From Data to Policy ( River Water Quality Management)

Maulyani Djadjadilaga, Hermono Sigit, Aksa Tejalaksana The State Ministry of Environment To The Republic of [email protected], [email protected], Fax & Phone +62 21 8580081

Abstract Ciliwung River is the main river that flows from the District of , passing through the cities of Bogor, , Until . The pollution from various sources; industries, households and the usage of land area in the upstream area of the riverbed have poured copious amount of waste and pollution, which has risen in level, into the river every year.

This research done on the Pollution of the Ciliwung River is due to the necessity in locating the amount of pollution that have been wasted into the length of the Ciliwung River, alongside the sources for said pollution. Identifying the sources of the pollution alongside the amount of pollution that is being generated by the sources is important in the attempt to control the effects of the pollution from the upstream area all the way to the downstream area.

The results of this research is also hoped to be use in giving consideration in creating a policy to determine and regulate the types and quality of water that can be safely used, and will be applied by the local government and the people.

Keywords: Ciliwung River, Data, & water quality

Introduction The Ciliwung River Basin with an area encompassing 347km2 starting upstream at Tugu , Bogor Province until downstream at the area which acts as the River Basins outlet. The growing development at the River Basins, from the upstream area until the downstream area is extremely rapid due to the increasing rate of population caused by the high developments in the JABODETABEK (Jakarta, Bogor, Tanggerang and Bekasi City) area.

The development that is being done inside the Ciliwung River Basin area causes the decrease of the lands capability in absorbing water, and thus lowering the surface protection of the land from erosions, which in the end causes the rate of runoff and erosions. The , the decrease of river water quality, landslides and droughts happens to be an indicator of failure in managing natural resources for the population.

On the other hand, the usages of water resources from the Ciliwung River have not yet reach an optimum level. For example, the clean water usage in DKI Jakarta reaches 413 million cubic meters a year, but the clean water supply from the District Water Utility DKI Jakarta’s reservoirs is limited at 200 million cubic meters each year. In short, the rest of the 213 million cubic meters of clean water needed by DKI Jakarta is dependent on underground water reservoirs. Based on a yearly debit count, the water resources from the Ciliwung River, to be exact 500 million cubic meters of water each year, is wasted to the ocean. The same also

happens to the Grogol, Pebauran and Pesanggerahan Stream that posses the combined potential of 300 million cubic meters a year. To sum it up, over 800 million cubic meters worth of water resources that is wasted to the ocean.

The other problem is the change of land development happening around the River Basins Area. The change in land development around the River Basin Area during the last three decades happens very rapidly, the conversion from the land full of vegetations into housing and tall buildings increased without control. The results are the decreasing quality of support from the ecosystem thus creating critical lands, the decrease in land fertility and water quality, drought during the dry season and floods during the wet season. Seen from the amount of flow rate, evapotranspiration and infiltration alongside the debit fluctuation index, planting vegetations in open lands like bush fields, meadows, and unused land, are the most viable and effective choice to defend the hydrology functions of the River Basins.

The Capacity Limit of Pollution in The Ciliwung River The entire length of the Ciliwung River from upstream until downstream reaches 89 kilometers. Flowing through a District two Cities and one Province, which are; The District of Bogor, The City of Bogor, The City of Depok, and the Province of DKI Jakarta.

Figure 1. Map of the Ciliwung River Basin.

Figure 2. A Sketch of Ciliwung River.

Based on the monitoring data results during the year 2004-2006 on 14 locations, the BOD and COD parameters tend to rise the closer it gets downstream.


Kab. Bogor Kota Bogor Kab. Bogor Depok DKI Jakarta



40 (mg/l) COD

30 Konsentrasi

BOD 20


0 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Telaga Warna Jarak (km)


Figure 3. The Water Quality Tendencies for BOD and COD parameters.

The rise of BOD and COD concentration in the Ciliwung river is caused by the introduction of liquid waste from the District of Bogor, The City of Bogor, The City of Depok, and the Province of DKI Jakarta. The estimated total weight of the BOD and COD that entered the Ciliwung River are, each, 33.8 ton an hour and 73.8 ton an hour. The estimated weight distribution of the BOD and COD is based on segments (administrative areas) can be seen on the table below.

Table 1. Weight Distribution on BOD and COD based on Segments (Administrative Areas) Load (kg/Hour) No. Segment Remarks BOD COD 1 Bogor District 2.592 6.678 Segment 1 (Telaga Warna - Katulampa) 2 Bogor City 2.970 7.920 Segment 2 (Katulampa - Kedunghalang) Segment 3 (Kedunghalang - Jembatan 3 Bogor District 180 360 Panus) Segment 4 (Jembatan Panus - Kelapa 4 Depok City 4.680 7.560 Dua) 5 Jakarta 23.400 51.300 Segment 5 (Kelapa Dua - Ancol) Total 33.822 73.818

The estimated location of the waste sources and other sources that enters the Ciliwung River can be seen at the table below.

Table 2. The estimated location of the waste sources and other sources in Ciliwung River Location Load (kg/Hour) No. Remarks (km) BOD COD 1 88 1.800 3.960 Point source 2 85 216 432 Flashing 3 82 288 576 Flashing 4 78 108 1.350 Flashing 5 72 810 3.240 Point source 6 67 2.160 4.680 Point source 7 60 180 360 Flashing 8 34 3.600 5.760 Point source 9 25 540 2.160 Point source 10 6 6.480 12.960 Point source 11 49-35 1.080 1.800 Non point source 12 33-28 1.080 2.160 Non point source 13 20-10 1.800 2.520 Non point source 14 5-0 13.500 31.500 Non point source

Pollution Assimilated Capacity Assuming, or targeting that Ciliwung River’s segment 1 is class I, segments 2, 3 and 4 are class II, and segment 5 is class III, so the BOD and COD pollution carrying capacity parameters for each segment are as it follows:

Table 3. BOD and COD Pollution Carrying Capacity based on Segments (Administrative Area) Assimilated capacity No. Segment (kg/Hour) Remarks BOD COD Segmen 1 (Telaga Warna - 1 Kab. Bogor 792 3.114 Katulampa) Segmen 2 (Katulampa - 2 Kota Bogor 891 3.960 Kedunghalang) Segmen 3 (Kedunghalang - 3 Kab. Bogor 180 360 Jembatan Panus) Segmen 4 (Jembatan Panus - 4 Kota Depok 684 3.420 Kelapa Dua) 5 Jakarta 4.518 18.324 Segmen 5 (Kelapa Dua - Ancol) Total 7.065 29.178

With the Carrying Capacity showed on table 3, the water quality for the Ciliwung River’s BOD and COD parameters can be seen on Image 4 and Image 5.


Kab. Bogor Kota Bogor Kab. Bogor Depok DKI Jakarta




15 BOD Awal


5 BOD Sasaran

0 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Telaga Warna Jarak (km) Ancol

BOD Awal BOD Sasaran

Figure 4. Ciliwung Rivers Water Quality Based on Class target for BOD Parameters.


Kab. Bogor Kota Bogor Kab. Bogor Depok DKI Jakarta





20 COD Awal COD Sasaran 10

0 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Telaga Warna Jarak (km) Ancol

COD Awal COD Sasaran

Figure 5. Ciliwung Rivers Water Quality Based on Class target for COD.

Parameters decreased by, each, 79% and 50% with the decreasing levels distribution as follows: Load Reduction (%) No. Segment Remarks BOD COD Segmen 1 (Telaga Warna - 1 Kab. Bogor 69% 53% Katulampa) Segmen 2 (Katulampa - 2 Kota Bogor 70% 50% Kedunghalang) Segmen 3 (Kedunghalang - 3 Kab. Bogor 0% 0% Jembatan Panus) Segmen 4 (Jembatan Panus - 4 Kota Depok 85% 55% Kelapa Dua) 5 Jakarta 81% 64% Segmen 5 (Kelapa Dua - Ancol) Total 79% 60%

The entire scope of the rivers pollution can be taken care of all at once from upstream until downstream, from all the source of pollutions. In the stages done to reach the desired quality of water, the measures taken to achieve this can be done with a variety of combinations and decreasing the pollution weight limit from the sources. Scenarios in the attempt of recovering Water Quality based on the results of Dynamic System Analysis (Data Attributes). The results of the Dynamic System Analysis for each scenario are assumed to be a water recovery process that is done by using an incinerator, liquid waste disposal and handling, husbandry waste handling, market waste decomposition and household waste handling.