‘Have your say on and Grove’ event on 27 th November Civic Hall, Wantage

Summary of delegate feedback:-

As Wantage & Grove expand, what infrastructure improvements are necessary?

Number of Action Lead Body Votes Action Taken (% of total) In June 2009, the Association of Train Operating Companies wrote a report called ‘Connecting Communities’. The report identified 7 sites where new stations could be built on existing railway lines at minimal cost and with enormous benefits. One such station was Wantage/Grove. Ed Vaizey, MP for Wantage and , met with members of ATOC to discuss the costs of such a station, how much it would be used and what kind of service it Network Rail and Re-open a train station could provide. The service would run hourly during peak times between Swindon and Didcot Department for 48 (9.8%) (Grove or Challow) Parkway, allowing easy connections to Paddington and . It was estimated Transport that the total capital expenditure would be £4 million. Unfortunately, the service could not be up and running until 2016 at the earliest as it would have to be put into the 2014-2019 network rail investment plan. Ed is now lobbying Network rail and the Department of Transport to try and ensure the project is researched further.

Vale of White Horse District Council (VWHDC) is aware of the importance of appropriate infrastructure delivery alongside housing and employment growth and are developing a robust evidence base to support the local plan, demonstrate that the proposals are viable Planning issues (i.e. and deliverable. One of the main aims of the local plan is to ensure there is an appropriate better transport links, mix of infrastructure delivery rather than piecemeal, relatively unplanned housing on its own. VWHDC 38 (7.7%) increase capacity before new development) A neighbourhood plan for Wantage/ Grove scale is a good way to take many of the proposals forward and give the community more ownership of how they are delivered. Wantage Town Council (WTC) has requested a meeting with Vale planning officers in January to discuss options for neighbourhood planning in more detail. Transport infrastructure (including cycling) is the responsibility of County Council Better, safer and more (OCC). See OCC’s local transport plan for 2011 - 2030 extensive cycle path OCC 16 (3.3%) http://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/public-site/local-transport-plan . To get in touch with OCC network about cycling infrastructure please phone 0845 310 11 11 Increase hotel capacity A planning application has been received, and has been approved, for a new hotel on and services offered VWHDC 10 (2.0%) Limborough Road. (spa?). Noted. Your comments have been passed to VWHDC planning department. Housing development is unfortunately a necessity, and most of the sites now coming on line were proposed and accepted several years ago. We have to accept that development is going to Opposition to new VWHDC 12 (2.4%) take place, but also that housing can bring benefits such as improved facilities and developments. infrastructure. Wantage Town Council, Grove Parish Council and the Chamber of Commerce are working in partnership with the Vale to secure the best possible deals for both Wantage and Grove. Remove bottlenecks and Transport infrastructure is the responsibility of OCC. See OCC’s local transport plan for support better traffic flow OCC 11 (2.2%) 2011 - 2030 http://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/public-site/local-transport-plan . To get in (possible by-pass) touch with OCC about cycling infrastructure please phone 0845 310 11 11

Better bus connections to villages and towns - Thames Travel emphasis on Didcot and Thames Travel currently operate services between Wantage - Didcot; they will revise routes and other bus 7 (1.4%) Swindon; bus connection if demand changes. Contact [email protected] operators from youth hostel to town centre More health services: As housing developments occur across Wantage and Grove, there will be a need for 4 (0.8%) GP and dentist surgeries expansion of both the services. Policing is the responsibility of Thames Valley Police. The policing and police station arrangements across the Thames Valley were consulted upon by Thames Valley Police in Additional Thames Valley 3 (0.6%) February 2012. Thames Valley Police have made its decisions on how it intends to proceed. policing/station Police Please contact Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner, The Farmhouse, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2NX for more information. (This is currently being considered by VOWHDC. Please contact Improve and increase [email protected] for more information.) VWHDC 2 (0.4%) toilet facilities in town [email protected] for more information.

How should we go about attracting visitors to the Wantage and Grove area?

Number of Action Lead Body Action Taken Votes Promoting Wantage more widely to attract businesses and tourists, WTC have set up a new committee: Promotions and Communications specifically for this including emphasis purpose. We are considering which projects we will take forward. VOWHDC is producing a on updating and VWHDC 44 (8.9%) series of trails - Oxtrails - to promote Wantage and surrounding villages / towns and this project improving the will be complete in May 2013. Many businesses in / around Wantage will be included. Please website and see www.southernoxfordshire.com/ox_trails for more information. improving leaflets on offer.

General improvements to signage, particularly WTC is commissioning 'Welcome to Wantage' signage and this will be installed in 2013/14. The welcoming visitors Joint Economic Forum has recommended that some of the Vale’s High Street Innovation and directing them in WTC / VWHDC 29 (5.9%) funding will be used to promote the Vale and Downland Museum - using shop displays and the direction of the shop wraps. It is also proposed to use some of this funding to produce new maps for the museum and luring Limborough Road development and the car parks. them away from the Sainsbury's development Promote Wantage under a theme - King VWHDC is producing a series of trails - Oxtrails - to promote Wantage and surrounding villages Alfred, Bejeman, / towns and this project will be complete in May 2013. Wantage will be included on all five trails Ridgeway, etc. - VWHDC 26 (5.3%) (food / drink; literary excellence; great outdoors; tv and film; history.) Please see possibly guiding www.southernoxfordshire.com/ox_trails for more information. visitors round with trails. Festivals and events are very good at bringing communities together, but they do take a lot of time to plan and put on. They are dependent on volunteers to run them. district council has set up a 'festivals grant' fund to encourage new festivals to start. For more Put on more festivals Volunteers 20 (4.1%) information please email [email protected] . There were several major events and events. in Wantage during 2012 which were very successful. WTC, the Chamber and other community groups are determined to hold at least two high profile events every year, as well as a number of smaller ones.

Pedestrianise the The current majority of members of WTC were elected on the manifesto commitment of market place, scrapping a scheme for the part-pedestrianisation of the Market Place and this was done in July WTC 12 (2.4%) providing space for 2011.Full pedestrianisation has never really enjoyed more than very minor public support. al fresco dining. WTC would like to encourage areas for al fresco dining but there are limited locations where this could feasibly be achieved. Rejuvenate the market - French, WTC 11 (2.2%) WTC are already considering ways of doing this. German and Italian markets? Wantage Joint Economic Forum has recommended that some of the High Street Innovation Place maps around Wantage Joint funding be used to produce 'artistic' maps of the town in Limborough Road and the Market town, with details on 10 (2.0%) Economic Forum Place and car parks. This will help visitors to navigate around town and also promote parking and parks. independent businesses in the town centre. Put on sports Great idea. Wantage & Grove are fabulous places to cycle in and around. There is already a Wantage & District events, such as a popular Wantage - Winchester bike ride every year. Wantage & District Chamber of Commerce Chamber of 7 (1.4%) cycle event (e.g. Sky is looking at cycling events as a way of raising the profile of the area. In 2013 Wantage is Commerce Ride). looking to put on a weekend cycling extravaganza over the August Bank Holiday.

What improvements to public facilities would residents like to see in Wantage and Grove? Number of Action Lead Body Action Taken Votes Cinema companies decide where to invest based on population size, and nearest competing cinema. Wantage's population is likely to grow which will make it more attractive to cinema Cinema Private developers 26 (5.3%) companies but it is near Didcot and Oxford - both of which have cinemas. We are not aware of any plans to invest in the town at the present time. However, VWHDC in consultation with WTC have decided to invest in cinema facilities at the Civic Hall. Upgrade and make VWHDC will be investing in the Civic Hall during 2013/14, and improving the promotion and better use of the VWHDC 15 (3.0%) marketing of the Civic Hall. Civic Hall Establish an arts VWHDC will be investing in the Civic Hall during 2013/14 and working with arts groups to centre and put on VWHDC 15 (3.0%) promote the arts. VWHDC also has a 'festivals fund' and anybody wishing to put on a more music and festival would be welcome to apply. theatre events Extend museum We have passed your comments onto the Museum. Vale and Downland Museum are heavily opening hours, Vale and Downland 9 (1.8%) dependent on volunteers to help them to open. If you would like to volunteer at the museum including opening on Museum please email [email protected] Sundays. Praise for the Silver Band - possible It is noted that the Wantage Silver Band is one of the best silver bands in the country. We improvements to the also note the desire to improve the bandstand in Manor Road Memorial Park. You may be 5 (1.0%) Manor Road interested in applying for up to £10,000 funding from the County Council’s Community Fund. Memorial Park http://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/public-site/big-society bandstand (bigger) Better children's play facilities at the The Manor Road Memorial Park is owned and managed by VWHDC . Comments have been Manor Road VWHDC 3 (0.6%) noted, and passed to the Vale's parks team. If you would like to contact the parks team, Memorial Park - please email [email protected] encourage young families Better facilities for 2 (0.4%) Noted. teenagers - more entertainment in the evenings

Relax red tape on This is already being considered by WTC and the legal issues 1 (0.2%) buskers investigated.

What would you like to see in terms of business and how can we support and promote businesses in the Wantage and Grove area? Number of Action Lead Body Action Taken Votes Increase the 2 hour limit (particularly in Wantage & District Wantage & District Chamber of Commerce will write to Sainsbury's to ask if they would Sainsbury's) and Chamber of 22 (4.5%) consider allowing 3 hours parking for their customers. provide additional Commerce parking Survey and consider what businesses are VWHDC has commissioned a 'retail study' that will cover Wantage. This research will be needed in town and complete by April 2013 and will help inform opinion about which businesses are required in what they look for. VWHDC 15 (3.0%) Wantage/Grove. The Wantage Joint Economic forum are proposing using some of the High Promote Wantage Street Innovation funding to design a ‘Wantage prospectus’ that will promote the town to more widely to retailers. businesses not in the area. Wantage Joint Economic Forum has recommended that some of the High Street Innovation Cheaper rents and funding be used to provide support for a community shop, and also a retail or market trader Wantage Joint reduced business start-up competition. Business rates are set nationally. VWHDC operates a 'small business Economic Forum / 13 (2.6%) rates, support for rates relief scheme' - please see www.whitehorsedc.gov.uk/services-and- VWHDC community shops. advice/business/business-rates/business-rates-relief/small-business-rate-relief for more details. Provide parking for Noted. We have passed your comments to the Vale’s car parking team who will consider VWHDC 9 (1.8%) coaches this. To contact the car parking team please email [email protected] A greater diversity of Joint Economic 8 (1.6%) Wantage and Grove have a wide range of independent shops. Following the event, the Joint shops, in particular Forum Economic Forum have decided to use High Street innovation funding to promote Wantage to independents, and improve the range of businesses; although it should be noted that the Council has very little more variety in in the way of direct influence in this area. restaurants and pubs. More disabled Access in shops in historic market towns is always difficult. VWHDC has produced a leaflet Chamber of access. Praise for 5 (1.0%) on measures that shop owners can take to improve accessibility. We will work with the Commerce the museum. Chamber of Commerce to encourage retailers to take positive action. Support and attract local businesses Wantage Joint (light industry) and Wantage Joint Economic Forum continue to work with the Chamber of Commerce and Grove Economic Forum and provide a business 2 (0.4%) Technology Park to attract new business to the area. VWHDC will consider whether there is Chamber of centre for enough buy-in to set up a homeworkers hub in the Civic Hall during 2013/14, Commerce homeworkers i.e. hotdesking.

What other improvements would you like to see in the Wantage and Grove area? Number of Action Lead Body Action Taken Votes Update the parks - VWHDC 8 (1.6%) We have passed your comments to the Vale's park team. more family friendly. For over twenty years the East Vale Branch of the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust have been Resurrect and East Vale Branch of restoring and protecting the canal from Childrey New Road to Abingdon. Several miles of the further develop the the Wilts & Berks 5 (1.0%) towpath (much now designated footpaths) have been renovated providing pleasant walks. canal. Canal Trust Much more needs to be done and volunteers are always welcome. Please email [email protected] for more information.

WTC have an office upstairs in the Civic Hall. The proceedings of the Town Council can be contacted through our website where you can get help on many aspects of their activities and Council office (WTC/ VWHDC 1 (0.2%) find out about the dates of meetings all of which any resident can attend TVWHDC withdrew presence from the town in 2009 to reduce operating costs, given the pressures on local authority budgets.