Amy Bradley Modified by Gwynneth Wacker 2007

Demon in Freezer Rubric

# / Descrip. Of Task / Full pts / Partial / None
1. / Describe/Illustr. the structure of a virus and how it replicates. / 2 points / 1 / 0
2 / Describe/Illustr. the structure of a bacterium and how it reproduces. / 2 points / 1 / 0
3 / Find, read, and summarize Matthew Meselson’s article in a 1994 issue of Science magazine in which he discusses the anthrax incident in Sverdolovsk. (Science, Vol. 266, Issue 5188 (November 18, 1994) 1202-1208) / 7 points / 3 / 0
4 / Describe the occurrences surrounding the Robert Stevens case. Begin when he first starts showing symptoms and conclude with findings/ results of the autopsy. Include all steps and precautions of the autopsy and investigation. / 5 points / 2.5 / 0
5 / Describe the steps taken by the forensic investigative team to identify the substance mailed to Senator Daschle’s office. / 3 points / 1.5 / 0
6 / A. Make a timeline of the events that occurred to Peter Los and those close to him. Include the investigation around his case. B. Describe all the symptoms of smallpox. / 10 points / 5 / 0
7 / Draw and label a smallpox virus particle. / 2 points / 1 / 0
8 / Describe a trans-species jump and its importance. How is this significant in terms of evolution? / 3 points / 1.5 / 0
9 / Choose two pox viruses, other than smallpox or chickenpox, found in nature. Describe their symptoms, effects on a population, and survival rate of the host. Include a picture is possible. Also include any methods of treatment for the virus. / 5 points / 2.5 / 0
10 / Compare and contrast vertebrate and insect pox viruses. / 3 points / 1.5 / 0
11 / Epidemiologists have traced the jump of smallpox to humans. Describe their findings/ theories beginning with Pharaoh Ramses and concluding with Colonel Bouquet. / 5 points / 2.5 / 0
12 / Who is Edward Jenner? What is he created with doing? How did he achieve this? / 2 points / 1 / 0
13 / Make a timeline of the steps taken to eradicate smallpox. / 10 points / 5 / 0
14 / Does variola exist today? If so, where is it officially? / 1 point / .5 / 0
15 / Describe the Biopreparat that Vladimir spoke of. / 2 points / 1 / 0
16 / Why was the Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile launched from Kamchatka suspicious? / 2 points / 1 / 0
17 / What did the British-American weapons-inspection team find when they toured the Biopreparet facilities? / 3 points / 1.5 / 0
18 / In 1991, why did the WHO destroy 99.75% of the smallpox vaccine? What did they gain from this? / 2 points / 1 / 0
19 / In 1969 we knew that the Iraqi’s were experimenting with biowarfare weapons. What weapons did we have to attest to this? Why did we not act upon this information? / 2 points / 1 / 0
20 / What is Vector and what does it house? / 2 points / 1 / 0
21 / Draw a map of Russia and Iraq. Label the cities, etc that the book mentions. / 5 points / 2.5 / 0
22 / Create a timeline of the Jahrling and Huggins smallpox experiment. Include all events, processes, and people that contributed to the study / 10 points / 5 / 0
23 / What is the “submarine?” / 1 point / .5 / 0
24 / What did the military conclude about the powder sent to Senator Daschle? Include a picture of the spores. / 3 points / 1.5 / 0
25 / What did the Amerithrax squad conclude about the Anthrax event? How many suspects were originally considered? Was anyone ever arrested? / 2 points / 1 / 0
26 / Explain how the Australian researchers created a superpox. / 5 points / 2.5 / 0
27 / Explain in detail the Buller experiment. / 10 points / 5 / 0
28 / Research either the USAMRIID or the CDC. Write a paragraph detailing where it is located, how far away the nearest city/ town is from the facility, what is the population of the city/ town, how many people does the facility employee, what safety measures are taken to check those who visit the facility, what are two of the major areas of research studied at the facility. Include a picture of the facility. Also explain what the WHO is and where it is located. / 8 points / 5 / 0
29 / Illustrations and sources from internet and other reference materials are accurately quoted and made referenced to in report. / 2 points / 1 / 0
PTS Received

Amy Bradley – modified by Gwynneth Wacker 2007