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Record of the red blister , Synhoria maxillosa (Fabricius, 1801) (Coleoptera: Meloidae) from Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand, with a review of literature on the biology an...

Article · February 2018


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Trevor John Hawkeswood Buppha Sommung University of New England (Australia) 54 PUBLICATIONS 102 CITATIONS 624 PUBLICATIONS 3,115 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE

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All content following this page was uploaded by Trevor John Hawkeswood on 07 February 2018.

The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Calodema, 600: 1-4 (2018) Hawkeswood & Sommung - Thailand record of Synhoria maxillosa Record of the red , Synhoria maxillosa (Fabricius, 1801) (Coleoptera: Meloidae) from Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand, with a review of literature on the biology and distribution of the beetle

T.J. Hawkeswood* & B. Sommung@

*PO Box 842, Richmond, NSW, 2753, Australia ([email protected])

@ via Ubon, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand ([email protected]) Hawkeswood, T.J. & Sommung, B. (2018). Record of the red blister beetle, Synhoria maxillosa (Fabricius, 1801) (Coleoptera: Meloidae) from Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand, with a review of literature on the biology and distribution of the beetle. Calodema, 600: 1-4.

Abstract: In this note, we record the red blister beetle, Synhoria maxillosa (Fabricius, 1801) (Coleoptera: Meloidae) from the farming district of Ubon Rathchathani (Ubon), Ubon Ratchathani Province, north-eastern Thailand, which appears to be the first record of the species from this Province. Its habitat at Ubon is described. Papers referring to its taxonomy, biology and distribution are reviewed.

Key words: Synhoria maxillosa, Coleoptera, Meloidae, new province record, distribution, Thailand.


The red blister beetle, Synhoria maxillosa (Fabricius, 1801) (Coleoptera: Meloidae) (Figs. 1,2) is a poorly known coleopteran from south-east Asia which also has been recently recorded from Australia for the first time (Bologna et al., 2013). It has been known for over 200 years (Fabricius, 1801; Gahan, 1908) but appears rare and inadequately studied except for the research of Ishida (1982) and Takestuka (1984, 1986) in Japan (cited under another synonym for the species). There are no published studies on its ecology or biology in Thailand and the only reference is the one by Ek-Amnuay (2008) who did not mention the fact that his record appears to be the first for the species from Thailand. Males (about 20-22 mm long) have mandibles which are extremely enlarged and possess a head wider at the temples than at the eyes (e.g. Mohamedsaid, 1982). The larvae of Synhoria are known as triungulins (Fig. 4) and they live in the nests of bees (Anthophoridae and Apidae), where they feed on nectar and pollen brought to the nests by the bees (e.g. Gess, 1981; Roubik, 1989; Bologna & Pinto, 2001, 2002). The triungulin of S. maxillosa was first described by Cros (1924) from Sumatra (as ).


During the morning of 12 August 2017 [10.43 AM, Thailand time], one of us (BS) observed a single specimen of S. maxillosa (Fabricius, 1801) crawling over dead, fallen leaves on the ground in an old rubber plantation [Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg, Euphorbiaceae] near the city of Ubon Ratchathani (Ubon), Ubon Ratchathani Province, north-eastern Thailand. The rubber plantation was almost devoid of vegetation and only comprised mostly dead fallen leaves from the rubber trees (Fig. 3). The habitat around the rubber plantation comprised mostly of introduced species including fruit trees, weeds and sprinkling of native tree species. There is long established farmland with various crops such as rice (Oryza sativa L., Poaceae), guava (Psidiun guajava L., Myrtaceae), coconut (Cocos nucifera L., Arecaceae), banana (Musa paradisiaca L., Musaceae), rhambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L., Sapindaceae), durian (Durio zibethinus L., Malvaceae), cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz, Euphorbiaceae).


This appears to be the first record of S. maxillosa from Ubon Ratchathani, the most eastern province of Thailand. The only other records of the species from Thailand are those by Ek- Amnuay (2008) who recorded the species (cited as Cissites maxillosa) from only two Provinces, namely Kamphaeng Saen district (Nakhon Pathom) and Bangkhen district (Bangkok). As noted above these are the first records of the species from Thailand as far as we are aware. Our record from Ubon Ratchathani is over 500 km distance from Ek-Amnuay’s records. The species appears (Calodema - an International Journal of Biology and Other Sciences) Page 1 Calodema, 600: 1-4 (2018) Hawkeswood & Sommung - Thailand record of Synhoria maxillosa to be widely distributed in nearby Malaysia (Mohamedsaid, 1982); in Kuala Lumpur (16 February 1940), a specimen was discovered dropping from a roof, and somewhere in Sarawak, on 14 April 1963, a specimen was caught flying indoors at night. Adults therefore appear to be active both diurnally and nocturnally.

Fig. 1. Adult of Synhoria maxillosa (Fabricius, 1801) crawling on the ground amongst dead leaves and other debris on 17 August 2017 at 10.43 AM (Thailand time), within a dark rubber plantation, Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) within the farming district near Ubon Ratchathani, Ubon Ratchathani Province, north-eastern Thailand. (Photograph: B. Sommung). Fig. 2. Closer view of the same adult beetle resting on a stick within the rubber plantation. (Photograph: B. Sommung).

Fig. 3. View of the rubber plantation near Ubon Ratchathani, Ubon Ratchathani Province, north-eastern Thailand, July 2017. Note cleared understorey and deep mat of dead leaves from the rubber trees on the ground, a good habitat for many species of fauna. (Photograph: T.J. Hawkeswood).

(Calodema - an International Journal of Biology and Other Sciences) Page 2 Calodema, 600: 1-4 (2018) Hawkeswood & Sommung - Thailand record of Synhoria maxillosa Bologna & Laurenzi: Triungulins of Meloidae 159 of ventral setae on each side (4-5 on that also have some lateral setae). Claw less than one half as as tibiae, with one very minute tooth near apex and one basal seta less than one half as as claw. Abdomen. Somites transverse 1) and pro- segment IX yet not transverse. Sternites well sclerotized. on I ventrally the others lateral, the last four situated slightly more Chaetotaxy as in Fig. 1. Setae of tergites Fig. 4. Left. Dorsal surface of the head of a probable Synhoria sp. triungulin larva (from Bologna & Laurenzi, 1994). Right: Ventral surface of the head of a probable Synhoria sp. triungulin larva (from Bologna & Laurenzi, 1994).

in three rows: anterior row with four † — ŗ Ř

(six on tergite I) in two median row ŗ The beetle was wandering around inside the ř rubber plantation near where its potential hosts  è é ø with four setae; basal row with setae ( external Xylocopa bees (Apidae) have been found beingå predated upon by Oecophylla smaragdina ants è –  ö penultimate seta very large) and two additional (Hawkeswood & Sommung, 2017). Triunguliné larvae of S. maxillosa live inside the nests of ì ÷ í ð

Xylocopa species (e.g. X. appendiculata, X. aestuansæ : Bologna & Laurenzi, 1994 and references VII and VIII with only setae in ù ·  é

therein). It would be interesting to study theì triungulin relationship of S. maxilllosa with ø basal row, tergite IX with setae, four  ý æ Xylocopa confusa Pérez, 1901 in Thailand if ever the opportunity arises. è anterior with microsetae, four additional é ø ò å ö ë posterior two very caudal setae and Acknowledgement  é ç ò é two additional short setae. with ç í ð We would like to thank an anonymous referee for reviewing the paper before publication. ö é setae (four on first sternite) in basal row, è ò ù 

References ý second-most external seta largest, two microsetae å û é ø and two sternite IX with six long å ®

Bologna, M.A. & Laurenzi, M. (1994). Descriptions of the triungulins of Synhoria testacea (Fabricius) and another ø é

undetermined African species (Coleoptera: Meloidae),ò with data on Horiini larvae. African Entomology, 2: setae, two medial setae and two anterior í æ

155-162. å º  † ment X sclerotized basally, six basal ý æ —  è ŗ é

Bologna, M.A. & Pinto, J.D. (2001). Phylogenetic ç studies of Meloidae (Coleoptera), with emphasis on the Ř pygopod. ù è ŗ evolution of phoresy. Systematic Entomology, 26: 33-72.ó ö ř ô é  ¹ è

é Bologna, M.A. & Pinto, J.D. (2002). The Old World genera of Meloidae (Coleoptera): a key and synopsis. Journal ø of Natural History, 36: 2013-2102. "'!;,vnl'll'lr,,,,å sp., Fig. 6 è – 

ö The triungulin of this unidentified is Bologna, M. A., Turco, F. & Pinto, J.D. (2013). The Meloidae (Coleoptera) of Australasia: a generic review, é descriptions of new taxa, and a challenge to the current definition of subfamilies posed by exceptional variation describedì only with reference to S. testacea. In the ÷ in male genitalia. Invertebrate Systematics, 27: 301–427. í ð

specimenæ examined the head is and meso-ù and metanotum slightly. Cros, A. (1924). Révision des espèces africaines et orientales des genres Horia Fabr. et Cissites Latr., avec ·

 description de larves inédites. Bulletin de la Royale Entomologique d'Egypte, 1924: 24–80. é Size. Body 1.14 mm (abdominal c"""n",,,I,,, ì ø

 Ek-Amnuay, P. (2008). of Thailand. Siam Zoo & Museum, Bangkok.

ý longest of caudal setae æ 0.20 mm in length. Maximum width of head Fabricius, J.C. (1801). Systema eleutheratorum secundvm ordines, genera, species adiectis synonymis, locis, è

é observationibus, descriptionibus. Tomus II: 1-687, + I-IV, 1-93. Kiliae. 0.24ø mm; length of antenna without terminal seta ò

0.06å mm; maximum width of pronotum 0.30 mm. ö Gahan,Fig. M.6. A.Triungulin (1908). Notes of ?on Synhoria the coleopterous sp .. dorsal genera Horiaview., Fab., and Cissites, Latr., and a list of the described ë  Head and width (Figs 6, 7) ::'Ul,eUUdl species. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (8) 2: 199–204. [Not seen, cited from Bologna & Pinto, é

ç 2002].

(0.24ò x 0.23 mm), widest on anterior é ç slightlyí produced, rounded at anterior Gess, F. W. (1981). Some aspects of an ethological study of the aculeate wasps and the bees of a karroid area in the ð  vicinity of Grahamstown, South Africa. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums (Natural History), 14: 1–80. ö

é tempora rounded. Second ocellus dorso- [Not seen, cited from Bologna & Pinto, 2002]. è Thorax (Fig. 6). Pronotum with 26 setae and 16 ò placed, visible in dorsal view.

ù (Calodema - an International Journal of Biology and Other Sciences) Page 3 cranial setation as in 7) with sensory pits; mesonotum with six in anterior ý length/widthå ratio of 0.67, row, and 22 setae and pits in middle and at û é 1.60,3.38ø 7) with the metanotum with setae and å

® as on mesonotum but with four more setae at the four setae (two long, one ø oneé very long basal seta beyond base. ò í rioræ margin of another more external, and Legs (Fig. 6). Coxa with the fourth-most external å º five basal microsetae and pits. palpo- seta similar in size to third. Tibia with three ventral ý æ mere III medially of setae, four on meta tibiae. è

é Abdomen. Chaetotaxy as in Fig. 6. ç ù è ó ö ô é ¹ Calodema, 600: 1-4 (2018) Hawkeswood & Sommung - Thailand record of Synhoria maxillosa

Hawkeswood, T.J. & Sommung, B. (2017). Green Tree Ants, Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius, 1775) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) killing and consuming two carpenter bees, Xylocopa confusa Pérez, 1901 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) near Ubon Ratchathani, Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand. Calodema, 585: 1-4.

Ishida, A. (1982). Behavior of Horia tosana Kono (Meloidae, Coleoptera). Gensei, 42: 1-11. [Not seen, cited from Bologna & Pinto, 2002].

Mohamedsaid, M.S. (1982). Studies on the Malaysian Blister Beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae). Federation Museum Journal, 27: 97-121.

Roubik, D.W. (1989). Ecology and Natural History of Tropical Bees. Cambridge University Press, New York.

Takestuka, T. (1984). New information on the life history of Horia tosana Kono (Meloidae, Coleoptera), Gensei, 45: 9–13 [in Japanese with English summary].[Not seen, cited from Bologna & Pinto, 2002].

Takestuka, T. (1986). A review on the observations on imagos of Cissites cephalotes Olivier (Meloid beetle formerly called as Horia tosana). Gensei, 48: 11–22 [in Japanese with English summary]. [Not seen, cited from Bologna & Pinto, 2002].

Date of publication: 24 January 2018 Copyright: T.J. Hawkeswood & B. Sommung Editor: Dr T.J. Hawkeswood ([email protected]) PO Box 842, Richmond, New South Wales, Australia, 2753 (Published as hard paper copy edition as well as electronic pdf)

(Calodema - an International Journal of Biology and Other Sciences) Page 4

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