Aboutyou and Yourbusiness

Aboutyou and Yourbusiness

Application Form
Merton Council
This award will go to the business that can show outstanding initiative, boldness and imagination in the enterprise, as well as sound management practices. Entrants to this award will be expected to demonstrate sustainable growth combined with a degree of commercial success that is exceptional for the size of the business.
Remember; our judges won't be visiting your business. The only thing they'll have to use is what you put on this form but don't worry, we've included lots of helpful hints to guide you in filling it in to create the very best impression.
Whatthejudgesneedtoknow see notes below



Aboutyou and yourbusiness

4 / Initiative
A bold approach to your business model
5 / Sound Management
How you make your business work for those around you?
6 / Business Plan
Your short term plans for next 3 years
7 / Marketing
How do you inspire your customers to believe in your products or services?
8 / Success
What level of commercial success have you achieved so far?
9 / Biography
Innomorethan50wordsdescribeyourcompanyto us
Note / Supportingmarketingmaterialiswelcome.
Merton Council
1 / About your business
Trading name
If different from above
What is the trading style of thisbusiness? (Please indicate below withan ‘x’where applicable)
SoleTrader / Partnership / PrivateLtd Co. / PublicLtd Co. / Not for profit
Fromwhere doyourunyourbusiness? (Please indicate below withan ‘x’whereapplicable)
Home / Premises / Other (please specify)
Howmanypeopleareemployedinyourbusiness(includingthebusinessowners?) (pleasespecify)
Full time / Part time / Temporary / Other
Month / Year
Annual turnover in 2013 / Projected Annual turnover in 2014
Profitin2013 / Projected profit in 2014
Areyoucurrentlyamemberof anyofthefollowingbusinessorganisations(tickallthatapply)?
FSB / Chamber of Commerce / IOD / Trade Association
Other (please specify)
2 / About you, the business owner/s
1 / Name / Role
2 / Name / Role
3 / Name / Role
3 / Your business
Tell us about what your business does (e.g. services, customers, products)Please use additional pages as required.
Hint: if you were making a pitch to a potential customer or networking group, what would you say?
4 / Initiative
A bold approach to your business model.(10 sentences maximum)
Hint: Initiative can be defined as the “power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do”. So how have you been a leader of the pack?
5 / Sound Management
How you make your business work for those around you? (10 sentences maximum)
Hint: Describe your style and how it has worked for your business in meeting/achieving aims and objectives
6 / Business Plan
Your short term plans for the next 3 years.(10 sentences maximum)
Hint: Tell us about your blue sky thinking as well as the well thought out aims and objectives.
7 / Marketing
How do you inspire your customers to believe in your products or services? (10 sentences maximum)
Hint: What works for you in turning followers into fans who spend money on your products/services.
8 / Success
What level of commercial success have you achieved so far? (10 sentences maximum)
Hint: Many people would define commercial success in financial terms, others would not. Define what you mean by commercial success and describe how you have achieved it.
9 / Biography
InNOMOREthan50wordsdescribeyourcompanyto us

Pleasereturnthis signedform by 29th May 2014withanysupportingmaterialto:-

FSB London Business Awards

EventsandPR Ltd

81HighStreet StonyStratford MiltonKeynes MK111AT

For more info contact: or call 01908 307456


1ThecompetitionisopentoALLSME’sbasedinMertonthat commencedpriorto January 2012;youdonothave tobea memberoftheFSBtoenter

2ForthepurposeoftheseawardsanSME isasoletraderorupto250 employees



5Thejudges’ panelwillbemade upof representativesfrom eachof thesponsors

6Eachentrywillbe seenbyatleast4judges

7Thejudges’ decisionisfinal


9Byenteringtheseawardsyouagreetoour businesspartnersandsponsorshavingaccesstoyourcontact details

10Entrantsmustbeavailableforconsultationwiththejudgesshould theneedarise

11Byenteringtheawardsyouagreetoparticipate inpublicityfortheawardsincludingtheuseofanyimagestaken


13Shouldacategory notreceive sufficiententries,itwillbewithdrawnfromtheawardsceremony

14Youmayenter uptothreecategories.Eachentrymust be submittedonaseparateentryform

15IfyouarechosenasafinalistyouwillberequiredtoattendtheGrandFinalontheeveningof the17th July at Hotel Pullman London St Pancras.

16Applicationsare non-returnable. Allentrieswillbedestroyedafterjudging.Pleaseusecopiesandnotoriginals

17Duetothe quantityofentries,wecannotgivefeedbackonapplications


Anyfinancialinformationprovidedwillbetreatedinthestrictestconfidenceandwill not bedisclosedtoanyoneotherthanthepanelofjudgesanditsadvisors.