A Closely Watched Mind — On the 8 Consciousness Model of ’s Mind-Only School with Hozan Alan Senauke BZC’s Online Zendo—https://berkeleyzencenter.org/ “Enter the Zendo Now” Monday evenings from 7 to 8:15pm (PST) — June 29 to July 20 Suggested donation $30, or what you can afford, by check to BZC or PayPal using the Classes tab on our BZC Donations Page .

Vasubandhu (4th to 5th Century CE)

Yogacara/Mind-Only Principles

Yogacara—Yoga Practice: Yoga in the sense of connecting, joining

Vasubandhu—Thirty Verses/Trimsika Verse 1: The metaphors "self" and "nature", functioning in so many ways, take place in the transformation of consciousness

8 Consciousnesses 1. Sight 2. Sound 3. Smell 4. Taste 5. Touch 6. Mind 7. Cognition/Self-Construction—manas 8. Storehouse Consciousness—alaya vijnana 9. (Pure Mind—amalavijñāna)

18 Dhatus/Elements (of “knowable things) 6 Sense Objects visaya-dhatu 6 Sense Faculties/Organs -dhatu 6 Sense Consciousnesses vijnana-dhatu

5 Afflictions/klesas Ignorance/moha, avidja Attachment/lobha Aversion/dosa Pride/mana Envy/issa

4 Wisdoms 1. The 5 perceptual consciousnesses become the Wisdom of Successful Performance. 2. The 6th consciousness becomes the Wisdom of Wonderful Contemplation which "has two aspects corresponding to understanding of the emptiness of self and of the emptiness of . 3. The 7th consciousness becomes the Wisdom of Equality which "understands the nature of the equality of self and other and of all beings." 4. The 8th consciousness becomes the Great Mirror Wisdom. This wisdom reflects the entire universe without distortion.

Bibliography Inside Vasubandhu’s Yogacara—Ben Connelly For this class, we will draw on the introduction and the first half of Ben Connely’s book, covering Verses 1-16 in Vasubandhu’s Thirty Verses.

Understanding Our Mind: 51 Verses on Buddhist Psychology—Thich Nhat Hanh The Third Turning of the Wheel: Wisdom of the Samdhinirmocana —Reb Anderson Living Yogacara—Tagawa Shun’ei Wisdom of the Buddha: Samdhinirmocana Sutra—John Powers. (Chaps 6 & 7) Treatise on the Three Natures—Vasubandhu