2018 Guidelines for Scholarship Applications

2018 Guidelines For Scholarship Applications

1. Applicants must include a complete copy of the FAFSA/SAR form to be considered. We prefer a FAFSA showing 2017 income but will accept one showing 2016 income with an explanation of income changes for 2017. Go to www.studentaid.ed.gov/fafsa

2. Incomplete applications will be disqualified. Give complete answers for enhanced assessment of your qualifications and need for this scholarship. This is a needs based scholarship. Explain your financial need fully.

3. Applicants must be a resident of the Triangle Area (Wake, Orange, or Durham County).

4. Applicants must be a U. S. citizens or present proof of permanent resident status.

5. Applicants must receive a high school diploma by June 2018 or a GED by the time the application is submitted.

6. Scholarships must be used to attend a postsecondary educational or technical institution in North Carolina.

7. Scholarship money, ranging from $1000 to $10,000, will be paid directly to the recipient’s chosen school and is to be used for tuition or educational expenses beginning in summer or fall of 2018.

8. Should the recipient withdraw before completion of the year’s work, any refunds which might be payable will be returned to Assistance LeagueÒ of the Triangle Area.

9. Students must submit a postsecondary school student ID number by May 1, 2018 so funds can be released to the school of choice.

10. The Scholarship Committee may personally interview applicants before the scholarship award decisions are made.

11. Applications must be completed by March 1, 2018

Questions to: Scholarship Phone (919) 438-1682

Scholarship email

12. Application receipt notifications will be sent by email.

13. Applicants will be notified of their selection status during the first week of May 2018.

14. All information on applications is considered confidential. Downloaded FAFSAs do not include Social Security Numbers

Additional requirements for High School Seniors and Previous Scholarship Recipients

1. Applicants must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher.

2. High school applicants must submit SAT and/or ACT scores.