Course Review Template

Course Review Template

General information
Course title / FRCR 2B Course, Royal Free Hospital
Course category
(i.e. FRCR 2B/ workshop/subspecialty/general/managerial) / FRCR 2B Revision Course
Location/venue / Royal Free Hospital, London
Organiser /
- course secretary
Price / £485 – but you can get it for £445 as an early bird rate if you book 4 months in advance.
Includes 2 day course, lunch and coffee/tea.
Course emphasis/aim / 2B revision
Types of teaching activities
i.e. hands-on workshop/ case review/ imaging viewing sessions/ lecture/ tutorial/quiz / Over the 2 days you get 9 vivas, 3 LC, 3 RR and 4 Lecture/tutorials on neuroradiology, breast radiology, NM radiology and paeds radiology.
The LC and RR are all on Osirix software.
The vivas and lectures are held in the atrium of the Royal Free Hospital. This is next door to the room with the computers for the LC/RR so there is no danger of getting lost within the hospital!
The vivas were done in small groups with 2-3 candidates per consultant and you get about 10 minutes of viva with 5 minutes of feedback before swapping over with your partner. You then move stations to the next consultant to get viva-ed.
The organisers kept to time very well. Some of the vivas were on Osirix, some of the consultants brought plain films and light boxes to viva on. The lectures were useful. The LC sets were slightly easier than in the real examination, the RR sets were slightly harder than the real 2b.
Quality of teaching / The teaching on the vivas and lectures were very good.
The LC and RR were self-marked and the organisers went through the answers in the course. Some of the RR cases were very subtle – more so than on the real 2Bs.
Quality of venue / Good – easy to find and easy to get to.
Nearest tube station is Belsize park – a 5 minute walk away.
Take care on the weekend though as the Northern line usually has engineering work and on the Sunday of the course, there were a few transport issues.
Overall impression / Worth going to. Great food (Indian lunch) and ample coffee/tea/snacks on supply each day. It is usually held 2-3 weeks before the exam so good to have a course closer to the date to treat as a proper mock exam.
(from 1 to 5 stars) / 4 stars