Writtle Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected] www.writtle-pc.gov.uk

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12 April 2021, 7.30pm via Zoom


Mr C Hibbitt ✓ (CHAIR) Mr C Sloman Ab Mr R Schmid ✓ Mrs S Bell ✓ Mrs W Walker ✓ Mr A Carter ✓ Mrs S Emery ✓ Mr P Costello ✓ Mr R Bray ✓ (VICE CHAIR) Ms S Massey ✓ Mr P Cracknell ✓ Mr T Kinloch ✓ Mr I Nicholls ✓ Mrs L Gannicott ✓ Mr J Rayner ✓

In Attendance

Mrs L Fox ✓ (CLERK) Mr J Weymouth ✓(NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN) Cllr T Roper ✓ (CCC) Mrs J Atterbury ✓ (CLERICAL OFFICER) Ms A Wallerstrom ✓(FINANCE OFFICER) Cllr J F Aldridge ✓ (ECC) Members of the public 2

✓= Present A = Apologies Ab = Absent



PC.21/22.01 PUBLIC FORUM Councillors welcomed the proposal from Edith Miller at the Ideas Hub to develop with the local primary school an arts installation on the green and a mobile shed which would present podcasts. The Ideas Hub run projects in schools combining science, technology, engineering arts and maths. The projects usually have a heritage theme and they were keen to work with Writtle in the celebration of the 100 years of the first Marconi radio broadcast from Writtle. The Ideas Hub requested the use of The Green. They would be applying for Heritage Lottery Funding to support the activities and would welcome match funding from the Parish Council. It was noted that there were possible further funding sources from next year’s Locality Fund or from business sponsorship.

Councillors welcomed the update from Wendy Hibbitt on plans for the 100 years celebration. They had arranged for Tim Wander an expert on Marconi history to give a presentation at Writtle College. In addition, an exhibition was being prepared for May. It was agreed that the two projects would complement each other and should continue to look at ways that they could J Atterbury WPC 210412 1

Writtle Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected] www.writtle-pc.gov.uk

do this. It was agreed that Cllr Wendy Walker would be the Parish Council representative on the working party going forward.

PC.21/22.02 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were noted above.

The Chair announced the sad passing of City Councillor Malcolm Watson who had worked closely to support Writtle Parish Council over the past two years. The Chair expressed thanks on behalf of the Parish Council to Malcolm for his support and offered condolences to his family and friends. A minute’s silence was held in his memory.

PC.21/22.03 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2021 were approved.

Proposed: Cllr R Schmid Seconded: Cllr R Bray All agreed

PC.21/22.04 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS There were no declarations of interest.

PC.21/22.05 PROGRESS CHECK Updated list was circulated and councillors noted the progress made.

PC.21/22.06 FINANCIAL REPORT at 31 March 2021 Councillors agreed the Financial Report of 31 March 2021 and unanimously agreed that the payments made between 1 – 31 March 2021 be approved and signed.

Proposed: Cllr J Rayner Seconded: Cllr S Emery All agreed

Councillors noted, in line with financial regulations, the bank reconciliations are reviewed quarterly by Cllr Carter. Due to Covid restrictions, confirmation of their accuracy will be given via email rather than a physical signature.

PC.21/22.07 CLIMATE EMERGENCY Councillors noted that City Councillor T Willis had been appointed as Climate Ambassador at Chelmsford City Council. The City Council had pledged to be carbon neutral by 2030 and were looking for support from Parish Councils.

It was agreed to appoint Cllr P Cracknell as the Parish Council’s Climate Change Representative.

J Atterbury WPC 210412 2

Writtle Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected] www.writtle-pc.gov.uk

It was agreed that Climate Energy should be considered at alternate Parish Council meetings. The Clerk

PC.21/22.08 FUTURE MEETINGS Councillors noted that temporary changes to legislation allowing the council to meet virtually would end on 6 May. From this date, no on-line meetings could take place. Councillors noted the Assocation of Democratic Services Officers, Lawyers in Local Government and Hertfordshire County Council had made a legal challenge to the ruling and this was scheduled to be considered by the High Court on 21 April.

Councillors considered the options proposed.

It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting would be cancelled due to the COVID restrictions.

It was further agreed that the Annual Parish Council Meeting at which roles for councillors were agreed, should be moved from 10 May to 4 or 5 of May to enable the meeting to be held on-line.

Councillors agreed that the Parish Office was not large enough to hold a full Parish Meeting and accommodate members of the public and enable social Distancing whilst COVID restrictions are in place. It was therefore agreed that the Beryl Platt Centre and the Sports and Social Club should be considered as alternative venues until COVID restrictions are lifted. The Clerk

Councillors noted that the Annual Return needed to be approved by 30 June and that they would need to meet in person to do this.

It was proposed that during the period of 6 May to 21 June temporary delegation of responsibility would be given to the Clerk.

Proposed: Cllr R Bray Seconded: Cllr S Emery All agreed

The Chair asked councillors to consider succession planning for the Chair and Vice Chair in advance of the Annual Meeting.

PC21/22.09 LITTER AT CO-OP BREWHOUSE HOPPITT Councillors welcomed that there had been volunteers clearing rubbish in the village. It had been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that there was a lot of litter at the above site. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the Manager of the Co-op regarding the litter. In addition, it was agreed that Cllr T Roper would discuss the litter at Brewhouse Hoppitt with the relevant department at Chelmsford City Council. The Clerk J Atterbury WPC 210412 3

Writtle Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected] www.writtle-pc.gov.uk

PC21/22.10 EVENT ON THE GREEN Councillors agreed to support a request to run a celebration event on The Green on 4 September for charity. The Parish Council would use the event to promote the work of the council. Councillors were requested to provide any ideas on the name of the event to the Clerk or Matt Hitchcock.

PC21/22.11 BUS SHELTER ON THE GREEN Lambert Smith Hamilton (LSH) had contacted the Clerk requesting that the ownership of the bus shelter on The Green transfer to County Council (ECC). A request has been made to LSH to determine ECC plans for the bus stop in terms of advertising and what a future maintenance plan would involve. The bus shelter is a heritage style and in keeping with its surroundings and councillors expressed that it should not be replaced with a modern shelter. It was agreed that once further information had been received the request would be considered at a future Parish Council meeting.

PC.21/22.12 COMMITTEE REPORTS The minutes and reports for the following committees were noted: ▪ Planning & Development (Cllr Bell) – as per minutes. ▪ Environment (Cllr Gannicott) – Cllr Gannicott reported that the barley straw had been put in the pond to reduce algae. A walk around check of the allotments had been scheduled for 17th April. Councillors welcomed that a local resident had offered to fund a skip for pond clearing in the future. ▪ Highways & Transport (Cllr Cracknell) – as per Cllr Cracknell’s report ▪ Playing Fields (Cllr Costello) – Cllr Costello reported that there had been concerns raised on the number of people and dog walkers using the playing fields. Further concerns had been raised on the charging for Hylands park and the knock-on effect it would have on parking in Writtle, especially the Paradise Road car park. It was agreed that a walk around with The Chair, Cllr Costello and the Chair of Writtle Minors and the Sports and Social Club would be arranged to consider issues and solutions relating to the sports facilities. These items would be considered at the next Playing Fields Committee on 26 April. ▪ Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – (Mr Weymouth) – as per Mr Weymouth’s report. Mr Weymouth reported that the Neighbourhood Plan consultation period had closed. Comments had been circulated to councillors. An independent examiner, Jeremy Edge, had been appointed by Chelmsford City Council. It was welcomed that the Independent Examiner was also reviewing South Neighbourhood Plan so would already be familiar with the Chelmsford Local Plan. ▪ Clerks Report – As per report. J Atterbury WPC 210412 4

Writtle Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected] www.writtle-pc.gov.uk

PC.21/22.13 WORKING PARTY UPDATES AND SPECIFIC PROJECTS • Governance Review Working Party (Cllr Hibbitt) – Cllr Hibbitt reported Chelmsford City Council were due to report the results of the Governance Review in July. • Warren Farm (Cllr Hibbitt) – Meetings had been held by the working party. It was understood that there would be a delay of at least a month for the initial planning application for 100 houses. Constructive discussions were taking place in all sections. Planning had met with Crest Nicholson and the Chelmsford City Council Planners. The recreation area would be managed by Chelmsford City Council and the Chair had met with the Chair of Writtle Minors and Chelmsford City Council representatives to put forward ideas for the best lay out of the recreation ground. The working party would be producing a proposal in the next seven days. The Highways group had been in discussion with Crest Nicholson to consider the traffic survey. It was hoped that the 30mph speed limit would be extended down Lordship Road and that speed cameras would be installed. • Beryl Platt Centre (Cllr Bray) – Cllr Bray reported that the two parking spaces would be transferred to Writtle Parish Council and he was awaiting the formal transfer document. • Writtle Mill (Cllr Bell) – The legal team were continuing discussion on the transfer documents. The issues of access over the site was still being considered.

PC21/22.14 REPORTS FROM EXTERNAL MEETINGS ATTENDED BY ANY COUNCILLOR It was noted that a useful meeting had taken place with Writtle College to understand the College plans to diversify and generate capital and how the village could benefit.

PC.21/22.15 COUNTY AND CITY COUNCILLORS REPORTS Cllr Roper reported that a court order to evict the travellers from Hylands Park had taken place today. The travellers would be served with an eviction notice on 13 April and Bailiffs had been arranged for 14 April, if required.

Cllr Aldridge reported that the by-election for the now vacant Chelmsford City Councillor for Writtle should take place in the summer. Local Highways Panels had been given an additional £200k to add to the £500k budget to enable them to fund more local schemes. Further grants were available for community purposes. There continued to be a drive to encourage people to take up the COVID vaccines. Essex Libraries were now handing out self test kits and self isolation grants were available if required.


Writtle Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected] www.writtle-pc.gov.uk

Councillors noted correspondence had been received from a local resident to request that the Parish Council link communications better with the Writtle News. It was agreed to consider improving communications at the next Parish Council meeting. The Clerk

PC.21/22.17 DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING The next Parish Council Meeting is scheduled to take place on 10 May at 7.30pm. However, given that the legislation changes which allow virtual meetings ends on 6 May, councillors had agreed to move the meeting a week earlier. Date would be set shortly. Agenda items should be submitted to the Clerk before 23 April.


Signed: ______For and on behalf of Writtle Parish Council

Date: ______

J Atterbury WPC 210412 6