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22089 HON. HOWARD P. ''BUCK'' Mckeon HON. JOHN B November 8, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22089 success. Others know that the guiding hand of best as a great man with a kind heart and tre- never looked away from it and emerged from parental examples clearly led their six sons, mendous integrity—one who was devoted to a very dark moment until the light of triumph Paul, John, Joel, Seth, Mark, and David, and making his world a better place. was blinding. their daughter, Mary, to active roles in the f While the entire Diamondback franchise— church. Six of the Bahr children are engaged from owner Jerry Colangelo to third base full-time in church service and one is an active TRIBUTE TO THE WORLD CHAM- coach Chris Spier—played a part in their lay leader. PION ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS World Series victory, I want to single out two Finally, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me in praising Pastor Bahr for all he has HON. JOHN B. SHADEGG remarkable D-Backs who will go down in his- tory as the most feared one-two pitching done to meet the spiritual needs of his flock OF ARIZONA punch in baseball. Congratulations Randy and in wishing him continued strength and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Johnson and Curt Schilling for being awarded good fortune in spreading God’s word for Thursday, November 8, 2001 years to come. Co-MVPs of the World Series. f Mr. SHADEGG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the Arizona Di- honor and pay tribute to the World Champion amond Backs and the New York Yankees for MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO HOWARD Arizona Diamondbacks. treating fans across the country to a thrilling HILL The 2001 World Series has left poets and World Series. Two classy teams rose to the historians searching for ways to digest where top of both leagues this year, and they gave it fits into the fabric of great sporting events HON. HOWARD P. ‘‘BUCK’’ McKEON us a World Series for the ages. They gave us we have witnessed in a lifetime. Unquestion- OF CALIFORNIA the pure entertainment of a great sport played ably, it was the greatest sporting event I have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at its highest level and got this country’s mind ever witnessed and it’s bound to have a last- Thursday, November 8, 2001 ing impression on my son who sat beside me off darker concerns for a couple of weeks. Mr. MCKEON. Mr. Speaker, recently a won- at game seven. The 2001 World Series ex- f derful friend of mine lost his life. On August plained why they play, and why we watch. 15, 2001, Howard Lydell Hill passed away at The world found out on Sunday night that HONORING EMERGENCY SERVICE the age of 61. Howard’s death is a great loss miracles do happen, they just don’t always WORKERS DURING LOCAL HE- to his family and his friends, as well as to the happen for the New York Yankees. Sunday ROES WEEK entire community. He was a kind, caring, and was the Arizona Diamondbacks chance to be capable man who was always generous with the ‘‘Phoenix’’ rising from the ashes in the his time and talents in order to help others. ninth inning. Howard was born on March 30, 1940 in The Yankees three straight dramatic wins in HON. CHET EDWARDS Utah to Franke and William Hill. His family New York supposedly had the Diamondbacks OF TEXAS moved to California in 1941 and settled in Bur- demoralized and beaten. It was only a matter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bank. During his youth, he forged numerous of finishing the series and collecting the rings. life-long friendships. Many of those persons But ‘‘destiny’’ and ‘‘momentum’’ only go as far Thursday, November 8, 2001 attended his burial, offering testimony to the as your last game. high quality of his character. The Diamondbacks showed tremendous tal- Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, it is particu- Howard led an exemplary life as a longtime ent and heart to overcome the magic of the larly fitting, in the wake of the tragic events of resident of Newhall. He and his wife, Carolyn, Yankees comeback wins. The Yankees came September 11th, 2001 and the courageous were married 39 years and raised seven chil- to Arizona with seemingly insurmountable mo- and selfless acts of heroism by New York’s dren. He cherished his family and was a lov- mentum. However, it evaporated in Phoenix police, firefighters and rescue workers which ing husband, father, and grandfather. Howard on Saturday as the New Yorkers and their were witnessed and acclaimed by the world, truly loved God, his family, and his fellow man. fans endured a 15–2 drubbing. The stage was that we extend our gratitude to police, fire and Howard possessed a sharp mind and had a now set for one of the most memorable game emergency service workers in all of America’s strong background in math and physics. He sevens in baseball history. communities. The citizens of Bell County and attended Brigham Young University, where he The game seven pitching match up of Curt Copperas Cove, Texas in my congressional learned the compounding of plastics. After Schilling and Roger Clemens had all the mak- district are honoring these public servants, joining Keysor-Century as a production fore- ings of a classic duel. Both had Cy Young from November 18–24, during the 10th ob- man, he held increasingly important manage- Award worthy seasons and they both domi- servance of Local Heroes Week. rial positions at plants in Delaware and in the nated throughout the post season. On top of Santa Clarita Valley. Howard assumed the po- that, Schilling attributes his success over the This expression of appreciation to our local sition as CEO in 1982. He was an innovative past few years to a ‘‘talking to’’ Clemens gave public safety workers for their service to Cen- man with a keen intellect and was able to him. Before the game Schilling said he felt like tral Texas, which has grown every year since manage the company extremely well. he was in an essay contest with Hemingway its inception in 1992, raises funds from area In addition to his business endeavors, Hill or a ‘‘paint-off’ versus Picasso. businesses and organizations to endow schol- was an invested community participant. He And then, on Sunday night, after the arships at Central Texas College for their im- served as a governing board member for the Yankees took a 2–1 lead late and appeared mediate families. Newhall School District from 1977–1985 and headed to their fourth straight world title, the As a community, we owe a special thanks was one of the finest board members the Diamondback miracle happened: The Yankees to the police officers, fire fighters and emer- Santa Clarita Valley has ever seen. He was a had gotten the seventh game right to where gency workers we honor and our sincere ap- counselor for young singles at the Church of they wanted it, with a one-run lead and the preciation to those who organize Local Heroes Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Newhall, ball in the hands of their phenomenal closer, Week. The recent tragedies at the World second ward, a former church bishop and Mariano Rivera. But Rivera, virtually unhittable Trade Center in New York and at the Pen- counselor to the stake president, a Henry at all other times, gave up four hits, two runs, tagon in Arlington, Virginia remind us that Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital board mem- the lead, the game and the series. The Ari- every day, in every city and county in the ber from 1986–1994 and a board member for zona Diamondbacks beat the best to become country, these men and women put their lives the Santa Clarita Valley Boys and Girls Club. the best!!! on the line to protect us from harm. Howard had a genuine interest, and heartfelt The Diamondback victory really comes concern for children and their education. He down to the overwhelming desire of great Mr. Speaker, I ask the Members of the loved working with youth and young adults baseball players to reach the pinnacle of their House of Representatives to join me in hon- and was a father figure to many. sport. From the first day of spring training, oring these local heroes, in Copperas Cove Although Howard leaves a legacy of service rookie manager Bob Brenly and D-Back play- and Bell County, and across the nation. They that will long be remembered by our commu- ers, had a goal of not just getting to the World define the spirit of public service and we are nity, his family and friends will remember him Series but winning the World Series. They grateful. VerDate Aug 04 2004 11:28 May 16, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E08NO1.000 E08NO1.
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