Portland Daily Press: January 21,1880
DAILY PRESS. PORTLAND" IX 'HVAM1:. MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1880. iSimMSiii TERMS $8.00 PKK ANNUM, KVTAItllSHED JUNF 28, 1MS.-VOL. 17. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY idea of to Coi.. L. D. M. Sweat ought to write a EDUCATIONAL. The absurd appealing Congress THE PRESS. some of the meets letter of consolation to Cap’ll Chase. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, WANTS. __ entertained by Fusionlsts, _MISCELLANEOUS. little favor in The Dem- Published every de.y (Sundays excepted-) by the with Washington. 21. the WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY ocratic Senator chairman of the Dickey of Fort Kent intimates that PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Wanted. GEO. I TEACHER OF THE ORGAN Wallace, LIBBY, on SITU vnON as Salesman for a first- and committee which investi- bar’l is tap. Portland. Traveling attention to Church Music Har- special recently At 109 Exchange St., House one who can command Every attach^ of the Press la furnished A class Grocery by Terms, $10 Inquire at I. regular Rhode Island and in of com- SPECIAL SPECIALmony. per quarter. the elections in a trade the eastern Maine,—to gated Terms : Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib- good part D. CHENEY’S, 258 Middle St. novl-dly with a Card eertillcate signed by Stanley T. Pullen, The Commercial counsels sub- mence ahout Feb. 1880. Refers to his former asked Bangor ers Seven I hollar a a Year, if paid in advance. 1, steamboat and hote Massachusetts, was Monday night employers. Address F. T, GROWS, at II. H. Nev- Editor. All railway, managers mission. of an inves- ______________ eus & Co.’s, 184 and 180 Fore Street, Portland, Me.
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