JULY / AUGUST 2018 guildhall ward GREENlight SERVING , , , THE GROVES, WIGGINGTON ROAD, HAXBY ROAD, , HUNTINGTON ROAD, LAYERTHORPE, FOSS ISLAND, THE CITY CENTRE, , , TOWER STREET, /NAVIGATION AND AREAS. Flooding Update Green councillor, Denise Craghill flowing down the Foss these has been meeting with the are needed to complement Environment Agency (EA) to the refurbished Foss discuss planned flood defences Barrier. for Guildhall ward residents. The hope is that an She has urged them to speed up the upstream storage solution process as much as possible. can be put in place The EA plans to improve defences as quickly and more at Museum Gardens to protect the effectively than additional Marygate area and at Kings Staithe walls in the area, though and Tower Gardens are timetabled some walls may still be a for consultation August/September. possibility in addition to Options to provide further protection storage. for the Huntington Road area are Public meetings are due progressing. in July but Denise has urged Councillor Denise Craghill discussing the that if the timetable slips they Environment Agency’s ‘5 Year Flood Plan for ’ Due to increased levels of water with Guildhall ward coordinator, June Tranmer. should not all take Proposals for the Ouse alongside Museum place in the summer Gardens, to better protect the Marygate area, are holiday period. Guildhall Ward due to go public Aug/Sept. Residents Meeting Informal event at the red tower Drop-in to edible gardens with barbecue supper Edible York holds regular gardening sessions at its All residents welcome! public growing beds in Wednesday 22nd August 2018 or near Guildhall ward. 6.00pm – 8.30pm Wednesdays, 5.30pm – Red Tower, Foss Islands Rd, York YO1 9UJ 6.15pm at Peasholme Information stalls from ward community groups and Green (just turn up to help, updates on ward issues and projects. A chance to chat bring gardening gloves) informally with your councillors and swop ideas with and every Saturday Visitors are always welcome – call by other residents from around the ward. 11.00am – 12.00 noon for a chat, a bit of gardening advice or to sample produce. To be added to the mailing list for updates on at the Barbican beds, this and future events please email opposite Bar. www.edibleyork.org.uk [email protected] working hard for guildhall WARD GREEN COUNCILLORS – SPEAKING UP FOR PEOPLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT – ALWAYS!

• Planting for the new Human guildhall ward budget Rights Garden in Clarence Gardens, hopefully encouraging Bids can still be submitted for ward • A contribution to the River Foss more activity in the park funding. So far in 2018/19 funding Society for a new notice board • Contribution to funding the Girls has been allocated towards: near Monk Bridge and Boys Groups at Door 84 Youth • Summer children’s activities at • Production of a printed map of Centre in the Groves York Explore Guildhall’s Edible beds • Publicity and set up costs for • The Taxi Marshals Scheme at • Drama sessions for adults with a Pay as you Feel lunch café at Duncombe Place additional needs and summer the Red Tower over the summer • A contribution to the city centre holiday children’s events by holidays. Bloom Festival Toolbox Theatre at Spark:York www.york.gov.uk/GuildhallWard

Policy Focus better air quality, Stonebow House licensing healthier streets and Denise has been supporting Following a large number of tackling climate change residents on and objections (including concerns about nearby to ensure their concerns the impact of another large scale On Clean Air Day, June 21st, are fully represented to the drinking establishment on behaviour motorists and bus drivers were Licensing Committee. in the city centre) the application urged to switch off their engines has been withdrawn until after a when waiting - to reduce Try Market Halls applied to run a Food Hall promised consultation with the local dangerous unhealthy emissions. with early morning and late night opening community. Green councillors are pressing the in the recently refurbished building. Council to speed up the introduction of anti-idling enforcement and improve national news bus services. Airport madness Elected Greens always speak up for Green Party MP, Caroline Lucas reducing climate change emissions, has always spoken out against a cleaner air and better, more reliable third runway at Heathrow airport. public transport. Green campaign groups have called the decision an ‘environmental united opposition from Labour disaster’ that will add as much helping the Government to its climate change causing CO2 to the majority. atmosphere as produced by some whole countries. Greens will continue to oppose this environmental folly and argue for Sadly, Parliament gave its approval investment in sustainable transport York Green Party councillors and members on on 25th June, with the lack of clear, and Green jobs. Gillygate on June 21st, Clean Air Day. get in touch cllr denise 07952 120752 @DeniseCraghill craghill @ [email protected]

Promoted by A Chase on behalf of York Green Party, 15 Priory Street York YO11 6ET. Printed by Leafletfrog, Waters Meeting Industrial Estate, Units 38-39 Britannia Way, Bolton BL2 2HH