Hickman faces hard-luc- k Jays

By John Clubb "be a tough game Usually games Missourian sportr writer are close, good spectator games but not the games coaches like to manage." How difficult is it to beat a team that Recently Ash complained that the has won six games while losing five7 Kewpies were not shooting enough; last How difficult is it to beat that team if Saturday night, though, the Kewpies four of its five losses have been by one stifled that complaint in trouncing point7 Those questions will be an- Mexico 68-5-0 swered tonight as Hickman travels to Jefferson City coach Rich Maloney Jefferson City to begin an important said the Jays also are not attempting weekend of enough shots. "We want to do more The Jays are 6--5 overall and 0--2 in the shooting. There seems to be a tendency Central Missouri Conference, but if one-poi- nt not to take as many shots this year." decisions had gone the other way, Maloney said this tendency exists Jefferson City could easily be 10--1 throughout the area. Inconsistency has been the Jays' The Jays' leading scorers are seniors biggest problem Tonight they find Gary Gonder and Ken Brooks. Each themselves facing the possibility of averages just under 10 points per game. being eliminated as a contender for the Sometimes when Jordan has a bad conference title. night he scores 10 points. "If Jefferson City loses another Maloney said Jefferson City must conference game it will be just about play its best in order to beat the out of it," Hickman coach Ken Ash said Kewpies "Hickman doesn't make a lot Although the Jaysare struggling, Ash of mistakes You have to perform well is not taking the game lightly. "Any in order to beat them." time we play Jefferson City it's going to The Kewpies will not end their con- ference schedule Friday night; Calvin leads Squires Saturday night conference rival Hannibal (10-- 7) comes to Hickman. by Spirits 128-11- 7 That means Hickman will play two conference games in a row, and Ash From our wire services does not particularly like that kind of arrangement NORFOLK, Va. (AP) "You hate two conference games in a of the Squires sank four foul row, a let down in the first game can shots and followed that with a pair of lead to trouble in the second game," he short jumpers Thursday night to clinch said a 128-11- 7 American Basketball Hannibal has played seven more Association victory over the Spirits of games than the Kewpies (8-2-). It is St Louis. uncertain what kind of effect this will The victory snapped a 13-ga- me losing have Also Hannibal is a young team, streak for the Squires. four of its five starters are un- Virginia jumped out to an 18-- 8 lead in derclassmen, and that makes the the first period behind the shooting of x irates less predictable. , then extended the Hannibal, like Hickman, relies very margin to 22 points in the second much on its defense. The Pirates have quarter. given up an average of 55 points per The Squires maintained a safe lead game. until the final period when Marvin Hannibal coach Don Sparks said the

out-rebound- Barnes and M L Carr teamed to pull Pirates have been ed only St Louis to within four points at 107-1- 03 one tune so far this season. with 4 45 to play Ken Hockamack leads the Pirates in But Calvin, seeing action for only the scoring and rebounding The 1 88-met- er second week after being on the injured (6-- 3) junior may present a problem to list for three months, came through the Kewpies, who again will be without with eight straight points to put the the services of center Gerry Ellis. Ellis game on ice for Virginia with 2 27 to will not start because of an ankle injury play. that took place during a rebounding Calvin finished with 24 points, dnlL followed by teammates Ticky Burden, Hannibal uses both zone and man-toma- n who scored 21, and Mike Green, 20 defenses. Sparks said no special Barnes, tops for St Louis and the emphasis will be placed on defensing game with 37 points, scored 25 in the Jordan. "He (Jordan) is gomg to get his second half. points regardless of who covers him."