
Modern Europe, 1750-2000: Ideologies, Institutions and the Modern European State

D’Maris Coffman Field Exam List, 2005 (537 titles)

I. Conceptual Models (= 14 titles) 1. Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities. 2. Anderson, Perry. Lineages of the Absolutist State 3. Ball, Terence, James Farr and Russell L. Hanson, eds, Political Innovation and Conceptual Change, 1989. 4. Gerschenkron, Alexander. Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective. 5. Giddens, Anthony. Modernity and Self-Identity. 6. Habermas, Jurgen. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. 7. Lowell, A.L. Government and Parties in Continental Europe. 8. Poggi, Gianfranco. The Development of the Modern State. 9. Rostow, Walter. Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto and Economics of Sustained Take-off into Growth. 10. Schumpeter, Joseph A. Imperialism and Social Classes. 11. Trebilcock, Clive. Future of the Past. Big Questions in History. 12. Wallerstein, The Modern World System, vol. 3, The Second Era of Great Expansion of the Capitalist World-Economy 1730s-1840s. (v. 1-2 on TMS list). 13. Veblen, Thorstein. Theory of the Leisure Class (2001). 14. Weber, Max. Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

II. The Ancien Regime & Enlightenment (= 37 titles) State, Economy and Society (20 titles) 1. Behrens, C. B. A. Ancien Régime (London, 1967) 2. Behrens, C. B. A. Society, Government and the Enlightenment: the Experiences of Eighteenth- Century France and Prussia (1985) 3. Blanning, T.C.W. Joseph II 4. Bosher, J. F. French Finances 1770-1795, from business to bureaucracy (Cambridge, 1970). 5. Brewer, John. The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century. 6. Brewer, John and Eckhardt Hellmuth (ed.). Rethinking Leviathan: the Eighteenth-Century State in Britain and Germany (Oxford, 1999) 7. Collins, James B. The State in Early Modern France (Cambridge, 1995) 8. Doyle, William. Venality: the sale of offices in eighteenth-century France. (Oxford, 1996). 9. Duffy, Christopher. The Army of Frederick the Great. (1974) 10. Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, The Ancien Régime: A History of France, 1610-1774, 1996. 11. Matthews, George Tennyson. The royal general farms in eighteenth-century France. (1958) 12. McKendrick, Neil. The Birth of Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth- Century England. 13. McKendrick, Neil. “Josiah Wedgwood and Factory Discipline” in The Historical Journal, IV, 1 (1961): pp. 30-55. 14. Mousnier, Roland. The Institutions of France under the absolute monarchy, 1598-1789. 2 vols. (, 1979, 1984) 15. Ogilvie, Sheilagh C., and Cerman, Markus, eds, European Proto-Industrialization, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996 16. Palmer, R.R. The Age of the Democratic Revolution

D'Maris Coffman Page 1 9/11/05 17. Plumb, J.H. The Growth of Political Stability in England (1967). 18. Scott, H.M. Enlightened Absolutism. Reform and Reformers in Later Eighteenth-Century Europe. 19. Shennan, J.H. The Parlement of (London, 1968) 20. Tocqueville, Alexis. The Old Regime and the French Revolution.

Intellectual and Political Culture (17 titles) 1. Blanning, T.C.W. The Culture of Power and the Power of Culture: Old Regime, 1660-1789 2. Brunschwig, Henri. Enlightenment and Romanticism in Eighteenth-Century Prussia. 3. Calhoun, Craig, ed. Habermas and the Public Sphere. 4. Clark, C.M. The politics of conversion: missionary Protestantism and the Jews in Prussia 1728-1941 5. Colley, Linda, Britons: Forging , 1707-1837, 1992. 6. Darnton, Robert. Mesmerism and the End of the Enlightenment in France. 7. Fried, Michael. Absorption and Theatricality. Painting and the Beholder in the Age of Diderot. 8. Fulbrook, Mary. Piety and Politics: Religion and the Rise of Absolutism in England, Wurttemberg, and Prussia 9. Gawthrop, R., Pietism and the Making of 18th Century Prussia, 1993. 10. Hof, Ulrich Im. The Enlightenment. 11. Hull, Isabell V. Sexuality, State and Civil Society in Germany, 1700-1815. 12. Isherwood, Robert M. Farce and Fantasy: Popular Entertainment in Eighteenth-Century Paris. 13. Jacob, Margaret. Scientific Culture in the Making of the Industrial West 14. Manuel, Frank. The Eighteenth-Century Confronts the Gods. 15. McManners, John. Death in the Enlightenment: Changing Attitudes Towards Death among Christians and Unbelievers in eighteenth-century France. 16. Pocock, John. Virtue, Commerce and History. 17. Rothkrug, Lionel. Opposition to Louis XIV: the Political and Social Origins of the French Enlightenment (Princeton, 1965).

III. The French Revolution & Napoleonic Empire (=29 titles) Origins 1. Burke, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution in France. 2. Chartier, Roger. The Cultural Origins of the French Revolution 3. Doyle, William. Origins of the French Revolution 4. Furet, François. Interpreting the French Revolution. 5. van Kley, Dale. The Religious Origins of the French Revolution.

Marxist Interpretation and critics 6. Cobban, Alfred. The Social Interpretation of the French Revolution 7. Lefebvre, Georges. The Coming of the French Revolution. 8. Rudé, George. The Crowd in the French Revolution. 9. Soboul, Albert. The Sans-Culottes.

Political Culture 10. Aston, Nigel. Religion and Revolution in France, 1780-1804. 11. Baker, Keith Michael, Inventing the French Revolution, 1990. 12. Hunt, Lynn. Politics, Culture and Class in the French Revolution. 13. Garrioch, David. The Making of Revolutionary Paris. 14. Gough, Hugh. Terror in the French Revolution 15. Palmer, R.R. The Twelve Who Ruled.

D'Maris Coffman Page 2 9/11/05 16. Tackett, Timothy. Becoming a Revolutionary.

Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Empire 17. Bertaud, Jean-Paul. The Army of the French Revolution: From Citizen-soldiers to Instruments of Power 18. Blanning, T.C.W. The Origins of the French Revolutionary Wars 19. Bergeron, Louis. France Under Napoleon 20. Broers, Michael. Europe Under Napoleon. 21. Broers, Michael. Napoleonic Imperialism and the Savoyard Monarchy, 1773-1821: State- building in Piedmont. 22. Chandler, David. The Campaigns of Napoleon. 23. Connelly, Owen. Napoleon’s Satellite Kingdoms. 24. Crouzet, François, ‘Wars, Blockade and Economic Change in Europe, 1792-1815’, Journal of Economic History, XXIV, 1964. 25. Forrest, Alan. Conscripts and Deserters: The Army and French Society during the Revolution and Empire. 26. Schom, Alan. One Hundred Days: Napoleon’s Road to Waterloo. 27. Tulard, Jean. Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour, 1977. 28. Woolfe, Stuart. Napoleon’s Integration of Europe. 29. Wolloch, Isser. The New Regime: Transformations of French Civic Order.

IV. Restoration, Reaction & Romanticism (=18 titles) 1. Blackbourn, David. The Long Nineteenth Century: A History of Germany, 1780-1918. 2. Broers, Michael. Europe After Napoleon. 3. Broers, Michael. Napoleonic Imperialism and the Savoyard Monarchy. 4. Charlton, D.G., ed., The French Romantics, 1984. 5. Hinsely, F.H. Power and the Pursuit of Peace. 6. Jardin, A., Restoration and Reaction 1815-1848, 1983. 7. Kraehe, Enno E. Metternich’s German Policy. 8. Lüdtke, Alf. Police and State in Prussia, 1815-1850. 9. Macartney, C.A. The Habsburg Empire, 1790-1918. 8. Menhennet, Alan, The Romantic Movement, 1981. 9. Nipperdey, Thomas, Germany from Napoleon to Bismarck. 10. Palmer, Alan. Metternich. 11. Paret, Peter. Yorck and the Era of Prussian Reform, 1807-1815 12. Pilbeam, Pamela. The 1830 Revolution in France. 13. Porter, R., and Teich, M., eds, Romanticism in National Context, 1988. 14. Reiss, Hans, ed., The Political Thought of the German Romantics, 1955. 15. Richardson, Nicholas. The French Prefectoral Corps, 1814-1830. 16. Rosenberg, Hans. Bureaucracy, Aristocracy and Autocracy: The Prussian Experience. 17. Simms, Brendan. The Struggle for Mastery in Germany, 1779-1850. 18. Woolf, Stuart. A History of Italy 1700-1860: The Social Constraints of Political Change.

V. The and Social Adjustment (=23 titles) 1. Berend, I.T., and Ránki, G., The European Periphery and Industrialization, 1982. 2. Clapham, J.H., The Economic Development of France and Germany, 1815-1914, 1921. 3. de Grazia, Victoria and Furlough, Ellen, (eds.), The Sex of Things: Gender and Consumption in Historical Perspective, Berkeley and , 1996. 4. Davis, John A., Conflict and Control: Law and Order in Nineteenth Century Italy, 1988. 5. Evans, Richard J., and Lee, W.R., eds, The German Peasantry: Conflict and Community in Rural Society from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Centuries, London, 1986.

D'Maris Coffman Page 3 9/11/05 6. Gerschenkron, Alexander. An Economic Spurt that Failed 7. Katznelson, Ira and Zolberg, Aristide R. ,eds., Working-Class Formation, 1986. 8. Kocka, Jürgen, and Mitchell, Allan, eds, Bourgeois Society in Nineteenth Century Europe, 1993. 9. Kriedte, Peter; Medick, Hans and Schlumbohm, Jürgen, Industrialization Before Industrialization: Rural Industry in the Genesis of Capitalism, 1981. 10. Lee, W.R., ed., Industrialisation and Industrial Growth in Germany, 1986. 11. Maza, Sarah, The Myth of the French Bourgeoisie: An Essay on the Social Imaginary, 1750- 1850, 2003. 12. Miller, Michael B., The Bon Marché: Bourgeois Culture and the Department Store, 1869– 1920, Princeton, 1981. 13. Moeller, Robert G., ed., Peasants and Lords in Modern Germany, 1986. 15. Petrusewicz, M., Latifundium: Moral Economy and Material in the European Periphery, Ann Arbor, 1996. 16. Pilbeam, Pamela, The Middle Classes in Europe, 1789-1914, 1990. 17. Sewell, W.H. Work and Revolution in France: the Language of Labour from the Old Regime to 1848, 1980. 18. Sylla, R., and Toniolo, G., Patterns of European Industrialization. 19. Traugoott, Mark, Armies of the Poor, 1985. 20. Trebilcock, Clive., The Industrialization of the Continental Powers. 21. Youngson, A.J., ed., Economic Development in the Long Run. 22. Weber, Eugen, Peasants into Frenchmen, 1976. 23. Woolf, Stuart, The Poor in Western Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, 1986.

VI. Nationalism and Liberalism, 1848-1870 (=25 titles) 1. Agulhon, Maurice. The Republican Experiment, 1848-1852. 2. Barclay, David E., Frederick William IV and the Prussian Monarchy, Oxford, 1995. 3. Beales, David E. The Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy, 1981. 4. Clark, C.M., ‘Germany 1815-1848: Restoration or Pre-March?’ in M. Fulbrook, ed., German History Since 1800, 1997. 5. Clark, T.J. The Absolute Bourgeois: Artists and Politics in France, 1848-1851. 6. Davis, J. A., (ed.), Gramsci and Italy’s Passive Revolution, London, 1979. 7. de Tocqueville, Alexis, Recollections. 8. Deák, Istvan. The Lawful Revolution: Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians, 1848-1849. 9. Deák, Istvan. Beyond Nationalism: A Social History of the Habsburg Officer Corps 1848-1918. 10. Evans, R.J.W., ‘From Confederation to Compromise: The Austrian Experiment, 1849-1867’, Proceedings of the British Academy, 87, 1994, pp.135-67.1986. 11. Jelavich, Barbara. History of the Balkans in the 18th and 19th centuries. 12. Marx, Karl. Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. 13. Mack Smith, Denis, Mazzini, 1994. 14. Mack Smith, Denis, Cavour and Garibaldi: A Study in Political Conflict, 1985. 15. Margadant, Ted W. French Peasants in Revolt: The Insurrection of 1851. 16. Merriman, John M. The Agony of the Republic: The Repression of the Left in Revolutionary France, 1848-1851. 17. Mosse, G.L., The Nationalization of the Masses. Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany from the Napoleonic Wars Through the Third Reich, New York, Meridian, 1975. 18. Price, Roger, The French Second Empire: An Anatomy of Political Power, Cambridge, 2001. 19. Riall, Lucy, The Italian Risorgimento. State, Society and National Unification, 1994. 20. Riall, Lucy. Sicily and the Unification of Italy. 21. Sheehan, James J. German Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century, 1978. 22. Sperber, Jonathan. The European Revolutions: 1848-1851, 1994

D'Maris Coffman Page 4 9/11/05 23. Sperber, Jonathan. Rhineland Radicals: The Democratic Movement and the Revolution of 1848-1849. 24. Stearns, Peter. 1848: The Revolutionary Tide in Europe. (1974) 25. Tombs, Robert, The Paris Commune, 1999.

VII. Imperial Germany and Liberal Britain (=48 titles) Parallels and Rivalries (=4 titles) 1. Kennedy, Paul. Rise of Anglo-German Antagonism. 2. Mommsen, Wolfgang, Britain and Germany, 1800-1914: Two Developmental Paths towards Industrial Society, 1986. 3. Mommsen, W.J., and Husing, H.G., eds, The Development of Trade Unionism in Great Britain and Germany, 1880-1914, 1985. 4. Sontag, Raymond. Germany and England.

Imperial Germany (=22 titles) 1. Anderson, Margaret Lavinia, Practicing Democracy: Elections and Political Culture in Imperial Germany, 2000. 2. Anderson, Margaret Lavinia. Windthorst : a political biography (Oxford, 1981). 3. Blackbourne, David E. Frederick William IV and the Prussian Monarchy, 1995. 4. Berghahn, Volker. Imperial Germany 1871-1914. Economy, Society, Culture and Politics, 1994. 5. Blackbourne, David and Geoff Eley. The Peculiarities of German History. 6. Clark, C.M., Kaiser Wilhelm II, 2000 7. Craig, G.A., The Politics of the Prussian Army: 1640-1945, 1955 8. Crew, David F. Town on the Ruhr: A Social History of Bochum, 1860-1914. 9. Gall, Lothar, Bismarck: The White Revolutionary, 1986. 10. Gerschenkron, Alexander, Bread and Democracy in Germany. 11. Lerman, K.A., The Chancellor as Courtier. Bernhard von Bülow and the Governance of Germany, 1900-1909, 1990. 12. Mombauer, Annika. Helmuth von Moltke and the origins of the First World War. (2001) 13. Mommsen, Wolfgang. Imperial Germany 1867-1918. 14. Pflanze, Otto, Bismarck and the Development of Germany, 1990. 15. Retallack, James, Notables of the Right. The Conservative Party and Political Mobilization in Germany 1876-1918, 1988. 16. Röhl, John C. G. Germany without Bismarck: The Crisis of Government in the Second Reich, 1890-1900. (1967) 17. Röhl, John C. G. The Kaiser and His Court: Wilhelm II and the Government of Germany (1994) 18. Röhl, John C. G. Wilhelm II: the Kaiser’s Personal Monarchy. (Cambridge, 2004). 19. Schoenbaum, D., Zabern 1913. Consensus Politics in Imperial Germany, 1981. 20. Showalter, D., Railroads and Rifles: Soldiers, and the Unification of Germany. 21. Steinberg, Jonathan. Yesterday’s Deterrent: Tirpitz and the Birth of the German Battle Fleet. 22. Wehler, Hans-Ulrich, The German Empire 1871-1918, (1973) 1985.

Liberal Britain (=22 titles) 1. Beales, Derek. From Castlereagh to Gladstone, 1815-1885. 2. Biagini, Eugenio, Gladstone, 2000. 3. Briggs, Asa. The Age of Improvement, 1783-1867. 4. Brinton, Crane. English Political Thought in the Nineteenth-Century. 5. Cannadine, David. The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy.

D'Maris Coffman Page 5 9/11/05 6. Clegg, H.A.; Fox, A. and Thompson, A.F., A History of British Trade Unions Since 1889, 1964. 7. Dangerfield, George. The Strange Death of Liberal England. 8. Daunton, Martin. Progress and poverty: an economic and social history of Britain 1700-1850 9. Gilley, Sheridan. Newman and His Age. 10. Hoppen, K. Theodore. The Mid-Victorian Generation 1846-1886. 11. Jenkins, T.A., The Liberal Ascendancy, 1830-1886, 1994. 12. O’Gorman, Frank, Voters, Patrons and Parties: the Unreformed Electoral System of Hanoverian England 1734-1832, 1989. 13. Matthew, H.C.G. Gladstone 1809-1898. 14. Persico, Nicola. "Why Did the Elites Extend the Suffrage? Democracy and the Scope of Government, With an Application to Britain's `Age of Reform,'" The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 15. Pugh, Martin, The Making of Modern British Politics, 1867-1939, 1982. 16. Reid, Alistair J. and Henry Pelling. Short History of the Labour Party, 1996. 17. Rubinstein, W.D., Britain's Century: A Political and Social History, 1815-1905, 1998. 18. Searle, G.R. A New England? Peace and War 1886-1918 19. Shannon, Richard, The Age of Disraeli, 1868-1881. The Rise of Tory Democracy, 1992. 20. Stedman Jones, Gareth, Languages of Class: Studies in English working class history, 1832- 1982, 1983 21. Thompson, E.P., The Making of the English Working Class, 1963. 22. Vernon, James, ed., Re-reading the constitution: new narratives in the political history of England's long nineteenth century, 1996.

VIII. Imperial Russia (=17 titles) 1. Ascher, Abraham. The Revolution of 1905. 2. Bonnel, Victoria E. Roots of Rebellion: Workers’ Politics and Organizations in St. Petersburg and Moscow, 1900-1914. 3. Brooks, Jeffery. When Russia Learned to Read: Literacy and Popular Literature, 1861-1917. 4. Brower, Daniel, The Russian City between Tradition and Modernity 1850-1900, 1990. 5. Eklof, Ben; Bushnell, John, and Zakharova, Larissa, eds., Russia’s Great Reforms, 1855-1881, Bloomington, 1994. 6. Freeze, Gregory L. The Russian Levites: Parish Clergy in the Eighteenth Century (1977). 7. Freeze, Gregory L. From Supplication to Revolution: A Documentary Social History of Imperial Russia. (New York: Oxford, 1988). 8. Gatrell, Peter. The Tsarist Economy 1850-1917. 9. Hoch, Steven, Serfdom and Social Control in Russia: Petrovskoe, A Village in Tambov, 1986. 10. Kagan, Frederick W. The Military Reforms of Nicholas I. 11. Kizenko, Nadieszda. A Prodigal Saint: Father John of Kronstadt and the Russian People. 12. Kotsonis, Yanni, Making Peasants Backward: Agricultural cooperatives and the Agrarian question in Russia, 1861-1914, New York,. St. Martin's Press, 1999. 13. Lieven, Dominic, Nicholas II: Emperor of all the Russias, 1994. 14. Nathans, Ben, Beyond the Pale: The Jewish Encounter with Late Imperial Russia, 2002. 15. Roggers, Hans. Russia in the Age of Modernisation and Revolution 16. Seton-Watson, Hugh. The Russian Empire 1801-1917. 17. Zelnick, Reginald E. Labor and Society in Tsarist Russia: The Factory Workers of St Petersburg, 1855-1870.

IX. Catholicism and the Black International (=15 titles) 1. Blackbourn, D., Marpingen: Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Bismarckian Germany, 1993.

D'Maris Coffman Page 6 9/11/05 2. Carroll, Michael P., Veiled Threats: The Logic of Popular Catholicism in Italy, Baltimore, 1996. 3. Chadwick, Owen, A History of Popes: 1830–1914, Oxford, 1998. 4. Clark, C. Culture wars: secular-Catholic conflict in nineteenth-century Europe 5. Hale, E.E.Y. Revolution and Papacy. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1966 6. Kent, Peter C. and John F. Pollard. Papal Diplomacy and the Modern Age. 7. Larkin, Maurice, Church and State in France after the Dreyfus Affair, 1974. 8. McLeod, Hugh, European Religion in the Age of the Great Cities, 1830-1930, 1995. 9. McManners, John, Church and State in France, 1870-1914, 1972. 10. Pollard, John F. The unknown pope: Benedict XV (1914-1922) and the pursuit of peace 11. Pollard, John F. Money and the Rise of the Modern Papacy: Financing the Vatican 1850- 1950. 12. Reese, T.J., Inside the Vatican: The Politics and Organization of the Catholic Church, 1996. 13. Sperber, J. Popular Catholicism in Nineteenth-Century Germany (1984) 14. Tallet, Frank and Nicholas Atkin. Religion, Society and Politics in France since 1789, 1991. 15. Tallet, Frank and Nicholas Atkin. Catholicism in Britain and France since 1789. (1996)

X. Fin-de-siècle Europe and Imperialism (=31 titles) 1. Barbour, Stephen. Language and Nationalism in Europe. (Oxford, 2000). 2. Baumgart, W. Imperialism: The Idea and Reality of British and French Colonial Expansion, 1880-1914. 3. Brunschwig, Henri. French Colonialism, 1871-1914. 4. Cannadine, David. Orientalism: How the British Saw their Empire 5. Cohen, G. The Politics of Ethnic Survival: Germans in , 1861-1914 6. Crosby, Alfred W. Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900. 7. Engelstein, Laura, The Keys to Happiness: Sex and the search for Modernity in fin-de-siècle Russia, 1993. 8. Freud, Sigmund. The Interpretation of Dreams. 9. Gay, Peter. Freud: A Life for Our Time. 10. Geary, Dick, ed., Labour and Socialist Movements in Europe before 1914, 1989. 11. Hause, Steven C. and Anne R. Kenney. Women’s Suffrage and Social Politics in the French Third Republic. 12. Hobsbawm, The Age of Empire 1875-1914, 1987. 13. Hochschild, Adam. King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa. 14. Hodgart, Alan. The Economics of European Imperialism. 15. Joll, James. The Anarchists. 16. Judt, Tony, Socialism in Provence 1871-1914, 1979. 17. Lowe, John, Rivalry and Accord: International Relations 1870-1914, 1990. Robinson, Roland (et al). Africa and the Victorians. 18. Magraw, Roger, A History of the French Working Class, 1992. 19. McLellan, David, Karl Marx: His Life and Thought, 1977. 20. Merriman, John. The Red City: Limoges and the French Nineteenth Century. 21. Pulzer, Peter G. The Rise of Political Anti-Semitism in Germany and Austria. 22. Rearick, Charles. Pleasures of the Belle Époque. 23. Schorske, Carl E., Fin de Siècle Vienna. Politics and Culture, 1961. 24. Schorske, Carl E., German Social Democracy 1905-1917, 1955. 25. Seigel, Jerrold. Bohemian Paris: Culture, Politics and the Boundaries of Bourgeois Life. 26. Shattuck, Roger. The Banquet Years: The Origins of the Avant-Garde in France 1885 to World War I. 27. Silverman, Debora L. Art Nouveau in Fin-de-Siècle France: Politics, Psychology and Style.

D'Maris Coffman Page 7 9/11/05 28. Sked, Alan, The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire 1815-1918, 1989. 29. Teich, Mikulás and Roy Porter (eds). Fin-de-Siècle and its Legacy. 30. Vergo, Peter, Art in Vienna, 1898-1918, 1981. 31. Weber, Eugen, France, Fin-de-Siècle, 1986.

XI. Origins and course of World War I (=27 titles) 1. Albertini, Luigi. Origins of the War of 1914. 2. Audoin-Rouzeau, Stéphane. Men at War, 1914-1918: National Sentiment and Trench Journalism in France during the First World War. 3. Becker, Jean-Jacques. The Great War and the French People. 4. Berghahn, V.R., Germany and the Approach of War in 1914, 2nd ed., 1993. 5. Darrow, Margaret H. French Woman and the First World War: War Stories and the Home Front. 6. Eksteins, Modris. Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age. 7. Ferguson, Niall. ‘Public Finance and National Security: The Domestic Origins of the First World War Revisited’, Past and Present, 142, 1994, pp.141-168. 8. Ferguson, Niall. The Pity of War: Explaining World War I. 9. Fischer, Fritz. World Power or Decline: Controversy over Germany’s aims in the First World War. 10. Fussell, Paul. World War I and Modern Memory 11. Gregory, Ross. The Origins of American Intervention in the First World War. 12, Hynes, Samuel. A War Imagined: The First World War and English Culture. 13. Joll, James, The Origins of the First World War, 1983. 14. Keegan, John. The First World War. 15. Kennan, George F. The Fateful Alliance: France, Russia and the Coming of the First World War. 16. Kennedy, P., ed., The War Plans of the Great Powers, 1880-1914, 1979. 17. Liulevicius, Vejas G. War Land on the Eastern Front: Culture, National Identity and German Occupation in World War I. 18. McCarthy, Justin. The Ottoman People and the End of the Empire. 19. Robb, George. British Culture and the First World War. 20. Silver, Kenneth. Espirit de Corps: Avant-Garde Art and the First World War in France. 21. Strachan, Hew. First World War (2004) 22. Steiner, Zara S. The Foreign Office and Foreign Policy, 1898-1914. (1986) 23. Steiner, Zara S. and Keith Neilson. Britain and the Origins of the First World War. (2003) 24. Trachtenberg, M., ‘The Coming of the First World War: A Reassessment’, in M. Trachtenberg, History and Strategy, 1991, pp.47-99. 25. Williamson, S.R., Austria-Hungary and the Origins of the First World War, 1991. 26. Winter, J.M., The Experience of World War I, 1992. 27. Winter, J.M. Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History.

XII. The Second International and the Russian Revolution (=20 titles) 1. Bonnell, Victoria E., Roots of Rebellion: Workers’ Politics and Organizations in St. Petersburg and Moscow, 1900-1914, Berkeley, 1983. 2. Davies, R.W., Mark Harrison and S.G. Wheatcroft (eds.). The Transformation of the Soviet Untion, 1913-1945. 3. Emmons, Terence. The Formation of Political Parties and the First National Elections in Russia. 4. Figes, Orlando. A People’s Tragedy: The Russian Revolution, 1891-1924, 1996. 5. Figes, Orlando. Peasant Russia, Civil War.

D'Maris Coffman Page 8 9/11/05 6. Fitzpatrick, Sheila. The Russian Revolution, 2nd edn., 1994. 7. Gatrell, Peter. A Whole Empire Walking: Refugees in Russia during World War I. 8. Holquist, Peter, Making War, Forging Revolution: Russia's Continuum of Crisis, 1914-1921, 2002. 9. Hosking, Geoffrey. The First Socialist Society: A History of the from Within. 10. Joll, James, The Second International 1889-1914, 1974. 11. Keep, John L.H. The Russian Revolution: A Study in Mass Mobilization. 12. Koenker, Diane. Moscow Workers and the 1917 Russian Revolution. 13. Lenin, What is to be Done? Burning Questions of Our Movement (pub. 1969) 14. Lincoln, W. Bruce. Red Victory: A History of the Russian Civil War, 1918-1921. 15. Pipes, Richard. The Russian Revolution. 16. Rabinowitch, Alexander. The Bolsheviks Come to Power: The Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd. 17. Rosenberg, William G. Liberals in the Russian Revolution: The Constitutional Democratic Party. 18. Smith, S.A. Red Petrograd: Revolution in the Factories, 1917-1918. 19. Stites, Richard. Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution. 20. Wildman, A. The End of the Russian Imperial Army: The Old Army and the Soldiers’ Revolt (March-April 1917) (1980)

XIII. The Versailles Conference and the Failure of the Peace (=27 titles) 1. Aldcroft, D.H., From Versailles to Wall Street 1919-1929, 1987. 2. Boemeke, M. et al, eds. The Treaty of Versailles: A Reassessment (1998) Eichengreen, B. Golden Fetters. The Gold Standard and the Great Depression 1919-1939. 3. Feinstein, C.H., Temin, P., and Toniolo, G., The European Economy Between the Wars, 1997 4. Fearon, P. The Origins and Nature of the Great Slump, 1929-1932. 5. Ferguson, Niall. Paper and iron: Hamburg business and German politics in the era of inflation, 1897-1927 6. Graves, Robert. Goodbye to All That. 7. Graves, Robert. The Long Week-end: A Social History of Great Britain, 1918-1939. 8. Jackson, Julian. The in France: Defending Democracy, 1988. 9. Jackson, Julian. France’s Dark Years. 10. James, Harold. The German Slump: Politics and Economics 1924-1936, 1986. 11. Henig, R. Versailles and After, 1919-1933. Kent, B. The Spoils of War. The Politics and Diplomacy of Reparations, 1918-1932. 12. Keynes, J.M. The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919) 13. Kitchen, Martin. Europe between the Wars: A Political History. 14. Kindleberger, Charles. The World in Depression 1929-1939. 15. Luebbert, Gregory M. Liberalism, Fascism or Social Democracy: Social Classes and the Political Origins of Regimes in Interwar Europe. 16. Macartney, C.A., National States and National Minorities, 1968. 17. Maier, Charles. Recasting Bourgeois Europe: Stabilization in France, Germany and Italy in the Decade after WWI. (1975). 18. Marks, S. The Illusion of Peace: International Relations in Europe 1918-1933 (1976) 19. McDougall, Walter A. France’s Rhineland Diplomacy, 1914-1924. 20. Mommsen, Hans. The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy, 1996. 21. Munting, R. and B.A. Holderness. Crisis, Recovery and War: An Economic History of Continental Europe 1918-1945. 22. Overy, Richard. The Interwar Crisis, 1919-1939. 23. Peukert, Detley. The Weimar Republic: The Crisis of Classical Modernity, 1992.

D'Maris Coffman Page 9 9/11/05 24. Sontag, Raymond. A Broken World. 25. Stern, Fritz. The Politics of Cultural Despair. (Berkeley, 1975) 26. Taylor, A.J.P. The Origins of the Second World War (2nd ed., 1964) 27. Trachtenberg, M. Reparation and World Politics (1980)

XIV. Leninism, Stalinism and the Soviet State (=13 titles) 1. Fitzpatrick, Sheila. Everday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times, 1999. 2. Getty, J.A. and Naumov, Oleg V., The Road to Terror: Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932-1939 (1999) 3. Hessler, Julie. A Social History of Soviet Trade: Trade Policy, Practices, and Consumption, 1917-1953. 4. Hoffman, D. and Holquist, P., eds., Cultivating the Masses: The Modern Social State in Russia, 1914-1991 5. Holquist, P. “‘Information is the Alpha and Omega of our Work’: Bolshevik Surveillance in its Pan-European Context,” Journal of Modern History, 1997 69/3: 415-450. 6. Kotkin, S. Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as Civilization, 1995. 7. Malia, Martin. The Soviet Tragedy: A History of Socialism in Russia, 1917-1991, 1994. 8. Pipes, Richard. Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime (1994) 9. Reese, Roger. Stalin’s Reluctant Soldiers: A Social History of the Red Army, 1925-1941 (1996) 10. Service, Robert. History of 20th Century Russia. 11. Viola, L. Peasant Rebels under Stalin: Collectivization and the Culture of Peasant Resistance. 12. Ward, Chris, ed., The Stalinist Dictatorship 13. Watson, Derek. Molotov and the Soviet Government: Sovnarkom, 1930-1941 (1996)

XV. Rise of Fascism in Europe & Civil War in Spain (=38 titles) Theoretical and Analytical Models 1. Arendt, Hannah. The Origins of Totalitarianism. 2. Blinkhorn, Martin. Fascism and the Right in Europe, 1919-1945. (2000). 3. Fromm, Erich. Escape from Freedom. 4. Friedrich, Carl J. and Zbigniew K. Brzenzinski. Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy. 5. Hughes, H. Stuart. Consciousness and Society: The Reorignetation of European Social Thought, 1890-1930. 6. Mason, Timothy. Nazism, Fascism and the Working Classes 7. Notle, Ernst. Three Faces of Fascism 8. Paxton, Robert. The Anatomy of Fascism. 9. Sternhell, Zerv. The Birth of a Fascist Ideology: From Cultural Rebellion to Political Revolution.

Italy 1. Baer, George. Test Case: Italy, Ethiopia and the League of Nations. 2. Bosworth, R.J. Mussolini, 2002. 3. de Grand, Alexander. The Hunchback’s Tailor: Giovanni Giolitti and Liberal Italy from the Challenge of Mass Politics to the Rise of Fascism, 1882-1922. 4. de Grazia, V. The Culture of Consent. Mass Organization of Leisure in Fascist Italy, 1981. 5. Forgacs, David. Rethinking Italian Fascism. London: 1986. 6. Gentile, Emilio. The Sacralization of Politics in Fascist Italy, 1996. 7. Lyttleton, Adrian. The Seizure of Power: Fascism in Italy, 1919-1929. 8. MacGregor, Knox. Mussolini Unleashed, 1939-1941: Politics and Strategy in Fascist Italy. 9. Mack Smith, Denis. The History of Modern Italy.

D'Maris Coffman Page 10 9/11/05 Spain 1. Blinkhorn, Martin. Carlism and Crisis in Spain, 1931-1939. (1975) 2. Brenan, Gerald. The Spanish Labyrinth: An Account of the Social and Political Background of the Civil War. 3. Carr, Raymond. The Spanish Tragedy. 4. Jackson, Gerald. The Spanish Republic and the Civil War, 1931-1939. 5. Kaplan, Temma. Anarchists of Andalusia, 1868-1903. (Princeton, 1977). 6. Kaplan, Temma. Red City, Blue City: Social Movements in Picasso’s Barcelona. (1992). 7. Orwell, George. Homage to Catalonia. 8. Payne, Stanley G. Spanish Catholicism: An Historical Overview. Wisconsin: 1984 9. Payne, Stanley G. Fascism in Spain, 1923-1977. Wisconsin: 1999. 10. Payne, Stanley G. The Spanish Civil War, the Soviet Union and Communism. (Yale, 2004) 11. Preston, Paul. The Coming of the Spanish Civil War: Reform, Reaction and Revolution in the Second Republic, 1931-36 (1978) 12. Thomas, Hugh. The Spanish Civil War.

Elsewhere 1. Banac, Ivo. The National Question in Yugoslavia. 2. Gruber, Helmut. Red Vienna: Experiments in Working-Class Culture, 1919-1934. 3. Jackson, Julian. The Popular Front in France: Defending Democracy, 1934-1938. 4. Jackson, Julian. France’s Dark Years. 5. Paxton, Robert O. Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order. 6. Polonsky, Antony. The Little Dictators: The History of Eastern Europe since 1918. 7. Soucy, Robert. Fascism in France: The First Wave, 1924-1933. 8. Weber, Eugen. The Hollow Years: France in the 1930s, 1995.

XVI. National Socialism and the Third Reich (=24 titles) 1. Allen, William Sheridan. The Nazi Seizure of Power. Bracher, Karl Dietrich. The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure and Effects of National Socialism. 2. Broszat, Martin. The Hitler State: the Foundation and Development of the Internal Structure of the Third Reich, 1981. 3. Burleigh, Michael. The Third Reich: A New History. 4. Burleigh, Michael. Death and Deliverance: ‘Euthanasia’ in Germany 1900-1945. 5. Caplan, Jane. Government without Administration: State and Civil Service in Weimar and Nazi Germany. 6. Childers, Thomas. The Nazi Voter 7. Crew, D. (ed), Nazism and Germany Society 1933-1945. 8. Evans, Richard. The Coming of the Third Reich. 9. Frei, Norbert. National Socialist Rule in Germany: the Führer State 1933-1945, 1993. 10. Friedländer, S. Nazi Germany and the Jews: The Years of Persecution, 1933-1939, 1997. 11. Gellately, Robert. Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany. 12. Gellately, Robert. The Gestapo and German Society: Enforcing Racial Policy, 1933-1945. 13. Hayes, Peter. Industry and Ideology: IG Farben in the Nazi Era. 14. Kershaw, Ian. Hitler. Hubris, 1889-1936, (vol. 1), 1998. 15. Kershaw, Ian. Hitler. Nemesis, 1936-1945, (vol. 2), 2000. 16. Kershaw, Ian. The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation, 2000. 17. Kershaw, Ian. The Hitler Myth. 18. Koshar, Rudy. Social Life, Local Politics, and Nazism: Marburg, 1880-1935. 19. Krausnick H. et al., Anatomy of the SS State, 1968. 20. Mason, Timothy. Social Policy in the Third Reich, 1993.

D'Maris Coffman Page 11 9/11/05 21. Mommsen, Hans. The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy. 22. Peukert, Detlev. Inside Nazi Germany: Conformity, Opposition and Racism in Everyday Life, 1994. 23. Stern, J.P. Hitler: the Führer and the People, 1975. 24. Turner, Henry A. German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler.

XVII. World War II and the Holocaust (=22 titles) 1. Bartov, O. Hitler’s Army: Soldiers, Nazis, and War in the Third Reich, 1991. 2. Bauman, Z. Modernity and the Holocaust (1989) 3. Bell, P.M.H. The Origins of the Second World War. 4. Browning, Christopher. Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland. 1992 5. Browning, Christopher Origins of the Final Solution. 6. Burleigh, Michael. Ethics and Extermination (1998) 7. Burrin, P., Living with Defeat: France under German Occupation, 1940-1944, 1996. 8. Fussell, Paul. Wartime: Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War. Gross, Jan Tomasz. Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland. 9. Hilberg, R. Destruction of the European Jews (1961) 10. Keedward, H.R. In Search of the Maquis: Rural Resistance in Southern France, 1942-1943. 11. Keegan, John. The Second World War 12. Marwick, A. The Home Front: The British and the Second World War (1977) 13. May, Ernest R. Strange Victory: Hitler’s Conquest of France. 14. Mazower, Mark. Inside Hitler’s Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941-1944. 15. Naimarck, Norman M., The Russians in Germany: a History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 1945-1949, 1995. 16. Paxton, R. Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order 1940-1944 (1972) Read, Anthony and David Fischer. The Deadly Embrace: Hitler, Stalin and the Nazi-Soviet Pact. 17. Rousso, Henry. Vichy Syndrome: History and Memory in France since 1944. 18. Schulte, Theo J. The German Army and Nazi Policies in occupied Russia, 1941-1945. (1989). 19. Steinberg, J. All or Nothing: the Axis and the Holocaust, 1941-1943 (1990) 20. Weinberg, Gerhard L. The World at War: The Global History of World War II. 21. Wright, G. The Ordeal of Total War, 1939-1945 (1968) 22. Young, James E. The Texture of Memory: Holocaust Memorials and Meaning. (1993).

XVIII. European Recovery and the World (=42 titles) European Societies 1. Berstein, Serge. The Republic of De Gaulle, 1958-1969. 2. Clarke, Peter. Hope and Glory (1997) 3. Childs, David. Britain since 1945. 4. Dennis, M. Social and Economic Modernization in Eastern Germany from Honecker to Kohl (1993) 5. Domenico, Roy Palmer. Italian Fascists on Trial, 1943-1948 6. Fulbrook, Mary. Inside East Germany: Anatomy of a Dictatorship (1995) 7. Fullbrook, Mary. The Two Germanies 1945-1990 (1992) 8. Gildea, R. France since 1945. 9. Ginsborg, Paul. A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics, 1943-1988. 10. James, Harold. Europe reborn: a history, 1914-2000 11. Judt, Tony. Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals, 1944-1956. 12. Hitchock, William. France Restored. 13. Litvan, G.P. The Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

D'Maris Coffman Page 12 9/11/05 14. McMillan, James F., Twentieth-Century France: Politics and Society 1898-1991 (1992) 15. Maxwell, Kenneth. The Making of Portuguese Democracy. 16. Morgan, Kenneth O. The People’s Peace: British History, 1945-1990 17. Preston, Paul. The Triumph of Democracy in Spain. 18. Salgadó, Francisco J. Romero. Twentieth-Century Spain. Politics and Society in Spain, 1898- 1998 (1999) 19. Turner, Henry A. Germany from Partition to Reunification. 20. Zatlin, Jonathan The Currency of Socialism: Money and Political Culture in East Germany, 1971-1990

Cold War 1. Berghahn, V.R.. America and the Intellectual Cold Wars in Europe. 2. Crampton, R.J. Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century – and after 3. Davis, L.E. The Cold War Begins: Soviet-American Conflict Over Eastern Europe (1974) 5. Ellwood, D.W. Rebuilding Europe: Western Europe, America and Postwar Reconstruction (1992) 4. Gaddis, John Lewis. We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History. 5. Gaddis, John Lewis. The and the Origins of the Cold War. 6. Granieri, Ronald. The Ambivalent Alliance: Konrad Adenauer, the CDU/CSU, and the West, 1949-1966. 7. Harrison, Michael. Reluctant Ally: France and Atlantic Security. 8. Hogan, M.J. The Marshall Plan: America, Britain and the Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947-1952 (1987) 9. Kennan, George F. The Nuclear Delusion: Soviet-American Relations in the . 10. Kuniholm, Bruce R. The Origins of the Cold War in the Near East: Great Power Conflict and Diplomacy in Iran, Turkey and Greece. 11. Maier, C.S. and G. Bischof (eds.). The Marshall Plan and Germany. 12. Mazower, M. Dark Continent: Europe's Twentieth Century 13. Milward, Alan S. The European Rescue of the Nation-State (1992) 14. Milward, Alan S. The Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945-1951. 15. Naimark, Norman M. Economic Security and the origins of the Cold War. 16. Naimark, Norman M. The Russians in Germany: a history of the Soviet Zone of occupation, 1945-1949 17. Rothschild, Joseph. Return to Diversity: A Political History of East Central Europe since World War II. 18. Trachtenberg, Marc. A Constructed Peace: the Making of the European Settlement. 19. Padgett, Stephen and William Paterson. A History of Social Democracy in Postwar Europe. 20. Sarotte, M.E. Dealing with the devil : East Germany, détente, and Ostpolitik, 1969-1973 21. Swain, G. Eastern Europe since 1945. 22. Zubok, V., and Pleshakov, C., Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War: From Stalin to Kruschchev, 1996

XIX. The European Economy and Economic Integration (=21 titles) 1. Aldcroft, D.H. The European Economy 1914-1990. 2. Armstrong, P. et al., Capitalism Since World War II, 1984. 3. Becattini, Giacomo. From industrial districts to local development: an itinerary of research 4. Berend, Ivan T. Central and Eastern Europe, 1944-1993: Detour from the Periphery to the Periphery. 5. Chubb, Judith. Patronage, Power and Poverty in Southern Italy. A tale of two cities 6. Crafts, Nicholas and Gianni Toniolo. Economic Growth in Europe since 1945.

D'Maris Coffman Page 13 9/11/05 7. Gavin, Francis J. Gold, dollars, and power: the politics of international monetary relations, 1958-1971 8. Gros, Daniel and Niels Thygesen. European Monetary Integration 9. Leonardi, R. and R.Y. Nanetti, Regional Development in a modern European Economy. The Case of Tuscany. 10. Lieber, Robert J. Oil and the Middle East: Europe in the Energy Crisis. 11. Middlemas, Keith. Orchestrating Europe. The Informal Politics of the European Union 1973-95 (1995) 12. Nicholls, Anthony. Freedom with Responsibility. The Social Market Economy in Germany, 1918-1963. 13. O'Neill, M. ed. The Politics of European Integration. A reader. (1996) 14. Olson, M., The Rise and Decline of Nations – Economic Growth, Stagnation and Social Rigidities, 1982. 15. Pollard, R. Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold War (1985) 16. Porter, Michael E. Competitive Advantage of Nations. 17. Postan, M.M. An Economic History of Western Europe, 1945-1964. 18. Stearns, P.N. The Industrial Revolution in World History. 19. Stirk, P.M.R. and D. Willis (eds.). Shaping Postwar Europe: European Unity and Disunity, 1945-1957. 20. Urwin, D.W. The Community of Europe: A History of European Integration since 1945. 21. van der Wee, H., Prosperity and Upheaval: The World Economy, 1944-1980, 1987.

XX. Social & Demographic Change and Decolonization (=23 titles) 1. Ansprenger, Fraz. The Dissoultion of Colonial Empires. 2. Arlacchi, Pino. Mafia, Peasants and Great Estates. Society in traditional Calabria 3. Arthur, Paul and Keith Jeffrey. Northern Ireland since 1968. 4. Baldwin-Edwards, Martin and Martin A Schain (eds.) The Politics of Immigration in Western Europe. 5. Buchman, T. and M. Conway (eds). Political Catholicism in Europe, 1918-1965. 6. Brubaker, Rogers. Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany. 7. Cain, P.J. and A.G. Hopkins. British Imperialism: Crisis and Deconstruction, 1914-1990. 8. Caplan R. and J. Feffer, eds. Europe's new nationalism : states and minorities in conflict 9. Caute, David, Sixty-Eight: The Year of the Barricades 10. Cesarini, D. and Mary Fulbrook, eds. Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe (1996) 11. Chamberlain, Muriel Evelyn. Decolonization: The fall of the European Empires. 12. Connelley, Matthew. A Diplomatic Revolution: Algeria’s Fight for Independence and the Origins of the Post-Cold War Era.. 13. Dalloz, Jacques. The War in Indochina. 14. Fink, Carole, Philipp Gassert and Junker, Detlef. 1968: The World Transformed (1998) 15. Geddes, A. and Adrian Favell, eds. The politics of belonging: migrants and minorities in contemporary Europe. (1999) 16. Gifford, Prosser and W.R. Louis (eds.). Decolonization and African Independence: the Transfers of Power. 17. Hanley, David L. Christian Democracy in Europe. 18. Hargraves, Alec G. Immigraton, Race and Ethnicity in Contemporary France. 19. Kahler, M. Decolonization in Britain and France 20. Marshall, Barbara. The New Germany and Migration in Europe. 21. Messina, A ed. West European immigration and immigrant policy in the new century (2002) 22. Riddell, Peter. The Thatcher Era and its Legacy.

D'Maris Coffman Page 14 9/11/05 23. Therborn, G. European Modernity and Beyond: The Trajectory of European Societies, 1945- 2000 (1995)

XVI. Post 1989: the Fall of Communism and the New European Order (=27 titles) 1. Ash, Timothy Garton. The Polish Revolution: Solidarity, 1980-1982 (1983) 2. Ash, Timothy Garton. In Europe’s Name: Germany and the Divided Continent. 3. Avery/Cameron, The Enlargement of the European Union (1998) 4. Banac, Ivo. Eastern Europe in Revolution. 5. Brent/Nelson, Stubb, The European Union. Readings on the Theory and Practice of European Integration (1998) 6. Breslauer, George W. Gorbachev and Yeltsin as Leaders. 7. Darnton, Robert. Berlin Journal: 1989-1990. 8. Dawisha, Karen and Bruce Parrott. Russia and the New States of Eurasia: the Politics of Upheaval. 9. Galeotti, M. Gorbachev and his Revolution. 10. George, S. An Awkward Partner. Britain in the European Community. (1997) 11. Hawkes, Nigel, Tearing Down the Curtain: the People’s Revolution in Eastern Europe, 1990 12. Hogan, M., eds, The End of the Cold War, 1992 13. Jarausch, Konrad. The Push to German Unification. 14. Kamonski, B., The Collapse of State Socialism: The Case of Poland, 1991 15. Kagan, Robert. Of paradise and power : America and Europe in the new world order 16. Maier, Charles S. Unmasterable Past: History, Holocaust, and German National Identity, 1988. 17. Leff, Carol Skalnick. The Czech and Slovak Republics: Nation versus State. 18. Lieven, Anatol. The Baltic Revolution: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Path to Independence. 19. McCarthy, Patrick. The Crisis of the Italian State. 20. Maier, Charles. Dissolution. The Crisis of Communism and the End of East Germany (1997) 21. Merkl, Peter, German Unification in the European Context, 1993. 22. Smith, Julie and Elizabeth Teague. Democracy in New Europe: the Politics of Post- Communism. 23. Stokes, G., The Walls Came Tumbling Down, 1993. 24. Suny, Ronald Grigor. The Revenge of the Past: Nationalism, Revolution and the Collapse of the Soviet Union. 25. Weiler, J.H.H. The Constitution of Europe: ‘Do the New Clothes Have an Emperor?’ and Other Essays on European Integration (1999) 26. Wikan, U, Generous Betrayal: Politics of Culture in the New Europe (2002)

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