PORTLAND P •** *..»*• ,• DAILY• ». ,'JuU) I'll?*' j K ;. tESS. £

VOLUME IV. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 20, 1864. WHOLE NO 687^ PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, Mr. Callioun [the Mayor] states that the population ol Atlanta to the INSURANCE. FINANCIAL. Joan T.ailiMAH, Editor, shortly previous MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. i business approach of the Union Army, was about six- cardsT" HOTELS. ptbll.hed at No. 831 EXCHANGE STEEKT.by i bitn thousand, oue hall of whom were refu- Life Insurance. gees. These all left lor the South the PAPER BOA RANU FACTORY. BKiDLKr, MOILTON M. A. POSTER* CO. during tTuoamstt^ , DJI T ZIRCON last two or with the U. S. LOAN. HO three weeks of the siege, J. E. FERNALD & W aOUBALS Duuu Ul BOISE, 7:30 SON, at raa r.JB FoaTbABD Pailt runt published at S8.0C exception of about two or three thousand, J. I5. THE MANHATTAN The Secretary of the aotioe that Libby, pw yen!. i mostly women and children. These all seem Treasury gives mahovacturab or MaineStstx Pans U Merchant Grain and Celebrated Mt Zircon Mineral Jlbb published every Thar, to are to Tailors, Flour, Springe, *3.00 In have indefinable notion that they snbsorlptiOBS will be received lor Coupon Treasury Provisions, JMom dsymorulnc.tt per annum, advance; *3.31 Life Insurance ! Paper B8 Commercial street, Tbomaa JHmtotUm, M*., If i A d vlllii. nix and If remain and be fed a Uncle Sam. Company Boxes, Block, month!; S3.80, payment bi by generous Notes, payable three yeats from August U, 1961, And Dealer, In Oi every inch u la i«a opened to th. ud bo the of or raw deecriptlon, bobsrt A peblie, palaa Delayed beyond year. Perhaps it would be well .if some portion roxx. Shoe iuut, Smailll be spared tula mason to aa.it tin Biota with semi annual interest at ol seven and Boxee, Jewelry Boxen, Drncgin Boxen, a. them this as there are tho rate s.moultor, PORTLAND,MM. rcLcel and to. could enjoy privilege, Gent’s Collar Boxee, Shelf Boxee, ConciiuloxicxlBoxee J UBASaud pl.a»aut Interesting Furnishing A.e.soesae. 1 ur And also as usual, I lull Raton of unmistakably several Union families in At- Cash and Accumulation throe-tenthsperoont perannum.—principal and In- Goods, Powder Boxen, Card Cteee, Cigar Boxee, Ac. guests. Advertielna: Capital “■alwanl cheaper than nap other >iaaar who have their integrity through 144 _ ,u One mob of ipace la length of lanta, kept terest both to be paid In lawtul money. ! Middle St., (Up Stairs) Portland, Me. kia» luiKiaad. oolumn. oomtitutti but this cannot No. 87 Middle Street. “SJ" | the terrible ordeal of treasoh, Ovsr ! JnneldSm j #1,700,000 These notes will be convertible at the option of the *1.60 per square dally tret week; 76 oenta per week | be permitted. W. W. CARR & CO., after; three Insertions ar -SSyiss^astSKssst.*^:** lh« of tbs viler. up leu did »«*• lees, S1.00; oontinuina eve- “The necessities of Lite service require—to BBKKT STOKES, PBMtnnrr. holder at maturity, into six per cent. (Old bearing ttavlBg takes the Brett Mereiataerlp eeeapledt rjl,m ry « h*r day alter trsi 60 oenU. Our fholUtioo for onr *k°tt amuuxM or lour ml.ee week, thinks Gen. Sherman—that all families whoa* 0. T. WBMPLK, applying customer.' with Dana k Co. 7‘ Booretary. bonds, payable not less than Are nor more than o. sawyer. “>• *ar*ow »■ *>*» *»«- “fc"l«‘?Sr?fVhr“.‘,1,<)rtiwtorJc" male are in the rebel service J. L. UAUtl, Awl. Secretary. promptneaa, nnd are le£l ,l!^ to let. Good 1 rest *1.0°; 6° ©eat* per week after. representatives fidelity despatch unexcelled. Ihdiiuo t-»irt*,— W^ck. B. N. from as lalrm4 Lader Uc^l of or have shall also go South. srBBBINS, Actuary. twenty years their date, the Government Onr Fish and Ho. 8 “* ponds. A BOW road wad Axdiimbkti, *2.00 pereqaere per gone South, Also, B. G WIGHT B General Stock it large and deeirahle, all Salt, Cictuuafe Street, Wok; three meertiooa or BNDALL, Aft. preeentiag J»"a. making the aceni nil* leas, all citizens not connected with the army, and may elect. They will be Issued in denominations ol Are QT ttl&B tO BDJI Other ifruoiAL ! the Novel tie. of the aeaaon. prepared to oflto to the trade a larpe asd veil MoontfcUi UouM llaily ctkch Nuiicm*, *1.76 per aauare fret week, who shall not have a from himself or Lnth.rD.ne. Portland, • permit Title offers tbe follow- Are one and , teleeted leaked l,uC per square after; three tnsertiout or leu, *1.36; long-established Company Ally,onehandred. hundrtd, thousand, Dene, -s«2i3i.-a ba.f a three Gen. Thomas, shall go North at once. Tbia is ing advantages to iusurere, viz: TKRMS "NET CASH.” Woadbery > fflaraifts.-- square, insertion*, *1.00; one weeh, John A. 3. Dan. Fast Office address, Mt *1 Ji. like the laws ol the Mede.-> and Persians—irre- A large ana increasing Capital, securely invested; Are thousand dollars, and all subscriptions must j J H Sine. Zircon, Mo. j Portland. An, 10,19*4.—dtf Foreign and Domestic limit I D. D. W. ABBOTT PrmrfetA* Ad vents© menu iaaerted is Maimm 8tat* Immediate availability of tbe olvidende, in cask _Innoldtf MM. V. Noras nndor k. a and will b# m tbe services of Ur. (JnldSm) nparln undine., opm r, Tracy. Traveling Agent. Wednesday last, the 7th, which being beyond W. W Tkoaaa. Kaq.,Treat. Carnal Beak. porft. gaged J. Bradford of Boston, a oempanp J. Merchant who No. 11 : all limits of tbc business of ex- B.Carroll, UeqT, Parties practical machinist, baa had over tea years ex- Union Oa BBd ■ Aaw Ikm P.mwdA m/ J.lw transportation, Jeremiah Dow, Sec’y lna. Co. depositing twenty-fire thousand dollars JO 11% T. ROGERS St St., tradition was for a time susDended. The rail- Kaq., Diilgo perlenee as x manufacturer and repairer of CO,, U prepend to ftralth The Uoaaa is Wm Kimball, Treaa. 8. Paaket Co. Sewing tba largest establishment, coaatraat- Kaq and upwards for these notes at oae time will he Oommisaion Merchante, ad Tuesday Morning, Sept 20,1864. road is wanted to feed the Even Ad- Bdward a haw, (rtc’l Port. But. Lna. Co. say Machines, they are prepared to repair and pnt in expressly far tba parpoaa ol a UotaJ. .t any It at- Army. Kaq AMD WHO LBS A LB UBALBRt IB a 1 STXAll XHOIXXS artag Place an tba ooaat ol Mute. it isailaated la ams’ Express Company will not be Meeara. Woodman. True ft Co. allowed commission ot one-qnarter of oaa par perfect running order every kind ot 8ewiog Ma- and B0ILXX8, permitted H. tba aeatra at a daaaa grove of old trees, wltb aia> to take for the Meaara. J. Libby ft Co. 1 chine. For the of of rerion. alaaa end anything except Army. oaat., whloh will be paid hy the Treasury Depart- purpose iotrodaciag them more Flour, Provisions & pattern, base aad vtotas opening to tba waters aide Bay, The O&ptnre of Atlanta. “The army of Gen. Sherman withdrew from extensively they will ferxahorttime allow the value Groceries, bat slew y aide distant oa ail bar am*. Partiea are lari ted to examine the merit, ol thla the of a cer- mentapon receipt Ml! for the amonat, of No. 61 Commercial Htmfiftudfixtun, Hearty larronaded by tba aaa. aad abaadantly the position near Jonesboro on the 5th and 6lb, before iaauraaee. cheap aod inferior machines in exchange far the Street, IillturiitOifti* hfcjhta. oompaau effeotiag j shaded by treaa, tba Uouae baa a apacioaa asd bena- ami tell back the The UKMKr K. tified to by the offleer with whom tbo deposit was Weed Machine. Lmmt Pai£T1ctla*s or the Final'Attack. upon city. particular oTIJJhNkY, Agent, UK. Horn Worn* of all daearlsUoaa. aad an Uibl reran dab, extending at ar three handrad aad Office No. M Moalton St. A limited number of PORTLAND, disposition of the forces would be contraband made. Vo ded notions for commissions most be Weed Machines to let by tbe Lcom.B.tei. } klada of work ranalndiabSidi., thirty teat on three aides of tba btUMiag, with wide The of the New York Tri- 8. I. Tawcaavar, M. D„ I Medleal and ran bated Lai., correapondent to publish. Snllice it to say that the 20th corps month or year. ____JnneldCn roannoATioaa. tnoroughly and coirtdonia the C. W. Ta.maa, M. D.. I Bxamiuara. mtde from the deposits. interior, to lost tailors can the most with General Sherman'* the and its immediate Machine of : enjoy compieta bune, army, writing occupy city defences; Findings every description constantly IroaStalra aad other Architoetaral Work. protection tram the sammer beat. and the other two the Bentlemea or and Hi the on band. Wholesale and Retail. from under dale of a wings of army, that of energy raaponalblllty Special of this Loan. Tbs steamboat trbari and boat landing, are on the Atlanta, Sept. 4th, give* diderent eitiee and town of Maine, deeiroaa of Advantages ** ■“ the Ohio and Tennesee, command the and rep- Ordara from the country should bo want alda, bat a tew amps from tba Uoaaa. Amplw of the movement* and action* only Manhattan Inauranoe Co. will It it a addressed, •ketch wiiich reeentiug The Life national Savingt Bank, offering a higher Weed oSvxtiSzruSfkgzE?**' IkailH lee are at hand >r boating ana Bahian. On tbs important approaches at a distance of several B DWIGHT General Sewing Machine Co. So., Middle 8t. aloneaddreae KENDALL, 13Tj L. ID east aide is a lit gravel beach, where tba taxer y of led to Hi evacuation, and at the dose of hi* miles south and east. The whole combined Box Mo Ml P. Portland. rate of interest than any other, and tkt Sett uewri- VIS, Agent, O., C. W. KOBINMlN, Agent. aaa bathing oaa be a aJoy ad at ail times ot tba uda. letter thus describes the entrance of our force* rebel Lee’s could not dislodge Ang U.-eodlm At a abort dtetaace oa tba across aa arm army including tg. Any savings bank which pays It* depositors in Portland, Sept, {—oodtf aorthaaat, us the Bookseller, Stationer, Of tba aad. is Orr'a Island, celebrated His Baaab into the the condition in from place. AUauta, henceforth, will T by captured city and U. 8. Botes, considers that tis la tbs beet ABO MANUFACTURER OF ar hIowa's well know■ novel be a vaat military depot from which our army paying NOTICE. atiss&fiASwnawtewssss: abort aotie*. which It was found DIRIGO Tba Bee bide Uoaaa u acceeelble by land from will be able to radiate in desired direction circulating medium of the and H cannot the any country, undersigned. haring sold onr Stock ot Premium Account Books. HT'Ordenfor Maoklaa Jobbtay rattaraa aad Bmswiab, I frees miles distant, by oaa at tba lnaoC "After so and wearisome a south and east:” WK,Coal and Wood to Mtaara. Paged rorffaga, executed. drives la tba aad steamboat from long campaign, pay In for own are Itandall. kfcAlie- promptly adSdtl State, by daily of anythlng.bctter, its aseets either t*r do it will not appear strange that there should Insurance Oo. Portland, Me. f ,0a.. ebeennlly recommend them to oar PAPER HANGINGS. Portland throaga tbs Inside peerages amnag tba in Government securities or in former customers. Ail islands of Urn be a geueral desire to Me and tread the streets notes or bond* pay. parsons having demands No. 63 Exchange Street, Portland, Ha. Bay. OFFICE 38 EXCHANGE BT. against as are requested to present them lor settle- 8IN«BR:r Visitors from tba Kenaebee bad ethaf lor able In Government earning of the city the of which there paper. ment, aad all ae art Jmncldti | of tb< can leave tba railroad at poeesskiu per»one indebted to requested __ parts latartor, Brsae- has been so tiered and a PENSIONS! BOUNTIES! to make immediate at tbe old stand wtek. aad prwmad by stage ta or *aatm» protracted struggle. It is equally convenient aa a or payment whore UarpewaU, temprary parma- one ot tbe be CBA8 J SCRUM SEWING MACF.INESI1 aa la Portland aad tabs tba Sharing somewhat in this feeling, but chiefly Authorised Capital, $000,000. undersigned may found for tbe present. ACERB, steamar, wbieb raas nant investment The notes can be SAWYER ft WH1TMET. down aad Boob twice aday. anxious to send forward my account always sold tor _ promptly Portland,Janet, ISM. JancUdM Fresco and Banner a 1 WOODMAN. TBIB * ol those receul brilliant eseats, your corres- CAPITAL PAID Ilf $300,000. within fraction of their Taos and accumulated la. Painter, CO.. JOU T. SJEITM, Propriator. left the some miles Art obtained for Woaadad Soldlsra No. 144, JrUfw pondent rront, twenty-six (discharged, j lareeted aa follow. tercet, and are the beet with banks as collat- Midtll. Street. and tbs friends of dsetassd soldiers who are ss titled seonrlty AGENTS, tram Atlanta, at Loan a on of Beal Batata at two- Coal and daylight yesterday, Sunday to tho l«B« bf Mortgage, erals for discounts. WooWI POUT LAND, MB. Nod. *4 aad M.1* tdla St root. BRADLEY'S and after a somewhat third. ha rahaa. *60.800 HOTEL, morning, dusty march, subscriber having purchased the Stock of BJT" Work executed In trery part of the tjtxta. Loan on United State, Beoarltiea, U,ft« Baadlaaamd a a head. arrived at the 'Gate City’about three o'clock, BVHOII D. TERRILL, pi.dgaof Convertible into a 6 oent TUBCo*I *n1 Wooa.tud taken the utaod recently IrlmmUgialvayi Loan oa of City M 600 per 9*20 Gold Bond. Joanltf atMItf I*. M. the of the piedga Scrip, •ocaplod by Messrs t head of AaMricaa Am* Nearly whole transportation iiA at Us. 11? Loan, oa of Bank 18,000 Smkptr WhUuay, Bayapcu naas, Alttnaj CtUMlIar, Iirta hiaat, piedga Stock., Ia addiltoa to the Jrasne Wharf, are now to their teemed to be the same all oa ef Stare of Malar very Uboral internet on tbs prepared tap ply Army moving wav, Loan, pledge Boada, Ii,Mj former patrons and the RUFUS -sun- Loanaoa of public generally, with a DURBAR, A CARD. | Cor, of Conunercifrl ft India flu. the roads being tilled with wagons hurrying piedga Aadroaeoggia Coaaly notes for this privilege of conversion is ■an assortment of 4.000 thre^years, , Naaalfcctar'r «od Wholesale along. To the rebels who had not heard of Licensed Agent for all the Departments St Boada, Dealer 1b A TbtaBoam it H asted directly now worth about three per eent. annum, for the WELL PICKED opposite Washington. per AND SCBBBNBD DR. S. C. FERJf Brand Trank Bah reel nno hand the tall of Albrnta, It might have been—per- MOO.000 ALD, mdBbBhtba Deport Pertlud. April 31.1144. sp3t eodta torrent rate for i-B Bonds is not ! J HIT ANN Boston aad Portland elaamoi’ W barf. taken for another of Sherman's re- Tkia la now te taaae an than nint for Old Company IA JUBABel haps was, Company prepared pohciea Lehigh. {91 Connected with this Uoaaa to a Brat clans aU kind, of la the eUy or esai and Loot treats, [av koval upon property country, premium, befare tbe war the premium oa Sa*«r Lehigh, and UaU. Lsi-raa.; liable te loai or At a. low ratee aa ia DENTIST, EBU< >7iter Dining "Fifteen hundred rebel most of damage by ire. Uaseltoh Lehigh, JaHBB BBAUUtl, Jr., A CO., prisoners' tuaen ctber omre. The are ot the •la per oent. V. 8. stocks were over 'No. 170 Mlddl f treat. Proprietors. by aay patron twenty percent Locust Mo amnia. i. it. r. U. Bradley. them tent to the rear by Gelt. Davis, and by AKCTV8IHE, aaerebaute and eitiaena generally ol Portland and Plater Bradley, It will be seen that the actual oa Jtshm'a, •araaaaora.On.Beoo aad Baaaua the of the were also ia meat -elicited. profit this loan, at aVo 218 Fort afreet JaaeMddm army Tennessee, windiug Tkiaity, reepeeifull. and Fsrtlaad, May M, 1M8. A. K SUURTLKP'F, Preeldent. the White Red Aah, M their way northward toward Who city they had Beal Canadian Bears’ Orease! present market rate, is not less than ton percent, Maine. JEREMIAH DOW, Secretary. Diamond and Lor berry, Atlantic House, to long delended, to pasi through it as cap- annua. nth, 1864. best preparation for the growth and laxart- per Dr. J. M. HEAJ D BEACH. tives, and still on over the route have so ancr of the hair. with the best •CABBORO’ they THE Together quality of vino need of Tor tale the Ita from State or diet Me oatln lateral la to sturdily, yet so fruitlessly fought to protect by DragglsU. septtdla J. B. Brown, D. W. Clark, Exemption Municipal OBcatoDr S C HA PUK ALD nuld JhnAvil, t A THIS BoosF.bartag baas aalaryad aad from tbe of the Union. For men en- J.B. Carroll, H. 1. Rabin,.a Taxation. Cumberland ! neaommrad Mm ta Me A near Army Coal BAHUFAOTTBBRS OF ratle rtoaad rt» eeb HWHregnod tbroannonl wUi ones ior tba asa- in any eood cause, there could A Coal °* gaged scarcely i _: But aside from ill the advantages we have enum* Superior for Blackewutkt. be a situation more commissera- While demanding St. Joha Smith, U.J. Libby, H. S J»ae, Japan, Lead, Zinc, Bed ail other methedekaevmtetr* mi Monday, JaneTB, IBB4, crated, a special Act of Congress exemptt all toads AUo. Hard and Soft Wood, probaaloa. tion. The whole party was guarded by the AND CLOTHING 14ATEBIALS. H. M. Parana, J.N.Winalow, G W. Woodman. And Ground Colors, Fortlead. Mar tt. 18U u A GL'HHISOH. li5th Illinois in of ^XLOraiSQ Andrew duriag. Aleah taeaat. B 1. Rohtaaoa, aad notes A»ss local taxation. On the Dalivered to ordar in B. closed oa tba babbalh to at Volunteers, command treating any part of tha city, AID DBALBKP IB B.—Positively Mavt Dufabtxut. PhilipB. Browa, C. U.UatkeU, S C. Chan. transient rtottora. There was among them ) Thu Jaaall k,ieut-Col U*nR‘t*f Bureau qf Provisions and A Jeranuah Uow. X O Craft, Wm. Moaltoa. overage, this exemption Is worth about two pot former coutoraer. of Messrs Saaryar ft Whit- colonels Clothing are WOOD AND ppe lirigadier-Gentrai Goran,several 18o4. -ladSm aay invited to Drugs Medicines, Paints, Oils & Varnishes. COAL September 1. ) Portland, Auguat 1,1M4. eent. i er annum, to in respectfully glvaaaaeall. PIcaiBBt Sabatbaa Mcaort. and other Ken- sealed and according tqxatioa various RANDALL. MoAl.I.IKIER ft CO. commissioned olUcers, mostly Separate Proposals, indorsed *4lrfra- Paint and Color So. S0 tUfcAf IVK CASH ! of the Portland. Jane Ik. 1044 —dig Factory, Mm.Joy St., as were tue privates. They til ed parts ovistry. tUCiliiis, will be resolved %t tb 1 bureau until two o'clock r M, TJ2ST I ON about a and seemed to be It is OScr A Halcsraams, SO CsBinereial St., 8PRIN6 MOUNTAIN, the road for mile, on tbe 121b day of October Last, tor and believed that no securities offer so great in* T.KBIOB, UKZ1LT0H. tarnishing Copartnership Notice, (Thomas EUUAK LOAF, OLD COMPANY LEHIU1I LO C^JPISIC~HOTJSj£, of great curiosity or of commiseration delivering ton receiving thirty days' notice) at the Block.) Objects documents to lenders as those issued by the Govern* -AWD- CURTMOUNTALN JOHN». DIAMOND WEB* WESTBROOK. to the in of war’s ravage, linlcd Slate* Nary Tarda at Charlestown, kit as Mutual Life Insurance Go. II SR KY 11. BCI4EN, SABF1 IBS BB j families, who, spite T*» tad BLACK H EAT u. Tbn tba and N. In auch merit. In All nthar firm ■ nf Urlolltaitnaaa 11. m nTrnTwrtann a Charles b. Forks. rF5TLl*L 11. Coal, an of Tbto aiegant aabarbaa a existence Brooklyn, Y„ nambera and quanti- beet A,. Walartag Plana, continue to maintain precarious rary qaality, wall amud aad aad— local ad a ties a d at each timet as may be specified by ;«# ebiaf UUBillJXUD OAFI CtU 1 iOaOlAU 1 rasylSdtf picked, epos pleasant eminence near Ca- the came out in to M IPp| h« aon offered them water and refreshments. ties qf tbe alfflrent articles.and at the places sped- pledged pay- day May BLAKE, CO., H«ke gaboerlbor, roopectiullr to licit. case', TUBformed a copartnership aador tho name of hard and soft va. ati.auoa of tko ffed In the following rii; while the wood, pablio. and cordially laeitaa a Within three miles of the an list, DIRECTOR’S ment, whole property of the oonntry is «»U trum hi. I city, pursuing OFFICE, daiiTarad to any gait of tba old Mead*. the Ctiarlestown. FLOUR&GRAIN city. T*a boa., to grade, along the line of railroad, Brooklyn SS State held to secure the dl«charge of all the ol DEALERS, Owe* CoaaaaoLAL plcawat, rsttrad aad qatog Tka Upward Jaokats. looo 7000 Street, R—tea, Raw, obligations McCarthy & gr.. band of Ftaaklia WbarL ltruitar* ux }'•» * And IU nnol Ikralihuin in nil mv m»4 ‘birrn— one begins to meet deserted rebel camps, long For tbo of Berry, Hound Jaekels. 2 Odd 3 000 the United States. purpose carry isg on the »• BOTblhl A BOH. “M*11«bU7 Tha HbS aluS and rifle which skirt tbe Blue Cloth 3 Western and C adian mb *>■ BT^ppuii lines pi trenches pits, 1'roapart, pairs 000 6(kO PreiUtnt-HKXMfTMOCKER. Produce, 1C dly datoaaal.. aa wall aa tka .ak»taaitol» — Ik. aa Bine Satinet riee-Pr evident DAS I El, SHARP. While the Government offers the most liberal terms BOOT AMD SHOE BUS1BB8B road, and many unfinished forts, which seems Trowtart, ...300 litOti “t u* the aery la. at oa. al tka t«t kaat». aka ka " 8 3 Secretary— W M. HOLLISTER. la all its branches, and all IE Comimwl Street, Or mile Block. have been commenced A CaovaaaDuokTrowmerv, (TO 000 or its it haring the fhellitlee for ■k*»and hay. ka*a .reared, to quite recently. lotas, botieres that the very ap- ttrst WAHRIiN’l 191 PORTED Frocks ... 6 000 3 000 strongest getUng up elass work for gentlemen aad kxm'k'a of the Btresiey Shaetiug ladies, ChtrlM Bisk*, ) akad. aad a taa MaktosHk roaa* toalla description main fortifica- Blue Flannel Ovsrah.rta _*uu0 1O000 will t« wear, are now to saeoute all orders particular H Q. W1LSOM, » peal be the and patriotism of the peo- ready with neat- A. PORTLAND. ara aaou tka com r .at* ace. at tka taukltokaeat. loyally ness and dispatch Our work will Henry June*, [ KIR E AND tions the is not within the Blue Fianna) Undershirts.12 Ouu IIi 00 Oenerat tn bo made of the K. w. WATER-PROOF > A atoa protecting city pus- Manager of Agencies the Xgee England or Liege. ) Balktof Hoar. .atoctoat tor tka aocaaao- Blue Flannel Drawers, 12 000 11000 ple. beet stoek. by theboat ofworkawu. and f-iV| »-**MU* |v«vv< wuiuvv »v v ouj pairs Hates. Imported Juoeldtf dattoa at Mean! hat tor. ha. km a mtto with u« warranted to ___ Blue A'# 10 000 gin period satisfaction. It is oar aim I tat. ten i«tl of a HatinaU, yards.Ml trill be received the Treasurer of FEIT 11 to»«tl»# water, aad tk. whato w inat, taken together, they made Atlanta per M Subscriptions by that onr work shall not be seoond to any in the Unit- kaa Blue Flannel, .60 000 100 000 " C0MP0S1TI0I, •and utoarrattaa hr a feauac arm. never been " Retell, tilt June, ISM, $930,000.00 ed States. JOHN A fee', which could have Blue Nankin, 6 000 10IXQ the United States, at the several As- LYNCH COT grace Ika baak. ar tka raad aad Sebastopol, Let it Pnid Washington, assault If Caltakte Laced Shoes, 10 000 1600V tndmte, 07*0,060 00 We hare also completed a stock of reedy-mada *®°*i*«tka at tha taken by defended. pairs e tadaipraoa laaaav. adequately Dittdend Paid in Out* to date, $340,030.03 sist ant Treasurers and and work of tho lrst quality, for Steeples of churches gild genteel residences, K Ip-akin Shoes,.10 tOO IS 000 designated Depositaries, Wholesale “”**■« •"••kkra ad tha pablto patraa.aatb. aa- Woolen becks.IOOoO 16 CO» Grocers, darat|BB praau, • to aa tton tar .a from the to by the Ladles. Gentlemen, and Children*! Wsa .para tE ar- Ken at the main entrance south, give Bianaets 3 000 12 000 Company oflbrs peculiar advantages per- FOB FEAT toon. oju> v m im sona ta inaur, Uieir lives, ia its Selected from Now Turk and Boston markets AND COMMISSION “i?S“*kknau. a aspect to the place. A large and Sia.treesea (with one cover for THIS iuteudiug tainty FI rat National Bank ol MERCHANTS. Wmtkraok. May 11, Mg. city-like and In ID lonrteen years' auperi- Portland, Maine, E. a^lUd bastion with a mounted eaofal. i«» 3 000 stability, acquired Oar Ladles' work Is from tho celebrated Barts Qranlto Stores, Comme.-o al HKRNKY, Agaat, high tort, 64-pounder ante: ia ita-aaa* a, wbicb, (withont ita capital of and all Rational etreat, of Black Silk Handkerchiefs. S 000 3 000 by Banks which are Depositaries JfoaVacfi-rji of New York. laaM dU Mo. u Ualaa l*at er* barbette, frown up°n tnis avenue ap- SWO.dOO.) amounts to agar of a million Boots, pain. 4 000 3 000 three-quarters Hr lien tinmen's wear eo hare the beet assortment (Opposite head Widgrry WL>arL) HALLOWELL HOUSE are 15 feet •f dollars, mor* than two hundred thou.and of money, and all and The ramparts high—the being pnblle respectable Qanks •ror oflbrrd for sale in this ; sack ae doe proach. Offers may be made for one or more artielee, at the dollura t* exeoasof ita Habilitioa for tbo roinurauao city Trench John Lrnch. ditch wide and and its embrasures are Patent Leather Boots; blots fait ) ALBBBT WEBB * Co“ . deep, option of tbe bidder, and in ea«e more than one ar- of riaka; in tbo fac litia. Bankers throughout the oonntry will give farther and Calf Coa- Barker,! PORTLAND, MR. REOPENE DI on alioot-ataadiug preaented grees tor wear; Patent Pete* to the whole three ticle is qjhtained ia tbie oler, tbeehiefoftbe bureaa gentlemen's Leather Con- Thoe. — placed sweep country lu lu aooommodat the a) stem af payments of premi. and afford to Lrnch ) Jnneldlf Mtuaeia— will hare the to one or more of the information, every facility subeoribo. gress, and Call Congress Balmoral, and new /ranch sides. I'assiug this grim sentry, which de- right accept arti- uma; in th* large number, dlverail- d conditions and nt Fxrxxmxx * cle! oontalned In inch offer and tbe remainder. Buck's Boots. mrvxxii toe outer of the there is a reject rartoua ages and I oca I It lee sf llvaa In- Ang fO—d&w2m fend* iiutiis, city, The must be an ere must oaeupatiot-i, Uars yon ssen the new CRIXPKD-VR031 DOLE St Flour price uniform if stqFraeg aural, giving tha largest requisite aoopa lor the ope- style MOOUr, Com, and pro in, M.U. hard road aud fields of scrub-oak or more BICKLB BOOT, now made Md k Ber- PMIIM, a packed all of any oat ariidn dfl^ooraOie at all ike ration af tha law* of and tbo am- by arthy OMMMMAl average mortality, ry! Tor neatness, commit and UBD OF WE which cover the plains, and half conceal every stations, to the insured for tbo boooBta there- beauty, it surpasses ■BBB1I.I.-B ABF, plest guaranty FIRST NATIONAL BANK, erer got In this oily. Call and see For she description c| erf Idea in the above list. of; la th* division the annual anything np it; thing from view, ofproft-, apportion- on hand at ths old stand of M. COMMISSION C.aw.nlai Beweee.» Paw MdJbrs are rtf.rred to the at th* said Navy ment of which tor tbo lour tee* always Mo- MERCHANTS, daad, Me. are a samples having past yeara And n IX Uwa5a*lB fuo utiugius made up of class to the oftbls bateau datad •jungles7 bolceal* aler* in poor Yards and advertisement averaged Forty per Cent, of tbo premiums paid. Savon-Thirty Sotea foi Balt. tl.wiaitd^aaeirVn of little better than as Lo the laws and residences, shanties, July 0.1861; and Ibr information FoUeios arylmaud upon «U the pin- a usual with McCarthy t rerrt, FLOUR, CORMABD contracts, PRODUCI. thrown without order, and ofteu regulations (In pamphlet form) regarding Lift laauntBee Uompauiea, and at as low rates aa ia Interest la at tha aad paraaaoat boarder. together the several of semt-anaaally. payable paper No. 90 K« change Street. Ho. B Qalt EDWARD H. aaapaay with more com- to tlie officers of commandants nary oohaiateat with a view to equity aad Block, Cnnaroer*‘al St, BUROIH, HI ka ga Sound aide by side bowse* of eolreney. rate of nn, aad thraa taath. caat. anaaa laaeldtt a.iMitoao pm tka aaaftrg al vards and navr agents Fortin* deairing Ageaoiea ia -owai where tha eon par par **Ma»ia waaLaa n fortable as you come nearer the centre PORTLAND. MR. ^JJ*jry aspect The Department reeerves the fight to reject any patty bar* non*- and thorn wishing Traveling Agen- Boada cob r.rtahla is thraa year, lata «U pare.nl } 01 the There are few or no shade trees, a snot considered to the Hov- 1 cies within th*'*w States will ta city. prepo- advantageous Eagiaad apply •ea-tar.aty boada, upon whlob tha futaraat So paya- emment. I. Q. WILSON, N State Struct, __JRM144« C.orn, Meal and * diminutive, narrow,forest growth supplying Beaton, girtag biala eota. The Cabinet Flour, ■ T.a. Blank form of be obtained on an- or to BLINO, shade. are them- propose’! may snob retorooco, information aa ago, present Organs the Soldiers making at New ▲la*. Ground *f » only p ieation to the navy agent Boston, York, and basinet*, w wi.) enable him tolorm The Beta, will be datfrared here free of axpenae. MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY Beck toll ~ **•>“ katal. in tents sud huts. Wo- past Judg- selves comfortable and and at thia bureau aej Slawlw ment In thereto. Inaeltdlm 7mhM" Philadelphia. regard The parchaaer will raealra the lataraat to August it I MM. men aud children dressed in their clean ^C. H. OSGOOD. CmbbImIm H« reheat MallowafsYak- tocMkaadtf If are made before that time. the children eabeerlptiona Clothes, but generally barefooted, MASON & HAMLIN aoa V. S. Marshal’s Salt- OFFICE OF THE Oae-tifklk ftr cm I comminitm will be allotted rracaaaa abd at lb or aie out to see the new comers. It is Tuesday, DENTIST, ISlT TUiUUCH 10181, llnlTBO Statbu of Iiuici, I tmbttriktn at I kit Bank all annual. Bl.uOO Are tho best instruments of their eltst ia t hew odd. a is Into the on upon and regiuieut marching city Distuiot OF Maing.aa. J ATLANTIC all the * and o.ABOTer The poor people, oi whom there are evident, PUBSUANTtome olreeted from the Hoe Ashar Ware, Judge Mutual Insurance laatnamenta are la oenstaal use ia the coaeerts ol afabatga. Company, the a Utilities left in the seem of the Coiled States Dial riel Coart, within aad tor Portland, July 30th, 1864—dtwtf mod distinguished artiste—ae tiottacbalh aad Vttabam No. 130 ly great many city, NEW TORE. JANUARY St, IMA OTArttBetal Terth iaaerud oa G eld, Sileer. aad CtMerdal Street, Tka aad the Dtatriet of Maine, 1 shall Bell at Fat- ethero—as well ae la the -ms ia the prtneipal eit- Laigeat Beat Anuied Helal rather than otherwise. Others look sxpoaeand Fmcamite twl All operation* nrrmlnl to ala* Aad Crrr Kills, plea>ed lie Vendee to the highest bidder therefor, the follow- lee. wkenerer sash Instruments are required. Prtoo Daartag Bridge. IM lit dosed blinds. Tue women CASCO to each. Those mtla fact ion. Jan*SO*odli»y'iA MMOI.AMIK but only' through ing property and mt rcband's# at the time aad plan# mux in to the Charter of tbo BANK. • It •too Instruments mer bo fonnd lrqslee*. aontormity the Music booms the ____Jeaeleedto are out of ail proportion to the male inhabi- within said District as 'ollowi, vis 1 Company, eubmit tbo loUewtng a ta lament el St of subscriber, where they trill be sold atthsssaanfaetsrsrs’ tants, and in this particular must resemble fl Southport, cm W- tin e id ay the list tap cf its aEatra we the Slat D* cembtr, *St4: prices. E. k. ~LEm6nT~ Alexander D. current, at 11 e'efoeh it rooelotd on Marin* GOVERNMENT 7 3-10 LOAN. Reeves, 1 alt Lake Here the soldiers are September, Framiom* Riaka, H. I. City. charg- Tifi liCLL of Tun Scttoonaa Maacv A Howae, from let January, MM, to (let Do- BDWABM, upon a woman's grapery, which brings on board laid eon- Stewart s 31. Tailor Sc ing and the cargo Intel, schooner, gem her, IMS. tl.U4,3M M Caeeo Cask ia prepared to reaeirad eubaerip- Ns.Mt| Block, Congress Carriage Manufacturer, Draper, Notice. her to It about Fifty lu Balt Ftan and oa Folietea not marked of dti _ her out of seclusion remonstrate. sfvfiep of qi'ists Framlama THEtloue to tbe new I *- rO loan lu lame of Bid and sprit • • Off ubl Oil. 1st IMA, 1,704 Ml S4 Preble Street, Me. 08 Sb p Mvtrn and does very htue good The rad* specimens January, npwa'de, paying iutereeton easra !>"m date el eab- Portland, EXCHANGE Vv ?’***• Areata ordered te sold tbe ST.t tor owner*, bare by ar-ro, that aa aad The same baring been be by to lUk, tke date of the Uo.arameat * attar tha are mostly loreiguers, or Jews aud blacks.— ecriptlon Aagut BRADFORD.* HARMON, Ittt dav of kekiM.bcr. lAk. all District Court of the United States, for th* D.strict Total amoaatof Marina Frrmtuma, fl0,u04,0Ul IT aotee. B^CUmaf *• aad Sleigh* ea hand and made to M&saftctttrti to order and in tho boot manner, mil larroe. ite.a is a number of life latter left bar# bean leaned Lift board tor tka liland or Cato. ih II I. There larger *r Mein* Eo rollelee upon All BAO and bow kare a order. jauelMtf and dellrelfJ pereoas karlng apwmrde Petition and Claim Itary IVarj Uniform#, and Boyt* Gar- nariead • da within reach of bn e than has been met with before Term* Riaka: aor Fire Rieka dtaeoa- mod to Afcnto, .Ion* rrawto tack aa during c/Sale—e. la. paying mot b-» bends coatlaaa to derote their special aad eaohs- ■ ASUPACTUSK1 or Whitehall street the buildings are of C 8 DM of Main*. Laeaea the earn* Mub.abl 04 bpar Kaward hobart aloug Marshal paid during period, Loans taken on aefa.orab e terms at at aay othar STILLairs attention to the prosecution of Claims lor JOHN F. ANDERSON, aeodinp. Dyer, brick and some three aud four stories. Ueie Rgtarna ol Framiuute and Expense*. 1-0H.M7 41 ■auk. and A**"1 **»•. Carriages Sleighs, i8. U.S' Daria, kbabal the bears a bu-loess aspect—at least the E. r. GKRKISH. Caahier Ptneioas, Bonnties, Arrears of Pay and Herryau.^ place IsU MBEK. The baa th* ftllowiag A•*»'*, Tin; Preble and Civil Jam-tL. Mow, I J llokham oi former the stores Company Portland, Jaly 38,1864. JyMdistf Preble street, (N**r Hooae.) Surveyor Engineer, signs prosperity. Now.all Unit- d Mtataanad ktat* of Now Turk Prise Money, Hoary K o Carolina Lumbir Oompany. kjAnroa. rep.,“ are vacant, with a very few *aeeptions, the btoaa, City. Bank aad witter Stock*, S3.tt2.6Sl 30 PORTLAND, ME. CODMAN ?*?*•?to *• TrB*- Jmmo Bata, E ha# been the above And all other elalms tbs h V* OFFICE, BLOCK, Joha t; C. doers stand open, and the windows are smash- undersigned unpointed by Leanaeuourvdby Uloekt.audutbarwiaa, 1,460-700 00 First National Bank against Gorerament, Harry. Dattoy, Com .8 1* for the salt of tor and Honda sad 00 boon duly licensed thsreior. JoMpk Jaaa. U ed. A hotel in the middle of the TH pen Agent Umber, Baal trial* Mortgage*. 1M.744 lag Salt Rooms, 110 and 111 M»| St., Boston, Mass. mchlTdfcwtf rnna gTaaar. Moaa'tort, t.atcMaooa. Urge Square, all ou Bouda This Bank wi»l aonvsrt tht noUs ma- w the mate of New York aad rarte and pluses aorth Dividendsob btoeks.Interest seven-thirty tr All sdrieo free. Terms as low as at any eth VT“’ rowiMr. in us* for a rebel is to be set of New aod is to fhralsh hard and otbsr Juoeltf J#**» lately hospital, York, prepared pine and Eertgaf** Loans.san- turing Aug. IB, and Oct. 1. into six per coat, bonds •r Agency, and no pay required until the slums are /•*?•*■* «• Kora*?. t for a soldier's home. Most of the build- lumber ia quantities, tbe sawed to Note*, r* loaaranc* and other Ltmb 8 CMit. apat aay by cargo, oay dry of lttl. in all the denominations lu which the not# obtained. Scotch Canvas, LrwwMI.ch.il. this have struck desired dimensions, el tbe shortest notate; also Elan ri.lm. dee tha Tamn'r estimated at 104*44 61 OBee M ulrcet. Jose Block. Aodrrw J. 1 MtaaclU, A. R. * abtcr. ings aloug thoiougbfare been were issued, vis:— ffiO. *100. »L00 aad SI 0O0— at a Eachango \ Safes \ \ Walnut. wood, Ha. Pramiem Notv* and Bills Receivable, l,JJs,S7» <3 r Safes -pom mi ST- W. Look, UTaltar by our shot or shells. 1 u some esses thev have Bay Bradford, W^»r Urnlmaa. JOB A. TUBS BE, I CeshlaBanh, ,*4.111 W osumisiioD of l per oent. 4 warn SALS AT J LUmaa Read. badly shattered the but No, 13 Washington St.. Boston. Mass. Ikoaa* L. «. buildings, generally W. K GOV ID, CuLiu. Janell.—dtf JAMES T. PATTIH * Libby. W. Harm. have mfitcnd but liule damage. Five thous- Aag.10.18M. sedan Tatal amount of Asoeta, gt.M6.4M B 00., ‘••n C.SmolL K A Maiwiak. JAMES BAILEY A « ■lg por sent Intoraat on the oalalaauiai aertil- Portland, Jaly 10,18M_eodtf CO., Bath, We. Marrlll. Darid krarar. Jr, and dolhus would repair alt this class of dama- fj“,rWill MW oi wregla will be paid to tbe boiden thereof, MltXOOHAli'S lam linu. lHw.ru Hal ge to the town. The heaviest lots has been To Xarchaat Tailors and Cnttors. an and alter D. U A Y.oloa A or their legal reprseentativet, Tanadar, Hard-Ware k HULIS Sanortor Bloeekod Darlea, Bala. w have neat. Canal Q/Ai Rolaad York. from Ores, hich consumed several valu- HAVE left with Mr. W. D. JimM. Ho tl Mid- tb* Second of February Be nls.. PATENT PAIXT OIL. Saddlery Dealers, *» i0 Km « Mardiraat, and On* half CkarUaSawtar. able stores, caused probably by the bursting dle street, Port end, ccule* of the tree science of After reaming Thru* Million Dollar! 162 MIDDLE >•“ WWR. kPHa-daJl. I certificates of tb* lain* of A For foot Substitute for Iunssed Oil, STREET, Allrial WliLam B. Bovd k o Y.'ih. iron machine □ Mr. J. luilr apderseuds the of prolta, lb* onUUndlng Government 100 do tun Ail flu ol shells. Thu louudrles, shops rafting ga'menle. to tb* 7 3-10 Loan. MUCH CHEAP**. Lot, can aom- IMS, wig be redeemed and paid boiden there- AMD Mdillrarr Rraa ( Dwr*. the railroad theory sod practice as well as I do. and PORTLAND,.MM. NO do Navy Fin. S'***• V"1?0*- and other buildings along leaviui or ’heir rsproeentatlv, a, on and after Tuee- LliSurd, J. 8. W tar low, muutcat as well to others. Ol'IS MaDISOH. of, legal i This Rank if QfeU in (he same m&ooer a* L’nsetd Oil, J* out lhe have suffered most tb* Seooud of February neat. Iron which data ti prepared to reoelre -ubaoriptlone to JrlSdSai Delivered la Fortiud or Boetoa. Uhha W be lar, Charley Lull, northward Of city, Portland, 8*-vimi decided lor ail eotldM liere chimneys aoiors, p advantage* I Cao. U S arr A. O. IMuUdaa. at the timeoi payment, and cancelled. work on o»tab lehm Law aud holes as large as a barrel blown 1 UavingTeceived authority from Mr. Madiscn, 1 produced pajiug interest from dste of subscription to August mat nfkctur.n# uts, depot-. Partnership. I'D. Dm ad. 8 1«M down, A Dividend of Forty Ter Cent, ta declared on tb* cars, all kiuds ot l un for and knit (wad Sin *s tnmi-h all tha Informa- 16!b. the date of the new loan. eiigtne*. wora, roots, llte roofs aud sides; doors are knock prepared neoeeaar) net earned premiums ef tb* Company, lor the through tion, and those who wish year wherevut a waster proof paiatis required. For ail WILLIAM A. a supply may with the rules, certificates The notes are convertable at the end of three HOWARD 4 CLEAVES. PEARCE, ed from oft their bingea, aud wreck general N. endingll.'t December, l*»t, for whlgh kinds of work, to salt water, it la sa~ at Ur 8 Gardiner's, Ho. 63 Middle street. tb* Filth tUip exposed works. Some of the sinal 1 will b* issued, on and after Tuesday, o] jeers into 6 cent bonds. parlor to other. > A. A 8. 8HURTLEFF A CO made of the 8ept 16—3m W D. JAMES. 1 specie pa> ing per 6-90 aoy ly nest. A Counsellors at Law, PLUMBER! —— Address orders Attorneys -. April to houses still occupied by families show larg I -;_ One eighth percent will be el owed on aUamonnts NOS. M*M I Tbe Proguefih# Company ascertained Ollice 91 Middle St., over Casco Bank, ■Am ov HIDDLB STREET, holes through sides and roof. Copartnership Notice. From tb* 1st of Jnly.lS41.lo tbe 1st of of 91000and wrer. B. C. 80MEKBY, CRAFTS & WILLIAMS, PORTLAND, At IMS. for whichCertifloate* wer* MR. *'0u the night of the first qf September undersigned hare this farmed a Copart- Jan., j Cashier. • k 8 CommKhciAL Wharf, Burros. PORTLAND, and day amount t* Force Pumps Water Closete, ■aaaikctarara aad Unta witnessed one of the most terrific ex nership anosr tha trm and name af Maned, C14,8S3,Mt Portland. 1. lttt.-dtf Boston, Asf. 37.1864 aog8 eoc3m toura howsbd. batbab olbavba. Daslata la THE '■ "Lewis, Aug. ft Bo»» for tha ; Additional from lit Jan., ISM, to | plosions aud conflagrations ever seen in Ui EOLLtsa purpose of doing a Jylgdhwlm NO. 1*4 EXCHANGE STREET. Bra's sad wholesale and ratal olothlng bnaiaesa, at Hoa. 141 Janaary, 1IU, XMO.aX Boys' Youth's Thick, Kip history ol war. and 141 Middla St.. Portland, Me. Sewing Machine Improvements. PORTLAND, MR. rad Calf Boots. odd half of which wer ! Total for Hi year*. gH.aw.8K U. U. Eighty cars, nearly C. Lewis, progto New Steam Mill, owner, of approved Sewing Machine, are OR. RICH, Woman's Mlaaaa and o; M. C. Tbs Certificates to lift, baft Chlldroa'a Goal. KIT loaded with fixed ammunition, were set l koLLim, prerioas __ ALLInvited to call at Warm, Cold and Shower Wash “d W.M.Bonp, beea rodssmed by cash, 11, WO Jit Foot ot Cross, between Fore A Commercial Sts* Bathe, Bh~ lire, the track of the ^55® SURGEON Brasil A Silver Plated standing upon August Portland. Sept. 1, bS64.-aepSdJw HO. 1! CLAPP’S BLOCK, j DENTIST, Bowl., Cocks, c^ss^sid£^r- llailroad.uoi a tulle from the heartofthe with tbe Com- eltj Net earalngs remaining DOTEN and mpn.*«»eau ef the day— (Opposite (too< of Trae Street , description VV' >TH oar taporior MIHm for maaalhrtariac. lat By order ef tbe Board, the Houses. Hotel., Pabllc Baildla*., Shops, rid light over the and aurroundin 1 heretofore hetweai inform their former caitomers and the abore named he would EVKRTling andatmrra aapoHaaaa ia tko baalaraa. wa city rstliE eopartaershlp existing W. TOWNSEND JONES, Secretary. Villia'i Fatal Ciuk lstisi, wl AtUckiut. flaring Bttsd ap rodS ka and set In the beat manoar. ud all The public general y, that they have dtt> d up their Bjfe'i arranged np •0 art abla to toll at la* am la Boatoa or alorw kora. country. detonation of the bursting shell s X Sweat and Clseree as Attorneys at Law, is thi WOULD be happy to a ait ou all who may wish for the ter- eaeeuied Mew Mill with Mew are now ul the en ordara in town or ooBBtrr faith fa My All Daalara ara to tall aad aa> shook the to its 1 dissolred saatual aonseat. The again ol thi Machinery, an* ready Tha former placoe th* control machine rice, of a tklUfal Dentist, branch of I'm laapaatfaily la.Had city foundations, and fllle day hy to do and alto Mrcry kinds of lobbing attended to. Con, too tty late Srm will be either TRUSTEES. Planing, Mulcting Jointing, Sweep tirely ituder t e control ol the feet of the operator, will reoeire careful and up promptly amiaaoar.tort baforo paruhaala*. the air for the of seven adjusted by party. (••try attention, pertect no band LEAD FIFES. SHEET LEAD and BEER U, continually, space M'. will business at sMce Ha Mb D. and Circular hawing, »• oj fc. all nckwird motion of the wnrol.nl' he warranted. d8m msi! prompt]/ Attended Sweat eontinoa is Joimh, l>*vid Lane, Turning, preventing tsfaction will Jy9B PUMPS of all apSdU hours, with fragments and the debris of th It We have in operation one of Mown. Gray k lowing the freedom of both hand, to handl. th. ! dworiptloa.. JM^JIrdertby 117 Middla street. Mossey-aOtow. j tJsBBtii Bryw«, general wreck. The explosions were hear 1 Mr Cleares at the oboe of Howard ft Cleaves, Ha Wood'i new improved Planere. for work, aud .avtng th. breaking of nuedl*. and th< on of ih. thread. M. PEARSON. miles from the city. Visiting thi , 81 Middla street, over Casco Bank raw* FLANINU OfT OF WIND. tangling ! J. T. Lewis e Nolirr of Diftsolulion. icteree Jylldtf up guns. J IBM Low Carriages! Ou all pay menu n ade alter the Ihth in.t, John kiuNiuan, TREASURER'S OFFICE. I which n- ,l Carx'iages, will mutt he or Hoars. number of gent the rebels could fit IIP. Srm heretofore extatlag ander tha aaarean I JOHN D JONES, Praaldont he charged, l'ai meat made, WatanrUla. An* 17. 1*44.1 Uni nnd Nentlf Finished. ! Oct. Tlae lake awsv in their the cl' J style of Cloudman (Parana ft Co., Is b reby dh CHARLES DENNIS, Tie* President Firmly by l.t fitter, Cheapest Agency Main* Railroad Company will par hurried flight from | oftbe Shareholder 'Iqas Caatral sol rad maual car tent Messrs. Cloadmau an I W. H. H. MOORE,gd Vie* Praaldeat. rue cerlifleate.of dock prroeet from Part* were buried-, and head boards with ey ^y I —AM1>— I TMOR ooUeoting all olaaae. of elaim. arising THEtheir Coaponaat the Eirat National Hank, lying ttsvens are cut tensed to settls and tbs a! . J. F. No. 20 Preble will hj received at flftr dollar, per .hare adjust LIBBEX, St., 4 the war land, (roam tbb data. ___ la that of the ___ _ tapbs placed above them to personate grav * Salts of the late Arm Jolllt Kl/WAKU U. UA VHi, Clerk Dealor it» Can Fixtvxron, J. NIK. Trrnaarar. CLnliDMAH. gW fur warded and Ornn Polici» 1 a oT old soldiers. Gen. bberman states the nus 1- ALHEftT B Applications /h^FEiiS forasle, at hit establishment, variety Portland, 14. liM RTKY1.H8,' by of moat cut I Sept I * Keioecue Cooking Appnrntns. 1 ASSOCIATION,- Aaa. IT—dim precared Carriages made in the neateat and And Ga« “MAINE WAR CLAIM ___ her of guns as Iff; and seven loo >- JOSEPH WALK Eft. •tantial all captured mauner. The aaaottment eomprieve tbt The nubllo are Inrited to examine and teat thaw * • dklnter- Ttiw lumber of Portland, Sept. 1, 1464. JOHN W. dlff-reut will House, and Store Lots to Lease* In which the expense. are eoatrollod by Hart- Chaare. motives. prttoners taken, a HUNGER, Agent, atylaa or Light Carriage., and they bt new Inventions, which are highly recommended to. > on | so tbe same U »»ld the moat favorable forme. Persona intend. North and Cumberland, abov » ' a .lock of -Rk rant of sma cording authority, nearly thn Mo. 196 Tore atreet, heed of Long Whar * Congrem*. I rammer use. to GEORGE*. mo aurabaao Milltnarj Maasrs Cloadman and St.rens will sontiuae Hr * 1 lug to it their Intar deeirabie k • "JgJ&T'SSSrSf'w'Mlw. the series of f purchase Carriage. wUlind for OHWathiuglon strett. Including the NO. bb UNION STRttT. ro,t V", thousand, during engip.men * same baetners at the old staad number 168 Comma PORTLAND, MM. Sit to call and ; %ffSSWtlJd examine before bsyingtleewhare. ! corner ofCongre-, »cd North .,reel*. Apply to liifitt. ! fall of Atlanta. ■ J ana 14. aodla | NSfoRsaar which preceded the dal St. aepl6eod8w Jnn* ».—wlwAeodtoJanW I luneSSdtf BeplSdSm A. F. f ULLHL SUB Coagrew itroet. PorUand, Gjtorj. i—>—aMj»l__ " ■■■— ■ (j Hathrr- aa4 Mhiw, Kha * ORIGt>AI AND SELECTED. jyThe lodie* of U!«w rtl. g»-e ihe returned f| irlCUL Mftflll, ELRCTRIOm A of Maine. Th* Federal Qorenmient defended by CEDTOAI «->•. Copperhead's Opinion » THE DAILyTmIESS. toldier* topper, on Monday evening tort A2r,“3, iiK wa* bom in this Southern Rebel. > James Biook*. who State; lias filled her I U*o4 .»ara lor Ike I3TPortsmouth quota. Bf-Vhe l- 8- onventiou of I'aimiiliab it i ■r. Sparrow v». ». V. Ul« ln».C«. rars^Tts£4SrB,Ksw rottTT.JJIV, MAIM*. as an act of cm It b « B,*° rer. Dr Ka**e, sad other* « Mo.. taken in charity by Al.KXAXBf H. SrKPBKXfl a *•»* • boyhood QTIt is certain that man will not walk to be held in Concord, S. eo.mneo. to- * At Mth, «*k> *■ *•«». For- H., ing Mr atliatloa been directed to a “Card** ta l> H ** O K T E K SLW Bt DFoMH— and educated and olbnniae name Is lamlltar lo the American people. of wur citisena itraigbt if he fallow* hi- wind's lent. and three * Vt j inetTow, continuing days. m Courier of the ith la*., besncg ih» signature* A m.-obe- Of th* X.W Turk E-'onlMaal Inatita-a. was taken into* Portland news- as leader of the big party, |t TSfrSTiw 18th, .hip aided; who marly, a southern loose «tiek > mso one »<«• 2)1. *41 *uJ2Pt a alto* S T- H..ryIlM>MhitBr.Tr«. HTWhnt things generally pretty jy An exchange of iX the *iek and Wounded ! t Varrow Sparrow signed John Meat. 8t.. Brooklyn. f ®- Catcu-ta. llafopdco, Tuesday Morning, Sept SO, 1864. thus a Hear? t lay when that pro»it*noa yariait ,01, Drotaaaionally to* York, office and given start; who was tie was second only to last to one ? Loose habits. Truth and justice require some notice be taken of or»n k agle. Con it*. ASw paper who are de.-tored unfit for for 'orti.nd. an) taka Koioia at tint Hoaa*. cb m/.L.• of Us Mr. prieonerr duty ik* l. tlau Belize. Bond. ® C—cerd. Ccleo»dSc»«> of effort secured a nomination for was In the lenith glory. be above Mr Sparrow did act (as Mr. Meal states koada. 8 IT by dint Con- party QT"New explanation of “the gulden' mean''— it to take pt X. and rcataio until Monday. Oat Knurl, Kemedio.. sixty day*, place immediately. rbiw w n«. S’.p!*», of the I 1 nr render tbs of Ibo M. Y. Lilt at a *ka only *•*»*•[:* "2 The circulation Prtm ie with a view to him a wbo on the dttr«P"«B Whig par- to mean agency great OlwlltrU. W» MMkdj. oftlu baity lerper gress give position: Stephens, base gold, and be too to use it. gy The draft in the Second District cotmnen* Or V Bill receive af «» { of that was paueuu at kla Rooau datiaa Lore’t. Stowy Potot, Md. »t (Ann other in the end of the Itetnocralic ecu clary »aerifies. bit agency company he m. 0.1: Volant. any baity paper State, was sent by his employers to the South to cor- became a leader bu«U, meet a who evening. when ltd where be will riinine All Kb. Naaii'«• ty, ; Of*If you young lady isn't at all ced on Monday afternoon with that town dishonorsble tranr- rd * Torrey. Bnk.ll, Port.moath, enable m Minot, J •vokod for wbat we ooavider a b»* new Me- that qf any other Portland. for B*»«r and bis ! J£*ea *>y tlejlric Ma/netic anc J moo. Norton. Philadelphia; respond their and as corres- and hi* wa» denied, pa- bad better be a little ihhie With tbi* ftUBery, paper, who, power shy. you shy yourself one of the number that hu furnished no : , kcfcon. Machine he can at once determine c.*orge ****•■ bring what the | ia Rumba.1: Tanramoant. Davis; I nnnn-tl.uO ta aAeaaee in the most was ever conceded till his dost false disease b. aud wuere locat' d, and the Abueo, Pen- per pear pondent, indulged violent phlUipic* Iriotism nr Which is the most difficult punctuation? men under the present call. Ue a that after mors thorough laves- pro- j icker»ou. a».d Ossuua Johnson. do; j (Sparrow) say K rev* it Las m *. of madeupou the s>«u »i heut anv guess Ewen ; Andrew Peter*. Lord. Kondoat. the rebellion. He was a induced to ac- work or le’on. Port riltn agaiust slavery, and who marri- step la direction Putting a to a woman's twngue.—[Ex. the Union in the state— of later reports, As., be was uucer.ainty It matter* n* Jrlea: tone an, Crabtree. spittles England renegade*; ) cruelty | full majority ▲re either of the aboro tlae true roasoas? Bn« Mr. who wish All patient ulurr, Moor., Crmi berry j those It female cernrdaint* lortland York to tubsequeully lell in with the current of trea- his horse. much than then. The soldier*’vote especially r.iiklin, Harriet Ful er, Hamilton, Jim. Brooks was imported from New been larger S’ea' given the true reason why he allowed twenty treated. Particular attention paid to Trinidad: earaly»fo,i;ou- Ar loth. brig. Anna l> Torrry, Gritto. how to son aud accepted the Vice Presidency of the jy Spinsters, take notice ! The will carry the to rears’busiatss to be transfered from his bauds feo sump .ion Catarrh, berotuta, ttheuma‘is«n. Neural- Kb. Ga •*- Instruct the of this city improved probably majority up nearly he lay Flower, Pleader.on. Kiiaabotbport: Copperheads gia. Cancers, Diseases of the Eye and Ear Pnn machines have a “feller” • Mr phi Caroline Grant. tbu* wrote so-called Confederacy, for which be has since ! sewing attachad to 25,000. Sparrow's? treated cw, Hadley, adelphia: vote, and remaining over Sunday, | successfully. New Globe, Strong, andTar- j Neither of those cover the Mr. 1 be tick ot both vexe* are ev, Elii.hcitiport: bulled with a zeal of a better cause- them. The New York World beads a I ground. Sparrow respect folly invited to to 'he New York on Monday morn- Worthy iy leader, * uiu. Wood do: Orion. Matthew., Sou.b Amboy; Eipress contended for months altar his con- visit the Doctor, a* hi* rooms on the above mcuii d- The for internal revenue ! in Imesteadfastly A. VerrIU. New Ytt’k; Italea M.r. How. Tre- We iuvite a careful perusal of the le* fy receipts during “Democratic Victory MaineIt has been • 1 dsysoaly, nnd oousuit wttb hitn, as ail oonsuits- leory tag: speech troversy with Mr. Meal that it was a triumph for tho 1 aont: Kxeel. Smith. Kocklaod: kamari ao, Dodge. the last have been a a tions areeuti ely free. Cent emen received from 9 | ferret! as it refutes the thrice- week nearly million and informed by a dispatch from Bangor that the 'narktin: Arzoo, C'alalr: 8ra care., kanb, out of every to, triumphantly N. Y. Life. Why with bis professed scruples con- to 12 a. m and LAdks from 2 to 5 r. *. Patient* lorr.y, "Sunday, (yesterday) ninety : Merom, Hager., Path: Hand Crockett, were election- quarter per day. Democrats have largely in all ihe coun- visited at ther own house* after 5 r. M. lar.lotion hundred in this Slate, told tale of copperhead politicians—that the gained tinue to impress this fact upon tho public? Why so datthewe. York: Laconia. Prcetor, haeo. Pulpits 19—it wSw Democrat* iy On being shown a portrait of himself very ties but two, and that be gept t'ld Utb. acltaSeadouer, Cha»e, New York. Uel- eer lay,—and about ali day. rebellion was caused the outrages perpe- Cony’s majority may issHuously claiming everywhere the M. Y. Life to T^e *od by >o, Carroll. iiutsueU their can****. nigh', unlike the original, Hood said thst the artist reduced from three to five thousand. This shows tosoofiitd to no company after boing this convinced? Eastport. up rated upon the South by the people of the j hAUM-ar ldtb, erh Andes, Carle, Elizabeth- *“d to be to was honest FLY KILLER ! then went toms 10 sleep. reedy go hail perjietmted a false Ilood. what kind of stuff \'ew York Copperheads are he then,and now? Mr. Neal’s article LIGHTNING >ort. The Priests North and the of the Constitution WILL 10 Sunday morning. disregard bad to do with it! this Mr. g. knows. ■TART CURAT Ar 19th, ««be Minnie Cobb. New fork; “meeting”. ar«*o. H. Mass., fed on. no'hing Ingrabau, onto! 1U0 iu the stale, Williams,Union,anativeof liolden Rule. ► do. SKI every by the Cougress aud Government of the Uni- What does ho mean later of the Maes, a of Flies. vlwtter. heu,generally, and of the Bench of by reports Kill Quart rid 17th. Fortlaad. their electioneering. The wa* formerly Supreme Iowa, ty The Sherbrooke Gazette says that evidence brif o U Claty. Parker. oegao pretence ted States.' This able speech, be it remember- j ted N Y I usuraoce Commissioner*? NEW BURY PORT- Ar Ellen, '• which Mr. Lincoln has been clotted U. 8. Senator from that l«h, brif Abby .he Thanksgiving," (tin Oregon. is accumulating in town, that J. W. Boyle, Uas'he later than Jan 1804? No! lor none liilntor*'. ed, was delivered long after Mr. Lincoln's anything | BIITCIBR’SDEAD SHOT, Philadelphia. I’resideni) nail purposely pre arranged to be (5TFifty thousand Canadian acres have been whose death has PORT-TtfLAr 16th. aehe Torto Rtoo. Went- but his Re- of North Wayne, by drowning have been issued of later date by those comm.ssioa- I ■n the Sunday (Sept. 11) the Maim election, before inauguration. BE1> BUGS. north, Newbarg. precediny plauted with flax this year five thuus- was irs. FOR against | been announced, murdered before being At «otb, rcbo Ellen Mcrrimaa. Hamilton. Eliza- tlreiiun. I cauuot say bow many pulpits there lo the secession of his state, ferring proposed and the last a result of the cotton famine. water. Mas ho not studlod those for tbe Tke Oaly Sure Exterminator. f>ethport; Flora A Sawyer, ttrlggs, * the or year, thrown into the rest upon reports carefully Philadelphia, rOB PB1IIDBIT. tre iu Slate, probably 2 600 3,000,—and Mr. said: Suspicion* K H Coreon. Robert*. Boefor Stephens There is a the insane of past five months prior to entering the employ of tbe Sold H H. Media and of these 00 percent were electioneering ali day £y hospital for the his two companions. Sawyer and Richardson, t>y BAT. Diuxxi.t, Junction this once could never be Mutual Benefit? that not a has rr(* Stroata, Portland, for tbe State tor That step, taken, and at which contains During time, day apaeinl a,tuu» rORlIVA PORTS. vuuday, Lincoln. Iu Pori laud, here, wa* Army Navy Washington, who worked in Sibley’s axe with him. of Maiua. recalled; and ail the balelul aud factory in which he did not the N. Y. Life to aeptdkwTw a meet- withering 1 passed present At Honolulu 23. RoMaecn, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, jublicly behlSunday night, Republican two hundred and fifty persons from the Army has been arrested, and Richardson has Jaly sblps Mattapan. consequences that follow wilt rest on the Con- Sawyer to the business men of Portland as safe, reliable, from San Franchoo. ar Idth, for Baker* Island; Ar- ing, in which three negroes were j 1 arala waat of kind paraded,pur venuuu t and twenty from the Navy. v*t yoa aay aflWRM do. Nason, OP ILLINOIS. lor all coming liuie. Wheu we and left for the United States. and cheap as any company in the oomntry. repg. ewelv to be shown, only to stimulate and ex- all at the Daily Prea«Offlo« »• At Cbiucha is'aud* 26th ult. ship* 8y Wane* Blan- our posterity shall see our lovely South deso- HT“I’U commit you—you're a nuisance,” The McClellan in Is there in tho later to which ho cite the |y ratification meeting anything reports W—l" ■g—» chard. Moody Nevada. Har.lett; Wm Chamber ain, people.” the of 1 tsted by demons war, which this act of said a to a fellow iu Court. “No- in to Carver; Swallow. Basa l; success. Chase; FOB VIOB-rHB»ID*BT, justice noisy Manchester, on Saturday, was quite as much of refers, differing any degree former reports Tipgal- This vile of and will iuevitahly iuvite aud call ! thf Boston Stock Lift. act. Phillips; Wm Nelson. Smith; 8 Ma- promulgator Copperheadlsm yours forth; 1 has a to commit a was of tuc same coma Lsiuneis, to the of the Curling. body right nuisance,” a failure as that at Portsmouth. The American preludiee han B ooks; Living Age. Nickels: R ol the State that him birth and When our green debts of waving harvests shall 8ALB AT Taa Baoaxaa’ Boabd. Sept. U Picayure. traducer gave the cool M. Y. Life, ns oompared with the Mutoal Benefit,or Robinson. Long; Star of the Unit n, Reed; Valpa- be trodden down tbe murderous reply. says that an hour after the was called, JOHNSON, >f wbo un- by soldiery meeting other Co? In does not the Musa. Ins. Com- 8.000 U 8 Coupon Slxoa(IXl).108) raiso, Mayhew; Mo av a. Patten. John r*ekrr. lial- "ANDREW the people early befriended him, '■ Mrs. her any tact, and car of war over our land ; jy Partington expresses apprehen- the number actual count was XWO.do. 10./ oft: John O baker. Miller; Uncle Joe. Nickel*; t.ra tlery sweepiug present by :125, mie doners’ of 1804 shew the of the Or TMNNMSSSM. tells one in “the Dem ot laid iu sion that in the report growth 4.UOO.do..1UU Butler. Wo d: Elvira Owen, uUve* : Hhhlmbali. wittingly trutb, saying our temples justice ashes; all the people gold region will bleed to about 100 of whom were ladies. The American 1 M. Y. Li;e to have been g. eater, the past year, than 18 000 Doited Stao* Lurrencv CartiScata*.(SMI Dearborn; Gov Morten. Horton; Messenger. Hill; aerate their cancan Sunday horrors aud desolations of war us; who as arc Jlniahtd up upon death, papers constantly announcing the in that the business 1.000 U 8 rive-1 weatiea (loopon, ot)..MM Persia Doane; Gardiner Colby, McLellau; Black this will he held says perfect truthfulness, “Chicago nay Co. doing in that Bta'e? This is not the first lime a truth has but Convention responsible of another vein. 6 600 .do. 103J Hawk. Doans: Virginia. Delano, and Gliding Star Far Bmotor*. night.” opening killed the Democratic dead as a Does not Mr. Sparrow know that tbe nett as'ets, tor it? and who but him who shall have given platfrirm party 8.000 .do. 10* ■email, idg: barque* kgypt, Hail, aad McGilvery, been blundered into. {ySherman can os take It—l os At- to value of the M. Y. Life, has increased tho £ o.do. 104) Nickels, do. JOHN B. BROWN, of Portland, uis vote for this unwise aud ill timed measure readily ooflin nail, and it is impossible to get up any en- largely It 2 04) l/nited State, 7 3 lOtbalOct).II") A- at Valparaiso lfeh ail, Tbe which this raa- be Vo strict account for this auicid- I lanta,” said Gen. Hood to an but a past year, until exceeds that of tho Mutual Bene- ship BareUch. Yoaag, ABNER »rEPSON, ol Dnmafitcalta. “Republican meeting" shall held Englishman thusiasm for the nominees.” 600 D'oilod State* Tan-Kortie*. bTj Boston. fit over ttiroe cent. ? He to know and was held at act the aud I short time since. Sherman did per ought It, WO Vermont State .1 O0.B0. ofBlddelord. igoant scribbler says Sunday night by present generation, protiab- Well, take the the ratification Ma- Slxea.10O) Ayrcc Jaly *♦, banjae Omit I, Smith. let tf«I.-RlCHARD B.CHAPMAN iyAt Chicago meeting, does. Mo knows full well if be is for his 1.000 Maine State 8ia«a. »S) 'V <• A Irica. of A*t*r*. the education oi ly cursed aud execrated by posterity for all but Satan competent brig Nellie Hunt, X*l*on, tor Mew HOmI.-IuO«A8A.U KRS8AKDEK was a meeting in behalf of place, got off.—[Boston Traveller. editor of a and a leader for the wide aud ruin honey, Dubuque paper business, that so fkr from the last report of either of York. ldf. it Diet -GOING HATHOBN of r.ttofleld. comiug lime, desohtUug •*‘*r*"bam i?reed men, in which no word was uttered bear- gy Mr. George Francis Train says in his last the Iowa said: “We must elect A'» Jaly _. bri* SoL'erlno, Elgfiia, 1'* DM —BAS I T. GILMAN, of Orono. hat will inevitably follow this act you now of copperheads the above commissioners being in anywray constru- MARRIED. New York. Ah Di,t_JOIIA N 8WAZEY of Buonport. the of which wa* pronuno'iameuto: “The late letters of 8Uermau It is __ ng upon question politics, propose o perpetrate t our candidate, and then, holding out our hands ed to tho end he itaplie*, quite to tne contrary. Ar at hiogatoa J, rib alt. brig B P Coltblz.t,Aa- j New as Pause. 1 von. and consider for a and Graut rattle the Is a little that after tour drew*. ork. idverlised in the Argus ai well iu the Press. through Democratic ranks to the South, invite them to come and tit It not singular, years of In 1-ortamouth. Sapt 17, by Rev Mr Holman. BcnJ again Ar at lark* Island 2d alt, brig Fidelia, Stone, fm ..wl B/hioh urn etlomluil hv mil dUmuu unil a's, what reasons cau that will the N. Y. moment, you give like lightning a bush.” examination nod labor for Life—in con- Adam*. Em. ol I Key to load for through gooseberry in the Union circle.” [A they ; West, Philadelphia Heroism. even In calmer moments— voice—“Suppose M D. ot thf* c.ly 8psr:an tbe satisfy yomselves Itev. Mark Trafton on at stant competition with (he Mutoal Benefit, and pub- 8Ul fm pictoa loth Inst One Criik ( aamSs lr» aidresscd very leellngly by a citizen who Bf preached raith won’t come "If trill not come to us, I In who think the peo- what reasons cau you give to your fellow-suf- ?"] they -aooarappa Boston. Those politicians loyal New Bedford, and G Mill.k. u Ats' next voted tbe Democratic ticket! We ferers iu the that It will recently, among his improve- am in to tktm! ! I” said the Ar at Halifax Mth Inat. Aanl* mercen- day calamity bring upon favor of going the merits all of 3. brig* CoUlu,Smith. of the country are governed by j ments close inveatigattoa of Meagh Co—(hot be March, • nd kalaiu >, Dexter Maw York. ple to cal reason cau to the na- was—“Don’t, don't, my some Warren Riohard- ire bear this Copperhead oracle us? What you give hearers, Loud cheers welcomed this undis- In Cumberland Sopt U. Gi na h, the war in defence glad speaker. should reacts Ira ead decided in nla convictions, Ar at John Kit 15th taat, .hip Eugenie. Brock- ary motive* in baching up tions of the earth to It? will be uara ana vote lor *on. or Portland, and Kim Marin L, dnagbler of hose three beautiful children for it justify They uay, go .vionellan. sen timent. ml, Portland. “negroea.” guised in to the former, notll the £eneral Agent of Rut] of C. of our national were never more mit- the calm aud deliberate in tbe case! regard Cap! Uriukwaur. Jr, unity, is judges EETCopperheads tell us “the war has In Rockland. Corr.c'la* ('reamer, of Wal- shows the spirit he of, aud the spirit of that proved jy.Vs a party consisting of eight persons, tbe latter approaches with tbe proposition to trans- Sept 13. Ter Halifax taken in their estimate* of causa and effect. aud to what cause or one overt act can you and Mrs Hasuah Grew, of 9t George. alcneuhip ardoa.nl ) a failure.” It did prove a failure while McClel- basinese of Mr. to hie doboro, diabolism which actuates him. As on which to rest the of mea, women and children, were riding up the fer twenty years’ Meal, hands, Arr from Haw Tort 6th Inal. Phaiiao. at Dabltu. to be political point, plea jiuiitica- Nor are the loyal people discouraged lan was at the helm, but since Grant if he will advocate the Mutoil lient St. Brother#, at ralmoath: C at Cotta. the thousands kuow who saw those children, liou? What has the North assailed? tookcharge Sierra in Nevada territory, recently, in a Maty Ufa. tbe right wagoa Arr from Portland 3d Inat, Flora Southard, la tho or changed in their purpose to uphold Wuat interest ot the South has been tuvad- everything baa moved right Tha* la oaa night, gjl tbs iovestigntioae of yaare DUD. are than Brooks ever along. drawn by four horses, a water spout burst I Clyde. tney probably whiter filling he said the and sacriflctu ed? What has been aud What three words did Aadm use vanish.—admitting jll has heretofore lor Government, by expenses justice deuied, |y when he the which to was; aud very likely, gnlch through they'were passing Mr. the In thia city. Sept Ik. Mr* Rachel', widow of tbo which it costs to do their work. have whiter, prettier brighter, what claim, founded iu justice aud right has introduced himself to and which years nntrae. The argmmente of Meal Which aroiuur. They Eve, reads the the of fifteen feet. Two of the women Into Jamea llrackmt. aged 83 year* 9 month*. ban any child of his, and yet he styles them been withheld ? Cau either of you depth day before were mere sophistry, became a toner of I July Si, lat St 41 S. ion At e.. ahip Argoaaat, Iff or counted the cost. knew when they en- to-day same backwards and forward? I'm 3TKMH ill this rucfdayi arternoon.ll oclk, They • Madam, and three of the children were drowned. The ! too. from Manila for Now York. This is one of the latest examples name one govermeutal act ol wrong deliber- lege. not to be o’ertwraed. at Treble Chapel. Kelatiree and Iriende are Inriiad in this when swore negroe* Sept S. lat 14. loa M. brig L T Knight, of Srart- gaged work; they upon and done the (iovermeut Adam. torrent bore in its course months should lo atten 1. > the not of but of ately purposely by impetous along large Twelve henoe, any other Co. offer port. from Haeaan for Portland—th# mat# bad clod their altar to eootecrak ‘‘barbarism,’’ slavery, Cop- ol A new Law firm In thw oily. Sept 1*. Helen Maria, daughter of country's imperilled at Washington which the South has a ST has been formed in Au- Inducements, he not lad some laser which »f .-Ilow fever and waa bariod the trees and rocks weighing a ton. The wagon may report Robert and m A Gow. agad 4 months 34 day*. day prevtona— to I the ary wae in want of a navigator. all thsir to the cause of Freedom aud psrheadiam. right complain? challenge answer! gusta, of which the are Hon. Lot M. will u denial of all ho etatee lo re- Hr« Suran with of powers partners was dashed into small pieces and the four horsas require to-day Start 19, of cooeumption, M, It teems as lead- While, ou the other haud, let me show the Char T Moore, 35 T month*. the Uuiou, that this vow involved the shed Really, though Copperhead Morrill, aod A. B. Farwell, Esq., recently in one gard to tbe Mutual Benefit? If four yean ofinveeti- aged year* believe me, I am not killed or drowned. funeral ou H’ednesdar afternoon, at 4 o clk, trs feel under no to the laws acts, (and gentlemen, resulted in eo him. how 5y of blood and submission to sacrittch. obligations regard of the Departments at gation completely deceiving at her 1 ate rseidenee iu Wevtbreok. ding here the advocate of the North, but X am Washington. --1-if SEW ADVBRTlBgMEym >f God or men if to stand in lh< O long will it require to properly enlighten him? In Mef-nen. Maa*. 14, Ibirtas. Jr. alieat *on they happen the tbe Arm friend and lover Sopt When the father and mother cheered on here friend, ol BTIhe following Maine officers are confined The whole matter is of Charle* and Mary F me man. aged It yean 3 mo* of their mad scbe.mes. The il too transparent tedeoeiveany way attempt me South and her institutions, and for this in In Raokland. sept IS, Mrs Sophia U, will af Jae their brave boy to tbe tight, with tears and a Libby Prison: Capt. Joseph 0. Lord, 16th; BY TELEGRAPH sensible person, its u question Of ddlan and osnta men and women to lilt the veil reason X thus lor B Gavi*. aged M year*. 1 •eU-sacrificing speak plainly, yours, mine, Lieut. W. H. hie ton himself ud- Enrolled Men Attention “God bless you,” they kuew the daugers that Chapman, do.; Lieut. A. A. Fitch, -TO TOE — ludmit right Ml sf nuy such In St George. Sept 8, Mr Jot Kortoa. aged 63. ■f from the and and every other rnau’s interest, the words ol ignoaance but 1st him -— ■ .- would environ that and bit need di oppressed benight- do.; A. R. do. vsntnge, be manly, and hoaorableas well 1 *1 .... Tbrro are ta tho city of Portland boy, of ru'.h and soberness,) of which l wish you to Adj. Small, >d. is scouted as a crime, and those poor crea- The EVE.1IA6 ae truthfa'. vine protection. They did not send him out judge, aud I will only state facts which are Uf Louisville Democrat, in defining the PAPERS. IMPORTS. Hie statistics are ss at tbe above reasons bo 2000 Enrolled Men ures upon whom the heel of oppression has clear and which now stand as of the unity aud uudeniable, principles Democrat says, the De- -- on a gala day picnic, but to dispute tbe pro- psrty, who bore not one doJUr toward* b He Mates tbe amount received for Interest MB. Sch Raward-Ko tone coal. paid tiling iressed for centuries, but are now In- records authentic Iu the story of our cuuntry. assigns. HILLSBORO -* of armed rebellion and to aud it heavily mocracy prefer to add securities to the reserved j Um quota of tho city. gress face, When we of the South demauded the by tbe Mutual Benefit daring tbe year 1863 Keroeano 0)1 (lo. relieved the fortunes of war " voluntarily by rights of the States, and do not want States to IMPORTANT FROM TEXAN. -1 ■■ -'." ■■■I* at1. HI f -ij~ need be, suffer death. slave trade, or the importa lion of Africans BHD,671,71 $22,000 Has* Bee* Baised theae leaders would still trample upon as the) “submit.” T. There was one of these cases occurred in * or the cultivation of our lands, did they not Am'l rac'd by S. Lite,seme time. 1*1861.76 Ml MATURE ALMAKir. toward! th* objeel. bat would upon the most offensive Got The new of Battle between Cortinaa and the French— re Urn loScsf the ns. SO. town we have in reptiles. yield the right lor tweul# years? When we fcjf Collector New York has com- By ertag to reports of Maas. I Tneeiay. .Itplembte mind, some thirty miles frou Kepulam of the French and Rebotm—Cort»na* MORE! all such! God those feel isked a three-Aftlu iu Commissioner• 64. we find the amount Sin rieoa..4 48 I wator.ip m)-311 $3P,QOO iity pity who oblig- representation Cougress menced the praiseworthy work of weeding out crosses into Texua and raise* the American (lhstj page High this lu a Toe sou San mu. 5 59 I of dat e.13 13 city, neighboring county. was it — Length lu order to be true to a mere to show for our slaves, not granted? When we : the in his office. A Finn- Capture of Brow mar Ulm Precipitate thus recei-ed by the Maine! Benefit *286.077,($ or of 'd, party, copperheads similar work .BUST BE aged parents, to a large extent their stay isked and demauded the return of any ! Flight of the JU,bvl Col. Ford. 80 Use than be states, while the N. Y. Life RAISES, heir to their their God am fugi- be done In most in which •114,488 and disloyalty country, from or the might profitably places or nothing c*u be done. If tho unrolled mt* will dependence, went into the army three live justice, recovery of those IS. was #7,679,10 morn than be etatas, aa error of only tseir own men CAiBo.lih.Sept. i NEWS hearts,and who,in order to prom up persons labor or was It not Government employs in civil pursuits. iAKINE P»7 years since, and with a heart lull of patriotic owing allegience, j The steamer Jau.es While, lrorn New Or- •161,177,82 in one Item, aa shown by tbe authority ends, feel to th in the Cm s-.iiutinn, and devotion he continued •arty compelled trample upon incorporated again iyGeu. Hooker has promptly contradicted leans 12th, has arrived. be iurohee. 910 SAOB, to perform his duty j ratiAed and iu tbe PORT OT PORTLAND. naet pressing demands of do vi strengthened Fugitive the that he would Mexicans arrived at New Orleans re- do lo tbe matter of expenses -taking same author- tho Qnotn will bo SHad and there will ho ao draft. humanity, report support McClellan. just — faithfully till the past summir, when a rebel Slave Law of 18o0? If the enrolled men do not pay tbalr aha tho ilence to their own best that Curliuas, himseif unable to ity. N Y. Life for tut. 17*7 pr.ct. re, lustincts, and crush “Fighting Joe” never believed in port finding Maudafi.. 19. aabeerihed meat be ret a mad. and ball Inflicted the fatal wound which terminat- Do you reply that in many instances they McClellan, with the crossed Iffirmber money Iowa the holiest cope French, bis lorces 2,000 Mutual Beneat, ltd. 8.74 pr. et. ARRIVED. promptings of the human mve violated this compact, aud have not and he probably has seen nothing of late to od bis career. But a short time before our meu, with sixteeu cxuuon, over the ltio an excess ol 7,63per cent, against the K Y. Life, not Steamer New Field*, from Boeton for The Draft Mast Proceed! heart. been faithful to their As indi- hie mind. England, engagements? change Grande, and occupied Urowusville, after driv- ot 8.33 cent aa be tue St John NB. The Committee ere wort ing tor yen ell, bat yea late election his remains were brought homt vidual and local per statee,showing again error; such is the work of ! Such is the commuuuie*, they may have McClellan is his with the out the rebels uuder Ford. Corliuas ibeu Steamer Lady Lang. RoL*. Bangor. meat do aenaethlng tor yowranivea. for burial. slavery ST making peace ing thus i might pees through tbe Items. While the body remained nn lone so; but not by the sanction of tbe Uov- 81 earner Scotia, Kim bail. Aaguau. aP Come forward at oare and pay ynr there to condition of those whom am Peace men. has been hoisted the American that aa A word of on th:e it has debauched, lor that has Vallandigham roped in. flag, declaring eeplanution excess of expenses. br*g FroLtier, Murray, Beth. tho member* of the Committee, aa follow*;— buried beneath the a ■rnment; always been true to was ou that side parental roof, “peace’ he born of the river, he was at Ml Scl* Ui-ward, (tin Mar-iou, tlQisboro NB. who are now to erect their al- Southern look He is probably to be Secretary of State, and Fits j Every person familiar with Life Insurance, General Committee.' laboring party interests. Again, gentlemen, ; a of the United and would L zzte \Y aumuer. Democrat approached the afflicted citizen Status, hold nod Mr. In this be haa Sch Dyer, Philadelphia. parent, it another fact: when we have asked John Porter to be Lieut. if suc- sparrow particular, (for point Ward 1—John T. tl*X Treaaarer'a tars on the mangled aud ruins of ha that General, Mac Urowusville lor the He imme- Sch Sarah Wooster. Lori, Philadelphia. City Otic*; and I this time I bleeding government. e thousand knows that Geo W. Beal, Portland Co; Cfca*. H. said, “well, suppose by you uore should be that we ceeds. explained tinier) tbe expense Sch Mary Ann. Bryan', Hol.'axd.Port- man hearts. territory added, uoiified iho American commander at Philadelphia. land Co diately ol new to n Hiawatha, Perth have bad ol' the aud 1 business Co. is from three lo four times Sch lugiaham. Amboy, enough war, will be will- spread the institution of slavery, have WnrdY-Cina. E. cor night |y Henry J. Gardner, the Know nothing Brazos of his proceedings, aud offered through bch Atby Uaie. McDonald. fciuabethport. B-ekaf, Coagram and uol to our demands and greater then tbstincored on the old. or, that every Franklin etrtota; 11 C Makar ing to vote for The answer of the hey yielded given nun to the United Stales the ser- Sch Mel u Creole. Sytveoier. 1(4 Commercial St.; peace.” The of Governorof Mass., for several years, is now in government, Klir&botbport. LastlLegaoy Douglass. is Loalsana. Florida aud Texas, out ol which- new policy issued, cost tbe Ce’e from three to four Sch Forest, St rout,Jfowtmrg. F. C. Mood f, Galt'a Block, l ommeicial atreet. stricken old was the best s vices of himself and aiuiy. Ward '—John H. MS patriot worthy day full communion with the Democrats. The Pat- aa Sch Noimau. Hall. Commercial .'root; From the last speech ever delivered b) our states have been carved, and ample ter- The times much tbe first year, ee in subsequent years Inspector, Littery. of “i have suffered I’leayuue’s Bagdad (Mexico) corres- Sch Faruham, Daraarueotta* Sfophan Berrr 17Yj For* atreet; George M. Moea, 7S Sparta, much,” said he, lor four more 'o be added in due riotic element of the must take a deal Ae e result, e Co that u nnwbasinese. Splendid, SrcracK A. youQi.as, we make the follos- ritory time, party good pondent, uuder dale ol the 4;h, says: From tadoing large Sc1! Helen McLeod. • hur* ou. Calais for Boeton. Commercial atreet. “but if it is God’s will I am to suffer if this unwise act mast increase Its this tbe N. Ward 4-Samar 1 Chadwick S Market Ah ready you, by aud impolitic do of satisfaction in this to its ranks. the ut that c&u be seen four ar- expenses; Y. Life hue Sch AlmaOdliu. Fionka. Blue-hill tor Boatoa. Sqare: ■tog patriotic extract: acquisition cupolas place Mon Ke tb. 119 Middle itr.e A. Gi mure. -tot this it done—and is jut tiled in eo hold- Sch Julia E.uabeth. Merri i. tsluehill for Boston. ; Chae. tou. Mar- My country, its and its houot destroy hope, aud, perhaps, by mies iu battle array, the American aud rebel doing, every policy ket unity "The a iJF The of at a on Sch Wallace, Mill bridge ter Boston Sqnkre. slavery question Li mare EXCUSE lose and have last slave wrenched Mayor Bangor, meeting er benefited that now busintss. lue Inspector. are of more all, your on one side ol tbe river, and the French and beiog by (den Co nvaut. for New York. Ward 5—J 8 Bed! aw, American couaequence than my life or tht —the election ol a the number of men necessary Sch Haw)or* Milibridge Telegraph tifeee; Lincoln mere PKE I'EX i. rooi you by 'torn military rule, a* South Friday, reported Mexicau on the other. Com nsmuki upon that point.) William. Fletch«r. Edwia Clement,Congroa..treatnear lives of Sen Ellsworth for Boat on. Brown; Haary my sons; aud before 1 would see her file secession movement is the re Vmerica ami Mexico or ilie viudlc- to fill the of that An Wit it. Poo-ton tiffioe. atreet present were; by quota city, ninety-seven. The export duty oir specie from Mexico has Th#%ro0te el t ale outlay will be felt tbe present and Sch Marceilue, li ray, Ella worth lor Boston. Exchange •ujt of an enormous o formed uior* Wardd-Jaa E. 4 Po Hand f free institutions traitor hands nspiracy, ive of universal which effort is a Sch Pearl. Thompson, Bristol for Boeton. Cuter. 1-r; Andrew destroyed by degree emancipation being made to fill the quota without been reduced to one per cent, on aud in future years. Some Co’e reach ee high ae *) per ban a since—formed leaders gold, Sch Witch V*eeo, Trcutun tor Bo*loo. J. Chare, 111 Cammotfiol atreet; chat. B. MUllhea. year oy in tin nav reasonably be expected to follow ? cent. I would suffer tbe loss of my last dollar, lay draft. five per on silver. sent, end good Co's uvea higher; the only que stion Sch Aboroer Uodgkic*. freaton for Boeton. 107 Commercial etra-t southern more than twelve what have we to Confederacy year- But, again, gentlemen, gain The rebel Col. to Is has it Sch Ada 8 tor Boston. Ward 7-Wm. O Fee. Fox B ook; Jam-aE Brta- last ton the and if • e * Last winter wfeen the were Ford, previous being driv- been indiciouely expended. Look M the ol- Wiawell, Toole. Bangor my upon altar, my pool **o. uut b,|, j, n0 j-jj, tor a de this of our relation to the jy copperheads dle. 90 atraat; K. L l ieka-d. 149 Commer- by proposed change en out ol Urowusville, teudered to ficinl t Sch 4 Cioriaao, t.riudle, Bangor for Boston. Exchange ail of causes. protection report Polly cial atreet. old life can add a to the army, 1 The is now known. We have bad ttlkiug of nominating Grant, one of the Illinois 1 Sch Lunkermc. Lawry. Baugor for Boston. weight loyal oouspiracy general government? always all Frcueh to eu'er his lines. N. Y. Life issued In 4077 Vrmies have beeu subjects desiring 1863, new policies. Sch Comet. Pendleton. Bangor for Uoatoo. Fin.ia.-e will that also. It is die raised aud war levied l« the control, and can yet, if we remain in it, leaders said, “If Grant Lee wc shall nom- Mol l Committee. give freely glorious to whips Mr. Spir.eilc, a uietcbaul of Bagdad, who Beuft, 2687 do. .Sch Margaret. Pendleton, hangar for Boatoa. iccompiUh it. There are ONLY TWO md are as united as we have been. We have 1 Samael E. 149 Commercial atreet; J ha In a ca-ise—in the cause of one’s coun- inate Grant, but if Lee Grant we shall had the American from his An excess ol 1380 In laror of the K. Y. Life. This Sch Leonune. tieyr. Baugor lor Chelsea. Spring. good to whips flag living house, ** slDES the question. Every man must b- >ad a of the Presidents chosen from Sch Com Tucker, Loud, for N**w York. Lynch, Commercial atreet.bead of widrerv'a Wharfi majority has been arrested the French. mot is answer to whether or no this de- liaigor it is to bave hero who or the Uuited nominate Lee by tbequery, A K hhartlaS, lrlrtgo Inaerane-Co. Exehenge at; try; glorious sons, pre- stales Government or agaiu-i the South, as well as tbe control and manage- Sch Jane. Mitch U, Bangor tor New York. Tuere was a good deal ol cotton at Mata- ference hue been Eliza Cuu Chariot U Fling. 9k Comma relelatrart; J B Fill*- fer death to dishoodr.” t. There can be uo neutrals in ibis ment of those chosen from »y The New York News (ultra says if judiciously expended. Sch Abb. on. Bangor for Cape Cod. war, the North. We peace) but out hrowa. Ud Commercial atreet; Themea B • * • morfc, it could be got down the river. On the of I have but little Sch Charleston P Uil brook, k r auk fort for Bottom. *ro’hlag- •nly PATRIO TS or THAI TORS. •lave point dividend!, tossy, ham. Glorious old 1 Would to Heaven had sixty years of Southern Prealdency McClellan would say publicly what they know Good Is Sch Seth 4 Wallace. Waldoboro for Commercial atreet. cor Uaioa Wharf; Wat. A. patriot middling worth forty cents per pound, tha N- Y. Life declared (6 sent, tbe William, Vhile I sanction no war on the ol olh o their thus the Ex- remarking per Boatou. Win*hip, Ceaeo Bank. rights twenty-four, controling he has said should be satisfied l and were worth tbe land was full of such men. Hoa privately, they greenback* thirty-three cents IsM year, end coeld have increased the seme just ra, I will implore my countrymen not to lei •cultve nL So of the of largely Sch Jamea, Wiacheubach. Waldoboro for Boatou. deparim Judges the with his So on a dollar at would position. the “Little Joker” is { Bagdad. had deemed it wise to to in the eon- Soli Rickman I. Pitcher. Waldoboro for Boatou. A will be bald at treason go down before the hosts o town their arms until our are we have had (root they do; present meeting rights recog Supreme Court, eighteen The Cairo has a Sch double, it seems. Esgle dispatch from New dit ea ef a Rough 4 Ready, Acfcoru, Waldoboro for Baa* of tneu, aud the voice of used.” he S and but eleven from the North, al- playing things they thought eoaaorvative coarse OLD loyal grumbling iutli, Orleans of the that a number of tom. CITY BULL, iy A monster fruit can—a is to be 10th, staling wisest. In this they gad the endorsement or If. Y. and disconteut in our midst be silenced for hough nearly lour tilths of thejudicia! busi- building vowels fio.n for achSaaper, Smith. DamarUcotta for Boston. that (orl Malamoras. with Commissioners EVERY In Mitnoriam. es* has arisen In the free a constructed at Cleveland, HO 44 Ssys Mr Bi.-nes. gap! Of Ins Dtp. Sch W H Sargent, Sargent, Brookarilie lor N York EVENING ever I such States, yet major- by feet, parti- caigoes intended frr Corliuas or a general Against sterling patriotism cup- of has of NY in his lust repot I, "The to ai- CLEARED. Mr. Freeman Tuompsou of a mem ty th Court always beeu from tbe tioned off into rooms with iron walls, oral been seized disposition UITIL THE H0H1T I* VAI8ID! can make no And Cornish, air-tight ket,have by the French squad- Seh P Blake. O'Brwo. Wmitoo NS—mooter. perbeadUm headway. pre- South. This we hJVe required so as to guard ders excessive dividends, espesinlly with our note Vet Enrolled Won be PmeaL •erofCo. E. U:b Maine Vote., was killed I for the keeping of fruit beyond its ordinary ron at the mouth of the Uio Grande, SchMa*y Elizabeth. NTcker»oa, Albany—Orlando Eterr sued devotion to tbe is tbe of the Constitution Lo's. is audoubtedly agrowing evil with Life Ins." cisely sgaiustauy eoae/vn right hop* ront of interpretation The U La __J _t ...I el... l.ATEB- Nickcraoa. Sept *0—dtf Peleraburg, July IS, 1804, aged 36 uufavorab e to us Xu like manner we have The Matual Benefit is n note Ce. fio is the N. T. of the nation. Tue laud is lull of it. It The ateamer Belle, oi Memphis, has arrived, tie waa la his door when a bu neen watchful to our rooms sealed up, after the fruit is in. Lite, the for user more eo. note Sch Shoal Water, of Brewer. 14) ton*, baa bees standing iqul equally guard inter* will net be lost, nor will i t be disappoiuteu bringing papers jesterday evening. •old to parties in Providence, from which FALL AND WINTER •et from a rebel ei me drain-,, ui in tLrm mmI I 'litrlr rvI Iha liiih Illissrtiai eaaimonl cent, the latter place sharpshooter pierced h' breast i.-gisiauvc government, HT An employee at the depot in New Harm, per accepting bat 40 par cast in tbe realization ol its desires. the The ind choosing presiding Presidents (pro tem.) furnishes additional of N. Y. Lite bus done * leeaiag bust sees for Djrard Pitts. he fell, and died in a few momenta Tip Ct, drove away a boy who was playing around i particulars the affair on of the Senate, we have had end th e have sons twenty-lour, they 1 the Kio Grande, ll appear* that ou the morn- years, they without lulling into CLOTHING! sacrificial death of this man is ou< the ears. The father threatened to --m- young rlcwen. ot llie we have had boy’s prose- tha a*(1 ten arhiok lfe Unvs.n. _x. n NOTICE TO MARINERS, The Kantankerous. Speakers House, iug of the Olh the French moved out of Copperheads becoming the ol cute Bag- roVOHAO RIVER T4. many examples pure love of country weuty four, aud they twelve. While the rna- j him if be did it again, and the next day the a oi ideuda. Ita T,uaiee. are boot a. and dad with force live thousand, and com- capable nea. a A lew since we had occasion to Notice is hereby give that light-vessel* have been A days speak 'rFflllftfltlv f)|iV«lftniiH in this th irity of the from their was run over a a to be SPLKlfDID AsfoHIMIST OF Representatives, great- boy by freight train and lost ! mi nced to ascend the Rio Uraudc, with the known auob by many bueiueaa man of Portland re-eutablmhed ia the Potoauc River, to mark -r Ip per of the of a lot ol Eniieid rifles found have been from theg uerer end Lower Cedar in discovery