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PRESIDENrS PERSPECTIVE Welcome to another 2reat season of London Majors baseballl

I want to saij up front that the London Majors or2anization appreciates the support of our fans. volunteers. media. sponsors and our plaijers. Trulij emphasizes our s1o2an of 'Not just ateam in the communitij. but a communitij team·. Its amazin2 how much effort it takes to put an entire season to2ether from the pre-season to the post season. Never has this been more evident than last season when I was not able to participate in the season. Our volunteers did an amazinRjob of pickinR up what needed to be done to make the season as much a success as possible while I was out of commission.

This season promises to be an excitinR one with the recruitinR that has been done durinR the off season. We have some 2reat plaijers on the team this season that will be sure to brin2 alot of excitement to each and everij 2ame. As a fan. I'm lookinR forward to seein2 our team in action a2ainst the other teams in the IBL. We bowed out earlij last season. but with the start of the first pitch of the new season it brin2s new hopes and aspirations for areturn to asuccessful ZOOB season.

I want to thank all of the individuals that kept me in their thou2hts last season and I'm sure mij recoverij would have taken lon2er without the positive thou2hts from everijone. So thank ijOU for ijour support from the bottom of mij heart.

I look forward to the new season and seein2 a lot of familiar faces at the forks of the Thames for some excitin2 .

Go M~ors Go!!

Scott Dart Co-owner. President London Majors Baseball www

Scott was named the IBL Executive of the Year in zooq. his first ijear runnin2 the club.

klndonmjJ!rs COM I ZOOB Season Pro2ram I LONDON MAJORS I 3 From the home opener, join commentators Mark Schadenberg and Russ Courtney for exciting London Majors Baseball action on Rogers TV.

AIRTIME* 'Sunday, May 18 S atford vs London Majors 1 pm Sunday, May 25 Hamilton vs London Majors 1 pm Sunday, June 8 Brantford ...s London Majors 1 pm Sunday, June 15 Ost.wa vs London Majors DH 1 pm Sunday, June 22 Stratford vs l.ondon Majors 1 pm 1\Jesday, July 1 Oshawa vs London Majors DH 5 pm SuAday, July 6 Toronto- vs. London Majors DH 1 pm ay, July 13 Hamiltorvvs I!Ondon Majors 1 pm ers TV Fan Day) $tlnday, July 20 Guelph vs London Majors 1 pm •schedule subject to change

Rogers TV is a proud sponsor and supporter of the London Majors. Have a great 2008 season!

ROGERS G Brought to you by: Porky's BBQ & Leisure, Westgate Honda and Wilson Mitsubishi \\\\\\\

MANAGER'SP£RSP£CTIY[ Last season. 2007. was m4 second 4ear as the General Mana2er and Field Mana2er and we had some success both on and off the field. We had 3pla4ers drafted b4 M~or Lea~ue BasebaiiiMLBI and one additional pla4er si~ned as a free a2ent with an MLB team at the end of the season. This was excitinp for our or2anization and showed that the Majors are on the MLB baseball map. Our record in 2007 was 15-21 and this was 200d for 7111 place but onl4 3 2ames out of ~ u. place. We made the pla4offs however we lost to Brantford in the 1st round. Off the field. we a2ain had an increase in our attendance and continued support from the business communit4.

As the General Mana~er in char~e of assemblin~ the team. I worked hard apain this off -season recruitin2 pla4ers to fill our roster for 2008. This was mq busiest off -season qet and I am verq encoura~ed bq the additions to the team. We onlq have 7 returnin~ plaqers from last qear. With our new recruits and a core of returninp pla4ers. we should have a verq competitive team. I have stressed three main thin~s to all of our plaqers; HARDWORK. DEDICATION a: RESPECT and we believe this is the foundation for a successful or~anization.

Off the field we have numerous events and activities poin2 on at this summer. Some of our main events include London District Baseball Association ILDBAI da4 at the park. which includes free admission for all kids in minor baseball. London Oldtimers' Oaq. fireworks and music entertainment on Julq 1st. Parkwood Hospital Seniors' Da4. etc. This should be a~reat summer for the kids and all our fans at the park.

I want to thank our lo4al fans for their support and I look forward to seein~ them out at all our pames. I would also like to thank all our starr and volunteers for their time and effort. Without them there is no wa4 we can pla4 ball.

Enjoq the 2008 Season! Go Majors! ~~Uu,_i_1J. Roop Chanderdat Co-owner. General Mana~er a: Field Manaper London Majors Baseball www

Roop was named the manaper for the 20071BL All-Stars at the 2007 IBL All-Star Game.

bldOnm~s tl mI 2008 Season Propram I LONDON MAJORS I 5 Dr. Donald Millar BSc. oc FCCSS(C) Chiropractic Sports Specialist 448 Horton Street (E of Colbourne) London, Ontario N6B I M3 519-663-1166

Helping get you bacl< in the game \ MAJORS GABBY ANDERSON \\\\\\\

Gabb~ let his bat do all the talkillR Bq BRUC£ IUF

'1011 ~ add Sbn IG*'I] Andersoo to the ist of furmer lqors who hare 2ailed hall of f~ st.itlls. !he sdt-spobn 6*q. who r.ned his~ not fur belli outspoken oot because he said ittle as a teen -~ prospect. is m1112 the Loodoo Sports Hal of £me ilductees fur 2008. ItS a wrl-dmmd honotJr. too. He patroled ri2ht f~tld for 1Z qears with M~s and Pootiacs teams. wilnin2 the lntercoontq battilli title in 1960 witli aniftq .391 ama2t and earnq flfst-team al-star statlls six times. In 1959 he was the kltm:rultq most Yluable !Uqer. want more? Wd. il1957. the rrst qear he joined the lqors lllder Frri Coooo -- theq were il the Great Lates L~ -- Gabbq took the battin2 titJe with a .'103 arer~ and was MYP il tliat loop. Like Coman. the aiTable ex·l'riee. 6abbq ifi!W up in the East End and learned his baseball on the '------' plawoonds. The fact that he was ateen practice plaqer with the M*"s when theq woo the National Basebal Cooifl!ss llcrth Amemn ~ ill9'18 h~ SJU hin to aminlr pro stint with Peoria.l and !lean. N.Y. At Peoria he e.nett roctie of the qear honolrs with a.350 ~ttin2 arera2f. Gabbq was born il Detroit oo lloY. Z9. 1929. the oldest of six boqs. The Andersoo farri~ moYed to Loodoo when he was oo~ afew mont/is okl. He joins GeQiie IMoooeq] Gibson. Coman, 1om rrunl B~qess. and as llleiOOers of the Loodon Hal. The frst tim are also enstmed il the canm Basebal Hal rt £me il st Marqs. The 'lf81qors were put ilto the London Hal diJil2 the rrst ware ri mwes i1 zooz. ()*!tim~ from t/iat team -- Jact fan. Iii Robertson and Joe Bechard are iYq. Look for a1 or these Hall of lilmers pkJs plaqers and u~s from qesterqear to be part or "Oidtiners D

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klmlonm~s o I 2008 Season ProRf'am I LOIIION IUJOOSI 9 IIIII/I I MAJORS ;,------.::

MAY EVENT DAYS -- Sunda~. Ita~ Z5th I'Mlweod ~OSilillllti\10/s d<1

JUNE EVENT DAYS Sunda~. June 8th fill liiU•~•ttii

Sundaq. June 15th l•'tl•bij

JULY EVENT DAYS Ttlesda~. Jutq Tst fe, fl"l'n·•· tt !Jq 1~e R;orn '"'d

Frida~ . .Julq ~th Southwest Iandon I!StblR ISSOtoltion Group i•lht

Sundaq. Jutq 6th ltr.d'lll m1t11•ers &•ij

Sundaq. Jutq 13th '"'"'"lao n.

Fr ida~. Julq 18th l1 I'! !e(oit'l •

A ror more events please check '='

8IR • Barril B•~~C•ts KIT • litciiiMr P>ntlltrs 18.1 • lnntronl Red Sox OSH • Osh••• Oodprs 611 • I~ RIM!Ifs Sill • stutronll•tion>ls HIW • Hlflljlton Thlllderbirds TOR • toronto Wl9it lufs



Jul~ 1st. 2008 5:00 pm @ Labatt Park Double-Header with Fireworks to Follow

10 I LONDON MAJORS I zoos Season Pro2ram I ~onma;ors com \ MAJORS \\\\\\\

Roo Chanderdat Scott Dart t o·Dwner /6enm1 11~~2er to·Dwner I President

Roo Chanderdat James S1nf1eld Case Pullh am Anna Glad sz 38 Coach 18tuch

Jack1e Johnston Dr Millar Pau l S1mon Cam ·snacks· S1m son hner thiropr<~etor Equipment Mmter

londo~s c '11 I 21108 Season Pro2fam I LONDON MAJORS I fl IIIII/ 2008 ROSTER I MAJORS

Kev1n Y1rtue - Of M1ke Gallowa -Of C~r1St1an Ru1z - Of Denten ~e li - Of

Dav1d NarodOWSkl · If IOS~I Sasa • If 11nce Burke - If

R an Mc Gowan -If R1ck Ross · If W111 R1c~ards - c Jason W1les - C

Adam [c~11n - P lea Kaln1ns - P Jos~ Palmer - P

Geoff Mann - P Jeff New nes - P Mehd1 0ebbar - P

~ ------I lnr>linnml,. •• CDffi ----__,\ MAJORS \ 2008 ROSTER \\\\\\\

Ron Oneson - If Jess Bechard - If M1tch Delane - Of

for complete stats on all the Majors plaqers please visit www


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NOON MAJORS I ZOOB Season Pro2ram l londanm~ors . cam - --- - . - ----_____,\ MAJORS \ TED ALEXANDER \\\\\\\

London M~ors Pitcher Ted Alexander aided baseballle2end Jackie Robinson B~ Stephen Hard~

Ted llex~er. fot'Tl1eltj of the U.S. Ne2«Jle~s . pitched for the London Majors or the lntercoootq Basebal le~ in 1950 &; 1951. Dan 1Jncle Buck" Mendham recals: led came to London from Detroit drivi!IR a shin~ new 1950 Ford Mereu~. He was ahappq·2Q·Iuck~ 2114. abit or ashowman . ~akkil!i al the time. Ted alwaqs had a can of wax in his hand. poi shin2 that car. Durin2 the baseball season he ~ved with a black familq in ahouse on Clarence St. south or Horton St. He was real heav~ and the M~s didn't have auniform bi~ enoiJ2h to fit hill. He started the season il his Homestead Gra~ outfit. Ted ~ot b~ prettq ~ood in what was a ver~ tou~ leailJe. It was bi2 business then. lots of imports were bein~ si~d.l, thilk he was here for part of the '51 season .w~d plaqed in Brandon. M.w~itoba after that." Alexander had pitched for the Homestead Gra~s and the Kansas Citq Monarchs of the Ne~ Nationalle3i~Je. Duri!IR the winter he barnstormed in Yenezuela. Puerto Rico and Haw an. Durin2 WWZ he pl~d for the US Arm~ major le32Uers. In the raa or 19Ljlj.llexander was at Camp Brecxinrid2e. ~.. when Jackie Robinson happened to see him pitchi!IR. Robinson was awaitinl! his dischatle from the us lf1IMI. and lookil~ for a career to folow.llexander encoura~d Robinson to contact the Kansas c~ Monarchs and plaq professional basebal in the Ne2«1le3i1Jes. Robinsonjoiled the Monarchs at their traiifl2 mp in Texas the folowi!IR spri!IR. While pia~~ with the Monarchs Robinson was scouted bel the Brooklin Ood2efs. Branch Ricke~. the Dod2ers man32er. slined Robinson and sent him to the Montrealllotjals. the Oo~s lntemationallea2Ue atrliate in 19'16. Robinson helped the ROIIals win the lnternationalleailJe championship that season. In 19'17 Robinson started at second base for the BrookiQn Dod2ers and the interation of M~or leailJe Basebal be~an . Soon the Ne~ le32Ues lost their star pla~ers and 110111~ prospects to the M4ior Le~s .w~d their f.w~ base melted awa~ . ls the teams folded. man~ plaqers extended their basebal careers bq plal;n~ in Canada. Wimer Fields. Jim~ Wilkes. Luther Cm-ord. Max Maoo~. Lester lmtt. BoiJ Thurman and Doc Glenn made appearances at Labatt Park p~ in the lntercollltq Baseballe~ il the 1950s'.

@ Former London M~or Ted Alexander

lcnd~JOrS t~.o'il I ZOOS Season Propram II.OIIION IU.JORS ll'i l l//111 SCOREBOARD I MAJORS ;,------..:. I. Pitcher 6. Shortstop Single Strikeout - K Passed Ball - PB 2. Catcher 7. Left Fielder Double Balk- BK Stolen Base - SB 3. Fim Baseman 8. Centre Fielder Triple - - ­ Foul Fly- F Force Out - FO 4. Second Baseman 9. Right Fielder HomeRun_ Fielders Choice - FC Double Play - DP 5. Third Baseman DH. Designated Hitter Sacrifice- SH Hit by Pitcher- HP Error - E Walk-BB Wild Pitch - WP Sacrifoce Fly - SF

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londonmaJQrs c I ZOOS Season Prollram I LONDON IUJilRS 117 l If/Ill EXTREME MAKEOVER MAJORS

M~ors makeover means new faces. new hopes B~SEANMEYER llle Londoner

Just cal it Extreme Makeover: lhe London M~ors Edition. lllllowinR a20071nten:ouotll Baseball LeaRUe IIlLI season that didn't exactlq 20 accordiOR to plan. Roop Chanderdat decided his team needed an almost complete makeover. The end llSUit is a 2008 edition or the M~s which wil see on~ a hair -dozen or so plaqers llturnini rrom aroster that fmished seventh in the IBL reRUiar season and was swept out or the plaqorrs in the first round bq the Brantrord Red Sox. 1 want to win so I knew this team had to be llvamped. lllere well some ~s we talieted to come back. but I knew we had to improve this team: saqs Roop who besides bein2 Londons co-owner is also the teams 2eneral mana2er and field mana2er as weH. 1hell were 2U4S I knew I wanted back. I had a third baseman and ariiht fielder: that meant I had seven other positions to iQ.I knew it was 20ifli to sm M£Y£R be mq busiest orr -season ever. but I was also excited bq the chalefl2e." The coil or plaqers Roop wanted back induded Kqle Piwowan:zqk (.J7J. six stolen bases. 22 RBis). Kevin Virtue 1.288. qJ total bases. 20 RBis). Mike Mitro no 2ames. two wins. 20 strikeouts). led Kalnins !nine 2ames. one me.lO strikeouts) and Josh Palmer IH five wins. qo strikeouts!. "Kqle was a second-team al-star. You know what ljOU 2et from him. Kqle was worried when we moved him from second to third base. but bq the end or the season he was riRht up thell with the verq best in the leaRUe ." Roop saqs. Josh led the waq for us with five wins. He didn't 2et 20in2 earlq because or the pressure of possiblq bein2 drafted. and when he didn't. that affected him too. But down the stretch he was 2reat with four wins. He was our most valuable pitcher. Mike is aRU4 who is dedicated to London and Ted is aLondon iUQ. he knows his role and is aiWaqs ri2ht thell. 2ivifl2 his all." After abusq winter of plaqer si2flin2s. Roop saqs he is happq with the team he has assembled. That team will beRin the 2008 IIIL this Sattrdaq. MaqlO. in Guelph. London plaqs its first thlle 2ames this season on the road before openin2 up the home schedule. Sundaq. MaqlB. a2ainst the Stratrord Nationals. Amo02 those plaqers Roop is most excited about addiOR all ilshi Sasa. an infielder/outfielder who plaqed for the Fulerton r~rs or the Golden Basebal Lui!Je in 2006. batti112 .271. Mike Galowaq. aformer member of the Toronto Bkle Jaqs and Kansas Citll Roqals organizations who won a homerun title in the independent Frontier Lu2ue. and Canadian nationaljunior team members Om Narodowski and Mehdi Qjebbar. Roop is particularlq happq to have siROed former second-team an-star Wil Richards who hit .312 with six home runs and 2q RBis last season. "We've never had anumber one catcher who staqed with us (former catcher Chris Dennis left the M~rs after si2nin2 with the MHwaukee Bllwers who selected him durin21ast summers M~r League Baseball amateur draft) and now we've added Wil Richards: Roop saqs. "I have coached Will at the al-star 2ame two qears in arow now and he definite~ fils that number one role: Other additions indudeChristian Ruiz. who was Hted a1110112 the top 100 plaqers in Puerto Rico. and Mitch Delaneq. who Roop saqs is expected to be selected within the fll"st eiiht rounds or this qears amateur draft. While the team has seven plaqers returnin2 from last season. there is one other siinifttant llturnee who actual~ missed al or last season. Scott Dart. the lot~rs' co-owner and team pllsident. was dealili with panmatitis last qear. but is back in ROOd health and lookini forward to not onlll he~i run the business -side or the M~s. but watchifl2 a lot or action on the diamond as wei. "I am lookin2 forward to seeing alot or baseball his was verq rrustratin21ast qear. not bein2 able to be hell. At least I could watch the 2ames on RoRtrs: Scott saqs. "I kept in touch alittle . but it was hard to watch the 2ames knowinRI couldn't be there. couldn't be a real part or the team.- This susan. however. Scott saqs he is lootil12 forward to comin2 out to Labatt Park and seein2 an exdtini team on the field. "I see the pro21'am Roop has put toRtther and I am excited. I believe itS ROini to be acompetitive team. rm excited about what is 2Qin2 to happen: Scott saqs. "I think qou have qour eWte teams. Brantrord. Toronto. Barrie. and then a2roup riiht after that. We all riRht thell. We feel we could be thm in that top four. If qou lao« at the pieces Roop has added. we could be a real ROOd team: Scott also saqs the orr-field business or the M~s is also lookini positive as wei. "We've had 200d contacts with the communitq. we alllookinR to 2et more irQUIJS involved. If thin2s pan out. I think qou wil see that happen and moll fans comin2 out.- Scott saqs. "If everqthinR 20es accordinR to plan I think we'l aver32e around 500 fans for our re2111ar season 2ames. Special events ike Canada Dall. fllthers Daq. openioi daq, we expect theq wil be much !Ji22er." While Roop shies awaq from predictini wins and losses. he does saq with asmile he is hopin2 to maintain an intellstinRiltent trend. The past four qurs has seen the lot*rs alternate between reachini the leaRue finals and losinR in the first round or the plaqorrs and London is comini orr afirst round sweep last season. "I don't know about wins and losses. I Uri we all 2Dil12 to be aROOd team thouih: Roop saqs: I think we wil be acompetitive team on the field. We'ljust have to see what happens:

JI LONDON MAJORS I zoos Season Pro2ram I •donma,ors com Please check out The London Majors' Photo Gallery on their Home Page Specializing in .. . to view game photos Tool Rentals Domestic Commercial Gardening Construction

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Little Lea21Jers just little kids

Just aLittle BOll He stands at the plate with heart poundin2 fast. The bases are loaded: the diehas been cast. Mom and Dad cannot helphim . he stands all alone. Ahit at this moment would send the team home. The ball meets the plate: he swin2s . and he misses. Theres a2roan from the crowd . with some boos and some hisses. AthOU2htless voice cries: 'strike out the bum.' Tears fill his eqes: the 2ames no 1on2er run. So open qour heart and 2ive him abreak . For itS moments like this. aman qou can make. Keep this in mind when qou hear someone for2et. Hes just alittle boq and not aman qet.

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~\OO.D11D~~ 17~6 Hvde Park Rnnd. f.nndnn <:Jn fl;:<: Rnn IIIII/I 2007 STATISTICS THE IBL 1

FINAL STANDINGS ------& w l PCT. 6111 Toronto 36 zg 1 .!Di llrantrml 36 27 g .750 2 Kitdlener 36 Zl 15 .!'All 8 36 18 18 .500 I Barrie 36 11 19 1172 IZ Hmton 36 6 20 .'t'l't 13 -london 36 15 Zl '11 PI owwa 36 Jl 26 118 19 Stratton! 36 g 27 150 20

INDIYIDU.U BATTNi l£AD£RS II or more plate appearances) ------·--- .. ------.. ------·------.. ------Pbqer. CUI PO 18 2B :II Ill S8 RBI Joe Co!Dco. Tlr .'16 zg 13 3'f ~1 I 8 6 26 tutt li)ian.lor .391 ~ ., 23 ~3 0 1 2 31 .letT Pietraszto. Kit .39ll 3'f 1'1 '13 55 3 Ill 13 ll -Cho.llr .389 ll tl 23 :II I ~ 3 23 .llstilllendt.lit .3110 31 121 27 '16 0 ~ ~ 0 Stenlewis. Osh .37'1 21 Ill I 3'f 0 0 8 g Kille Plwow;m~ Lon .373 36 m 33 50 0 I 6 22 1om RoiJertson. ~ .361 3:1 ffi 27 ~ II I ~ IZ JoshllcOnj.llr .3:18 3:1 Pit '13 53 2 ~ 22 33 Ad3m feb.llr .3'16 32 107 22 37 0 I 6 20

INDIYIDIW. PITCIUN6l£AD£RS (~5 or more inninRs pitched! ...... Pbqer. CUI ER.I 6 w I I' £R 88 so

Brett Sr3ll.llr 1.67 g 6 ~.0 Jl 10 ~71 3 31 lliNido Acosta••. ~ 2.00 Jl 5 561 2'1 13 :II I'! 55 lee Witmer. Kit 2J7 0 6 66J 31 16 66 3:1 23 llr~ tqeterp• . llr ~ I 8 1ZJ 2'1 18 61 ~ so Scott Robilson. Osh 211 IZ 2 m 18 12 38 I 'II Mftti llelehes*.lille 2.32 g 1 62.0 20 16 'f'f 20 61 PUstJ*ric*. Tlr 2.60 IZ 10 861 26 ~ 73 17 82 Jon loc:twood. Tlr 2.96 I 1 :111 ~ 11 '15 I ll stefan stm:br.llr 3.'13 Jl 6 6!!1 32 ~ 11 ~ 35 Jason PilkinQtOII*. 6ue 3.96 9 5 ~.1 32 23 51 16 '19

Jess Bechard ror complete stats on all the Mijors pla~ers please Yisit

22 I LONDON MAJORS I ZOOB Season Pro2ram l ----~\ MAJORS \ 2007 STATISTICS \\\\\\\

TUM SlATS ...... _...... 8111116 PCI 1ft 6 AB R H ZB JB HR 18 S8 B8 so 1181 ~Piwowrn~ .JJJ .'t'HI 36 "l'J7 l3'f 33 :10 6 0 I 59 6 17 10 zz Klrl Amooite .n3 - ~~0 1'1 60 l1 I 18 I 0 5 ~ 0 8 7 13 Rid! '*iJ$ 1109 Z5 15 97 Z5 ll ~ 0 I 38 1'1 10 Z1 6 .bsllll"lles •292• -~ Zl 52 'II 7 1'1 z 0 I 19 3 z 13 9 Knill lirtue 188 -~ 33 1'fi 18 11 ~ 3 0 z ~3 0 Z3 ~ zo RIPII&autlrier 155 .lll 31 I 9'1 zz ~ 5 0 z n 9 1Z zo 15 CllM:t Roberts 137 ~3 ]] 1'10 18 18 Z8 6 I I 39 I 1'1 zz 8 llitdlllelnq m 198 l 111 106 10 Z'l 5 I 5 '16 z 10 Z3 15 J-~ m 188 zz 59 53 5 1Z I 0 I 16 0 z 1'1 7 fmBirte .106 Z75 ~ IZO 107 Z1 zz ~ I 0 Z8 ~ 9 19 I IUtt~ne~~ .ZOl .m Zfi gz 79 1Z 16 6 I 0 Z'l ~ ~ 17 9 AixArqo •• .133 193 Z3 75 60 7 8 I 0 0 9 0 1'1 1'1 3 Cmqi'INI .101 .101 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z 0

PllOIIi &S cti w ERA I' [B HR B8 so Ill WP Am&aut~uu z z 0 I 0 Z.'l5 10 3 3 7 0 5 8 1 z bn tnastenn• 1Z 10 ~ 6 0 ,16 63J 37 ll 68 6 10 '16 7 z Josh h*ner 1'1 8 5 6 0 5.'15 71.0 l1 ~3 83 I 33 ~ 10 5 WI Stewirdson 7 I 0 I 0 m 1'1.0 9 9 zo z 6 6 I 5 llitrllit/0 10 ~ z 0 0 5.91 32.0 Z1 11 37 3 1Z zo ~ z Anchw [ilfletr• 10 z I 3 0 6.75 ZZl 19 17 Z8 3 9 zo 0 , ~~ [SCIUQil IZ 0 0 0 z 717 17J 1'1 1'1 zz z 16 10 I 3 lmieiHal,le$ 7 ~ z z 0 7.77 ~.1 Z5 Z1 33 ~ g 10 ~ 3 JedKns 9 0 0 0 I 9.82 10 1Z 1Z 15 1 17 10 3 z Kit IU!til• 3 z 0 I 0 IJ7 91 13 1Z zo 0 z 6 0 z Anllllnltn z 0 0 0 0 13.:10 u z z z 0 I 3 I 1

EEiihifidiM MWR&Wjili Wid RfiiNiij .,.,..

mdoom~ors COOl I 2008S eason Pn!2fam I LONIIOIIIoll JORS I 23 ABOUT THE IBL

IBl Cormissiontr - Jm Roon!ll The kltertolllbl Baseballle~ IIBLI is an amateur menS baseballeii~Je operatioi in central and southern Ontario. Tile le~ is independent tllat is. none or its teams are afTiNated witll a Major 1ea211e Basebal team. The Ill was foooded in 1919, and was eri!r known as tile kltertaunblll~ Baseballeai~Je and tile Senior lntertauntq BasebaD lea21Je. The leams pia~ for tile Jack and l~e Dominico l'1lphq, as charTJ;lions of tile lea~. The Z007 kltertOllltq Baseballea21Je Cliampions are tile i:Jronto Maple leafs.

CURROO lolt.llER lUllS: ~ BarrieBaqcns e Brantford Redsox Guelph llo~als ~ Hamilton lhtlnderbirds a Kitchener l'antllers ~ london Majors Oshawa Dod~s • Stratford Nationals

SWING PRO SWINGKR3 Plant/Factoa Oytlet 63 Sheffield St. Cambridge ON N3C 1C4 (519) 658-5253 TEL (519) 658-4289 FAX

1 1 2~ I LONDON MAJORS I ZOOS Season Program l

• Performance F1tting • New Skates: GRAF, RBK. BAUER Body Balance: The Latest Technology in skate contounng • Newest & Latest In Goalie Gear. EAGLE, RBI<, VAPOR, TPS, McKENNY • Full Line of Protect1ve Equipment TEAM & CORPORATE UNIFORMS • Latest in Team Fashion • Stormtech. Ashoty, Adldas, Gildan, Bella, Easton, Bauer • Embroidery, Silk Screemng. Tackle Twill • Latest In Custom Hockey Sweaters • Association Uniformed Business: Hockey, Baseball, Soccer (519) 433-9555, (866) 337-3837 ~ ~~~:a~ ~ ~F~~;~~~:~~ S OOpm Soturdoy 9 00 am to S OOpm 649 O xfo rd St. Lo ndon. Em;ul mfo@petessports com 1 AcceptAMEX VISA. Mastercard Oeb1t Sunday II OOam. 400pm

St. Thomas. Ontario 6598 Sunset Rd. 519-631-2510

London, OntaJio London, Ontario 500 Oxford St. W. White Oaks Mall 519-473-5186 519-681-5386

26 1LONDON MAJORS I 2008 Season Pro2ram I oudonmajors com f;; SACWAL . .., FLOORING CENTRES 9/tJ-;u~um/ walt' fir J. ..

2200 Wharncliffe Rd. S., london, ON N6P 1l1 Tel: 519-652-0023 Fax: 519-652-0035 E-ma il: [email protected]

Specializing in Air and Noise Testing

1m> Chanderdat & Assoda1es loc. MOISE_ 1669 Westdel Bourne I London ON N6K4R1

Telej:tooe: (519) 471-6770 Mollie: (519) 870-2727 Fax: (519) 471.Q770 Emai: [email protected]


loodtm~ijors t1 I 2008 Season Pro2fam ! LONDONMAJOR SI 27 IIIII/I AROUND THE PARK I MAJORS ;,------;

FRIENDLY FACES The london Majors would like to mention some or the people that volunteer and help make thin2s run smooth at everq london Majors home 2ame. These volunteers make the London Majors home 2ame experience one of the best in the 1ea2ue.

Volunteers: • Cathq Oobrenteq • Anna Gladqsz • £Iizabeth Gall • Terrq Dart • linda Ross • Bill Ross • Diana Pear • Cindq Chanderdat • £ric Collins • Tom Dobrenteq • Rqan Wilson • Paul Costa • Sue Gibson • Dean Giroux • Rod Booth • Jeff Locke • Caqleq Pozza • James Taqlor • Reid Adams • Mor2an Court • Jeremq Ouellette • Tonq Yer2ilio

If qou are interested in volunteerin2 to help the london Majors. Please contact Scott Dart at scott


519-936-8033 J I q


28 1LONDON MAJORS I ZOOB Season Program I .;ndonm~ors com Sitton

Sifton has six office buildings in the heart of downtown london

1) 495 Richmond Street DuffertnAve 0 0 2) 200 Queens Ave Queens Ave .,; 3) 171 Queens Ave .,; €} .; .; Ill c Ill ] 0 g 0 4) 195 Oufferin Ave 0 .. .2 E "c Dundas St. ,§"' -5 ..!! 5) a: u ~ I King St. 6) 285 King Street 0

For office suites that meet your needs, call Mike Riffel at 519-434-1000 or visit


The M~rs went to the Championship Finals in 2006 0

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