PART OF © , 2020. This publication does not involve the in liability of any kind Published by the Covenant of Mayors – Europe Office in March 2020

Designed by Wilma Dragonetti, EUROCITIES

Learn more about climate adaptation and mitigation opportunities for your & Climate Action Plans on the Covenant of Mayors – Europe website!

This publication does not involve the European Commission in liability of any kind. INTRODUCTION

What is the twinning programme?

Starting in 2017, the CoM developed this programme with the aim of increasing local authorities’ capacity to mitigate and adapt to while creating long-term partnerships between European, local and other subnational authorities. Two waves of twinnings have since been launched – 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 – each consisting of 7 pairs of twinned entities. By the end of 2019, fourteen partnerships will have been developed leading to long-lasting cooperation. What do the twinning visits involve?

Two funded visits per twinning facilitate an exchange of expertise in which cities gain inspiration on how to become more resilient and reduce emissions. After the initial visit, the two cities work together to develop a roadmap, outlining the challenges they each face and areas on which they would like to focus in the final return visit. This is also an opportunity for the visiting city to reflect on what they have learnt – the measures presented by the host city – and consider if and how these could be replicated in their city. Additional activities are considered and outlined before the return visit In this publication, you will find the ‘reports’ of a selection of visits from the 2017-2018 twinning programme. These visual reports summarise the twinning programme by outlining what each city feels is their strength, the challenges they each face, the learning objectives they each set for the programme and their ‘results’ – what actions they are taking forward as a result of the programme. Measures taken forward include the introduction of a digital map of the city for citizens to suggest new urban developments, the development of supra-municipal Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPS), and the planning of a ‘library’ for the reuse of household appliances (eg. tools). These innovative ideas highlight just some of the many measures that cities are taking to tackle climate change. We hope they will inspire further action amongst cities across Europe. ALBERTSLUND twinned with LJUNGBY CHALLENGES STRENGTHS

Energy retrofitting of private housing as well as public buildings

The exchange with Albertslund has inspired me to think of new ways to develop Continuing increase in both small details and large infrastructure LJUNGBY, SE private car ownership investments in Ljungby. The most important 28,312 inhabitants thing, however, is that the exchange has contributed to a new mindset. We aim to continue to cooperate with Albertslund. ALBERTSLUND Moving towards the - Magnus Gunnarson, Mayor of Ljungby Covenant 2030 targets

Citizen involvement representing different age groups & ethnicities

It was very inspiring to visit Ljungby and A large share of transportation is done get an insight into how they work with by car because of long distances & limited access to public transport climate-related issues regarding energy ALBERSTLUND, DK savings, food policy and urban development. - Maja Grønkjær, Energy and Development consultant 27,000 inhabitants for the city of Albertslund Increase in energy use both for transport & in households LJUNGBY

Need to develop new energy & climate plan, as well as a SECAP Date of twinning 24 May 2018 5-6 February 2019 15 November 2017 Visit in Albertslund Visit in Liungby CHALLENGES STRENGTHS LEARNING OBJECTIVES RESULTS FROM VISITS

Explore optimisation of Strong political emphasis on New ideas for how to work environment & climate issues the heat consumption of with the planning of climate- municipal buildings friendly residential areas EMAS-certified municipal organisation Adopt Ljungby’s method of localising making environmental Inputs on how to integrate the SDGs in SDGs & cooperating with strategic & climate issues Monitoring the local sustainability & climate work planners from different departments relevant to all units energy consumption & CO2 emissions Plan to work with suppliers to create more visibility around food Actions to create energy savings both in use in pre-school 88% emissions reduction target private & municipal buildings from electricity consumption by 2025 Inputs on integrating Consider the introduction of a digital adaptation measures &/or map for citizens to suggest new Long tradition of involving mitigation efforts citizens urban developments

New method for evaluating Planning for a new Using Albertslund’s sustainable development residential area in Inspiration for solutions & actions Klimastrategi strategies, and land & water use the city, including towards 2030, especially in transport 2017-2025 as based on the 2030 Agenda sustainable inspiration solutions for for the new transport, Municipal Energy energy, waste & Plan & SECAP Since 2005 energy savings in public social inclusion buildings are a priority and energy use decreased by 15%

Working to reduce food waste Taking inspiration from and set CO2 targets for lunches Albertslund, Ljungby plans to served at municipal schools, daycare, separate transport infrastructure retirement homes etc. for bicycles and cars FORMIGINE twinned with XIRIVELLA CHALLENGES STRENGTHS

The Twinning programme allowed us to share knowledge and experience with another European city about climate Address mobility issues as change, mobility, public lighting system, energy, circular part of a larger framework economy and waste management. In particular, in Xirivella with neighbouring we have seen an interesting example of an integrated municipalities transport system (bike points, car parks, public transport network) which could be adopted in Formigine in order to

improve the connections with neighbouring municipalities, FORMIGINE which is one of the biggest challenges of the city. We aim to FORMIGINE, IT Increase circular strengthen the positive relationship created with the city of economy measures Xirivella by participating together in other European projects. 34,723 inhabitants - Maria Costi, Mayor of Formigine - Giorgia Bartoli, Municipal Councilor to Environment and Agriculture, Transparency, Simplification and Innovation, Fund Research

Improve the accessibility for those with reduced mobility

It has been an enriching experience sharing knowledge, expertise and good Transform public spaces practices. Ideas such as the ‘library of into sustainable and friendly objects’ can be taken and implemented in environments our own context. It has also created a bond XIRIVELLA, ES of friendship with Formigine to continue working on other projects together. 28,963 inhabitants Promote alternative - Ricard Barberà-Guillem, former Mayor of Xirivella XIRIVELLA public transport

Boost sustainable metropolitan mobility based on accessibility and low-carbon economy, fostering infrastructure and services adapted Date of twinning 17-18 September 2018 Date of twinning roadmap 14-15 March 2019 to the citizens’ needs March 2018 Visit in Formigine 21 December 2018 Visit in Xirivella CHALLENGES STRENGTHS LEARNING OBJECTIVES RESULTS FROM VISITS

Modernised public lighting system through Inspired by Xirivella’s Comparing urban Energy Performance Contract (EPC) with a video Exchange best and worst practice ideas transport system, and mobility surveillance system used for public safety in relation to smart street lighting the neighbouring plans with that of municipalities of Xirivella to identify Formigine jointly transferable Waste management system Explore how Xirivella’s public adopted a supra- aspects transport system connects the town municipal Sustainable to the wider province of Valencia Urban Mobility Plan Strict guidelines for reducing CO 2 (SUMP) in April 2019 emissions for new buildings How to increase awareness & acceptance of bike sharing and ‘Library of objects’ as a best practice of increase sustainable mobility circular economy & social inclusion Continue exchanging best practice ideas with Xirivella on climate and Explore how Xirivella actively involves energy, in particular to help them Formigine’s green heritage (67 parks its citizens in issues related to 2 draft their SEAP/SECAP and 25 m of public green space per sustainable mobility inhabitant)

Progressive policies for Encouraging citizen Develop partnerships for the Inspired by Formigine, Xirivella will sustainable urban mobility: participation in exchange of best practices in develop new ways to eliminate fibre speed limit of 30km/h (and mobility themes environmental policy, notably cement – resulting from building no traffic lights (e.g. Sustainable related to implementation of renovations since 2002), and Urban Mobility Plan climate & energy projects mobility solutions (SUMP) that involve several municipalities By the end of 2019: planning a (such as a public network of ‘library’ for the reuse of household bikes) Explore common difficulties and appliances - inspired by Formigine - solutions for energy efficiency, in collaboration with organisations circular economy and waste working with people at risk Strong measures to address climate management with twinned partner change: development of energy efficiency programmes for municipal buildings & facilities, and mobile facilities Exchanging ideas with to collect toxic domestic waste Formigine focusing on energy or waste collection LEEDS twinned with BREDA CHALLENGES STRENGTHS

Improve biodiversity

The visit to Breda provided us with many exciting and innovative ideas. We are Build sustainability disseminating these widely as part of our LEEDS, UK into events Climate Emergency planning for Zero Carbon 751,500 inhabitants and our general sustainability mission and LEEDS vision. An invaluable experience. Deliver wind energy

- Councillor Garthwait, Leeds City Council. Innovate communication about climate change

It is at local level that the challenging Organise and deliver district ambitions set by The European Commission heating in the European Green Deal need to become reality. I strongly believe in the added value BREDA, NL Integrate energy in of sharing knowledge and best practices spatial planning and move 184,000 inhabitants towards a district approach between cities in Europe, especially when it comes to energy transition and fighting climate change. Past two years Breda learned Develop partnership a lot from our twinning with the city of Leeds. organisation and work BREDA - Paul Depla, Mayor of Breda

Improve domestic energy efficiency in relation to energy poverty

Develop hydrogen Date of twinning 18-20 April 2018 Date of twinning roadmap 16-17 May 2019 November 2017 Visit in Leeds September 2018 Visit in Breda CHALLENGES STRENGTHS LEARNING OBJECTIVES RESULTS FROM VISITS

Ambition for inclusive growth Insight into a sustainability framework for events Gain new ideas across a Approach to air quality, broad spectrum of areas e.g. the introduction of the Details of how sustainability can Clean Air Zone be built into procurement

Supportive planning policy, See how another city works linked to the delivery of a with its communities to A new approach to engaging district heating network foster support with children across the city

Leeds Climate Commission Interesting communication gathering various city materials to adopt for Leeds departments, the University and climate conversation with other stakeholders citizens (summer 2019)

Implement a district approach on energy Strong ambition. Breda aims to such as energy saving and sustainable Integration of energy savings and be the first European city in a energy action on existing houses sustainable energy measures as green park by 2030 well as financing mechanisms for Better coordinate with other low-income households internal departments Integrated approaches to tackle multiple challenges – for example, Organise a partnership approach Breda links climate adaptation to with stakeholders at all levels related challenges biodiversity, Cooperation with stakeholders on health and quality of life energy transition: an energy Use networks for heat resilience transition coordination group with different stakeholders Use evidence based strategic operates at neighbourhood-level and operational decisions to make and collaborates with the city Existing action plans for and energy related choices administration by stakeholders Learn from Leeds H21 hydrogen project UDINE twinned with ZADAR CHALLENGES STRENGTHS

Financing of climate mitigation and adaptation actions

Two cities from different States and with Energy efficient different issues, but with in common the municipal buildings commitment to the city and citizens to take Sustainable mobility proactive actions to improve the quality of life (especially during the touristic of citizens and make their city more attractive

and liveable. UDINE Tourism pressure - Agnese Presotto, Architect, Agency for Environmental Policies and Energy Management, city of Udine Climate adaptation challenges UDINE, IT 99,341 inhabitants Water management and supply on islands During the visit in Udine delegation of the City of Zadar was introduced with very Prevention of floods interesting projects and learned about more sustainable materials for the energy efficient construction that also don’t have any harmful effect on health. Also visited a Financing very impressive Udine district heating power station which provides energy to the city Energy efficient municipal buildings hospital, university, five schools, sport center ZADAR, HR and several residential buildings. It is also a 168,302 inhabitants trigeneration plant. Also twinning partners Sustainable mobility had a very fruitful and interesting discussion on the implemented projects and activities in ZADAR both visits. Tourism pressure - Ana Baljo, Head of Section for Energy Efficiency, city of Zadar Water management and supply on islands

Prevention of floods Date of twinning 25 September 2018 28-29 November 2019 November 2017 Visit in Udine Visit in Zadar CHALLENGES STRENGTHS LEARNING OBJECTIVES RESULTS FROM VISITS

Replicating the energy monitoring Have a sound experience in system for electric energy and water Implement innovative financing European collaboration projects consumptions. For every building, we schemes for energy and climate projects can interrogate the system and have monthly consumption and money Having set up Implementing a systematic energy spent and summary information on a objective up to 2030 management in public buildings yearly basis.

Have a monitoring and Define adaptation measures environmental management system and projects Collaboration: through the Compete4SECAP in place for more than 10 years (C4S) project aiming to transform existing SEAPs into Sustainable Energy Have strong collaborations with Promote awareness raising and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs). territorial actors (University, campaigns on energy efficiency Together with Zadar, we will explore private companies, associations) and climate change resilience the next EU programming period on the model of quadruple helix among citizens, students, families (especially within the Interreg ITA-HR Programme) for opportunities to collaborate

Financing (innovative Inspired by the ‘Via Baldasseria’ eco-friendly financing schemes) school project, we are assessing the feasibility of replicating this with measures such as Political commitment transparent facades, radiant floor panels, Water management and supply geothermal heating with an energy recovery system, thermal solar panels and rainwater recycle system. EE & RES projects Sustainable mobility We exchanged knowledge to find solutions to shared problems, for example on our experiences with ISO Waste management 50001 to improve energy efficiency.

Energy management We will continue to work through To gain the good examples of practice the C4S project and find further that could be applied in Zadar opportunities for collaboration VAASA twinned with GHENT CHALLENGES STRENGTHS

VAASA, FI Internal competition concerning Based on our applications an idea of resources what could possibly be learnt from Ghent, 66,405 inhabitants but through the successful and very friendly and open discussions, so much more was learned and discussed and a fruitful Need to strengthen leadership / management and commitment to knowledge transfer took place. A solid basis VAASA energy and climate program for continuing relations and knowledge exchange was created thanks to the twinning programme. - Maria Backman, Development Manager, Vaasa

Via the twinning programme of CoM you Creating alliances with stakeholders active in the city get to know your twinning city more in depth. You not only learn about their successes, but also on their failures and the way the city Tackling scope 3 emissions and GHENT, BE avoiding the CoM scope as a potential handled with them. You really can build a 248,358 inhabitants lock in (e.g. use consumption to make long-lasting relationship. production more sustainable, potential - Cathy De Bruyne, Director of the Ghent’s Service for for CCU and circular economy and Environment and Climate include waste/materials) GHENT

Financing the energy transition

Reducing emissions from

Date of twinning 18-20 April 2018 Date of twinning roadmap 12-14 June 2019 industry and tertiary sector November 2017 Visit in Vaasa September 2018 Visit in Ghent CHALLENGES STRENGTHS LEARNING OBJECTIVES RESULTS FROM VISITS

Vaasa is known for its unique way of The Ghent’s approach to stakeholder Further learning on strategic leadership, cooperation. The city has a proactive engagement and management – management and engagement role in facilitating cooperation with replicable factors and lessons learnt concerning energy- and climate issues companies, universities, public and – will be considered in the update of and sustainable development third sector and citizens The Vaasa City Strategy in the next 2 years The energy consulting approach, The Nordic Energy Hub, situated in Vaasa, towards citizens as well as companies. Inspired by Ghent’s energy coaching houses expertise in energy technology and energy grants, Vaasa has opened research and competence, and contributes a survey aimed at SMEs to understand 30% of the energy technology export from The way of communicating what help we could offer in relation to Finland and engaging reducing their emissions.

We also learned to reflect on our own strengths and development possibilities

Skype meetings with experts of Vaasa on Encouraging bottom up the energy production of the waste facility projects with citizens Cooperation between city/university/ and the way government, universities and companies in building an energy hub industry are working together within the “Energy hub” Vaasa is. The services Ghent offers for households [to renovate their houses in an energy efficient way]: the energy Learning from Vaasa’s experience of central as a one stop shop for free Production of biogas from working with knowledge institutions, advice, guidance, grants and loans. organic waste: insight in the the city of Ghent in partnership with business case and research Ghent University, North Sea Port, the transferability to the Gent and other industry, are developing a The services Ghent offers for companies situation business case for CCU. Financing the energy transition (energy coaching, monitoring, grants)

Leadership and Insights gained are now being management of the climate used in drawing up a new climate challenge on the city level plan for 2020-2030 PART OF PART OF © European Union, 2020. This publication does not involve the European Commission in liability of any kind