Mexican Mint Marigold

Do you like marigolds? Whether you answered yes or no, you will love this one. lucida, better known as Mexican mint marigold or Texas provides a big splash of color in our herb gardens in the Heritage and IDEA gardens in the Tyler Rose Garden. Texans have a very difficult if not impossible time growing French tarragon, but this little marigold makes an excellent substitute. Native to Mexico, this marigold is a real trouper taking our heat and humidity without a sigh. Mexican mint marigold in a very well‐ drained site with regular water. Like many herbs, if it gets too much fertilizer or too much shade, it will flop. A single plant of Mexican mint marigold grown properly is a real beauty. About 2 feet tall and as wide with bright green foliage, it makes a statement all summer in the herb garden. In fall when it bursts forth into bloom with its myriads of small bright golden yellow flowers, it screams, “Here I am!” Use the leaves as a tarragon substitute or make a delicious tea by steeping a few leaves with a tea bag for a delicious cup of hot tea. In fall, throw in a few blooms to float in your tea, it looks lovely and adds even more flavor and color. In summer, I love to steep a handful of Mexican mint marigold leaves and a handful of peppermint leaves in hot water for 10 minutes, mix with one half gallon cold water and one half cup sugar or sweetener. Serve over ice for a most refreshing beverage on a hot summer day. If you need to spruce up a fall salad, throw in a few blossoms for color and a sweet taste. I always dry some of the little flowers to save for special use in winter and spring. Whether you use the herb in place of tarragon, in tea, or a new member of your garden, you are sure to enjoy the beauty of this little plant.