A Agreement(s): : - for the Establishment of a Negotiations of : 6, 7. Permanent Tripartite Addis-Ababa: Commission for Co-operation See Talks. between the Republic of , the United Republic of Afghanistan: 14. and : 400-404. : Bilateral - -Cuba: 5. African Values: 147. Peace - Bicesse for Angola: 5, 7. : 255-260. Peace - (): 373-387. : 7, 112, 147, 175- Peace - of : 388-399. 190. Quadripartite - of 8 August 1945: See also African Charter of 67. Human and Peoples' Rights; Tripartite - Angola-Cuba-South- African Commission on Human Africa : 5. and Peoples' Rights; African Economic Community; See also Convention; Protocol; Organization of African Unity. Treaty. African Charter of Human and Albania: 99, 100, 103, 105, 108, Peoples' Rights: 143, 329-333, 110. 261-271, 371. : 214. African Commission on Human America ( of -): and Peoples' Rights: 261-271, See United States of America. 329-333, 371. Amnesty: 17. African Court of Human and Anan (Kofi): 18. Peoples' Rights: Angola: Competences of the -: 265-267. Armed Forces: 274-296. Draft Protocol for the Government of National Unity Establishment of the -: 261-271. and Reconciliation: 17-21, 274- Organization of the -: 267-268. 296. Procedure before the -: 268-271. Plan of 17 March 1994: 11. African Economic Community: Security Council of the United 371-372. Nations: African National Congress: 143, Resolution 747 (1992): 5. 176. Resolution 976 (1995): 12. Resolution 1075 (1996): 274, See Organization of African 279 -282. Unity. Resolution 1087 (1996): 283- Austria: 196. 286. Aut dedere aut iudicare: 202. Resolution 1098 (1997) : 286- 288. B Resolution 1102 (1997): 288- Bafulero: 51. 289. Bakassi (Peninsula): 116, 130. Resolution 1106 (1997) : 276, Baker III (James): 213, 221. 289-290. Bantustans: 247. Resolution 1118 (1997): 15, 16, 20, 277, 290-292. Banyamulenge: 51. Resolution 1127 (1997): 277- Banyarwanda: 49-63, 72. 278, 293-296. Belgium: 50, 107. Resolution 1130 (1997): 278. Berlin Statement Doc./PRST/1997/17: - Conference: 50. 276. Fall of the - wall: 26. Secretary General of the United Borama: Nations: Conference of -: 43. Report Doc. S/1996/827: 274. Bosnia-Herzegovina: 108, 134. Report Doc. S/1996/1000: 274. : 92. Report Doc. S/1997/41: 278. Boutros Ghali (Boutros): 6. Report Doc. S/1997/115: 275. Brahimi (Lakdar): 132. Report Doc. S/1997/304: 276. : 63, 297-299. Report Doc. S/1997/438: 276. Security Council of the United Report Doc. S/1997/640: 277. Nations: Anstee (Margaret Joan): 6. Resolution 1072 (1996): 299. Antarctica: 104. Statement S/PRST/1997/32: Apartheid: 175-181, 190, 247. 297. Arbitrator: 9. Secretary-General of the United Argentina: 104. Nations: Armed Forces: Report Doc. S/1996/887: 297. - of Angola: 14 Report Doc. S/1997/547: 298. Redeployment of -: 5. Withdrawal of -: 127. C Withdrawal of Cuban - from : 115-136. Angola: 5. Cease-Fire: 6, 8, 12, 13, 127, 213, Assembly of Heads of State and 218. Government of the OAU: Central American Court of Justice: 97.