Before You Draw, Answer These Questions

Name: ______

Period: _____

Cell Analogy

Objective: Using what you have learned about cells and cell organelles create and draw an analogy of a cell. You may use any Place or Thing that you want to compare with a cell and its many parts. For example: A city, school, country, amusement park, or a bus, football stadium and so on.

Before you draw, answer these questions:

1.  What are you comparing your cell to? ______

2.  Is your cell a plant cell or animal cell? ______

5.  Fill in the following chart. You need to use 9 organelles for an animal cell and 11 organelles for a plant cell in your analogy.

Organelle / Function/ Job
What do these parts do for the cell? / What in your analogy is equal to this organelle? / Why?
Cell membrane-
Golgi body
Cell Wall
(if plant cell)
(if plant cell)

5. Create and draw an analogy of your cell on a large sheet of paper. Match the part of the object in your analogy drawing to the part of the cell it represents.

Grading Rubric

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Did you use color? / Separate color used to define each individual organelle.
(9 – 11) / Used at least 7-8 different colors. / Used 5-6 different colors. / Used 3-4 different colors. / Used only one color. / Used pencil or pen only.
Is the model accurate with all parts clearly labeled and identified? / All required structures present as appropriate for animal (9) and plant (11). / 7-8 Structures present. / 5-6 Structures present. / 3-4 Structures present. / 2-1
Structure present. / Did not draw or label cell.
Is the information clearly stated with correct spelling and grammar? / Grammar, spelling, punctuation and mechanics are correct. No errors in text / Includes 1-2 types of grammatical errors, miss spellings, punctuation, mechanics. / Includes 3-4 types of grammatical errors, miss spellings, punctuation, mechanics. / Includes 5-6 types of grammatical errors, miss spellings, punctuation, mechanics. / Includes 7 or more. types of grammatical errors, miss spellings, punctuation, mechanics. / Did not attempt to label work.
Classroom time given was used to its fullest potential? / Used all time in class, with no off task behavior. / Was off task 1-2 times during class time given. / Was off task 3-5 times during class time given. / Was off task 6-7 times during class time given. / Was off task 8 or more times during class time given. / Chose not to work or chose to work on other things that were not project related.

IB Style grading rubric.

(For field testing purpose only)

0 1-2 3-4 5-6

B: Communication in Science / The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors. / -The student uses a limited range of scientific language correctly.
-The student communicates scientific information with limited effectiveness. / -The student uses some scientific language correctly.
-The student communicates scientific information with some effectiveness. / -The student uses sufficient scientific language correctly.
-The student communicates scientific information effectively.
Task Descriptors / The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors. / -Accurate model with few parts clearly labeled and identified.
Chosen analogy does not make sense on more than 50 percent of organelles.
-Information is clearly stated with correct spelling and grammar. Fewer than six errors. / -Accurate model with most parts clearly labeled and identified.
-Chosen analogy makes sense, however comparison to a cell is a stretch at times.
-Information is clearly stated with correct spelling and grammar. Fewer than four errors. / -Accurate model with all parts clearly labeled and identified.
-Chosen analogy makes sense and lends itself easily to comparison to a cell.
-Information is clearly stated with correct spelling and grammar. Fewer than two errors