grade the steep in­ 5. When the Navigation is interrupted by ice, the Masters William Waters, William clines in anyway, and it seems to have been the am­ service up and down will only be required 3 times a Mitchell, G. H. Wilcox, James bition of the road party to carry the trail through as month, and less if the Postmaster General deems it Mc Millan; Con Whitney, A. H. many swamps as possible, every now and then ap­ sufficient. Morris, C. L. Wilson, H. W. pearing to lose themselves and then taking the trail 6. The contractor to furnish at least two approved Mc Cullum Daniel Westgarth, Thomas over some high bluff only to return again to the sureties in the sum of £1,000 for the bona fide charac­ swamps beneath. Mackay, John W allis, Mark 2. ter of his tender, and for the due performance of his Milliorn, Thomas A. Wycott, William or Nelson The best evidence I can give of the utter uselessness contract, and to be subject to the usual conditions in Mitchell, John of the work done under the auspices of the Hudson Government postal contracts. Bay Company, is in the disaster which has happened All further information necessary can be obtained to one of the Company’s own pack-trains, which start­ Letters returned from Hope and Yale. at the General Post Office, New Westminster. ed to cross this portion of the trail at the same time Carrole, Michael Lepine, Xavier Jolive The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. as myself, under the charge of Mr. Linklater; this train Forrest, William Spillman, Abraham 2. WARNER R. SPALDING, was 14 days in reaching the Kootenay Valley, and Hotchin, T. 2. Vaughan, W . D. New Westminster, Postmaster Gensral, B. C. lost six horses, one of which disappeared with its en- Hodgdon, Aaron L. October 14th, 1864. tire pack of 250lbs of Flour. 4 THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [NOVEMBER 12TH, 1864.

As the trail at present exists it would be im­ Careful accounts are kept by the miners of the receipts possibly be in the most civilized district of the Colony, possible for packers to pass through this por­ and disbursements for the week; but as each Sunday much to the surprise and admiration of many who tion without carrying food for their animals. comes round the division of profits is made—or more remembered the early days of the neighbouring State There is good feed about 12 miles from Fort properly speaking, there is a general “ square up,” of California. Shepherd and again at the Summit of the Mountains, — after which all accounts to that date are destroyed. I have the honor to be, which form the divide between the valleys of the The Camp is well supplied with all the necessaries of Sir, Columbia and Kootenay rivers. The distance from life. I enclose a list of the prices of the chief articles. Your most obedient servant, the first feed to the summit is 34 miles, and again It is confidently expected by the traders that there ARTHUR N. BIRCH. from the summit to the Kootenay some 36 miles must will be a rush of from 10,000 to 15,000 miners from the His Excellency be passed over without finding sufficient grass for Boise Country in the spring, and large supplies are Frederick Seymour. more than one pack-train. still being sent in to the mines. On our return we met We struck the Kootenay River about 4 miles from 10 and 12 heavily laden pack trains daily. The entire the upper end of the great Kootenay or Flatbow Lake. supplies are at present packed up from Lewiston, This portion of the valley is quite level and composed Walla-Walla, Wallula, and Umatilla Landing, in LIST OF PRICES AT WILD HORSE CREEK. of rich alluvial soil, and much resembles that of Pitt Washington Territory and the State of Oregon. The River at this season, abounding as it does in swamp cattle come direct from Salt Lake City, and are some grass and rank vegetation ; it is evidently one contin­ of the finest I have ever seen. Flour (self rising) $38 & $40 1001b. uous lake during the earlier period of the year. The The distances from these places are as follows: Beans ...... 50 cts lb. river itself is broad, deep, and sluggish. Bacon ...... 40 From Wild Horse Creek to Lewiston ... 342 miles. " The Kootenay Indians are by far the finest speci­ Tea ...... $ 1 .7 5 ,, ,, to Walla-Walla 408 ,, " mens of the race that I have yet seen, and are among Coffee ...... 75 ,, ,, to Wallula ... 438 ,, " the— I fear— few tribes remaining, that have not been Sugar ...... 75 ,, ., to Umatilla " demoralised by contamination with the white man. B utter...... $1.00 " I believe with few exceptions they have become con­ Landing 453” B e e f ...... 20 " verts to Christianity, and it was a pleasing sight to The present charges for packing from these places M utton...... 25 " see the Chief of the tribe, who accompanied me on ranges from 20 to 24 cents per lb. Candles ...... 75 " my road for some days, kneel down before each re­ A trail through British territory, either by way of T o b a cco ...... $2.00 " past and thank God foR his daily bread. They the Shuswap or Grande Prairie, cannot, I think, ex­ Gum Boots (none on the Creek.) appeared much pleased with the few presents which I ceed 400 miles. The merchants of this Colony need Knee Boots ...... $15.00 pr. made them of needles, fish-hooks, and tobacco, and therefore have little fear of being able to compete during the time that we were within the district of with the American merchants, when it is remembered the eastern tribes we were generally followed by a to what enormously high tariff American goods are large cavalcade. A large number were encamped in now subject. MEMORANDUM OF ASSAY OF KOOTENAY the valley at their fishing grounds ; they were very Mr. Haynes had collected a large amount of Reve­ GOLD BULLION. friendly, and rendered us every assistance in helping nue, considering the short time that he had been resi­ to swim our horses and cross our baggage over the dent in the district. I found his “ Treasury” to con­ Kootenay River; this we accomplished with safety, sist of an old Portmanteau, which he zealously GOVERNMENT a s s a y a n d m e l t i n g o f f i c e , nearly parallel with the Boundary Line, having guarded by night and day, in the log hut in which he NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. travelled some 20 miles up the valley after leaving is at present living. Weight. Fineness— l000ths. Value. the newly made trail. At the urgent request of Mr. Haynes I relieved him Before Melting 5oz. On leaving the river we were obliged to diverge of a portion of his responsibility, by taking over some After Melting 4.85 ...... 908 $91.03 some 10 miles into American Territory, when we joined 75 lbs. weight of gold. This I brought down with me, .06 1.12 the Lewiston and Walla Walla trail, which follows up and have safely deposited in the hands of the Trea­ the Mooyie River to the Lakes, from which the river surer. It is an interesting incident for Mr. Evans, $92.15 takes its rise, through a thickly timbered and some­ Mr. Bushby, and myself to remember that we were $18.43 per oz. value of dust. what mountainous country, where we found it very the first Gold Escort direct from the Rocky Mountains difficult to find food for our horses. to the seaboard of the Colony. F. G. CLAUDET. From these lakes to the mines, a distance of about We left the mines on the 1st of October, and I much 40 miles, the country again opens out, and nothing can regretted that time would not allow of my returning This gold was taken from the P indall claim. A .N . BIRCH. exceed the grandeur of the scenery as we now ap­ by some other route than the one I had already tra­ proached the Rocky Mountains. velled over, as I feel very confident that for many rea­ We arrived at the mines on the 26th day from Hope, sons it is not the one to be adopted by the Government. Colonial Secretary's Notices. and I cannot estimate the distance travelled over in Since my return to New Westminster I learn that a this period at less than 490 miles, though in this it Surveying party has already started, by way of Kam­ should be remembered that I include the detour of 30 loops and the . They will doubtless C OLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, miles, which I made by way of Colvile. follow the Indian Trail, and strike the Columbia near 2nd June, 1864. I found about 700 men resident at the mines, and the Arrow Lakes ; but before any decision is arrived I was informed that at least 300 were out prospecting at in this matter, I am very anxious that the portion N pursuance of certain Resolutions of the Legisla­ in the neighbourhood ; but although numerous re­ of the country lying between the Grande Prairie and I tive Council, passed during the late Session, the ports of new and extensive discoveries reached the the junctions of the Kootenay and Columbia Rivers Governor has authorized the following Premiums to creek daily during my stay, I could obtain no infor­ should be explored. be offered, with a view of developing the resources of, mation sufficiently authentic to place any credence I am told by Mr. A. McDonald, who is resident at and stimulating industry throughout, the Colony. in it. the Hudson Bay Company’s Fort at Colvile, and 1. A Premium of Five hundred pounds (£500) to be The mining is th erefore at present entirely confi­ who is well known as an experienced hunter, that, paid to any person or persons who shall be the first ned to one creek, called by the miners “ Wild Horse striking nearly due North from the Grande Prairie, to shew, to the satisfaction of the Government, that Creek,’’ which takes its rise within the confines of there is a low divide, the commencement of which we he or they have successfully worked, by machinery, the Rocky Mountains, and flows into the Kootenay could plainly distinguish, by which you are enabled a vein of quartz producing either gold or silver, within River, northward of the 50° parallel of Latitude. The to reach the Columbia with great ease, nearly oppo­ the Colony of British Columbia. creek is at present worked for about 4 miles, commen- site to the Kootenay River. 2. A Premium of Five hundred pounds (£500) to be cing some 2 miles from its junction with the Koote­ The entire country from Princeton to the Grande paid to any person or persons who shall be the first nay. I visited most of the claims, and found them all Prairie, a distance of some 160 miles, is almost free to shew, to the satisfaction of the Government, that paying well, and, with few exceptions, the entire com­ from timber; abounds in food for cattle ; the trail he or they have successfully worked any Coal Mine, munity appeared well satisfied with the Laws to which throughout is excellent, and with the exception of a within the Colony of British Columbia, and have bona they were subject small distance on the Similkameen, no expenditure fide produced from such mine two hundred (200) tons At the time of my arrival, 50 Sluice Companies would be required in improving it, and indeed little of good coal, and have shipped the same to any Port were at work, employing from 5 to 25 men, and ta­ would be required in making the same into a Waggon beyond the limits of the Colony. king out from $300 to $1,000 per diem. Road. 3. A Premium of Five hundred pounds (£500) to be One hundred Rockers were averaging from 2oz. to The exploration of the short distance I have refer­ paid to any person or persons who shall prove to the 6oz. per diem. red to might easily be accomplished during the winter satisfaction of the Government, that he or they have Eight Companies have commenced running tunnels months, and if found feasible might be opened out in been the first to complete, in a bona fide manner, the into the side of the hill, but the Gold Hill Company was a very short time: I would therefore suggest for your building of a vessel, within the Colony of British Co­ the only one sufficiently advanced to become remune­ consideration that Mr. Haynes be at once empowered lumbia, of not less than five hundred (500) tons bur­ rative ; this Company was taking out nearly an ounce to expend a small sum on this work. then. “ to the hand” per diem. I have little of sufficient interest to report relative to Four Shafts were being sunk in the bed of the creek, our return journey, which would excuse me for continu­ 4. A Premium of Five hundred pounds (£500) to but at the time of my departure no satisfactory results ing this already lengthy report; we arrived at Hope any person or persons who shall prove, to the satis­ had been obtained, although all parties interested in 24 days from Wild Horse Creek, having experienced faction of the Government, that he or they have been seemed confident of success. most lovely weather: we had only to record 2 wet the first to discover any new alluvial mining district Seventy men were employed in constructing a large days throughput the whole period of our absence, and sufficiently extensive to give remunerative labor to upper ditch, some 5 miles in length, which it was ex­ nothing can exceed the charms of this climate for five hundred (500) men, for a period of not less than pected would be completed early in the present month, camp life. six (6) months. when more than 100 hill claims, which were lying We found game abundant over the whole trail, and The Governor in Council to be the sole judge as to over for want of water would commence work. The were enabled, without difficulty or delay, to keep the whether any of the above premiums are to be awarded. few Hill Claims at present working are found to be Camp well supplied, though I must own that on oc­ By Command. richer than the bed of the Creek, the opening of the casions we had descended so low in the game list as ARTHUR N. BIRCH. ditch is therefore looked forward to with much in­ to eat Porcupine with a relish. terest. I cannot conclude this letter without expressing my Laborers were receiving $7 a day, and the price of sense of the admirable manner in which Mr. Haynes COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, provisions enable them to live well for $1.50 per diem. has carried out his duties under most difficult circum­ New Westminster, A Town of no inconsiderable size has already sprung stances; arriving as he did with only one constable to September 27th, 1864. up upon the creek. 4 Restaurants are established ; assist him, among a body of 1500 Miners from the ad­ the rate of charges for regular Boarders averages from joining territories, many of whom were known as ut­ HE GOVERNOR has before him a proposal for the $14 to $18 a week. Numerous substantial stores have terly regardless of law and order; he found them T establishment of steam communication between been erected. A large Brewery had also been estab­ banded together making their own laws and meting Panama and New Westminster, and is of opinion that lished, and had commenced working. out their own ideas of justice; each man, as many terms acceptable to the Colony may be secured, if Coal Great uncertainty prevails as to the period at which have owned to me, carrying his life in his hands. In be found within a reasonable distance of the navigable the winter fairly sets in, but it was expected that the fact so insecure had life and property become in the portion of Fraser River. severe frosts would not commence before November, eyes of many of the miners that Mr. Dore, one of the Notice is, therefore, hereby given that a REWARD and it was therefore the intention of Mr. Haynes to original discoverers of the Creek and a few others OF ONE HUNDRED POUNDS will be granted for the allow all claims to lie over from the 1st of November had formed themselves into a committee, and drawn discovery of a SEAM OF COAL, fit for steaming pur­ to 1st May. up a code of laws which they intended enforcing on poses, and capable of being worked with advantage, From the number of log huts in the course of con­ the community had not a Government Officer arrived within one mile of Fraser River, at or below Yale, or struction, it is estimated that from 300 to 400 per­ at the moment. Copies of these laws were handed to within a mile of . sons will winter at the mines. me by Mr. Dore, and I enclose them as interesting This reward may be increased should the Coal be The gold taken from these mines is considered by documents. I would add that the gentlemen forming discovered within convenient proximity of the spot to the Traders to equal the best Californian gold, the this Committee have cheerfully rendered Mr. Haynes which it is proposed that the Steam Vessels should price at which it passes current on the creek is $18 every assistance in their power in maintaining law resort. the ounce, and Packers going down are glad to pur­ and order. The Governor in Council to be the sole judge as to chase at that price. I arrived, within 6 weeks of Mr. Haynes’ residence whether the Premium is to be awarded. I was very anxious to obtain some approximate re­ in the District, to find the Mining Laws of the Colony By Command. turn of the amount of gold taken from the Creek in full force; all Customs Duties paid ; no pistols to be CHARLES GOOD, during the season, but I found it impossible to do so. seen, and everything as quiet and orderly as it could for the Colonial Secretary N o v e m b e r 1 2 t h , 1864.] THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 5

only at the rate of four per cent per annum, which BRITISH COLUMBIA. rate it is apprehended has been, established in England, by reference to the ordinary mercantile current rate No. 13. An Ordinance for the Regula­ Ordinances.BRITISH COrdinances.BRITISH O LU M B IA . of interest there being five per cent per annum ; tion of the Inland Navigation of British Columbia. And whereas the ordinary mercantile current rate of interest in this Colony (where any contract for in­ [4th May, 1864.] terest is entered into) is seldom less than two per cent Preamble. per month ; but it is apprehended that only the rates HEREAS it is expedient to make provisions for current in England are (in the absence of any specific the regulation of the Inland Navigation of No. 10. An Ordinance to facilitate the authority) recoverable either at law or in equity here; W British Columbia, and for the protection of formation o f Mining Joint Stock Life in Vessels engaged therein; Companies. And whereas this circumstance has in some cases operated to induce debtors to delay payment of just Be it enacted by the Governor, by and with the ad­ [4th May, 1864.] demands, and defend actions vexatiously with a view vice and consent of the Legislative Council of British merely to delay ; Preamble. Columbia, as follows; (that is to say :) Applies portions of part I. of Merchant Shipping Act, HEREAS it is expedient to facilitate the formation Now, therefore, be it enacted by the Governor of 1854, to British Columbia. of Mining Joint Stock Companies in the Colony British Columbia, by and with the advice and con­ W o f British C o lu m b ia ; sent of the Legislative Council thereof: I. Clauses 6 to 8, both inclusive, Clause 10, and Clauses 12 to 16, both inclusive, of Part I. of the Mer­ Lawful rate of Colonial interest not exceeding 1 per Be it enacted by the Governor of British Columbia, chant Shipping Act, 1854, and the powers and penal­ cent per month. by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative ties thereby created shall, so far as applicable to the Council thereof, as follows : I. In all cases of demands either at law or in equity, circumstances of the said Colony, apply and be in force and enforceable in British Columbia, in and over mat­ Gold Commissioner may register Joint Stock Mining in which the parties shall have made no express sti­ ters relating to Merchant Ships, or steam-vessels, and Companies. pulation for interest after any definite rate, and in which in England it would be lawful for the Court or persons navigating the Inland Waters thereof, and not I. The Memorandum of Association and Articles of the Jury to allow interest, it shall be lawful forthe Jury proceeding to sea, in like manner as in such clauses Association of any Company formed for Mining pur­ or (whenever the Court alone has to decide the facts is provided in relation to sea-going ships, steam-ves­ poses, under the provisions of the “ Joint Stock Com­ without a Jury) for the Court to allow such rate of in­ sels, and persons. panies Acts, 1856, 1857, 1858,” and the “ British terest as may appear just, not exceeding the rate of Powers of Board of Trade vested in the Governor or Columbia Joint Stock Companies Act, 1859,” and one per cent per mensem, to be reckoned from the times other Officer administering the Government. thereby required to be registered with the Registrar at which interest would be calculated in England. II. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of Joint Stock Companies, may be instead thereof de­ of this Ordinance, and of every other Act relating to livered to any Gold Commissioner in the said Colony, Short Title. inland trade and navigation in this Colony, other than who shall retain and register the same upon payment II. This Ordinance may be in all cases cited as such Acts as relate to the Revenue, all powers and of the fees due upon registration. “ The Interest Ordinance, 1864.” functions vested in, or exercised by the Board of Trade, Duplicate Memorandum and Articles with Certificate to under the provisions aforesaid of Part I. of the said be sent to the Registrar o f Joint Stock Companies. Passed the Legislative Council the 25th day of Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, over matters relating April, A.D. 1864, to trade or navigation by sea, shall be, until an Inland II. Provided that every such Memorandum and C H ARLES GOO D, Clerk. Board of Trade shall be in that behalf by law estab­ Articles shall be first delivered in duplicate to such lished, and are hereby in all matters relating to ships Gold Commissioner, and one of such duplicates shall Assented to, in Her Majesty’s name, this Fourth and persons navigating the Inland Waters of the Col­ be by him at once transmitted with a copy of the day of May, 1864. ony, in like manner and form, vested in the Governor Certificate of registration, and certified by such Gold or other Officer for the time being administering the FREDERICK SEYMOUR, Commissioner, to the Registrar of Joint Stock Com­ government of the Colony. panies, at New Westminster. G overnor. Description, Ownership, Registry, Transfers, Sales, A ll other documents to be registered as usual. &c., &c., of Inland Vessels. III. All other documents, matters, and things re­ III. The several clauses and provisions contained lating to any such Companies, and requiring registra­ in Part II. of the said Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, BRITISH COLUMBIA. tion, shall be registered with the Gold Commissioner shall, so far as applicable as aforesaid, apply, be in of the district, and duplicates thereof shall be forth­ force, and enforceable with the same penalties for for­ with transmitted to the Registrar of Joint Stock Com­ gery, false declaration, use of improper Certificate, or panies, at New Westminster. otherwise, in the Colony, with respect to the several No. 12. An Ordinance to increase the matters and things relating to vessels and persons Gold Commissioner may issue Certificate o f Incorporation. facilities for Registering documents navigating the Inland Waters as aforesaid, as are therein contained, in relation to sea-going vessels and IV. Upon any such Memorandum of Association relating to real property. persons. being registered, and the proper fees paid, the Gold Commissioner registering the same, shall certify under [4th May, 1864.] Aliens may own on certain temporary conditions. his hand that the company is incorporated; and in Preamble. IV . Save and except that it shall be lawful for such case of a limited company, that the company is limited. W HEREAS it is expedient to facilitate the regis- Governor, or Officer as aforesaid, to make such provi­ sions for permitting aliens resident in the Colony, or Incorporation. tration of titles to real property in this Colony; aliens shareholders in any Company incorporated, and having its chief place of business in the Colony, to V. The Subscribers of the Memorandum of Associa­ Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British own or command British Ships, or steam-vessels navi­ tion, together with such other persons as shall from Columbia, by and with the advice and consent of the gating such said Inland Waters, for such periods not time to time become shareholders of the company, Legislative Council thereof, as follows; shall thereupon become a body coporate under the exceeding one year at any one time, and with, under, provisions of the said Acts, and the Certificates of In­ Notarial certificate shall be sufficient acknowledgment. and subject to such powers of revocation, conditions, and penalties as the said Governor, or other Officer, corporation shall have the same force and effect, to all I. From the passing of this Ordinance, it shall be shall by any order, to be published in the Government intents and purposes, as if it had been granted by the lawful for the Registrar General, or District “ Regis­ Gazette, from time to time direct, vary, or appoint. Registrar of Joint Stock Companies direct. trars” to register any deed or instrument relating to real property in the Colony of British Columbia, made Examination of Masters, Engineers, Pilots, and other Copies certified by Gold Commissioner or Registrar to be without the limits thereof, the due execution of which responsible persons in Inland Steamers. evidence. is acknowledged and proved by the certificate thereof, V . It shall be lawful for the said Governor, or other VI. A copy of any Memorandum of Association, and by a Notary Public, in the manner usual for noting Officer as aforesaid, by any order published as afore­ Articles of Association, or Certificate of Incorporation, foreign d eeds or documents of title. said, from time to time to require and appoint, as a purporting to be certified by the Registrar of Joint necessary condition for employment on board any Stock Companies, or any Gold Commissioner, shal- Every such proof of execution, when accepted by ship or ships, or steam-vessel or vessels navigating be received as evidence in any Court. the Registrar General, or District “ Registrar” shall have the force of an acknowledgment under “ The the Inland Waters as aforesaid, such examinations as Interpretation. British Columbia Land Registry Act, 1861.” to competency, sobriety, ability, and general good conduct on board ship, of any persons employed as VII. The expression “ Gold Commissioner” shall Crown Grants to be registered before issue. Masters, Pilots, Engineers, on board any ship or ships, include Assistant and Acting Gold Commissioners. vessel or vessels engaged in navigating the Inland II. And whereas it is of public importance that Waters aforesaid, and to require the same to be Short Title. Crown Grants, the root of titles to land in the Colony, conducted by such persons, in such forms and man­ VIII. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes should be registered for the protection of persons after­ ner, with such certificates of competency, or of ser­ as the “ Mining Joint Stock Companies Ordinance, wards acquiring or disposing of the land included in vice in lieu of examination, and to enforce the same 1864.” such grants ; be it enacted that all Crown Grants issu­ by such penalties of revocation or suspension of certi­ ed after the date of this Ordinance shall, previous to ficate, or otherwise, to be enforceable in such wise as Passed the Legislative Council the 27th day of such issue, be registered in books in the Registry Of­ such Governor, or other Officer as aforesaid, may from April, A. D. 1864, fice, and such registration may be partly in print partly time to time by any such order direct. C HARLES GOOD, Clerk. in writing, and no objection shall be taken to any such Lights, fogs, signals, survey, passing and meeting o f registration by reason thereof. Assented to in Her Majesty’s name, this fourth day Inland Setamers. o f May, 1864, Fees on Registration. VI. The said Governor, or other Officer as aforesaid, FREDERICK SEYMOUR, may, from time to time by any order to be published III. There shall be demandable by and paid to the as aforesaid, make and vary such rules with regard G overnor. Registrar General, upon the registration of every such to lights, fogs, fog-signals, signals, meeting, and pass­ Crown Grant, the uniform fee of five shillings, for ing of ships or steam-vessels, and the construction, the use of Her Majesty, Her heirs and successors, as equipment, survey, and inspection of, and for the pre­ BRITISH COLUMBIA. Revenue. vention of accidents, in steam-ships navigating the How Read. Inland Waters as aforesaid, with such penalties for enforcing the strict observance thereof, as such Gov­ No. 11. An Ordinance to declare the IV. This Ordinance shall be read with “ The British ernor, or other Officer as aforesaid, shall from time to lawful rate of Interest in the Colony. Columbia Land Registry Act, 1861.” time deem advisable. Orders under certain conditions to have force o f Law. [4th May, 1864.] Short Title. VII. Until duly revoked, and so far as the same Preamble, Recites 3 and 4, W. I V ., c. 42, s. 28. V. This Ordinance may be cited as “ The British shall not have been so revoked, varied, or discharged, HEREAS, by the Statute of the Imperial Parlia­ Columbia Land Registry Extension Ordinance, 1864.” every such order shall take effect and have the force ment, passed in the third and fourth years of of law, from the date of the publication thereof in the W King William the Fourth, chapter forty-two, Passed the Legislative Council the 25th day of Government Gazette, in the same manner as if the same section twenty-eight, the Jury is in certain cases em­ April, A. D. 1864, had originally formed part of this Ordinance. powered, on the trial of any issue or inquisition of C H ARLES GOO D, Clerk. Orders to be laid before the Legislature. damages, to allow interest at a rate not exceeding the VIII. Provided that every such rule shall, if the current rate of interest from the times therein specifi­ Assented to, in Her Majesty’s name, this fourth day Legislative Council be sitting, be laid within one cal- ed ; of May, 1864. dar month after its publication before such Council, And whereas by certain rules of the High Court of FREDERICK SEYMOUR, and if the Legislative Council be not sitting, within Chancery, interest upon amounts payable under a de­ one calendar month after the opening of the next cree or order in Chancery is in general to be allowed Governor. session. 6 THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [NOVEMBER 12TH, 1864.

Until such orders, Part IV . of Merchant Shipping ernor or other Officer shall seem expedient. Rates o f Postage. A c t, 1854, to apply. Passengers rights how protected. VIII. For every letter to and from British Colum­ IX. In the meantime, and so far as any such Rules XX. And whereas it is expedient to make further bia and , and delivered at Victoria shall not apply, so much of the provisions of Part IV. provision for the protection of passengers on board or New Westminster, and not exceeding 1/2 an ounce, of the said Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, as are appli­ vessels navigating the said Inland Waters, be it enac­ there shall be paid a postage of...... 3d. cable to the class of ships or steam-vessels, and the ted that it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, Exceeding 1/2 an ounce, but not exceeding 1 oz. 6d. persons navigating the said Inland Waters as afore­ to take cognizance of, enquire into, and decide in a And so on in proportion adding for each rate said, shall apply and be in force and enforceable in summary manner on information, all cases of dispute of 1/2 an ounce or fractional excess...... 3d. this Colony, in the same manner mutatis mutandis as or damage arising between masters or owners of steam- And on every single newspaper...... 1d. is therein provided, with respect to sea-going mer­ vessels, plying on the Inland Waters of the Colony, On all letters arriving from any other place chant ships, steam-vessels and persons. and passengers whether as to their passage, or any than Vancouver Island, delivered at New West­ Punishment of Felony. contract, ticket, improper landing, or otherwise, and minster, the said rate of 3d. per 1/2 ounce shall be paid in addition to Foreign postage. X. Every offence by this Ordinance, or any clause, upon conviction, to enforce, assess and recover by On every letter which shall be transmitted or clauses, part, or parts, of the said Merchant Ship­ warrant of distress, or imprisonment for any term not from a Post Office at any one place in the Colony, ping Act, 1854, made applicable to Inland Trade and exceeding three calendar months, such damage by to a Post Office at any other place in the Colony: Navigation in this Colony, by this Ordinance declared way of penalty not exceeding twenty pounds (£20) in For every letter not exceeding 1/2 an ounce in to be a Felony, shall be punishable in the ordinary any one case, from the party against whom he shall decide, as to such Justice of the Peace shall seem w eig h t ...... 6d. manner, in any Court of the Colony, for the time being ju st; provided that no objection shall be taken to any For every letter exceeding the weight of 1/2 an having criminal jurisdiction in that behalf. such decision, by reason of the offence complained of ounce, but not exceeding 1 ounce ...... 1s. Punishment of Misdemeanor and lesser offences; who having taken place in any other part of the Colony, And so on after the rate of sixpence for every may he prosecuted before Stipendiary Magistrate. than that in which the offender may happen to be. additional 1/2 ounce, or any fractional part thereof 6d. XI. Every offence declared by this Ordinance, or Suspensory Clause. And for every single newspaper ...... 6d. by any clause or part of the said Merchant Shipping XXI. Provided that this Ordinance shall not take Foreign Mail Contracts. Act; 1854, included in this Ordinance to be a misde­ effect until Her Majesty’s approval thereof, shall have meanour, and every lesser offence than a felony, shall been proclaimed in this Colony. IX. The Postmaster General, with the approval of be punishable by imprisonment for any period not ex­ Short Title. the Governor, may enter into contracts with Foreign ceeding six calendar months, with or without hard la­ countries, for the conveyance and transmission of XXII. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes bour, or by a penalty not exceeding one hundred Mails to and from British Columbia, from and to such as “ The Inland Navigation Ordinance, 1864.” pounds, and may be prosecuted in a summary manner, countries. before any Stipendiary Magistrate or any two Justices Passed the Legislative Council the 29th day of April, of the Peace in the said Colony, who, upon informa­ A. D. 1864. Power to search for letters unlawfully carried. tion thereof upon oath laid before him or them, by CHARLES GOOD, Clerk. any person, may issue a Summons to enforce the ap­ X. It shall be lawful for the Postmaster, or other Assented to, in Her Majesty’s name, this fourth day pearance of the party accused, or of any person or officer of the Post Office department duly authorized, o f May, 1864. persons who may be required to give evidence in the at any place, to open, search, and examine the letter case, and shall as soon as may be just and expedient, FREDERICK SEYMOUR, bags, or parcels, packages, or persons of any Express proceed to hear and adjudicate upon the case, and in G overnor. Companies or parties suspected of conveying letters or the event of conviction to inflict, within the above other Mail matter liable to Postage under this Ordi­ limits, such punishment or penalty, and to allow such nance, without previous pre-payment thereof. BRITISH COLUMBIA. costs and expenses as to him or them may seem just. Franking Letters. Appeal to Supreme Court. XI. All letters on Public Service, marked over the XII. Any person summarily convicted under this address “ On Her Majesty’s Service,” and bearing the Ordinance, and sentenced to any term of imprison­ name of the writer or department on the left hand ment beyond thirty days, or to pay any fine beyond corner, shall pass free. Letters on public matters to fifty pounds, over and above the costs of summary and from Legislative Councillors during session, shall conviction, may appeal to the next Assizes to be hol- No. 14. An Ordinance for regulating be considered on Her Majesty’s Service, and pass free. den for the district or place wherein the case has been the Postal Service. Unclaimed Letters. tried ; provided that such person at the time of such [4th May, 1864.] conviction, or within three days thereafter, shall give Preamble. XII. Every Postmaster shall, on the last Monday of notice thereof in writing to the complainant, and shall HEREAS a General Post Office has been estab­ every month, cause a list of the then remaining un­ also remain in custody until such Assizes, or shall lished at New Westminster, for the reception claimed or undelivered letters to be made out in wri­ enter into recognizance satisfactory to the convicting and transmission of Letters and other Mail ting, and affixed to some conspicuous part of the Post Magistrate or Justices, with two sufficient securities, W Office, there to remain for the space of ninety days, matter, and as a Postmaster General has been ap­ conditioned personally to appear at the said Assizes pointed for the said Colony; after which period all such letters then remaining un­ to try such appeal, and to abide the further judgment claimed or undelivered shall be transmitted by the of the Court at such Assizes, and to pay such costs And whereas it is expedient to make further provi­ sion for the conveyance and transmission of Her Postmaster to the General Post Office, at New West­ as shall be by such last mentioned Court awarded; minster. The Postmaster General shall have author­ Majesty’s Mails throughout the Colony ; and the convicting Magistrate or Justices may bind ity to open such letters, and to return them to the over the complainant, or any witnesses, under suffici­ Be it enacted by the Governor of British Columbia, writers thereof, after the expiration of nine calendar ent recognizances to attend and give evidence at the by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative months from the publication of such list. hearing of such appeal, and the costs of such witness­ Council thereof, as follows : es shall be allowed and paid by the Colonial Treasu­ Establishment o f Post Offices. Offences declared Felony. rer in the first instance, and if such appeal be dismiss­ ed, shall be repaid to the Colonial Treasurer by the I. It shall be lawful for the Governor to establish XIII. Any person who shall steal, embezzle, secrete, applicant. for the reception and transmission of Letters and other or destroy any Post Letter Bag, or packet, or Post Mail matter, in addition to the General Post Office at Letter, or any chattel, money, security, or thing whatr Appeal how heard and determined. New Westminster, so many Post Offices in other parts soever, in such bag, packet, or letter contained, or XIII. The Court at such before mentioned Assizes of the Colony as he may from time to time deem unlawfully open any Post Letter Bag or packet, or shall hear and determine the matter of the appeal, necessary. unlawfully take any letter or thing out of such bag or and shall take such order therein, with or without Appointment of Postmasters. Regulation of Postal packet, or forge, or be engaged in or accessory to forg­ costs, as to the Court shall seem meet, and shall if ne­ details. ing, or attempting to forge, any Postage Stamp or cessary, issue process for enforcing such judgment. form issued or used, or to be issued or used under the II. It shall be lawful for the Postmaster General, No merely formed objections allowed. authority of this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of subject to the directions of the Governor, from time a felony, and punishable by imprisonment for life by XIV. On any such appeal no objection shall be al­ to time to appoint such Postmasters in the said Col­ any Court having jurisdiction in that behalf. lowed on any matter of form or insufficiency of state­ ony, to hold office during his pleasure, and to pre­ ment, provided it shall appear to the said Court that scribe and vary the mode and amount of their remu­ Offences punishable by fine. the defendant has been sufficiently informed of the neration and securities, the nature and extent of their charge to be made against him, and that the convic­ duties, to regulate the weight and dimensions of let­ XIV. Any person or persons, corporation, firm, or tion was proper on the merits of the case. ters, to define the various kinds of postal matter, to partnership whatsoever, that shall knowingly and with Offences where deemed to have been committed. prohibit the sending of dangerous or improper articles intent to defraud the Revenue, convey or be concerned by post, to prepare and distribute such Colonial XV. For the purpose of giving jurisdiction under in the conveyance of any letter or other Mail matter Stamps for the pre-payment of postage, to order such this Ordinance, every offence shall be deemed to have liable to postage, and on which the rates of postage pre-payments, and generally to make all such other been committed, and every cause of complaint to have by this Ordinance prescribed, shall not have been pre­ regulations for the more effective management of the arisen, either in the place where the same actually paid, shall be liable upon conviction for each such of­ Post Office department throughout the Colony, as to was committed or arose, or in any place in which the fence, to a fine of not less than Five pounds or exceed­ offender complained against may be. such Postmaster General (subject as aforesaid) shall ing Fifty pounds; every such penalty may be recov­ seem expedient for the Public Service. ered upon conviction before any Justice of the Peace Inland Waters when to be described in Government Tenders for Mail Service. or other Magistrate in the Colony, in a summary man­ Gazette. ner, and in each such case the informer shall be enti­ III. It shall be lawful for the Governor to direct XVI. In case of any doubt hereafter arising as to tled to receive half the penalty recovered, and the re­ the Postmaster General to advertise for tenders for what shall be deemed to be Inland Waters within the mainder shall be paid to the use of Her Majesty, Her the conveyance of Mails within the said Colony. meaning of this Ordinance, and for the purposes there­ heirs and successors, and be accounted for as part of of, it shall be lawful for the Governor, or other Offi­ Mail Contracts. the Revenue. cer aforesaid, by any order to be published in the IV . The Postmaster General may, with the approval Government Gazette, more particularly to define the of the Governor, enter into contracts for the convey­ Every such penalty or fine shall be recovered by same. ance of Mails in the Colony. warrant of distress of the goods and chattels of the Provisional definition o f Inland Waters. offender. Postmaster General may sue and be sued. XVII. In the absence of any such order, all Har­ V. In all proceedings and things whatsoever rela­ And in case of default of payment of such fine, or bours, Rivers, Lakes, Inlets, and other Navigable ting to the Post Office or Postal matters, the Postmas­ of the insufficiency of such distress, the offender shall Waters, within the ordinary Coast line of the Colony, ter General may sue and be sued in his own name. for every such offence be liable to an imprisonment from Head Land to Head Land, disregarding irregu­ not exceeding three calendar months, at the discretion larities, shall be deemed to be Inland Waters for the Property in Postal matter. of the Justice or Magistrate convicting. purposes of this Ordinance. VI. In all proceedings whatsoever relating to Postal Separate Offences. Fines payable to Colonial Treasury. matters, in which it shall be necessary or usual to al­ XVIII. All pecuniary penalties by this Ordinance lege or prove property, every letter, paper, and matter XV. The conveyance or attempt to convey any let­ imposed shall, upon collection, be paid into the receipt being conveyed by, to, or from, or deposited in or ter, paper, or Mail matter liable to postage, without, of the Treasury of the Colony, to the use of Her Ma­ with any Post Office, or Postmaster, or other person the previous payment to the Post Office Department jesty, Her heirs and successors, and be accounted for in the employ of the Post Office in the Colony, shall of the proper postage thereon, shall for every such as part of the General Revenue. for the purposes of this Ordinance be deemed and laid letter or thing be deemed a separate offence, and be as the property of the Postmaster General. punishable accordingly. Fees payable as ordered by Governor. Loose Letters. XIX. It shall be lawful for the Governor, or other Offences punishable in any part o f the Colony. Officer as aforesaid, by any order to be published as VII. Every master or person in charge of any ves­ hereinbefore mentioned, from time to time to impose, sel arriving from parts beyond the seas, (save from XVI. Any offence under this Ordinance may be vary, and prescribe the fees to be paid upon doing Vancouver Island or its dependencies) shall be enti­ dealt with, indicted, tried, and punished in any place any of the various matters and things by this Ordi­ tled to receive one penny for every letter not included or district in the Colony, where the offence is com­ nance, or by any order or orders issued by him, re­ in any Mail delivered to the Postmaster at any Port mitted, or in which the offender is apprehended or in quired to be done, and by and to whom, and in what in the Colony, or to any person authorized by him to custody, as if actually committed in such place o f portions, the same shall be payable, as to such Gov­ receive the same. district. NOVEMBER 12TH, 1864.] THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 7

A ll letters to be pre-paid. after mentioned, to ask for, receive, carry, and convey, the Postmaster General, for the time being, convey XVII. All letters, papers, and other Mail matter, from, to, and between the several places hereinafter in the same, or cause the same to be conveyed, by special not hereinbefore made free of postage, transmitted that behalf expressed, all letters, despatches, packets, means of forwarding the same with the utmost prac­ within the Colony, shall be pre-paid. books, documents, and chattels, and Mail matter of ticable expedition, and with security, but without re­ whatkind soever, that shall hereafter be delivered to quiring additional remuneration therefor. Short Title. or received by Postmasters, for transmission by Post, And that they shall and will at all times during the subsistence of this Contract call for, at the usual Post XVIII. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes at all offices now or hereafter to be established along as “ The Postal Ordinance, 1864.” the routes, by this agreement prescribed. Offices herein mentioned or referred to, receive and Upon condition, however, that the said Francis deliver all Government despatches, letters, packets, Passed the Legislative Council the 2nd day of May, Jones Barnard, George Dietz, and Hugh Nelson shall papers, and communications, according to address A .D . 1864. well and sufficiently perform all and singular the stip­ and destination, and to the best of their ability, to, CHARLES G ood, Clerk. ulations hereinafter mentioned, and every part thereof from, and between all and any of the places herein respectively, and the provisions of the Postal Ordin­ mentioned or referred to, and all other places to which Assented to, In Her Majesty’s name, this Fourth ance, 1864. they may detach riders or messengers, without any day of May, 1864. And the said Francis Jones Barnard, George Dietz, further charge or compensation whatever. FREDERICK SEYMOUR, and Hugh Nelson, for themselves their (and each of And that they shall and will obey all orders and them for himself his) heirs, executors, and adminis­ instructions from time of the said Postmaster General, Governor. trators, hereby covenant with the said Postmaster for the time being of the said Colony, in respect of all General Warner Reeve Spalding, and his successors details whatsoever, as to the custody, transmission, Regulations issued by the Postmaster General un­ in office, that previous to this contract coming into conveyance, and delivery of Mails and all other matters der the provisions of “ The Postal Ordinance, 1864.” force and operation he or they will give good and in connection therewith, although not herein specially sufficient bonds, to the satisfaction of the said Govern­ named or defined, and when and so often as occasion ment, in the penal sum of One Thousand Pounds as of defining or varying the same may, in the opinion HEREAS, under and by virtue of Clause 2, of ascertained and liquidated damages, conditioned to of the said Postmaster General for the time being, “ The Postal Ordinance, 1864,” the Postmaster be paid to the said Government upon the breach or arise, and will comply with the provisions of the WGeneral, subject to the directions of the Governor, is failure of the said Francis Jones Barnard, George Dietz, Postal Ordinance, 1864. empowered from time to time (among other things) to and Hugh Nelson, their executors, administrators, or And that they will occupy not more than ten days regulate the weight and dimensions of Letters, to de­ assigns, in the due fulfilment and performance of all in carrying and delivering the Mails for the whole fine the various kinds of Postal matter, to prohibit and singular the conditions, stipulations, and agree­ distance, and to all intermediate Post Offices along the the sending of dangerous or improper articles by Post, ments, in these presents contained, and every part respective routes, from New Westminster, via Douglas and to make other Postal regulations; thereof respectively. and Lillooet, to Williams Creek and back, and from It is therefore declared by the Postmaster General, That on and after the date hereof, and during the New Westminster, via Hope, Yale, and Lytton, to by, subject to, and with the direction and approval subsistence of this agreement, or any prolongation Williams Creek and back, in the order of the return of the Governor, as follows : thereof they, the said Francis Jones Barnard, George Postal Service as hereinafter mentioned to New West­ Dietz, and Hugh Nelson, their executors, administra­ minster. From and after the publication hereof, in the Gov- tors, or assigns, will by all proper and requisite means And that they shall and will, in case of any failure ernment Gazette, and so long and so far as these regu­ and conveyances, establish, maintain, and carry out, or default in completing any of the said postal trips, lations shall not from time to time be lawfully altered to the satisfaction of the said Warner Reeve Spalding, and within the time lastly hereinafter contained, or repealed, Postal matter or Mail matter made lia­ the Postmaster General, and his successors in that upon every such failure, and so often as the same shall ble to postage shall include, namely: office, regular, sufficient and effective Mail Services occur, pay to the said Postmaster General for the time Every Letter not specially exempted from postage and deliveries of Mails, in the manner and subject in being of the said Colony, the penal sum of four pounds by the Postal Ordinance, and whether by itself, or all respects as hereinafter mentioned, at the times, sterling per diem for every day which he or they shall contained with others in any packet or parcel; from, through, between, and to the routes and places occupy, beyond such ten days, in making any such following, that is to say: postal trip (including in the postal trip return Mail Every single newspaper in addition to those arri­ From New Westminster to Douglas and return, twice Services to, from, and between the Post Offices on the ving from Vancouver Island, transmitted through the a week or on every Mail Steamer; routes mentioned in the preceding clause) and the sum Post Office at any place, or from any one place to any From New Westminster to Hope and Yale and re­ of four pounds sterling per diem for every day’s delay, other place in the Colony, but not otherwise. turn, twice a week or on every Mail Steamer; which the said Postmaster General for the time being For the purposes of the said Act, a Letter shall be From Douglas to Lillooet and return, once a week. shall deem to have improperly taken place, in the deemed to include any parcel or packet containing When the Navigation is interrupted by ice, as often carrage of Mails from, to, and between New West­ Mail matter liable to postage, Bank or Account books, as the Postmaster General shall deem requisite, not minster and Williams Creek and back again, by either Phamplets, written or printed matter not exceeding oftener than once a week ; of the two routes aforesaid, and the said penalty shall eight ounces avoirdupois in weight passing through From Yale to Lytton and return, once a week; be payable to, sued for, and obtained by or in the the Post Office, and such matter shall chargeable with From Lillooet, via Clinton and Quesnel Mouth, to name of the Postmaster General, and be deemed and the Letter rate of postage of sixpence per half ounce. Williams Creek, three times a month and return, taken as liquidated damages ; Provided that any such The following articles are prohibited from trans­ between the thirty first day of March and the thirty penalty may be remitted in case the said Postmaster mission by Post, namely: first day of October; once a month for the remaining General for the time being shall upon enquiry be satis­ months during the said term and return; fied that any such failure, detention, or delay, beyond Bound books, glass bottles, or glass in any form ; From Lytton, via Clinton and Quesnel mouth, to the specific or proper time, was occasioned by circum­ razors, scissors, needles, knives, forks, or other sharp Williams Lake, three times a month and return, stances which the said Francis Jones Barnard, George instruments; leeches, game, fish, meat, fruit or vege­ between the thirty first day of March and the thirty Dietz, and Hugh Nelson, their executors, administra­ tables ; bladders or other vessels containing liquids; first day of October ; once a month and return for the tors, or assigns, could neither foresee, prevent, nor gunpowder, lucifer matches, or anything which is ex­ remaining months during the said term ; control. plosive or combustible. Calling for and taking Mails at intermediate or other And that they, the said Francis Jones Barnard, W ARNER R. SPALDING, places on or in the direction of the said routes where George Dietz, and Hugh Nelson, their executors, ad­ Postmaster General. Post Offices are or shall be established; ministrators, or assigns, shall not nor will, directly General Post Office, And for and during the period between the first day or indirectly, during the subsistence of this agreement, New Westminster, of November now next and the first day of April, A. transfer or assign the powers, privileges, and premises, 31st May, 1864. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty five, shall hereby conferred, or any part thereof, or any partial and will by all proper and requisite means and con­ interest therein, to any person or persons whatsoever, veyances establish, maintain, and carry out, to the without the consent in writing of the said Postmaster C o l o n ia l S e c r e t a r y ’ s O f f ic e , satisfaction aforesaid, regular, sufficient, and effective General for the time being first had and obtained. 9th September, 1864. Mail Services and deliveries of Mails, in the manner And that the said Francis Jones Barnard, George HE Governor, struck with the extremely in­ and subject as hereinafter mentioned, at the times Dietz, and Hugh Nelson, their executors, administra­ convenient manner in which the Postal Ser­ from, through, between, and to the routes and places tors, or assigns, shall not nor will, directly or in­ T following, that is to say: directly, in any case or at any time during the subsis­ vice is carried out in the interior of this Colony, From New Westminster, via Hope, to Yale and return, tence of this Contract thereof, carry, transmit, or allow has called the attention o f the Postmaster General once a week; or procure, or knowingly suffer or permit, to be tran­ to the subject. His Excellency now directs the From New Westminster to Douglas and return, once smitted in anywise howsoever, any “ Express Matter” publication of the contract entered into with Messrs. a w e e k ; in preference to or in any way in advance of the Mails Barnard, Deitz, and Nelson for the conveyance of When the Navigation is interrupted by ice, as often hereby contracted to be carried as aforesaid. as the Postmaster General shall deem necessary, not And the said Warner Reeve Spalding, as Postmaster the Mails, in order that Country Postmasters and oftener than once a week ; General acting as aforesaid, hereby agrees as follows : the Public generally may watch over its rigid per­ From New Westminster to Lytton, via Hope and Upon and for the due regular and complete fulfilment formance. Yale, and return, once a fortnight; by the said Francis Jones Barnard, George Dietz, and By Command. From New Westminster, via Douglas, to Lillooet Hugh Nelson, their executors, administrators, or as­ and return, once a fortnight; signs, of all and every the covenants, conditions, C h a r l e s G o o d , From Lillooet, via Clinton and Quesnel mouth, to stipulations, and agreements, in these presents con­ for the Colonial Secretary. Williams Creek and return, once a month. tained, and on the part of the said Francis Jones From Lytton, via Clinton and Quesnel mouth, to Barnard, George Dietz, and Hugh Nelson, their ex A N AGREEMENT made the first day of June, A .D . Williams Creek and return, once a month ; ecutors, administrators, and assigns, to be observed, 1864, between W ARNER REEVE SPALDING, o f New Calling for and taking Mails at all intermediate and performed, and kept, the Government of British Westminster, Postmaster General of British Columbia, other places on or in the direction of the routes afore­ Columbia shall and will pay to the said Francis Jones acting on behalf of the Government of British Columbia, said, where Post Offices are or shall be established. Barnard, George Dietz, and Hugh Nelson, their ex­ of the first part, and F RANCIS JONES BARNARD, GEORGE And that the said Francis Jones Barnard, George ecutors, administrators, and assigns, monthly and D IE TZ, and H UG H N ELSO N , of New Westminster, ex­ Dietz, and Hugh Nelson, their executors, administra­ every month during the subsistence of this Contract press men, of the other part; tors, and assigns, will at all times, during the subsis­ the sum of (£416 13 4) four hundred and sixteen pounds, Whereas, pursuant to public notice, tenders have tence of this Contract, receive and by all proper and thirteen shillings and four pence sterling. been called for and received for the Conveyance of requisite means and conveyances, and with the utmost Provided always, and it is hereby expressly declared Mails in the said Colony, and the tender of the said practicable celerity, certainty, and security, and to and agreed, that it shall be lawful for the Postmaster Francis Jones Barnard, George Dietz, and Hugh Nelson the satisfaction aforesaid, and invariably by the most General of British Columbia for the time being, from for such conveyance has been accepted, and, with the direct routes, receive, transport, convey and deliver, time to time, and at any time during the subsistence approval of the Governor, the contract for carrying the to the proper addresses and destinations, all packets, of this agreement at pleasure, to fix, alter, or vary, mails awarded to them. packages of letters, papers, despatches, chattels, and the dates of departure and arrival of mails, to establish, Now these presents witness that in pursuance of mailable matter whatsoever, which shall be delivered remove, and vary Post Offices and branch Post Offices such agreement, and in consideration of the terms, or deliverable to them at all and every of the Post along or near the said lines of postal communication, covenants, conditions, and stipulations hereinafter Offices for the time being in the direction of and along and generally to make such alterations in the details mentioned, and on the part of the said Francis Jones the routes aforesaid. and arrangements of the postal services between New Barnard, George Dietz, and Hugh Nelson to be ob­ And will in all cases give two clear hours’ notice Westminster and the Northern Mining District of the served and performed ; to the Postmaster, at the office at each end of the said said Colony and back, as to the said Postmaster General The said Warner Reeve Spalding, as such Postmaster routes, and one hour at intermediate stations thereof, shall seem fit, without thereby invalidating or in­ General, agrees as follows : of every time of departure of a Mail, and at the expir­ juriously affecting this Contract, but the same shall That after the first day of June now instant, and ation of such said respective hours attend at such Post be read and construed as if such arrangement and after security satisfactory to the said Government shall Offices and receive the same. alteration, had been originally included herein. have been given by the said Francis Jones Barnard, Provided that if in any such attendance to receive any And it is hereby further declared and agreed that George Dietz, and Hugh Nelson for the due execution such Mail, the same shall not be made up ready to it shall be lawful for the Governor of the said Colony, and fulfilment of all and singular the stipulations of leave, the obligation of the said Francis Jones Barnard, at any time before the expiration of the said term, this agreement in manner hereinafter expressed, George Dietz, and Hugh Nelson, their executors, ad­ upon three calendar month’s previous notice to that The said Francis Jones Barnard, George Dietz, and ministrators, and assigns, to receive and carry any effect, under the hand of the Postmaster General for Hugh Nelson shall have, possess, and enjoy for the such Mail shall cease as to any such particular Mail the time being, published in the Government Gazette, period of one year or from the said first day of June only, anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding. to prolong the Contract hereby made for an additional instant; full power and authority, subject as herein­ And that they shall and w ill, upon every requisition of term of one year, and thereupon all the powers, priv 8 THE GOVERNMENT g a z e t t e . [NOVEMBER 12TH, 1864 ileges, conditions, covenants, stipulations, and agree­ . with white boards, elevated 15 feet above the piles. ments of fine, forfeiture, and otherwise herein con­ Harbour Master This Beacon is all White, and makes a conspicious tained, shall be deemed and construed in all respects object either for entering or leaving the River. mutatis mutandis to all intents and purposes as if the NOTICE TO MARINERS No. 7. S o u t h S a n d — Is a Black Beacon placed in term of this Contract had been originally extended for ENTERING 6 feet at low water, having only a St. Andrew’s cross such additional period of one year. Fraser River. elevated on a pole 10 feet above the piles. And it is hereby further agreed and declared that No. 8 . S o u t h S a n d .:— About a cable's length from No 7., placed in 1 foot at low water, is a White Beacon upon any and every question or questions which may EACONS (formed with clusters of piles) having formed with a St. Andrew’s cross, as above. As hereafter arise as to the liability of the said Francis been constructed on the Fraser River Sands, these Beacons, Nos. 7 and 8, are intended to lead Jones Barnard, George Dietz, and Hugh Nelson, their Bthe following sailing directions are published for vessels of large draught over the Bar, in the deepest executors, administrators, and assigns, to the said general information ; water, they are hereafter alluded to as the x Beacons. penalty, for delay or irregularity in the carriage of On the South Sand, there are 3 Beacons; Mails or otherwise, whether the said Postal Services On the North Sand, there are 5 Beacons; All buoys and Beacons on the North side of the are being carried out to the satisfaction of the said numbered consecutively from 1 to 8. Channel are to be passed on the port hand. Postmaster General for the time being, or as to any No. 1. S o u t h S a n d H e a d — Placed in 7 feet low wa­ The instructions issued by Captain Richards, R.N., breach or default in observing and performing the ter, 1/2 a cable W .N.W. of buoy, distinguished by a in the V . I. & B. C. Pilot, are still applicable for en­ covenants, conditions, and stipulations thereof, or of pole elevated 20 feet above the piles, on which is tering Fraser River. The Beacons constructed on the any part thereof respectively, or as to the construction fixed a large cask; the pole, cask, and one pile paint­ Sands, indicating the locality of the buoys, remove a of these presents or any part thereof, the said Warner ed Red. great difficulty hitherto experienced by Navigators in Reeve Spalding, or other the Postmaster General for distinguishing the several buoys. No 2. N o r t h S a n d H e a d — 1/2 of a cable to the West­ the time being, shall be sole and uncontrolled judge For Vessels of large draught the x Beacons will be ward of buoy, placed in 5 feet at low water, distin­ thereof, and his decision in writing shall be final and found invaluable, as by taking care to port sufficiently guished by a large diamond formed with boards, ele­ conclusive, upon all parties to all intents and purposes soon, so as to cross when in a line, they will lead over vated on a pole 20 feet above the piles. This Beacon whatsoever, any rule of law or equity to the contrary the Bar, carrying from 19 to 22 feet at high water, (in is all B lack. notwithstanding. all other parts of the Channel much deeper water will No 3. N o r t h S a n d —About half the distance be­ be found). After the Red Top Beacon is brought in And it is hereby further and lastly declared and tween chequered and black buoy, distinguished by agreed that these presents are on this express con­ a line with the White Beacon, the buoy may be with White and black horizontal stripes, placed in 6 feet at safety rounded, then steer in direction for the White dition, that upon failure of the said Francis Jones low water, Barnard, George Dietz, and Hugh Nelson, their ex­ Buoy and Beacon, and from thence to Garry Point. N o. 4. N o r t h S a n d —Nearly abreast of black top ecutors, administrators, or assigns, to observe, fulfil, JAMES COOPER, and keep all or any of the terms, conditions, provisions, buoy, is a B lack Top Beacon, 1 cable distant, placed Harbour Master. in 5 feet at low water, the top being a black triangle, and stipulations, in this agreement contained, or any New Westminster, formed with broad slats on a white pole, elevated 16 part thereof respectively, or should they at any time 29th September, 1864. during the subsistence of this agreement become bank­ feet above the piles, which are white-washed. rupt or insolvent, then upon one calendar month’s No 5. N o r t h S a n d — On the sqit, 1 1/4 cable S.W. of NOTICE TO MARINERS. notice in writing to that effect, from the said Warner red top buoy, is a Red Top Beacon, which is placed Reeve Spalding, or other the Postmaster General for in 5 feet at low water, distinguished by a large cask FRASER RIVER SANDS. the time being, addressed to the said Francis Jones Barn­ painted red, elevated on a white pole ten feet above ard, George Dietz, and Hugh Nelson, their executors, ad­ the piles, the upper part of the piles being white­ HE WHITE BEACON recently constructed, and ministrators, or assigns, and published in the Government w ashed. distinguished in the Sailing directions as No. 6, Gazette, (which mode of notification hereunder shall in all T N o. 6 . N o r t h S a n d — 1 cable distant N.N.W. of has disappeared. cases requiring notice hereunder be deemed to be a good buoy, distinguished by a large triangle, the apex of JAMES COOPER, and sufficient notice for all purposes) this agreement and which is on the lower part of the pole, and formed Harbour Master. all privileges and payments, expressed or intended to be hereby granted and made, shall ipso fa cto cease, determine, the stoppage of the supply which was formerly re­ and be o f non effect as if this agreement had not been made, C o l o n i a l S e c r e t a r y ’ s O f f i c e , November 3rd, 1894. ceived from the Southern States of America. but without prejudice to any right of action for penalties or I have thought it right to place you in posses­ damages which shall have accrued to the said Government HE GOVERNOR has directed the following sion of these facts, as in some of the British Colonies hereunder, up to the time o f giving such notice. T Despatch to be published for general information. they may be serviceable to persons who are in a fa­ In witness whereof the parties to these presents have By Command. vourable position for furnishing a supply of the arti­ cles referred to ; but in any use which you may make hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first ARTH U R N. BIRCH. above written, the alterations initialled in the margin by of the information, you will take care distinctly to the attesting witnesses having been made previous to the warn any persons who may act upon it, that they execution hereof, Downing Street, must do so entirely upon their own judgment, and at W ARNER R . SPALDING. 26th August 1864. their own risk. Sir, I have the honor to be, F. J. B ARNARD. At the suggestion of the Board of Trade, I Sir, Witness, V . B. T AIT, GEORGE DIETZ. have the honor to transmit to you certain Tables, Your most obedient humble Servant, H ugh N elson. showing the decrease in the quantities of resin and EDWARD CARDWELL.

turpentine, imported into the United Kingdom since G o v e r n o r S e y m o u r .

Lands and Works Department. QUANTITY and COMPUTED REAL VALUE of RESIN Imported into the United Kingdom (1859-1863.)


C o u n try . PUBLIC NOTICE. 1859. 1360. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1862.

Cw t. Cw t. Cwt. C w t. Cwt. £ £ £ £ £ France]...... 4,258 — 66,790 265,158 355,953 1,676 — 58,361 263,223 496.477 7 s l0d 17s 6d 19s 11d 27s 11d IMELY NOTICE is hereby given that, at the next United States...... 876,306 601,546 457,686 47,258 2,389 339,064 178,990 268,126 44,272 3,506 meeting of the Legislative Council, the Governor 7s 9d 5s 11d 12s 5d to 10s7d 18s 5d to 20s 2d 29s to 29s 6d Twill lay before the Board, an Ordinance to the effect,H am burg...... 6,215 — 32,203 5,639 4.318 2,724 — 28,039 6,844 6,147 8s 9d 17s 5d 24s 3d 28s 6d that from and after the first of February, 1865, all T u rk ey...... —— — — 9,763 —— — — 13,583 Carts, Waggons, Carriages, or other Vehicles, carry­ 27s 10d 9,568 13,211 ing goods, merchandize, &c., of 2,000lbs in weight G reece...... - — - - - -- 27s 7d and upwards, over any Waggon Road in this Colony B rem en...... — 26,594 7,739 — — — 23,640 6,338 — must be provided with tires of not less than four in­ 17s 9d 16s 4d ches in width. Other parts...... 10 11,159 14,807 13,217 3,397 4 3,338 13,165 10,128 5.0 91 7s 6d 5s 11d 17s 9d 15s 3d 30s G. W. HOLMES, Total...... 886,789 612,705 598,080 339,011 385,388 343,468 182,328 391,331 330,805 538,015. Acting Chief Commissioner of Lands & Works and Surveyor General. QUANTITY and COMPUTED REAL VALUE of TURPENTINE Imported into the United Kingdom Lands & Works Department, (1859— 1863). New Westminster, 22nd Septem ber, 1864.. QUANTITIES. COMPUTED REAL VALUE. Country. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. PUBLIC NOTICE. Cw t. Cw t. Cw t. Cwt. Cwt. £ £ £ £ £ France...... 3,745 8,720 14,146 3,752 10,196 16,676 20s 23s 4d 23s 7d United States...... 226,083 185,145 99,277 3,120 111,556 85,868 58,821 3,666 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Block of Land 9s 10d 9s 3d 11s3d to 12s 11d 23s 6d H a m b u r g ...... 5,852 6,974 2,847 5,420 N measuring 5 miles on either side of Mission 9s 9d 15s 6d Point, at Metlakahtla, and 5 miles back from the Coast en...... 21,293 2,066 10,808Brem 1,097 line, has been reserved by the Government. 10s 2d l 0s 7d Greece...... 11,587 12,783 G. W. HOLMES, 22s 1Id Other parts ...... 3,435 329 250 876 1,610 1,768 152 239 1,204 1,815 Acting Chief Commissioner of Lands & Works 10s 4d 9s 3d 19s 1d 27s 6d 22s 7d and Surveyor General. Total...... 256,663185,474 112,312 12,722 27,343 126,979 86,020 69,329 15,066 31,274 Lands and Works Office, 30th September, 1864. QUANTITY and COMPUTED REAL VALUE of RESIN and TURPENTINE Imported into the United Kingdom (1859-1863 )

p u b l i c n o t i c e . QUANTITIES. COMPUTED REAL VALUE.

Country. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. SALE OF SUBURBAN COUNTRY LANDS. AND Cwt. Cwt, Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. £ £ £ £ £ F rance...... 4,258 — 70,535 273,884 370,099 1,676 — 62,113 273,419 513,153

Turkey ...... — — — — 9,763 —— — — 13,583 HE UNDERMENTIONED SUBURBAN LANDS, viz : Lot 2, Block III, and Lots 9 and 10, Block United States...... 1,102,389 786,691 556,963 50,378 2,389 450,620 264,858 326,947 47,938 3,500 T XII, with certain COUNTRY LANDS in the District of New Westminster, adjacent to the Douglas Street G reece...... — — — — 21,155 —— — — 25,994 Road, will be offered for Sale at Public Auction, on Hamburg ...... 12,067 — 39,177 5,639 4,318 5,571 — 33,459 6,844 6,147 WEDNESDAY, 7TH DECEMBER, 1864. B rem en...... 21,293 28,660 7,739 10,808 24,737 6,388 Further particulars will be duly announced pre — — — vious to the day of Sale. Other Parts...... 3,445 11,488 15,057 14,093 5,007 1,772 3,490 13,404 11,332 6,900 G. W. HOLMES. Lands & Works Department, New Westminster, 3rd Novr., 1864. T ota l...... 11,143,452 798,179 710,392 351,733 412,73l 470,447 268,348 460,660 345,871 569,289