
Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc., a fraternal non-profit association rainian Weekly vol. LVIII No. 40 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 50 cents.

On the beat in Ukrainian Parliament reconvenes international symposium discussesami d demonstrations and strikes by Mary Mycio on public gatherings in the square Rukh Press international facing the building. horrors of 1932-33 Great Famine Speaking via loudspeaker, People's KlEv - The second session of the Deputy Lev Lukianenko, who also Ukrainian Supreme Soviet opened on heads the Ukrainian Republican Party, October 1 amid demonstrations calling announced that, before walking out, the for the resignation of its chairman, National Council had presented the Leonid Kravchuk, and Prime Minister Declaration of the Association of the vitaliy Masol. Some 100,000 protesters, Democratic Councils to the Supreme who arrived here from throughout Soviet, enumerating the demands of the Ukraine for the previous day's demon– demonstrators. stration, streamed past the Supreme Among them were: the resignation of Soviet building carrying thousands of Messrs. Kravchuk and Masol, rejection national flags and shouting "Freedom of the new union treaty, and nationali– for Ukraine," "No Union Treaty" and zation of Communist Party property. "Out with Masol and Kravchuk." While the National Council deputies Oleksander Mosiyuk, the deputy chief stood in Soviet Square, the "Group of of the Kiev Council, and Maj. Gen. 239," as they have become known, v.N. Nedrygajlo, chief of the Kiev remained out of sight inside the Su– Militia, led the marchers down Kirov ргещє Soviet. Street, though several thousand stayed "if we walk out, they can't draft any !ChrystynaLapychak behind to await a break in the session new legislation," said Oles Shevchenko, Dr. Yar Slavutych (standing) describes his experiences as a survivor and and the rest soon returned. a deputy and secretary of the Ukrainian researcher of the 1932-1933 famine in Ukraine at a news conference of the At 11 a.m., the National Council Republican Party, when asked what the international Symposium on the 1933 Famine, held in Kiev in early deputies walked out of the Supreme remaining deputies were doing. "What September. Soviet in protest when the conservative we need is a new, multi-party Parlia– by Chrystyna N. Lapychak famine scholars such as Dr. James majority of 239 voted to uphold the ban (Continued on page 8) Mace, staff director of the U.S. KlEv — "The condition of our Commission on the Ukraine Famine, and our political and Dr. Marco Carynnyk, a Cana– Scuffle near Supreme Soviet building philosophy, of our culture and, to a dian scholar, both of whom were the by Mary Mycio of special forces. great extent, all of contemporary life only members of the symposium's Perohiya Pitak, 77, was one of the in Ukraine are a reflection of the tragic Rukh Press international organizing committee from the West. injured women. Sitting on a bench, famine of 1932-1933 when the in- Headed by Mr. Drach and volo– KlEv — A rush by several dozen valuable, most fascinating and tragic dymyr Manyak, a co-chairman of the surrounded by sympathizers, she demonstrators to break through militia (Continued on page 8) spirit of our peasantry, which for Ukrainian Memorial Society, the barricades led to an outbreak of vio– centuries saved the spirit of Ukraine, organizing committee put much lence near the Supreme Soviet on was beaten and disgraced by a to– emphasis on the testimony of sur– Tuesday, October 2. Reports differ as to 1NS1DE: talitarian system. vivors, who were easily spotted about the number of injuries, but several old "Followed by a horrible war and the hall by their flowered kerchiefs women were beaten in the scuffle and then concentration camps, it's a and embroidered shirts, whose per– one militiaman also was injured. wonder of wonders that our people sonal recollections of starvation and The incident began in the morning have raisen to their feet and live, and death in their families and villages when a part of Radianska Ploshcha have lived to see our Declaration (of gripped the audience. (Soviet Square) was cordoned off for State Sovereignty) and this first The symposium also featured a the 1,000 or so demonstrators who conference in Ukraine on the screening of films on the Ukrainian returned to the Supreme Soviet after the famine." famine of 1932-1933 on September 6 last two days' massive protests. The With these words popular poet as well as an excursion on September purpose of the decision was to prevent and People's Deputy ivan Drach 7 to the village of Tarhan in Kiev the people from blocking traffic on opened an unprecedented three-day , where a religious memorial Kirov Street. international Symposium on the service was celebrated by loann, Although there were many emotional Great Famine in Ukraine, held in metropolitan of and , of reports of the event, a reliable source Kiev on September 5-7. the Ukrainian Autocephalous said that after the people had gathered Three days of scholarly lectures Orthodox Church, The religious in the cordoned off area, a group of interspersed with moving eyewitness service as well as a ceremony were unknown men appeared and shouted accounts by survivors of the arti– held at the foot of the village's that the group should return to the ficially induced famine served fore– memorial statue dedicated to the 360 street where they were. "They were Marts Kokxnayets mostly as an emotional catharsis for villagers that died from the famine. clearly provocateurs," said the source. Ф Chairman Yya– all the participants, who hailed from "This conference reflects our Followed by some 500 people, the all over the republic as well as from unique situation. Probably no other ches!av Chornovil addresses men ran to Kirov Street. There, in the Ukrainian Canadians - page 9. the West. people in history have as tragic a press of the crowd, a small group of old Over two dozen scholars and wound as the famine of 1932-1933, women -- most of them from Ф Soviet legislature passes law researchers of the Ukrainian famine which remains in our soul and body," - were pushed to the front, in the on religion — page 3. gathered in main hall of the Council declared Mr. Drach during a press meantime, the special troops who have Ш Patriarch Mstyslav finally re– of Ministers' Club in the center of the conference at the Ukrainian SSR been lurking in the nearby park for the ceives Soviet visa — page 3. Ukrainian capital, which was filled Ministry of Foreign Affairs on last three days appeared momentarily Ф Conclusion of three-part series to capacity during each day's session. September 4. behind the barricades. A member of the en independent press in Ukraine by Among them were well-know (Continued on page 8) Rukh guard from Lviv said that the Taras Kuzio - page 6, crowd then broke through several rows 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 No. 40 100,000 in Kiev march Forum of Soldiers' Mothers presses to protest union treaty for changes in military service JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - More than Sovereignty of Ukraine, shutting down JERSEY C1TY, NJ. - The Forum normal cruelty inflicted on new draftees. 100,000 persons marched through the the Chornobyl nuclear power station of Soldiers' Mothers of Ukraine met at a The Forum of Soldiers' Mothers streets of the Ukrainian capital city on and nationalization of all property in conference in Zaporizhzhia on Septem– adopted a declaration on control over Sunday, September 30, to call for Ukraine owned by the Communist ber 8-9, to p. ess their demand that military service in Ukraine, citing the Ukraine's independence and to demon– Party of the . conscripts from the Ukrainian SSR need for immediate adoption of a law strate their vehement opposition to the Afterwards, the throng marched perform their military service only on on military service. "Everything outside proposed union treaty. down the capital city's main boulevard, the territory of that republic. the realm of military secrets should be Western news services reported that the , carrying slogans According to the London-based open to public view and subject to the demonstration was the largest held such as "Mother Moscow: we want to Ukrainian Press Agency, 210 women control by state and community organi– in Kiev in more than 70 years of Soviet be orphans" and "Long live the Com– from 12 participated in the two- (Continued on page 14) rule. munist Party — at the Chornobyl day conference. The protest began with a mid-after- power plant,"and chanting "Down with The conference discussed the fate of noon rally outside the city's main the union treaty," reported the Asso– Ukrainian soldiers who were employed Rukh: stop violence stadium where speaker after speaker — ciated Press and United Press interna– outside of the republic in areas of inter- among them deputies of the Ukrainian tional. ethnic conflict and in construction against conscripts Parliament, leaders of the Popular A contingent of SNUM youths, battalions as cheap labor. Movement of Ukraine for Perebudova reported the AP, carried a coffin bear– The women also brought up the fate LONDON - The Secretariat of (Rukh), the Ukrainian Republican ing a photo of Lenin and the words of those soldiers who had died at the Rukh, the Popular Movement of U– Party, the Green World environmental "Soviet empire." hands of older soldiers, due to the kraine for Perebudova, has appealed to association, the Ukrainian National Respublika noted that when the the Ukrainian SSR Supreme Soviet to Democratic Party, the Association of youths attempted to bring the symbolic stop violence against Ukrainian con- independent Ukrainian Youth coffin to the Lenin Museum, the militia Lviv Oblast Council scripts serving in the Soviet Army. (SNUM) and the Ukrainian Women's threw the coffin and wreaths with the The London-based Ukrainian Press Association — stressed that signing a slogans "Farewell, unwashed ." speaks out on draft Agency reported that the appeal out- new union treaty would mean and "Farewell, empire" off the mu– lined the increasing frequency with continued subjugation of the Ukrai– seum's steps, it appeared that a conflict LONDON — The newspaper of which draftees desert their units outside nian nation. was about to erupt as a local orchestra Lviv's Oblast Council, Za vilnu U– of Ukraine and return to the republic. According to the Ukrainian Re- struck up the Ukrainian national krainu, on September 9 published a According to the appeal, the reasons for publican Party's press service, Res– anthem. The crowd began singing resolution by the presidium of the the desertions are the physical and publika, the speakers also called for the "Shche Ne vmerla Ukraina" and thus, democratically controlled council titled moral violence to which the draftees resignation of Leonid Kravchuk, Respublika press service noted, the "On the autumn draft of military from Ukraine are subjected for express– chairman of the Ukrainian SSR tension was diffused. conscripts in Lviv Oblast and the under- ing their national feelings. Supreme Soviet, and of the party-ruled Similar demonstrations, according to taking of their military service." As well the conscripts are returning to government headed by vitaliy Masol, Respublika, were held in ivano-Fran– The resolution was adopted on Sep– Ukraine in the wake of the July 16 chairman of the Ukrainian SSR kivske, Donetske and Lviv. temper 7 and signed by vyacheslav Declaration on State Sovereignty of Council of Ministers. Previously, demonstrations protest– Chornovil as head of the council, Ukraine and the Ukrainian Parlia– Calls were heard also for realization ing a new union treaty were held reported the London-based Ukrainian ment's resolution of September 30 of the principles enumerated in the throughout Ukraine on Sunday, Sep– Press Agency. which stated that Ukrainian conscripts historic July 16 Declaration of State tember 16. The resolution states that in view of should fulfill their military service the fact that the articles in the Ukrai– within the republic. nian Declaration of State Sovereignty The Rukh appeal calls upon the Parliament greets German unification dealing with military service have been Ukrainian Supreme Soviet to imple– by Mary Mycio a matter to be taken up with Moscow ignored by the Soviet Ministry of ment the following recommendations: Rukh Press international rather than Bonn, and was not appro– Defense and Soviet Ministry of internal ^ 1) The presidium of the Ukrainian priate for inclusion in the letter. Affairs, the Lviv oblast council re- Supreme Soviet should prepare a state– KlEv - An overwhelming majority commends the following: ment to conscripts who are Ukrainian of the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet voted But later, in an interview with repor– 1) that the executive committee of citizens serving their tour of duty on Wednesday, October 3, in favor of ters, Mr. Pavlychko said that Ukraine oblast, and city councils cancel the outside the republic noting that they can greeting the reunification of Germany. should first establish diplomatic rela– right of military enlistment offices to undertake this service within Ukraine. But the letter of congratulations was tions with Germany and then raise the function and for new ones not to be ^ 2) in view of the worsening politi– sketched with reminders of Ukraine's issue of reparations, "since Ukraine opened, as well as not to begin the next cal and international situation within suffering during World War 11 and suffered the most during World War draft of conscripts until they have other republics, the resolution of July subtly raised the issue of reparations. 11." received documents from the Ukrainian 30 on military service by Ukrainian After Deputy Dmytro Pavlychko, But other deputies said that the Supreme Soviet which would guarantee citizens should be implemented. head of the Foreign Affairs Commis– question of compensation was entirely action in line with the decree made on ^ 3) Military enlistment offices sion, read a draft of the letter, Deputy premature. "1 don't understand why July 30, 1990, by the Ukrainian within Ukraine should organize mili– Yuriy Shcherbak asked why Ukraine they brought this up," said National Supreme Soviet; tary tours of duty within Ukraine for doesn't demand as reparations a por– Council Deputy Serhiy Selenets. "The 2) that military enlistment offices be those who have already returned from tion of the 14 billion marks (DM) 14 billion DM are economic aid, not warned about the unacceptability of their units outside the republic. Germany has offered the Soviet Union. reparations for the war; the two issues calling up scientific, technical, peda– ^ 4) Law enforcement organs in Mr. Pavlychko responded that this was are entirely unrelated." gogical, judicial and other cadres for the Ukraine should refrain from under- holding of military meetings and con- taking legal action against those con- ducting of military service beyond the scripts who have left their units outside Newsbriefs from borders of Ukraine. the republic. ^ Ukrainian Press Agency Ukrainian WeeUi FOUNDED 1933 An English-language Ukrainian newspaper published by the Ukrainian National ^ KlEv - Members of a Ukrainian and Karaganda. Association inc., a non-profit association, at 30 Montgomery St., Jersey City, NJ. Autocephalous Orthodox parish in The congress was greeted by clergy of 07302. Ternopil met on September 25 with the Ukrainian Autocephalous Ortho– Leonid Krawchuk, chairman of the dox Church and former inmates of Second-class postage paid at Jersey City,NJ. 07302. Ukrainian Supreme Soviet. He stated Stalin's . The conference ratified ^^^(1SSN - 0273-9348)^^^^^^^ that the UAOC would be legalized and changes in the statutes and elected a that a document to this effect had been coordinating council of 25 people. Yearly subscription rate: S20; for UNA members - S10. put before the head of the Council on Also published by the UNA: Svoboda, a Ukrainian-language daily newspaper. Religious Affairs of the Council of it also sent a telegram to Leonid Ministers of Ukraine. Krawchuk demanding that he refuse to The Weekly and Svoboda: UNA: sign a union treaty and that Ukrainian (201) 434-0237, -0807, -3036 (201) 451-2200 armed forces be formed. ь KlEv - The All-Ukrainian So– Postmaster, send address cietyof the Repressed, led by Yevhen changes to: Editor: Roma Hadzewycz Proniuk (also a Kiev city deputy), ь KlEv — The second congress of The Ukrainian Weekly Associate Editors: Marta Kolomayets held a conference on September 27 to the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Lan– P.O. Box 346 Chrystyna Lapychak ratify its statutes. guage Society was held, with 1,000 Jersey City, NJ. 07303 delegates from throughout Ukraine. Some 300 delegates and guests at– The organization has changed its name The Ukrainian Weekly, October 7,1990, No. 40, vol. Will tended the conference. The society has to the Prosvita Copyright 1990 by The Ukrainian Weekly 600 members from 19 Ukrainian oblasts Society. No. 40 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 з Supreme Soviet adopts law ОП religion, U.S. senators raise Baltic concerns guarantees equality Of all faiths in three separate political actions JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - The Soviet Soviet Union, reported The Philadel– WASHINGTON - A small flurry of Senate legislation authorizing S10 legislature passed a new law on "Free– phia inquirer on Tuesday, October 2. activity on three discrete issues relating million in aid was adopted by the Senate dom of Conscience and Religious The law, under discussion in the to the Baltic states by three different in August, both as a free-standing bill Organizations" by a vote of 341-2 on USSR Supreme Soviet for two years, sets of U.S. senators has occurred over and as an amendment to the Defense Monday, October 1, ending seven guarantees millions of believers the Authorization Bill. Action on similar decades of religious repression in the the last few days, reported the Lithua– right to confess, practice and teach the nian information Center. legislation in the House has stalled. faith of their choice, it also declares that Two of the issues were directed at Now, with House-Senate conferees І Catholic primate І all religions are equal under the law and President George Bush, in a September scheduled to meet on October 2 to begin bars the state henceforth from inter– 28 letter to the president, Donald W. reconciling their respective pieces of fering in religious affairs. Riegle (D-Mich.) and 21 of his col- legislation, Senate supporters of huma– l reacts to new lam Under the reforms of Soviet Presi– leagues expressed their support for nitarian aid are lobbying to ensure that dent Mikhail S. Gorbachev, a process of the Lithuanian humanitarian aid І ROME - Following the an– І Baltic participation in the November religious liberalization has taken place summit of the Conference on Security amendment is not dropped by the І nouncement on September 26 that І in the Soviet Union, to the extent that conference committee. the Supreme Soviet of the USSR had І and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) the Ukrainian , banned and urged the president "to do every– Six senators, led by William Arm- і approved, in principle, a new law on І by the Stalinist regime in 1946, is now strong (R-Colo.) and Daniel Patrick І freedom of conscience, Cardinal І thing possible to enable Estonia, Latvia officially recognized. and to participate in this Moynihan (D-N.Y.), appealed on Sep– І Myroslav ivan Lubachivsky, head of І The law declares that every citizen tember 28 to Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) and І the Ukrainian Catholic Church, І historic process, either as full members has the right to adopt, practice and or as observers." John Warner (R-Уа.), chairman and І made the following statement in І proselytize any faith or none at all, and ranking member of the Senate Armed І Rome. І The Baltic states asked for observer bans government interference in reli– status in June at the CSCE's Conference Services Committee, respectively, gion. it also brings taxes and social І ttt І on the Human Dimension in Copen– urging "strong support" for the relief protections for clergy in line with those hagen but were turned down by the amendment. for others and guarantees the right to Danish Secretariat, which said that the A similar letter to Sens. Nunn and І "The Ukrainian Catholic Church І study for the priesthood in the Soviet Warner was issued on October 1 by І welcomes this first step towards true І Soviet delegation would have vetoed Union or abroad, it maintains the such a request if it had been officially Sens. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) and Paul І religious freedom taken by the Soviet І existing policy of exempting charitable Simon (D-lll.). І government, it is my hope that І submitted in plenary session. donations from taxes and cuts the tax The Riegle letter asserted that "grant– І subsequent deliberation on parti– І rate on profits of enterprises run by І cular aspects of the law will result in І ing of membership or observer status in religious organizations from 69 percent CSCE would be an important statement І legislation which will respect the І to 35 percent. І basic right of all people to pursue І by the Western democracies of their The law requires local authorities to commitment to Baltic freedom...(and) І their religious beliefs, it is also hoped І answer within one month a request that І that this law will give all confessions І would also strengthen the Baits in their a church building now in state hands be negotiations for real independence." І the same equal rights and will not І returned for religious use. it encourages, І favor one Church more than any І The foreign ministers of the three though it does not require, the return of Baltic states presented their case for І other. such buildings. І "As head of the Ukrainian Catho– І observer status on October 1-2 in New Among one of the most controversial York, where foreign ministers of CSCE І lie Church, which for 44 years was І points in the law was the authorization І the largest outlawed Church in the І member-states met to discuss the No– of the use of state school buildings after vember summit. Today, the Baltic І USSR, 1 pray that this law will hours for religious classes, an issue І protect all persons from the suffer– І foreign ministers were admitted to the introduced by Patriarch Alexei of the CSCE meeting as guests of the goyernr ling our people witnessed. We an– Russian Orthodox Church, who is also ments of Denmark, iceiaild and Nor– 1 xiously await the law's final, ap– І a deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet. way. І proved version." І (Continued on page 13) On another matter, six U.S. senators sent a letter to President Bush express– ing concern about the ramifications of Famine resolution short of co-sponsors the "Two-Plus-Four" German reunifi– members of the commission. Despite cation; treaty for U.S. policy toward the WASHINGTON - senate Joint Baltic states. Resolution 329, which would designate letters and telephone calls from the UNA Washington Office and consti– The September 25 letter, initiated by November 4 to 10, 1990, as a "National Bill Bradley (D-N. J.), noted that Baltic Week to Commemorate the victims of tuents, a number of senators with Ukrainian American constituencies leaders have warned that U.S. ratifica– the Famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933," tion of the Two-Plus-Four Treaty could currently has 45 Senate co-sponsors, six have failed to co-sponsor the resolution, "if we do not get the added six endanger America's longstanding po– short of the needed 51 to ensure pas- licy of refusing to recognize the incor– sage. senators immediately, then the resolu– tion will die at the end of the 101st poration of the Baltic states into the The resolution was drafted by the USSR. Congress which is scheduled to end congressional members of the U.S. The Baits' concern was spelled out in Commission on the Ukraine Famine later this month," stated Eugene iwan– ciw, UNA Washington Office director. a September 28 letter to the U.S. Senate and was introduced in the Senate on by leaders of the three Baltic parlia– May 24 by Sens. Bob Kasten (R-Wisc.) "1 advise all to contact those ments, meeting in Riga, Latvia. While and Dennis DeConcini (D-Ariz.), both senators who have not co-sponsored the Baltic letter welcomes the reunifica– and urge them to co-sponsor imme– tion of Germany, it cautions that 0S1 hunting... for diately. You can call your senator in "Article 2 of the Soviet-German Treaty Washington by dialing 1-202-224-3121 of September 13, 1990, contains prin– and asking the Capitol operator for his ciples that may be considered as ack– qualified historian office." nowledging the conquest of the Baltic WASH1NGTON - The September The senators with Ukrainian Ameri– States by the Soviet Union" and asked 12 issue of the Chronicle of Higher can constituencies who are still not co- the U.S. Senate to "express its sense in a Education contained a help wanted sponsors of S.J. Res. 329 are: legally binding conditional form as to advertisement for a historian to work at Arizona: John McCain; the Two-Plus-.Four Treaty and the the Office of Special investigations. California: Alan Cranston; United States non-recognition policy." The OS1, the Justice Department's Colorado: Timothy Wirth; The Bradley letter appealed to Presi– Nazi-hunting arm, is seeking a specialist Florida: Bob Graham; dent Bush for his "assurance prior to in European history, preferrably with indiana: Richard Lugar; Senate action that ratification of the "demonstrated research experience Massachusetts: Edward Kennedy; Two-Plus-Four Treaty is fully consis– pertaining to Third Reich and^or Missouri: Christopher Bond and tent" with U.S. policy toward the Baltic German policy in Eastern Europe or John Danforth; countries. Soviet Union during World War 11." Nebraska: James Exon and Bob in testimony before the Senate Fo– Requirements are: master's degree in Kerrey; reign Relations Committee on Septem– German or East European (including North Dakota: Quentin Burdick; ber 28, State Department Counselor Soviet) history, demonstrated archival Oregon: Mark Hatfield and Bob Robert Zoellick said the Bush admi– research experience in 20th century Packwood; nistration's position was that it would topics; fluency in German; language. Rhode island: John Chafee; continue to adhere to the longstanding The starting salary for the staff Texas: Lloyd Bentson and Phil non-recognition policy and that the historian position is S29,891. Resumes Gramm; Two-Plus-Four Treaty did not affect should be sent to: Dr. Peter Black, Chief virginia: Charles Robb; the Baltic states. Historian, OS1 Criminal Division, 1400 Washington: Slade Gorton; The third Baltic issue which has New York Ave. NW, Suite 11410, West virginia: John Rockefeller; and captured the attention of U.S. senators Washington, D.C. 20530. Wisconsin: Herbert Kohl. is humanitarian aid to Lithuania. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 No. 40 Horyn hosted in Philadelphia Detroit area Ukrainians form support committee for Rep. Bonior

Andrea Fylypovych greets Mykhailo Horyn in Philadelphia, lrena Jurczak (left) and Ulana Mazurkevich are also pictured with Mr. Horyn. by Olena Stercho Hendler and Canada. in a speech which lasted for well over PHILADELPHIA - Mykhailo an hour, Mr. Horyn addressed three Horyn, chairman of the Secretariat of basic areas: the accomplishments of the the Popular Movement of Ukraine for Ukrainian diaspora in preserving and Perebudova (Rukh), and his daughter, cultivating the Ukrainian national and Oksana, were welcomed to Philadel– cultural ideal; the history of and present phia by the Ukrainian community on strategy of the National Council and Rep. David Bonior (center) with Stephen M. Wichar (left) and Alexander Serafyn Sunday, September 15. Rukh in its fight to secure Ukrainian during a fund-raising reception in Warren, Mich. A crowd of approximately 700 per– independence; and the role the diaspora WARREN, Mich. - A Ukrainian sons packed the auditorium at could play in the present Ukrainian Pryjma, Mr. Wichar, and Wolodymyr the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Community Committee to Re-elect Zacharyj) and thanking all participants, dynamic. David Bonior has been formed in immaculate Conception to greet Mr. On the latter point, Mr. Horyn Mr. Woronowycz underlined the urgent Horyn and to hear his remarks on the Michigan to support the Democratic need to return Mr. Bonior to Congress. emphasized that in deciding what kind congressman's seventh bid for re- current state of national processes in Mr. Wichar also called on the eve– of assistance to render to Ukraine, the election. Ukraine. diaspora should consider the building ning's host Jerry M. Duzey, who was Rep. Bonior of the 12th Congressi– representing the Ukrainian Cultural Mr. Horyn was escorted into the hall of a Ukrainian democratic nation as a onal District in Michigan is chief Center, in a spirit of unity, both George by Archbishop-Metropolitan Stephen top priority and that proposals should Sulyk to a standing ovation from those deputy majority whip, the highest Jurkiw, president of the local chapter of be tailored accordingly. appointed office in the House of Rep– assembled. The afternoon's program the Ukrainian Congress Committee of in subsequent private meetings, Mr. resentatives. He is also the only Ukrai– was opened by Metropolitan Sulyk, America, and Zenon Wasylkevych, Horyn again underscored this point and nian congressman in the U.S. Congress. president of the local Ukrainian Ameri– who welcomed Mr. Horyn to the cathe– requested that any major projects to dral and the city. He is the author of many resolutions can Coordinating Council, were called assist Ukraine, particularly in the area upon for brief remarks. Both umbrella Ulana Baluch Mazurkevich, head of in Congress that are directly related to of shipping equipment and supplies, be organizations promised full coopera the Ukrainian Human Rights Commit– the defense of Ukrainian dissidents, first cleared either with him or ivan churches and human rights activists. tion during Rep. Bonior's re-election tee of Philadelphia (UHRC), followed Draeh, Rukh president. Most recently, he consented to be one campaign. with remarks in which she not only A lively question and answer period of the sponsors for the establishment of The emcee continued the evening's referred to Mr. Horyn's years as a followed Mr. Horyn's speech. There- a U.S. Consulate in Kiev, in Michigan, ceremonies by introducing Rep. Bo– political prisoner but in which she after, Mr. Horyn was hosted at a private he is also a member of the Ukrainian nior. Mr. Wichar highlighted many highlighted his present prominence by luncheon by Metropolitan Sulyk. American veterans Post 101. noting, "Poland has Lech Walesa, legislative accomplishments in social While in Philadelphia, Mr. Horyn The Ukrainian Community Commit– Czechoslovakia has vaclav Havel and services, veteran affairs, tax reforms, gave an interview to the Philadelphia tee to Re-elect David Bonior sponsored foreign affairs, his role as an environ– Ukraine has Mykhailo Horyn." inquirer, which was arranged by Ms. a fund-raising reception on Friday, As Mr. Horyn ascended the stage he mentalist, and especially his posture on Mazurkevich. The interview resulted in August 24, at the Ukrainian Cultural human rights. He also underscored was offered the traditional Ukrainian the publication on September 20 of a Center in Warren, Mich. More than 100 Rep. Bonior's continued involvement greeting of bread and salt by lrena commentary written by editorial board persons attended. regardingxurrent Ukrainian problems. Jurczak, UHRC member, who was member Trudy Rubin, which appeared Stephen Wichar, master of ceremo– Coming to the dais, Rep. Bonior was dressed in full Ukrainian national on the Op-Ed page and which featured costume. Flowers were presented as nies for the evening, called the meeting met with a standing ovation. "1 am Mr. Horyn's vision of Ukraine's future to order and introduced Myron Woro– well by 4-year-old Andrea Fylypovich, proud of my Ukrainian roots," he said, and prophesized the disintegration of nowycz, chairman of the committee. daughter of UHRC member Chrystia "and intend to make it known to my the Soviet Union. Acknowledging his committee (Stefan congressional colleagues how impor– Fylypovych and Philadelphia attorney in addition, while in Philadelphia, Fedenko, Peter Kapitanec, Myroslaw (Continued on page 13) Andriy. Fylypovych. Mr. Horyn ap– Mr. Horyn held a whirlwind series of peared to be particularly touched by meetings with representatives of various little Andrea's gift and in a gesture Ukrainian organizations and some Polish-Ukrainian leader re-elected in Canada which led to tremendous applause, he private individuals. picked her up for all to see. Before leaving Philadelphia, Mr. by Christopher Guly descent also claimed victory. Two were The final preliminary remarks were Horyn was presented with a gift of re-elected in traditional rural Ukrai– made by Dr. Bohdan Hnatiuk, who S1 ,OOO. in addition, the sum of S3,456.00 W1NN1PEG - Manitoba Premier nian-Canadian population centers. spoke on behalf of the Ukrainian was raised for Philadelphia's Rukh Gary Filmon, the province's first go– Conservative Len Derkach, who served National Association (UNA), sponsor Fund as a result of Mr. Horyn's ap– vernment leader of Polish-Ukrainian as education minister in the last go– of Mr. Horyn's trip to the United States pearance. descent, was re-elected in a provincial vernment, won Roblin-Russell, and election held here on September 11. His former NDP Cabinet minister John Progressive Conservative Party gained Plohman took Dauphin. Darren Praz a 30-seat majority in the 57-seat Ma– пік, the only other Tory, was re-electea nitoba legislature. in Lac du Bonnet. Mr. Filmon, a former Winnipeg city councillor and provincial Cabinet Three other Ukrainian-Manitoban minister in the previous Sterling Lyon NDP members will join Mr. Plohman government, was first elected premier in a 20-seat caucus which will replace with a minority government in 1988. the Liberals as the province's official Both the Liberals and the socialist New opposition. The include: former Ca– Democratic Party (NDP) held the binet minister Judy Wasylycia-Leis in balance of power until this year's Winnipeg's St. John's constituency and election. newly elected Dave Chomiak in the The Tories gained six seats and city's suburb of Kildonan. Rookie claimed 42 percent of the popular vote member of the Manitoba Legislative in the September election. The premier Assembly (МІА) Rosann Wowchak, was re-elected in his own seat of Tuxedo sister of two former NDP Cabinet by more than a 4,500-vote over the ministers, defeated the Tory incumbent Liberal candidate. Two years ago, Mr. in Swan River. Filmon narrowly won the constituency Four Liberal MLAs of Ukrainian і in Philadelphia, Mr. Horyn also met with Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, by 124 votes. descent, first elected in 1988, were metropolitan for Ukrainian Catholics in the United States. Six other Manitobans of Ukrainian defeated. None were elected. No. 40 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 5 тшштшичкшщитптішіїтітмташі Growing for Our Centennial Membership growth is our responsibility by George W. Drance UNA organizing gains in August Director of Marketing in spite of the hot summer months, organizational work continued at a quicker pace than the previous months. Excellent property for sale During August there was a gain of 179 new members insured for a total of S978,000, while in the previous month 136 new members were enrolled. І know of an excellent buy on a each deposit. During the summer, when all the secretaries had the right to an earned vacation property which is part of a multiple-use This remarkable property is not and rest, they found time and the desire to insure a total of 315 new members. For complex. The property itself is a high- tucked away in some wilderness. Ac– this, the Supreme Executive Committee expresses its appreciation for a job well quality piece, with guaranteed mini- tually, you can choose the location. And done. However, in spite of these successes, the monthly quota has been fulfilled mum values and excellent prospects for if your circumstances change, you can only by 69 percent. future growth. The property can be trade it for another of comparable value bought with no money down and about at the time you decide, if you want to. Our organizing champions percent of the principal per year. Or you can sell it after you have had use it can be utilized for different pur- of the property for 10 or 15 years. Then in August, first place in the organizing efforts was retained by Michael Kihiczak, poses: some immediate and some long- you can get your money back and make Branch 496 secretary, by achieving a record number of new members, 40 of them term. As a side benefit, once you make a profit, too. A real win-win situation. insured for S172,000. During the previous seven months Mr. Kihiczak has the first payment on this property, it can Where is it? What is it? There are organized 167 members and thus is the UNA's leading organizer. free-up large amounts of your other many to choose from. These versatile in second place, as pertains to the August organizing results, is 1 van Pryhoda who assets for you to use for other purposes, properties can be found in different enrolled 15 new members for the sum of 578,000. Mr. Pryhoda now has a total of 20 it will improve your portfolio of invest– price ranges, with values beginning at new members in 1990 and, thus, is in third place, following longtime organizing ments and enhance your image consi– S 10,000, up to S 100,000, or more. And champion Supreme Auditor William Pastuszek who has organized 44 new derably at the bank, it may improve they can be bought through your UNA members this year. your credit rating. branch anyplace in the U.S. or Canada, Following are the organizing results for August. right in your own community. Here is a it's not for everybody. You must meet sample "listing" of one category: the individual organizers9 results certain qualifications before you can 525,000 unit, and how you can qualify buy it. Some buyers may qualify for 1 to own one or more of them. percent a year. Others may require a ^ 1. Michael Kihiczak, secretary of Branch 496 in Seattle, Wash. — 40 new Sound interesting? Here is how it can members for the sum of 5172,000. financial commitment of 4 percent, or 5 work for you. To begin with, you must percent, or 6 percent per year, but in 9 2. John Pryhoda, secretary of Branch 200 in Ozone Park, N.Y. - 15 new be in reasonably good health to qualify, members for the sum of 578,000. every situation, you will never put into To find your category, compare your this property as much as you get out of ^ 3. Michael Turko, secretary of Branch 63 in Ford City, Pa. — nine new it. age with the table below: A-35, B^40, members for the sum of 556,000. 045, D^50, E^55, F^60, G^65 and о 4. Walter Warshona, secretary of Branch 266 in Amsterdam, N.Y. - six new There is one condition: you must H-70. if you can pass a physical exam members for the sum of 520,000. keep the property at least 10 years. But and can invest the dollars indicated, ^ 5. Marguerite Hentosh, secretary of Branch 305 in Mahonoy City, Pa. —five by then, it could pay for itself. Then you then you can own one of these proper- new members for the sum of 517,000. could stop paying even that small ties: our UNA whole life insurance ^ 6. Jerry Martyniuk, secretary of Branch 330 in Little Falls, N.Y. - five new investment each year. Or if you decide policies. members for the sum of 515,000. to continue those payments, each incre– For information, write to: Ukrainian ^ 7. John Gawaluch, secretary of Branch 377 in St. Petersburg, Fla. - five new nental deposit will increase your equity National Association, 30 Montgomery members for the sum of 536,000. ibstantially more than the amount of St., Jersey City, 07302. Four new members each were enrolled by: Jaroslaw Leskiw (133) and John 525,000 Unit Buczkowski (321). Three new members each by: Anna Haras (47), William Hladio (161), Mychajlo Your Annual Percent of 10-year 15-year Total Trade-in Martynenko (245) and Lubomyr Galuga (316). category investment principal total total value value Two new members each by: George Pollyniak (1), Paul Shewchuk (13), Eugene investment investment to family iwanciw (15), Dmytro Holowatyj (53), Adam Cizdyn (55), Stephanie Hawryluk (88), Gloria Paschen (125), Atanas Slusarchuk (174), Genevieve Zerebniak (180), A 325.75 1.3 S3,257.50 54,886.25 529,775 S 55,320 Catherine Nazark (183), AnneRemick (238), Christine Gerbehy (269), Marcie В 406.25 1.6 4,062.50 6,093.75 29,725 6,348 C 509.75 2.0 5,097.50 7,646.25 29,750 7,568 Bobersky (333), Wasyl Szmahlo (336), Docia Nayda (347), Mike Zacharko (349), D 645.50 2.6 6,455.00 9,682.50 29,725 8,962 Alexandra Dolnycky (434) and Nicholas Shpetko (489). E 826.25 3.3 8,262.50 12,393.75 29,825 10,557 (Continued on page 12) F 1,071.50 4.3 10,715.00 16,072.50 29,925 12,331 G 1,417.50 5.7 14,175.00 21,262.50 29,975 14,073 H 1,909.75 7.6 19,097.50 28,646.25 30,000 15,854 Chornobyl children visit Svoboda

Stephan Kuropas turns 90 JERSEY C1TY, NJ. - Stephan Kuropas, honorary member of the UNA Supreme Assembly, and for– mer supreme vice-president of the Ukrainian National Association, celebrated his 90th birthday on October 1. Born in 1900 in the village of Selysky, Peremyshl county, Mr. Kuropas emigrated to the United States in 1927. He is known as a Ukrainian community activist, speci– fically for his activity with the Or– ganization of Ukrainian Nationa– lists, the Organization for the Re- birth of Ukraine (ODvU) and the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, and as one of the foun– ders of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. For half a century he has been a Eight children from Ukraine from the irradiated Kiev, Chernihiv and correspondent and commentator for Cherkasy Oblasts - children of Chornobyl as they have become known - Svoboda, the Ukrainian-language recently visited the editorial offices of Svoboda located in the headquarters daily newspaper published by the building of the Ukrainian National Association. The children were in the Ukrainian National Association. United States to attend a camp, called The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, Most recently, he published a founded by actor Paul Newman specifically for seriously ill children. Before book of his memoirs, titled "Me– their return to Ukraine, the children toured New York and, on their way to moirs from Ukraine and 60 Years in the Statue of Liberty, stopped by the UNA building where they received gifts (Continued on page 13) from the UNA, including bound annual editions of veselka, its Ukrainian- language magazine for children. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 No. 40

Ukrainian Weekly FOR THE RECORD: Diaspora Forum The children's summit supports Radio Liberty broadcasts Following is the full text of an gratitude to the Congress of the The news media in the United States and around the world devoted much appeal from the Ukrainian Diaspora United States of America and to the attention this week to a major summit held in New York: the World Summit Forum addressed to: the Congress of Board for international Broad- for Children that brought together the leaders of more than 70 countries, the United Stages of America, the casting for almost 40 years of broad- making it the largest international summit meeting in history. Held at the chairman of the Board for inter- casting by Radio Liberty to Ukrai– United Nations, the meeting discussed the myriad problems faced by today's national Broadcasting, Malcolm S. nians. At this critical time for our children and elicited pledges from world leaders that they will work together Forbes Jr., and the president of people, however, we appeal to you to to save the lives of millions of children who die before the age of 5; to enhance Radio Free Europe f Radio Liberty, review the status of Radio Liberty's children's health and decrease mortality; to eradicate hunger, malnutrition Gene Pell Ukrainian Service with a view to and famine; to provide support for the family; and to work against illiteracy ensuring that its operations cor– and provide educational opportunities for all children. At a time when the processes of respond to the needs of one of the As well the summit declared that world leaders will work to ameliorate the democratization and decolonization largest nations in Europe. plight of millions of children who live under especially difficult circumstances, in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Specifically, we request that you: as victims of apartheid and foreign occupation; as street children and children Union are intensifying, the role of strengthen the signal of the Ukrai– of migrant workers; the disabled and abused; the socially disadvantaged and Radio Free Europe^ Radio Liberty nian broadcasts, increase the amount exploited; those who live as victims of natural and man-made disasters. has assumed special importance. For of the daily original Ukrainian pro– The World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Ukraine, with its population of 52 gramming, and examine the possi– Children (and its attendant plan of action) signed at the summit also stated million and the millions of Ukrai– bility of having accredited corres– that the participating countries will work toward protecting children from the nians who live in the other republics pondents in Ukraine and of opening scourges of war and poverty and "for common measures for the protection of the USSR as well as in the count– a bureau on its territory. of the environment at all levels so that all children can enjoy a safer and ries of Central and Eastern Europe, Such improvements in the work of healthier future." who after decades of national Radio Liberty's Ukrainian Service, "The children of the world are innocent, vulnerable and dependent. They oppression, are only now reviving with the aim of encouraging the are also curious, active and full of hope. Their time should be one of joy and their national life — the importance peaceful transformation of a tota– peace, of playing, learning and growing. Their future should be shaped in of Radio Liberty's Ukrainian broad- litarian system into a democratic one, harmony and cooperation. Their lives should mature as they broaden their casts can hardly be overstated. will not only contribute to the achie– perspectives and gain new experience," the declaration noted, it went on to Today, when the concept of glas– vement of political stability in state: "But for many children, the reality of childhood is altogether different." nost in the USSR, is still no substitute Europe but will also raise the prestige For children in Ukraine, Byelorussia and parts of Russia, that reality for the full freedom of the press and of the American people to an even includes coping with the aftereffects of the world's worst nuclear accident that information, Radio Liberty's Ukrai– higher plane. began in April of 1986 at the Chornobyl power plant in Ukraine. nian Service not only promotes This appeal was endorsed by 140 At a special United Nations press conference called to focus attention on democratization by providing truth– participants in the First World the Chornobyl disaster, Ambassador Gennadiy Oudovenko of the Ukrainian ful information about events in Forum of the Ukrainian Diaspora SSR Mission to the U.N., noted that "over 1.8 million people in Ukraine, Ukraine and in the world but also and Representatives of Ukraine held including 380,000 children live in a higher-than-normal radiation helps to renew the historical memory on August 18-21, Bialy Bor, Poland, environment." and national dignity of the Ukrainian and signed by: The ambassador then expressed his hope that the media would draw world people. Yuri Shymko,. president of the attention to the problems of Chornobyl "on the eve of the 45th session of the There is, therefore, all the more, an World Congress of Free Ukrainians. U.N. General Assembly and the summit for children." urgent need to increase the effecti– ivan Drach, president of Rukh, Unfortunately, from a reading of the American press, one would think that veness of the Ukrainian broadcasts. the Popular Movement of Ukraine the Chornobyl issue was completely avoided, save for a few general references Their audibility is relatively poor and for Perebudova, member of the in the world declaration tov children facing "such perils as exposure to inconsistent; the daily broadcasts are Parliament of the Ukrainian SSR. radiation and dangerous chemicals." resticted to two or three hours of Mykhailo,; Horyn, head of the in fact, however, the Chornobyl issue was brought to the attention of original programming; and the Rukh Secretariat, member of the President George Bush, who addressed the summit, and to the executive Ukrainian Service does not have its Parliament of the Ukrainian SSR. director of the children's summit by Americans for Human Rights in Ukraine own full-time correspondents in Oles Shevchenko, secretary, via telegrams that called on both to use their "good offices to evacuate all the Ukraine or even in the European Ukrainian Republican Party (URP); children from the Ukraine^ Byelorussia radioactive zone in order to save their capitals. Generally, in comparison member of the Parliament of the lives (and) prevent development of radiation-related diseases..." with, for example, the Russian, Ukrainian SSR. The issue was directly raised at the summit by the representatives of both Polish or Bulgarian broadcasts of ihor Derkach, member of the Ukraine and Byelorussia, vitaliy Masol, chairman of the Council of REF;RL, the Ukrainian Service Union of independent Ukrainian Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, in his statementon"Protection of Children seems to be regarded as somehow of Youth (SNUM) member of the from Major industrial Accidents and Their Consequences," said: "By its secondary importance. This does not Parliament of the Ukrainian SSR. long-term consequences, the Chornobyl accident has no equal among the correspond to either the size of Serhiy Semenets, member of the disasters of the industrial age," and cited its "adverse impact on the Ukraine's population or its geopo– Parliament of the Ukrainian SSR. environment, way of life and health of millions of people in Ukraine." Mr. litical importance in Europe. Oleksander Mosiyuk, vice-chair- Masol stated that "Chornobyl affected everyone, but youngsters were those We, the participants in the first man, Kiev City Council of People's who suffered most." world forum which brought together Deputies. He then went on to suggest that it is vitally important to disseminate representatives of Ukraine and the Yurij Rejt, president of the As– information on modern technologies, noting that "internationalization of Ukrainian diaspora, express our sociation of Ukrainians in Poland. scientific achievements can guarantee against the threat posed by industrial activity to present and future generations." Amid the speeches delivered by some 70 world leaders, each of whom had ADDENDA the opportunity to deliver a four-minute speech, the continuing tragedy of Chornobyl was lost - the story of Chornobyl as a problem affecting A translator A meeting hundreds of thousands of children did not make the pages of U.S. in The Weekly of September 16, it in last week's story about Mykhailo newspapers. should have been noted that the English- Horyn's meetings in Washington, it Let us hope that those children will not be forgotten by the world around language translation of the Declaration should have been noted that the chair- them and by the leaders of more than 70 countries who pledged to do their on inter-State Relations between U– man of the Rukh Secretariat also brief– best for children around the globe. kraine and the Russian SFSR was the ed Secretary of Defense Richard work not only of vera Andrushkiw, but Cheney on the current political sitiu also of Laryssa Wytwycky-Ghiso, who tion in Ukraine. Mr. Horyn had 33 assisted Ms. Andrushkiw. meetings in four days in Washington. Turning the pages back... UNA Fund for the Rebirth of Ukraine

The prominent composer and conductor Dmytro The Home Office of the Ukrainian National j Bortniansky was born in , , in 1751. Association reports that, as of October 4, Displaying musical abilities from very early in his child– ^тч the fraternal organization's newly established 1 Tiood, ame a member of the court choir in St. Petersburg at the age of 8. As a Fund for the Rebirth of Ukraine has received j teenager, he so impressed choirmaster Baldassare Galuppi that the italian teacher chose to take the youth with him on his return to Уепісе; there Bortniansky 3,783 checks from its members with donations j continued his musical education, concentrating mostly on composition. Between totalling 195,125.80 The contributions l "" 1769 and 1779, in addition to Уепісе, he studied in various other italian such include individual members' donations, as well j as Rome, Naples and Bologna. as returns of members' dividend checks and l The dominance of italian opera on the 18th century music scene was not lost on interest payments on promissory notes. Bortniansky: the young composer used three italian librettos in composing the (Continued on page 8) No. 40 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 7 ОУЕКWEW. independent press in Ukraine under Gorbachev by Taras Kuzio the Ukrainian National Party), Bu– Faces and Places zhany (Chervonohrad, independent CONCLUSION Press Center), Такі Soravy, Perspek– by Myron B. Kuropas tyva, Shliakhy, Svoboda, Ukrainski EducationalXUterary Nezalezhni Novyny and the planned Holos Ukrainy newspaper (Ukrainian Within the educational and lite– independent Publishing and informa– rary section we have 22 titles, 65 tion Center - UNVIS). percent of which appear^ in western and Two publications specialize in trans– And they shall become one... 35 percent in central-eastern Ukraine. lations from the Western press and These are divided into five subcate– reprinting from emigre literature: Spo– it was a beautiful three-day Ukrai– loves us: unconditionally, it's lethal to gories: Memorial^ Spadshchyna, six; sterihach and Svit (the latter supported nian wedding celebration in the Catskill put conditions on love — "if you really Ukrainian Association of independent by Rukh). Mountains of New York. loved me you would..." There is no such Creative intelligentsia, five; Ukrainian The two satirical newspapers are thing as 50-50 in love and marriage. Language Society, four; youth, three; called Zupa (Nezalezhna Literaturna An Orthodox priest presided and two Catholic priests assisted as Stephen Love and marriage are not a numbers and general, four. Strava) and Saltseson (Narodnyi Rukh game for accountants — "1 gave 50 in the light of the huge loss of life Ukrainy za Kovbasu). Kuropas and Lesia Dijak became man and wife. percent today, you didn't." Both inflicted upon central and eastern One title - - is published by spouses must be willing to give 100 Ukraine during the Great Terror, one is the anti-alcoholism society, Bratstvo "That is why a man leaves his father percent for marriages to blossom, if you surprised to find few Memorial or Tverezosti "vidsich" established in and mother and is united with his wife start keeping score in marriage, you'll Spadshchyna publications in that region. August 1989 in Lviv. and they shall become one." (Genesis lose. in western Ukraine,Dzvin (Ternopil), Under independent groups, three are 2:24) Poklyk Sumlinnia (Lviv) and Rany some publications that are close to Related to unconditional love is a (ivano-Frankivske) are published by Rukh, such as the Russian-language How proud your parents were, willingness to forgive. Ukrainians seem Memorial and deal extensively with the Forum (Dnipropetrovske), Puti and Stefko and Lesia, as we heard you to have an enormous capacity for terror of the first Soviet occupation vilne Slovo (both in Kiev). Two publi– exchange your vows in Ukrainian hniv (anger). Some don't forgive slights (1939-1941), the military struggle during cations appear solely devoted to elec– pledging each other your love, honor for years, nurturing their hurts to the the 1940s and the deportations. The tions: vyborche Pravo (Lviv) and and fidelity "until death do you part." grave. Don't fall into that trap. God will bulletin Spadshchyna also is pub– Novyi Chas (Kamianka-Buzka). The How moved we all were when the "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive lished by the Lviv branch of the same Rukh publication — Za Nardonyi crowns were held over your heads, your those who trespass against us." Heal organization, in Kiev, Chasopys is Parliament - which was also establish– arms were entwined with an embroider– your hurts. Never go to bed angry. published by Spadshchyna and Kolokol ed to specialize in the 1990 election ed towel and you were led around the Touch each other, physically and emo– by Memorial. campaign is included separately within tetrapod to signify the majestic one ness tionally. The Ukrainian Association of inde^– the Rukh group of publications. of your sacramental relationship from pendent Creative intelligentsia was that moment on. But if you must fight (we all do), fight established in the winter of 1987 and National minorities fair. Avoid criticism and sarcasm when aimed to act as an independent writers' The crowns were a symbol of victory you fight. Eschew name-calling and union. UANT1 published five thick Of the 22 percent of the population in to be earned for being one with Christ. character assassination which only literary journals, averaging 200 to 300 Ukraine who are non-Ukrainians, few "Be faithful unto death," one reads in poisons relationships. Don't waste time pages each: Porohy(Dnipropetrovske), are politically active (no "internationa– Revelation, "and 1 will give you the trying to figure out who is to blame; you crown of life." (2:10). Snip (), Kafedra (Lviv), Yev– list movement" exists in Ukraine). A can't unspill milk. Avoid using abso– shan Zillia (Lviv) and Karby Hir(Kolo- total of 16 publications appear catering What joy your parents felt when we lul.es like "you always" or "you never"; myia). Most of the members of the to the Russian and Jewish population. welcomed you to the Ukrainian com– they're simply not true. Don't bring in editorial boards were former political Yet there are no Polish or Russian munity with bread and salt just prior to third parties, especially in-laws. Finish prisoners. Kafedra has been reprinted in independent publications catering to the evening banquet. the fight; don't walk away because if the West by the External Representa– the political needs of these national Remember your wedding day always, you do, there's a good chance the hurt tion of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union minorities, perhaps because the former Stefko and Lesia, because it was on that will fester and poison your relationship and Smoloskyp. is small in number while the latter is day that your church, your grand- even more; to heal properly, the fight The youth category includes two well-catered to by the official press, parents, your godparents, your parents, must end properly. Above all else, produced by the active Lviv-based Russified educational and cultural your relatives, and your friends joined remember that the issue or problem Tovarystvo Leva: Postup and Skarb– institutions and independent press together to wish you godspeed on the you're fighting about is never more nytsia; and a third by Tovarystvo brought from Moscow. most important love journey of your significant that the two of you. Being in vertep in Ternopil: Posvit. The following Russian-language life. relationship is more important than The Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian publications do not, on the whole being right, if you think you won a represent any political party: Nasha in the eyes of the Church and the fight, just remember one thing: when Language Society produces the high- community of faithful present at your circulation bimonthly Slovo in 10,000 Gazeta (Kiev), Pochtovyi Yasochyk you go to bed with your spouse, you're wedding, you have become one. Be– going to be with a loser. copies, Prosvita (in both Lviv and (Kharkiv), Pryzyv (Kiev, Union of coming one, especially in body, is Rivne) and Mova Ye Natsia. Democratic Action), Yedinstvo (Khar– relatively easy. Staying one in spirit, Perhaps the most important part of Others in this category include four kiv, Democratic Assembly), Neformal especially in today's world, is not. published by various groups: Krok, (Pokrovka, voluntary Association in God's plan is being each other's best published by the Educational-Cultural Defense of Society), ProrabPerestroiky Although no married couple escapes friend. Your parents will be here a while Society Rukh in ivano-Frankivske; (Dnipropetrovske), Yuzhnyi vestnik the many problems of the work world longer and then pass on. Your children Hornilo, a periodical of the All-Ukrai– (Dnipropetrovske), Pol Slova (organ of — career, finances — the ups and downs will bring you joy for many years but nian Brotherhood; Kolo, published in the Ukrainian voters association) and of family life — in-laws, kids, sex — and they too will eventually move on. But 1989 by the Culturological Club in Svobodnyi Rebenok (Dnipropetrov– the inevitable disillusionment that the two of you will remain together until Kiev; and Tustan, a literary у art journal ske). The Russian Democratic Union comes with the realization that our death do you part. So make the most of published in Truskavets, Lviv Oblast. opposition group is active in south- spouse is not quite all that we imagined, it. Enjoy each other's company. Main- eastern Ukraine and publishes Slovo in there is no need for despair. Our Church tain and nurture your God-given sexua– General Mariupil. provides us with answers and they are lity. Do things together as a couple. The Jewish minority is, by all ac– contained in God's plan for our mar– Become each other's life-long compa– The category defined as general counts, one of the most active with five riage. God's plan is a kind of map that nions by hearing with your heads, includes 19 titles, of which 62.5 percent independent publications that all sup- keeps our love boat on course. listening with your hearts, and respond– appear in central-eastern and 37.5 port Rukh: Khadashot (Kiev, in Rus– ing to each other's needs for love, According to. God's plan, love is a belonging, autonomy and self-worth in percent in western Ukraine. The 19 are sian and Ukrainian), informatsionnyi decision. Love is not a feeling. Feelings divided into the following subgroups: Biulletyn (), vozrozhdeniya a loving and caring manner, if you do come and go. They often make us act all of those things you will grow both as information agencies, nine (plus one (Kiev Jewish Cultural Community, in like yoyos -we're up, we're down, if we soon to appear); independent, three; Russian), Yeynikayt (Bulletin of the individuals and as a couple. You will believe what we see and hear in the truly be one in body and one in spirit. translations, two; satirical, two; elec– Jewish Cultural and Educational So– modern world, people are always "fall– tions, two; and community, one. ciety, Kiev) and Shofar (Lviv, in Rus– And finally, remember your Ukrai– ing in" or "falling out" of love, in God's nian Christian heritage. Your Church The first subgroup includes the sian and Ukrainian). plan, we decide to love our spouses, following publications published by needs you to be part of Christ's body The Ukrainian committee Friends of even when they're not very lovable, even and you need the Church to nurture agencies or are the names of the agencies Armenia, which is linked to Rukh, when we're not very lovable. Real love themselves: Kozatske Slovo, Kurier your spirituality. Become reflections of publishes Asatamart in Russian in Kiev. will endure if we decide it should. Christ's love by staying close to God. Smoloskypu, Nova Doba and the addi– Young love often fades and there are tional periodical Kureni, Tsentralno Religion times when emotional satisfaction in Ukrainske Nezalezhne lnformatsiyne God wants us to love each other as He marriages is low and negative feelings loves us. Someday all of us will meet Agentstvo (Dnipropetrovske, linked to Despite the tremendous importance cloud our hearts, it is precisely then that Him. When we do, he's not going to ask and high percentage of believers in God wants us to love our spouse, if we how much money we made. And He?s Taras Kuzio is director of the Ukrai– Ukraine, there are only seven indepen– do, our love matures and the feelings of not going to ask what kind of car we nian Press Agency, a newsservice based dent religious publications. The Ukrai– warmth and closeness come naturally. drove or the size house we lived in. He's in London. (Continued on page 12) God wants us to love each other as He going to ask: "Did you love another?" THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 No. 40

international symposium discusses... (Continued from page 1) died. The goal was to break the "No other nation has had to wait backbone of the Ukrainian nation, so long, because only recently has because the peasantry was the light been shed on this horrible foundation of our nation. terror-famine in Ukraine," he as– "Simultaneously with the des– serted. truction of the peasantry came the "We are grateful to our brothers systematic destruction of our elite in and sisters in the U.S., Canada and order to destroy the brain of the Europe who long ago addressed the Ukrainian nation. І concluded in my issue of the terror-famine, which only research that 250 Ukrainian writers now is being commemorated by the were exiled, shot or committed opening of this symposium. We hope suicide. Now this figure has been that in three years, on the sorrowful doubled by Literaturna Ukraina," 60th anniversary of the famine in said Dr. Slavytych. volodymyr Manyak (standing right) of Ukrainian Memorial and organizer 1993, there will be a truly sovereign, "My family was destroyed," said of the unprecedented famine symposium in Kiev discusses the significance of independent Ukraine and we will be another survivor, Dmytro Karelyk, a the historic event as ivan Drach, volodymyr Chorny and Dr. James Mace able to properly commemorate the resident of Ryzhavka, a village in (from left) look on. famine." . people, and (violated) the principles, for the Ukrainian people," the re- "This symposium is unpre– "1 came from the Uman region — which were later passed by the 1948 solution stated. cedented," said Mr. Manyak, who once a blessed region of our Ukraine 4 4 international Convention On the "We feel; ir is necessary to create has authored a book on the 1932- as described by Shevchenko in Hai- prevention of the crime of genocide an international center for the study 1933 famine with his wife and damaky.' My village, Ryzhavka, was and its punishment.' The responsi– of Ukraine's history and the exa^ journalist Lidia Kovalenko, yet to be once a great, bustling village with bility for these crimes lies with the mination of all crimes against its published in Ukraine, "it not only nearly 6,000 people. My family had government of the Soviet Union and people, including the Chornobyl immortalizes the victims of the 14 members and 12 died from the with the Communist Party as rulers tragedy," the resolution continued. terror-famine, but is also polemical. famine. My neighbor wanted to eat in a one-party state. We appeal to the "We believe that Ukraine's Mi– We are polemicizing with official me. She ate her own daughter. world community, the U.N., to the nistry of Education should introduce historiography." "Over 3,000 people died in our Paris conference of government and into school history programs the "No other historiography in the village from the famine, that's 16 state leaders in preparation for the all- study of this horrible tragedy of the world has served in the defamation of times more than died during World European conference on security Ukrainian people — the terror- its own people as well as Ukrainian War 11," said Mr. Karelyk. (Helsinki-2) with the demand to famine of 1932-1933." historiography. Therefore our sym– Several speakers lamented how the conduct a thorough inquiry into this "We believe the creation of a posium will serve to disprove all that Ukrainian people were driven to genocide against the Ukrainian museum of national grief is neces– was force-fed to the people over the cannibalism during the terror-fa- people and to investigate this crime sary, where all materials and testi– decades. mine. "A moral famine still resonates at the international Court at the mony will be collected on this great "We also believe our symposium is today," declared Mr. Drach both at Hague. An international tribunal in tragedy — as a reminder and warning original in comparison with the the opening and conclusion of the compliance with universal legal to our descendants. As they build conferences that have been held in symposium. norms should punish the guilty and their future, the Ukrainian people the West, in that alongside t^e Mr. Manyak stated during the determine the means and amounts of will never forget the forced death of professors, doctors and scholars we news conference on September 4 that material and moral compensation millions of their brothers and sisters." have real witnesses of the famine. one of the chief goals of the Ukrai– й Their recollections are invaluable nian Memorial Society was the І historical documents... These people creation in the center of Kiev of a f "The decision of the Presidium to limit access to the Soviet Square will survived this misfortune, preserving memorial complex in memory of the f Scuffle near... only increase tensions and lead to it in their memory for a half century victims of the 1932-1933 famine, ( (Continued from page 1) further confrontation," said Deputy and they are telling the truth," as– which would include archives, a І pointed to her cut and bruised nose. serted Mr. Manyak during the news Apparently, someone standing behind Pavlo Movchan. Particularly, he said, research library and a museum of f because no one is very sure of where the conference. crimes against the Ukrainian people, f her had provoked one of the militia- men. "Maybe he wanted to hit the square begins or ends. Several famine survivors also "Every village should have its own f On that same day, 120 students de– addressed the press conference, memorial to its own victims," he said, j person behind me," she said, instead, she was grazed by the truncheon. clared a hunger strike at the foot of the including Dr. Yar Slavutych, a lite– At the conclusion of the scholarly f Lenin monument in rature professor at the University of sessions of the symposium on Sep– І "There was fault on both sides," said Square here on Tuesday, October 2. Alberta at Edmonton. tember 7 participants voted on a f the Rukh guard. "But 1 think that it According to the organizer, Markian "1 am among those who survived resolution condemning the Stalin І couldve been much worse." ivashysyn of Lviv, student representa– the famine. Three members of my regime's artificially created famine of І At that point, several National Coun– tives from nearby regions of Ukraine are family died during the famine: my 1932-1933 against the Ukrainian pea– J cil deputies convinced the people to taking part in the hunger strike with the youngest sister, Halya, my grand- santry as a "crime against humani– f return to the cordoned off area. support of 108 additional students. mother and grandfather. As a witness ty" according to international laws: Meanwhile, inside the Supreme So– Their demands are rejection of the of this tragedy, 1 later began re- "We support the conclusions of the І viet, the morning was taken up with union treaty, dissolution of the govern– searching the famine. My conclusion U.S. congressional commission and f procedural matters: whether political or ment, new elections to the Supreme was that this was a deliberately the international Commission of І economic matters should be taken up Soviet in the spring and nationaliza– organized famine with the goal of inquiry on the 1932-1933 Famine in j first. tion of Communist Party property. destroying the Ukrainian nation. Ukraine, which labelled this horrible j After the scuffle, however, the entire When asked how long they would This destruction was carried out in terror-famine as genocide against the j afternoon, until 4 p.m., was devoted to strike, Mr. ivashyshyn said "As long as two ways. First was the liquidation Ukrainian people. The USSR brutal– j the incident. we can stand it." by death, exile and disorganization ly violated Article 46 of the Hague j of the best farmers in Ukraine, when Convention of 1907, as a state which j thrown from a roof in October Revolu– 7-8 million of Ukraine's best farmers led a willful war against its own j Ukrainian Parliament... tion Square on September 30, causing (Continued from page 1) an ear injury. ment," he said. Forty uniformed members of the Turning the pages... Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Strike Lviv Rukh Guard helped to control the (Continued from page 6) Committee stood on the sidelines, crowd, directing traffic and standing operas "Creonte" (1776), "Alcides" (1778) and "Quinto Fabio" (1779). Each of awaiting permission to have a represen– between the people and militia to these works enjoyed critical acclaim and served to spread his popularity beyond tative address the session. "All this time protect against "excesses," as their italian borders. they called us giants, built this govern– commander put it. Returning to St. Petersburg, where his outstanding reputation preceeded him, ment in our name and now they won4 As for the hundreds of militiamen, Bortniansky became engaged as conductor, teacher and court composer, it was let us speak," said a Lviv striker. standing shoulder to shoulder up and during this time period that he composed "La Fete du Seigneur" (1786), "Le According to Lviv Deputy Bohdan down the north side of Kirov Street, Faucon" (1786) and Le Fils Rival" (1787) - his French operas. Later, in 1796, he Kotyk, all factories in the city were to some even smiled when the demonstra– tQok the helm of the court choir, leading composer Hector Berlioz to strike for two hours. But at the request tors waved to them and shouted, "The comment that his (Bortniansky's) direction served to bring the choir's level up to of the Rukh-controlled City Council, militia is with the people." "unparalleled heights." mass transit would hold only a symbolic Less conspicuous, and far less friend– During his lifetime, Bortniansky composed over 100 choral religious works, strike of several minutes. According to ly, were the internal Affairs (MvD) among them 35 motets (spiritual concertos) for mixed choruses of eight -10 voices the head of the Kiev Strike Committee, troops and Special Forces who stood in and the famous chorale "Yak Slaven Nash Hospod"(How Glorious is Our Lord). 25 percent of the city's factories were on the back of the neighboring park, While his symphonies and chamber music enjoyed popularity on a smaller scale (in strike but news from outlying regions hidden by the trees. circles of dedicated and knowledgeable music lovers), his choral music appealed to had not yet reached Kiev. The October 1 demonstration foliow– and was appreciated by a much larger general audience. Despite tensions over a military ed on the heels of the previous day's Dmytro Bortniansky's artistic creativity and masterful blending of late 18th crackdown and police brutality, the march of some 100,000 demonstrators century European (specifically, italian) music and traditional Ukrainian folk events of the last two days passed with through the streets of Kiev to a meeting melodies has earned him a respected position in the history of music. only one incident of violence: accord– at the Republican Stadium. (See story The prolific composer died on October 10, 1825, in St. Petersburg. ing to eyewitnesses, a firecracker was on page 2.) No. 40 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 9 CONFERENCE ON FAM1NE: Chornovil's speech on events of 1939-194 in addition, a book had been published in Lviv in this, it will no longer place its bets on the continuation 1934, called "The Famine of 1933," a documentary of the empire, but will see that it should help, for its book which contained a large number of eyewitness own good, in its dismantling. testimonies. The Documentation Center's goal now is to pn j-duce Ukraine knew about the famine, but the world did a documentary film on Ukraine in World War П. І not. The world often closed its eyes to that which went think that a crucial episode in this film should be a on in the Soviet empire, behind the iron Curtain. That documentary portrayal of what went on in western the world was shown and told about such a hor– Ukraine in the years 1939-1941. rendous event, that the world finally realized what Why specifically these years and why western Bolshevism really is, this is the greatest achievement of Ukraine? Nowhere was the beastly face or the horrible the Ukrainian-Canadian Documentation Center, and terror of communism so concentrated as it was in these of the Ukrainian emigration as a whole - for this less than two years in western Ukraine. There is no work was also picked up in the United States. doubt that in western Ukraine the policy was the The film "Harvest of Despair" was seen by systematic destruction of the Ukrainian identity - it audiences of millions — non-Ukrainian audiences — was planned genocide. this was a great achievement. Even for Ukrainians who Recently a document has come to light in Ukraine, a knew about the famine, the film was a revelation. document, put out in April 1939, that is, before the During the election campaign, when 1 was a candidate Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, it describes what will have for the Supreme Soviet, 1 showed this film to my to be done when western Ukraine is seized or, as it is constituents several times (1 had videocasettes of the called "reunited." Therefore this "reunification" was film). There was no better condemnation of Bolshe– already being planned at that time. "Preventive vism. To some extent this film helped me in the measures" — and we all know what this means — were election; although 1 had 10 opponents, together they to be taken against 25 percent of the population. That received a total of 8-9 percent of the votes. І took the is, one-quarter of the population of western Ukraine rest. One can say that some portion of my vote was due was to be liquidated. These measures came into effect to the film. in the first days of September 1939. vyacheslav Chornovil addresses dinner of the The world should have known, and finally did learn, І have information and statistics about this process. conference on "New Research Findings: Famine in that Bolshevism, on coming to power had to confront Ukraine had not previously known such mass terror Ukraine, 1932-1933." the fact of the existence of Ukraine, the largest country not even in 1937. Although in that year the flower of Yyacheslav Chornovil a veteran Soviet political in the empire. Once it came face-to-face with the fact, it the Ukrainian nation was destroyed, the executioners prisoner who today is a Ukrainian SSR people's deputy and chairman of the Lviv Oblast Council The democratic West, the liberal West, the West that had betrayed us arrived in Toronto on Wednesday, September 26, accompanied by his wife, Atena. before, and not only once, is ready to betray us again, it is betting on the He arrived on the invitation of the Ukrainian- Canadian Research and Documentation Center to liberal aspirations of Gorbachev, on the weakened empire. take part in its conference on "New Research Findings: Famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933. " The had to destroy that which was at the root of the also began to devour themselves, although many Chornovils were greeted at the airport by representa– Ukrainian identity: the village, the repository of innocent people perished. tives of the center, and Mr. Chornovil addressed the Ukrainian spiritual values, it was this — and not The first mass arrests began in October 1939; in group briefly at St. viadimir's institute. circumstances, or somebody's mistakes or somebody's the words of the chief of the NKvD at the time, this En route to Canada, Mr. Chornovil was taken ill; politics - that was the cause of the artificial famine of was "mere preparation." The main aim of this first subsequent medical examinations in Toronto showed 1933. wave was not only the destruction of the politically that he had suffered a mild heart attack. Mr. І wish to point to another strange fact. The active population but the gathering of information on Chornovil spent two days in the hospital and was democratic West, the liberal West, the West that had various politically active groups. The second wave released on Friday, September 28, under the care of a betrayed us before, and not only once, is ready to began in January of 1940. The target this time was the Ukrainian physician. betray us again, it is betting on the liberal aspirations intellectual foundation of the nation: arrests of the On Saturday, September 29, Mr. Chornovil was of Gorbachev, on the weakened empire. І have noticed leaders of educational and political organizations; able to speak as planned at the dinner held as part of this attitude among my contacts in the West, even mass arrests of even the fifth column, members of the the UCRDC conference. He addressed an audience of among the diplomatic ones in the U.S. - this cooling Communist Party of Western Ukraine. 530 persons. off of relations with us in proportion to the growth of in May-June of 1940 the third wave of arrests began Below are excerpts of his address, translated by national movements in the USSR. when practically all nationally conscious citizens were Oksana Zakydalsky. І was in Bratislava recently, at an international arrested, in May of 1941 the culminating stage of mass symposium. There were representatives from the U.S., terror began: mass executions, torture, it started in І was scheduled to deliver the main speech tonight. from Europe, from central Europe. They talked about May, contradicting the explanation that this hap– This, in fact, cannot be considered as such if only liberty, about the death of communism. І was one of pened in the first days of the war. No, mass executions because the strict doctors told me to speak for a short the speakers and was the first to point out that we are and mass terror in western Ukraine began one month time, to control my emotions and my enthusiasm. І used to betrayals: we were betrayed in 1933 in Ukraine, before the start of the war between the USSR and don't know how to do this; all my life 1 have been filled in 1938 in Munich, in 1939 with the Ribbentrop– Germany. with enthusiasm and all my life 1 have been emotional, Molotov Pact, later in Potsdam, and so on. And now in the years 1939-1941 the Bolshevik regime went but not about myself. And right now 1 feel very we are betraying the Lithuanian Republic which has through all the measures characteristic of the emotional because, after so many years of distrust, proclaimed independence. My point was picked up by nationality policy of communism. Whereas in eastern suffering, prison and exile, to be on Canadian soil, in the country which has proven to be so generous to our Ukrainian people, which gave so much help to us and Nowhere was the beastly face or the horrible terror of communism so con– our Ukraine, is a moving experience. І am most grateful to those who invited us to centrated as it was in these less than two years (1939-1941) in western Canada. First of all, my wife and 1 thank the Ukraine. There is no doubt that in western Ukraine the policy was the Ukrainian-Canadian Research and Documentation Center, particularly its president, Prof. Wasyl systematic destruction of the Ukrainian identity... Janishewsky, for the invitation to Canada to take part in the conference "New Research Findings: Famine in Ukraine 1932-1933." My wife was also invited by the Estehazy, the Hungarian poet, who said: "Those Ukraine these measures were undertaken gradually, in World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organiza– representatives from countries that have recognized western Ukraine they were of far-reacing genocidal tions. І also received an invitation from the mayor of Lithuania, please raise your hands." Everyone just sat character, in these one and a half years western Toronto, Mr. Art Eggleton, and Councillor Boychuk, there with their eyes cast down. Ukraine became the stage on which were revealed both for which 1 am equally grateful. So that these betrayals do not continue, it is the essence and methods of the politics of national communism in relation to the Ukrainian nation. My presentation will be short because it is difficult necessary to continue to stress the fact that no matter for me to speak at length, in the first part 1 wish to say how many times and in what way communism changes We need to show the whole world this mass terror in something about the subject of this conference. І its face, no matter what peace-loving and liberal mask all its detail, this genocide of the Ukrainian nation. would like to stress that it is difficult to overestimate it puts on, it will remain what ft really is: a monstrosity, Having shown so glaringly the scale of the famine of the work of the Documentation Center. The impor– a horrible deformity. And to prevent such betrayals it is 1933, the second phase of the exposure of communism tant fact is not that it opened the eyes of us Ukrainians necessary to know history, to know that the famine of should be the exposure of that which took place in to the truth about the famine in Ukraine in 1933. We 1933 was not something circumstantial, not a mere western Ukraine from September 1939 to June 1941. Ukrainians knew about it. We all knew about it. episode, but something predetermined by what began Currently, mass graves are being uncovered in І remember from my childhood the stories told by in the country on November 7,1917, by what was put western Ukraine. І have brought videofilm and my parents and the neighbors about those terrible in its foundation by the biggest tyrant of the 20th photographs from lvano-Frankivske and Drohobych, times. І remember the woman who used to go around century, Lenin. and perhaps 1 will have the opportunity to show these with a terrified look on her face, and people used to say What has begun in Lviv Oblast and is spreading over another time. І myself was present at an excavation in that she had cooked her children. І remember seeing the whole country — the removal of the statues of Yablonia, not far from . There 1 saw terrible villages in the neighboring Kirovohrad region which Lenin - that is not vandalism, as the charges say. No, evidence of the bestiality of the NKvD: a boy and girl had been totally abandoned, to the last person, and it is the abandonment and condemnation of the who had been buried half alive still clutching each then partially resettled. We knew what had happened. hateful ideology, if the world begins to understand (Continued on page 14) 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 No. 40 Golfers compete Chornomorska Sitch concludes 21st annual sports camp in Hartford by Bohdan Kolinsky

HARTFORD, Conn. - vitaly Zin– kewych of Woodstock, Md., had been making the long drive to Connecticut for most of the previous 11 Hartford Ukrainian Open golf tournaments. This time, traveling from Maryland for the second time in as many weeks — rain forced postponements of the tour– nament on August 11 - Mr. Zinkewych bested a field of 60 golfers to win the Ukrainian division of the 12th annual tournament played at Tallwood Coun– try Club in Hebron, a southeast suburb of Hartford. Mr. Zinkewych shot 9-over par 81 and edged Walter Demetro of Weato– gue, Conn., by two shots. Mike Szegda of Hartford was third (85). in the low net division, Mike Mi– chaiuk of Woonsocket, R.1., was first with 73, beating Joe Wichkowsky of Chicopee, Mass., and Steve Woch of East Hanover, N.J. Campers at Chornomorska Sitch's 1990 Sports School at the Yerkhovyna resort in Glen Spey, N. Y. in the non-Ukrainian division, Bob by Christine Kozak-Prociuk categories: beginner, intermediate, and Campers also performed in humorous Mielcarz of Bristol, Conn, shot a fine 5- advanced. skits to the delight of visiting parents over 77, despite playing with a broken GLEN SPEY, N.Y. - The Chorno– Head volleyball coaches were Messrs. and guests. toe. He took first place in this division morska Sitch Sports School held its Kolb and Kordiyak. volleyball partici– This year's counselors were: Slava for the second straight year Mark 21st session on July 29 to August 25 pants learned and constantly practiced Wasylak, Lida Bokalo, Walter Wasylak Descoteaux of Berlin, Conn., won low here at the Ukrainian resort of the bumping, setting, serving and spiking, Taras Naumenko, Petro Adams and net. Ukrainian Fraternal Association. Over and applied their newly learned skills as Christian Shalay. Among the ladies, Jackie D'Adasse 100 campers from various parts of the they were divided into groups according Many tearful good-byes were said at shot 95 to take low gross honors; Jean United States and Canada, and as far as to their ability. Many a camper learned the annual sports school banquet and Trzasko won low net with a 75. England and Japan, attended the 1990 to bump a "thunderbaH" spike or serve awards ceremony which marked the end After the tournament, which was camp. with confidence and skill. Three-on– of this year's season on August 25. completed in a driving rainstorm, all the Sports School Director Myron Ste– three, requiring extra mobility and skill Messrs. Twardowsky and Stebelsky participants were treated to a buffet belsky conducted the opening ceremo– was played by even the youngest of greeted the campers, parents and guests. dinner and awards presentation at the nies, introducing two coaches from campers. A volleyball tournament Campers recited Ukrainian poems and Ukrainian National Home in Hartford. Ukraine: Yuriy Kolb and Andriy Kordi– was the highlight of this year's train– sang Ukrainian songs under the direc– yak. Mr. Kolb is a professional tennis ing. tion of Mrs. M. Bokalo. DELAWARE coach and sports coach from Uzhho– At the weekly bonfires, campers sang At the banquet closing, Mr. Stebel– rod. Mr. Kordiyak is a dentist, who is Ukrainian songs taught by the camp sky expressed Chornomorska Sitch's RIVERFRONT GEM noted for tennis and volleyball skills. secretary (first-aid attendant) and sincere best wishes and hopes for the Federal Food Program agent Marika return of Messrs. Kolb and Kordiyak Exceptional year-round or weekend home. 90 Omelan Twardowsky, director for minutes from NYC, 5 minutes from Glen Spey. the second half of camp, introduced the Bokalo, who is a professional teacher. from Ukraine. Historic 1820s Canal Lock House, Beauti– staff. fully updated for comfortable living. Beamed Sports activities at the camp inclu– living7dining room, large modern kitchen, ded: soccer, swimming, tennis, volley- Jersey team wins softball championship pine-paneled family room with wet bar; 3 bed- rooms, 2 full baths, wraparound porch with ball and the famous Journey through by George Glusczyk tournament were the Kozaks from sweeping river views, cement basement, Ukraine ("Bih Po Ukraini"), an obstacle Toronto and Lys Mykyta of New York many storage areas, small outbuilding^ course naming each obstacle for a CARTERET, N.J. - The Ukrai– City. The competition was heated and studio. Set on stone-terraced hillside with Ukrainian city. seasonal waterfall, secluded from neighbors nian American Club of Carteret won its intense, yet punctuated by a spirit of by surrounding deep woods. Near major high- Soccer instruction was conducted by third consecutive championship at the comraderie, brotherhood and good ways. Historic quality and well cared-for ihor Chupenko. Soccer participants Ukrainian Softball Tournament held sportsmanship. condition like this is hard to find. were put through various drills, exer– recently at the resort of the 5249,000. The winning Carteret "Ukes" inclu– cises, as well as video instruction. Ukrainian Fraternal Association. ded: John Koniw, Tom Dmytriw, Bill Assistant soccer instructors were: Oles Call evenings: During the tournament, Carteret Desena, Ron Cella, Jim Pender, Ro– Wasylak, Christian Shalay, Petro advanced to the championship round man Matlaga, John Pereira, Walter (212) 673-7025 Adams and Yarko Twardowsky. by defeating Passaic, N.J., by the score Kaliczynsky, Pete Kusznir, Steve Bu– Mr. Chupenko is also head coach and of 6-4. Passaic then defeated the Yon– csak, Roman Hluszczyk Sr., George technical director of the camp. kers, N. Y., team, 10-5, thereby also Glusczyk (team captain), Taras Tka– Swimming instruction was conduc– SKIN qualifying for the championship round. czyk (co-captain), and Ron virgilio, ted by Christina Kozak-Prociuk with in the final, Carteret again emerged Roman Hluszczyk Jr., James Gillis, DISEASES the assistance of Taissa Bokalo. Swim– victorious over Passaic by a score of 8-3. James Magner, Frank Bramowicz, Jeff SKIN CANCER mers were taught freestyle, backstroke, Also participating in this year's Kazio and Pete Bufano. breaststroke, butterfly, diving, flip turns VENEREAL and relaying. Swimmers in the first week took part in the Ukrainian Youth DISEASES Olympics held at the SUM-A Resort in Ellenville, N.Y., and won many medals HAIR LOSS as well as exhibited their newly learned COLLAGEN iNJECTlONS frills and fine swimming style. Swi– and mming instruction was aided by the use WRINKLE TREATMENTS of videos as well as newly purchased kickboards. Weekly swim races enabled the swimmers to demonstrate JACOB and succeed with their learned skills. vera Sywenkyj was the head tennis BARAL, M.D. coach for the first two weeks of camp, assisted by Messrs. Kolb and Kordiyak. American Dermatology The head tennis coach for the second Center two weeks of camp was ihor Lukiw. (212)2471700 Tennis players learned serving, fore- 210 Central Park South hand, lobbing, smashing, strict offen– New York, N.Y. sive net play and deep defensive back (bet. B'way a 7th Ave.t play, video instruction was also used to Open on Saturday improve the campers' style. Tourna– Medicare Accepted By Appt. Only ments were conducted weekly in which Find us fast in the NYNEX Yellow Pages the tennis participants competed against each other for first place in three The Carteret, N Jc, "Ukes" softball team. No. 40 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7.1990 11

provider, supervisor and administrator Elected governor Notes on people in various settings. He is a member of the Academy of Certified Social of Boys' State Workers and is a graduate of Catholic pensation Commission. University of America (philosophy), Mr. Brinegar, 63, will serve as chair- Boston University (social work) and the man of the board. University of Pennsylvania (admini– Mr. Nesterczuk, 45, is the owner- stration). president of Nesterczuk and Associates, Family and Community Services a management consulting firm in Wash– provides a wide array of professional ington. He has held this position since mental health services ranging from 1986. psychological evaluation, individual, group and family therapy to pre-marital in 1985-1986, he was science and counseling. The agency serves children, technology advisor to the secretary, adolescents, parents, families, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. elderly. From 1980 to 1985, he was principal The agency recently relocated to its assistant to the director at the U.S. present site at 210 Hprner St. in Toms Office of Personnel Management. River and is open for services between 9 Mr. Nesterczuk is a member of the a.m. and 9 p.m. on Monday, Wednes– American Astronomical Society, the day and Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. American Geophysical Union and the on Thursday and Friday. Appoint– American Association for the Ad– ments may be made by calling (201) 505- vancement of Science. 3113. He received his bachelor's degree in Dr. Mykyta is a member of UNA New Jersey Gov. Jim Florio administers the oath of office to the governor of the physics from Cornell University in 1967 Branch 237. New Jersey Boys State, John Moroz Smith, as Mr. Smith's family looks on. and his master's degree in astrophysics from the University of Maryland in HANOVER TOWNSHIP, NJ. - in high school, Mr. Smith is football 1971. Wins first prize John Moroz Smith, a junior at Whip– co-captain and quarterback, top stu– dent in his class, vice-president of the Mr. Nesterczuk's term expires De– pany Park High School, was elected cember 31, 1996. He is a Republican. for art work governor of the 45th annual Jersey Boys student body, and editor-in-chief of the school newspaper. He plays trumpet in Members are compensated Si00 per NEW YORK - Taras Schumylowych State held June 17-22 at Rider College day, plus necessary expenses. The in Lawrenceville, N.J. Gov. Jim Florio the school band, starts on the varsity was awarded first prize and a monetary basketball team, and has four state positions do not require Senate con– award for his graphic-sepia, "Ukrai– swore him in during the inaugural ce– firmation. remony. medals in track. nian Catholic Church in Pluhiv, 1751," in his inaugural address, Gov. Smith John is a member of St. John the The commission establishes the an– which was on exhibit at the Composers, was enthusiastic about the future, Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in nual salary and the medical, dental, Authors and Artists of America Bien– saying, "President Bush has spoken Whippany, where he serves as an altar insurance, and other similar benefits of nial Convention in June. about a thousand points of light." Well, boy. This June he graduated from the state officers. This year marks the 54th anniversary І see about 750 of them right here," School of Ukrainian Studies in Morris Mr. Nesterczuk is a member of for this organization, which celebrated referring to his fellow statesmen. County, N.J. He is a member of Branch 15 of the Ukrainian National the occasion with an exhibition of The American Legion sponsors the and a member of UNA Branch 172. Association. artistic works by its members, concerts, Boys State program, designed to teach poetry readings, award presentation young men the fundamentals of the Appointed to ceremonies and administrative meet– political process and to encourage them Named director ings. to become involved, responsible and state commission The exhibition took place at the respectful citizens. Beginning inlllinois of family services in 1935, the program is held annually in SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Gov. historic Peggy Doyle's Restaurant; and virtually all states. American Legion George Deukmejian on August 6 ap– TOMS RivER, N.J. - Francis E. the composers' music program was Boys State remains one of the premier pointed Claude S. Brinegar of Pacific Dolan, executive director of Catholic performed at Lincoln Center's Bruno youth programs in the nation. Palisades, George Nesterczuk of Falls Charities for the Diocese of Trenton, Walter Auditorium. A banquet at the in New Jersey nearly 37,000 young Church, Уа., John R. Ohanosian of Los announced the appointment of Roman elegant Gramercy Park Hotel hand– men have participated in Jersey Boys Angeles, Ricky H. izumi of Corritos, Z. Mykyta as the new full-time clinical somely concluded the successful anni– State. This year, 750 juniors were Janice L. Baird of Fresno, Steven F. director of Family and Community versary celebration and biennial con– chosen to attend by over 300 Legion Hayward of Sacramento and Frank J. Services in Ocean County. vention. posts throughout the state. They were Grimes of Malibu as members of the Dr. Mykyta has over 20 years profes– Mr. Schumylowych is a member of selected on the basis of leadership, newly created California Citizens Com–. sional experience as direct service UNA Branch 457. character and patriotism. Mr. Smith was chosen by Post 155 in Whippany, Д Щ tOP 10 COllege УУ0ГЛЄП NEW YORK - Dora Chomiak of McLean, Уа., a senior П( at Princeton University, has been named one of Glamour Most of the time at Boys State was magazine's "Top Ten College Women for 1990." Miss spent simulating government and party Chomiak, who is fluent in Russian and Ukrainian, spent six politics in an imaginery state modeled on weeks in the Soviet Union last year studying the local political New Jersey. The entire Boys State was systems there. She is featured in the October issue. divided into 12 cities, and the cities Miss Chomiak, a politics major, serves as the president and paired into six counties. producer of an independently operated, nationally syndicated The week's other activities included public affairs radio series produced by Princeton students. She has interviewed many newsmakers including House appearances by local public officials, Speaker Tom Foley, Faye Wattleton, Peggy Noonan and career seminars, organized sports, a Caspar Weinberger. concert band, and presentations by the state police and the military. This is the 34th year that Glamour has honored out- Mr. Smith ran on a multi-faceted standing women undergraduates. The winners were selected, platform. He encouraged a broader and as juniors, on the basis of excellence in one of five areas of accomplishment. Miss Chomiak was cited for her achieve– better-informed approach to environ– ments in the area of communications. mental problems. On the issue of gun "This year's top 10 college women are remarkable for the control, he stood squarely behind amount of learning they've done outside the classroom," said current New Jersey law, the toughest in Ruth Whitney, Glamour's editor-in-chief. "Fashioning their the nation. To equalize education, Mr. own curricula from the world at large has given this year's Smith wanted to "bring the bottom half winners a unique view of what is possible. Like all of us, they up, not the top half down." He also dream about improving the world around them, but this proposed a "global awareness" course group of women has also made many tangible contributions in high school to familiarize students toward realizing this goal." with other cultures. "When 1 joined (the radio show) 1 had no substantial The central plank of Mr. Smith's journalism experience and had no idea how to operate a platform was character, especially mixing board in a studio. І learned the technical aspects from honesty between government and the other students and 1 acquired interviewing skills as 1 met with public; stating, "it is a fundamental the leaders of American society," Miss Chomiak told right of the people to know the truth. Glamour. Are we still a democracy if we deny "The challenges 1 face... in coordinating the activities of 40 them that right?" unpaid, and initially inexperienced, undergraduates to Gov. Smith's term of office lasts one produce a professional radio program has far surpassed any year. His principle duty is to speak at prior adventures. The variety of problems which are hurled various functions throughout New toward my office desk thrills me." Jersy, most of them connected with the Dora Chomiak as featured in Glamour magazine's "Top Ten Miss Chomiak is a member of Ukrainian National American Legion. College Women for 19?0Л Association Branch 25. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 No. 40

Membership growth... independent press... Conclusion (Continued from page 5) (Continued from page 7) The independent press in Ukraine has One hew member each by: Helen Slovik (7), Ostap Zyniuk (15), Helen Olek– nian Catholic Church no longer pub– established itself as an integral compo– Scott (22), Maria Savchak (25), ivan Pyndus (39), the Rev. Stephen Krysalka(53), lishes Khrystiansky Holos (successor to nent of the political and social land- Peter Kohut (56), Nicholas Bobeczko (102), Mary Kapral (112), Janice Milinichik The Chronicle of the Catholic Church scape, if we use the publications as a (147), Jurij Danyliw (153), Dmytro Fedorijczuk (162), Teodor Duda (163), John in Ukraine), but prints Dobryi Pastyr barometer of the level of political Babyn (168), Wolodymyr Bilyk (170), Stella Ryan (171), Peter Serba (173), (ivano-Frankivske) and launched vira activity, we can see that, despite the fact Jaroslaw Baziuk (І75), Stefan Pryjmak (217), Michael Mychajliszyn (220), irene Batkiv (Lviv) in 1990. that western Ukraine accounts for only Pashesnik (248), John Flis (267), John Chopko (271), Osyp Hladun (277), Alex The Ukrainian Autocephalous Or– a fifth of the republic's territory, it Skibickyj (285), Thomas Finiw (350), Wlademer Wladyka (364), Myroslaw Deresz thodox Church publishes the news- nevertheless often supplies over half of (371), Katherine Panchesine (378), William Semkiw (379), Roman Prypchan (399), paper Nasha vira in Kiev, edited by the publications in one particular Genet Boland (409), Wasyl Jewtushenko (422), Eustachia Milanytch (450) and Yevhen Sverstiuk, the journal Tserkva і category. Political opposition groups Mykola Kostyrko (486). Zhyttia (Kiev), vidrodzhennia (Lviv) are well established in western Ukraine, and Svitlo viry (Lutske). young people are more active there and District results civil society is far more progressed. Greens Rukh is the exception to this rule, Among UNA Districts, New York District achieved first place by gaining 19 new publishing more in central-eastern than members and thus Philadelphia District with 18 new members has taken second The Greens, grouped around Green in western Ukraine. Apart from Rukh place. However, Philadelphia is the leader in terms of amount of insurance sold. World and the soon-to-be-established in central-eastern Ukraine the only Third place belongs to the District of Pittsburgh with 16 new members. Ukrainian Green Party, are a registered other political movement in that region During August only 20 districts were active in organizing work. Therefore we ask organization and therefore are able to is often the Ukrainian Republican that the districts not mentioned on the list try to get involved in organizing activities publish the monthly mass circulation Party. The need for Rukh as a mobiliz– in the nearest future. The end of 1990 is fast approaching; time lost shall never be Zelenyi Svit newspaper in 10,000 copies, ing force for unity is more needed in regained. Only with persistent organizing efforts during each month can we achieve in addition, the local branches of central-eastern Ukraine which has our organizing goals for 1990. Green World publish Zelenyi Dzvin in suffered for decades under Tsarist and Lviv and Na Spolokh in Drohobych. Stalinist rule. No. District New members Amount of The rise of the independent press is in August insurance UKRAINIAN MUSEUM also testimony to the fact that normal civil society can develop (albeit more іп New York slowly in eastern than western Ukraine) 1. New York 19 S 98,000 Ш has PART-T1ME despite decades of adverse conditions. 2. Philadelphia 18 139,000 job openings for The small dissident groups of the pre– 3. Pittsburgh 16 99,000 clerical - English-Ukrainian, sales - Gorbachev era were, it seems, the tip of 4. Troy У Albany 10 32,000 Gift Shop, entry guard, photographer - iceberg. 5. Shamokin 8 35,000 freelancer. The range of independent publica– 6. Cleveland 7 29,000 Contact - Maria tions also testifies to the degree of 7. Syracuse;' Utica 7 21,000 (212) 228 0110 pluralism of opinion found within the 8. Chicago 6 33,000 Ukrainian population. Their rejection 9. Detroit 5 16,000 WANTED of chauvinism, hostility towards ethnic 10. Newark 5 21,000 COMPLIMENTARY ROOM minorities and authoritarian nationa– 11. Rochester 5 lism in favor of an evolutionary solution 20,000 for Guest Scholar from Ukraine. Easy 12. Baltimore 5 36,000 to their problems, coupled with the 13. Allentown 4 15,000 access to Manhattan. Contact: MAR1A introduction of a Western-style parlia– 14. Jersey City 3 23,000 mentary and multi-party democracy, is 15. Perth Amboy 3 58,000 The Ukrainian Museum equally borne out in these statistics. 16. Montreal 2 30,000 17. New Haven . - 2. 6,000 (212) 228-0110 Join the UNA 18. Wilkes-Barre 2 10,000 19. Boston 2 6,000 20. Scranton 1 3,000 Unaffiliated branches 49 248,000 Dr. YURU TRYTJAK takes pleasure in announcing the opening POSTAL JOBS HUCULKA of his icon 8c Souvenir's Distribution 118,392 - S67,1257yr. 2860 Buhre Ave. Suite 2R BRANCH 0FF1CE New hiring. Bronx, NY 10461 Call (1) 805-687-6000 Ext. P-2929 REPRESEmATWEandWHOLESALERofEMBRODEREDBUDUSES for the practice of for current list. for ADULTS and CH1LDREN Tel. (212) 931-1579 0PT0METRY at the BRANCH tf 7 73, NEW YORK Pennington Professional Center U.N.W.LA. 65 South Main St., Bldg. D (With the assistance of Plast Sorority "Spartanky") PENN1NGT0N, N.J. 08534 invites the public to attend EYES EXAM1NED for HEALTH and viSlON EYEGLASSES 8. CONTACT LENSES "AN EvENlNG 1N MONTE CARLO" call (609) 737-1364 for an appointment to benefit THE UKRAINIAN MUSEUM in NEW YORK AND THE U.N.W.LA. CH1LDREN OF CHORNOBYL REUEF FUND AN APPEAL TO THE UKRA1N1AN Saturday, October 20, 1990, 7:30 P.M. Ramada inn, Route 10, East Hanover, NJ. (201) 386-5622 COMMUNITY Join us tor a gala evening of dancing, casino games and great prizes. RUKH has asked the Ukrainian Family Bible Association for 1 Evening attire For information (212) 460-8615 million Ukrainian Bibles to help meet the spiritual hunger of the Ukrainian people. Currently most of the Bibles being shipped to Ukraine are in the sent by non-Ukrainian ministries. BRANCH tf 113, U.N.W.LA. Please send a generous gift to the Ukrainian Family Bible "AN EvENlNG 1N MONTE CARLO" Association for printing and delivery of the Ukrainian Bibles re- Make check payable to: U.N.W.LA. - Museum;Relief Benefit quested by RUKH. Ukrainian Bibles will be distributed by RUKH Mail to: Christine Shoh, P.O. Box 349, Ridgefield, CT. 06877 free of charge. The Ukrainian Family Bible Association is a non- profit and non-denominational association. Please help us in getting Name God's Word to Ukraine and send a generous contribution. Address: ..... Thank you and God bless you All.

Tel.:( ) Donation: - 150.00 (includes $25 in free chips) x No. of tickets S UKRAINIAN FAMILY BIBLE ASSOCIATION Senior GtizensX Students - S25 (includes $5 in free chips) x No of tickets $. P.O. Box 3723, Palm Desert, CA 92261-3723 Tax deductible donation total $ Tel.: (619) 345-4913 No. 40 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 із

Supreme Soviet... workshops, followed by a dinner and sponsor a series of spaghetti dinners on (Continued from page 3) PREVIEW... zabava in the evening. Recommenda– Thursdays in the newly remodeled St. it did not pass in such a format, (Continued from page 16) tions and action items from the previous Andrew's Picnic Hall in The Woods, day's workshops will dominate Sunday's because many deputies strongly op- ture, perebudova and hlasnist in Ukraine 7700 Hoertz Road. The dinneis will be proceedings. For more specific informa– held at ; 5-8 p.m. at a cost of 54.50 for posed the clause, noting that many today, the centenary of Ukrainian settle– tion contact Dania Stachiw-Zajcew, adults and S2.50 for children under age Soviet schools are already so overbur– ment in Canada and Ukrainian piano music through the centuries. Also in– community development officer (UCDC– 12. All proceeds to benefit the remodel– dened that they have to hold the regular cluded are films, a wine and cheese party BC), (604) 879-2052, or Taisa Monastyr– ing effort. For more information call school day in two or even three shifts. and a banquet. The registration fee is 535 ski, conference cordinator, (604) 732- Steve Holowchak, (216) 741-1017, or 9764. Steve Kosmos, (216) 843-8376. According to the Washington Post of with possible travel subsidies. For more September 27, a Ukrainian deputy, information, contact either Christine Zaporzan, (613) 545-9169, Andre Rud– ONGOING scientist Serhiy Ryabachenko said that SASKATOON, Sask.: On the initiative nicky, (613) 542-7840, or Roman Wyn– of Dr. Leonid Sanduliak, a participant of the divisions between Russian Ortho– nycky, (613) 547-3700. dox believers and the Ukrainian Catho– WARREN, МІСН: The Chaika Gallery the exchange between the University of lics — who unlike Orthodox adherents announces the first of its falty winter Chernivtsi and the University of Saskat– VANCOUVER, B.C.: The newly formed exhibits with a show title "East European acknowledge the authority of the pope chewan, the Ukrainian Museum of Ukrainian Community Development influences." The featured artists include Canada has obtained a signed copy of the — are so heated that religious education Center — British Columbia office will Kolomayets, Dychkowska, Cisaruk– July 16 sovereignty declaration of U– in public schools in the Ukraine could hold its first conference at the Delta Konopada, Sadovoi, Lytvyn, Ostafiy– kraine. One of four copies autographed turn the republic into "another Beirut." Airport inn. Titled "Building the Future: chuk, Pfeifer and Nedilko. Gallery hours by 60 members of the Ukrainian Parlia– "Given current conditions," he said, Ukrainians in British Columbia Confe– are Tuesday - Thursday, 11 a.m.i p.m., ment (the remaining three are all in "we cannot allow our schools to be rence," the purpose of the three-day event Friday, 11 a.m.– 7 p.m. and Saturday, 10 Ukraine), the document will be displayed a.m.– 5 p.m. For further information call at the museum, 910 Spadina Crescent E., turned into scenes of battle between is to unify the efforts of the 143,000 Ukrainians in British Columbia. The Myra Kowal Dutkewych, (313) 755- Exhibit hours are Sunday through Fri– conflicting confessions," The Washing- conference will kick off with a wine and 5200. The exhibit closes on October 26. day, 1-4 p.m. (Closed Saturdays). For ton Post reported. cheese registration reception on Friday further information contact Albert Ka– chkowski, director for public relations, in the end, writes Scott Shane in The evening. Saturday's events include a PARMA, Ohio: The St. Andrew's Church Men's and Ladies Club will (306) 244-3800. Philadelphia inquirer, the argument keynote address, presentations and that appeared to swing the legislature's opinion was that under new Soviet S1NCE 1928 practice, everything that is not for– Stephan Kuropas... MEDICAL INSURANCE SENKO FUNERAL HOMES bidden is automatically permitted. (Continued from page 5) FOR VISITORS - TOURISTS New York's only Ukrainian family owned ft Thus, even though the Supreme Soviet Enrollment for up to 6 month but no later America," a work that encompasses operated funeral homes did not specifically authorize the after than 21 days after arrival. a broad range of life experiences and ^ Traditional Ukrainian services personally hours religions'use of school buildings, Tel.: 1-800-766-7977 community involvement, and re- conducted such use should be permitted wherever fleets, first of all, the author's devo– ^ Funerals arranged throughout Bklyn, Bronx, local people demand it, he wrote. tion to his native Ukraine. New York, Queens, Long island, etc. UKRAINIAN ^ Holy Spirit, St. Andrews Cem. A ail others The volume also includes articles international shipping Detroit... by Mr. Kuropas that appeared in TYPEWRITERS ^ Pre-need arrangements Svoboda, UNA almanacs, the news- also other languages complete Senko Funeral Home (Continued from page 4) papers Ukrainske Slovo (Paris),,and line of office machines A 83-15 Parsons Blvd., Jamaica, N.Y. 11432 equipment. tant the needs of Ukraine and her Nova Zoria (Chicago), the monthlies 718-657-1793 people are in a modern setting." JACOB SACHS Senko Funeral Home Hempstead Funeral Home Ukrainske Zhyttia (Chicago) and 251 W. 98th St. During his presentation, Mr. Bonior 213 Bedford Ave. 39 Peninsula Blvd. Samostiyna Ukraina, as well as New York. N. Y 10025 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11211 Hempstead, N.Y. 11550 held up an issue of The Ukrainian articles about the author. Tel. (212) 222 6683 1-718-388-4416 1-516-481-7460 Weekly which headlined the recent The 575-page book was published 7 days a week 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK Declaration of State Sovereignty and in 1988. ("Memoirs from Ukraine asserted that "down the road, and soon, and 60 Years in America is available Ukraine will take its rightful place for S30 from the Svoboda Bookstore, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA among nations in Eastern Europe." 30 Montgomery St., Jersey City, N. J. Twin Cities in his concluding remarks, the con– 07302. gressman said he plans on visiting Ukraine soon after the elections next immigration History Research Center November. u.s. SAVINGS BONDS 826 Berry Street І-800-US-BONDS After the formal meeting ended, Rep. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114 Bonior and his aides spent the remain– (612) 627-4208 der of the meeting visiting not only with his constituents but with many leaders HURYN MEMOR1ALS 1NDEXER (HALF-T1ME) of the Ukrainian community. FOR THE F1NEST 1N CUSTOM MADE MEMORIALS INSTALLED IN ALL CEME– (Jobtf057369) TERIES IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA a.e. smal Ь co. of New York including Holy Spirit in The immigration History Research Center seeks a qualified individual to assist with indexing and Hamptonburgh, NY., St. Andrew's in South editing for the Svoboda index, a research project to publish an historical, retrospective index to ("ординський, Пастушенко Bound Brook, Pine Bush Cemetery in Svoboda (1893-present), the oldest and most widely circulated Ukrainian-language newspaper Смаль Kerhonkson and Glen Spey Cemetery in North America. The project is sponsored by the Ukrainian National Association inc., publisher in Glen Spey, New York. of Svoboda. insurance - Real Estate We offer personal service A guidance m your home For a bilingual representatives call QUAL1F1CAT10NS: Combination of education and7or relevant expe– Residential ш Commercial m industrial rience to equal 4 years, including: fluency in Ukrai– 1WAN HURYN investment nian language, English-language writing skills. P.O. Box 121 Auto ш Life m Bonds Hamptonburgh, N.Y. 10916 DUT1ES: Work closely with Project Coordinator to select Tel.: (914) 427-2684 1733 Springfield Avenue appropriate items from Ukrainian-language news- BOHDAN REKSHYNSKYJ paper for indexing; write brief abstracts in English Maplewood, NJ. 07040 45 East 7th Street and classify articles accordance with established (201) 7617500 New York, N.Y. 10003 procedures and subject authority file; proofread and FAX: (201) 7614918 Tel.: (212) 477-6523 edit index material; assist running specialized com– puter program (using УАХ maniframe and PC).

GURTMAN and MURTH A ASSOC1ATES ii vith the UKRAINIAN INSTITUTE of AMERICA SALARY: Negotiable; based on relevant education and expe– J f presentpresentss ^ "я major musician andpianist:.z rience, to a maximum of SlO,OOO. -The New York Times Ліехапаег APP01NTMENT: Through June 30, 1991, with annual renewal there- after, contingent on performance and future funding; position available immediately.

TO APPLY: Send letter of application, resume, and names, ad- dresses and phone numbers of three references by November 15, 1990, to:

Walter Anastas CARNEGIE HALL Svoboda index Project Coordinator Sunday, October 21, 1990 at 8:00 pm immigration History Research Center MUSSORGSKY "Pictures at an Exhibition" MENDELSSOHN Fantasia in F sharp Minor, Op. 28 826 Berry Street ^SCHNlTTKE "Preludes after Joseph Brodsky" CHOP1N Ballade No. 3 in A flat Major, Op. 4 Text read by the author, Nobel Prize Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114 EWorld laureate - J. Brodsky. LYATOSHYNSKY Two miniatures from "Reflections", Of Premiere written tor Mr. Slobodyanik PROKOFlEv Sonata No. 7 m В flat Major, Op. 8: Tickets: S25, S20, S15, S10, S8 available at Carnegie Hall Box Off „e or call CARNEG1E The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer and specifically CHARGE (212) 247-7800. Tickets also available at Surma in New York and in Newark. invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 No. 40

the army, to be used for the forcible tic rifles and sapper's spades. place on September 10. Forum... solution to nationalities problems in "Let us be intelligent about this! Only Over 100 mothers demanded that (Continued from page 2) Transcaucasia, Central Asia and other we, mothers, can halt bloodshed on the conscripts from Ukraine and Russia be zations, first of all the stationing of regions. We categorically demand from road of some kind of imperial ambi– allowed to serve on the territory of their soldiers, sailors and officers, and the use the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine and the tions!" respective republics. They also insisted of soldiers as a labor force," it stated. Council of Ministers of Ukraine to immediately after the close of the that republics should have the right to As well the declaration stipulated immediately return our sons in order for Forum of Soldiers' Mothers in Zapo– form their own armed forces. that members of the Forum of Soldiers' them to undertake their military ser– rizhzhia, a delegation of mothers from The demonstration was supported by Mothers should be represented on the vice on Ukrainian territory. Ukraine joined members from the the unofficial military trade union draft committees of the military com– "We do not want our children, to Russian republic to picket the head- known as Shchyt (Union for Social missariats. whom we gave birth and who grew for quarters in Moscow of the USSR Protection of Servicemen, Reservists in an appeal to the women of U– life and for good fortune, to be dragged Ministry of Defense. The picketing took and Families). kraine, the Forum of Soldiers' Mothers into armed conflicts in foreign lands at a called on "motheFs, sistets and wives... peaceful time, and we appeal to your tant part of the future film on World to do everything to ensure4hat blood is reason and mercy, to mutual under- Chornovil's... War 11. not shed on our land." standing and joint action. The army (Continued from page 9) The appeal went on to note: There was also mass terror in 1944 — should not fulfill the role of a gendarme. other in an embrace. but at least we can say that this was war. "We are also protesting against The army should not be a slave labor І saw this terrible scene not long At that time there was an enormous sending our children, conscripted into force. before coming here, and this horrible patriotic explosion involving the whole "Long live the peaceful and sovereign picture is still fresh in my mind. І think nation, and it was a battle. But in 1939- Azerbaidzhan, Armenia, Georgia, Lat– that we cannot find a better indictment 1941 there was no active underground, via, Estonia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, of the inhuman regime which, 70 years no battle, it was mass destruction. Kirghizia, Turkmenia, Tadzhikistan, ago, rejected the development of our Uzbekistan, , Byelorussia and fatherland, Ukraine. We all agree that the production of the nations of the Russian Federation! There are also excavations being such a film about Ukraine in World Long live a peaceful and sovereign conducted in Drohobych now, with War 11 is of great importance, it should Ukraine! equally terrible evidence. Therefore, І be an objective film, one that shows the "Shame upon the ministries who send think that these crimes committed in truth. We in Ukraine can help you in peers against one another with automa– western Ukraine should be an impor– this. Perhaps we can even do it together. УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ НАРОДНИЙ СОЮЗ у співпраці з хором „ДУМКА" спонзорує ВЕЧІР УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ПІСНІ Перше Турне в ЗСА ГСМІІН СВІТЛИЦЯ СЯІЕРІЧКД Чоловічий Хор ft ЛЬвоба Тріо з Києва Естрадний АнсамбиЬ з ЧернівецЬ

WASHINGTON, D.C. ARCHB1SH0P CARROLL H.S. AUD1T0R1UM CHICAGO, IL. LANE TECH COLLEGE Wednesday, October 31, 7:30 p.m. 4300 Harewood Road, N.E. Saturday, November 10, 5:00 p.m. Western Avenue ft Edison Street Tickets: UNA Washington Office Tickets: Self-Reliance Ukrainian F.C.U., 1st Security 400 North Capitol St, N.W. Suite 859 Bank, Knyharnia, Delta, and at the door. (202) 347-8629 and at the door. 8:00 PM Banquet Sts. volodymyr A Olha U.C. Church Hall. PHILADELPHIA, PA. UKRAINIAN EDUCATIONAL A CULTURAL CENTER Thursday, November 1, 7:30 p.m. 700 Cedar Road ROCHESTER. N.Y. EASTR1DGE, H.S. Friday, November 2, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: Ukrainian Educational t Cultural Center Monday, November 12, 7:30 p.m. 2350 East Ridge Road and at the door. Tickets: Ukrainian Federal Credit Union, Mozaika, Ukrainian Home of Rochester and at the door.

TRENTON, N.J. ST. GEORGE UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH HALL BUFFALO, N.Y. McKlNLEY, H.S. Saturday, November 3, 5:00 p.m. 878 Yardville-Allentown Rd. Tuesday, November 13, 7:30 p.m. 1500 Elmwood Avenue Tickets: at the door. Tickets: At all Ukrainian Churches and Committee members. NEW YORK, N.Y. WASHINGTON IRVING H.S. Sunday, November 4, 3:00 p.m. East 16th Street ft irving Place SYRACUSE, N.Y. FOWLER H.S. AUD1T0R1UM Tickets: Arka, Surma, members of Dumka Chorus Wednesday, November 14, 7:00 p.m. 227 Magnolia Street and at the door. Tickets: Ukrainian National Home, Credit Union and 6:00 PM "ZUSTR1CH", Ukrainian National Home at the door. 140 Second Avenue. Donation at the door.

YONKERS, N.Y. UKRAINIAN YOUTH CENTER KERHONKSON, N.Y. SOYUZivKA, Ukr. Nat'l Assn. Estate, Foordmore Rd., Monday, November 5, 7:30 p.m. 301 Palisade Avenue Thursday, November 15, 8:00 p.m. Tickets: Soyuzivka Store Tickets: Dunwoodie Travel Bureau, SUMA information: (914) 626-5641. Yonkers, F.C.U. and at the door. HARTFORD, CT. HARTFORD BULKELEY H.S. Pittsburgh, PA. Friday, November 16, 7:30 p.m. 388 Wethersfield Avenue Tuesday, November 6 To be announced. Tickets: Wolodymyr Wasylenko (203) 644-2729 Osyp Hladum (203) 257-9499 and at the door.

CLEVELAND, OHIO POKROVA UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH HALL Wednesday, November 7, 7:30 p.m. 6812 Broadview Road, Parma, Ohio NEWARK, NJ. M1LLBURN M1DDLE SCHOOL Tickets: Cleveland Self-Reliance F.C.U., Saturday, November 17, 6:00 p.m. 25 Old Short Hills Rd., Millburn, NJ. Osnova Credit Union, Ukrainian shops and at the door. Tickets: Dnipro (201) 373-8783 and at the door. 9:00 PM "Zabava" St. John's School Gym - Newark, NJ. DETROIT, MICH. FITZGERALD PUBLIC H.S. Thursday, November 8, 7:30 p.m. 23200 Ryan Road, Warren, Mich. BOUND BROOK, NJ. UKRAINIAN CULTURAL CENTER Tickets: Eko Gallery, Chaika Gallery, South Bound Brook, NJ. Ukrainian Credit Unions, members UNA Detroit Monday, November 19, 7:30 p.m. District and at the door. Tickets: Dnipro (201) 373-8783 and at the door.


The UNA introduces an annuity certificate WHEN YOU RET1RE WILL YOUR RETIREMENT DREAMS COME TRUE? The trouble with retirement is that our need The following chart shows how much your annuity account accumulates income- for money goes on after our salary or other fester your money will accumulate on a tax- tax free. The only income tax which will be earned income stops. The retirement years sheltered basis than it would if you had to pay due is that paid on the interest portion of should be our golden years, with time to income taxes on the interest each year. We are your monthly payments after you retire. travel, fish, golf, visit the grandchildren. But it using a single deposit of 110,000 in this 4. An annuity pays more income be– takes money for us to realize our retirement example. cause your payments during the payout dreams, and those dreams can be shattered At U.NA., we refer to our annuities as "re– period will consist of both principal and in– if our retirement income proves to be tirement annuities." terest. Therefore, your Ukrainian National inadequate. Association annuity should be able to pay you 110,000 deposited substantially higher monthly income than Retiring can be a traumatic experience, from other types of investments the same size — a financial point of view. After many years of from which you collect only interest or div– receiving a regular income from salary or idends, unless you also withdraw principal. wages, a person reaches the fateful day when 5. You cannot outlive your annuity in- that income stops — abruptly. Yet life goes on, come, if you use a combination of capital and and it costs money to live. interest to generate income, any other type of investment you make may be completely liq– How much money does a retired person, or a uidated while you are stiu alive. But with a retired couple, need? it depends on what U.NA. annuity, you can never outlive your standard of living they wish to maintain. Some retired people manage to get by on just their guaranteed monthly income — no matter Social Security checks, although the benefits how long you live! may barely provide for basic living expenses. Others are the fortunate recipients of com– The Annuity As an 1RA vehicle pany pension checks which can beef up A Retirement Annuity from U.NA. is an excei– monthly income enough for them to enjoy at lent way to fund an individual Retirement least a moderately comfortable standard of Account. You can save up to 12,000 per year living. for retirement and maybe able to take all or part of that amount as a deduction on your But so for as most retired people are con– Federal income tax. cerned (including many who are on both Social Security and company pensions), some Tklk with your tax advisor to see how much of 1 5 10 15 20 additional income each month could make your 1RA contribution you can deduct each the difference between just getting by and year years years years years year. really enjoying the retirement years. This ad– ditional income can be provided by an annuity. (Assuming an 896 interest rate and investor The Answer for You? in 2856 tax bracket) A Retirement income Annuity from Ukrainian National Association can be the answer to The Advantages of an Annuity supplementing your retirement income, it What is an Annuity? When you buy an annuity from Ukrainian can mean the difference between achieving your retirement dreams or having to give An annuity is a financial contract that is de- National Association, you will And that it has a them up because they are too expensive. signed to provide a person with a lifetime number of advantages over various other income. Annuities can be issued only by fra– methods of saving: Just knowing that you will have a sizable re– ternal benefit societies and life insurance 1. it is a safe way to have your money tirement nest egg when you really need it will companies (called "insurers"). grow. The money you put into your U.N.A. give you satisfaction and peace of mind today Retirement Annuity will grow at current in– — and assure your financial security Under an annuity arrangement, a person turns terest rates. Yet both the money you put into tomorrow. over a given amount of money to an insurer. your annuity (in the form of premiums or deposits) and the interest accumulation in The insurer invests this money and uses a Under current tax law, early withdrawals your annuity account are safe and secure. combination of interest and principal to pro- prior to age 59У2 (except for death or vide that persqn (called the "annuitant") with Ukrainian National Association is a very disability) are fully taxable to the extent a guaranteed income for life, starting at a strong financial institution. Amongst insurers, of the interest accumulated. Also, there specified age (usually 59Уг or older). it rates very high in the ratio of assets to is an extra 1096 penalty on the amount liabilities. Г withdrawn, in addition to the 1RS tax and 2. There are no management worries. penalty, Ukrainian National Association Unlike putting your money into securities, may assess a penalty for early with– Two Types of Annuities you will not have money-management wor– drawals. viewed from the standpoint of when pay– ries when you buy an annuity. U.N.A. will ments start, there are two types of annuities rnanage your money professionally for you. - immediate and deferred. 3. An annuity receives favorable tax Ukrainian National Association treatment, in most types of investments, you 30 Montgomery Street pay Federal income tax on your interest earn– Jersey City, New Jersey 07303 ings each year. However, interest credited to The immediate annuity is purchased with a (201)451-2200 single premium (or deposit) and begins pay– ing you a monthly income immediately. Under TO: Ukrainian National Association a deferred annuity, you purchase an annuity І would like to know more about the ANNU1TY available from UNA П now but defer monthly payments to yourself І am already a member of BRANCH NO. until some stipulated time in the future (such І am NOT a member П " as when you reach age 60, 62 or 65). This І would also like information about UNA life insurance П type of annuity can be purchased either by Name^--- paying a single premium (called a single pre– mium deferred annuity^ or by paying pre– Street or P.O. Box . miums pver a period of years (a flexible City . State. . Zip– premium deferred annuity^). By means of having the interest compound on a tax- Home Phone: ( ). . Bus. Phone: ( ) sheltered basis, the amount of money in your annuity account can grow at an impressive My Age: -- . Spouse's Age:–. . Children's Ages: . rate. w THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7,1990 No. 40

October 11 celebrated at St. Josaphat's Ukrainian PREVIEW OF EVENTS Catholic Church, Ridge Road and Stan- NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific 227-5522. and Cultural Center, 700 Cedar Road. ton Lane, for the intention of both Society invites the community to attend a For more information call the center, regional councils' branch members. lecture by Prof. Wilhelm Fushchich titled October 12-14 (215)663-1166. Following, a jubilee dinner with a short "The Contribution of Ukrainian Mathe– program will be held at St. Josaphat's maticians to World Scholarship." The TUCSON, Ariz.: El Presidio Park will be GREAT MEADOWS, N.J.: St. Nicho– School Auditorium, beginning at 1:30 presentation begins at 7 p.m. at 63 the site of a three-day festival of ethnic las Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church p.m. Admission is S12 for adults and 56 Fourth Ave., between Ninth and 10th foods, crafts and entertainment known as will hold its Fall Harvest., Festival at 1- for children under age 10. Proceeds will streets. For more information call (212) "Tucson Meet Yourself." The Ukrainian 7 p.m. at the cl arch hall, Route 46. benefit the Children of Chornobyl Medi– 254-5130. American Society will take part in the Music will be provided by Jolly Joe, cal Fund. Tickets must obtained by downtown festival with a booth featuring beginning at 3 p.m. Tickets are S5 and are October 14. Contact the Jubilee Com– October 12 Ukrainian foods, pysanky demonstra– available at Nykun's Store, located next mittee chairperson, Lesia Telega, (716) tions, woodcarving displays and other to the church. Call (201) 637-4306 for 467-4450, or (716) 458-2133, for more PALAT1NE, ill.: Greek American Com– artifacts. Also, Ukrainian dancing will be more information. information. munity Services and the Ukrainian performed during the stage shows. To National Association will present a volunteer assistance or to obtain more October 17 October 27 lecture titled "Problems of Leadership information contact Bea Salywon, (602) Development within Chicago's Ukrai– 296-1646, or Anne Sisk, (602) 296-0420. WASH1NGTON: The Washington Per– CH1CAGO: St. Joseph's Holy Name nian Community" at the immaculate forming Arts Society, in cooperation Society is sponsoring its annual corned Conception Ukrainian Church, 755 beef and cabbage dinner and October 13 with the Chopivsky Family Foundation, Benton, at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Myron Kuro– presents pianist Alexander Slobodynik dance at St. Joseph's Ukrainian Catho– pas, adjunct professor of educational lic Church Hall, 5000 N. Cumberland WOONSOCKET, R.L: The Sodality of in recital at the Kennedy Center Terrace foundations, Northern Hlinois Univer– Ave. Featured during the festivities will St. Michael's Ukrainian Catholic Church, Theater, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets, at 516.50, sity, will be the main speaker. Dr. be an unusual and hilarious men's fashion 394 Biackstone St., will hold its annual are available at the Kennedy Center Box Yiorgos Kourvetaris, professor of socio– show. Admission is S12.50, with proceeds fall bazaar, featuring Ukrainian food, Office, Ticketron Outlets, or by calling logy at Northern Hlinois University, will slated for the church mortgage. For baked goods, arts and crafts and a raffle instant-Charge, (202) 467-4600. For also speak. The program is part of a tickets and information call Nick Zull, (90 prizes will be offered). For tickets and further details call Laryssa Chopivsky, series of lectures on "Ethnic identity and (708) 825-4734, or Walter Scott, (312) information call Teresa Dowhan, (401) (202) 363-3964. Leadership Development in Hlinois" 631-4625. sponsored by the Cultural Arts Program, 766-2667, or Helen Kylba, (401) 766- 6885. October 19 an agency of Greek American Commu– November 3 nity Services, and supported by the NEW YORK: Plast members who have Hlinois Humanities Council and the TOMS RivER, N.J.: Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Labensky of the Children of visited Ukraine will share their expe– RICHMOND, B.C.: The ukrai– National Endowment for the Humani– riences at a community gathering at 6:30 nian village Registry, under the spon– ties. Admission to the lecture is 54, Chornobyl Relief Fund will narrate a film on the aftermath of the Chornobyl p.m. in the Plast Domivka, 144 Second sorship of the Ukrainian seniors and students pay S3. Refresh– Ave. included in the program is a video Community Society and the British ments will be served. For further details nuclear disaster at 2 p.m. in the church and music on the theme "Ukraine and Columbia Geneological Society, presents call the center, (312) 539-2323. annex of the Toms River Library, 101 Washington St. For more details contact Us." The evening is organized by the New the second annual Ukrainian Geneology Olga Siegelski, (201) 364-9609. York Plast branch's adult divisions. Seminar featuring eminent speakers, PH1LADELPH1A: Pianist Alexander October 19-21 displays, lunch, buffet supper and even– Slobodyanik will perform at the Ukrai– ing entertainment. The keynote speaker nian Educational and Cultural Center, HARTFORD: The Ukrainian National CH1CAGO: The Plast sorority Pershi will be John-Paul Himka. The daylong 700 Cedar Road, beginning at 8 p.m. To Women's League of America, Branch Stezhi invites the community to an event will take place at the ivan Franko obtain more information call the center, 106, is sponsoring vyshyvani vechirnitsi, exhibit of works by Yaroslava Surmach Community Center, 5311 Francis Road (215)663-1166. beginning at 9 p.m. The dance will be (5 minutes from vancouver international held at the Ukrainian National Home, Mills. The opening will be held on Friday, at 8 p.m. Exhibit hours are Airport), 9 a.m. -9 p.m. Ample parking is CH1CAGO: The Ukrainian institute of 961 Wethersfield Ave. For table reser– available on site. The fee is S30 for adults Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.,and Sunday, Modern Art and the Taras Shevchenko vations and information call Olha and S25 for members, seniors,, and 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The show is located at the Ukrainian Language Society invite the Jakymiw, (203) 547-1862. Awards will be students. Advance registration is recom– Plast Domivka, 2124 W. Chicago Ave. community to an evening dedicated to given for outstanding embroidery. mended as seating is limited. Contact sharing impressions of the congress of Muryl Geary, seminar producer and October 20 Ukrainianists, the conference on the Fa- October 14 coordinator, (604) 327-3537. mine, and the Zolotyi Homin poetry festi– TORONTO: A full-day conference titled val in Kiev. Participating will be Dr. PHILADELPHIA: An event comme– "Environmental Problems in Ukraine," November 8 Wasyl Markus, Dr. Bohdan Rubchak, morating the 40th anniversary of the organized by the World Federation of Dr. Marianna Rubchak and George Kolo– death of General Taras Chuprynka, Ukrainian Engineering Societies, will be TORONTO: The Toronto Seminar in mayets. The evening begins at 7:30 p.m. at organized by the Philadelphia Commu– held at the University of Toronto. For Ukrainian Studies, in conjunction with the institute, 2320 W. Chicago Ave. For nity Committee, will be held in the main details contact (416) 240-9095, or fax, the Ukrainian Canadian Centennial more information call the institute, (312) auditorium of the Ukrainian Educational (416)422-9113. Committee, Multicultural History So– ciety of Ontario, presents a lecture by Dr. October 21 Bohdan Harasymiw of the University of Calgary. Dr. Harasymiw will speak on "Looking for the Ukrainian vote: An UKRAINIAN LAKE WORTH, Fla.: The Catholic interpretation of Ukrainian Canadian Church of the Holy Apostles will hold a Electoral Behavior." The evening begins WOMAN IN Hawaiian Luau at 2 p.m., at 4868 Hypo– at 7:30 at 43 Queen's Park Crescent E. luxo Road (half a mile west of Military For more information call the Chair of TWO WORLDS Trail). Featured will be live entertain– Ukrainian Studies, University of To– ment, door prizes, gift tables, a raffle and ronto, (416) 978-3332. 990 Conference prizes for the best Hawaiian costumes. October 13 ft 14, 1990 Donation: 510 for adults, 55 for children under age 12. For more information call November 9-11 Embassy Suites Hotel (305) 968-8500. Exit 5 off Route 287 - Piscataway, New Jersey K1NGSTON, Ont.: The Queen's Ukrai– ROCHESTER, N.Y.: The upstate New nian Students' Club is hosting the 1990 Sponsored by UNWLA of Central New Jersey York North and South Regional Coun– Ukrainian Canadian Students' Union Eastern Conference at Queen's Univer– P– You are cordially invited to participate in this historic cils of the Ukrainian National Women's League of America, Rochester, Buffalo, sity. On the agenda are lectures by Third Ukrainian Woman in Two Worlds Conference. Syracuse, Binghampton, Cohoes, Utica speakers on the subjects of the early and Watervliet branches, invite the com– History of Ukrainians in Canada, con- ^ SPEC1AL GUEST - Prof. Laryssa Skoryk, munity to celebrate their 35th anniver– temporary Ukrainian-Canadian litera– deputy to Ukraine's Parliament. sary. At 11:30 a.m. a divine liturgy will be (Continued on page 13) ^ informed speakers on current topics of interest for today's Ukrainian Woman. UFU study-tour plans reunion NEW YORK - A gala reunion lectures, presentations and a two-week UKRAINIAN WOMAN IN TWO WORLDS CONFERENCE marking the 10th year of the "in the course on Slavic civilizations at the REGISTRATION FORM Steps of our Forefathers Through Ukrainian Free University in Munich. Europe" tour (Stezhkamy Batkiv po Organized by alumni of the 1981 Evropi) will be held on Saturday eve– tour, this year's celebration seeks to ning, October 20, at the Ukrainian bring together alumni from all of the institute of America on 79th Street and previous tours to renew old friendships City . - State - Zip. Fifth Avenue in New York. and share the memories. Please detach this form and send together with a check or money order Formalized by Prof. Petro Goy, payable to: Conference Comittee UNWLA president of the Ukrainian Free Uni– Although invitations are being sent out, anyone desiring more information c7o Luba Bilowchtchuk versity Foundation, the European may contact Reunion-90 — Lida Chor– 5 Honeysuckle Lane study-tour for Ukrainian students Matawan, NJ. 07747 provides college students and graduates na, c^o UFU Foundation, P.O. Box 1028, Cooper Station, New York, N.Y. (201)566-3492 the opportunity of seeing Europe with a focused approach: tracing their fore- 10023, or phone Marika Shomska REGISTRATION FEE FOR THE CONFERENCE IS S115.00. fathers' steps through the continent and Faber, (212) 754-0057. Donation is S15. supplementing their travels with Guests of alumni are welcome.