Call for Papers NAASE Sports Economics Sessions

Call for Papers – NAASE Sports Economics Sessions

90th Annual WEAI Conference

Honolulu, Hawaii: June 28 – July 2, 2015

The North American Association of Sports Economists (NAASE) is again organizing sports economics sessions at the Western Economic Association International (WEAI) conference. The conference will be held June 28 to July 2 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The basic format of the NAASE sessions will be the same as in the past. Given the volume of papers presented (we had 20 sessions last year with more than 75 papers presented), it seems likely -- as we have seen in recent years -- there will be at least one NAASE session in every time slot the WEAI makes available. And in some cases, two sessions will occur at the same time.

There will again be a special issue of the Journal of Sports Economics devoted to papers from these sessions. Details on submitting a paper for inclusion in the JSE issue can be found below. In addition, papers presented at the WEAI conference can be submitted for publication to Contemporary Economics Policy or Economic Inquiry within 6 months of the conference without paying a submission fee.

If you have a sports economics paper you would like to present in Denver, please email David Berri, Tony Krautmann or Joshua Price (see below for full contact information) the following:

·  the title of your paper

·  an abstract (we hope to post all abstracts, so please provide a brief description of your paper)

·  an indication of which co-authors are NAASE members (membership is VERY STRONGLY encouraged for all presenters)

·  full contact information including post and email addresses, phone and fax numbers for all co-authors by January 15, 2015. Your submission must contain full contact information for ALL co-authors or it will not be considered.

·  Please also identify clearly WHICH co-authors are actually attending the meetings and WHICH days each person(s) will be available in Hawaii to participate. This information is crucial in our efforts to schedule these meetings.

·  Please submit contact information in the following format that can be cut and pasted directly into the WEAI session sheets. Please note that this contact information must be in a Microsoft Word file format (not a pdf file). We need it in Microsoft so we can easily cut and paste into the document we submit to the WEAI. On the next page is an example of the format for the paper title and contact information.Please submit your application in exactly this format.

Paper x: Anthony Krautmann, DePaul University; David Berri, Southern Utah University

Title: “Sports Economics: This Data is Just Amazing!”

Anthony Krautmann

Department of Economics

DePaul University

1 East Jackson

Chicago, IL 60604

Phone: 312-362-6176 FAX: 312-362-5452


David Berri

Department of Economics

Southern Utah University

351 West University Boulevard

Cedar City, UT 84720

Phone: 435-586-5477 FAX: 435-586-5493


Tony Krautmann and David Berri are NOT attending (but are happy to help organize the fun). Joshua Price will be attending the entire meeting.

We will not accept paper submissions that do not include full contact information for all coauthors.

Here is the contact information for the session organizers:

David Berri Tony Krautmann Joshua Price

Southern Utah University DePaul University Southern Utah University

435-586-5477 312-362-6176 435-865-8286

And here are a few additional notes on this conference.

·  Once again, paper presenters are VERY STRONGLY encouraged to become members of NAASE. For details on becoming a member one is referred to the NAASE website:

·  If you submit a paper and are attending the meeting, we will assume that you –or a co-author -- are also willing to discuss a paper.

·  We will accommodate as many papers as possible. However, if we cannot accommodate all papers, we will first cut second and/or third papers by the same author(s).

·  More information on the conference can be found on the WEAI web site:

·  More information about the North American Association of Sports Economists can be found on the NAASE web site:

·  Journal of Sports Economics WEAI/NAASE Conference papers issue: An issue of the Journal of Sports Economics will once again be devoted to papers from this conference. If you want your paper considered for publication in this issue of the JSE, you must submit a completed draft of the paper to one of the guest editors, NAASE president Peter von Allmen and NAASE president-elect Dennis Coates by June 1st 2015. Papers submitted will be peer reviewed and considered for publication in the Journal of Sports Economics.