New England upgrade between Belford and the Concept design and environmental assessment June 2017

Roads and Maritime Services is planning to upgrade the New England Highway between Belford and the Golden Highway. The NSW Government has committed $85 million under the Rebuilding NSW Plan for the upgrade to improve traffic flow, travel times and safety for road users.

An environmental assessment has been carried out to In May 2015 the NSW Government announced the preferred identify potential impacts of the proposal and activities option for the proposed upgrade. The NSW Government to reduce them. has provided $4 million in the 2016–17 financial year to continue planning. Comments from stakeholders and the community are invited by Friday, 28 July 2017. We will consider feedback in The concept design and environmental assessment are finalising the proposal. now available for community and stakeholder feedback and can be viewed at Background The New England Highway is the primary road connecting The proposal the Upper Hunter with Maitland and Newcastle. It is also The proposed upgrade provides the best overall balance a critical connection between Maitland and Singleton, between environmental, social and technical considerations. which are future growth areas for the Hunter. Key features include: The Golden Highway connects the New England Highway • widening the New England Highway for around at Whittingham with . 3.2 kilometres to provide a divided road with two These roads are used by heavy vehicles servicing industries travel lanes in each direction between Belford and in the Hunter Valley and Central West to access Newcastle. the Golden Highway Around 22,000 vehicles use the New England Highway • replacing the existing right turn movement from the between Belford and the Golden Highway each day. Golden Highway to the New England Highway with This section of the highway is currently two lanes a right turn flyover westbound and one lane eastbound. It has a history of • removing the Whittingham rest area near the crashes, particularly near the Golden Highway intersection. New England Highway and Golden Highway intersection.

Better and more Improve reliable trips Reduce fatalities travel speeds for locals, long distance traffic and serious injury and freight New England Highway upgrade between Belford and the Golden Highway

To Singleton Intersection with right turn flyover


e w

E N Retain right turn lane on n g the New England Highway e l a w n New U-turn facility d

H Right turn flyover E ig h bridge structure n To Singleton w a g Retain left turn y l a lane on the n Golden Highway No right turn from From Golden Highway d the Golden Highway

H i Golden Highway g Abattoir Single eastbound lane h Access Road w From Singleton a y Retain right turning Two lanes in bay for Abattoir each direction Access Road

Golden Highway KEY Existing road to be modified Proposed new road Right turn flyover bridge structure KEY Earthworks Proposed reserved road corridor Existing road to be modified for future road purposes Proposed new road New England Highway Right turn flyover bridge structure 0 100m 200m Earthworks Benefits A b

a Proposed reserved road corridor

t The proposal would: t o for future road purposes

i r


• increase capacity and connectivity of the c c 0 100m 200m e New England Highway and Golden Highway forss


the efficient and reliable movement of freight o

a d Two lanes in • improve safety at the New England Highway each direction and Golden Highway intersection by reducing the risk of crashes • increase capacity at the New England Highway and Golden Highway intersection to cater for To Newcastle predicted traffic increases. Environmental assessment Noise Noise may be experienced at some properties within We have carried out an environmental assessment to identify 600 metres of the site during construction. Where possible, the proposal’s potential environmental and social impacts. work would be carried out during standard working hours. The assessment was carried out in consultation with To minimise disruption to traffic and reduce construction a range of key stakeholders including technical specialists. timeframes, some work would take place outside of these It also considered feedback received from the community. hours. We would limit noise related work to standard The investigations found the proposal is unlikely to have construction hours and minimise noise made by machinery a significant impact on the environment if a range of wherever possible. environmental minimisation and management measures Visual impacts are carried out. The proposal would increase the size and visibility of the highway with the addition of a flyover. A design and landscape Key considerations for assessment strategy has been developed to help reduce this impact. The following areas of potential impact have been identified in the environmental investigations. The environmental Proposed construction assessment describes these impacts and activities to reduce them. There would be some increased travel times along sections of the New England Highway and Golden Highway during Property and access construction of the proposal. The proposal would result in a loss of agricultural land and A minimum of one lane would be maintained in permanently change the property access arrangements of each direction on the New England Highway during one private property. peak travel times. Ongoing consultation with affected property owners, A reduced speed limit would be implemented for traffic businesses and the wider community would minimise impacts. through the construction zone and traffic management Biodiversity would be in place to reduce impacts. The proposal would involve removing native vegetation, We would notify road users of any changes to traffic resulting in less habitat for a range of birds and mammals. throughout the construction of the project. This would impact on threatened species and the connectivity of fauna habitat. The completed proposal would reduce delays during peak periods at the New England Highway and the Golden An aerial fauna crossing over the New England Highway Highway intersection, especially for traffic turning right would be provided to help offset this loss. A biodiversity offset from the Golden Highway. It would also improve average strategy would be developed to reduce potential impacts. peak hour travel times on the New England Highway Aboriginal heritage and improve road safety between Belford and the Golden Highway. Aboriginal archaeological sites of moderate significance would be impacted by the proposal. A methodology for salvaging artefacts from these sites before construction has been developed, in consultation with the local Aboriginal community.

Artist impression: Right turn flyover from the Golden Highway to the Artist impression: New England Highway, new divided road heading east New England Highway towards Maitland Involving the community Next steps and stakeholders We invite your feedback on the environmental assessment The preferred option for the upgrade was displayed for by Friday, 28 July 2017. comment in May 2015. We will consider the feedback received in finalising The feedback received was considered in preparing the proposal. the environmental assessment and concept design. The timing of construction is not yet confirmed. We are working with the community and stakeholders during planning to identify issues and minimise potential SCOPING AND INVESTIGATION impacts of the proposed upgrade and construction activities.


We invite your feedback on the environmental assessment WE DISPLAY CONCEPT DESIGN AND ARE by Friday, 28 July 2017. HERE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT


[email protected] DETAILED DESIGN Andrew Thompson Senior Project Development Officer AWARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Roads and Maritime Services Locked Bag 2030 Newcastle NSW 2300 START BUILDING

More information is also available at OPEN TO TRAFFIC

Visit a display This document contains important You can collect a project update or view the display information about road projects in your between 9am and 4.30pm from Monday to Friday until area. If you require the services of an Friday, 28 July 2017 at the Singleton Service NSW Centre interpreter, please contact the Translating at 158 John Street, Singleton. and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call the project team on 1800 631 531. The environmental assessment and more information The interpreter will then assist you with translation. are also available at

Intersection Improving Save travel time improvements safety

June 2017 RMS 17.303

Privacy Roads and Maritime Services (“RMS”) is subject to the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (“PPIP Act”) which requires that we comply with the Information Privacy Principles set out in the PPIP Act. All information in correspondence is collected for the sole purpose of delivering this project. The information received, including names and addresses of respondents, may be published in subsequent documents unless a clear indication is given in the correspondence that all or part of that information is not to be published. Otherwise RMS will only disclose your personal information, without your consent, if authorised by the law. Your personal information will be held by RMS at 266 King Street, Newcastle. You have the right to access and correct the information if you believe that it is incorrect.