ANNual Report

31 YYearsears ofof AllleviatiNgAllleviatiNg HuNGer...Together.HuNGer...Together. Table of Contents RegioNal Food BaNk of NortheasterN New York a year at a glance 3 poundage and programs 5 Board of Directors fundraising events & appeals 7 food donors and drives 8 2013 - 2014 donors 9 member agencies 15 financials 17 PPresident:resident: JJessicaessica ZiehmZiehm thank you 18 New York Animal Agriculture Coalition 11stst VViceice PPresident:resident: GGaryary PPollardollard RRealtyealty UUSASA 22ndnd ViceVice PPresident:resident: JJoeoe MMilleriller WWalmartalmart Food Bank of the Hudson Valley SSecretary:ecretary: CChristyhristy CCalicchiaalicchia NNewew YorkYork LLotteryottery 2013 Advisory Board

r: Scott St. George Barbara E. Ostrander, Chair TTreasurer:reasure Scott St. George Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell SSt.t. Peter’sPeter’s HHealthealth PPartnersartners Waseem Afzal CCareyarey AAlberglberg BBobob LLeonardeonard Home Depot JJohnohn DDeereeere CCompanyompany TTrustcorustco BBankank James Bailey WWallyally AAltesltes SSaraharah RobinsonRobinson Home Depot BBusinessusiness CConsultantonsultant TTeal,eal, BeckerBecker & CChiaramontehiaramonte CCPAsPAs Nick Citera JJillill AAugustugust JJimim RRogersogers Cosimo’s Restaurant Management Group KKeyBankeyBank FFoodood IndustryIndustry AllianceAlliance ooff NYSNYS Frank Clinton SStaceytacey BarrickBarrick LLarryarry SSchillingerchillinger Retired, Wakefern Food Corporation TThehe AAycoyco CCompanyompany YYoungoung SSommerommer, LLLCLC Vanessa Darmochwal, D.P.M. MMikeike CarrollCarroll RRobob SShefferheffer Mt. Kisco Medical Group BBerkshireerkshire BBankank CCargillargill Elisa DiBrizzi CCharlotteharlotte CCarterarter MMaryary BethBeth SonneSonne Cosimo’s Restaurant Management Group CCommunityommunity FoodFood PantryPantry - CCoxsackieoxsackie CCommunityommunity VVolunteerolunteer Thurman Greco MMikeike DeSimoneDeSimone JJeffeff SStedgetedge Reservoir Food Pantry PPricerice CChopperhopper SupermarketsSupermarkets IIntegratedntegrated TTechnologyechnology SSolutionsolutions Victoria Langling TThurmanhurman GrecoGreco JJohnohn SStewarttewart Markertek/ Daily Bread Soup Kitchen RReservoireservoir FoodFood PantryPantry BBankank ooff AAmericamerica Lorianna J. Nizolek CCraigraig GGriffithriffith AAndyndy ZZanottaanotta TD Bank NNorampacorampac FFirstirst NiagaraNiagara BankBank Howard Protter SShannonhannon KKellyelly Jacobowitz & Gubits, LLP CCatholicatholic CharitiesCharities John F. Rath, III TD Bank

Diane Reeder TThehe missioNmissioN ofof thethe RegioNalRegioNal FoodFood The Queens Galley BBaNkaNk isis toto alleviatealleviate huNgerhuNger aNdaNd Pamela Resch ppreveNtreveNt foodfood waste.waste. Pamela’s Traveling Feast/ Pamela’s Hudson Valley Catering WWee workwork towardtoward thisthis missioNmissioN Paul Tesoro bbyy eeNsuringNsuring thatthat allall productsproducts Central Hudson Gas & Electric aavailablevailable forfor doNatioNdoNatioN reachreach thethe Steve Turk Rocking Horse Ranch Resort/ Splash Down Beach Water Park FFoodood BBaNkaNk aNdaNd areare distributeddistributed jjudiciouslyudiciously ttoo oourur membermember ageNcies.ageNcies. Dear Friends,

In 2013, the Regional Food Bank provided 30,431,751 pounds of food and other grocery products to our 1,000 member agencies, a 10% increase over 2012. Honestly, we surprised ourselves. I never thought the Food Bank would reach such a high level of distribution.

People often tell me it is sad there even has to be a Food Bank, and especially that it must continue to expand to meet the growing need. That is true. But as an organization we can’t control the number of people who need our help, we can only control what we do about it – and we are doing more than ever. We know that without our help, thousands of children, parents, and seniors would go hungry, and that is unacceptable.

I thank everyone who helped the Regional Food Bank in 2013 by donating food, volunteering, contributing fi nancially, or assisting in any other way. I also thank our member agencies and staff for the wonderful work they do every day. Together we are making an important diff erence in the lives of thousands of our neighbors in need.


Mark Quandt Executive Director

Dear Friends,

As we refl ect on 2013, many challenges help us to see the diffi culties faced by our families, friends, and neighbors. The loss of a job, the foreclosure on a home, or an illness with subsequent healthcare costs can send lives spiraling out of control. People struggling with basic needs reached out for the Food Bank’s services in greater numbers.

On the positive side: 2013 brought more people and organizations providing support for the Food Bank’s goals and mission. People who had resources to share selected the Food Bank to help their hungry neighbors. Organizations and businesses helped to expand the Food Bank’s reach.

With the assistance of Our Family Foundation, BackPack Programs were established for the fi rst time at the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley. More schools were added as and C & S Wholesale Grocers joined in the eff orts.

Volunteers helped with mailings, offi ce work, and food distribution. The value of their assistance and friendship to the Food Bank is much appreciated.

It is with the assistance of so many people, from the change donated by a child to large gifts from foundations and businesses that has made more than two decades of success possible. The community’s support for the Food Bank should be heralded. As times have gotten tough, the people of the Hudson Valley have increasingly reached out to those most in need.

We extend our gratitude for that support.


Jan Whitman Director Food Bank of the Hudson Valley a year at a glaNce JaNuary TThehe 6th6th AAnnualnnual NNeighborhoodeighborhood FFoodood DDriverive rraisedaised a rrecordecord 222,2392,239 ppoundsounds ooff ffood.ood.

February TThehe 4th4th AAnnualnnual HHoppingopping MMacac --n-n- CCheeseheese BBowlowl rraisedaised ooverver $$45,000.45,000.

March TThehe CenturyCentury HHouse’souse’s EEnjoynjoy OOnene SSharehare OOnene PProgramrogram hhitit a mmajorajor mmilestoneilestone ooff 3375,00075,000 mmealseals ddonatedonated ttoo tthehe FFoodood BBank.ank.

April TThehe FoodFood BBankank bbeganegan cclientlient iinterviewsnterviews aatt mmemberember aagenciesgencies fforor HHungerunger iinn AAmerica,merica, a nnationalational hhungerunger sstudy.tudy. WWalmartalmart aawardedwarded tthehe FFoodood BankBank grantsgrants toto purchasepurchase a ttruck,ruck, hhireire a sstafftaff pperson,erson, aandnd sstarttart a SSNAPNAP OOutreachutreach PProgram.rogram.

May TThehe RetailRetail SStoretore DDonationonation PProgramrogram eexpandedxpanded ttoo nnewew sstorestores aandnd sstreamlinedtreamlined ooperations.perations.

JuNe TThehe FFoodood Bank’sBank’s 30th30th AnnualAnnual GGolfolf CClassiclassic wwasas tthehe mmostost ssuccessfuluccessful yyet,et, rraisingaising ooverver $$100,000100,000 wwithith 330000 ggolfersolfers eenjoyingnjoying tthehe dday.ay.

July TThehe SummerSummer FFoodood SServiceervice PProgramrogram wwasas iinn ffullull sswing,wing, sservingerving hhundredsundreds ooff nneedyeedy cchildren.hildren.

August OOverver 300300 friendsfriends ooff tthehe FFoodood BBankank aate,te, rrelaxed,elaxed, aandnd eenjoyednjoyed eeachach oother’sther’s ccompanyompany aatt tthehe AAnnualnnual BBarbecue.arbecue.

September TThehe PatroonPatroon LLandand FFarmarm hharvestarvest sseasoneason rreachedeached iitsts ppeak,eak, wwithith aabundantbundant qquantitiesuantities ooff mmanyany vvegetables.egetables.

October TThehe BackPackBackPack PProgramrogram expandedexpanded significantly,significantly, bbringingringing tthehe ttotalotal ttoo 5544 sschoolschools bbyy tthehe eendnd ooff 22013.013.

November TThehe FoodFood BBankank pprovidedrovided mmemberember aagenciesgencies wwithith ooverver 22.8.8 mmillionillion ppoundsounds ooff ffoodood ttoo aassistssist wwithith sspecialpecial TThanksgivinghanksgiving ffoodood ddistributionsistributions aandnd mmeals.eals.

December FFleetleet FeetFeet SSportsports iinn AAlbanylbany hheldeld iitsts 224-Hour4-Hour FFightight AAgainstgainst HHungerunger, wwithith ttwowo eemployees,mployees, JJamesames OO’Connor’Connor aandnd JJimim SSweeney,weeney, eacheach rrunningunning oonn ttreadmillsreadmills fforor 224-hours4-hours sstraight!traight! OOverver $$20,00020,000 wwasas rraised.aised.

3 Fleet Feet Sports’ 24-Hour Fight Against The 6th Annual Neighborhood Food Drive collected a record 22,239 pounds of food! Hunger raised over $20,000 for the Food Bank.

The Patroon Land Farm overcame difficult growing conditions to provide thousands of pounds of fresh produce for people in need.

The Summer Food Service Program provided over 18,000 meals to children over the summer. The BackPack Program helped over 1,000 kids get the nourishmentphoto bythey Glenn need Davenport on weekends. pouNdage aNd programs The Regional Food bank provided 30.4 million pounds of food to its member agencies and the hungry people they serve in 2013, a 71% increase since 2007. Over 250,000 people benefi ted from the assistance the Food Bank provided.

The need has increased dramatically during these diffi cult economic times, and the Food Bank has been asked to do much more. Fortunately, our generous community has responded in a big way. Food and monetary donations were strong in 2013, and more people than ever donated their time and services to assist us with sorting and repacking food in the warehouse, volunteering at the Farm or in the offi ce, and serving on fundraising committees. We could not have met the increased need without the tremendous help we received from the community.

Over 250 food industry businesses donated food and non-food grocery items, and hundreds of individuals generously contributed through food drives and other eff orts to make it possible for the Food Bank to serve its member agencies. Donations are received from food companies throughout our 23-county service area and from national companies through our relationship with Feeding America, the national network of food banks. The Regional Food Bank accepts products that are surplus, off -size or color, discontinued, close-to-code/best-used by date, shipped in error…unmarketable for whatever reason, but still good to use. For donations that come in bulk or are cosmetically damaged, volunteers and staff work to make these donations usable for our member agencies by sorting and repacking them.

The Food Bank completed its eighth year of operating the Patroon Land Farm in 2013. To date, over 650,000 pounds of produce have been harvested at the Farm for the Food Bank’s member agencies. Our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program grew to 496 members last year, providing the Farm with more fi nancial stability and an opportunity to expand its acreage to grow more vegetables to feed the hungry.

30.4 Million Pounds of Food Distributed in 2013 to Agencies in 23 Counties of New York State

1. Albany - 3,878,403 2. Clinton - 672,058 3. Columbia - 1,215,113 4. Delaware - 341,549 5. Dutchess - 1,940,627 6. Essex - 293,716 7. Franklin - 1,514,511 8. Fulton - 818,873 9. Greene - 531,215 10. Hamilton - 55,510 11. Montgomery - 408,415 12. Orange - 3,283,635 13. Otsego - 744,531 14. Putnam - 777,572 15. Rensselaer - 1,564,789 16. Rockland - 2,542,609 17. Saratoga - 1,120,056 18. Schenectady - 2,663,370 19. Schoharie - 527,687 20. Sullivan - 1,037,156 21. Ulster - 3,010,189 22. Warren - 1,113,488 23. Washington - 376,679 ageNcy services aNd programs bbackpackackpack pprogramrogram The BackPack Program helps alleviate child hunger by providing at-risk children with nutritious and easy-to-prepare food on weekends, when other resources may not be available. The Food Bank provides backpacks fi lled with child-friendly and easy to prepare food each Friday during the school year. In 2013, the program expanded from 32 to 57 schools and is serving over 1,250 children in 17 counties. summer food service program As a sponsor of this federal program, the Food Bank prepares nutritious breakfasts and lunches and partners with community agencies to serve them to low-income school aged children throughout the summer, when school breakfasts and lunches are not available. The Food Bank sponsors sites in Albany, Montgomery and Fulton Counties. In 2013, the Food Bank provided over 18,000 meals to children through the Summer Food Service Program. (USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.) ssnapnap outreachoutreach People who seek food from the Regional Food Bank’s network of member agencies are often eligible for SNAP benefi ts (formerly the Food Stamp program). However, due to stigma, perceived diffi culties with the application process, and other barriers, people often don’t apply for these benefi ts. The result is not only a struggle for those in need, but increased demand at our feeding programs, and fewer federal dollars fl owing into the local economy. To help address this problem, the Food Bank launched a SNAP Outreach Program in 2013. Our SNAP Outreach Coordinator visits member agencies and other programs serving SNAP eligible populations and helps prescreen clients for SNAP and facilitate their enrollment. mmassass distributiondistribution pprogramrogram The Food Bank’s Mass Distributions – also called Mobile Pantries – supply people in low-income neighborhoods with surplus food on a monthly basis. Mass Distributions give people food over and above what they may receive at a food pantry, helping them stretch their limited dollars and giving their nutrition a boost through the provision of food like yogurt, juice, and fresh produce. A total of 4,185,262 pounds were distributed at Mass Distribution sites in 2013. jjustust ssayay yyeses ttoo ffruitsruits aandnd vvegetablesegetables The Just Say Yes Fruits and Vegetables nutrition education program is off ered at member agencies and other community organizations serving SNAP eligible individuals. Each workshop provides practical nutrition information through recipes and cooking demonstrations focused on fruits and vegetables. patroon land farm The Regional Food Bank, in partnership with the Patroon Land Foundation, manages a 15-acre Farm for the purpose of growing vegetables for distribution to the Food Bank’s member agencies and the hungry people they serve. In 2013, 161,588 pounds of produce were harvested. A portion of the produce was used in the Farm’s Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program that helps fund the Farm’s operation. Since the Food Bank took over operations of the Farm in 2006, it has produced more than 900,000 pounds of fresh food. kkidsids ccafeafe Kids Cafes are soup kitchens for children. In addition to providing healthy meals in a safe atmosphere, Kids Cafes off er athletic activities, homework assistance and nutrition and culinary education to disadvantaged youth. The Food Bank currently operates a Kids Cafe at the Schenectady Boys & Girls Club’s Mont Pleasant site. In 2013, 9,684 meals and 3,978 snacks were provided to kids at our Kids Cafe program. oone-on-onene-on-one ssupportupport Our Agency Relations staff works hard to address the changing needs of our member agencies and off er them support. Food Bank staff members analyze agency ordering patterns to ensure agencies optimize their use of the Food Bank. Our Nutritionist analyzes the quality and quantity of foods agencies provide and off ers assistance to boost the nutritive value of what clients receive. In addition, the Agency Relations team educates member agency staff so they can provide resources beyond emergency food, such as information on SNAP, aff ordable health care, and nutrition. aagencygency educationeducation The Food Bank provides agencies a wide variety of workshops on a monthly basis, such as: • Advocacy • Grant Writing • Accommodating Special Diets • Menu Planning • Agency Best Practices • Outreach Opportunities • Cooking Without a Kitchen • Overcoming Burnout • Disaster Preparedness • Pantry Tours • Food Bank Orientation • Understanding Federal Nutrition Programs • Food Safety • What’s in a Bag? 6 • Fundraising 101 • And More! fuNdraisiNg eveNts AND appeals regional food bank events & appeals Hopping Mac -n- Cheese Bowl February 16, 2013 • Albany Marriott Golf Classic June 6, 2013 • Western Turnpike Golf Course and Orchard Creek Golf Course, Guilderland Chefs & Vintners’ Harvest Dinner Photo by Joan Heffl er September 19, 2013 • The Glen Sanders Mansion, Scotia Annual Auction Gala November 8, 2013 • The Hall of Springs, Saratoga Springs

food bank of the hudson valley events & appeals Markertek Open July 13, 2013 • The Lazy Swan Golf Club, Saugerties Food for Friends September 2013 • Stop & Shop A Place at the Table September 22-28, 2013 • participating restaurants Annual Dinner September 26, 2013 • Torches on the Hudson, Newburgh Walk to Fight Hunger October 12, 2013 • Walkway over the Hudson, Highland

combined events & appeals Yom Kippur Hunger Appeal September 14, 2013 • participating synagogues Check Out Hunger October - December 2013 • Price Chopper, ShopRite, and other participating Hannaford Helps Fight Hunger November-December 2013 • Hannaford Supermarkets Holiday Hunger Appeal November 14 - December 24, 2013 • Crossgates Mall and other locations Gift Alternative Program Year-Round


Photo by Tracey Buyce food doNors aNd drives food drives A&P/ Bag-A-Meal CWA Retirees Club 1118 Kiwanis Hudson River West Division Reverb/Bethelwoods ACOSTA Sales & Marketing Empire Merchants North Kompanion Honor Society Robert C Parker School Adirondack Fitness & Sports Expo Environment One Lia Auto Group Security Supply Corporation Afrim’s Sports Excelsior College MaN’s Roller Derby SEMATECH Albany Devils Farm Aid MDP Marketing Shaker High School - Russian Club Alpha Phi Omega Farnsworth Middle School Organic Garden Mirkovic Teal Group Shaker Junior High School Altamont Orchards-Apple & Wine Festival First National Bank of Scotia Mix 97.7 “Jam the Van” Sheridan Village Apartments Altria First Niagara Bank Morgan Stanley Social Security Offi ce of Disability Albany Molecular Research Inc Fleet Feet Sports Nellie Gavins, Inc. Ten Eyck Group Antique Truck Show FLY 92.3 New York State Offi ces participating in Tom Pellegrino Beverwyck GE Global Research MLK, Jr. Food Drive Transfi nder Corporation BlueShield of Northeastern New York GE Learning Center NYS Department of Tax & Finance Troy Turkey Trot Boscov’s GE Quarter Century Club NYS Department of State University of Albany Alumni Association Boy Scout Troop #37 Girl Scouts of NENY NYS Legislative Correspondents United Airlines Capital District Cruisers Hearthstone Village NYS Offi ce of Medicaid Inspector General USDA - APHIS Veterinary Services Christ Our Light – Food Pantry Hill & Markes NYS Offi ce of State Comptroller US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Colonie Elks Lodge #2192 Hoff man Car Wash NYS Offi ce of Temporary & Disability VA Medical Center Cornwall Elementary School Homebrew Emporium, Inc. Assistance Veeder Elementary School Cornwall Food Drive Hudson Valley Food Frenzy Parent Teacher Store Weight Watchers Cornwall-on-Hudson Elementary School Kathleen Busch & Friends Raymour & Flanigan West Point Curves of Guilderland KISS-FM “Stuff the Bus” Regal Colonie Center Stadium 13 food donors A.J. Rinella & Co., Inc. Delancey Street Foundation Horizon Milling, LLC Power Pallet Inc. Ace Endico Direct Source Seafood Hudson Valley Creamery Preferred Freezer Services of Avon Acosta Sales & Marketing Dunkin’ Donuts Hurd’s Family Farm Price Chopper Distribution Center Adirondack Beverages Engel’s Acres J. Glebocki Farms LLC Price Chopper Reclamation Center Adirondack Grazers Cooperative Esotec JCB Specialties Procter & Gamble Advantage Sales & Marketing Eventive Marketing Joe Clouse Quaker Foods & Beverages ALKO Fage USA Dairy Industry John Morrell & Co. Quandt’s Foodservice Distributors, Inc. All State Distributors Fancy Foods Julian’s Recipe Railex, Inc. Altamont Orchards Farnsworth Middle School Gardens Keebler Company Red Lobster American Beverage Corporation First International Health Foods Kellogg Company Richardson Brands Company, Inc. Armour-Eckrich Meats, LLC First Preference Product Corp. Key Impact Sales & Systems, Inc. Rick Minkus Farms, Inc. Barber Family Farm, Inc. Fischer Foods of New York, Inc. Kinderhook Creek Farm Ronnybrook Farm Bayer Corporation Fix Brothers Fruit Farm Kiryas Joel Poultry Processing Ross Rounds, Inc. BelGioioso Cheese, Inc. Food Bank of Central Florida Klein’s Kill Fruit Farms Corp. Samascott Orchards Bilinski’s Sausage Mfg. Co., Inc. Food Bank of Central New York KNC Holdings Sam’s Clubs BJ’s Wholesale Clubs Food Bank for Westchester Knight Orchard Saratoga Apple Black Horse Farms Fox Meadow Farm Kovarovic Orchard Saratoga Chips Borden’s Orchard Freihofer Baking Company Kraft Foods Group, Inc. Save-A-Lot Distribution Center Bowman Orchards Fresh Food Sales & Marketing Kriel Farm, LLC Scattered Acres Farm Brooklyn Bottling Co. Fresno Community Food Bank Krug Farms Second Harvest Heartland Brown’s Vegetable Stand Frito-Lay, Inc. Land O’Lakes, Inc. Second Harvest North Florida Bryant Farms Fusion Sales Group Leslie’s Humble Pie Signal Hill Farm LLC C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc. Gade Farm Lindsey’s Orchards Sky High Farm Campbell Soup Company Garelick Farms Logistics One Smithfi eld Foods Capital City Produce General Mills, Inc. Lomac & May Associates Stewart’s Shops Cargill, Inc. George W. Saulpaugh & Son, Inc. Long Island Cares, Inc. Stop & Shop Supermarkets Caribbean Food Delights Gillette Creamery M&M Story Farms Caribou Coff ee Ginsberg’s MB Consultants SullivanArc Carioto Produce Gorton’s Seafood McCain Foods Inc. Sunrise Farms Inc. Casa Visco Green Valley Onion Company, Inc. McLane Foodservice Sycamore Farms Century House Greene Farm McMahon’s Farm, Inc. Sysco Food Services of Albany Charles Reinhart Farms Greenline Foods, Inc. Mead Orchards LLC Target Distribution Center - Amsterdam Chiquita Processed Food Griffi n Family Farm Michaud Distributors Target Distribution Center - Wilton Coca-Cola Bottling of Albany Grounds Farm Midland Farms Target Stores Coca-Cola Company Hannaford Distribution Center Migliorelli Farms Taconic Orchards Codino’s Foods, Inc. Hannaford Reclamation Center Milmar Food Groups Tarrant Area Food Bank ConAgra Foods Hannaford Supermarkets Minard Farms The Cheesecake Factory Cook Chill Production Center (CCPC) Hepworth Farms MINNDAKS The HoneyBaked Ham Company Cumberland Farms Heritage Farm Mondelez International, Inc. The Wendy’s Company Davenport Farms Hershey Chocolate Company Moses Farm Thomas Poultry Farm Decker’s Produce Co., Inc. Hill & Markes, Inc. Mountain Service Distributors Tierra Farm National Freight, Inc. Trader Joe’s Nestle Brands Tri-City Foods Nestle DSD Tropicana Products Netrition, Inc. Twin Hills Farm New York Farm Bureau Tyson Foods, Inc. New York Spring Water Inc. Unilever Newburgh Banana, Inc. US Foods Nonni’s Food Corporation USDA Wildlife Services North Colonie Schools Venison Donation Coalition of NYS North East Quality Foods Voortman Cookies Ocean State Job Lot Wakefern Food Corporation Ochs Orchard Walmart Distribution Center #6096 Orchards of Concklin Walmart Reclamation Center Exel #9196 Patroon Land Foundation Walmart Stores Pear Tree Farm Wertman Farms Pennings Orchard West Point Commissary Pepperidge Farm Winter Sun Farms Pepsi-Cola Bottling of Albany Wisconsin Food Bank Network Pepsi-Cola of the Hudson Valley Xpress Global Systems Perry’s Orchard Yellow Roadway Corp Philabundance Zafar Produce, Inc. Port Royal Sales fiNaNcial doNors of $500 or more regional food bank corporate donors Corinth Elementary P.T.O. Kaatirondack Benefi t Planning Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 7-Eleven Inc. County Waste Keeler Motor Car Company Professional Planning Group Aaron’s Crane Lake Camp Kellog’s PSC, LLC Academy of the Holy Names Crown KeyBank Corporate Woods Committee Pulmonary & Critical Care Services, P.C. Action Window Cleaning Co. Crown Point Telephone Corp KeyBank Foundation Quandt’s Foodservice Distributors Adirondack Beverages CSX Corporation KeyBank National Association Questar III - Central Offi ce Adirondack Environmental Services Dagen Trucking Keystone Printed Specialties Quickie Manufacturing Corp Adirondack Foundation Darden Foundation Kinderhook Tri Village Rotary Club R.A. Hunsdorfer Foundation Adirondack Sports & Fitness Expo David Masten Construction Kiwanis Club of Ticonderoga Radiographic Testing Services Advantage Sales and Marketing DavisVision Ladies Auxiliary, Louis W. Oppenhiem Post 1019 Raymour & Flanigan Aetna Foundation Dawn Homes Management Lam Research Foundation @ East Bay Realty USA - Capital District Agency AFLAC New York Dean Foods Community Foundation Red Argyle Albany County FEMA Board Del Monte Corporation Latham ‘76 Diner Red Pine Ridge, Inc. Albany ENT & Allergy Services Delmar Reformed Church - The Mission Team Lavelle & Finn, LLP Reformed Church in America Albany RV DeNooyer Chevrolet Law Firm of Alex Dell Reformed Church of Canajoharie Altamont Reformed Church Dominion Foundation Lawrence I. and Blanche H. Rhodes Memorial Fund Rensselaer Honda American Clothing Domino Foods Legislative Correspondents Association Review Foundation, Inc. American Endowment Foundation Dona-Tech Lehigh Northeast Cement Rick Rourke CD Release Party American Greetings Corp DST Systems Lemery Greisler River Farm America Foundation American Italian Pasta Company Ducommun AeroStructures Leroy Holding Co. Rose & Kiernan Charitable Foundation American Legion Mohawk Post 1450 E.Republic Liberty Mutual Rosenblum Development Corp Ameriprise Financial Employee Giving Campaign Eastern Heating & Cooling Local 294 Teamsters Care Rotary Club of Cooperstown Amsterdam Family Practice Associates Emmanuel United Church Lounsbury Family Foundation Rotary Club of Glenville New York Amsterdam Masonic Lodge No. 84 F.&A.M. Empire Wine & Spirits Lubbe & Hosey CPAs Rotterdam Eagles No. 3610 Amsterdam Printing & Litho Energizer Battery M & T Bank Ryan’s Farmers Market Anchor Agency Entergy Services M. Fellinger Co. S. D. Carruthers Sons Ancient Temple Lodge No. 14, F. & A.M. Erie Insurance Group Macy’s Foundation S.C.D. Activities Committee Ancramdale Neighbors Helping Neighbors Association Exit 9 Wine & Liquor Warehouse Malone & Tate Builders Salvatore & Anna Beltrone Family Foundation Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Falcon Trace Senior Living Malta Development Co Sam’s Club Latham Farms Angio Dynamics Fancy Foods Mama Rosie’s Sam’s Club Plattsburgh Anheuser-Busch Farm Aid Massry Charitable Foundation Saratoga Casino and Raceway Foundation Applied Materials Farm Credit East, ACA McLeod Systems Saratoga Eagle Sales & Service Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Farm Family Casualty Insurance Company McNamee, Lochner, Titus & Williams, P.C. Schenectady Federation Of Teachers Aurora Inc. Feeding America MDP Marketing Schoharie County Community Action Program, Inc. Austin & Co. FEMA Albany County Mealeo Schoharie Reformed Church Axiom Realty Advisors Fenimore Asset Management Media Logic Schuyler Companies Ayco Charitable Foundation First New York FCU Microsoft Matching Gifts Program SEFA - Adirondack Region Ballston Spa National Bank First Niagara Bank Millbrook Rotary Club SEFCU Bank of America First Presbyterian Church MillerCoors Selkirk Cogen Partners, LP Bank of America Foundation First Presbyterian Church of Valatie Mirkovic Teal Group Seton Health System/St. Mary’s Hospital Barton & Loguidice, P.C. First Reformed Church of Scotia Mohawk Hospital Equipment Shenendehowa Central School Bechtel National First United Methodist Church Mohawk Valley Medical Associates Shenendehowa Helping Hands Berkshire Bank Fleet Feet Sports Morgan Linen Service Shenendehowa United Methodist Church Berkshire United Way Food Bank Association of NY State Morgan Stanley ShopRite Beukendaal - George Hope Chapter #271 Food Industry Alliance of New York State Mrs. T’s Pierogies / Ateeco, Inc. ShopRite Partners in Caring Beverwyck Fortitech Mullally Bros. SI Group Bimbo Bakeries FPI Mechanical MVP Health Plan, Inc. Siena College Friary BJ’s Charitable Foundation Fredericka V. Slingerland Family Foundation NAF Atsugi Chapel Silhouette Optical Ltd. Blackhawk Network Freight Distribution National Emergency Response Team, NY Sisters of St. Joseph - St. Joseph Provincial House blue chip Frito-Lay National Grid USA Service Company SKS Bottle & Packaging BlueShield of Northeastern New York Garden Homes Fund NBT Bank Smuckers Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods GE Foundation NBTY, Inc. South Glens Falls Central School - Special Aid Fund Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP GE Global Research New York Business Development Corporation Southern Wine & Spirits of Upstate NY Bonadio & Co. GE United Way Campaign Newkirk Products, Inc. Sparkle, Glisten & Shine Bond, Schoeneck, & King, LLP General Mills Newman’s Own Foundation Specialty Silicone Products Boys & Girls Clubs of Albany GENESYS Consulting Services NODA @ Cornell University St. Clare’s R.C. Church Brian and Beverly Sann Fund #2 German American Club Of Albany Nolan & Heller St. Helen’s Church Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Girl Friends Inc - Albany Chapter Norampac Schenectady St. John’s Episcopal Church Brooks Family Foundation Gleason Dunn Walsh & O’Shea PC Northeastern NY Chapter 07-01 of Thrivent Financial St. Lucy / St. Bernadette Church Brunswick Presbyterian Church Glens Falls National Bank Northern Adirondack Central School St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Rotary Club Global Impact Northern Columbia Cty Unit Women of the ELCA St. Michael’s Church Cabot Creamery Cooperative Goldman, Sachs & Co. Northstar Chevrolet St. Peter’s Hospital Callanan Industries Golub Corporation Novkov- Family Fund of The Oregon Jewish St. Pius X Catholic School CapBen Consulting Golub Family Foundation Community Foundation Staritch Foundation Capital District Insurance Community Good Shepherd Lutheran Church NPC Processing Stewart’s Foundation Capital District Physicians’ Health Plan Google NY Aviation Management Assoc Stillwater School & PTA Capitaland Material Handling Green Mountain Antique Car Club NY Capital Chapter Association of Government Students of Gilboa-Conesville Central School Capstone Logistics Greenbush Tape & Label Accountants Sunmark Federal Credit Union Cargill Incorporated Guptill’s/Capital District Cruisers Car Shows NYBDC Foundation Taconic Foundation Casa Visco Finer Foods H.Schrier Co NYS Education Department Target Catholic Charities - Diocese of Albany Hadley-Luzerne Central School NYS PEF Retirees - Region #8 - DIV 305 Target Flavors, Inc. Cello-Pack Hannaford Bros. The Old Brick Furniture Company Tate and Lyle Center Brunswick United Methodist Church Hannay Reels Olde Saratoga Coin TD Charitable Foundation The Century House Harpoon Brewery Our Lady of The Assumption Church Teal, Becker & Chiaramonte, CPA’s, PC CHA Consulting Harrisena Community Church P & G Tech Valley Communications Charles R. Wood Foundation Hershey Family Fund Package Pavement TGI Friday’s Chatham Area Silent Pantry Hewlett Packard Palmer Food Services The Adirondack Trust Company The Cheesecake Factory High Hill Food Pantry The Pampered Chef The Applied Materials Foundation Christmas Wish Campaign c/o 810 WGY Hill & Markes Panera Bread The Capital Communication Cares Foundation Church & Dwight Co. Homebrew Emporium Panoply Foods Corp The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Church of St. John In The Wilderness Hudson River Bank & Trust Co. Foundation Parent Teacher Store Region: Citizens Bank IBEW Local Union 236 Parson’s NHS Vocational Program -Lee and Heidi Newberg Fund City Dining Cards IBM Employee Services Center Peachtree Builders -The Altes Family Fund CKP Communications Ichabod Crane Primary PTA Pepsi-Cola Albany -The Harry Yates Fund Claudio & Masaryk Integrys Energy Services of New York Picotte Management Co. -Thomas J. Gorman Fund Climate Engineering Truck & Trailer Refrigeration IPLogic Pioneer Bank The EASTER Foundation Codino’s Foods Iron Worker’s Local Union No. 12 Pitney Bowes Foundation The Evelyn & Paul Robinson Family Foundation Coinstar Janitronics Facility Services Plastipak Packaging The Glens Falls Foundation Colonie Builders JCB Specialties Policy Research Associates (PRA) The Greater Plains PTO Community Resource Federal Credit Union Jeff erson Methodist Church Food Pantry POSTMKTG The Hershey Company ConAgra Foods John and Cornelia Hume Charitable Fund Presbyterian Society The Home Depot Foundation Congregation Gates of Heaven John Deere Foundation Presbytery of Albany The John D. Picotte Family Foundation Cooper Erving & Savage Johnstown Teachers Association Price Chopper Supermarkets The Light Rain Foundation Copake Falls Community Day JRN Development Pricewaterhouse Coopers Charitable Foundation The Rack/Guetig Family Foundation Corinth Community Churches Jupiter Environmental Services Primary School Staff Fund The Sidney and Beatrice Albert Foundation The Woodforest Charitable Foundation Ronald Cary Roscoe and Joanne Haynes Richard V. Melby Ticonderoga C.S.D. Mary Jane Cashan Jim and Dawn Hellmich Lloyd and Linda Miller Time Warner Cable Kevin J. Casutto Jennifer Henry Richard and Judith Mills TJX Foundation James Catlin Mary Hession Frank and Theresa Minissale Tops Markets Audrey Charles J. Lawrie and Sarah Ann Hibbard Richard S. Moffi tt Tower Products Incorporated Glen and Frances Charles John T. Higgins Michael and Karen Montgomery Treo Solutions Marcel E. Chevalier William and Beth Hillig Donald and Eleanor Moon Tri City Rentals Eric and Susan Chew Debra A. Hinden Michael Morgan Troy Turkey Trot Rebecca A. Christner Shirley and Donald Hirshorn Mary Murin Trustco Bank Thomas Chulak and Nicole E. Furnee Thomas Hitter Kevin and Mary Murray Turner Construction Co. Rae A. Clark Carrie Hoff man James R. Myers and Sarah E. Bilofsky Union for Reform Judaism Kevin Cleary Guy T. Hohenstein and Jane Merrill Eleanor H. Nasner United Presbyterian Church of Shushan John and Mary Jo Cline Glenn and Irene Holzhauer Sheila and Mark Nelson United Stationers Supply Company Caitlin Cochran Forrest Hopkins Peter Newell United Way of the Greater Capital Region Jessie B. Cogswell Daniel Howard Michael Nguyen Upsher-Smith Laboratories Andrew and Helen Cohen Thomas E. Howe Joseph Nicolla Valley View Farm Henry C. Collins Martha and Jeff rey Hubbard Linda B. Nizolek Vermont Mutual Insurance Group Thomas J. Comerford Lucinda C. Huggins James and Anne Noonan Walmart - Albany #3577 Gregory and Estelle Condon John E. Hull James C. Oakes Walmart - Amsterdam #2146 Gabrielle Conklin James and Ruby Hutchison Ronald and Elaine Oakley Walmart - Clifton Park #2844 Alice R. Corbin David and Marilyn Hvizdos Kathleen O’Keefe and Stephen Sommer Walmart - Gloversville #1806 Thomas and Martha Corneil Carol A. Hyde and Sanjay M. Correa Scott Oppenheimer Walmart - Latham #1997 John S. Crandall J.Kevin Jablonski and Karen L. Christensen Brian Osman Walmart - Malone #3334 Donald and Joan Csaposs Sharon and Steven Jacques Theresa Page Walmart - Niskayuna #2415 William and Alison Danaher Paul and Barbara Jeff ers Sharon and David Pagnanella Walmart - Plattsburgh #1994 George C. Danes and Sophia Socaris Leanna I. Jensen Greg G. Paige and Dawn K. Jablonski Walmart - Rotterdam #2264 Ellen and Joseph D’Aniello Lynette A. Jensen Sharon M. Palestri Walmart Distribution Center #6096 Albert and Cathy Darlington Daniel and Rosemarie Johnson Margaret and Arthur Palmer Walmart Foundation Susan Darrin JoAnne Jones Richard and Judith Palmer Webster Direct Marketing Felmon J. Davis David Juneau William and Doreen Patry Wellpoint c/o Corporate Community Outsourcing John P. DeFilippo and Christine A. Laberge Alden and Janet Kaplan Brian Payne Wells Fargo Advisors Rev. Louis E. Deimeke David and Joann Kaplan Jean E. Peck WGY Christmas Wish Brendan Delaney Michael and Susan Kassal Brendan B. Penney Wheatfi elds Bistro & Wine Bar Alex and Christina Dell Melvin L. Katz, Jr. John R. Perry Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP Thomas and Margaret DellaRocco Alan S. Kaufman and Deborah Roth Michael and Denise Peruff o Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker Deborah Dennis Tracy Keegan Johanna Petersen Women of St. Matthew’s Church Ann Marie Devine and Ed Degen Ernest and Nancy Keet Joseph and Patricia Phelan Woodzell Family Gift Fund Kerry S. Dewitt Patricia Kelley Michael R. Phinney Yum! Brands Foundation Michael B. Dick and Donna L. Bedard Martin and Joyce Kenosian Jeff rey K. Pintuff Craig R. Dickinson Thomas and Christine Kershner Victor and Despina Politzi Donna and Oliver Diehl Lambertus Kessels Donald E. Pompliano regional food bank individual donors Michael J. Dill Alan Kimball Francis and Tamsen Poore Floyd and Janice Adams Joyce J. Diwan Shiro and Susanne Kimura Robert Priest Stanley and Meredith Adler Brian and Toni Doherty Richard L. Kinney and Joan E. McGee Barbara Proestos David and Kathleen Aikens Daniel A. Dolan Janet Kireker Ann Purdue Neil and Phyllis Akins Bob and Marie Dolfi Gary and Pamela Kleppel Frank and Rosemary Pusateri Matthew J. Alinger and Meika E. Loe Patricia A. Dooley Cynthia and Roger Knox Elaine Quinn Jennifer Amstutz and Spencer K. Warnick Maria C. Dos Santos Lawrence and Ellen Kotlow John Rajter Philip and Denise Andrews James and Barbara Dowdle Edward R. Kozacek and Rosemary Tucci-Kozacek Frank M. Ramsey, Jr. Jason Appell and Amanda J. Hardt Deann Downing and Cathy Fiore William and Mary Jean Krackeler Stephen F. Ramseyer, Ph.D. Anthony and Colleen Armlin Susan J. Du Bois Suzanne and Donald Kramer Sylvia Raushi Jim and Sue Aube Jo Ann Dunne Charles P. Kuon and Theresa A. Standish-Kuon John and Sandra Reschovsky Sharon C. Awramik Michael and Francesca Durand Marlene J. La Terra Judith H. Rettig Douglass E. Bailey Betty A. Eberle Steven and Marybeth Labate Nancy S. Rexford Peter M. Bakal Nancy B. Edmunds Anina LaCour and Charles Garry Priscilla J. Richards and Michael S. Fanning Jay Baldwin Norma J. Edsall Rev. Robert Lamar Jim Ridenour Marianne Barber Suzanne R. Edwards Neal G. Landsburgh John and Elaine Rinaldo Bruce and Carolyn Barker Joan L. Elliott Peter and Dawn Lannon Robert J. Ringlee William R. Barnes Matthew W. Emmens Christine E. Lassiter Margaret Roach Donald Barron Jack and Yonsook Enloe John and Patricia Lavelle Sarah P. Robinson Dean and Marilyn Bartlett Michael and Joanne Esposito Gail J. Lawrence Nancy and Sean Roche John and Joanne Bartlett Thomas and Lisa Evans Leanna Lenhart Margaret Rooney Theresa M. Barton and Mark Morris Evan and Renee Feinman Joseph D. Leonard Meisha L. Rosenberg Joseph and Evalyn Basloe Thomas and Linda Feist Robert and Laurie Leonard Seth Rosenblum Paul and Davia Batista Judith Fetterley Philip LePore Virginia A. Rovelli Suzanne L. Beaumont Alfred C. Fields Joshua R. Levy and Pamela Magnuson Penny Rubin Marjorie R. Becker Ryan J. Fitzgerald Anne Lippstreu Christopher and Diana Rulon Ralph S. Beebe, Jr. Matie L. Flowers and Joseph R. Visalli Alan and Karen Lobel Daniel and Christina Ryan Raymond and June Benenson Patricia Ford Nina Loewenstein Aliya Saeed and Najmus Saqib Bruce and Emily Berberich Kenneth Forte Doug and Susan Lohnas Javid and Ruxana Saifi Elizabeth M. Bergan Ilene R. Friedman and Keegan J. Bailey Steven Lootens James R. Sandner Georgette and James Berlin Michael and Constance Fritz Wendell G. Lorang James and Kathleen Sanford Chris Bevin Frances C. Fromm Stephen Luoma Susanne and James Santamarina Gerard and Cheryl Bilodeau David and Jill Fry Mary A. Lynch and Andrew B. Stegemoeller James and Joan Savitt Arthur D. Bissell and Sandy Edgerton Bissell Helene M. Furio William E. Maginn, Jr. Joanne Scheibly Gary and Charleen Bivona Robert and Karen Gach James and Noreen Maine Carla and William Schlist Ralph W. Blackwood and Nancy Nicholas Mark E. Gagnon Ruth Malphrus Lawrence and Jennifer Schmidt Tom and Susan Blandy Janet E. Gargiulo Carmen and Linda Mannella Wayne and Cynthia Schneider Vorton and Susan Boghosian John and Kathleen Garrity Edward A. Marcy Dan and Catherine Schryver Charles and Anne Bohl Jamie H. Gearon Ralph and Jacqueline Marino Richard E. Schumaker William J. Bonacker Lester and Karen Gerhardt Andrew Marsh and Kathleen Mattes Barry and Beverly Schwartzbach Paul C. Bono and Pauline Sue Liebig Lewis and Barbara Gershman Sandra and John Marshall Geraldine Shanley William and Elsa Boyce N. Richard and Monique Gershon George E. Martin Theodore and Wendy Shaver Michael J. Brunell Gregory and Judith Gerwitz Patrick and Lynn Martone William and Cynthia Shaw James Bucci James Gevlin Nancy Martori-Cole Ann Marie Sheehy Arthur Bufo Carol A. Giroux Joseph Masciocco William and Diane Shields Louise M. Burkhart and Brian K. Ladd Rachel H. Glasheen Isabella G. Matter David and Mollie Shulan Terry Burks Jeff rey R. Gordon Richard and Rosemary Maye Stephen and Mary Anne Simmons J. and N. Burns James and Lynn Grant Victor and Liz Mazzotti Randy Simon and Rachel Cohon Kathleen and Robert Busch Kathleen and James Greenburg Janice B. McCabe Albert and Christine Singer Thomas A. Butler Carl and Catherine Hafner Theresa and Harold McCumber Kathleen M. Sinnott Frederick Butt Peter and Judith Haggerty Michelle A. McDonald Edward and Lois Skelly Robert and Colleen Calhoun Gerald and Bea Hahn James and Amy McDonnell James A. Slavin and Monica Mottolese Lisa Callahan and Mark Bryant Jeff rey M. Hall Matthew and Christy McElligott Mary Sloan Billy and G. Diane Campbell Barbara S. Hancock Ann and James McPherson Dinitia Smith and David G. Nasaw Grace Campbell David and Margaret Hannay Raymond and Laura McQuade Douglas and Phyllis Smith Helen M. Campbell Elizabeth A. Hauser Norma Meacham Michael P. Smith Marilyn P. Carlson Eve and Bill Hawkins Heinrich Medicus Paul J. Smith Christine and Edward Carter 10 Sally W. Hayes Richard Medvetz and Maria Guyette Eugene and Susan Sneeringer Edward and Christine Carter Walter and Jean Hayes Ilse Melamid Robert and Rosemary Sneeringer Spiro Socaris and Lisa Trubitt Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York Poughkeepsie Journal Steven and Phyllis Capone Leonard and Mary Beth Sonne Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. Povall Engineering, PLLC Christopher and Jill Capone Jennifer S. Spade Chase Bank Prince In New York Music Corp. Patricia D. Casazza Louis A. Spelich Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Pro Tapes & Specialities, Inc. Jennifer Chang Richard and Sarah Spitzer Christ Church Episcopal Professional Computer Associates, Inc. Jonathan and Kristine Chen Rob and Kathy Sprinkle Christ Lutheran Church of Newburgh Putnam County Savings Bank John Cieplenski Scott and Krista St. George Collection Bureau of Hudson Valley Inc. R & S Textile Services, Inc. Nicola Citera Ellis and Mary Staley Cornwall Presbyterian Church Red Barn Produce, Inc. Michael and Jenny Cohen Michael and Becky Steiner Cosimo’s Management, Inc. Rhinebeck Bank Jospeh and Diane Colangelo James and Grace Stevens Country Kids 4H Food Pantry, Inc. Ridgewood Savings Bank Jerry Consavage Debbi A. Stevenson Creative Product Designs, LLC Riverside Bank Priscilla A. Cook Jane B. Stewart Crystal Run Village, Inc. RL Baxter Building Corp. Elizabeth Cullers Norman R. Stewart, Jr. and Carolyn A. MacDonald Cuddy & Feder, LLP Rocking Horse Ranch Peter J. Cummins and Ann Marie Depalo-Cummins Keith and Claudia Stinton CUNY Campaign for Charitable Giving Rockland Independent Living Center Debra Dagata John and Julie Sullivan Curtis Family Foundation, Inc. Roger & Sons Concrete, Inc. Patricia Daly George Swartfi gure Dental Care of America PC Russo Propane, Inc. Nancy Davies James and Janet Sweeney Ditron, Inc. Saint John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Jeff rey and Jill Degen Robert and Mary Sweeney Diversifi ed Burner & Air Services Sawyer Savings Bank Timothy and Susan Delaney Herbert and Ruth Swift Dutchess County Dental Society Sherwood Power Equipment, Inc. Patricia M. Derry Richard and Sandra Szmyr Eaton Sales & Marketing Sherwood Tile & Granite, LLC Anita J. Dreichler Nobuyuki Takahashi Educational Coin Company ShopRite Robert O. Dryfoos Karen E. Tarter Elaine & William Kaplan Family Private Foundation Siegrist & Sons Construction Inc. Deborah M. Dulaney Judith C. Tate EMS Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc Sisters of Reparation Charitable Trust Harold and Barbara Ernst Edward and Patricia Tauss Engineering & Surveying Properties, PC Solid Rock Church Elizabeth A. Fearen Dahl L. Taylor and Deirdre Zimmerman-Taylor Estate of Kirk Andrews Stop & Shop Company Alan Shawn Feinstein Laura E. Tenney Estate of Susan Lynch Stop & Shop/Our Family Foundation Denise Ferro Joseph and Patricia Thatcher Evelyn & John Morrison Charitable Fund Storage Management, Inc. Dana C. Fitzpatrick Frank and Liz Therrien Family Hearing Center Strategic Pension Services Michael and Elizabeth Flaherty Kathlene Thiel and J. Eric King Fanelli Enterprises Inc. - Empire Fuel Sunaco, LLC. DBA Sun Paint & Design Robert and Michelle Foothorap Richard J. Thomas FedEx Sunrise Broadcasting James Frain Esther J. Thornton Finkelstein & Partners Susan and Gerald Bereika Family Foundation William and Joan Frey Patrick F. Timmins and Victoria L. Ketz Foam & Wash Express Take Home The Bread, LLC Richard and Josephine Gamble Photo by Joan Heffl er Inga Tomson TD Bank Vincent R. Giannone Congressman Paul D. Tonko Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, Inc. Tectonic Engineering Lorraine M. Gilbert Virginia E. Touhey Friends & Family Charity BBQ Festival TEG Federal Credit Union Percy and Shireen Gilbert Jon and Luann Toussaint Frontier Communications Solutions The Culinary Institute of America Eileen M. Gilmartin and David K. Lavallee Anne Trachtenberg General Cable Industries, Inc. The Great Atlantic & Pacifi c Tea Co. Inc. Barry Gold Christopher Tsuboi Gerald A. Doering Foundation, Inc. The M & T Charitable Foundation Bernard M. Goldman Kevin and Mary Tully The Glenn P. & Susan D. Dickes Fund The Ronald & Joan David Foundation, Inc. Joe and Virginia Goldsmith John Tumy Gleode Signs The Upper Room House of Worship Arlene Gould Kathleen A. Turek Goldstein Karlewicz & Goldstein, CPA’s Thendara Foundation Joseph and Janet Hafemann Donn Turner Grace United Methodist Church Food Closet Thoben Hill Properties Randy and Jill Hall Sharon and Walter Tuszynski Hall Research Technologies Thomas O. Miller & Company, Inc. William Happ, II Scott and Lynne Underhill Hambletonian Marathon Inc. Time Warner Cable Martha Harvey Edward and Karen Uttberg Hannaford Bros. Trade Risk Group, LLC. Bruce and Erin Hawks John and Michele Vagianelis Heather Lee Camara Memorial Scholarship Fund, Inc. Tri-State Associated Services Johan and Laurie Hedlund Patrick and Candice Van Roey Herzog Supply Company Ulster Savings Bank Robert and Pamela Hickey Vincent Verna Hopewell Presbyterian Church Mission Fund United Check Cashing Richard and Anne Hoff Jimmmy Vielkind and Katherine Nadeau Hudson Highlands Properties LLC United Parcel Service Gary and Agnes Holt Ruth H. Voorhees Hudson River Fruit Distributors United Rentals Jeff rey and Marie Huth Cynthia J. Wadach Hopewell Presbyterian Church Mission Fund United Way of Greater Portland Susan L. Iannucci Samuel and Carol Wait Hudson Valley Oil Heat Council Inc. United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region Charlotte J. Jones Justin Walsh Hudson Valley Crane Valley Pallet Recyclers Inc. Jesse and Virginia Kalin Andrew and Lynn Warheit Hudson Valley Tole and Decorative Painters Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell Daneen Kallstrom Harold and Helen Webster IBM Employee Services Center Villchur Foundation Kevin C. Kenney Richard L. Weisz IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign Viscount Wines & Liquor Cole and Mary Kingseed Maureen W. Weldon Wakefern Food Corp. Michael and Susanne Kirkpatrick Mark and Clara Wentland JEM Electric Inc. Walden Savings Bank Martha Klein Cliff A. Wessot Jet Gas, Inc. Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Ruth A. Klein Richard and Donna White Jewish Federation of Ulster County, Inc. Walmart Foundation Maureen R. Knipp Carolyn Whitlock John M. Nash Piano Service West Penn Wire Mark and Carla Knudsen Pauline E. Williman Johnstons Toyota Women’s Council of Realtors - Greater Charles and Darcy Kocsis Mary T. Wilson KeyBank Foundation Hudson Valley Chapter Joseph A. Komonchak Thomas and Lynn Winterberger Kramer Electronics USA, Inc. Yoga on the Wallkill Diana Kornish Michael and Cynthia Woellmer Laborers Local No. 754 Thomas J. Kostenko Mark and Suzanne Woodward LaColla Construction Services, Corp. Carolyn E. Kovalcik Mark and Kristina Younger Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Specialist, PC Erick and Tina Krein Karl and Vera Zacek Magliato Contruction, Inc. food bank of the hudson valley William and Edie Krein Andrew and Maria Zanotta Markertek/Tower Products Inc. individual donors Laura J. Krom Marcia A. Zekoll Meadow Hill Reformed Church Michael Aglialoro George and Theresa Krug Cliff ord P. Zettle Mercedes-Benz of Wappingers Falls Timothy and Jeanne Alessi James R. Laney Margaret R. Zettle Methods Tooling & Manufacturing Inc. William Alexander and Anne R. Mullin Steven and Linda Lant Allen W. Zieker Mid Hudson Valley Corvette Association Inc. Marion Alyea Peter and Diane Lapis Mid Hudson Wendico, Inc. - Wendy’s William and Patricia Amaro Sheila Lashinsky Middle Atlantic Products Andrew W. Aschmann Robert and Jennifer Lerch food bank of the hudson valley Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union JoAnn T. Atlas Barbara LeRoy Milestone AV Technologies Paul and Gina Barrese Judith Lessinger corporate donors Miller Howard Investments Inc. Christopher and Rebecca Barth John and Antoinette Levin Adams Fairacre Farms, Inc. Monroe-Woodbury High School Leonard S. Bartley, Jr. Jerry Levine AJA Video Systems Inc Mother Earth’s Storehouse, Inc. Shanna Beairsto Elias and Eileen Liatsis Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching Program Moulton Memorial Baptist Church Robert Bechner Loretta and Martin Lifgren, Jr. Aramatic Coff ee System, Inc. dba Coff ee System National Union Bank of Kinderhook Janet A. Bellusci Ellen Listort Audio Technica US Natural Market Food Group Thomas D. Bemont George W. Lithco and Margaret D. Whalen Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP Navigator Money Management Inc. Amy T. Benjamin David and Constance Littman Balchem Corporation New Hackensack Reformed Church Brett H. Berk Eugene and Ellen Lois Barton Birks Chevrolet New York Football Giants, Inc. Timothy E. Bermingham Gregory Long Berardi, Gottstine & Miller, CPA’s, PC. New York State Insurance Fund Michael J. Beseth Mark and Kristine Lukasik Berger and Solomon, Inc. Newburgh Free Academy Marvin Birnbaum, Esq. Janine Luke BNY Mellon Community Partnership Newburgh Tabernacle Seventh-Day Adventist Church Adam Boese Jean MacDonald C & S Wholesale Grocers, Inc. North River Abstract Corporation Robert R. Bose Daniel and Theresa Mack Caplan-Bensley Foundation Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters Jacqueline and John B. Brady, Jr. Keith R. MacTavish Carmelite Communion, Inc. NY State Society of CPAS - Mid Hudson Chapter John and Donna Bream Diane Magee Castleton Commodities International NYBDC Charitable Foundation Bud and Mary Fern Breheney James T. Maine Orange & Rockland Retiree Association Catherine J. Breitenbach Edward and Barbara Malarik Orange County Trust Company William and Joy Brenner Louise Maney Orange County Volunteer Firemens Association Michael Broder Michael R. Manhardt Otisville Grange # 1020 Raymond J. Brokos Arlene Marino and Kenneth Limbert Package Pavement Laura N. Brown and Barbara K. Danish Andrew Martin Whitney Bullock 11 Performance Food Group John and Barbara McDonald Pine Bush Central School District Sandra B. Burgess Kevin McGowan Adrian and Marcia McLeod Gary and Eugenia Pavek Paul Schwartzberg Dominick and Virginia Tuminaro Mary Beth and Christian Meyer, III Ryan Peck Susan S. Schweitzman Stella Turk Carl and Mary Meyer Robert and Elaine Philhower Mark A. Scott Gloria Turk John and Joan Miller Geoff rey and Deanna Platt Janet Seaman Terrence M. Turner Stephen and Susan Miller Thomas A. Polk and Elizabeth Jordan Carolin and Carmine Serino, Jr. Helen G. Ullrich and Thomas E. Marks Rosemary B. Moff at Gerard and Ellen Pompilio Kendall and Kathryn Smith James and Hope Veltrie David and Patricia Morse Howard and Deborah Protter David J. Snider Jane S. Vergnes Elizabeth Morse and William Morse Dana E. Putnam Nicholas and Barbara Solfaro Simmer K. Verma Travis and Kristen Moses-Westphal Bruce Raynor and Joan Carter Raynor Edith Soll Laura E. Villani Matthew Murphy Judith Richards Nicholas C. Stagliano, Jr. Anne M. Vollmer Viera P. Muzithras Frank and Kristina Richter Jay and Kathy Strennen Kathleen G.Waldron Rodney Nathan Robert and Linda Rizzotto Thomas Struzzieri Elly A. Wane Jennifer Navarro John and Linda Ros Elizabeth R. Stuart David A. Webber Blake T. Newton, III Steven Rosenberg Thomas D. Sullivan and Michelle A. Kolley Rose M. Williams Nader and Catherine Okby John and Libby Ross Karen Summerlin Laurence Willig Mary D. Olivere Jeff rey M. Roth and Joanna Katz Elisabeth J. Swanson Brian Winkel John and Barbara Ostrander Helaine Rudolph Kevin and M. Holly Sweeney Charles A. Winters Silvio J. Ottolia Eric Sammons Catherine Tegtmeier Michael Woinoski Gregory and Carla Ouzunoff Thomas and Paula Sandry Alan and Rosemary Thomas Thomas and Valeri Wolzien Jean P. Owens Stephen M. Santoro Judith C. Tompkins Richard Zabel Kathryn Palao Juliet Scala Lisa Topolovec Craig and Maryann Zimmerman Amy Pascale Lorraine Schalamon Jacob Tuckfelt iN-kiNd doNors of $500 or more 99.5 The River Crossgates Mall LB Brokers Mike Roth Adams Fairacre Farms Cumulus Broadcasting Maestro’s at the Van Dam Chef Paul Rother Adirondack Beverages DeCrescente Distributing Company, Inc. Maggie’s Cafe Rumors and Rumors IV Men Albany Marriott Delicato Family Vineyards Magic 590 AM Saati Deli & Catering Albany Pump Station Denise Ferro The Mallozzi Family The Sagamore Resort Chef Brian Alberg - Red Lion Inn Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Mariaville Farm Santorelli Electric Altamont Vineyard & Winery Dominick Purnomo Mazzone Management Group, LTD Saratoga Eagle American Greetings Dr. Konstantin Frank’s Vinifera Wine Cellars The Family of Jamie McBridge and Spa Fine Art Saratoga Olive Oil Company American Italian Pasta Company Druthers Brewing Company Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis Seedway Amscan Elegant Touch Catering Media Logic LeGrande Serras Angelo’s 677 Prime Elite Island Resorts Meehan Memorabilia ShopRite ARIA Resort and Casino Fancy Foods Mirbeau Inn & Spa Slidin’ Dirty Food Truck & Catering Steve Barnes - Table Hopping Blog Chef Chris Faraci - Carmine’s Restaurant Mirror Lake Inn The Standard Restaurant & Lounge BJ’s Wholesale Club Farmer Boy Diner & Restaurant Mix 97.7 Standing Stone Vineyards BlueShield of Northeastern New York First and Goal Foundation and Ray Brownell Chef Ed Nazario - The Edison Club Stop & Shop Chef Brian Bowden - Javier’s Chef Sara Fish - The Hungry Fish Cafe Newburgh Brewing Company The Stone House Bed & Breakfast Broccoli Associates Fishkill Correctional Facility Newkirk Products Strawberry Field Confections Chef Will Brown - Glen Sanders Mansion Flamin’ Foods News10abc SYSCO Food Services Dr. Robert Busch and Kathleen Bain Busch Fox Run Vineyards New York Racing Association Taste Buttermilk Inn & Spa Frank Adams Jewelers Nighthawk’s Kitchen Steve Teeling - News10abc C & S Wholesale Grocers, Inc. Dr. Mark Fruiterman Norampac Schenectady, Inc. Time Warner Cable Cabot Cheese Galea NPC Processing, Inc. Times Union Capitaland Material Handling The Glen Sanders Mansion One Day Signs Tops Markets Capital City Gastropub Mona Golub Chef Ric Orlando - New World Home Cooking Chef Rich Toth Capital Region BOCES Grille One Six Five at Normanside Chef Marla Ortega - Illium Cafe Tracey Buyce Photography Capital Region Living Magazine Hall of Springs Otisville Correctional Facility Trustco Bank Cargill Hannaford Supermarkets Reed & Betty Parvis Uncle Marty’s Adirondack Grill CaroVail Heather Eddings Photography The Pasta Factory US Foods Cello-Pack Specialty Films and Lamination Nanette Hoey Patroon Land Foundation Valente’s Restaurant Samples & Sales Hudson Valley Renegades Pepsi Cola Bottling of Albany Wakefern Food Corporation The Century House Illium Cafe Pepsi Cola of the Hudson Valley Walmart Charles B. Merrill Ofi ce Supplies Informz Philip J. Hopp Wellpoint Foundation Chez Mike J.R. Dill Winery Michael R. Phinney - Phinney Design Group Western Turnpike Golf Course Nick Citera JCB Specialties Pinto & Hobbs Tavern Mark Weinheimer Citizens Bank John Gray - News10abc Port Royal Sales Wheatfi elds Bistro & Wine Bar Clear Channel of the Hudson Valley Katie O’Byrne’s Power Pallet Whiteman Osterman & Hanna Cobleskill Stone Products Kenwood Vineyards Price Chopper Supermarkets White Rock Products Corporation Coccadotts KISS-FM 96.1 Chef Yono Purnomo - Yono’s Restaurant Wolf’s 1-11 Colonie Country Club Konica Minolta R&G Cheesemakers at Harmony House Wolff ’s Biergarten Comfort Kitchen Kost Tire & Muffl er Marketplace Woodbourne Correctional Facility ConAgra Foods, Inc. Kreher Enterprises R.D. Gaige WNYT - News Channel 13 Gary Contessa Laberge Group Chef Shaw Rabadi - BFS Catering WYJB B95.5 Cosimo’s Management Group Ron Ladouceur Red Lion Inn Yono’s and dp: an American Brasserie Cosimo’s Restaurant - Poughkeepsie Lamoreaux Landing Wine Cellars Retirement and Benefi t Partners, LLC Craig Thomas Pest Control Lark Tavern Risotto the Creative Advantage, inc. Latham 76 Diner Rocking Horse Ranch

Photo by Tracey Buyce time aNd taleNt doNors Volunteers play a vital role in the Food Bank’s work and allow us to accomplish more than we ever could on our own. We appreciate the gifts each person brings and recognize those individuals and groups that come back time and time again. We are stronger for their many contributions.

regional food bank individuals who contributed a significant number of hours Seth Abrams Paul and Noreen Fisk Joe Miller Ashley Adams Mary Frances Fitzgerald John Milligan Marissa Adams Cathy and Zach Frangella Chris Monaco Stan Adler Jerry Furey Jeff Monaco Lee Adlowitz Jack Gagan Judy Moran Carey Alberg Bill Garvey, Jr. Margie Morelli Wally Altes Dave Garwood Deb Morrison Jan Antidormi Judy Gates Ann Muehleck Photo by Terrance McNally Pat Argoff Kristen George Anthony Murato Will Asher Carol Giroux Thurmon Myers Jill August Jon Glover Vishnu Nagaraj Joe Bakes Allison Golden Jake Neri Stacey Barrick Cory Goodspeed Perry Niccolai John Bartello Michael Graham Mary Anne Nicholas Jean Behr Barbard and Roger Grasier Christina Noval David Bentley Tommy Gray Dave O’Brien Kelly Berhaupt Thurman Greco Lorraine Okeson Caroline Best Craig Griffi th Jeff rey Ollendorf Mary Beth Beth Linda Gross Marcy Palmer Doris Bindl David Ha Reed and Betty Parvis Dolores Bobersky Emily Ha Bev Pasley Nicholas Boizard Jodi Hamilton Michael Payton Mike Bonnatto Diane Hardy Amy Pivoda Michael Bowman Carson Hardy Teagan Pollack Greg Briggs Thomas Hart Gary Pollard Dave and Peg Briggs Matthew Hart Maggie Porter Peter Brown Dave Hassoun Ron Priest Caesar Buie John Healey Joe and Cindy Pulito Matt Bulman Dana Hesch Mike Pulk Nicole Buttner Shannon Hickman Dick Raeder Max Cadman Ruth Hong-Brininger Lonnie Rasmussen Christy Calicchia Rachel Horowitz Jason Reid Canete Family Barb Hrachian Justin Reyla Ann Cantore Nancy Huba Amber Ricciutti Mike Carroll Kevin Huba Ellen Rizzo Charlotte Carter Austin Hunt Bronic Roberts Jim Catlin Mary Ann Jacobson Sarah Robinson Julie Cherny Emily Jahn Al Roeser Maria Chinzter Jonas Family Jim Rogers Barb and Bob Christensen Aaron K Mary Rowland Tyler Clark Kristen Karbowski Maggi Royle Maria Colavito Bill Keith Tim Rozmierski Hannah Conroy Rich Kelly Rosemary Ruiz Cherie Conway Shannon Kelly Mary Beth Sankowski Kyle Cross Andrew Kemp Jim Satalino Elijah Daggs George Keohan Janet Satola Cait Davey Max Kessler Ken Scallon Mike Davidson Allison King Jean Scammacia John Davidson Audrey King Rich Schaefer Matt Davis George Ladouceur Mike Schenkel Shawn Decelle Summer Lamb Larry Schillinger Isaiah Delvalle Beth Lane Judy Schrock Photo by Terrance McNally Mike DeSimone Amiel Layeni Dana Schryver Ken DeWitt Maura Leahy Stacey Sebast Al and Carol Dorn Bob Leonard Charles Semowich Chuck Dougherty Deane Lewis Meenial Shahzad Adam Drake Luci Lobe Nemra Shahzad Jack Dunn Doug Lohnas Tom Sharlow Ray Durivage Matt Magill Brian Shea Malissa Edgerton Karlie Magnette Rob Sheff er Kemise Eissen Matt Mahigian Jack and Donna Singleton Lance Ellers Rick Maloney Jared Slosberg Elaine Essien Karlie Mangette Deb Smead Kemise Essien Alex Mangus Smead Family John Falance Courtney Mannigan Kimara Smith Sue Farrow Ryan Marshall Raymond Smith Ben Felthousen Winston Marshall Rhiannon Spencer Dennis Martin Scott St. George Diane Martin Barb Stampfl i Emerson Martin, Jr. Matthew Stanton Rita McKee Jeff Stedge 13 Kari Midthun Greg Sterling Margaret Stevens Greg Way IInn 22013,013, John Stewart Bruce and Norma Weegar Mark Strzalkowski Jay Welch Ansley Stuart Brian Willard 111,5431,543 ddifferentifferent Brian Sunderhaft Andrew Wilson Brendan Suppies Robin Wolfe vvolunteersolunteers ccontributedontributed Anthony Tangredi Jim Wright Karen Tarullo Tim Wright Ted Thompson George Yin 551,977hours1,977hours ooff Sharon Tomeo Andy Zanotta Jan Trautwein Ofelia Zaragoza Carmen Trela Michael Zavisky sservice!ervice! Leroy Twiggs Ellie Zehnder Jerry Uhr Jessica Ziehm Karen Vergara Rick Zimmer Aniah Vincent-Dace

food bank of the hudson valley individuals who contributed a significant number of hours Jane Bennett Susan Kratz Roberta Sherman Nick Citera Andrew Maier Joan Smith Linda Contarino Martha McCulloch Paul Taxiter Tom Coons Barbara McGorman Barbara Thomson-Fix Tom DiGovanni Barbara Ostrander Barbara Troy John Enke Jack Paluszek Dennis Troy Denise Ferro Howard Protter Steve Turk David Fitzgerald Millie Rivers Sandra VanLuwen Barry Gruber Gregory Rocco Sheila Katz Marc Schain

regional food bank groups of merit Academy of the Holy Names God’s Do Gooders Shaker High School AIG Goldman Sachs Skidmore College Albany Academy Guilderland High School SOS Outreach Albany and Troy Lions Club Holy Spirit School Sri Sathya Sall Center AYCO KAPL St. Catherine’s After School Program Bank of America LaSalle School St. Clare’s Youth Ministry Bethany Reformed Church Light of the World Church St. Colman’s Bethlehem Key Club Living Resources Inc (LRI) St. Edward’s Church Boy Scouts Logic Technology St. Pius Church Capital District Volunteers Loudonville Presbyterian Church St. Timothy’s Church Center for Disability Services Mater Christi Youth Target Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints MD&A Trustco Bank College of St. Rose MENSA Turner Construction Congregation Berith Sholom New Visions U Albany Circle K Congregation Beth Emeth Northeast Parent and Child UMC Church Group Congregation Gates of Heaven O’Brien and Gere United Health Care Congregation Ohav Shalom Offi ce of the State Comptroller Walmart Crane Lake Camp Optum Wellpoint Foundation Daisy Troop #1552 Our Lady of Grace Wildwood Eastern Parkway UMC Parson’s Woodland Hills Montessori Fleet Feet Sports Patroon Land Farm CSA Coordinators Youth Court Fuerza Latina Rensselaer ARC GE Robert C Parker School Gilboa Art Club Saratoga Bridges Girl Scouts Schenectady ARC Givah Summer Camp Scotia Glenville GIVE Global Foundries SEFCU food bank of the hudson valley groups of merit Ameriprise Financial Newburgh Free Academy C&S Wholesale Grocers Otisville Correctional Facility Capuchin Youth Ministries Penn State Alumni Chase Bank Pepsi Clarkstown High School Pine Bush High School TThathat ssupportupport Clear Channel Communications Sam’s Club Cumulus Broadcasting Co. Star 93.3 Daytop Village Stewart Air Force Base Marine Corp iiss eequivalentquivalent ttoo Fishkill Correctional Facility Target Garrison High School Washingtonville High School 2255 ffull-timeull-time Hudson Valley Runners Club West Point Mens Basketball Team Key Bank Woodbourne Correctional Facility Markertek eemployees!mployees! member ageNcies Jayne Brooks Memorial Food Pantry The Gathering Albany St. John’s/St. Ann’s Center Food Pantry Joseph’s House The Manor Community Residence 820 River Street Programs St. John’s/St. Ann’s Center Soup Kitchen Love Reaches Out Food Pantry Victorian Manor The Addictions Care Center of Albany St. Mary’s Outreach Maplewood Residents Association AIDS Council of NENY St. Patrick’s Food Pantry Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Center Greene Albany County Opportunity, Inc. St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Mother’s Cupboard Athens Community Food Pantry Albany Damien Center St. Vincent DePaul Church New Hope Manor Cairo Food Pantry Albany United Methodist Food Pantry Sweet Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church Soup Kitchen New Vision Church of Deliverance, Inc. Cairo Backpack Program Alternative Living Group Residences TASC for Women No Strings Attached Pantry Community Action of Greene County Alpha Pregnancy Care Center TASC of the Capital District Pathstone Coxsackie Community Pantry Altamont Community Food Pantry The CCLC Help Center Pine Plains Community Food Locker God’s Storehouse Altamont Programs Residences The Food Pantries Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Pantry Greene County Domestic Violence Program Arbor Hill Community Center Food Pantry The Next Step Poughkeepsie Day Nursery Greene County ARC AUMS Afterschool Program The Open Table Reach Out Food Pantry Greenville Food Pantry Beth Emeth Soup Kitchen Trinity Nursery & Day Care Center Reach Out and Touch Food Pantry High Hill Food Pantry Bethlehem Food Pantry Trinity Institution Red Hook United Methodist Church In Flight Inc. Blessed Sacrament Food Pantry Trinity United Methodist Church Food Pantry Rhinebeck Reformed Church Jewett Food Pantry Boys & Girls Club of Albany United Church of Cohoes Food Pantry River Haven Matthew 25 Food Pantry Brighter Choice Charter School United Church of Cohoes Soup Kitchen Safe Haven Pet Food Pantry Mental Health Assoc. of Columbia & Greene Counties CACC Emergency Overfl ow Shelter Venture Churches Food Pantry Salvation Army - Beacon Prattsville Community Church Food Pantry Capital Area Peer Services Veteran House Salvation Army - Poughkeepsie Twin County Recovery Capital City Rescue Mission Victory Christian Church Special Needs Parenting Program Ulster-Greene ARC Cathedral Social Service Food Pantry Whiskers, Inc. St. Columba Church Windham Community Food Pantry Catholic Charities Programs Whitney Young FACTS Program St. Joseph’s Rehabilitation Center Children’s Center at Family Court Wilborn Temple Food Pantry St. Paul’s Poughkeepsie Hamilton Christ our Light Catholic Church Food Pantry Wildwood Programs St. Vincent De Paul Society Indian Lake NOC Food Pantry Church of St. James Food Pantry St. Andrew’s/St. Luke’s Pantry Cohoes CAP Pantry (ACAP) Clinton The Potter House Montgomery Cohoes Child Development Center AIDS Council of NENY - Plattsburgh THRIVES Nutrition Program Alpha Pregnancy Care Center-Amsterdam Cohoes Multi-Service Senior Center Behavioral Health Services North To God Be The Glory Amsterdam Calvary Food Pantry Colonie Senior Services Center Champlain Home for Children Trinity Temple Catholic Charities of Montgomery County Cornell Cooperative Ext EFNEP JCEO - Town of Plattsburgh Trinity United Methodist Church Domestic Violence Services Early Childhood Education Center Mooers Wesleyan Food Pantry Verbank Holiday Basket Program Fulmont Community Action Agency Equinox DV Shelter Plattsburgh Interfaith Food Pantry Zion Episcopal Church Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless-Amsterdam Equinox Residential Programs Salvation Army Plattsburgh Mental Health Association of Fulton & Montgomery Counties Equinox Independent Living St. Alexander’s/St. Joseph’s Soup Kitchen Essex Montgomery County Drop-In Center Equinox Thanksgiving Dinner St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Adirondack Community Action Food Pantry Salvation Army - Amsterdam Equinox Youth Shelter Community Food Shelf The Comfort Zone Equinox Youth Outreach Center Columbia Jay Wilmington Ecumenical Food Pantry First Assembly of God Food Pantry AIDS Council of NENY - Hudson Lake Placid Ecumenical Food Pantry Orange First Church in Albany Alight Pregnancy Care Center Minerva Food Pantry American Red Cross First Lutheran Church – Community Dinner Berkshire Farm Center Mountainside Food Pantry AIDS Related Community Services FOCUS Breakfast Program Catholic Charities of Columbia & Greene Counties Schroon Lake Food Pantry Alamo Farmworkers community Center FOCUS Interfaith Food Pantry Charlie’s Pantry Ticonderoga Food Pantry American Red Cross Friendship Table Chatham Area Silent Pantry Town of Moriah Food Pantry Backpack Snack Attack Girls, Inc. Church of St. Joseph Food Pantry Westport Food Shelf Berkshire Farms Grace and Holy Innocents Soup Kitchen Clermont Community Residence Blooming Grove Day Care Center Hilltowns Community Resource Center Columbia Opportunities Head Start Franklin Braeside Camp Holy Trinity Parish Food Pantry Columbia County Domestic Violence Shelter Bangor Community Food Pantry Bridges of Greater New York Homeless Action Committee SRO Columbia County Group Home Barnabas House Camp Deerpark Homer Perkins Center Columbia County Mental Health Center Bombay Food Pantry Chester Presbyterian Pantry Hospitality House, T.C. Inc. Columbia Opportunities Inc. Brandon Wesleyan Food Pantry Community Emergency Food Center Immaculate Heart of Mary Food Pantry Elizaville Food Pantry Brushton-Moira Food Pantry Country Kids 4H Food Pantry In Our Own Voices Germantown Community Cupboard Catholic Community Constable Crystal Run Programs Interfaith Partnership Shelter Ghent Food Pantry Chateaugay Food Pantry Cuddebackville Reformed Church Israel AME Church Lunch Program Hudson Day Care Center, Inc. Citizen Advocates Backpack Program Easter Seals Food Pantry Israel AME Food Pantry Hudson Dept. of Youth Afterschool Program Community Supper Soup Kitchen Ebenezer Baptist Church Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen Jay McDonald Food Pantry In Flight Inc. Dickinson Food Pantry Ecclesia Ministries LEAP- Lifetime Employment-Advancement Program Mellenville-Philmont Food Pantry Duane Center Food Pantry Emergency Housing Loudonville Presbyterian Church Rock Solid Church Food Pantry First Baptist Church Malone Food Pantry Faith Tabernacle Living Resources, Inc. Salvation Army - Hudson Friendly Kitchen Fort Covington Helping Hands Family Empowerment Council Marillac Family Shelter The Philmont Hearth, Inc. Residence Good Samaritan Food Pantry Fed By Grace Food Pantry Mary’s Soup Kitchen Twin County Recovery Services-Red Door Grace Pantry Firefi ghters Helping Hands Food Pantry Mater Christi Food Pantry Valatie Ecumenical Food Pantry JCEO-Malone Food Pantry First Assembly of God Mercy House Zion Community Food Pantry Lifeway Neighborhood Food Pantry First Presbyterian Church Mohawk-Hudson Humane Society 1886 Community Food Pantry Moira New Hope Food Pantry Florida Community Food Pantry Morton Avenue Shelter Saranac Lake Ecumenical Food Pantry Good Samaritan Mt. Moriah Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen Delaware St. Joseph’s Rehabilitation Center Goodwill Church Food Pantry My Father’s House Afterschool Program Christmas Feeling Fund St. Paul’s Assumption-Vermontville Goshen Ecumenical Pantry, Inc. New Scotland Community Food Pantry Delaware Co ARC Residences St. Paul’s Assumption-Brighton Grace United Methodist Onesquethaw Reformed Church Food Pantry Delaware Opportunities Town of Bellmont Food Pantry Greater Newburgh YMCA Our Lady of Hope Residence Hobart Food Pantry Tri-Lakes Center for Independent Living Greenwood Lake Food Pantry Parsons Child and Family Center Programs Rehabilitative Support Services Tupper Lake Community Pantry Guild of St. Margaret Peer Support Center, Inc. St. Paul’s Church Soup Kitchen Waverly Food Pantry Holy Deliverance Apostolic Temple Potter Hollow Food Pantry Stamford Sacred Heart Food Pantry Holy Innocents Food Pantry Pride Center for the Capital District Walton Food Pantry Fulton Holy Name of Jesus Food Pantry Richard J. Connors Veteran Home Berkshire Farm Gloversville Residence Homes for the Homeless Refugee and Immigrant Support Services, Inc. Dutchess Boys & Girls Club-Gloversville HONORehg Rehabilitative Support Services AIDS Related Community Services Broadalbin Ecumenical Food Pantry Hope Center Food Pantry Sacred Heart Food Pantry Berkshire Farm Catholic Charities of Fulton County Humane Society of Walden Salvation Army Albany Center of Compassion Change of 1 HVCC Food Cupboard Salvation Army Cohoes Children’s Home Community Free Meals - NOAH Joseph’s Closet Samaritan Shelters Community Resource Service Center First Presbyterian Church-Gloversville Kiryas Joel Community Council Serena House Daytop Village Foothills United Methodist Church Food Pantry LINKS Aftercare Program Senior Projects of Ravena Dutchess County CAP Fulmont Community Action Program – Fonda Middletown Addiction Crisis Center Shalom Food Pantry Dutchess County Coalition for the Homeless Fulmont Community Action Program – Gloversville New City Food Pantry Sheridan Hollow Drop-In Center Dutchess Horizons Fulmont Community Action-Northville New Generation COGIC Alliance Sr. Maureen Joyce Center Food Pantry Dutchess Outreach Fulton County Family Violence Newburgh Tabernacle Sr. Maureen Joyce Center Soup Kitchen Family Services Fulton County Leisure Lounge Operation Compassion St. Ambrose Food Pantry First Reformed Church Gloversville Boys & Girls Club Orange AHRC St. Anne Institute Food of Life Pantry Gloversville Council of Churches Orange County Veteran’s Food Pantry St. Catherine’s Center School Gannett House Gloversville Free Methodist Food Pantry Our Father’s Kitchen St. Charles Lwanga Center Glory Oasis James A. Brennan Memorial Humane Society Pathstone St. Clare’s Food Pantry Grace Smith House Johnstown Churches Council Food Pantry Pennies for Provisions HLPC Missions Supper Kitchen LifeSaver Ministries Pine Bush Ecumenical Pantry House of Faith Ministry, Inc. North Main St. UMC Food Pantry Project F.A.N. Hudson Valley Community Services, Inc. Park Terrace Food Pantry Project L.I.F.E. Hyde Park Baptist Church Salvation Army-Gloversville Food Pantry and RECAP 15 Hyde Park Food Pantry Soup Kitchen Sacred Heart Parish Outreach Safe Homes of Orange County Troy Damien Center Soup Kitchen Shenendehowa Helping Hands Food Pantry St. John’s Food Pantry Salvation Army - Middletown Troy Larger Parish (TLP) Food Pantry St. Clement’s Outreach Food Pantry The Blessing Salvation Army - Newburgh Unity House Programs St. Mary’s/St. Vincent/Waterford Food Pantry The Shepherd’s Pantry Salvation Army - Port Jervis Victorious Life Christian Church Food Pantry St. Paul’s Saratoga Food Pantry THRIVES Nutrition Program Seventh Day Adventist Food Pantry Volunteers for Distressed Wild Pet Program Stillwater Food Pantry Shepherd’s Kitchen Wildwood, Inc. Programs The Upper Room Thrift Shop Food Pantry Ulster St. Francis of Assisi Parish YWCA Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen Transitional Services Programs Angel Food East, Inc. St. George’s Church Pantry Waterford United Methodist Food Pantry AIDS Related Community Services St. Mary’s Food Pantry Rockland Wilton Food Pantry Bread of Life Food Pantry St. Mary’s/St. Vincent DePaul Veteran’s Pantry AIDS Related Community Services Calvary Chapel Highland Pantry St. Patrick’s Soup Kitchen Beth Rapha’s Outreach Program Schenectady Caring Hands at Clinton Ave. St. Paul’s Mission Canteen Feeding Program AIDS Council of NENY – Schenectady Food Pantry Catholic Charities of Kingston Stephen Saunders Residence Catholic Community Services of Rockland Alternative Living Group, Inc. (ALG) Programs Chiz’s Heart Street The Center for Recovery Center for Safety and Change Alpha Pregnancy Day Program Daily Bread Soup Kitchen THRIVES Nutrition Program Charismatic Church Outreach Food Pantry Altamont Residential Programs Darmstadt Shelter TOUCH Nutrition Program Christ Church of Ramapo Food Pantry At the Table Food Pantry Ellenville S.D.A. Church Pantry Town of Montgomery Food Pantry Christ Church of Ramapo Soup Kitchen Bethesda House Food Pantry, Soup Kitchen, Shelter, Ellenville United Methodist Church Trinity House Church of Christ and Residential Program Family of Ellenville Union Presbyterian Church Food Pantry Crystal Run Birthright Day Program Family House Valley Central Backpack Snack Attack Epilepsy Society Food Pantry Booth Home Emergency Shelter Family Inn Warwick Community Feeding Programs Fairmount Baptist Church Food Pantry Boys & Girls Clubs Afterschool Programs Family of Newpaltz Warwick Ecumenical Council Pantry Faith Temple Food Pantry Braman’s Hall Food Pantry Family of Woodstock French Speaking Baptist Church Food Pantry Bridge Center Residential Program Family Outreach Otsego Greenbush Food Cupboard Carver Community Center Youth Dinner Day Program Four Paws Food Pantry Bread of Life Soup Kitchen Haverstraw Head Start Carver Early Childhood Education Center Day Program God Given Bread Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen Cooperstown Food Pantry Haverstraw Parent Group Food Pantry Catholic Charities Residential Programs Good Neighbor Food Pantry of Woodstock, Inc. Crisis Intervention and Support Iglesia La Mision Food Pantry City Mission of Schenectady Emergency Shelters Happy to Help Food Pantry Hartwick/Mt. Vision Food Pantry Loeb House Community Meal Program Soup Kitchen Heart Street Pantry Maryland Baptist Church Food Pantry Macedonia Baptist Food Pantry Concerned for the Hungry Heavenbound Food Pantry Migrant Education Outreach Mass Distribution: Faith Temple Downtown Community Brunch & Breakfast Program Helping Hands Ministry Milford Food Pantry MHA of Rockland Soup Kitchen Helping Hands of New York Opportunities for Otsego Programs Martin Luther King Multipurpose Center Family Life Center Emergency Shelter His Love Unveiled Food Pantry Richfi eld Springs Food Pantry North Rockland Food Pantry Girls Inc. Day Program Holy Ascension Monastery Pantry Rehabilitative Support Services Programs Nyack F.O.O.D. Program Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen Harmony Food Pantry Hosanna Assembly of God, Inc. Salvation Army-Oneonta Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen Nyack Head Start Mt. Pleasant Kids Cafe In Flight, Inc. Saturday’s Bread Nyack Parent Group Lighthouse Food Pantry Loaves and Fishes Food Closet Springbrook Programs Open Arms Living Resources, Inc. Programs New Day Food Pantry St. James Food Pantry Open Bible Church Pantry Mohawk Opportunities Programs Our Lady of Fatima Food Pantry St. Mary’s Church Food Pantry Parish Care & Concern Ministry Neighborhood Meal Soup Kitchen People’s Place The Lord’s Table People to People New Choices Programs Pointe of Praise Food Pantry Tri Valley Food Pantry Pilgrim Baptist Church Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen Oak Hill School Afterschool Program Praise Dominion Unadilla Community Food Pantry Project Hope Our Lady of Fatima Food Pantry Rochester Food Pantry Worcester Food Pantry Project Turning Point Parson’s Early Head Start Day Program Rondout Valley Food Pantry Rhoda Bloom Kosher Food Pantry Safe House Emergency Shelter Rosendale Food Pantry Putnam Rockland Community College Pantry Salvation Army Food Pantry and Soup Kitchens Rehabilitative Support Services Brewster Community Food Pantry Inc. Rockland Independent Living Center Schenectady Community Action Program Programs Salvation Army - Kingston Delancey Street Foundation Rockland Interfaith Breakfast Schenectady Day Nursery Samaritan Village Gilead Food Pantry Salvation Army - Spring Valley Schenectady Guest House Residential Program Saugerties Area Council of Churches Green Chimneys Sinai French SDA Community Services Schenectady Home Furnishings Shiloh Baptist Church SK Hillside Food Outreach Sloatsburg Community Food Pantry Schenectady Inner City Ministry (SICM) Food Pantry St. John the Evangelist Church Hope In Life Food Center Spring Valley Headstart Scotia Glenville Food Pantry St. Joseph’s Food Pantry Patterson Presbyterian FP Spring Valley Parent Group Soap Ministry of First United Methodist Church St. Joseph’s Social Ministry Philipstown Food Pantry Spring Valley SDA Food Pantry Household Program St. Mary’s Rectory Putnam Community Action Program St. Ann’s Cupboard St. Luke’s Food Pantry St. Vincent DePaul/St .James Pantry Putnam Valley Community Food Pantry St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Food Pantry State Street Food Pantry Student Christian Center Pantry Salvation Army - East Putnam St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Soup Kitchen Things of My Very Own, Inc. The Queens Galley St. Christopher’s Inn St. Paul’s Parish Pantry Trinity Baptist Food Pantry The Washbourne House St. John the Evangelist St. Peter’s Food Pantry Wildwood, Inc. Programs THRIVES Nutrition Program Walter Hoving Home St. Stephen’s Episcopal Pantry X-Quest, Inc. Afterschool Program Transformation Life Center, Inc. Women’s Resource Center STLC Foundation, Inc. YWCA of Schenectady Programs United Cerebral Palsy of Ulster County Summit Childrens Residence Center Ulster County Community Action Program Rensselaer TGIF Backpack Program Schoharie Ulster Heights Methodist Church 820 River St. Supportive Living Programs Tomche Shabbos of Rockland County Afterschool Tutoring Program Ulster-Greene ARC Alight Care Center Day Program TOUCH Catholic Charities Programs Wings on Wheels Mobile Food Pantry Ark Community Charter School Day Program Trinity Church of God Cobleskill UM Food Pantry Berlin Community Food Closet Food Pantry United Methodist Church of Spring Valley Food First Baptist Church Food Pantry Warren Bethany Hospitality Center Soup Kitchen Pantry and Soup Kitchen Good Samaritan Food Pantry 820 River St. Supportive Living Programs Bethel Baptist Church Community Meal Upper Room House of Worship FP Jeff erson United Methodist Church Food Pantry AIDS Council of NENY- Glens Falls Boys and Girls Club After School Programs Westcop Food Pantry at Rockland Community Keith Nelson Food Pantry Chestertown Food Pantry Brunswick CARES Food Pantry Action Program Middleburgh Ecumenical Food Pantry Community, Work & Independence Programs Camp Scully-Summer Camp West Street Parent Group North Blenheim United Methodist Church Food Pantry Domestic Violence Project Emergency Shelter Catholic Charities of Rensselaer Co. Food Pantry Schoharie County Domestic Violence Program Double H Hole in the Woods Summer Camp CONSERNS-U Food Pantry Saratoga Emergency Shelter Family Services Association Food Pantry Continuing Treatment Services Day Program Adirondack Save-A-Stray Schoharie County Head Start Day Program First Presbyterian Church-Warrensburg Doors of Hope Food Pantry Backstretch Employee Service Team (B.E.S.T.) Schoharie Community Food Pantry Food Pantry Faith and Love Fellowship Food Pantry and CAPTAIN Food Pantry Schoharie Prevention Program Johnsburg Food Pantry Soup Kitchen Captain Outreach Afterschool Program St. Mark’s Lutheran Food Pantry Lake George Ecumenical Food Pantry First Baptist Soup Kitchen CAPTAIN Youth Shelter St. Paul’s Richmondville Food Pantry Maxfi eld Community Food Pantry Hoosick Area Church Assoc. Food Pantry Cath. Charities Zion Food Pantry North Country Ministry, Inc. Food Pantry Hoosic Valley Community Church Food Pantry Christ Church Food Pantry Open Door Soup Kitchen Hope 7 Community Center Food Pantry Christ’s Cupboard Food Pantry Sullivan Sacred Heart Community Dinner Soup Kitchen Hudson-Mohawk Recovery Center Programs Corinth Community Cupboard Food Pantry AIDS Related Community Services Sacred Heart Food Pantry - Lake George Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley ECHO Food Pantry Bailey-Richman VFW Pantry Salvation Army - Glens Falls Food Pantry Joseph’s House Emergency Shelter Faith Baptist Church Pantry Bread of Life Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen Living Resources, Inc. Programs Grace Church Food Pantry CACHE St. Mary’s Food Pantry Mt. Ida Food Pantry Greater Galway Food Pantry Community Church of Wurtsboro Warren-Hamilton Action Committee for Nassau Resource Center Food Pantry Greenfi eld Food Pantry Crystal Run Economic Opportunity Pittstown Area Food Pantry Harvest Church Food Pantry Daytop Village REACT, Inc. Food Pantry Living Resources, Inc. Programs Dynamite Youth Center Washington Rensselaer County CEO Food Pantry Mechanicville Emergency Food Pantry Federation for the Homeless Food Pantry 820 River St. Supportive Living Programs Roarke Center Food Pantry Moreau Community Center Food Pantry Federation for the Homeless Soup Kitchen Argyle United Presbyterian Food Pantry Salvation Army - Troy Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen Pine Knolls Alliance Church Food Pantry First Presbyterian Church of Jeff ersonville Cambridge Food Pantry San Damiano Family Support Food Pantry Rural Pres Co. Vet’s Shelter Monticello Seventh Day Adventist DSS Employees Food Pantry St. Augustine’s Food Pantry Rural Pres Co. Guardian House New Hope Manor Fort Edward Community Food Pantry St. Joseph’s Church Troy Food Pantry Saratoga Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter Our Lady of the Assumption FP Hartford Food Pantry St. Paul’s Center Emergency Shelter Saratoga EOC Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens Pond Eddy United Methodist Church Hudson Falls Bread of Life Food Pantry Stephentown Emergency Food Pantry School Age Child Care (SACC) Day Program Recovery Center MVEC Food Pantry The Anchor Food Pantry S.A.F.E.R. Food Pantry Roscoe Shepherd’s Food Pantry Salem Food Pantry The Gathering Place Food Pantry Shelters of Saratoga Emergency Shelter St. Andrew’s Mission Washington County EOC Food Pantry fiNaNcials Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets Year Ended December 31, 2013 Public Support aNd Other ReveNue Public Support Contributions $ 1,177,336 CSA Contracts 138,580 Fundraising / Direct Mail Appeals 1,885,464 Fundraising Events 694,837 Grants 408,753 HPNAP Administrative Fees 573,488 Kids Food Programs 59,523 United Way 86,523 USDA Commodities Contract 463,688 Total Public Support $5,488,192 Other Revenue Shared Maintenance Income $ 1,012,276 Coop Revenue, net of expenses 744,988 Public Warehousing & Rental Income 71,680 Interest Income/Realized and Unrealized Gains 58,991 Total Other Revenue $ 1,887,935 Total Support and Other Revenue $7,376,127

ExpeNses Salaries $ 3,095,993 Employee Benefi ts & Payroll Taxes 1,024,768 Building Maintenance & Repairs 85,941 Conference Fees 16,796 Consulting Professional Fees 25,890 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 127,626 Feeding America Membership 20,155 Fundraising Appeals Expenses 252,351 Fundraising Events Expenses 139,026 Grants Made - Agency Rebates 311,107 Insurance 107,206 Membership Fees 12,837 Newsletter 44,278 Postage 47,626 Staff Travel 24,940 Supplies 163,585 Telephone 32,840 Food Transportation-Commercial Carriers 159,071 Utilities 202,063 Vehicle Expenses 423,488 VAP Produce 25,260 Waste Disposal 53,877 Miscellaneous 143,897 Depreciation 517,599 Total Expenses $7,058,220 Change in Net Assets $317,907 thaNk you The staff of the RegioNal Food BaNk aNd Food BaNk of the HudsoN Valley would like to exteNd a special thaNk you to all who helped us iN 2013 with food doNatioNs, fuNdraisiNg, voluNteer efforts, aNd iN a multitude of other ways. We are grateful for the time, eNergy, aNd resources our geNerous commuNity provided to eNsure we were able to help as maNy people as possible duriNg a time wheN it was so desperately Needed.

how you can help donate time and talent Volunteers are vital to the Food Bank’s operation and contribute in countless ways. Sorting food, picking produce at our farm, or raising money at a fundraising event - there are endless varieties of enjoyable, rewarding tasks that volunteers perform every day.

make a monetary or in-kind donation Financial donations sustain the Food Bank and enrich the larger Photo by Maria D’Amelia community by providing nourishment, dignity, and a sense of sharing to all involved. Funds come from grants, special events, and contributions, and each donation makes a meaningful difference. In-kind donations come in many forms, from printing to paving and more. These donations allow the Food Bank to get more food to hungry people.

donate food Food donations are at the core of the Food Bank’s work. Food companies donate their edible but unsaleable food, and individuals and organizations conduct food drives at all times of the year. Non-food items like paper goods and cleaning supplies are also donated. These products are provided to food pantries, soup kitchens, and other agencies serving people in need.

spread the word Did you have a great time volunteering in our warehouse or on the Farm? Spread the word! Let your friends know, and encourage them to volunteer! Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep up with what’s going on at the Food Bank, and share our page with your friends. With your help, we are alleviating hunger... together.


Photo by Joan Heffl er Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York 965 Albany-Shaker Road Latham, NY 12110 (518) 786-3691

A member of

Food Bank of the Hudson Valley 195 Hudson Street Cornwall-On-Hudson, NY 12520 (845) 534-5344