Game On! the Monthly Newsletter of the Palm Beach County Sports Commission
June 2009 — Vol. 1, Issue 6 Game On! The Monthly Newsletter of the Palm Beach County Sports Commission In this Issue Sports Commission Wins 2009 • Sports Commission wins 2009 NASC Website of the Year NASC Website of the Year West Palm Beach, FL: The National Association of palm fronds, blue water, bright sunshine, golden • Ronald McDonald House Sports Commissions (NASC) recognized the Palm sand beaches, and a ball representative of sports. Charities grant $20,000 to KFF Beach County Sports Commission with the 2009 Also, to convey the commission’s primary busi- • Sam Budnyk Scholar-Athlete of Outstanding Website of the Year award during its ness, sports destination marketing, a new slogan the Year announced recent NASC Sports Event Symposium. The Palm was created, “Just Bring Your Game”. • USA Baseball back for 9th year Beach County Sports Commission won against 6 other nominees out of over 500 NASC members. When asked about the new website, Dufresne in a row stated, “Today we have an interactive website • PGA National to host 2009 Polo The Outstanding Web Site with a simple search box Golf Junior Classic award is given to an active that allows you to search NASC member. Submis- by sport, facility or date sions are required to have of upcoming sporting a web site that clearly event or activity.” The site communicates the organi- is also designed to allow zation’s mission, goals and local recreation leagues and Sponsors objectives. The web site 2009 organizations to post their must market the commu- schedules and events on the nity as a sports destination, Web Site of website with the intent to be used to solicit corporate create one central search- sponsorship or membership, the Year able database of all sports or inform others about the activities in Palm Beach organization.
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