Deans Discuss Seniors' Progress Towards Graduation Most of Class of 2009 Seems on Track to Graduate in May, Some May Have to Repeat a Course to Receive Degree

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Deans Discuss Seniors' Progress Towards Graduation Most of Class of 2009 Seems on Track to Graduate in May, Some May Have to Repeat a Course to Receive Degree THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 43: ISSUE 56 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19,2008 NDSM,COBSERVER.COM Deans discuss seniors' progress towards graduation Most of Class of 2009 seems on track to graduate in May, some may have to repeat a course to receive degree periodically, he said. confirming that they are eli­ Gaglio said he estimates long line at registration. I By MADELINE BUCKLEY "In January, we will check gible for graduation. that of the estimated 550 don't like to make students News Writer e v e r y "A stu­ seniors in wait," he senior's d e n t the College said. The Deans' offices at the schedule to should be of Business "Then University leave nothing to see if their responsi­ each year, can give chance when ensuring that plan indi­ ble, but we about 510 you more the seniors' fulfill all of cates they d o n ' t or 520 time." their graduation require­ will gradu­ expect you graduate. Jennifer ments when they register for ate on to know Most stu­ Nemecek, their last semester of class­ t i m e , " everything dents that an · assis­ es. Gaglio we know, don't grad­ tant dean Class registration for sen­ said. "If by which is uate do so in the Buechler iors began Monday, marking Gaglio the o fif Greene why we because Piernek College of their last chance to take all c h a n c e take all they chose to take more Arts and the classes needed to gradu­ that a student has not com­ these extra steps," Gaglio time, he said. About 10 to 15 Letters, said the College ate. pleted a course, we send an said. "We don't leave it to students have to complete encourages students to come Samuel Gaglio, an assis­ e-mail to every students who chance." their degree in summer in once every semester to tant dean in the College of is short." Gaglio said the office also school after senior year, but make sure they are complet­ Business, said the Dean's Then, prior to the 10th day does projections to figure Gaglio said this rarely hap­ ing all their requirements office does everything it can of class in the spring semes­ out exactly how many stu­ pens. and taking classes that will to make sure all students ter, the office checks every dents need certain classes at Gaglio said if students are benefit their academic expe­ are on track for graduation. senior's schedule again to certain times to avoid timing having doubts about meeting rience. The deans require students make sure they have not conflicts or a lack of spots. requirements, they should "If you get into the habit of to fill out a plan of study dropped a course needed for "We try to take care of you come in as early as possible. seeing us every semester, as when they start the business graduation, he said. If guys," he said. "That's what "I just wish students would a senior, you shouldn't have major and they have to con­ everything is in order, the we are--being paid for. That's come in sooner to ask ques­ tinue to update their plans students receive an e-mail why we are here." tions so I don't have such a see SENIORS/page 4 O'Neill speaks on pianos and passions at entreprenuer lecture while giving advice on how returned, he learned that she By ROBERT SINGER others can succeed as entre­ had made fifty copies and News Writer preneurs. passed them out to friends. He invited the audience to He had found other people Notre Dame alum and mem­ think about three questions: who loved his passion, a con­ ber of The O'Neill Brothers What do you love to do? Who sumer base of people in their piano duo, Tim O'Neill did not else would love that? And, forties, fifties and sixties. start his career by visiting the are you willing to take that O'Neill said he decided to Career Center. Instead, risk and put that passion into make a thousand tapes and O'Neill found what he loved action? distribute them to all the to do and opened his own "Your mom and your broth­ local gift stores he could find. business, he said as he spoke er don't have the answer," he One of his tips on making to an audience at the said on finding your passion. sales was that it was "no Mendoza College of Business "Someone else might tell you risk" for the stores. Tuesday evening about what your passions are, but When starting a business, "Turning Your Passion into only you can answer it." he said you should frame Profit." O'Neill said he made a mix your proposals to buyers in "You're up against a lot to tape of his piano music for terms that will benefit them start your own business," he his mother to listen to when with little risk. said. "But you can do it." he studied abroad in Austria "Sit in their shoes and ask I O'Neill shared his own story during his sophomore year at Timothy O'Neill plays the piano as part of his "Passion for as a self-employed musician, Notre Dame. When he see PASSION/page 3 Profits" lecture Tuesday night. Progratn helps high schoolers College offers students Upward Bound focuses on aiding students in recognizing their potential summer abroad in China By AMANDA GRAY one of 750 across the coun­ Coates said. in the Center for Women's try. At Notre Dame, the pro­ "Father Hesburgh was a By SARAH GUNN News Writer Intercultural Leadership at gram's main foGus is to help strong advocate for the News Writer the College, and two profes­ low-income and first genera­ Upward Bound program," sors at Creighton. For Alyssia Coates, director tion students from the South Coates said. For the second year in a Yang said the program of Upward Bound, the organ­ Bend area graduate high The Upward Bound pro­ row, Saint Mary's is offering focuses mainly on Chinese ization is like a hidden treas­ school and move on to col­ gram is one of seven pro­ a summer study abroad pro­ culture rather than the lan­ ure among Notre Dame's lege, according to the pro­ grams in the TRIO program, gram in China from May 17 guage because learning the many service organizations. gram's Web site. and one of two at Notre to June 7. language is secondary to "Although it's been here for "We help students under­ Dame. Five or six students from learning the culture. so long, it seems like no one stand what their potential is, TRIO programs are govern­ the College will accompany The culture is multi­ knows it's here," said and draw out their ment-funded programs that 10 students from Creighton faceted with various areas Upward Bound director strengths," Coates said. help students overcome University in Nebraska on of appeal, Yang said. China's Alyssia Coates. The Notre Dame branch is class, social and cultural the trip facilitated by Alice large population and its role But the program is hardly one of the oldest and has Sinquin Yang, the assistant rare; Notre Dame's branch is been in operation since 1966, see UPWARD/page 3 director of Global Education see CHINA/page 4 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, November 19, 2008 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT WAS YOUR REACTION TO BRADY QUINN ON MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL? Yes, I atn a band groupie On Saturday, I'll bt~ attending my last homP gaJne at Notre I>mne stadium as an undergradu­ ate. Steve Simeonidis Jane Lee Joey Leary Brian DeSplinter Aidan Fitzgerald <>n Wednesday of next week, I'll mnbark on my I<L'->l Thanksgiving Br~mk a'-> an undnr~-,rraduate. senior senior junior I>uring the two V' --·eks alter that, I'll be attend­ senior senior ing the la'it da'ises of off-campus PE Dillon Alumni Knott my second to la'it semester a<; an undnr­ Liz Harter "David "It was ro "I realized I "It's "In the words of graduat.t~. And then I'll Cavadini's times better needed to go to inappropriate Billy Madison, be taking my second to Saint Mary's comic, than I imagined the gym to up for publication." .so hot- want la'>t set of final exlUTis a<; Editor ,, m1 Domepiece it would be. my Adonis to touch the Needless to say, I'm ,, hiney. ,, lt> freak out. The thought of being a sec­ pretty much status. ond semest.t1r senior scares me. It brings>ut sums it up." thoughl'> of graduation, finding a job <md becom­ ing an adult. Scary. To pm~ify these !(mrs. though, I have been telling myselftlmt I still have second semester. I still have one more chance t.t> add lt> the outra­ geous <md ama.?jng memories I've already made in tlm pa'>t three <Uld a half years. IN BRIEF Second semnst.t1r, however, will let me down in one way- tlmfll's no marching b<md. Estampas Portenas, a tango For tlm pa<;t two <Uld a half years my lile ha<; group from Argentina. will mnsist.t~d oftlm1e tl1inJ..,'S: da<;ses, The Observer dance at the DeBartolo and tlw Bm1d oftl1e Fighting Irish. While I can't Performing Arts Center today daim to bt~ a mmnbtw of tl1e marehing band, tlmy at 7 p.m.
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