National Solid Waste Management Program In

Central Environmental Authority • Government of sri lanka Launched Pilisaru project -2008

The theme of the project YEAR 2018 WASTE FREE SRI LANKA Waste Generation per day 7500 MT Daily Waste collection per day 3500 MT Local Authorities Waste composition in Sri Lanka Per capita daily generation of solid waste

Type of Local Authority Quantity by person(Kg/day)

Colombo Municipal Council 0.80

Municipal Councils 0.75

Urban Councils 0.60

Pradeshiya Sabas 0.40 Percentage of Solid Waste collected by the LAS

Western Province 58.5% Eastern Province 8.5% Central Province 8% Southern Province 7% NW Province 6% Northern Province 3.3% 3.2% Uva Province 3% NC Province 2.5% Objectives of the Pilisaru Project • Preparation of national policy on Solid Waste management. • Preparation of strategies for the solid waste management. • Provision of training on effective solid waste management including education and awareness for relevant officers. • Provision of necessary facilities for implementation of solid waste management projects and programs. • Strengthening the legal framework for solid waste management. Activities of the Pilisaru project 1. Provision of Proper Waste Management Facilities for Local Authorities 2. Installments of Bio Gas plants for hospitals and other government institutions 3. Provision of necessary instruments /equipments for Local Authorities where compost sites are being operated 4. Provision of Compost bins at low cost for local authorities 5. Conduct Education and awareness programms 6. Awareness program on waste segregation at LA level 7. Project Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Sri Lanka

Waste No of No. of No. of No of Target % (Mt/Day) District LAs Com. District Waste(Mt/D) Plant 3424 25 335 119 20 656.75 19.18 Northern Province

District Waste No of LAs No. of Target % (Mt/Day) Com. Waste Plant Mt/Day)

Jaffna 78.5 17 03 11 14.01 North central Province

District Waste No of No. of Com. Plant Target % (Mt/Day) LAs Waste Mt/Day)

Anuradapura 64.7 19 14 (Camp - 3) 46.5 71.87

Polonnaruwa 17.5 07 02 12 68.57

Total 82.2 26 16 58.5 71.16 Northwestern Province

District Waste No No. of Target % (Mt/Day) of Com. Waste LAs Plant Mt/Day)

Kurunegala 113 21 16 88 77.87

Puttalam 87.9 12 05 30 34.12

Total 200.9 33 21 118 58.73 Central Province

District Waste No of No. of Target % (Mt/Day) LAs Com. Waste Plant (Mt/Day)

Kandy 209.5 22 04 17 8.11

Matale 47.3 13 04 08 16.91

NuwaraEliya 58 08 02 05 8.62

Total 314.8 43 10 30 9.53 Western Province

District Waste No of No. of Target Waste % (Mt/Da LAs Com. Plant Mt/Day) y) 1284 13 02(School 2 7.25 0.56 Camp 1) 126.5 16 07 69 54.55

Gampaha 372.5 19 08 40.5 10.87

Total 1783 48 17 116.75 6.55 Southern Province

District Waste No of No. of Target % (Mt/Day LAs Com. Waste ) Plant Mt/Day)

Hambantota 50 12 08 30 60.00

Matara 92 17 07 51 55.43

Galle 107.5 20 09 13 12.09

Total 249.5 49 24 94 37.68 Sabaragamuwa Province

District Waste No of No. of Target % (Mt/Day) LAs Com. Waste Plant Mt/Day)

Kegalle 65.5 12 06 34 51.91

Ratnapura 88 17 02 02 2.27

Total 153.5 29 08 36 23.45 Uva Province

District Waste No of LAs No. of Target % (Mt/Day) Com. Waste Plant (Mt/Day)

Badulla 75.6 17 (Camp 1) 05 52 68.78

Monaragala 35 10 02 04 11.43

Total 110.6 27 07 56 50.63 Eastern Province

District Waste No of No. of Target % (Mt/Day) LAs Com. Waste Plant (Mt/Day)

Ampara 142.5 20 05 13 9.12

Batticaloa 136 12 01 09 6.62

Total 278.5 32 06 22 7.90 Site Locations Present status – 120 compost sites (2008 - 2014) • Number of compost plants being in operation - 94

• Construction finished but compost production to be started, Problem with Electricity, water & access road) - 07

• Construction ongoing - 17

• Sites in which construction stopped( Legal Matters Gallenbidunuwewa PS, Kalawana PS) - 02 Medium and Small scale Compost Plants (2008 -2014) Alawwa PS compost plant Pannala PS compost plant

Kaduwela MC compost plant UC compost plant Compost plants established for the government institutions (2008 – 2014) Ragama Medical faculty compost plant Royal Collage compost plant

Ekala Air-force camp compost plant Galkulama Armed Camp compost plant Thank You 1). Provision of Proper Waste Management Facilities - compost sites 2008 -2014 Major compost plants - Monroviyawaththa compost Kaluthara -Pohorawaththa compost site - 2010 site - 2012

A’pura – Nuwaragam palatha compost site - 2009 - Sundarapola compost site - 2012 2) Installments of 22 Bio Gas plants for hospitals and other government institutions (2008 – 2014)

Cancer Hospital Hospital

Trinco Hospital General Hospital 3). Provision of necessary instruments/ equipments for Local Authorities where compost sites are being operated 2008 - 2014 Tractor - 151 Tractor tailors - 161 Shiver machines - 54

Skid steer loaders - 21 Compactors - 04 Wheel loader - 01

Excavator - 01 4). Provision of Compost bins at low cost for local authorities (2008 – 2014) • Implementation of compost bin production center at CEA premises from 01 /08/2014 5). Conduct Education and awareness programms (2008 – 2014) Mass Scale Awareness program trough TV, Radio, News papers , posters, leaflets 6). Awareness program on waste segregation at LA level 6.1) Implemented first program in the Kaduwela MC and continued. 6.2 )Scheduled to implement in rest of LAs where compost production take place 6.3 )To encourage the household dwellers for waste separation, 15000 bins will be provided at LA level 6.4 )Inclusion of waste management subject for school curricular 6.5) Discussions held with NIE to include this to 6 subjects from years 6 to 9

7). Project Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation

7.1) Reviewing the progress of all compost sites at provincial/district level Covered three provinces and identified shortcomings in compost sites and requests received through CLGs being processed. 7.2) All compost sites are being monitored monthly through divisional environmental officers in CEA district offices 7.3) Inter-agency coordination meetings scheduled to hold with ministry of local government and provincial council and waste management authority in Western Provincial council Kotawila Waste Management project 2014 - 2015 Total Cost – Rs. 249 million CEA – Rs. 126 million Bio Green – Rs. 123 million

Central Environmental Authority Matara Municipality The dumping site as at 16th September 2014

View of capping from semi engineering landfill site. The dumping site as at 16th September 2014

Work on the semi engineered landfill in progress (change instructed as at last site visit has been incorporated) The dumping site as at 18th September 2014

View of the capped area Construction in progress – as at 26th Oct.

Platform for conveyors been constructed & compacted Completed Platform – as at 21st Nov.

Completed platform with conveyor frames been fitted Construction in progress – 26th Oct.

Preparations and construction of retaining wall Construction in progress – as at 21st Nov.

Columns completed & Trusses been fitted Digester tank work in progress – as at 22nd Dec

Work in progress at site Construction in progress

Design drawing of the fully enclosed buildings Financial Status Year Total Allocation Total Expenditure (Rs. Percentage (Rs. Million) Million) 2008 558 107.5 19%

2009 817 252.7 31% 2010 695 410.2 60% 2011 640 500.2 78% 2012 546 410.2 75% 2013 200 192.8 96% 2014 459 342 75% 2015 300 Financial Status

900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total Allocation (Rs. Million) Total Expenditure (Rs. Million)