SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science ( SSRG – IJHSS ) Volume 3 Issue6 November to December 2016

Tourism to : a Tour Kanchan Lata Tripathi#1 #Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- 221005, U.P., India.

Abstract  Supports human rights and democratic is an important, even vital, source movements of income for many regions and countries. Tourism brings in considerable amounts of income into a local II. HISTORY OF ECOTOURISM economy in the form of payment for goods and Ecotourism is a late 20th- services demanded by tourists. This paper articulates century neologism compounded from eco- the concept of tourism and that of ecotourism, and and tourism. According to the Oxford English their interrelationship, and explains the critical Dictionary, eco tour was first recorded in 1973 difference between tourism and ecotourism, which and ecotourism, "probably after eco tour", in 1982. [4] are commonly confused. The paper briefly describes  Eco tour, noun. ... A tour of or visit to an about the history, forms & benefits of eco tourism. It area of ecological interest, usually with an also discusses about the characteristics of educational element; (in later use also) a responsible and . The criticisms of similar tour or visit designed to have as little ecotourism are also briefly described. detrimental effect on the ecology as possible or undertaken with the specific aim of Keywords — Tourism, Eco-Tourism, Environmental helping conservation efforts. Consciousness & Responsible Tourism.  Eco tourism, noun. ... Tourism to areas of ecological interest (typically exotic and I. INTRODUCTION often threatened natural environments), esp. According to Oxford English to support conservation efforts and observe Dictionary (2005), Tourism is for pleasure; also wildlife; spec. access to an endangered the theory and practice of touring, the business of environment controlled so as to have the attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, least possible adverse effect. and the business of operating tours. The service industries which benefit from tourism The tourist industry and governments, include transportation services, such however, focus more on the product aspect, treating as airlines, cruise ships, and taxicabs; hospitality ecotourism as equivalent to any sort of tourism based services, such as accommodations, in nature. [5] Nature tourism, low impact tourism, including and ; and entertainment green tourism, bio-tourism, ecologically responsible venues, such as amusement parks, casinos, shopping tourism, and others have been used in literature and malls, music venues, and theatres. Whereas marketing, although they are not necessary Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving visiting synonymous with ecotourism. [5] The purpose of fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed natural ecotourism is to engage tourists in low impact, non- areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale consumptive and locally oriented environments in alternative to standard commercial (mass) tourism. It order to maintain species and habitats — especially in means responsible travel to natural areas conserving underdeveloped regions. While some ecotourism the environment and improving the well being of the projects can support such claims, many projects have local people [1]. Ecotourism focuses on socially failed to address some of the fundamental issues that responsible travel, personal growth, and nations face in the first place. Consequently, environmental sustainability. Ecotourism typically ecotourism may not generate the very benefits it is involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna, intended to provide to these regions and their people, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. and in some cases leaving economies in a state worse Ecotourism is intended to offer tourists insight into than before. [7] the impact of human beings on the environment, and to foster a greater appreciation of our natural habitats. III. DEFINITIONS OF ECO TOURISM Ecotourism is a responsible tourism which conserves Ecotourism is: "Responsible travel to natural the environment and sustains the well being of local areas that conserves the environment and improves people. [2] It... the well-being of local people." (TIES, 1990)  Builds environmental awareness The Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as  Provides direct financial benefits for ‗‗purposeful travel to natural areas to understand the conservation culture and the natural history of the environment;  Provides financial benefits and taking care not to alter the integrity of the ecosystem; empowerment for local people producing economic opportunities that make the  Respects local culture

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conservation of the natural resources beneficial to the - Educates the traveler on the importance of local people (Epler Wood et al., 1991, 75)‘‘. conservation. The World Conservation Union‘s (IUCN) - Directs revenues to the conservation of natural areas Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas and the management of protected areas. (CNPPA) defines ecotourism as ‗‗environmentally - Brings economic benefits to local communities and responsible travel and visitation to relatively directs revenues to local people living adjacent to undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and protected areas. appreciate nature (and any accompanying cultural - Emphasizes the need for planning and sustainable features — both past and present) that promotes growth of the tourism industry, and seeks to ensure conservation, has low visitor impact, and provides for that tourism development does not exceed the social beneficially active socio-economic involvement of and environmental 'carrying capacity'. local populations (Ceballos-Lascurain, 1996, 20)‘‘. - Retains a high percentage of revenues in the host country by stressing the use of locally owned IV. TOURISM AND ECO TOURISM facilities and services. The main distinction between ecotourism - Increasingly relies on infrastructure that has been and other forms of tourism are often not evident and developed sensitively in harmony with the are widely debated. Discrepancies are a result of the environment - minimizing use of fossil fuels variety of different perspectives and criteria used to conserving local plants and wildlife, and blending distinguish ecotourism. These include the motivations with the natural environment. for initiating ecotourism (e.g. as a conservation strategy, a business venture, or as part of an VI. FORMS OF ECO TOURISMS environmental education campaign), the motivations Tourism forms identified by the literature as of users (are they committed to the conservation ethic being ―sustainable‖ are numerous: ecological tourism or otherwise?), the presence and scale of (ecotourism), green tourism, soft, rural tourism and environmental, social and economic impacts. agro tourism, community tourism, solidarity and Ecotourism is neither a simple concept to define nor a responsible tourism, all these opposing to the straightforward phenomenon to implement and traditional, mass tourism. According to some evaluate. Ecotourism should be regarded as being specialists only tourism in natural reservations or more than tourism to natural areas and should be national parks is considered to be ecological. A larger viewed as a means of combining the goals of resource concept of ecological tourism refers to that form of conservation and local development through tourism responsible travel, developed in natural spaces, that in a synergistic fashion. This means that care should contributes to environment protection and local be taken to ensure that the goals of tourism population life conditions improvement and development do not interfere with the goals of wellbeing. [13] protecting natural areas and biodiversity. [12] An eco tourist is different from a tourist in the sense that, he VII. RESPONSIBLE ECOTOURISM or she is mindful of his environment, in most cases Responsible ecotourism programs include contributing to the sustainability of such surroundings. those that minimize the negative aspects of conventional tourism on the environment and Ecotourism is often misinterpreted as any form of tourism that involves nature. Self-proclaimed enhance the cultural integrity of local people. practitioners and hosts of ecotourism experiences Therefore, in addition to evaluating environmental and cultural factors, an integral part of ecotourism is assume it is achieved by simply creating destinations in natural areas. According to critics of this the promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water commonplace and assumptive practice, true conservation, and creation of economic opportunities for local communities. [8] For these reasons, ecotourism must, above all, sensitize people to the beauty and the fragility of nature. These critics ecotourism often appeals to advocates of condemn some operators as green washing their environmental and social responsibility.

operations: using the labels of "green" and "eco- friendly‖, while behaving in environmentally The term 'ecotourism', like 'sustainable irresponsible ways [3]. tourism', is considered by many to be an oxymoron.[9]Like most forms of tourism, ecotourism generally depends on air transportation, which V. PRINCIPLES OF ECOTOURISM contributes to global climate change. Additionally, The principles of ecotourism developed by "the overall effect of sustainable tourism is negative, the International Ecotourism Society (TIES) are where, like ecotourism, philanthropic aspirations presented hereunder: mask hard-nosed immediate self- Ecotourism- interest.‖[10]. Ecotourism contributes enormously to - Avoids negative impacts that can damage or destroy the on-going process of protection of the land and its the integrity or character of the natural or cultural resources. First of all, it encourages local community, environments being visited. especially tourism students, to understand the negative impacts of conventional mass tourism at a

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destination and attempts to minimize these impacts understand the ecological consequences of their visits on both the natural and socio-cultural environments. and how their day-to-day activities append physical Ecotourism equally contributes to the preservation of impacts on the environment. Ecotourism activities are, the environment by protecting natural areas from in and of themselves, issues in environmental impact development for alternative uses such as agriculture. because they may disturb fauna and flora. Eco Therefore, it favors the practice of environmentally- tourists believe that because they are only taking friendly patterns of resource use and is an alternative pictures and leaving footprints, they keep ecotourism to environmentally-damaging industries. Furthermore, sites pristine, but even harmless-sounding activities ecotourism promotes heritage conservation for the such as nature hikes can be ecologically destructive. future generations to come through the creation of Aside from environmental degradation with tourist numerous national parks, protected areas and nature infrastructure, population pressures from ecotourism reserves. also leaves behind garbage and pollution associated with the Western lifestyle. [6] For example-In Even though ecotourism is known to be a the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal, eco tourists have form of "responsible tourism", much controversy worn down the marked trails and created alternate about its use exists. This is so because some players routes, contributing to soil impaction, erosion, and merely use it as a label to attract higher-spending plant damage. Where the ecotourism activity involves tourists to a destination. It has been argued as a wildlife viewing, it can scare away animals, disrupt negative force of social change in the isolated areas their feeding and nesting sites, or acclimate them to of the world. There is a very important relationship the presence of people. In Kenya, wildlife-observer that lies between sustainable tourism and ecotourism. disruption drives cheetahs off their reserves, This is so, because both of them emphasize on the increasing the risk of inbreeding and further concept of the triple bottom line. The economic, endangering the species. [5] ecological, social and cultural aspects are the first priority before embarking on any type of Management of ecotourism sites by private development. [11] ecotourism companies offers an alternative to the cost of regulation and deficiency of government agencies. VIII. BENEFITS OF ECOTOURISM It is believed that these companies have self-interest Ecotourism can bring about economic, in limited environmental degradation, because socio-cultural and environmental benefits for the tourists will pay more for pristine environments, government, private sector and local communities if which translates to higher profit. However, theory well implemented. Revenue from tourist visits help indicates that this practice is not economically create job opportunities for locals, which in turn, lead feasible and will fail to manage the environment. In to more diversified economy for them. More Ziffer‘s words (Ziffer, 1989) ―If planning and importantly, ecotourism can support conservation and decision-making do not involve local populations, environmental management if properly carried out. then ecotourism will not succeed, and may even be For example, entry fees imposed on visitors can be detrimental to local communities‖. channeled towards the maintenance and management of the areas. Ecotourism can also be a tool to raise X. CONCLUSION awareness about the environment and to educate the Because of the increasing environmental public on conservation. [14] consciousness among people Tourism now a day‘s gaining the interest of the society in the form of eco- IX. CRITICISMS TO ECOTOURISM tourism. Despite the fact that ecotourism is known as At the local level, ecotourism has become a a form of "responsible tourism", much controversy source of conflict over control of land, resources, and about its use exists. As some of the player just utilize tourism profits. In this case, ecotourism has harmed it as a label to attract high paying tourist customers as the environment and local people, and has led to the environmentally conscious tourist easily be ready conflicts over profit distribution. In a perfect world to pay some extra cost for that eco- label. more efforts would be made towards educating tourists of the environmental and social effects of REFERENCES their . Very few regulations or laws stand in [1] Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1996). Tourism, ecotourism and place as boundaries for the investors in ecotourism. protected areas. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. [2] Epler Wood, M., Gatz, F., & Lindberg, K. (1991). The These should be implemented to prohibit the Ecotourism Society: An action agenda. In: J. Kusler (Ed.), promotion of unsustainable ecotourism projects and Ecotourism and resource conservation (pp. 75—79). materials which project false images of destinations, Selected papers from the 2nd International Symposium: demeaning local and indigenous culture. Actually it is Ecotourism and Resource Conservation, Madison: Omnipress argued repeatedly that ecotourism is neither [3] Oxford English Dictionary (2005) (3rd ecologically nor socially beneficial, yet it persists as a ed.). "Tourism". Oxford University Press. September strategy for conservation and development. Although [4] Ziffer, K. (1989). Ecotourism: The uneasy alliance. eco tourists claim to be educationally sophisticated Working Paper Series, Washington, DC: Conservation International. and environmentally concerned, they rarely

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