The Most Holy Body and of Christ June 14, 2020



Fr. Ronald Huberty, Pastor – Residence: (507) 694-1402, P O Box 49, Ivanhoe, MN 56142; E-mail [email protected] Kari Nilles, Director of Religious Education (507) 247-3464 or (507) 215-7747; Kari’s email: [email protected]; Jeanne Bednarek (507) 694-1402 Betty Thooft, Secretary (507) 247-3464; E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:30 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.; Phone No: (507) 247-3464 Fax No: (507) 247-3286; Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday afternoon; website:

Monday, June 15 No

Tuesday, June 16 9:00 A.M. Mass at St. Genevieve, Lake Benton For +Jim Anderson

Wednesday, June 17 9:00 A.M. Mass at St. Dionysius, Tyler For +Agnes Thooft

Thursday, June 18 9:00 A.M. Mass at Ss. Peter & Paul, Ivanhoe For +Irene Kern

Friday, June 19 9:00 A.M. Mass at St. John Cantius, Wilno For +Alma Schalek

Saturday, June 20 5:00 P.M. Mass at Ss. Peter & Paul, Ivanhoe For +Adeline Brown 7:00 P.M. Mass at St. Genevieve, Lake Benton For the People

Sunday, June 21 8:15 A.M. Mass at St. Dionysius, Tyler For 65th Wedding Anniversary of Chuck and Sharon Bakker 10:00 A.M. Mass at St. John Cantius, Wilno For +Leo Club

BAPTISMS: Please make arrangements for attending a baptism session with Fr. Ron anywhere from one to two months prior to the date of the baptism of the child. Note: At least one godparent has to be of the Catholic faith!

MARRIAGE PREPARATION: Please contact Fr. Ron (507) 694-1402 at least six months ahead of time to plan and prepare for your wedding. No wedding date is final until approved by Fr. Ron.

VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR can be reached at (507) 233-5313

CATHOLIC CHARITIES: Catholic Charites Counseling Office in Marshall can be reached at 1-866-670-5163

Daily messages and weekend Masses by Father Ron and/or Father Brendan can be found on our website (, our YouTube channel (Christ the King AFC), and on our Facebook group page (Christ the King AFC Youth). PASTOR’S NOTES: Thank you to all who helped with hospitality at our Masses this past weekend. It was a blessing to see people at our Masses. May we continue this spirit of cooperation to make it possible for us to continue to have limited public Masses. We can now have up to 50% capacity at our Masses. The obligation to attend Mass continues to be dispensed. We will continue videotaping our Masses. We will continue with this schedule through June and it will probably stay the same through July as we add the Masses from Canby and St. Leo. Please pray for a good transition of our six parishes coming together. Please note the daily Masses that are scheduled this week.

This weekend we celebrated the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. May we continue our commitment to the and do our part in to support our parishes through the sharing of our time, talents and treasure. Here is a reflection from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:

By his Real Presence in the Eucharist Christ fulfils his promise to be with us "always, until the end of the age" (Mt 28:20). As St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, "It is the law of friendship that friends should live together. . . . Christ has not left us without his bodily presence in this our pilgrimage, but he joins us to himself in this sacrament in the reality of his body and blood" ( Summa Theologiae, III q. 75, a. 1). With this of Christ's presence in our midst, the Church is truly blessed. As told his disciples, referring to his presence among them, "Amen, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it" (Mt 13:17). In the Eucharist the Church both receives the gift of Jesus Christ and gives grateful thanks to God for such a blessing. This thanksgiving is the only response, for through this gift of himself in the celebration of the Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine Christ gives us the gift of eternal life.

Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. . . . Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me. (Jn 6:53-57) This Friday we celebrate the Solemnity of the of Jesus. Here is a prayer To the Sacred Heart of Jesus “O most holy heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore you, I love you, and with lively sorrow for my sins I offer you this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to your will. Grant, Good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you. Protect me in the midst of danger. Comfort me in my afflictions. Give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death. Amen”

REFLECTION FROM FR. BRENDAN: What do Jesus, a first century rabbi, and the top scientist of the twentieth century, Dr. Albert Einstein, have in common? Answer: the Holy Eucharist. As Catholics celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, we dive into a mystery that brings our eternal Savior and a modern scientist together.

The scientist, a physicist, Dr. Einstein, developed the theory of relativity. Known for his mass–energy equivalence formula, E = mc2, a recipient of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics, and a resident scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, Dr. Einstein was fascinated with the mystery and teaching surrounding the Catholic Eucharist. Imagine the questions he have asked, “How can bread, one kind of matter, become another type or category of physical matter?” Even more, “How can inanimate matter, bread, become living matter, the Body and Blood of Christ, in the scope of a Catholic Mass?” It is known Dr. Einstein asked numerous priests to recommend all the books they could on the Eucharist.

Albert Einstein may have asked, “How?,” or, “What?” about the mystery of the Eucharist. We Catholics ask those questions, but we go deeper by asking, “Who?,” “Who is the Eucharist?” The Eucharist is not merely a piece of matter, it is a person. It is Christ. This is what the Son of God reveals in John 6:51-58. “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.”

During the pandemic, have our churches been empty? No. Jesus Christ, the living bread, has been present in every tabernacle, every , in each city, town and village. He has come down from heaven. Jesus offers himself for you every day of the week so you can live forever. Catholics and scientists like Dr. Einstein rightly ask, how and what, about any given subject including the Eucharist. The deeper question we can ask the Eucharist is, “Who are you?” Jesus answers, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” It is Jesus. For more stories about the Eucharist, consider this book by Fr. Benedict Groeschel, In the Presence of Our Lord: The History, Theology, and Psychology of Eucharistic Devotion.

PRAYER NETWORK: We pray for those that are in need of our prayers, especially Shirley Johnson, Jim Boyle, Harry Allen; Kurt Haroldson, Kristie Eickhoff, Mataya Koopman, Steffani Pankonin; Don Mulloy, Dorothy Sundquis, Mark Kirschbaum, Kathleen Sperry; Wanda Holders, Greg Club; Dennis Frensko, Jim and Elaine Kerr, Michelle Pajari, Marvin Swanson; Shannon Tyler; Dorance Lacek, Irene Rupp, Nancy Thooft, Dan Kerkaert, Judy Versalis, Dale Boeve,Kailey Strehlow; Janice Paluch Struck, Karen Wood, Dale Lalim, Vernon Skorczewski, Brad Reba, Mary Dronen, Delano Halde, Kristi Murphy, Janet Lanoue, Jonah Jensen, Natalie Serie, Goody Broin, Angela Vall, Connie Otto, David Larsen, Jay Doyscher, Dareld Koopman, Albert Kerkaert, Joyce Garrow;Bob Bullerman, Alice Kohler, Delores Weitzema, Lucy Sik, Chris Kelley, Steve Citterman, Dort LeBrun; Pray for the success of the St. Dionysius building project, Pray for our military, especially Tim Greenwood, Ryan Otto, Michael Nagengast,Colton Sik, Rob Hopper, and Michael Schwing; For eternal rest for Bette Ramert and Bill Carpenter and strength for their families

SACRIFICIAL GIVING: Ivanhoe Lake Benton Tyler Wilno Adults $785.00 $800.00 $2750.00 $2935.00 Electronic Adult $ 910.00 Electronic Bldg Fund $ 275.00 Loose Plate $ 5.00 $107.88 $ 20.00 $ 32.00 Students $ 36.50 Capital Improvement $ 562.66 Fuel $100.00 $ 20.00 $ 250.00 Cemetery $ 50.00 $200.00 $ 20.00 Votive $ 5.00 $ 37.00 Catholic Relief Repair $ 20.00

ST. GENEVIEVE AND ST. DIONYSIUS CEMETERY MAINTENACE FUNDS: Mowing and upkeep at our cemeteries has begun for the summer and fall season. If you wish to donate to your parish cemetery, please use your cemetery envelope in your box. We appreciate all donations. Thank you.

ST. DIONYSIUS BUILDING UPDATE: Work is being done on the west addition to the church. We are patiently waiting for those to tile around the church and do some cement work. Building donations are still needed so we can work on completing the project. Thank you to all who continue to donate to this project.

BRIDAL SHOWER BLESSING: Please join in on the celebration honoring Kyra Gores, bride-to-be of Nathan Pavek, by showering her with your cards and blessings on or around June 20, 2020. Send your best wishes to her at 110 S Lake Street, Hendricks, MN 56136. The couple is registered at Target.

OPEN HOUSE BRIDAL SHOWER for Kiley Van Eck, bride-to-be of Eric Wiering, Saturday, June 20, between 11 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. at the home of Ron and Rhonda Wiering, 2532 Co Hwy 9, Tyler. To be safe, we are planning a “drive through” to greet our bride-to-be. The couple is registered at Amazon, Vanderstoeps Furniture, and Bed, Bath and Beyond.