Fabulous Spring 2015 Semester! The spring semester begins on April 13 and continues through May 22. The Curriculum Council has put together an exciting and eclectic array of courses and lecturers for you. Classes will be held throughout the county. Please refer to the spring 2015 Catalog or visit www.BerkshireOLLI.org for more details.

Class locations: BCC PittsfieldBC C; Bard College at Simon’s Rock SRG; Berkshire Museum BMP; The Clark TCW; Frelinghuysen-Morris House, Lenox FML; Hancock Shaker Village HSV; Mason Library, Great Barrington MLG; BCC South County Center, Great Barrington SCC; Spirited, Lenox SPL; Williams College WCW.

Judaism and the Gospels BCC & SCC – Rabbi Ivan Caine 20th Century American Poetry BCC & SCC – James Kraft

m on. Jazz: The Continuing Story BCC – T. Atchison, R. Evans, S. Rosen

Today’s Headlines SRG – Len Tabs At Risk Youth: Latest Research & View from the Field SRG Brenda Oppermann – Adam Hinds – Summer Lecturer Whence Our Words? An Exploration of the Sources of English SRG “Boots on the Ground: t ue s . – Stewart Edelstein Promoting Stability Lift Your Spirits! SPL – Jim Nejaime and Peace in Conflict Zones” Great Decisions TCW – James Cotter The Art of Observation TCW & BMP – Jock Brooks, Herbert Diamond Kinney Frelinghuysen – Spring Lecturer On the Ayn Rand Cult and the Libertarian Mind WCW “Enriching Your Modern Art Experience” – Gene Bell-Villada

W E D. Dance: An Affirmation of Life WCW – Sandra Burton, Erica Dankmeyer, Tendai Muparutsa, Janine Parker OLLI Summer Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology MLG – Sarah Reedy Preview

We can’t wait until summer re- Birding in the Berkshires BCC – Ed Neumuth turns to the Berkshires! Join us for our Greenwich Village, 1913: Suffrage, Labor, and the New Woman HSV summer semester, June 1 to June 29. – Barbara Waldinger Featured courses include Boots on the Sex, Magic and Riddles: Lilith the Demoness and Other Women of Ground: Promoting Stability and Peace in Wonder HSV – Rabbi Josh Breindel TH U RS. Conflict Zones with UN & NATO Advisor Industrial Archaeology in the Berkshires HSV & other locations Brenda Oppermann; Shakespeare on – Bernard Drew, Charles Flint, David Pierce Film: The History Plays with Richard Matturro; Current Latin American Issues Enriching Your Modern Art Experience FML – Kinney Frelinghuysen with two-time Fulbright scholar and Shakespeare’s History Plays BCC – Richard Matturro Latin American expert Professor Martin What’s Behind That Image? The Development of Art Therapy BCC Weinstein; and more. Expect a summer

FRI. – Marney Schorr OLLI course catalog in your mailbox Wildflowers of the Berkshires BCC & other locations in May! – Charles Quinlan President’s Message Executive Director’s

As I write this letter, classes for the winter semester have almost ended. I am Message pleased to say that this is a banner semester. We have more than 100 new mem- Hello OLLI. bers and we are setting a new record for the number of people enrolled in classes. Spring is coming and so are terrific This is particularly significant because so many of our members head south for classes, speakers, special events and the winter. It is good to know, for those who stay behind and face the Berkshire more designed by and for our mem- wind and cold, that there is a place to go, meet up with neighbors and bask in bers. If you are new to OLLI, welcome! the warmth of learning and friendship. OLLI is a vibrant and successful orga- Megan Whilden, our formidable Executive Director, has been very busy putting nization led by its eager and hardwork- OLLI on the map. There have been newspaper articles, radio and public access ing volunteer members. We invite television interviews and more ways in which OLLI has become better known in you to get involved and volunteer the county. These, together with the efforts of our Membership Committee led for one of our many committees, join by Shirley Shapiro, have been the catalysts which increased our membership. the newsletter staff or help out in the We have exciting things coming up. Please put OLLI on your calendars for the office. We’re even planning an OLLI week-end of May 22-24. We will have our Annual Meeting on May 22, followed radio show and would love your help! by the Mona Sherman Memorial Lecture; the OLLI Art Show and Silent Auction We have some exciting new pro- on May 23; and a continuation of the Art Show on Sunday, May 24. I hope to see grams coming up this year. We have you there. begun a new partnership with the This will be my last letter to the members as President of OLLI. These have Berkshire Athenaeum to offer free been four very special years for me as OLLI has evolved into the very outstanding technology workshops exclusively for organization it is today. I want to thank our members for their support. Of course OLLI members. And our presence on- I will still see many of you at courses and activities. OLLI will continue to be an line has expanded significantly. We important part of my life. are now on Facebook, have a blog, and will be offering online registration very soon. Another new partnership is with “Lift Ev’ry Voice,” a biennial festival Meet an Instructor celebrating African-American heritage Adam Hinds and culture in the Berkshires and be- yond. Look for some exciting sum- Adam Hinds is a new instructor for OLLI. mer programming in concert with Lift His winter course, Introduction to the Modern Ev’ry Voice this year. Middle East met at Kimball Farms to a full As always, I encourage you to share house. Adam grew up in Shelburne Falls, your ideas and suggestions about OLLI Mass, near Greenfield, and he has returned with me. I can be reached by email to the U.S. after more than 10 years in the at [email protected] or at Middle East. 413-236-2192. And if you are inter- After earning a graduate degree from the ested in getting more involved, I am Fletcher School at Tufts, Adam worked on happy to help find the perfect oppor- political campaigns, first for Congressman tunity for you! — Warmly, Megan Olver and then for Senator ’s cam- paign for President. After 2004, Adam took a position with the United Nations, which brought him to Iraq. He worked in Iraq, with minor breaks, from 2005 OLLI NEWSLETTER to 2011. One major assignment was to help draft a new constitution, a task Editor: Peter Bluhm that involved determining the role of Sharia Law in the Iraqi foundational docu- Assistant Editors: Judy Katz, Sandi ment. He also negotiated between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Rubin, Myrna Schneiderman, Rose Government of Iraq over disputed internal boundaries. In 2011, after the Arab Scotch, Ruth Weinstein Spring, Adam worked for the UN Special Envoy for the Middle East Peace Process. Editorial Staff: Arline Breskin, Mary While based in Jerusalem, he spent time in Cairo, Beirut and Amman. Still later, Anne Cicchillo, Ruth Degenhardt, Adam worked with UN Special Representatives for Syria, including Kofi Annan Magda Gabor-Hotchkiss, Marilyn to attempt a cease-fire, and then successive Envoys to eliminate Syria’s chemical Margolis, Marie Milazzo, Elizabeth weapons program. Rosenberg, Helen-Mary Shaffer, After leaving the UN, Adam chose to return to the Berkshires. He now works Harriet Shair, Arthur Sherman, for the City of Pittsfield, where he manages a project relating to youth and gang Selma Williams violence. After all that time in hot, dry climates, Adam is quite pleased to be Feature Writer: Joanna Fribush back in where he takes time to enjoy skiing and mountain biking. Contributor: Wilma Michaels 2 Samuel Harrison Samuel was that school’s first black 1864 Lincoln signed a law creating graduate, and he made education for equal pay for black soldiers. Reverend Samuel Harrison, a lead- other blacks a priority throughout his After the war, Harrison lived ing African-American spokesman for distinguished life. and preached in several northern equal rights in pre- and post-Civil War Harrison became a minister known cities. He returned to the Second America, lived in Pittsfield for many for his fiery sermons on equality, Congregational Church in Pittsfield years. Born a slave in which he delivered at in 1872, where he remained until his 1818 in Philadelphia, both black and white death in 1900. The statement from Samuel and his wid- churches. In 1850 he the Declaration of Independence that owed mother were became the first min- “all men are created equal” inspired freed in 1821 by their ister of the Second the Reverend’s sermons and writ- abolitionist master, Congregational Church ings throughout his life. In 1877, he John Bolton. They in Pittsfield, founded wrote An Appeal of a Colored Man to moved to New York because blacks were His Fellow Citizens of a Fairer Hue in the City, where he attend- unwelcome in white United States, in which he despaired ed school and also churches. As the Civil that the end of slavery was not the learned the shoemak- War began, Harrison end of inequality. Harrison surely ing trade. Samuel’s championed the rights should be credited as a founding lead- youth illustrates the of blacks to serve in er of the civil rights movement. His importance of those the Union Army, and voice sounded as “A Trumpet at the abolitionists who en- his efforts eventu- Walls of Jericho,” which is the title of abled his education. At age 18 he en- ally led to thousands enlisting. In an excellent 2005 documentary of his tered a school in Peterboro, New York, 1863 Massachusetts Governor John life, starring Ossie Davis. run by abolitionist Gerrit Smith. This A. Andrew appointed Harrison as Harrison’s memory and accom- school offered a “classical education Chaplain of the black 54th Infantry plishments were honored with the for young blacks,” and it was here that Regiment of Massachusetts, the first establishment of the Samuel Harrison Harrison developed a love of learning black infantry of the war. The right Society House at 82 Third Street in and a deep interest in religion. He to fight, however, did not include Pittsfield. This National Historic Site continued his studies at the Western the right to equal pay, and Harrison will officially open in the summer Reserve College in Hudson, Ohio (now took up this cause. At Harrison’s urg- of 2015. Harrison and his wife and Case Western Reserve in Cleveland), ing, Governor Andrew asked President children are buried in the Pittsfield another school run by abolitionists. Lincoln to end this discrimination. In Cemetery. — Joanna Fribush

Getting to Know a Board Member and Ro enjoy traveling, Thomas Koelle including to Sarasota, Arizona and the Tom Koelle has always been enthu- Tom met his wife Amalfi Coast. He and siastic about education. On his first Rosanna (Ro) while they a friend once rented a day of school in Astoria, Queens, he were both students at CCNY. Jaguar XKE in order to was disappointed that the teacher did Ro later worked as an ultra- tour Scotland and its not immediately start teaching him sonographer at Einstein and renowned distilleries. to read. Later, Tom expanded his ho- a supervisor at Westchester Tom’s interests extend rizons beyond his “Archie Bunker” County Medical Center. to gardening, reading neighborhood by attending City Tom and Ro got to know (especially the classics) College of New York (CCNY) on a New the Berkshires when they and OLLI. “A neigh- York State Regents scholarship. After purchased a second home in bor sold me on OLLI,” college he taught math and physics Becket in 1985. In 2007 they moved Tom reported, “and I have enjoyed in a high school in upstate New York. permanently to Becket from Briarcliff taking courses, participating in events The computer revolution then lured Manor in Westchester County. Their and volunteering at the art show him into the systems and data pro- daughter Michelle also lives in the and silent auction.” He and Ro value cessing world. He worked at Citibank Berkshires with her husband and their the camaraderie and many friend- for twenty-two years, retiring in 2008 two sons. ships made through OLLI. “OLLI has as Vice President of Data Processing Influenced by his father who was a been the perfect fit for me,” says Tom, with specific responsibilities for the foreman in a bakery, Tom is a serious as he assumes his new OLLI board bank’s mega data centers. bread-maker and a bit of a foodie. He responsibilities. — Ruth Weinstein 3 Annual Meeting and Mona Sherman Memorial Lecture Mike Barnicle to Speak May 22

The OLLI Annual Meeting will Learning (BILL) to the Osher Lifelong with hard-hitting and often heart- be held on Friday May 22nd, at Learning Institute (OLLI). Past lec- wrenching columns that closely fol- the Colonial Theatre in downtown turers have included former Boston lowed the triumphs, travails and Pittsfield. The annual meeting begins Police Commissioner Edward Davis, ambitions of Boston’s working and at 4:30pm, and will be immedi- Jane Velez-Mitchell, Douglas Brinkley, middle classes. His articles and com- ately followed by a reception in the Rikki Kleiman, , and mentary have also appeared in Time Colonial Theatre lobby. The Mona Mark Halperin. magazine, , , Sherman Memorial Lecture, featuring This year’s speaker The Huffington Post, ESPN renowned journalist Mike Barnicle, will be Mike Barnicle, a The Magazine and Esquire. will begin at 6pm. These events are veteran print and broad- Over more than 35 years free and open to the public. cast journalist, radio per- in journalism, Mike has The annual meeting is an impor- sonality, and social and received numerous print tant time for OLLI members to review political commentator. and broadcast awards, the work of the organization during A regular on MSNBC’s including honors from AP, the past year and to learn of the Board , Mike is best UPI, DuPont Columbia of Directors’ plans for 2015–16. The known for his street- and National Headliner election of members to the Board of smart, straightforward Awards. Directors will also take place. commentary and writ- Don’t forget to add The Mona Sherman Memorial ing style that gives OLLI’s annual meeting to Lecture series was created in mem- voice to “every man.” your calendar for Friday, Mike Barnicle ory of one of OLLI’s most dynamic A Massachusetts native, May 22nd, beginning leaders. Mona Sherman served as Mike has written more than 4,000 at 4:30pm, as well as the following President of the OLLI Board and newspaper columns for the Boston reception and Mike Barnicle’s lively helped lead the transformation from Herald, New York Daily News and The commentary on current events. the Berkshire Institute for Lifetime Boston Globe. Mike rose to prominence

Distinguished Speaker Series July 11 • Laura Hansen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology, The Distinguished Speaker Series, led by Warren Hagler and Lois Lenehan, University of California. When has scheduled the following events. Each will occur at Berkshire Community Good Companies Go Bad: Deviance College, room K111, from 10:30 am to noon. and Crime in American Corporations.

May 2 • Dori Katz, Ph.D., Professor June 13 • Lawrence Snyder, AugUST 15 • John Delano, Ph.D., Emerita of Modern Language Ph.D., Director of Cyber Security Distinguished Teaching Professor and Literature at Trinity College. Programs at Bay Path University, Emeritus at the University at Looking for Strangers; a Journey Longmeadow, MA. Cybersecurity, Albany in the Department of in Belgium to Recover a Wartime Identity Theft, Privacy, and Social Atmospheric and Environmental Childhood. Engineering Threats: What You Need Sciences. NASA’s Search for Life to Know to Protect Yourself. Beyond the Earth: Are We Alone in May 9 • the Universe? Julianne Boyd, June 27 • Jeremy Yudkin, Ph.D., Ph.D., co- Professor of Music at Boston SeptEMBER 12 • Joan Del Plato, founder and University and Visiting Professor Ph.D., Professor of Art History at Artistic Director of Music at Oxford University; Bard College at Simon’s Rock. Art of Barrington author of Understanding Music and Politics in 1939 Nazi Germany. Stage, Pittsfield. and Music in Medieval Europe. His SeptEMBER 19 • Cornelia Brooke From Selecting lecture topic will be Starting Out: Gilder, co-author of Houses of a Season to How Composers Create Beginnings for the Berkshires 1870-1930 and Opening Night. Great Compositions. Hawthorne’s Lenox. Her lecture topic will be Past Private Gateposts: Up Winding Drives of Historic Julianne Boyd Country Houses in the Berkshires.

4 Special Events

The OLLI Special Events Com- A Taste of Korea is presented by the The Special Events Committee mittee, led by Arline Breskin, organiz- Korean Spirit & Culture Promotion has also scheduled the following es special events and educational trips Project, a nonprofit organization that events: for OLLI members and their guests promotes Korean history and cul- June 5 • Wahconah Park. Opening throughout the year. ture. The project headquarters are in night Pittsfield Suns. A major event will take place on Seoul, Korea, and it has branches in Saturday, April 25 at 11:00 am in the the United States, Germany, and the June 25 • Jacob’s Pillow. BC Berkshire Community College cafete- United Kingdom. Vancouver in Ted Shawn Theater. ria. OLLI will participate in an event Seats for A Taste of Korea, including Sept. 29 and Oct. 6, 13 and 20. featuring an authentic Korean meal, the Korean luncheon, are $15 for OLLI Introduction to square dancing. a reenactment of a traditional Korean members and Berkshire Community Oct. 11 • Barrington Stage Play and wedding ceremony, and a screening of College students and staff, and $20 Brunch. Veils by Tom Coash. films about Korea’s art and culture as for the general public. To register, well as its growing place in the world please call 413-236-2190 or visit www. economy. Enjoy a lunch of Korean berkshireolli.org to download the specialties such as bibimbap, bulgogi flyer to mail in with payment. Seating (marinated BBQ beef), seafood and is limited, so plan to register early. kimchi pancakes. Faculty Appreciation Dinner

The OLLI Faculty Appreciation Dinner will be held on Tuesday, May 12, in the Berkshire Com- munity College dining room. This annual event is an opportunity for OLLI to honor and thank the many instructors who generously contribute their time and talent to lead our classes in the summer, fall, winter and spring semesters. For the eighth consecutive A Wedding Bow at The Taste of Korea year, this event will be chaired by OLLI volunteer Adele Cukor. Adele coordinates everything from invi- tations to decorations and from menu to seating. Her warmth and enthusiasm help make the evening a special occasion. Over 80 instruc- tors and their guests will be invited, along with more than 50 curricu- lum-related committee volunteers and OLLI Board members. OLLI thrives because of all of its classes, and the annual Faculty Appreciation Dinner is one way we extend our thanks to our instructors who work so hard to provide us with the varied and intellectually stimulating courses we offer each year. They are the very heart of our program, and we look forward to toasting them on OLLI Special Event at the Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Florida May 12. 5 Photo Contest Tribute to Wilma Michaels

Fall 2015 Photo Contest The OLLI Board of Directors and the OLLI Newsletter Staff pay trib- PRIZE: The winning photo will be on ute to Wilma Michaels who recently resigned from the OLLI Newsletter the cover of the Fall 2015 catalog, and Staff. Wilma served on this committee for nineteen years, nine of them as the winner will receive a 1-year free editor. Her devotion, attention to detail, knowledge and skills in all aspects of membership to OLLI. writing have made this the exemplary publication it is. Her warmth and out- reach have encouraged staff members to do their best for the Newsletter. We THEME: Berkshire area fall scene wish her well and know that she will continue to work for OLLI in other ways. SPECS: Digital format (jpeg, tiff, bmp), 3.2 mega-pixels or greater. Please send high-resolution photos. No vertical format. Thank You, Lecturers DEADLINE: May 20, 2015 OLLI’s courses and programs succeed because many people are willing to SUBMIT: E-mail, attach photos to make a tremendous effort to share their expertise. All our lecturers, moderators [email protected] and panelists­—both members and non-members—are volunteers. Many have Visit www.BerkshireOLLI.org for led more than one course. The following lecturers led courses during the spring, further details. summer and fall of 2014, and the winter of 2015. We thank all of them for their commitment to OLLI at BCC. Spring 2015 Photo Contest Winner Gina Agostini Paula Gimblette John Pollok The winning photo on the cover of Harvey Applebaum Marc Gotlieb Jonathan Prince the Spring 2015 catalog was shot by Howard Arkans Larry Greenapple Charles Quinlan Sue Purdy of Dalton, MA. The photo, Sue Arkans Barbara Greenbaum Wendy Rabinowitz titled “Forsythia in Great Barrington,” Trice Atchison Wende Greenberg Henry Richardson was taken with a Panasonic DMC-ZS8. Michael Ballon Ellen Grenadier Bob Ronnow Aaron Beatty Hope Hagler Sam Rosen Michael Bergman Janel Halpern Leyla Rouhi Beverly Blonder Steven Hart Alan Rubin Art Show and Rabbi Josh Breindel Adam Hinds Eric Rudd Silent Auction Cliff Brodeur David Hosford Dorothy Rudolph Jock Brooks Phyllis Jaffe Dorothy Schein OLLI’s Sixth Annual Open House, Esther Budnick Ellen Joffe Philip Schein Art Show and Silent Auction will Morgan Bulkeley Edwin Kolodny Warren Schwartz open with a wine and hors d’oeuvres Todd Burdick James Kraft Tony Segal reception on Saturday, May 23 from Rabbi Ivan Caine Thaddeus Kubis Claudia Shuster 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Art Show view- Deb Carter Lisa Landry Greig Siedor ing and Silent Auction will continue Julie Cassiday Dave Lanoue Efrem Sigel on Sunday, May 24, from 10 a.m. to Michael Cassin Keith Lockhart Paul Smilow 2 p.m. These events are free and open Jerri Chaplin Chip Lovett Laura Smith to the public and will take place at the Merritt Colaizzi Iris Maitland Anastasia Stanmeyer Welles Gallery located in the Lenox James Cotter Ron Maitland Sarah Stein Public Library. Rev. Cara Davis Milan Markovic Mihai Stoiciu The Art Show will exhibit entries Alexandra Dest Jonah Marshall Len Tabs from OLLI members. The Silent Herbert Diamond Richard Matturro Benjamin Taylor Auction will feature opportunities to John Dickson Philip McKnight Alexandra Tinari bid on merchandise from retail estab- Stephen Dietemann Robert Miller Nancy Travis lishments, on works of art and jewelry, Alison Dixon William Moomaw Nancy Vale restaurant meals and other delightful Susan Dworkin Rangan Murali Lisken Van Pelt Dus items. The Art Show is co-chaired by Richard Edelstein Jim Nejaime Barbara Waldinger Tom Koelle and Ron Stewart, and the Richard Evans CD Nelsen Stacy Wallach Silent Auction is being chaired by Lois Diane Firtell Lea Newman Dale Webb Lenehan. Paul Flaum Casey O’Donnell Phyllis Webb The OLLI office will send out a Call Rachel Fletcher David Orenstein Martin Weinstein for Artists in March. It will explain Donald Giddon Norton Owen Elizabeth Young rules for the event. Entries are limited Michelle Gillett Peter Podol Jeremy Yudkin to OLLI members. Gregory Gimblette 6 Thank You, Volunteers

OLLI’s strength and vitality comes from its corps of active, committed Len Tabs volunteers—the people who plan courses, special events, special projects, John Tanner recruit lecturers, keep our membership growing, help in the office, publicize Rebecca Tanner our activities, communicate with our members, supervise class arrangements, Theresa Terry provide leadership and pitch in wherever help is needed. These are the men Mary Thomas and women—158 strong—who gave OLLI their time, energy, creativity and Alex Tinari skill during the spring, summer and fall of 2014, and the winter of 2015. John Tinger They are our engine and our fuel, and we give them our thanks. We hope we Lorraine Tinger included everyone. Nancy Vale Gabriel Valenzuela Christine Adams Judy Glockner Wilma Michaels Carolyn Vandervort Howard Arkans Bob Gold Enid Michelman Abbie von Schlegell Norman Avnet Marcia Gold Marie Milazzo Jean Walden Bob Bieniek Martin Goldstein Don Miller Stacy Wallach Peter Bluhm Susan Gorham Ann Morgan Terry Weaver Valerie Bluhm Larry Greenapple Judith Nardacci Ruth Weinstein Carolyn Brady Barbara Greenbaum Nancy Nirenberg Donald White Barbara Brand Wende Greenberg Carol Nobel Patricia White Arline Breskin Christopher Guidette Lesley Oransky Selma Williams Jock Brooks Hope Hagler Susan Orenstein Fran Wolk Joan Brotman Warren Hagler Peter Podol Joel Wolk Ilse Browner Janel Halpern Pat Pollok Elizabeth Young Helene Calman Bev Hathaway Wendy Robbins Evelyn Zwerner Ann Campbell George Haus Charlene Rosen +Deceased OLLI Volunteer Peri Caverly Joanne Hayes Robert Rosen Marlene Chautin Maureen Hickey Elizabeth Rosenberg Mary Anne Cicchillo Paul Hickey Alan Rubin Marsha Cohen Lois Hill Lenore Rubin Joanne Cooney Mary Hoeltzel Sandi Rubin Editor’s Note Terence Cooney Rudy Hoeltzel + Carol Sabot This issue of the OLLI Stephanie Copeland Bruce Jacobs Linda Sambel Newsletter includes some minor Judy Cromwell Judy Joseph Diane Saunders formatting changes. Readers are Nancy Crosson Judi Kales Audrey Schlanger welcome to provide comments Adele Cukor Judy Katz Myrna Schneiderman on these changes and how we Ruth Degenhardt Lucy Kennedy Rose Scotch might make our formats more Lile Deinard Judy Keshner Tony Segal readable and our content more Bob Desrosiers Rosanna Koelle Betsey Selkowitz interesting. Also, the Newsletter Bonnie Desrosiers Tom Koelle Helen-Mary Shaffer can always use good photo- “Kit” Dobelle Jo Ann Lancaster Hal Shair graphs of OLLI events. If you Judy Douville Bill Latimer Harriet Shair are an amateur photographer, Phyllis Epstein Augusta Leibowitz Arline Shalan please send us your high-quality Andrew Fisher Lois Lenehan Howard Shapiro (1 Meg or better) snapshots of Karel Fisher Kitty Levitan Shirley Shapiro OLLI events. Email comments Marilyn Flaum Marge Lewis Art Sherman and photos to peterbluhm@ Paul Flaum Barbara Liebert Carl Shuster roadruner.com. Rose Foster John Lipkowitz Claudia Shuster OLLI is considering forming a Joanna Fribush Claire Lowery Carole Siegel photography team to take snap- Audrey Friedner Marile Lynch Paul Smilow shots of OLLI events. These pho- Magda Gabor-Hotchkiss Marilyn Margolis Turbi Smilow tos are used in the newsletter, Henry Gallitano Michael Margolis Elske Smith but also on the web site and in Bonita Ganot Louis Marhefsky George Smith other OLLI publications. If you Patricia Gazouleas Richard Matturro Mary Spina are interested in serving on this Joe Gelinas Nancy McGill Martha Stewart team, contact Megan Whilden at Michael Geller Karen McNulty Ron Stewart [email protected]. Joe Gerard Norman Michaels Ellen Tabs 7 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PITTSFIELD, MA PERMIT NO. 50

1350 West Street Pittsfield, MA 01201 413.236.2190

Board of Directors February, 2015

Sandra Rubin, President Wendy Robbins, Secretary Norman Michaels, Treasurer Howard Arkans, Immediate Past President Bill Mulholland, BCC Vice President for Community Education DIRECTORS: Lile Deinhard, Robert Desrosiers, Bonnie Desrosiers, Tom Koelle, OLLI Board of Directors as of December 2014 and Executive Director Megan Whilden Bill Latimer, Lois Lenehan, Wilma Michaels, Harold Shair, Shirley Shapiro, Arthur Sherman, Carl Shuster, Leonard Tabs