Little Council Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, held at Village Hall, The Wyches, Little Thetford, Ely, CB6 3HG Wednesday 20th January 2020 at 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Kilby (Chairman), Cllr Stubbs, Cllr James, Cllr Clark, Cllr Lamb Locum Clerk: Libby White 3 members of the public

20/1. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 20/2. To receive and accept apologies for absence Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Mitchell. 20/3. Councillors Declaration of Interest Declarations of interest from Councillors on items on the agenda: Cllr Stubbs sits on the planning committee at ECDC. Requests to Speak: None required To receive requests for dispensations: None Grant of dispensations: None. 20/4. Public and Press Participation Session (10mins) Resident noted that following problems with delivery of oil in tanker on New Close Road, yellow lines will be repainted within 12 weeks. There used to be zig zags on the tight bend but all disappeared with resurfacing of road. Member of Public asked Cllr James about the defibrillator. Double check with the Chair of the Feast Committee if the defib has been handed to the Parish Council. It was noted that there had not been any Speedwatch activity for some time and as Cllr Mitchell is the lead on this it was requested to add to the agenda for February. 20/5. Approval of Minutes a. It was unanimously agreed that the minutes be signed as a true record of the meeting held on 11th December 2019. b. The Locum Clerk noted that CiL information is lacking. Found a little information on the extension so far but little else. This will be brought to the February meeting. c. It was noted that there had been communication received from Network Rail about Ely River West Crossing as follows: Currently we have no plans to upgrade the crossing. The crossing has a full audible alarm, and red and green lights, and private vehicle rights with a separate public foot-path wicket. We do regularly risk assess and inspect the crossing and consider technological advancements that may improve safety. These new safety

improvements may be considered in CP7- control periods of funding we are currently in CP6. The Locum Clerk is to liaise with the Trustees Village Hall about the car park issues and see if anyone would be interested in helping with a VE Day event. 20/6. Reports a. Nothing to report. b. Cllr Stubbs will be putting together a report for next month. She did confirm that there would be a new ECDC newsletter for councillors and that the District Council is creating an Environment and Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan and have launched a Climate Change Ideas Forum. A district wide consultation will also follow to review , Walking and Cycling infrastructure. 20/7. Planning Matters a. 19/01719/FUL – erection of 3no. dwellings, parking and associated works at site south west of 12 Holt , Little Thetford. It was noted that the application is different to the plans (off plan). Residents have been reporting infringements of the previous planning application which has received permission. In this application, the description of the site used by the applicant is misleading to the planning authority. It states land south west of 12 Holt Fen but is the same location as previous planning application 15/01476/OUT which is described differently. The Parish Council understands that this planning application supersedes the previous one but wish to raise concern that the applicant has already started construction on this application without permission being granted. Disagree with the statement on sustainability, layout and previous planning decision. The parish council would like to have a meeting with the planning officer to discuss their concerns. 1 abstention 20/8. Finance Matters a. It was noted that the bank statement had not been received but Cllr Stubbs has access and will print off an up to date statement. b. It was noted that Cllr Stubbs and Cllr Clark had checked through the invoices presented for payment (listed at the end of the minutes). These invoices were unanimously approved for payment with Cllr Stubbs and Cllr Clark signing the cheques and authorising the first online payments to be made. It was noted that two further payments were to be made (highlighted at the end of the minutes) for ACRE and CLRLaw. c. The budget for 2020/21 was discussed in length. It was agreed to keep the precept requirement at the same level as 2019/20 - £17,250. The Locum Clerk to send the relevant documentation to East Cambs.

20/9. Council Administration Matters a. Emily Mulvaney, Community Housing Manager for the Combined Authority has invited Little Thetford Parish Council members to visit the and Community Land Trust scheme at Stretham. It was elaborated that the Stretham project will include a new Doctor’s surgery, affordable housing, etc. and Stretham Parish Council will have the houses as assets in perpetuity. Clerk to contact her for dates and place on the agenda for February. b. The Locum Clerk noted that the quotation had still not been received from District Council for maintenance work to be undertaken on the playground. The Clerk will contact Spencer Clark, Open Spaces and Facilities Manager for review at the February meeting. c. Cllr James tabled various documents for consideration for the recruitment of a new Parish Clerk. After lengthy discussion it was agreed that this would be brought back to the next meeting with the amendments made to the documents. d. Due to time the following matters were discussed very briefly. The Locum Clerk noted that it would be prudent to reduce the amount of paperwork the future Clerk would need to keep when working from home and that she had drawn up a Management of Council Records policy for consideration by members. It was noted that this was not formally adopted and to be brought back to the following meeting. e. It was noted that there are large amounts of outstanding action points from meetings in July, August and September 2019. The Locum Clerk will type them up and circulate to all members for consideration. 20/10. Cemetery Matters a. The Locum Clerk noted that there was £20,000 allocated in reserves for the Cemetery Extension. She would bring more information to the February meeting. 20/11. Community Matters a. Due to time constraints this item would be carried over until February. b. Due to time constraints this item would be carried over until February. 20/12. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 12th February 2020 Meeting closed at 10.30pm

Chairman: ......

Dated: ......

15th January 2020 - Appendix 1:

Invoices/Payments Authorised for Payment

Supplier Inv No. Inv Date Cost Description Net VAT Total J Skipper Gardening Services 19103 31-Dec-19 December Cemetery Maintenance £135.00 £ - £135.00 CAPALC 1778 29-Dec-19 Locum Clerk & Misc Fees £1,894.30 £ - £1,894.30 CAPALC 1782 31-Dec-19 HR Support £356.70 £ - £356.70 AP Shaw Feb-19 2019 Subscription to LT Newsletter £10.00 £ - £10.00 Cllr G James Expenses £103.60 £ - £103.60 Red Shoes Accounting Services 4447 08-Jan-20 Payroll Services £36.00 £ 7.20 £43.20 £2,535.60 £ 7.20 £2,542.80 Cambridgeshire ACRE (missed from agenda) Annual Membership Fees £57.00 £ - £57.00 CLR Law (missed from agenda) 1488 05-Dec-19 Professional Fees £350.00 £70.00 £420.00 £2,942.60 £77.20 £3,019.80