Ra!~Tl9(T41~1 ~~It~: 'Xf0~M3~ Ftfc'kt~Ri~ILLER ~Ed.Tu!Y21

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Ra!~Tl9(T41~1 ~~It~: 'Xf0~M3~ Ftfc'kt~Ri~ILLER ~Ed.Tu!Y21 ra!~tl9(t41~1 FOR VEEK ENDING: 3/25/89 * 10P40 * IABCWatermark I • CYCLE 10: 891-13 HOUR:_1_0F:_j SIDES: 1A & 4B PAGE NO:_l 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W, Su1te 555, Los Angeles. CA 90068 ,NIIH SHAllOt SltVlN, Phone (818) 980-9490 FAX (213) 850-5832 Outs1de the U.S contact RADIO EXPRESS 1-213-850-1003 OAIC RADIO NI1WORKS SCHEDULED ACTUAL ELEMENT RUN TIME 00:00 0 ~~it~: 'Xf ~m3~ ftfc'Kt~Ri~ILLER MUSIC, BMI #40 ONE (A) Metalllca #39 FEELS SO GOOD (A) Van Halen 09:18 09:18 Network: ~ A.T. & T. :30 GREYHOUND/ABC ENTERTAINMENT :30/:30 sout cue) J~le enda cold after••• ••• on ABC 10:48 1:30 Local Insert: LOGO: AMERICAN lOP 40 12:18 #38 WILD THING (A) Tone Loc #37 THE LOVE IN YOUR EYES (A) Eddie Money #36 ORINOCO FLOW (SAIL AWAY) (B) Enya 12:09 Network: ~ 24:27 BUBBLE YUM/DRIXORAL :30/:30 Sout cue) Voice out cold with ••• ••• only aa directed.• 25:27 Loc&i inseri: 2:00 27:27 Station 10: :10 LOGO: AMERICAN lOP 40 27:37 #35 SHE WON'T TALK TO ME (A&B) Luther Vandross #34 THE LOVER IN ME (B) Sheena Easton USTO: B~::BUH BOCK #33 SINCERELY YOURS (B) Sweet Senaatlon 13:55 Network: ~ 41:32 U.S. NAVY/BUBBUCIOUS :30/:30 MAYBEWNE/GREYHOUND :30/:30 Sout cue) Jingle t.dea after••• ••• package expreaa.• 43:32 :60 Local Insert: LOGO: AMERICAN lOP 40 44:32 STATION IIEN110NS #32 THINKING OF YOU (A) Sa-Fire #31 ROCKET (A} Deff Leppard #30 ROOM TO MOVE (AlB) Anlmotlon 12:18 ~R·4Q ~!~. ~~~~!!!!n~ 1.'g.~~:.~NJ:-=~ ~Tb5~~~ Network: ~ 56:50 A. T. & T./TRI-STAR PICTURES :30/:30 !out cue) Jingle t.dea after••• •••the8ter near you!• 57:50 Local Insert: 2:00 59:50 Station 10: :10 ~eD.tU!Y21 AMERICAN TOP 40 uses "HIT DISC CD'S" provided by 144441eftwood ......_<111,.. o.a.. ,... 75244-3228 HOURS 1, 2, 3 (214) tl4-21Zt or (1100) 512-2100 FOR WEEK ENDING: Jd25~89 ,_,~,·~(·.1~1 CYCLE NO: 891-13: OF: 4 SIDES: 2Q""]J[ PASr'IO: T * 10P40 * IABCWatermark I • 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W. Suite 555. los Angeles. CA 90068 NllH SHAUOt )![V[N, Phone {818) 980·9490 FAX (213) 850·5832 Outs1de the US contact RADIO EXPRESS 1-213·850·1003 OAIC RADIO MITWORKS SCHEDULED ACTUAL ELEMENT RUN TIME 00:00 B1Eil'IQe$Jrd~i Rfe'RtiJUILLER MUSIC, BMI #29 SURRENDER TO ME (A&B) Ann Wilson & Robin Zander #28 SECOND CHANCE (A&B) .38 Special 08:39 Network: 08:39 SNICKERS ~ :30 MAYBEUUNE~~OUNT :30/:30 Sout cue) Voice out cold with••• ••• at theaters everywhere: 10:09 1:30 Local Insert: 11:39 LOGO: AMERICAN lOP 40 STA110N IIENTlONS #27 I'LL BE THERE FOR YOU (A) Bon Jovl #26 FUNKY COLD MEDINA (A) Tone Loc #25 UKE A PRAYER (A&B) Madonna 17:13 Network: 28:52 ~ GREYHOUND/BUBBLE YUM :30/:30 sout cue) Jingle ends cold with ••• ••• keepa It popping: 29:52 2:CO 31:52 Local Insert: :10 Station 10: 32:02 LOGO: AMERICAN lOP 40 #24 HEAVEN HELP ME (A&B) Deon Eatua IBi NEW BIAA gOLD AND PLA]]NUM FACTS #23 STRAIGHT UP (A) Paula Abdul 09:52 41:54 Network: CLEARASIL/BUBBUCIOUS ~ :30/:30 A.T. & TJDORITOS :30/:30 !out cue) Voice out cold with••• ••• we'll make more: :60 43:54 Local Insert: 44:04 LOGO: AMERICAN lOP 40 #22 CAVIN' (A&B) VIxen #21 MORE THAN YOU KNOW (A&B) Martlka ~YOUR MAMA DON'T DANCE (A) Polson 11:56 11EIIE M AND UNDER WITH TAU( UNIT ENDING AT: 56:45 56:45 ntEIIE: 58:50 (AL CAPP/RON HICKUN/KILLER MUSIC, BMI) Network: 56:50 ~ GREYHOUND/TAl-STAR PICTURES :30/:30 Sout cue) Jingle fadea after••• •••theater near you. • 57:50 2:00 59:50 Local Insert: :10 Station 10: ~.lliY.JY21 AMERICAN TOP 40 uses "HIT DISC CD'S" provided by 14444 ldwood Parkw•y DaiM. Teus 752U.ll28 HOURS 1. 2. 3 (1141.:14-2121 or (100) 5a2·2100 FOR WEEK ENDING: wl!.t25~89 '41~1 It! tfi1 ~I CYCLE NO: 891-i3: OF: 4 SIDES: 3IT"TB"'" P~: "T" * 10P40 * IABCWatermark I • 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W.. Suite 555. Los Angeles. CA 90068 .'>llH SHAIJOE )lfVf~J) Phone (818) 980-9490 FAX (213) 850-5832 Outside the U.S. contact RADIO EXPRESS 1-213-850-1003 OAIC RADIO MI1WORKS SCHEDULED ACTUAL ELEMENT RUN TIME 00:00 0 BJEII:~ -~ ftfe5rllluR Mus1c, BMI STATION IIEN110NS #191 BEG YOUR PARDON (B) Kon K.n #18 YOU GOT IT (THE RIGHT STUFF) (A) New Kids On The Block 09:20 Network: ~ 09:20 DR IXORAL :30 DORITOS/CLEARASIL :30/:30 !out cue) JJngle ends cold with••• •• .zap zap. 10:50 1:30 Local Insert: LOGO: AMERICAN lOP 40 12:20 #17 SUPERWOMAN (B) K.ryn White #16 YOU GOT IT (A) Roy Orblson #15 JUST BECAUSE (A&B) Anita Baker 14:01 Network: 26:21 DORITOS/MAYBEWNE ~ :30/:30 !out cue) Voice out cold with••• ••• leuons••• very funny. • 27:21 2:00 .-29:21 local Insert: :10 Station 10: LOGO: AMERICAN lOP 40 29:31 #14 STAND (B) R.E.M. STATION IIENTlONS #13 DON'T TELL ME UES (A) Breathe 07:27 Network: ~ 36:58 CLEARASIL/BUBBUCIOUS :30/:30 PARAMOUNT/DRIXORAL :30/:30 Sout cue) Voice out cold with••• ••• only u directed.• 38:58 Local Insert: LOGO: AMERICAN lOP 40 39:58 #12 DREAMIN' (A) Vm.... Williams #11 PARADISE CITY (A) Guns N' Roses #10 YOU'RE NOT ALONE ( ) Chicago 16:52 THEME .. AND UNDER wmt TAIJ( UNIT ENDING AT: 56:46 56:46 THEilE: 56:50 (AL CAPP/RON HICKUN/KJLLER MUSIC, BMI) Network: ~ 56:50 TAl-STAR PICTURES/U.S. NAVY :60 Sout cue~ Jingle ends cold with••• •••the U. • Navy.• 57:50 2:00 59:50 Local Insert: :10 Station 10: 1 11 ~!!tH!Y21 AMERICAN TOP 40 uses "HIT DISC CD S provided by ,......,. leftwood hrtrwa~ Dalla&, To- 75Z04-3Z28 HOURS 1. 2. 3 (2U) 9l4-2121 or (100) 512·2100 FOR WEEK ENDING: 3/25/89 ,_,~,-~(61~1 CYCLE NO: 891-13 HOUR: 4 OF: 4 SIDES: 4~ P~O: ~ * 10P40 * IABC Watermark J • 3575 Cahuenga Blvd W. Su1te 555. Los Angeles. CA 90068 .t/ITH SHADOE STEV~N) Phone (818) 980-9490 FAX (213) 850-5832 Outs1de the US contact RADIO EXPRESS 1-213-850-1003 CAlC RADIO MnWORKS SCHEDULED ACTUAL ELEMENT RUN TIME 00:00 :J11EME ~~NIN~ ~PART IV EME:/AOckUN/KilLER MUSIC, BMI i ft RONI (B) Bobby Brown #8 WALK THE DINOSAUR (A) Waa (Not Waa) 08:47 Network: 08:47 MAYBEWNE ~ :30 GREYHOUND~ARAMOUNT :30/:30 Sout cue) Voice out cold with••• ••• at theaters everp. ~re. • 10:17 Local Insert: 1:30 LOGO: AMERICAN TOP 40 11:47 #7 SHE'S DRIVES ME CRAZY (A) Fine Young Cannibals #6 LOST IN YOUR EYES (A) Debbie Gibson #5 MY HEART CAN'T TELL YOU NO (A&B) Rod Stewart 12:12 Network: ~ 23:59 I SNICKERS~ARAMOUNT :30/:30 ! Sout cue) Voice out cold with••• I ••• at theaters everywhere.• 24:59 Local Insert: 2:00 26:59 Station 10: :10 LOGO: AMERICAN TOP 40 27:09 #4 THE LOOK ( ) Roxette LDD: HOlD QN 10 niE NIGHTS (A) Richard Marx 10:31 I ' Network: ~ 37:40 U.S. NAVY/BUBBUCIOUS :30/:30 DORITOS/GREYHOUND :30/:30 Sout cue) Jingle fades after••• ••• paclulge expreaa. • 39:40 Local Insert: :60 LOGO: AMERICAN TOP 40 40:40 #3 GIRL YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE (A&B) Mllll Vanllll 112 ETERNAL FLAME (A&B) Bangles 08:27 Network: ~ 49:07 TRI-STAR PICTURES/HERSHEY MILK ALMOND :30/:30 Sout cue) Jingle fades after••• ...all time greats.• 50:07 Local Insert: 2:00 LOGO: AMERICAN TOP 40 52:07 #1 THE LIVING YEARS (B) Mike & The Mechanics 07:52 ~ PAOMOS ARE LOCATED AT n1E END OF SIDE 4A* ClOSE: SO UNTL WE MEET AGAIN, THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND, D"SHADOE. BYE BYE OUT niEAE. niEME .. AND UNDER wmt TALX UNIT ENDING AT: 59:36 59:36 niEIIE: 59:59 (AI.. CAPP/RON HICKUN/KILUR MUSIC, BMI) HOUR4 t.l~ti;MS1~1 *lOP40* ·"'iTH SHADOE STEVENS TOPICAL PROMO$ TOPICAL PROMO$ FOR SHOW #891-13 ARE LOCATED AT THE END OF SIDE 4A DO NOT USE AFTER SHOW #891-13 1. ..,AND IN THE BEGINNING :24 HI, Shadoe Stevena on American Top 40. And In the beginning, there was Genesis. Then the baas player, guitarist and songwriter from Genesis, Mike Rutherford, formed another band to work wlth ••• the Mechanics. Genesis are atlll together, but Mike and the Mechanics have been climbing the countdown with their biggest hit yet, "THE UVING YEARS. • Last week It was at #2••• wllllt come alive at #1? We'll find out, counting down Billboard'a Biggest Hlts••• on American Top 40. 2. IT'S A YABA-DABA TOP TEN TIME :24 Hey, Shadoe Stevena on American Top 40. And that prehistoric piece of pop by Was (Not Was) has been atomplng up the Billboard survey. It's music could that could make a Brontosaurus bop, a Stegosaurus shuffle, and Fred Flintstone frug. Last week, "WALK THE DINOSAUR• lumbered with life at #12. Will Was (Not Was) take It Into the top ten with a Yaba-Daba Doo-wop time In the countdown? Ahhh, D'Shadoe knowa ••• on American Top 40. 3. METAL WITH A MIND :23 HI, Shadoe Stevens. And look who's climbing the Official Billboard Survey looking countdown-bound: The band who mix punk-politics with Heavy Metal Power and high speed doses o~ social commentary to sen millions of albums.
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