College Reading 3 Chapter 1, Reading 1 Vocabulary Practice

College Reading 3 Chapter 1, Reading 1 Vocabulary Practice

College Reading 3 Ch. 1, Reading 2 Vocabulary

aspect – (N) a way in which something can be considered; a feature

dominant – (Adj) the ones who have power over others

norms – (N) ideas of what is normal and expected in behavior

structure – (N) as used in sociology

a. / the system of beliefs held by members of a social group.
b. / the system of relations between the groups of a society.
c. / the relationship between or the interrelated arrangement of the social institutions of a society or culture, related to norms, marriage customs, or family.
d. / the pattern of relationships, especially status, existing among the members of a group or society.

establish – (V) to make or create something that lasts for some time

ethnicity – (N) identity with or membership in a particular racial, national, or cultural group

traits – (N) a distinguishing characteristic or quality

migration – (N) the movement of persons from one country or locality to another

rely on – (v) to trust, to use with confidence

comprise – (V) to consist of one or more elements, to include

diverse – (Adj) made up of distinct characteristics, qualities, or elements; (diversity)

retain – (V) to keep (or hold on to) something

vary – (V) to show diversity; be different

intense – (Adj) extreme in degree, strength, or size

range from – (V) to have a certain variety of things somehow related

respond – (v) 1) to answer; reply; 2)to react to something

targeted – (Adj) being established as a target or goal

status – (N) the social position of one group in relation to another or others

distinctive – (Adj) different from others, special

*minority – (N) a group “overpowered by the dominant group” (They don’t have power.)

*ascribed status – Group membership & social position determined by others. (It’s not a choice.)

*endogamy – (N) restricting marriage to within a specific race or similar social unit

*subjugation – (N) forced submission to control by others