
MAGNETIC AND ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF AND COMPOUNDS P. Burlet, J. Fournier, E. Pleska, S. Quezel, J. Rossat-Mignod, J. Spirlet, J. Rebizant, O. Vogt

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P. Burlet, J. Fournier, E. Pleska, S. Quezel, J. Rossat-Mignod, et al.. MAGNETIC AND ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF NEPTUNIUM AND PLUTONIUM COMPOUNDS. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1988, 49 (C8), pp.C8-469-C8-474. ￿10.1051/jphyscol:19888214￿. ￿jpa-00228371￿

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P. Burlet (I), J. M. Fournier (I), E. Pleska (I), S. Quezel (I), J. Rossat-Mignod (I), J. C. Spirlet (2), J. Rebizant (2) and 0. Vogt (3)

(I) Centre dlEtudes Nuclkaires, DRF/SPh-MDN, 85 X, 38041 Grenoble Cedex, France (') T.U.I. Karlsruhe, Postfach 2266, 7500 Karlsruhe, F.R.G. (3) Laboratoriurn fiir Festkorperphysik, E.T.H. Ziirich, 8093 Ziirich, SwitzerIand

Abstract. - The magnetic and electrical transport properties of the U, Np and Pu monopnidides and monochalcogenides are reviewed. The results of single crystal measurements on Np and Pu compounds are emphasized. Measurements on a single crystal of NpRu2Siz are summarized.

The actinides form a transition serie characterized and we apologize that many interesting studies on ac- by the progressive filling of the 5f shell. They dif- tinides are not covered. ferentiate from the lanthanides, except the anomalous ones as Ce, by a more extended nature of the 5f wave function. Depending on the actinide element, the in- monopnictides and monochalcoge- teractinide spacing and the actinide environnement in nides compounds, properties ranging from itinerant (3d like) to localized systems can occur. The properties of the The magnetic properties of the AnX monopnictides actinides have been recently reviewed in the "Hand- and monochalcogenides are summarized in table I. book on the Physics and of the Actinides" All the uranium monopnictides are antiferromag- which gives an exhaustive description of the studies nets with Nee1 temperature and ordered magnetic mo- performed up to 1984 concerning bulk properties [I], ments increasing from the nitride to the bismuthide, Mossbauer spectroscopy [Z], elastic [3] and inelastic i.e. with interuranium spacing. The magnetic order- neutron scattering [4] to which the reader can refer ing of all these compounds is characterized by wave for bibliography. It is clear that a large number of vectors along the cubic axes k = (k 0 0) and a lon- uranium compounds have been extensively studied for gitudinal polarization corresponding to Fourier com- a long time but much less has been done on neptu- ponents m (k) parallel to k. A similar situation oc- nium and plutonium compounds and the studies on curs also in the cerium rnonopnictides CeBi and CeSb transplutoniums are rather seldom. This is obviously [6]. In these last compounds as in the U counter- a consequence of the high activity of Np and Pu and parts it is now well established that this is a con- transplutonium elements the latter furthermore being sequence of highly anisotropic exchange interactions avalaible only in very small quantities. A big effort has due to the proximity of the 4f (or 5f) electrons to been devoted during the last ten years, to the sample the Fermi energy and to the hybridization of the f preparation and crystal growth of Np and Pu com- electrons with band electrons [7]. In some cases this pounds [5]. One of the most important progress, due anisotropy of k and m (k) disagrees with magnetiza- to the joint efforts of Vogt at ETB Zurich and of Spir- tion measurements which indicate another easy axis let and Rebizant at EITU Karlsruhe. consists in the ([110], or [Ill]). This discrepancy is explained by synthesis of large, good quality, single crystals of rock- the occurence of planar double-k or multiaxial triple- salt Np and Pu compounds which allowed to perform k structures instead of the collinear single-k ordering. many physical studies on these systems. All the uranium monochalcogenides are ferromagnets In this paper we will describe the properties of with magnetization along the [Ill] direction. From the structurally simple NaCl type monopnictides and US to UTe the Curie temperature decreases while the monochalcogenides AnX with special attention to the ordered magnetic moments increase. solutions of transuranium Np and Pu compounds. The results ob- monopnictides and monochalcogenides can be easily tained on NpRu2Si2 will be presented to illustrate the formed as, for instance, USbl-,Tea [3], or UAsl-,Se, interest of the ternary actinide compounds AnM2X2 [8] in which a progressive evolution from the antifer- (isomorphous with the Ce counterparts). All these re- romagnetic behaviour of the pnictide to the ferromag- sults are derived from magnetic measurements (suscep- netism of the chalcogenide can be studied. As regards tibility and magnetization), Mossbauer spectroscopy, to their electrical transport properties all the UX com- electrical transport measurements and neutron scat- pounds are metallics. The evolution of the electrical tering experiments. The scoop of this paper is limited resistivity, from US to UTe, indicates a progressive lo-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:19888214 C8 - 470 JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE

Table I. - Magnetic properties of U, Np, and Pu monopnictides and monochalcogenides.

a TN T' k ordering Easy m(T = 0) Ref. (A) (K) axis PB UN 4.890 53 (001) 1 - k type I (001) 0.75 1, 3 UP 5.589 122 (001) 1 - k type I (001) 1.7 1. 3 22 (001) 2 - k type I (110) 1.9 1, 3 UAs 5.779 124 (001) 1-ktypeI (001) 1.9 1, 3 62 (0 0 112) 2 - k type IA (110) 2.2 1, 3 USb 6.191 213 (001) 3 - k type I (111) 2.85 1, 3 NpN 4.897 87 0 ferro (111) , 1.4 13 NpP 5.615 130 (0 0 0.36) Inc (001) 13 74 (0 0 113) +++--- (001) 2.2 NpAs 5.838 173 (0 0 114 - E) 1 - k, Inc (001) 13? 15 154 (0 0 l/4) 4+, 4-, 1- k (001) 16 138 (001) 3 - k, type I (111) 2.5 NpSb 6.254 202 (001) 3 - k, type I (111) 2.5 13, 14 PUN 4.905 13? 20: 21 PUP 5.550 126 0 ferro (100) 0.75 22 PuAs 5.780 125 0 ferro (100) 0.67 23 PuSb 6.240 85 (0 0 0.13) 1 - k, Inc (100) 24 70 0 feno (100) 0.74 PuBi 6.350 58 (0 0 0.23) 1 - k, Comm (100) 0.50 27 US 5.489 170 0 ferro (111) 1.70 1, 3 Use 5.750 160 0 ferro (111) 2.0 1, 3 UTe 6.155 104 0 ferro (111) 2.25 1, 3 NpS 5.527 23 (112 112 112) Type I1 0.9 17 NpSe 5.804 41 ? ? 1.35 18, 19 NpTe 6.198 30 ? ? = 2. 18, 19 PUS 5.536 Modified CW behaviour, TN = 4.5? 28 PuSe 5.775 TIP 29 PuTe 6.151 TIP 30, 31 3

calization of the 5f electrons with a pronounced Kondo Np and Pu monopnictides and monochalco- anomaly in UTe [9]. In the case of the monopnic- genides tides the resistivity above TN is nearly constant. This is mainly due to spin fluctuation scattering and, in The neptunium nitride is a ferromagnet, NpP and contrast with the monochalcogenides no evidence for NpAs order at TN = 130 and 173 K respectively in a Kondo-type behaviour is observed. In the ordered incommensurate phases, still characterized by longitu- state the behaviour of the electrical resistivity is rather dinal waves with propagation vectors along the cubic complicated, reflecting the complexity of the magnetic axes and exhibit low temperature lock-in transition to- phase diagram of these compounds 191. In particular wards commensurate structures [13]. NpSb is a simple it has been found through measurements under high antiferromagnet with a triple-k type I structure at any magnetic fields [lo]or uniaxial stress [ll]that the mag- temperature below TN = 202 K [14]. The case of NpAs netic contribution to the electrical resistivity of UP is particularly illustrative. A tetragond distortion is and UAs is highly anisotropic and this can be related associated with the ordering transition at TN but this to the anisotropy of their magnetic properties. In the distortion vanishes at To = 138 K, where a transition case of USb the triple-k magnetic ordering to a takes place from long period (4+, 4-) ordering toward gap opening in the Fermi surface from which results a antiferromagnetic type I ordering, with an apparent very large maximum in p (T) below TN [9, 121. cubic symmetry [13], figure 1. Moreover the mag- P. Burlet et al. C8 - 471

thus explaining the reentrance to the cubic symmetry. In larger field parallel to [liO] , figure 3, the incommen- surate and (4+, 4-) phases are relativelyunstable with respect to a ferromagnetic state. Just above the crit- ical field the magnetization alignes along a cubic axis and rotates progressively towards the field direction (m // H) . The antiferromagnetic triple-k type I phase also transforms into this ferromagnetic phase only in a small temperature range, just below To, but becomes 50 100 150 ZOO 250 much more stable at low temperature. Below 100 K Temperature (K) no change occurs until a critical field of about 60 kOe where a ferrimagnetic state is induced. This state is Fig. 1. - Cell parameters versus temperature in NpAs from reference [13]. characterized by an antiferromagnetic component per- pendicular to H and a ferromagnetic ones, along a cu- bic axis at 45' from H. This anisotropy of the fer- netization measurements, on single crystals indicate romagnetic component is large, indeed the magneti- several metamagnetic transitions toward ferrimagnetic zation measured at 4.2 K in a field of 80 kOe along and ferromagnetic phases [15], figure 2. These transi- the [I101 direction is only I/& the value of the ferro- tions are strongly dependent on temperature and mag- magnetic component deduced from neutron diffraction netic field direction yielding to different phase dia- and moreover the critical fields in the [loo] (40 kOe) grams for field applied along the [OOl], [I101 or [Ill] and [I101 (60 kOe) directions are in about the same directions. Neutron diffraction experiments on NpAs ratio. To explain this magnetic properties of NpAs single crystal [16] have established that, in zero field, one must consider highly anisotropic exchange inter- an incommensurate, sinusoidally modulated phase of actions from which results the quenching of the wave vector and of the Fourier components along the cubic wave vector (0, 0, 1/4 - E) develops from TN = 173 K down to a lock-in transition at Tic = 154 K where a axis. The value of lIcl depends essentially on the rela- tive strength of the interactions between first (J1) and commensurate (4+, 4-) phase (k = (0, 0, 1/4)) takes place. The development below TIC only of third order second neighbours (Jz) and in NpAs the minimum of harmonics indicates a squaring of the moment modu- J (k) arises for k = 1/4 - E and an incommensurate or- dering develops at TN.On cooling the saturation of the lation. At To = 138 K another transition leads to the = magnetic moment is responsible for the lock-in tran- type I antiferromagnetic phase (k (0, 0, 1)). What- k ever the temperature the three symmetry equivalent sition to the commensurate value 1/4. To account k-vectors are observed in zero field but in cooling un- for the significant tetragonal distortion associated with der a small field H = 6 kOe // [110] only the wave these collinear phases large magnetoelastic terms must vector perpendicular to H is observed in the two high be considered. To drive the transition from a single-k temperature phases confirming the collinear nature of to a triple-k structure higher order terms than bilin- these phases evidenced by the tetragonal distortion of ear ones must be important, the transition occuring the unit cell. -4t To the three equivalent Fourier com- when these fourth or higher order terms overcome the ponents develop with equal amplitude establishing the magnetoelastic energy. The subsequent turn back to triple-k nature of the low temperature type I phase and cubic symmetry modifies the interplane distances, and then the correspondingexchange interactions, allowing for the change of the Ic value. Finally the very large anisotropy of the ferromagnetic component in the low temperature ferrimagnetic phase induced by the field is more difficult to interpret. It can have its origin

0 so jrn 1% Temperature (K) Fig. 2. - Magnetization at T = 4.2 and 125 K versus - - magnetic field along the [loo], [110], and [Ill] directions of Fig. 3. - Magnetic phase diagram (H, NpAs a single crystal of NpAs. field along the [I101 direction. C8 - 472 JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE in an anisotropy of the interactions (J(k = 0) being the lattice constant which exhibits a maximum around minimum for m (k = 0) // (100)) because it is diffi- x = 0.05 [31]. Very small Te substitution (2 % ) af- cult to imagine another way to compensate the loss of fects significantly the magnetic behaviour of PuSb. For magnetization energy when H is along [110]. The nep- larger tellurium concentrations the magnetic suscepti- tunium monochalcogenides are antiferromagnets. Up bility can be interpreted by a modified Curie-Weiss to now only NpS has been studied [17],it exhibits a law. On increasing x the effective moment and the type I1 (k = (112 112 112)) antiferromagnetic ordering paramagnetic Curie temperature decrease while the fundamentally different from that observed in the U temperature independent susceptibility Xo increases monopnictides. Very recently Mossbauer experiments almost linearly with a tendancy to saturate at the [18] and susceptibility measurements have shown that value observed in PuTe (Fig. 5). Mossbauer experi- NpSe and NpTe order below TN = 41 and 30 K re- ments [32] also indicate the loss of the localized mag- spectively with a complex magnetic ordering still to netic moment on going from PuSb to PuTe. be determined by neutron diffraction. The nitride PUNexhibits a modified Curie-Weiss be- haviour, with an anomaly in the sysceptibility at about 13 K [19],but no magnetic ordering has been detected at low temperature [20]. PUP [21] and PuAs [22, 231 are simple, strongly anisotropic ferromagnets. PUS^ [23]orders in an incommensurate phase, again charac- terized by wave vector [0 0 k] and m (k) // k. k varies continuously from k = 0.130 at TN down to k = 0.090 at Tic = 70 K where a ferromagnetic ordering takes place. The high temperature incommensurate phase Temperature (K) is rather unstable with respect to an applied field. In moderate field (H 5 12 kOe) a commensurate order- Fig. 5. - Inverse susceptibiity of solid solutions ing with a wave vector k = 118 is stabilized in a finite PuSbl-,Te, from Reference (291. temperature range and larger fields induce a ferromag- netic state (Fig. 4). PuSb has also been investigated The study of the electrical properties of transura- by critical neutron scattering 1241 and inelastic neu- nium AnX compounds, using single crystals, is only tron scattering [25]. These studies evidence the strong beginning. The first measurements on a NpX com- anisotropy of the exchange interactions, very similar pounds, namely NpTe is presented at this conference to that observed in many Ce and uranium isomor- [33]. The resistivity of NpTe exibits a logaritmic de- phous compounds. PuBi develops at any temperature pendence at high temperature (T >_ 50 K) , the or- below TN = 58 K a long period incommensurate or- dering temperature is detected at T = 30 K and a dering [26]. The results relative to Pu monochalco- large residual resistivity is observed at low tempera genides PUS [27] and PuSe [28] are limited. The tel- ture. Thus NpTe seems to behave like a heavy fermion luride PuTe has been studied by magnetization mea- system which develops a magnetic ordering at low tem- surement [29] and polarized neutron diffraction [30]. perature. The susceptibility is very small, nearly constant with temperature in contrast with the expected behaviour The plutonium compounds PuSe, PuTe and PuSb for a pu3+ suggested by the value of the lattice pa- as well as PuSbl-,Te, solid solutions have been in- rameter (a = 6.15 A) . The polarized neutron experi- vestigated [34] (Fig. 6). The chalcogenides PuSe, and ments confirm that only a very small magnetic moment PuTe behave as semiconductors with very small gap (5 x p~/Pu)can be field induced. Taking into (520 meV) . PuSb is a semi-metal displaying Kondo account the behaviour of PuSb and PuTe, the inves- effect. The PuSbl-,Te, solid solutions evidence the tigation of the solid solutions PuSbl-,Te, is particu- development of a small hybridization gap as x increases larly interesting. An anomaly occurs in the variation of

Fig. 4. - Magnetic phase diagram (H, T) of PuSb in a Fig. 6. - Resistivity versw temperature for solid solution field along the [loo] direction. PuSbl-,Tex. P. Burlet et al. C8 - 473

(Fig. 6). The same trend is observed in the tellurides determination of Xo (E emu/mole) and of the ef- on going from UTe to PuTe through NpTe (Fig. 7). fective moment (p,~N 4 pg) . At low temperature the Nee1 temperature is detected at TN = 29 f 1 K. Be- low TN an anomaly is observed at T = 6 K both in magnetization and electrical resistivity curves '(Fig. 8) which has not been detected in neutron and Mossbauer measurements.


0 XI I00 I50 200 210 300 Temperature (K) Presently many informations about the magnetic behaviour of U, Np and Pu monopnictides have been Fig. 7. - Resistivity versus temperature of single crystal of UTe, NpTe, PuTe. obtained. Except for the nitrides in which the in- teractinide distance is small and just below the Hill limit for occurence of localized magnetism all the other Actinides compounds with the ThCr2Si2 type compounds are characterized by highly anisotropic structure exchange interactions resulting from their electronic structure allowing large hybridization effects. Beside Since the discovery of heavy fermion behaviour this common feature many different properties are ob- and superconductivity in CeCuzSi2 (351 the tetrag- served ranging from ferromagnetic to antiferromag- onal compounds with the ThCr2Si2 type structure especially those of cerium have been the object of netic behaviour through incommensurate and long pe- riod ordering, from collinear to planar (double-k) and many extensive studies. Ternary actinide compounds multiaxial (triple-k) magnetic arrangements. This is AnM2X2 where M = Ru, Rh and X = Ge or Si can a consequence of the details of the magnetic interac- be formed. .4mong them URuzSi2 is especially inter- tions along the direction of the propagation vector and esting [36-381, the low temperature specific heat co- of the competition between exchange anisotropy, sin- efficient y = 180 mJ/mole. K~ is rather large. At gle ion anistropy (CEF) and magneto-elastic term. A YN = 17.5 K URu2Si2 orders with a antiferromag- theoretical study of these systems has been developed netic structure (k = (001)) but with an extremely low moment value (0.05 pg/U) . Furthermore a supercon- by Cooper et al. [41] very consistent with the present experimental results. ducting transition occurs at T = 1.1 K. Therefore the study of the Np isomorphous is quite interesting. The The monochalcogenides exibit also rather com- results of Mossbauer spectroscopy and neutron diffrac- plex properties ranging from ferromagnetism in ura- tion experiments reported at this conference [39] show nium compounds to complex orderings and to weak that NpRu,Si2 orders at TN= 27.5 K in a sinusoidally magnetism in neptunium and plutonium compounds. incommensurate modulated phase. The wave vector Clearly more detailled studies are needed in order to of the modulation, along the tetragonal axis, varies understand their exciting properties. continuously with temperature and no lock-in tran- The recent results on the ternary compynd sition has been detected down to 1.5 K. On cooling NpRu2Si2 indicate that the physical properties of in- some squaring of the modulation develops but even at termallic transuranium systems are quite interesting 1.5 K (T~/20)the magnetic moments are not fully sat- to be investigated in a near future. urated. Preliminary magnetic and resistivity measure- ments have been performed, on a small single crystal Acknowledgements (N 0.8 mg) [40]. At high temperature the magnetic susceptibility follows a modified Curie-Weiss law. The We would like to thank H. Bartholin, M. Bog6, B. R. Cooper, Kuznietz, H. Lander, K. Mattenberger, very small weight of the crystal prevents an accurate M. G. J. P. Sanchez, J. Schoenes and W. G. Stirling for fruit- ful collaborations.

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