Kateri Tekakwitha Parish The Member Churches of

Sacred Heart ~ Kent St. Bernard ~ Sharon St Bridget ~ Cornwall Bridge

Monsignor Vittorio Guerrera Pastor Parish Trustees Mr. Jerry Tobin ~ Mr. Marty Lindenmayer

MASS SCHEDULE Monday, Tuesday, and First Friday 9 AM SACRED HEART ~ KENT Wednesday 9 AM ST BERNARD ~ SHARON



SUNDAY 10 AM SACRED HEART CHURCH 17 Bridge Street ~ Kent


SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Before Mass or by appointment.

PARISH OFFICE Mrs. Sandy Papsin ~ Parish Secretary 860-927-3003 Mailing Address: PO BOX 186 Kent, CT 06757 WEBSITE: saintkaterict.org EMAIL: [email protected]


BAPTISM & MARRIAGE Registered parishioners are asked to make arrangements by calling the Parish office


SUNDAY AUGUST 25th , 2019

A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE The phrase in today’s gospel, “I don’t know where you come from,” is often used by parents about children and children about parents. Change is so rapid these days that one generation often has little in common with another. So we must then depend on love, trust, and mutual respect to SATURDAY VIGIL MASS AUGUST 24th bridge this gap. You may be surprised at what you learn by SUNDAY AUGUST 25th truly listening and paying attention to family members... THE 21st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:00 PM (CORNWALL BRIDGE) PRAY THE WITH US Beatrice Loomis Mangin The Rosary is prayed each Tuesday morning 8:00 AM (SHARON) Francesco & Catarina Guerrera at Sacred Heart following the 9 AM Mass. This week our intention is for students beginning 10:00 AM (KENT) Harold J. Barnhart their studies this school year; that they may be MONDAY AUGUST 26th ~ 9 AM ~ KENT successful and never lose their thirst for learn- Saint Calasanz ing. We invite you to spend twenty minutes with fellow parishioners praying the rosary. If you Donna Hall need a rosary, they can be found in the table TUESDAY AUGUST 27th ~ 9 AM ~ KENT drawer in the front vestibule of the Saint Monica church...please help yourself. Richard May THE ABC’S OF ANNULMENT Rev. James Sullivan, Pastor of the Basilica of the Immacu- WEDNESDAY AUGUST 28th ~ 9 AM ~ SHARON late Conception, Waterbury, CT will host “THE ABC’S OF ANNUL- Saint MENT” on Friday, September 6th from 7—9 pm in the Fr. J. Infant Romanelli McGivney Church Hall, 74 West Main Street, Waterbury. Members of the Annulment Team are Br. Larry Lussier, CSC, Deacon George Mass for the living Frederick and Jim Tottenham .The session will review the changes in

the annulment process initiated by Francis as well as those SATURDAY VIGIL MASS AUGUST 31st made in the Archdiocese of Hartford. Two Spanish speaking mem- SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1st bers will also be on the team to assist. THE 22nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Receive assistance with writing and completing the appli- cation process. This is open to all. No registration required. For com- 4:00 PM (CORNWALL BRIDGE) Joseph Gaeta plete information and answers to any questions your may have, Requested by Joan Silk please contact Br. Larry Lussier at 203 -9 09 -8 570 or email: lar- 8:00 AM (SHARON) Joan Damato & Nancy Sena [email protected]. Mass of healing as requested by Fred Wiwie Jr. 10:00 AM (KENT) Carol Hall The Pro-Life Ministry of the Archdiocese of Requested by Josephine & Jim Hennessey Hartford is joining the national and now-international 40 Days for Life campaign to pray for an end to abortion. This year’s campaign is running from Sept. 25 to Nov. OFFERTORY PROCESSION 3. The group will also hold a 40 Days for Life closing ceremony at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford, If you have requested a specific Saturday Vigil following the 11 a.m. Mass on Nov. 3. The closing or Sunday Mass intention and would like to pre- Mass will include guest speakers. For more information, email anne- sent the offertory gifts of bread and wine during [email protected]. Mass, please let one of the ushers know prior to

the beginning of Mass. Why do Catholics Offer Masses for the Dead? St. John tells The Sanctuary Lamp signifies the Eucharistic us about the heavenly Jerusalem in Revelation. It’s more beautiful, presence of the Lord Jesus in the Tabernacle and more glorious, than we can imag- burns for seven days. You may have the Sanctuary ine. “But nothing unclean shall enter Lamp memorialized for a sick person, a deceased it,” he adds (Rev 21:27). So, the tells us that family member or friend, or as a special intention. there is a purification after death. The Church calls this purifi- The weekly donation for this is $25. Sanctuary cation process Purgatory. We do not know how long this Lamps can be memorialized in each of the three process takes for each soul. We offer Masses for the dead churches of St. Kateri Tekakwitha. If you would as a way of speeding that purification for them, by asking like to reserve a week in any of our churches, God to hasten their journey into heaven. Offering sacrifices please contact Sandy at the parish office. and prayers for someone else after they have died is cer- tainly no new idea. It was common practice in Old Testament SACRIFICIAL GIVING times. Thus, Catholics believe that souls being purified with

our help will aid them in attaining the beatific vision of God. 20th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: $ 2,685.00.



WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER A & B Canned, bottled, boxed fruit Jesus calls us to love the Lord and to love one juices another. Deepen your communication, rekindle your C & D Laundry detergents romance and renew your sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next E & F Plastic wrap, foil wrap, paper Weekends are November 1 -3, 2019 in Manchester, CT towels and September 13-15, 2019 in Huntington, NY. For more G & H Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Pancake Mix, Bisquick information, call Pat & MaryJo McLaughlin at 860-315- I & J Canned Fruits and Vegetables

2127 or visit them at https:// wwwmectw.org/ K & L Canned Chili, tuna, chicken, ham, stews, beans M & N Boxed cereals, cream of wheat, instant oat Every first and third Saturday at 10 AM in meals, granola bars, fruit bar snacks the Sacred Heart Church Hall. This delightful group O & P Canned soups, boxed crackers works on their prayer shawls and lap robes at these Q & R Salad dressing, canned gravy, pancake syrup sessions, and in between at home. When completed, they are just lovely! They are blessed by Monsignor S & T Instant potatoes, rice, macaroni & cheese and then presented to those in need of some caring and loving warmth. If U & V Pasta, canned sauces, peanut butter, jellies you know of someone who would enjoy a shawl, please call the Kent office W,X,Y,Z Bath Soap, Shampoo, toilet paper, Kleenex. and the group will be happy to comply with your request promptly. Toothpaste Please support our local food pantries with just one donation Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Book Club in Farmington is returning for a per family this month based on the list above using the first letter second season! It is a different kind of of your last name. Donation baskets are located at each worship book club because the focus is on spiritu- site. Thank you for reaching out to those neighbors in need. ality. T he OLC Book Club meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 10:00 am to 11:30. The selection for Four Ways Volunteerism Harms the Local Church September is River Angel by A. Manette Too often people view the church as a type of volunteer organization. Ansay. The first session is September 24th. While it works in non-profit organizations, the volunteerism mentality has Sisters Mary O’Brien, CP, and Anna Marie Becker, CP, are the no place in the local church. Here are four ways in which volunteerism moderators. Long-time retreatants will remember Sister Anna Marie, harms the ministry of the local church: whom we are happy to welcome back to OLC after nearly twenty years of Volunteers have their own expectations service at a retreat center in Tennessee. In volunteer organizations, there are levels of commitment. Some people Come and see. Share your insights and your observations, your are nominally committed: maybe helping out once in a while, or donating questions, ʎ and your enthusiasms. Interaction with other book lovers will once a year. Others are heavily committed: they are some of the most able enrich your understanding and appreciation of the books we share. volunteers, or they provide a steady stream of donations to the non-profit. Call Our Lady of Calvary at (860) 677-8519 for more information However, too often these come with strings attached, such as wanting to about the book club and to sign up! All are welcome! “call the shots.” In the church, we have to constantly battle these personal expectations. We cannot meet everyone’s personal expectation, nor should we. A church has leadership in place—with the pastor having the BIBLE STUDY—WOMEN OF THE BIBLE ultimate responsibility for the spiritual and material well-being of the parish. Saint Parish in New Milford will be offering a 12 He is assisted in his role with a Parish Council and Finance Council in an week Bible Study Course in two 6 week sessions focusing on Women of advisory capacity. the Old Testament and the New Testament and the unique role that Volunteers say when and how they help out women have played in God’s plan of salvation. The stories of the women A volunteer may break their commitment to help because work, family, or will provide an opportunity to examine how they have responded to prob- even a better opportunity came up. They also will sign up for the tasks they lems and struggles in their culture and to consider how their faith re- want, which aren’t always the tasks that are vital or necessaryK. In the sponses might apply to our lives today. church, this type of mentality is detrimental to the health of the body. Easy or fun ministries are always well-staffed, while other, more difficult minis- PART I—WOMEN OF THE OLD TESTAMENT tries are always struggling to get help. Held on Tuesday evenings from 7—8 PM Volunteers can leave 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/15, 10/22, and 10/29 The nature of volunteerism is that there is no firm contract between the Same sessions held also on THURSDAY AFTERNOONS organization and the volunteer. They can quit whenever they want to. That 12-1:30 PM : 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/17, & 10/24 is why a significant portion of any non-profit organization is focused on donor and volunteer relations. Church is not a place you attend; it is a body PART II -WOMEN OF THE NEW TESTAMENT you are a part of. WILL BEGIN IN NOVEMBER. Volunteers find identity in their role

Call the St. Francis Parish office 354-2202 Volunteers are proud of what they do, and how they help out their associ- for more information and registration . ated organization. The danger in this is that a person’s volunteer work can become their identityK. In the church, people can hold a variety of roles: Sponsored by St. Francis Xavier, New Milford catechist, money counter, lector, usher, greeter, extraordinary minister of Knights of Columbus. Every Monday night VFW Holy Communion, etc. Yet we cannot find our ultimate identity or purpose in these roles. We can- Hall (Avery Road, New Milford) Doors open at not make a good thing (ministry role) our ultimate thing (our identity). 5:45 p.m. BINGO begins at 6:30 p.m. Everyone Conclusion is welcome to join in the fun! While the church is a non-profit organization, it does not behave like other non-profits. The church is not a volunteer-based organization, having to cater to and rely on the volunteers. When we were baptized into Christ, we did not volunteer to help out an organization—we became members of His Mystical Body, each with unique gifts and talents. We are here to serve Christ by any means necessary. It is rare, but very encouraging, when someone steps forward and says: “I want to serve. Where do you need me the most?”

From the Pastor’s Desk

Dear Parishioners,

Religious education classes begin soon. It is that time of year again when we look for catechists for our Faith Formation program. One of the greatest privileges is to teach our young people about God, the faith, the Church and Catholic values. I’d like to share some thoughts from Our Sunday Visitor about the value and importance of teaching. These are the top ten rea- sons to share the faith as a catechist.

The best way to learn is to teach . We all are called to continue to grow in our own faith and the best way to learn is to teach. When you instruct others, your own understanding increases. Catechists tell the truth. In today’s world filled with so much uncertainty, people are searching for what is real and what isn’t. Catechists speak the truth about God, faith and morals. The world needs the mes- sage of the Gospel and the way to true happiness; as a cate- chist, you offer a hungry world that sustenance. Sharing the faith is an honor . It is estimated that fewer than one percent of Catholics are catechists . If you have been approached to be a catechist, or if you feel the call, you are being asked to do something special for God, for the Church and for your fellow Catholics. Your own faith will come alive. As a catechist, you will discover that prayer, liturgy and your own relationship with God will become more vibrant and meaningful. You become an active part of the most active of your parish. One criticism of Catholic churches is that they don’t offer as much “fellowship” as some others. When you join the catechists in your parish, you enter into a community that will support you on your faith journey, pray for and with you and en- courage you in your Catholic way of life. A catechist is a role model. Ask young people who their role models or heroes are, and you will get a litany of movie and sports stars. As a catechist, you get model behaviors, young people might not learn any- where else. You will be practicing Stewardship. Being a catechist is a way of being a good steward by giving a bit of your most precious resource — your time. You might not be able to donate as much money as you would like, but we all have time and talent to share. You show your own family that you value religious education. Taking time out of your life to teach the Faith shows your own children, grandchildren, siblings and family members that you put a high priority on religious education. It is fun. Spending time with energetic, enthusiastic young peo- ple gives you renewed energy and vitality. Kids remind adults to live and laugh in the moment and get enthused about things like holy days and stories of . It is what we are called to do. At the end of His earthly ministry, Jesus said; “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teach- ing them to observe all that I have commanded you, And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age”. By teaching the next generation about the Good News, you are fulfilling your part of the Great Commandment. It may be the most important thing you will ever do. SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8th 11– 4 PM MACEDONIA STATE PARK PAVILLION SERVED BY: “ THE BIG GREEN PIZZA TRUCK” PIZZA, SALAD, BEVERAGES, AND GELATO WILL BE SERVED BRING A DESSERT TO SHARE IF YOU WISH... ALL PARISHONERS ARE WELCOME!


PARENTS… Please complete and send in Religious Education Registrations today!

NOVEMBER 9th, 2019 “SET THE WORLD ABLAZE” WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Held at Northwest Catholic HS in West Hartford 10-5. Keynote speaker is Sarah Hart. “Coffee and” as well as lunch are in- cluded. For information on spiritual workshops and reg- istration, go to: https://catholicedaohct.org/programs/ archdiocesan:womensconference. ALL WOMEN INVITED AND WELCOME TO ATTEND.

American Red Cross Blood Drive Thursday, September 19th 1-6 PM Bittermann Center in Canaan Sponsored by the Parish of Saint Martin of Tours. Baked goods and sandwiches will be provided to all donors by parishioners. If you are able to donate, please give Shelia a call at 413-229-2966 to schedule your donation time, or visit red- crossblood.org.


Monday: 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b [cf. 4a]/Mt 23:13-22 Tuesday: 1 Thes 2:1-8/Ps 139:1-3, 4-6 [1]/Mt 23:23-26 Wednesday: 1 Thes 2:9-13/Ps 139:7-8, 9-10, 11-12ab [1]/Mt 23:27-32 Thursday: 1 Thes 3:7-13/Ps 90:3-5a, 12-13, 14 and 17 [14]/Mk 6:17 -29 Friday: 1 Thes 4:1-8/Ps 97:1 and 2b, 5-6, 10, 11-12 [12a]/Mt 25:1-13 Saturday: 1 Thes 4:9-11/Ps 98:1, 7-8, 9 [9]/Mt 25:14-30 KENNY FUNERAL H OMES , I NC . & MONUMENTAL SERVICES Brian Kenny, Owner Theresa Kenny, Manager 41 Main St., Sharon, CT 860-364-5709 39 Maple Ave., Norfolk, Ct. 860-542-5621 Our Family Serving Your Family Since 1914 Lillis Funeral Home Family Owned and Operated since 1928 • Serving All Area Communities Lillis 58 BRIDGE ST, PO BOX 959 • NEW MILFORD, CT 06776 Funeral Home 860-354-4655 • FAX 860-354-0085 FOUNDED 1928 All services including traditional cremation memorial. CHRISTOPHER M. MILANO, Director

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