圖版圖版圖版八圖版 八八八 Plate No. 8 82.0cm. X 18.8cm. X 3.0cm.

殿庭槐下集議 蕭道成拒絕篡宋奪帝位 圖 Picture 154 Meeting under the pagoda tree outside the palace Xiao Daocheng refused to surpass the throne

154 圖版八 殿庭槐下集議 蕭道成拒絕篡宋奪帝位

據《南齊書》〔本紀第一 高帝上〕《宋書》﹝本紀第九 後廢帝﹞《南齊書》〔本 紀第一 高帝上〕《南史》〔本紀上第四〕記載: 劉宋元徽五年(AD 477)七夕夜,窮凶極暴的皇帝劉昱在仁壽殿東阿氈幄中臥睡 被斬首死亡,直合將軍王敬則將劉昱首級送交蕭道成,蕭道成當夜從承明門乘 常所騎赤馬入殿,殿內人員驚怖,當知道皇帝劉昱已死,都向蕭道成高呼萬歲。

翌日,蕭道成來到殿廷的槐樹下,召集「四貴」袁粲、褚淵、劉秉共同商議推 立繼位皇帝人選。直合將軍王敬則也在場,拔刀在座位邊上跳躍喊話︰「一切 都要聽蕭公的安排,敢有開一言者,血染敬則刀﹗」並親手捧取白紗帽 (註 8-1) 加戴蕭道成頭上,強迫蕭道成即皇帝位,他說︰「今日誰敢再動,事須及熱。」 蕭道成正色呵責說︰「卿都不自解。」拒絕王敬則的提議。 褚淵一向支持蕭道成,劉秉是劉宋宗戚,蕭道成建議劉秉接任,劉秉見狀辭讓 不敢當;蕭道成又讓袁粲來當,袁粲也推辭不受。袁粲欲有言,王敬則又叱責 之,乃止。 史家評論稱讚蕭道成,說他:元功振主,歸功四海,而運卽時來,卻是「無心 於黃屋(王位)」。 蕭道成當即下令,準備法駕往東城,迎立八歲的宋明帝劉彧第三子劉準繼位, 是為宋順帝,改元升明。蕭道成受為相國、齊王;雖然劉準名義上是皇帝,但 是權力都被蕭道成掌握。

升明三年(AD 479)四月,宋順帝劉準禪位給齊王蕭道成,劉宋滅亡。 據宋司馬光《資治通鑑卷一三五》記載,王敬則率軍進宮逼走劉準,宮內哭 成一團,劉準猶居內,聞之,逃於佛蓋下哭泣說:「願生生世世,再不生帝王家。」 道盡身為末代皇帝的悲哀。 155 蕭道成即皇帝位,封劉準為汝陰王,遷居丹陽,行宋正朔,上書不為表,答表 不為詔。宋諸王皆降為公。 建元元年(479 AD)五月,丹陽汝陰王府門外馬蹄聲雜亂,奉命監視劉準的衛士 以為有人欲劫持劉準叛亂,遂將劉準殺害,此時劉宋諸王宗室皆已被誅滅。

畫左側繪槐樹,右側繪龍紋牆壁,人物僅繪蕭道成與王敬則兩人相對,王敬則 著戎裝佩劍跪坐於蕭道成左側,蕭道成頭戴白色方形帽雙手撐地半側坐,頭向 右轉,滿臉不屑一顧模樣,狀似拒絕。 史書所載,當年宮殿槐樹下會議推立繼位皇帝,除蕭道成與王敬則外,尚有袁 粲、褚淵、劉秉三人;何以未予繪出後三人? 原因是順帝劉準繼位未久,袁粲、劉秉兩人不滿蕭道成把持朝政,袁粲和劉秉 密商預謀政變殺害蕭道成,事敗均被殺身亡,兩人當然不會被繪在本木板彩繪 畫中。畫家僅只繪出蕭道成拒絕王敬則強逼奪位之形象,表示蕭道成當時並無 篡宋自立之心。 至於褚淵,素來與蕭道成友好,南齊建立後,褚淵很受蕭道成寵幸,第十二幅 木板畫繪蕭道成臨終晉升三大功臣,其中繪有褚淵像。

王敬則(AD 435-498),南朝齊臨淮射陽人。幼好刀劍,原業屠狗,嘗販于高 麗。以武藝高強被劉宋前廢帝劉子業選入宮為鎧甲管理官,宋明帝重用晉升為 直閣將軍。曾任暨陽縣和南沙縣縣令,主政嚴厲,曾有盜賊被其處罰掃街之例。 劉宋未年,王敬則轉為蕭道成心腹,參與謀殺後廢帝劉昱。蕭道成篡宋建齊, 他任侍中。齊武帝蕭賾時,位至司空。齊明帝蕭鸞竄位後,疑忌舊臣,王敬則 懼怕被禍及,建武五年(AD 498 )舉兵造反,被殺。

註 8-1 白紗帽,即白紗高屋帽,是漢服冠服中高屋帽的一類,流行於東晉至唐代。相 對於官員士庶可戴的烏紗高屋帽,白紗帽為天子皇家使用。由於南朝時白紗帽 為皇室專用之冠服,因此戴上白紗帽意味著登上帝位,猶如宋代的黃袍加身。 156 Plate No.8 Meeting under the pagoda tree outside the palace Xiao Daocheng refused to surpass the throne

According to the Book of Southern Qi 《南齊書》〔本紀第一 高帝上〕, the Book of Song 《宋書》﹝本紀第九 後廢帝﹞, and the History of Southern Dynasties 《南史》 〔本紀上第四〕, on the 7th night of lunar July in AD 477, the ferocious Emperor Houfei was beheaded in the eastern felt tent in the Renshou Palace 仁壽殿 while he was sleeping. General Wang Jinzhe 直合將軍王敬則 delivered the emperor’s head to Xiao Daocheng. In that same night, Xiao Daocheng entered the palace from Cheng Ming Gate 承明門 on a red horse. When the palace attendants found out that the Emperor was dead, they panicked and yelled “Long lives Xiao Daocheng.”

The next day, Xiao Daocheng came to the pagoda tree beside the palace. He convened the Four Nobles 四貴 , Can 袁粲 , Chu Yuan 褚淵 , and Liu Bing 劉秉 to discuss the next emperor candidate. General Wang Jinzhe 直合將軍王敬則 was present as well. He drew out his sword and yelled “We should all listen to Xiao Daocheng. Whoever objects, his blood will be shed by my sword.” He took out a white gauze cap 白紗帽 (note 8-1) and put on Xiao Daocheng’s head, forcing Xiao to take the throne. Xiao rebuked him harshly and said “You don’t understand what I think.” Xiao refused General Wang Jinzhe’s proposal. Chu Yuan had always supported Xiao Daocheng, he did not say a word . As Liu Bing was a member of the Liu Song royal family, Xiao suggested Liu Bing should be the emperor. Seeing the response of others, Liu Bing refused. Xiao Daocheng then proposed Yuan Can should take the throne. Yuan Can refused the proposal as well. He wanted to say something but was scolded and stopped by Wang Jingze.

157 Therefore, Xiao Daocheng ordered his entourage to prepare the harness and drove to the east town to welcome Liu Zhun 劉準 , the third son of Emperor Ming of Liu Song. He made the eight year old Liu Zhun the new emperor, as Emperor Shun of the Liu Song Dynasty 宋順帝 . In the Book of Southern Qi《南齊書》, the author commented that the people favored Xiao Daocheng; however, he had no intention to seize the throne and usurp Liu Song Dynasty at that time.

Although Liu Zhun became the emperor, but all power was controlled by Xiao Daocheng. Xiao Daocheng was appointed as the Duke of Qi 相國齊王 . In April AD 479 , Liu Zhun yielded the throne to Xiao Daocheng, ending the Liu Song Dynasty.

In the book 《資 治 通 鑑 卷 一 三 五 》 , Song Dynasty historian 司馬光 documented that Wang Jingzhe marched into the palace with his army, desiring to force Emperor Liu Zhun out of the palace. When Liu Zhun heard the news in the palace, he fled to a Buddhist shrine and said “I wish I would never be born in the royal family again afterlife in the world to come.” His words fittingly described the sorrow as the last emperor of the dynasty.

After Xiao Daocheng took the throne, he made Liu Zhun the Prince of Ruyin 汝陰王 and moved to Dangyang 丹陽 . All princes of the Liu Song Dynasty were demoted to be dukes.

In May of AD 479, there was commotion of horses outside the residence of Prince Ruyin, the former Emperor Shun. The guards posted by Xiao Daocheng to watch over the former emperor panicked, they believed someone would kidnap Liu Zhun and start a rebellion. The guards then killed Liu Zhun, the former emperor. By this time, all royal family members of the Liu Song Dynasty had been wiped out. 158 In this painting, a pagoda tree was painted on the left side, a dragon patterned wall on the right side. There were only two people in the painting, Xiao Daocheng and Wang Jingzhe 王敬則 . Wang Jingzhe, dressed in full armours, was kneeling on the left hand side of Xiao Daocheng. Xiao Daocheng was sitting sideway with a white square cap on his head, and with his hands pushing against the ground. Xiao’s head was turned to the right, looking distained. It seemed like he was declining a proposal.

According to historical documents, Yuan Can, Zhu Yuan, and Liu Bing were also present under the pagoda tree by the palace to discuss the next emperor candidate along with Xiao Daocheng and Wang Jingzhe.

Why didn’t the artist include those three in the painting?

The reason is: soon after Liu Zhun became Emperor Shun of the Liu Song Dynasty, Yuan Can and Liu Bing were discontent that most of the government affairs were controlled by Xiao Daocheng. They secretly planed another uprising to murder Xiao. They were both killed after Xiao was informed of the plot. Therefore, Yuan Can and Liu Bing were not included in this painting.

The painting only depicts Xiao Daocheng refusing Wang Jingzhe’s proposal of usurping the throne. It signified Xiao Daocheng did not intend to usurp the Liu Song Dynasty at that time.

Zhu Yuan had always been friendly with Xiao Daocheng. After the Southern Qi Dynasty was founded, Zhu Yuan was favoured by Xiao. In the twelfth board, the portrait of three promoted officials , Zhu Yuan was one of them. 159 Wang Jingzhe (AD 435 – 498 ) was born in Linhuai, Sheyang during the Southern dynasties. He enjoyed practicing swords at young age. Earlier in his life, he worked as a dog slaughterer and sold dogs to merchants in Korea. He was very skilled in martial arts and was selected into the palace to manage swords and armours by Emperor Chienfei of the Liu Song Dynasty. Emperor Ming of the Liu Song Dynasty promoted him to be General Zhege . He was once the magistrate of Jiyang county and Nansha county. During his governing, he ruled strictly.

In the last years of the Liu Song Dynasty, Wang Jinzhe became Xiao Daocheng’s confidant. He took part in murdering Emperor Houfei Liu Yu. After Xiao Daocheng became the emperor, He served as minister, Shizhong 侍中 . He was promoted to be Sikong 司空 under Emperor Wu.

After Emperor Ming of the Southern Qi seized the throne, Wang Jingzhe became suspicious of the previous government officials. Feared of being jeopardized, Wang Jinzhe rebelled and was killed in AD 498, seventeen years after Xiao Daocheng passed away

Note 8-1 white gauze caps 白紗帽 was a type of clothing in the Han ethnic group. There were popular from the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty. Whereas government officials and civilians wore the black gauze caps 烏紗帽 , the white gauze caps were used solely for emperors and members of the royal families. In the Southern and Northern dynasties, white gauze caps were only allowed for members of the imperial families. Therefore, putting a white gauze cap on someone means enthroning him to be the emperor. It is a symbolic gesture similar to clothing someone with a yellow robe in the Song Dynasty.


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圖 picture 169-1 槐樹槐樹槐樹 A pagoda tree 圖 picture 169-2


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