Arra Federal Grant Monitoring Plan

Arra Federal Grant Monitoring Plan



State Fiscal Stabilization Fund – Education Stabilization Fund (ESF) Grant

CFDA 84.394

Education Stabilization Fund Grant Report

Instructions. School districts (sub-recipients) that are scheduled for on-site monitoring or desk monitoring will be required to fill this report prior to an MDE monitoring visit. A version of this report will also be included in MEGS. The MEGS version of the report will replace this report on a date to be determined. Prior to the report being ready in MEGS, this version of the report will be used by sub-recipients to report on their use and control over Education Stabilization funds.

Sub-recipients are expected to coordinate the completion of all portions of this report. The nature of the ESF funds are very broad in its use. As a result, business officials and program personnel should cooperate and coordinate their responses in order to complete this report. The ARRA has additional accountability requirements and references are provided in the MEGS application.

References. Sub-recipients should refer to the MEGS ARRA Education Stabilization Fund application for details about the use of funds. The assurances and certification, important information, and all related resources are outlined in the application. This information is also available on the MDE Grants website.

Sub-recipient :
Grant Award Amount:
Grant Award Period(s): to
Did you receive FY 2009 Education Stabilization funds?
Grant number 092525; CFDA 84.394 / Yes / No
Did you receive FY 2010 Education Stabilization funds?
Grant number 102525; CFDA 84.394 / Yes / No


If district received 2009 or 2010 Education Stabilization Funds,

  • Use of Funds #1 must be completed.
  • Use of Funds #2 must have one or more boxes checked.

1. What specific activities were funded by the ESF grant?
2. Check the ARRA goals for which ESF funds were used.
Source: U.S. Department of Education Guidance on the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program, April 2009, pg. 1 / Creating and saving jobs
Advancing educational reforms by making improvements in teacher effectiveness and equitable distribution of qualified teachers
Establishing pre-K to college and career data systems
Making progress toward rigorous college and career ready standards
Providing targeted, intensive support and intervention for the lowest performing schools
Note: If selected for an onsite review, you will be required to provide evidence of how the ESF funds supported the goal(s) checked above.
If district received 2009 or 2010 Education Stabilization Funds,
  • If ESF funds were used for infrastructure projects #1 must be completed. If funds were not used for infrastructure, check "No" and move to the Timekeeping section.
  • If “Yes” is checked in Infrastructure #1, complete Infrastructure questions 1.a. – 1.d. and 2.

1. Were ESF funds used for modernization, renovation, or repair? (If the answer is no, do not answer any additional infrastructure questions. Move on to the “Timekeeping” section.”) / Yes
Note: If selected for an onsite review, a physical inspection of the modernization, renovation or repair will be conducted. / No
If Yes: / a. Was a certification consistent with Section 1511 of the ARRA submitted?
Source:ARRA Division A, Section 1511 / Yes / No
If Yes: / b. Was ARRA Section 1512 Report submitted reporting infrastructure?
Source: ARRA Division A, Section 1512 / Yes / No
Required Attachment for “Infrastructure” Section 1.a.: Section 1511 certification
c. What specific modernization, renovation, or repair activities were conducted with ESF funds?
Required Attachments for “Infrastructure” Section 1.b.: 1) Photo(s) (jpg format) showing the activities; 2) procurement documentation; and 3) if applicable, contract(s).
d. How did you ensure that wages paid for modernization, renovation, and repair activities were in compliance with the Davis Bacon wage rate requirements?
Source: ARRA Division A, Section 1606
Required Attachments for “Infrastructure” Section 1.c.: 1) U.S.Labor Department prevailing wage rate determination for the infrastructure job(s); 2) certified payroll documents; 3) documentation of hours worked on ARRA vs. non-ARRA infrastructure projects; 4) payroll records showing infrastructure wages; and 5) copy of the LEA’s monitoring plan to audit compliance with Davis Bacon wage rate requirements. (Note: The project contractor or architect typically maintains this documentation unless the LEA paid the infrastructure wages directly.)
d. How did you comply with the requirements of ARRA Division A, Section 14003 regarding the use of American iron, steel, and manufactured goods, and with any applicable environmental impact requirements?
Source: ARRA Division A, Sections 14003 and 1609
Required Attachments for “Infrastructure” Section 1.d.: 1) Infrastructure purchase orders; and 2) any required environmental impact permits.
2. What is your plan for ensuring that any infrastructure jobs paid with ARRA funds comply with the whistleblower provisions?
Source: ARRA Division A, Section 1553


If Education Stabilization Funds were used for salaries and benefits:

  • Timekeeping #1 must be completed.
  • If “Yes” is checked complete following: Timekeeping 1.a., 1.b., and 2 are required.
  • Note: for Timekeeping questions 1, 1.a., and 2 at least one box but not more than one box should be checked for each question.
  • If ESF funds were not used for salaries or benefits, check “No” and go to the Section 1512 reporting section.

  1. Were ESF funds used for salaries?
(If the answer is no, do not answer any additional timekeeping questions. Move on to the “Section 1512 Reporting” section.”) / Yes / No
If Yes: / a. How do you document the time and effort of individuals paid with state and/or local funds?
Source: U.S. Department of Education 12/24/09 Guidance for Grantees and Auditors, pgs. 8-9
Documentation to support Timekeeping may be requested during an on-site review or desk review. Required documentation for “Timekeeping” Section 1.a. may include: 1) Documentation of hours worked for non-ESF paid employees of a similar class as ESF paid employees; 2)Payroll records for those same positions paid with state and local funds; and 3)certified payroll documents for those positions.
b. How did you document the time and effort of individuals paid with Education Stabilization funds?
Source: U.S. Department of Education 12/24/09 Guidance for Grantees and Auditors, pgs. 8-9
Documentation to support Timekeeping may be requested during an on-site review or desk review. Required attachments for “Timekeeping” Section 1.b. may include: 1)Documentation of hours worked for ESF paid employees; 2) Payroll records for ESF positions; and 3) certified payroll documents for ESF paid positions.
2. All ARRA job sites are required to post whistleblower protection provisions. Have you posted the whistleblower protection provisions?
Source: ARRA Division A, Section 1553 / Yes
Note: If selected for an onsite review, you will be required to provide evidence of the posting. / No
Required attachments for “Timekeeping” Section 2: Photo (jpg format) showing the posting
Complete the following question regarding Section 1512 reporting.
1. What guidance did you use to help you complete the Section 1512 quarterly reports? / U.S. Department of Education Website
Michigan Department of Education (MDE) Website
Memos from MDE
Michigan School Business Officials presentations or communications
MEGS Important Information Documentation
Other, please specify
Note: If selected for an onsite review, you will be required to provide evidence of the guidance documents checked above.
