CASEY P. HOMAN Department of Sociology 410 Social Sciences Building University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 [email protected]

EDUCATION University of California, Berkeley. PhD in sociology, expected May 2021.

University of California, Berkeley. MA in sociology, 2014.

Georgetown University. BS in Japanese, 2003. Magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa.

Kansai Gaidai University (study abroad program). Hirakata City, Japan. 2001–2002.

Institut de Touraine (study abroad program). Tours, France. Summer 2000.

PUBLICATIONS Peer-reviewed journal articles Homan, Casey P. 2019. “Attachment to Parents and to : A Panel-Data Approach.” Journal of Contemporary Religion 34(3):551–569.

Cragun, Ryan T., Patrick Henry, Casey P. Homan, and Joseph Hammer. 2012. “Whom Do People Dislike More: Atheists or Cultists?” Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 8: 1–19.

Book chapter Homan, Casey P., Marcus Mann, and Ryan T. Cragun. 2016. “Secularist, Humanist, Atheist, and Bus Advertisements in the : Functions, Responses, and Effectiveness.” In The Atheist Bus Campaign: Global Manifestations and Responses. Leiden, : Brill.

Book reviews Homan, Casey P. 2012. “The real story of the Middle West.” Review of Remaking the Heartland: Middle America since the 1950s, by Robert Wuthnow. Monthly Labor Review 135(4): 65–66.

Homan, Casey P. 2009. “Poverty and discrimination.” Review of Poverty and Discrimination, by Kevin Lang. Monthly Labor Review 132(12): 30–31.

WORKING PAPERS “Do Religious Congregations Compete? The Case of Manhattan, 1949–1999.” Under review.

“Changing peoples, changing steeples: White flight, black wealth, immigration, and congregations in Manhattan, 1939–1999.” Under review.

RESEARCH INTERESTS Religion, organizations, urban sociology, immigration, race/ethnicity, quantitative methods

TEACHING INTERESTS Research methods, intro to sociology, sociology of organizations, statistics, sociology of religion, urban sociology, sociology of immigration

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CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 2020 “Do Religious Congregations Compete? The Case of Manhattan, 1949–1999.” Presented online at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.

2019 “A Sociological Portrait of the Religious Congregations of Manhattan, 1939–1999.” Presented in New York City at the annual meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion.

2019 “Congregations and Competition: Manhattan Religious Congregations, 1939–1963.” Presented in New York City at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.

2018 “Attachment to Parents and to God: A Panel-Data Approach.” Presented in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.

2014 “Organizational Determinants of the Use of Contemporary-Style Worship in the United States.” Presented in Indianapolis, Illinois, at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.

2014 “Parental Influence and Belief in God among Youth in the United States.” Presented in San Francisco, California, at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.

2013 “Parental Influence and Belief in God among Youth in the United States.” Presented in Boston, Massachusetts, at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.

FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS 2021 Don Lavoie Fellowship. $1,500. 2020 Humane Studies Fellowship. $3,000. 2020 UC Berkeley Graduate Division Summer Grant. $3,500. 2019–2020 Adam Smith Fellowship. $5,000. 2018–2019 UC Berkeley Doctoral Fellowship. $22,000 plus tuition. 2018–2019 Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship. $3,500. 2018–2019 Humane Studies Fellowship. $3,000. 2017–2018 Berkeley Connect Fellowship. $22,000 plus tuition. 2017–2018 PhD Scholarship, Institute for Humane Studies. $1,500. 2016 Leo Lowenthal Fellowship. $18,800. 2016 UC Berkeley Graduate Division Summer Grant. $3,500. 2015 UC Berkeley Department of Sociology Normative Time Grant. $5,000. 2015 UC Berkeley Department of Sociology Research Grant. $2,500. 2012 UC Berkeley Graduate Division Summer Grant. $3,500. 2012 UC Berkeley Department of Sociology Small Research Grant. $2,000.

ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Teaching Assistant positions 2014 (fall) Introduction to Sociology 2014 (spring) Sociology of Religion 2013 (fall) Introduction to Sociology 2013 (spring) Introduction to Sociology

Research Assistant positions 2014–2018 Member of the UC Nets research team under Professor Claude Fischer 2015–2016 Graduate Student Researcher for Professor Claude Fischer 2012 Graduate Student Researcher for Professor Marion Fourcade Homan 3

Grading positions 2021 Sociology of Childhood 2020 Principles of Sociology: American Cultures 2020 Organizations and Social Institutions 2019 Organizations and Social Institutions 2017 Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective 2016 Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Social and Cultural Context 2015 Sociology of the Family 2013 Sociology of Deviance 2012 Organizations and Social Institutions 2012 Social Psychology 2012 Sociology of Deviance 2011 Organizations and Social Institutions

SERVICE AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITES Editing and reviewing 2015–present Occasional reviewer, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 2011–2012 Editor and reviewer, Berkeley Journal of Sociology

Mentorship 2018–2019 Undergraduate-thesis mentor, UC Berkeley 2017–2018 Mentor for the Berkeley Connect program, UC Berkeley 2015–2016 Mentor for the Getting into Grad School program, UC Berkeley

Professional memberships American Sociological Association Association for the Sociology of Religion

LANGUAGE SKILLS French – fluent (DALF certification) Japanese – intermediate Spanish – intermediate Wolof – advanced