A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology s121

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A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology s121

from A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERARY THEORY, CRITICISM AND PHILOLOGY http://www.unizar.es/departamentos/filologia_inglesa/garciala/bibliography.html by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA (University of Zaragoza, Spain)


Early works General (Political revolution) Revolutionaries Revolutions Intellectual and cultural revolutions

Early works

Aristotle. (Aristóteles). "Libro V: Sobre la inestabilidad de los regímenes políticos." In Aristóteles, Política. Barcelona: RBA, 2007. 211-72.* Bancal des Issarts. Le Nouvel ordre social. Political theory. 1790s? Barlow, Joel. Advice to the Privileged Orders. Political pamphlet. London: Joseph Johnson, 1792. Burke, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Dublin, 1790. _____. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Ed. Edward J. Payne. 1875. _____. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Ed. Walter A. Phillips. 1875. _____. Reflections on the Revolution in France. [With ] Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man. New York, 1961. _____. Reflections on the Revolution in France. 1790. Ed. Conor Cruise O'Brien. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969. _____. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Ed. L. G. Mitchell. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993.* _____. Reflections on the Revolution in France. (Penguin Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin. _____. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Selection. In Burke, Paine, Godwin and the Revolution Controversy. Ed. Marilyn Butler. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984. 1996. 33-48.* _____. From Reflections on the Revolution in France. In From Modernism to Postmodernism: An Anthology. Ed. Lawrence E. Cahoone. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 58-71.* _____. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Electronic edition. 18th-century Studies Group, CMU. http://eserver.org/18th/ _____. From Reflections on the Revolution in France. 1790. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 122-28.* Hervás y Panduro, Lorenzo. Causas de la Revolución de Francia en el año de 1789, y medios de que se han valido para efectuarla los enemigos de la Religión y del Estado. Marx, Karl. The Revolutions of 1848: Political Writings I. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. _____. Textos de filosofía, política y economía. Trans. Jacobo Muñoz Veiga, Javier Pérez Royo, José María Ripalda Crespo, Manuel Sacristán Luzón, Wenceslao Roces. In Marx, Textos de filosofía, política y economía: Manuscritos de París. Manifiesto del partido comunista (con Friedrich Engels). Crítica del programa de Gotha. Introd. Jacobo Muñoz. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos). Madrid: Gredos, 2012. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA, 2014. 1-166.* ("El fundamento de la crítica"; "La crítica como fundamento"; "Cuestiones de metodología y epistemología (Tesis sobre Feuerbach)" - on ideology, capitalism, the state, work, history, use value and exchange value, overpopulation, environment, revolution, communism, proletariate, emancipation). Michelet, Jules. Les Femmes de la Révolution. Paris, 1855. _____. La Révolution. Vol. 5 of Historie de France. 1869. Parkinson, James. Revolution without Bloodshed. Pamphlet. Price, Richard. A Discourse on the Love of Our Country. Selection. In Burke, Paine, Godwin and the Revolution Controversy. Ed. Marilyn Butler. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984. 1996. 23- 32.* Quinet, Edgar. La Révolution. Lacroix, Paris, 1865. _____. La Révolution. Preface by Claude Lefort. Paris: Belin, 1987. Winstanley, Gerrard. A Watchword to the City of London. 1649. In Winstanley, The Law of Freedom and Other Writings. Ed. C. Hill. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. _____. The True Levellers' Standard Advanced. 1649. In Winstanley, The Law of Freedom and Other Writings. Ed. C. Hill. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. Wollstonecraft, Mary. An Historical and Moral View. . . of the French Revolution. 1794. _____. Political Writings. Oxford: Oxford UP.

General (Political revolution) Abdel-Malek, Anouar. Nation and Revolution. Vol. 2 of Social Dialectics. Albany (NY): State U of New York P, 1981. Anderson, Perry. "Modernity and Revolution." With a response by Marshall Berman. New Left Review 144 (1984). _____. "Modernity and Revolution." In Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Ed. Lawrence Grossberg and Cary Nelson. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1988. 317-338. Apter, David E., and Tony Saich. Revolutionary Discourse in Mao's Republic. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1994. Arendt, Hannah. On Revolution. New York: Viking, 1963. _____. On Revolution. Penguin. Ashcraft, Richard. Revolutionary Politics and Locke's TWO TREATISES OF GOVERNMENT. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1986. Ay, Karl-Ludwig. Die Entstehung einer Revolution. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1968. Baechler, Jean. Les phénomènes révolutionnaires. (SUP). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1970. _____. Los fenómenos revolucionarios. Ediciones de Bolsillo. Bernardello, Adolfo. "La paura del communismo e dei tumulti popolari a Venezia nel 1848-1849." Nuova rivista storica 54 (1970): 50-113. Brinton, Crane. The Anatomy of Revolution. New York: Norton, 1968. Brohm, Jean-Marie. Psicoanálisis y revolución. (Cuadernos Anagrama, 99). Barcelona: Anagrama. Butler, Marilyn. Burke, Paine, Godwin and the Revolution Controversy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1989. Camus, Albert. L'Homme revolté. Essay. 1951. _____. El hombre rebelde. Trans. Javier Albiñana. Introd. Héctor Subirats. (Biblioteca Universal; Ensayo Contemporáneo). Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 2000.* Castro, Fidel. Imperialismo, Tercer Mundo y Revolución. (Cuadernos Anagrama 113). Barcelona: Anagrama [1970s]. Chaliand, Gerard. Revolution in the Third World: Myths and Prospects. New York: Viking, 1977. Chow, Rey. "Listening Otherwise, Music Miniaturized: A Different Type of Question about Revolution." In The Cultural Studies Reader. Ed. Simon During. London: Routledge, 1993. 382- 401.* Coates, Paul. "Unfinished Business: Thomas Pynchon and the Quest for Revolution." New Left Review (November-December 1986). Cohn, Norman. The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and the Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages. Rev. ed. London: Temple Smith, 1970. Cooper, Barbara T. "Staging a Revolution: Political Upheaval in Lorenzaccio and Leo Burckart." Romance Notes 24.1 (Fall 1983). Coppe, Abiezer. From A Fiery Flying Roll. 1649. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt, et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1747-51.* Los cristianos frente a la revolución. Ediciones de Bolsillo. Dahrendorf, Ralf D. Reflexiones sobre la revolución en Europa. (90s). Barcelona: Emecé. (1990s). Daleski, H.M. "Imagining Revolution: the Eye of History and of Fiction." The Journal of Narrative Technique 18.1 (1988): 61- 72.* Del Río, Eugenio. La razón de la fuerza. La amenaza de la guerra en Europa. Política revolucionaria y violencia en Occidente. Ejército y política en el Estado Español. Madrid: Editorial Revolución. Duhet, Paule Marie. Las mujeres y la revolución. Ediciones de Bolsillo. Eagleton, Terry, and Brian Wicker, eds. From Culture to Revolution. Cambridge: Slant, 1967. Eckstein, Harry, ed. Internal War. New York: Free Press, 1964. Ersil, Wilhelm. Aktionseinheit stürzt Cuno. (Zur Geschichte des Massenkampfes gegen die Cuno-Regierung in Mitteldeutschland). Berlin: Dietz, 1963. Fanon, Frantz. The Wretched of the Earth. 1961. Furet, François. Interpreting the French Revolution. Trans. Elborg Forster. Cambridge: Cambridge UP; Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1981. _____. Marx y la Revolución francesa. México, 1992. _____. La Revolución a debate. Madrid, 2000. García Landa, José Ángel. "Proletarios a las barricadas." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 7 Nov. 2007. http://garciala.blogia.com/2007/110702-proletarios-a-las- barricadas.php 2007 _____. "La Revolución es ilegal hasta que triunfa." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 27 Feb. 2014.* http://vanityfea.blogspot.com.es/2014/02/la-revolucion-es- ilegal-hasta-que.html 2014 Giddens, Anthony. "Revolutions and Social Movements." In Giddens, Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press, n.d. 603-9.* González Cuevas, Pedro Carlos. "Acción Española: teoría y praxis de la revolución." Historia 16 no. 159 (1989): 17-24. _____. "Revolucion francesa y fascismo ante las nuevas tendencias historiograficas. La crisis del paradigma marxista." Veintiuno: revista de pensamiento y cultura no. 28 (1995): 23-38 Harshav, Benjamin. Language in Time of Revolution. Berkeley: U of California P, 1993. Hauser, Arnold. "VIII. Rococó, clasicismo y romanticismo." In Hauser, Historia social de la literatura y el arte. II: Desde el rococó hasta la época del cine. Barcelona: DeBols!llo, 2004. 9- 244.* (1. La disolución del arte cortesano. 2. El nuevo público lector. 3. El origen del drama burgués. 4. Alemania y la Ilustración. 5. Revolución y arte. 6. El romanticismo alemán y el de Europa occidental). Huxley, Julian. On Living in a Revolution. London: Chatto and Windus, 1944. Huyssen, Andreas. "5. Producing Revolution: Heiner Müller's Mauser as Learning Play." In Huyssen, After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism. London: Macmillan, 1986. 82-93.* Ingle, Stephen. "The Lure of the Barricades: Orwell and Revolution." In George Orwell: A Centenary Celebration. Ed. Annette Gomis and Susana Onega. Heidelberg: Winter, 2005. 37-57.* Johnson, Chalmers. Revolutionary Change. Boston: Little, Brown, 1966. Jones, Ernest. "Evolución y revolución." In Jones, Ensayos de psicoanálisis aplicado. In Jones, Obras escogidas. Barcelona: RBA, 2006.* Kopp, Anatole. Ville et Révolution. (Points). Paris: Seuil. Lacasta, José Ignacio. Revolución socialista e idealismo de Gramsci. Madrid: Editorial Revolución. Laclau, Ernesto. New Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time. London: Verso, 1990. Lasky, Melvin S. Utopia and Revolution. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1976. Le Bon, Gustave. The Psychology of Revolution. Trans. Bernard Miall. London: Unwin, 1913. London, Jack. Revolution and Other Essays. New York: Macmillan, 1910. Macarro Vera, José Manuel. Socialismo, República y revolución en Andalucía (1931-1936). Seville, 2000. Margolies, David. Writing the Revolution: Cultural Criticism from LEFT REVIEW. London: Pluto, 1998. Marsal. Revoluciones y contrarrevoluciones. Ediciones de Bolsillo. Mellor, Anne K. "A REVOLUTION in Female manners." In Mellor, Romanticism and Gender. London: Routledge, 1993. 31-39.* Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. "XII.v. L'avenir de la révolution." 1955. In Merleau-Ponty, Paris: Gallimard, 1960. (Folio Essais, 381). Paris: Gallimard, 2001. 2008. 448-71.* Monnerot, Jules. Sociologie de la révolution. Paris: Arthème Fayard, 1969. Mühlmann, Wilhelm E. Messianismes révolutionnaires du Tiers Monde. Trans. Jean Baudrillard. Navajas, Santiago. "El Estado y la Revolución." Vozpópuli 25 Oct. 2016.*

http://www.vozpopuli.com/entre_escila_y_caribdis/revolucion_ 7_965673426.html 2016 Parker, Noel. Portrayals of Revolution: Images, Debates and Patterns of Thougth on the French Revolution. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990. Paulson, Ronald. Representations of Revolution. New Haven: Yale UP, 1983. Petrovic', Gajo. "Philosophy and Revolution: Twenty Sheaves of Questions." In Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Ed. Lawrence Grossberg and Cary Nelson. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1988. 235-48. Ramos Oliveira, Antonio. La Revolución española de octubre. Madrid: Editorial España, 1935. Rodríguez Puértolas, Julio. Galdós: Burguesía y revolución. Rule, James, and Charles Tilly. "1830 and the Unnatural History of Revolution." Journal of Social Studies 28 (1972): 49-76. Ryan, Michael. Politics and Culture: Working Hypotheses for a Post- Revolutionary Society. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1989. Salazar Alonso, Rafael. Bajo el signo de la revolución. Madrid: Roberto de San Martín, 1935. Sargent, Lydia, ed. Women and Revolution. London, 1981. Sastre, Alfonso. Escrito en Euskadi: Revolución y cultura. Madrid: Editorial Revolución. Schapiro, Leonard. "The Vekhi Group and the Mystique of Revolution." In Russian Studies. Ed. Ellen Dahrendorf. New York: Viking, 1987.68-92. ("Signposts"). Schubert, Adrian. Hacia la revolución: Orígenes sociales del movimiento obrero en Asturias, 1860-1934. Barcelona: Crítica, 1984. Snow, Vernon F. "The Concept of Revolution in Seventeenth-Century England." Historical Journal 5 (1962): 167-74. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. "Revolutions that As Yet Have No Model." Diacritics 10.4 (1980): 20-49. Swirski, Peter. "When Biological Evolution and Social Revolution Crash: Skinner's Behaviorist Utopia." The Evolutionary Review 1 (2010): 18-23.* Thomis, Malcolm I., and Peter Holt. Threats of Revolution in Britain, 1789-1848. London: Macmillan, 1977. Tilly, Charles. "Revolutions and Collective Violence." In Handbook of Political Science. Ed. Fred I. Greenstein and Nelson Polsby. Reading (MA): Addison-Wesley, 1974. Trotski, Lev. "La revolución estrangulada." 1931. In Trotski, Sobre arte y cultura. Madrid: Alianza, 1973. 152-63. _____. "Para transformar la vida hay que comenzar por comprenderla." In Trotski, Literatura y revolución. Otros escritos sobre la literatura y el arte. Madrid: Ruedo Ibérico, 1969. 2.43-8. Verba, Sidney, and Gabriel Almond. "National Revolution and Political Commitment." In Internal War. Ed. Harry Eckstein. New York: Free Press, 1964. Vidal, César. Los sistemas jurídicos de regímenes revolucionarios. Ph.D. diss. U Alfonso X el Sabio. Williams, Raymond. The Long Revolution. London: Chatto and Windus, 1961. _____. The Long Revolution. London: Greenwood, 1975. _____."Tragedy and Revolution." In Williams, Modern Tragedy. London: Chatto and Windus,, 1966. Wills, Gary. "Los nuevos revolucionarios." Revista de Occidente 173 (October 1995): 116-39.* Yack, Bernard. The Longing for Total Revolution: Philosophical Sources of Social Discontent from Rousseau to Marx and Nietzsche. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1986. Yarrington, Alison, and Kelvin Everest, eds. Reflections on Revolution: Inmates of Romanticism. (British reactions to French Revolution). London: Routledge, 1993.


Douzinas, Costas. "Is There a Right to Revolution?" (Hegel, Our Untimely Contemporary, Birkbeck College, 10-12 May 2014). Audio at Backdoor Broadcasting Company.* (Retrospection, retroaction, law). http://backdoorbroadcasting.net/2013/05/costas-douzinas-is- there-a-right-to-a-revolution/ 2014


Elysium. Writer and dir. Neill Blomkamp. Cast: Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Sharlto Copley, Alice Braga, Diego Luna, Wagner Moura, William Fichtner, Brandon Auret, Josh Blacker, Emma Tremblay, Jose Pablo Cantillo, Maxwell Perry Cotton, Faran Tahir. 2013.*


Davidson, Peter, ed. Poetry and Revolution: An Anthology of British and Irish Verse 1625-1660. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. Fortún, Elena. Celia en la Revolución. Girls' novel. Ms. 1943. 1st ed. Madrid: Aguilar, 1987. Hemingway, Ernest. "Small Town Revolution." From For Whom the Bell Tolls. In Hemingway on War. Ed. Seán Hemingway. London: Random House-Vintage, 2014. 149-75.* Louverture, Toussaint. Mémoires du général Toussaint Louverture. (Bibliothèque du XIXe siècle). Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2011. Orwell, George. Animal Farm: A Fairy Story. Satire. London: Secker and Warburg, 1945. _____. Animal Farm. Harmondsworth;: Penguin, 1951. 1975.* Sayer, Edward. Lindor and Adelaide. Political novel. 1791. (Anti- Jacobin). Online in ECCO. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Queen Mab; A Philosophical Poem. 1813, pub. 1816. In Shelley's Poetry and Prose. Ed. Donald H. Reiman and Sharon B. Powers. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1977. 14-68.* Wilde, Oscar. "Libertatis Sacra Fames." The World (November 1880). _____. "Libertatis Sacra Fames." Poem. In The Works of Oscar Wilde. Ed. G. F. Maine. London and Glasgow: Collins, 1938. 1957. 699.*

See also French Revolution (1789, 1830, 1848), May 68; English Revolution (1640s, 1688), Russian Revolution (1905, 1917), Chinese Revolution.


Appleby, Joyce. "The Social Origins of American Revolutionary Ideology." Journal of American History 64 (1977-78): 935-58. Fiori, Giuseppe. Antonio Gramsci: Vida de un revolucionario. Madrid: Capitán Swing, 2015. Kropotkin, Piotr Alexéievich. Memorias de un revolucionario. (Tras 3 Letras, 2). Oviedo: Krk Ediciones, c. 2006.* Stapledon, Olaf. Saints and Revolutionaires. (I Believe, 10). London: Heinemann, 1939.


Hemingway, Ernest. "The Revolutionist." In Hemingway on War. Ed. Seán Hemingway. London: Random House-Vintage, 2014. 24.*


Atack, Margaret. May 68 in French Fiction and Film: Rethinking Society, Rethinking Representation. Oxford: Oxford UP. Bolloten, Burnett. The Spanish Civil War: Revolution and Counterrevolution. UNC Press, 1991. Casanova, Julián. El sueño igualitario: campesinado y colectivizaciones en la España republicana, 1938-1939. 1988. _____. De la calle al frente: El anarcosindicalismo en España (1931- 1939). Barcelona: Crítica, 1997. _____. Anarquismo y revolución en la sociedad rural aragonesa, 1936-1938. 1985 Díaz Sandino, Felipe. De la Conspiración a la Revolución 1929- 1937. Madrid: Libertarias/Prodhufi, 1990. Döblin. A People Betrayed: November 1918: A German Revolution. Furet, François, and Denis Richet. La Revolución francesa. 1966. 2nd ed. 1973. Madrid: Rialp, 1988. _____. Interpreting the French Revolution. Trans. Elborg Forster. Cambridge: Cambridge UP; Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1981. _____. Pensar la Revolución francesa. Barcelona, 1980. Hill, Christopher. Milton and the English Revolution. London: Faber and Faber, 1977. 1979.* _____. Milton and the English Revolution. New York: Viking, 1977. 1978. _____. Writing and Revolution in Seventeenth-Century England. Vol. 1 of The Collected Essays of Christopher Hill. Brighton, 1985.* Hobsbawm, Eric J. The Age of Revolution: Europe, 1789-1848. London: Weidenfeld y Nicholson, 1962. Langer, William L. Political and Social Upheaval, 1832-1852. New York: Harper and Row, 1969. Lindau, G. Revolution, 1918-1919. Berlin: Dietz, 1960. Marínez, Candi, and Godofredo Camacho. Marinaleda: Huelga de hambre contra el hambre. Madrid: Editorial Revolución. Oliveira, César. MFA y revolución socialista. (Colección Documentos 25). Barcelona: Anagrama. Pipes, Richard. La Revolución Rusa. 1990. Debate, c. 2017. Pocock, J. G. A., ed. Three British Revolutions: 1641, 1688, 1776. Princeton: New Jersey UP, 1980. Ruiz, David. "La revolución de Asturias." Tiempo de Historia 1. Tilly, Charles, Louise Tilly and Richard Tilly. The Rebellious Century. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1975.* _____. El siglo rebelde, 1830-1930. Trans. Porfirio Sanz, rev. José Angel García Landa. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 1998.* _____. El siglo rebelde, 1830-1930. Electronic edition. http://www.libros-electronicos.net/ Valentin, Veit. Geschichte der deutschen Revolution, 1848-49. 2 vols. Berlin: Ullstein, 1930-31. Intellectual and cultural revolutions

Hughes, Langston. Good Morning Revolution: Uncollected Social Protest Writings by Langston Hughes. Ed. Faith Berry. 1973. New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1992. Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. In Foundations of the Unity of Science. 2 vols. (International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, gen. ed. Otto Neurath). Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1962. _____. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2nd ed. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1970.* _____. La estructura de las revoluciones científicas. Mexico: FCE, 1975; Madrid: FCE, 1990.* _____. "IX. The Nature and Necessity of Scientific Revolutions." In Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2nd ed. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1970. 92-110.* _____. "The Nature and Necessity of Scientific Revolutions." In From Modernism to Postmodernism: An Anthology. Ed. Lawrence E. Cahoone. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 309-24.* _____. "X. Revolutions as Changes of World View." In Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2nd ed. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1970. 111-35.* _____. "XI. The Invisibility of Revolutions." In Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2nd ed. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1970. 136-43. _____. "XII. The Resolution of Revolutions." In Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2nd ed. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1970. 144-60.* _____. "XIII. Progress through Revolutions." In Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2nd ed. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1970. 160-73.* _____. "Postscript—1969." In Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2nd ed. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1970. 174-210.* _____. La Révolution copernicienne. Paris: Le Livre de Poche. _____. Segundos pensamientos sobre paradigmas. Madrid: Tecnos, 1978. Tarbuck, Edward J., and Frederick K. Lutgens. "2. Tectónica de placas: El desarrollo de una revolución científica." In Ciencias de la tierra. Madrid: Pearson-Prentice Hall, 2005. 33-76.* See also Paradigms.

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