1. Kinematic Drawing and Inversions, 1-1,1-5,1-9,1-18,1-23

1. Kinematic Drawing and Inversions, 1-1,1-5,1-9,1-18,1-23


1. Kinematic Drawing and Inversions, 1-1,1-5,1-9,1-18,1-23

2. Mobility (DOF), DOF for assignment 1

3. Slider Crank and 4-bar link, 1-51,1-52,1-53 (use Grashof conditions)

4. Graphical Position Analysis, 4-7, 4-15, 4-17, 4-26, 4-32

5. Graphical Position Analysis, find both extremes and label all points 4-7, 4-15, 7-56

6. Quick Return, 5-1,5-4, (4-7, 4-15, 7-56find beta, Q, and stroke length or output angle)
7. Synthesizeand list link lengths, 5-10(slider crank), 5-15(4 bar), 5-21(4-bar, Q=1.4, t=1s)

8. Time chart, sketch the time charts and find vmax and accel 5-7, 5-10,5-11,
Sketch time charts and solve, 6-1, 6-2, 6-5, 6-7, 6-11, 6-12, 7-1, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7, 7-10

Use furnished pages for all velocity and acceleration assignments

9.Graphical Velocity Analysis, 6-19(slider crank)
10.Graphical Velocity Analysis, 6-25(4bar)

11.Graphical Velocity Analysis, velocity only 7-56(coupler) Norton handout
12.Graphical Velocity Analysis, 7-63 (slider on link)

13. Acceleration, s crank & 4-bar, 6-19 α2=0, 6-25 α2=0

14. Acceleration, coupler point, 7-56α2=0, Norton handout α2=0

15. Acceleration, w/alpha, (make your own scale drawing 6-13accel 400 rad/s2ccw), 7-56 α2= 5 rad/s2

16.CoriolisAccel, 7-63

17. Instant Center velocity, repeat velocity on same problems with new method 6-25, 7-56

18. Instant Center velocity, 6-19

19 Instant Center velocity, (6-37from class notes), Norton Handout

20. Instant Center velocity, 7-63

21. Analytical Position Analysis, 4-40, 4-41, 4-43

22. Analytical Position Analysis, (4-63, 4-64 and find beta)

23. Cam Intro and functions,

Study terms and derive the risefunctions(t and φ) for velocity and acceleration in Tables 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4

24. Follower motion, 9-3, 9-7 a) sketch time chart, displacement & accel plots, b) estimate max v and a,

c) find max v and a with functions,

25. Follower motion, 9-3, 9-7 find max v and a with Norton Chart

26. Follower motion, 9-9, 9-10 (same as assign 24 and 25)

27. Cam Geometry, Estimate the radius of the ref circle 9-3, 9-7

28. Gear Definitions and Geometry, 10-1,10-3

29. Gear kinematics, 10-15a,19a(ω1=1800rpm),10-21,10-30,10-32

30. Gear Trains, 10-50, 10-52, 10-54, 10-61, 10-64

Code of conduct

All work products must be characterized by academic honesty and professional integrity. You are responsible for appropriate citation of your primary and secondary sources, and for respect of others' work products (including other students’ work like old lab reports). Plagiarism will result in zero for the work and may result in failure of the course. In other words, develop and physically make every entry into every electronic file and written paper you claim as your individual work.


Quizzes 40% (Missed quizzes may not be made up. Lowest quiz dropped.)

Midterm test 20%

Exam 20%

Lab average 20 %. (Laboratory attendance is required).

Distribution and breaks (generally 90, 80, 70,60) determine the letter grade. Plus/minus grades will be issued at the discretion of the instructor. A “W” withdrawal will be allowed after a revised degree plan is approved by your academic advisor or the instructor.