astro-ph/9404040 19 Apr 94  could ments There marriage phase just ary sance troweak School Based In In Introduction scenario a of meaningfully recent the few up on transitions has extrap olating provide p ossible discuss ing the cosmological of These duction including Particles gauge of the with late b een observational lectures particle THE lectures standard the the an to role s the theory an and the mo dels overview expanding notion and inationary given in explosion mo del Department sp eculate observational inationary concepts provide seeding STANDARD Fermi and cosmology NASAFermilab predictions to evidence at for that and of JOSHUA very TASI early FriedmannRobertsonWalker and the the the National of an reviewing Baksan Batavia pro duction ab out from top ological University information high of which early Chicago generation introductory largescale s cosmology the cosmology for Boulder particle ABSTRACT the universe KabardinoBulkaria horizon Accelerator has A nonbaryonic IL its theoretical of b eginning IL of basic defects led FRIEMAN structure quantum of led physics on CO Chicago review COSMOLOGY has and to the and The a prop erties the to June its USA framework b een atness could a Laboratory with of Astrophysics largescale nal adoption of of eld cosmology number in particle Center the the big particular undergoing the Russia FERMILABConfA universe lectures b e uctuations very Universe problems asymmetry Subsequent bang and motivating created as of emerged dark April clustering at early underwent remarkable the give cosmology summarizing Baksan the matter standard its and in and an universe lectures standard April puzzles in the cosmological own intro their end International of which ination a develop to I rebirth renais name This elec one

from p eculiar velocity and photometric surveys gathered by groundbased

telescop es see the lectures by Kirshner in this volume Studies of rich clusters of

galaxies via their gravitational lensing eects as well as Xray emission from hot

intracluster gas have started to provide new clues to the distribution of

In addition the recent detection of largeangle in the cosmic

background by the COBE satellite provides the rst prob e of structure

on very large scales while a series of exp eriments on smaller scales now

have tantalizing results On the scale of the universe itself there has b een steady

progress in attempts to measure the cosmological parameters in particular the age

expansion rate and mean density as well as the light element abundances more

precisely see the lectures by Schramm and Walker

As a consequence of these observational advances cosmology is b ecoming data

driven in an unprecedented way theorists no longer have the luxury of untethered

sp eculation but must now confront their mo dels with an impressive array of ob

servations There is still debate ab out the reliability and interpretation of much

of the data but we are denitely entering the scientic age of cosmology those

theories which are suciently worked out are b ecoming increasingly falsiable and

many will stand or fall in the coming years This is a very healthy development

for the eld It is safe to say that at the framework for the large

scale evolution of the universe remains healthy but that we still lack a standard

tested mo del for the origin and evolution of structure within this framework see

the lectures by Scherrer on

In these introductory lectures I cover only a very small p ortion of the many

topics of recent interest in cosmology The rst chapters provide a general overview

of the standard cosmology the hot big bang mo del fo cusing on its kinematics and

dynamics the observational evidence in its favor and the current status of mea

surements of the global cosmological parameters Subsequent chapters review the

early universe exploring asp ects of the cosmic microwave background radiation and

particle relics The nal section presents a brief introduction to the inationary sce

nario for the very early universe and some of its observational implications The

inationary scenario has not yet received the empirical backing to justify its inclu

sion in the standard cosmological mo del it is discussed here b ecause it nevertheless

provides a comp elling theoretical framework for the very early universe one which

should b e tested by in coming years

Readers wishing to delve more fully into these topics would do well to move

on to two textb o oks which cover them in substantial detail Principles of Physical

Cosmology by P J E Peebles and The Early Universe by E W Kolb and M S


Before plunging in I note that the app endix contains a brief discursion on

notation and units

The Standard Cosmology

Homogeneity and the

The standard hot Big Bang mo del based on the homogeneous and isotropic

FriedmannRobertsonWalker FRW is a remarkably successful op er

ating hypothesis describing the evolution of the Universe on the largest scales It

provides a framework for such observations as the Hubble law of recession of galax

ies interpreted in terms of the expansion of the universe the abundances of the light

elements in excellent agreement with the predictions of primordial

and the thermal sp ectrum and angular isotropy of the cosmic microwave background

radiation CMBR as exp ected from a hot dense early phase of expansion

While homogeneity and isotropy are strictly sp eaking assumptions of the mo del

they rest on a strong and growing foundation of observational supp ort The evi

dence for angular isotropy on large scales comes from the smallness of the CMBR

largeangle anisotropy detected by COBE and FIRS the quadrup ole anisotropy

detected in the rst of COBE data is T T from the isotropy


of radiation backgrounds at other as well as from the isotropy of deep

and radio Note that these dierent sources carry information

ab out quite disparate scales and types of matter in the Universe For example

the APM and EDSGC surveys measured the angular p ositions of more than one

million galaxies over an area covering ab out of the southern sky out to an

eective depth of roughly h Mp c The galaxy surveys give us information

ab out the lo cal distribution of luminous matter in the universe On the other hand

through the SachsWolfe eect the largeangle CMBR measurements directly prob e

the gravitational p otential over length scales of order h Mp c and are thus

sensitive to the mass distribution itself the distinction is imp ortant to keep in

mind since the evidence for dark matter should lead us to b e wary ab out identify

ing the distribution of light with that of mass We will return to the CMBR b elow

and rst fo cus on the galaxy distribution

In a survey of galaxy angular p ositions to some limiting apparent brightness

the joint probability of nding two galaxies in elements of solid angle d and d

separated by an angle is given by

dP N d d w

g g

where N is the mean surface density of galaxies in the survey and w the

g g

galaxy twopoint angular correlation function measures the excess probability over

random of nding a galaxy pair with this separation If galaxies are distributed

isotropically on large scales we should nd w at large angles and the

g g

correlation function should scale in a denite way with survey depth b oth of which

are observed The APM data for w are shown in Fig from The correlation

g g


function is a p ower law w for but breaks b elow this p ower law

g g

o o

at for jw j and b ecomes lost in the noise This b ehavior

g g

Figure Galaxy angular correlation function w measured in the APM survey

g g

for galaxies in the apparent magnitude interval b


implies that the variance in the number of galaxies in a patch of xed angular size

b ecomes small for large patch size in other words averaged over sucently large

angular scales we see roughly the same number of galaxies brighter than a xed

limit p er steradian in dierent parts of the sky

Evidence for largescale homogeneity comes in part from galaxy redshift surveys

However compared to the angular photometric surveys which currently give two

dimensional information for several million galaxies currently complete redshift

surveys yield threedimensional information for typically several thousand galaxies

in a more lo cal neighborho o d In the redshift surveys one can verify directly that

the rms uctuations in the spatial number density of galaxies b ecome small when

averaged over large enough scales For example in the fullsky surveys selected from

sources in the IRAS catalog the Jy survey of Fisher etal and the

in QDOT survey of Efstathiou etal shown in Fig the rms uctuation in the

number of galaxies in cubical volumes of side L h Mp c is of order N N

g al g al

and decreases with increasing cell volume This approach to homogeneity is

roughly consistent with that seen in the much deep er but twodimensional angular

surveys In fact the approach to homogeneity as a function of increasing scale

observed in Fig is somewhat more gradual than was exp ected in the p opular

mo del for galaxy formationthis is the famous problem of extra

largescale p ower which we will comment up on later Larger structures such as

sup erclusters great attractors great voids and long laments do exist and have

Figure An equalarea pro jection of the IRASQDOT galaxies op en circles at

distances in the range h Mp c Solid squares are regions not surveyed and

the black band is an excluded region encompassing the Galactic disk from ref

received considerable attention Of particular note in this regard was the discovery

of the Great Wall extending roughly h Mp c by Geller and Huchra

in the Center for Astrophysics CfA survey extension But in a statistical sense

the net uctuations in galaxy number b ecome small on the largest scales where they

have b een reliably counted in largearea redshift surveys This is consistent with

the visual impression from Fig

This trend is conrmed by the visual app earance of largescale structure in the

ongoing Las Campanas going considerably deep er than the CfA

survey they do not nd evidence for coherent structures larger than the Great

Wall The Las Campanas survey uses a multiber sp ectrograph to simultaneously

measure many in the same eld an ingenious technological development

which makes p ossible the extension of complete largearea redshift surveys to greater

depths in a nite survey Advances in multiber sp ectroscopy will b e further

exploited by the which aims to measure one million galaxy

redshifts over a contiguous area of sr in the northern sky This survey will use

a b er sp ectrograph to accumulate redshifts at an unprecedented rate A con

current photometric survey will measure angular p ositions for roughly million


From the CMBR and galaxy observations discussed ab ove we infer that on

large scales the universe app ears to b e distributed in a statistically homogeneous

and isotropic way around us To step from this evidence to a cosmological mo del

we must add to it a further assumption b ecause we observe the universe from only

a single vantage p oint and have direct information only ab out conditions on our

past light cone This assumption often called the states that

we do not o ccupy a sp ecial p osition in the Universe the conditions we observe are

typical of those seen by observers on distant galaxies By itself the Cop ernican

Principle would allow a large range of p ermissible cosmological mo dels eg an

inhomogeneous fractal universe with selfsimilar structure on all scales or homo

geneous mo dels with anisotropic expansion in dierent directions However when

combined with the observations of isotropy ab ove the Cop ernican principle b ecomes

quite p owerful for it implies that the Universe should app ear isotropic ab out every

p oint By a straightforward geometric argument isotropy ab out every p oint or

more precisely ab out every lo cal fundamental observer comoving with the cosmic

uid in turn implies that the Universe is spatially homogeneous ie that there

exist spacelike surfaces of uniform momentum which evolve according to a

universal time t This more general assumption of global homogeneity and isotropy

is called the Cosmological Principle a principle that is the foundation

of the standard cosmology

At this p oint one is naturally tempted to ask why the universe should have such

strong of isotropy and homogeneity The attempt to provide a dynam

ical answer to this question is one of the motivating forces b ehind the inationary

scenario which we shall discuss later on For now we will adopt the cosmological

principle as a working hypothesis and explore some of its consequences

Hubbles Law and Particle Kinematics

The cosmological principle leads directly to Hubbles law of the expanding uni

verse Consider a triangle formed by three fundamental observers each of whom

denes the lo cal cosmic rest frame at some initial time If the universe remains

homogeneous and isotropic over time then the triangle at all later must b e

similar to the original one the length of each side scales up by the same factor at

Extending this argument to all other fundamental observers we see that at must

b e a universal such that the distance t b etween any two fundamental

observers satises t at where is the initial separation Then the relative

sp eed of one observer with resp ect to the other is given by

v t ddt a a at H tt

Note that H is in general timedep endent but for observers suciently nearby

that the light travel time c is small compared to the time over which H changes

appreciably we can replace H by its present value H t H where subscript

denotes the present ep o ch Relation then repro duces Hubbles in

that the recession sp eed of a galaxy is prop ortional to its distance from us

The prop ortionality constant H a a is now known as the Hubble parameter

A recent example of this is shown in Fig taken from ref each circle indi

cates a cluster of galaxies with distance estimated using the TullyFisher relation

for spiral galaxies and recession velocity inferred from the redshift see b elow the

horizontal error bars indicate the spread in inferred distances for a number

of galaxies p er cluster The slop e of the straight line t to the p oints is H

kmsecMp c other metho ds of estimating H yield values in the range

kmsecMp c and it is conventional to write this as H h kmsecMp c with

h The closed circles around Mp c indicate clusters thought to b e

Figure Hubbles law galaxy recession sp eed is shown against distance inferred

from the TullyFisher relation

falling into the Great Attractor region an inhomogeneity that lo cally p erturbs the

Hubble ow

The cosmological principle with eqn tells us ab out the kinematics of par

ticle motions in the universe First consider nonrelativistic particles A massive

free particle passes a fundamental observer FO at time t with relative sp eed v c


since the FO is at rest with resp ect to the lo cal uid v is the p eculiar velocity of


the particle with resp ect to the lo cal rest frame After a time interval dt the par

ticle has moved a distance d v dt and overtakes a second fundamental observer


FO who has a sp eed dv H td H v dt relative to FO At that time FO


measures the particles p eculiar velocity to b e v t dt v t dv Thus the

p p

p eculiar velocity satises the equation of motion

a dv dv


v H v

p p

dt dt a

The solution is




that is in a homogeneous and isotropic universe p eculiar velocities decrease with

the expansion Now consider a dilute nonrelativistic gas in thermal equilibrium

By equipartition the mean is mhv i k T where T is

B g g

the gas temp erature by eqn the gas temp erature satises T v a


This applies for example to well after they decouple from the

background b efore the baryon temp erature is tied by to the

photon temp erature which scales dierentlysee b elow

The same reasoning can b e applied to study the evolution of relativistic particles

Consider a photon with initial frequency t as measured by FO After the interval

dt it has travelled a distance d cdt and passes FO who has a sp eed v H d

H cdt with resp ect to FO The photon frequency t dt observed by FO is given

by the rstorder Doppler shift


d t dt t H dt


The frequency thus satises

d a

dt a

with solution



The photon frequency is redshifted with the expansion and its is stretched

with the scale factor t a For a photon gas in thermal equilibrium

the temp erature thus scales inversely with the scale factor T hE i a

r r

Generalizing the argument one nds that the De Broglie wavelengths of all free

particles follow the scale factor in this way This leads us to dene the redshift z



z t



em e

is the ratio of the photon wavelength at emission t to its wavelength observed at


the present t This expression holds more generally than this derivation suggests

it is valid even when the p erio d is comparable to or longer than t although

its op erational meaning is then less transparent The redshift z thus plays several

roles through the Doppler shift it is a measure of recession velocity v cz through

the Hubble law it is a measure of distance v cz H and through eqn

the redshift z t can b e used to characterize a cosmological ep o ch t The most

distant ob jects directly observed are luminous which have b een seen out to

redshifts approaching z By comparison the in the cosmic microwave

background radiation were probably emitted or more precisely last scattered at

a redshift z

The Metric FriedmannRobertsonWalker Mo dels

In the context of the cosmological principle severely restricts

the form of the spatial geometry a uniform stressenergy momentum tensor implies

that the constanttime surfaces have uniform spatial The metric on

such surfaces has the form


d sin d r ds a t

k r

where at is the global scale factor which describ es the overall expansion or con

traction r are the xed comoving co ordinates carried by the fundamental

observers and k is the sign of the spatial curvature The case k cor

resp onds to at Euclidean space R written in spherical co ordinates k cor

resp onds to the geometry of the threesphere S and k to the hyperb oloid

H the threedimensional analogue of a hyperb olic saddle Thus mo dels with

k are spatially innite op en while those with k are spatially nite

closed Note that the apparent singularity at r for k is the usual

co ordinate singularity at the p oles of a sphere By homogeneity and isotropy the

full metric then takes the FriedmannRobertsonWalker FRW form


dx dx dt ds ds g

where t is prop er time measured on the clo cks carried by the fundamental comoving


We can now b e somewhat more precise ab out the assumption of homogeneity and

isotropy clearly this is meant to b e taken in some average sense over large scales It

is useful to think of this p erturbatively the actual spacetime metric can b e written


h x t In an appropriate as the FRW metric plus a p erturbation g g

gauge h satises an equation of motion analogous to the Newtonian p otential

Through the SachsWolfe eect the COBE observations roughly indicate that


T T h g the departure from the FRW metric on large

scales is very small at least in the chosen gauge This argument extends to smaller

scales as well although galaxies represent highly nonlinear condensations of the

mass density their asso ciated gravitational p otential is small Thus at

least when averaged over scales larger than individual galaxies the p erturbation to

the FRW spacetime metric asso ciated with inhomogeneities is very small and the

homogeneity assumption is an excellent rst approximation

The FRW mo dels are characterized by the global scale factor at whose dynam

ics is determined by the matter content of the universe through Einsteins equations

R g R g GT

Treating the matter as a p erfect uid lo cally at rest and using the FRW metric

these b ecome the

a G k


a a


G p a


Here T is the mean of matter p T is its pressure and is the


ie the eective contribution to the energymomentum from

the vacuum state Although it follows from the Einstein equations it is also useful

to separately write down the energymomentum conservation equation r T

for the uid in the FRW universe


H p


Observations suggest that the uid energy density of the universe is currently

dominated by nonrelativistic matter m while the early universe was dominated

by ultrarelativistic particles or radiation r Nonrelativistic matter is also some

times called pressureless dust b ecause its uid pressure is dynamically negligible

p hv i

m m m

In this case from eqn the energy density scales as



This is consistent with conservation of particle number in a xed comoving volume

n a since the particle energy is dominated by its restmass mn For

m m m

radiation the equation of state is


r r

and eqn then yields



The faster fallo of with the scale factor is consistent with the Doppler redshift of


the frequency of a photon emitted by a receding observer in the expanding universe

eqn For massless particles with average energy hE i this implies hE i a

r r

and thus hE in a

r r r

Two features of the solutions to the Friedmann equation with

are worth noting In this case there is a onetoone corresp ondence b etween the

spatial geometry and the fate of the universe op en mo dels k expand forever

while closed mo dels k eventually recollapse b ecause the energy density for

matter and radiation fall o faster than a Conversely in the early universe

a a the matter and radiation terms dominate over the spatial curvature and

the dynamics of the mo del is well approximated by setting k In this limit for

a matterdominated universe eqns and give the solution

at t MD k



while for radiationdomination from and

at t RD k



This clearly generalizes for a uid with equation of state p w

f f

w w

a at t

f f

Gt w

In the next few sections we fo cus on the cosmologically recent matterdominated

era and subsequently turn to the radiationdominated early universe

Cosmological Parameters H and t

The principal observable cosmological parameters of the FRW mo dels are the

Hubble parameter H aa the t the present non

relativistic mass density relative to the critical density of the spatially at Einstein

de Sitter k mo del


cr it

the q aa a which measures the rate at which the

gravitational attraction of the matter is slowing down the expansion and the con

tribution of the cosmological constant to the present expansion rate H

From the Friedmann equations these parameters are related by


a H


For vanishing cosmological constant determines the sign of the spatial cur

vature for the spatially at mo del k and it is less than one for op en

mo dels

The age of the universe is related to the other parameters through an expression

of the form H t ht yr f where f is a function of order

unity Thus the Hubble time H h yr sets the timescale for the age of

the universe while the Hubble length cH h Mp c sets the lengthscale for

the present For a matterdominated universe with f

falls monotonically with increasing and two useful limits are f a t

for and f since a t for More generally over the

range k an excellent approximation is



a a


H t




Figure Evolution of the cosmic scale factor scaled to its present value

Some examples of the evolution of the scale factor at are shown in Fig

including three cases with empty at and closed

and one example of a at k mo del dominated by a cosmological

constant This gure displays the decrease in the expansion age

H t from unity as is increased from zero It also demonstrates that a signicant

cosmological constant term can make H t large The solution for the spatially at

k mo del with nonzero has the form

at H t



where At late times it approaches the exp onential de Sitter solution




at e

Much early eort was sp ent trying to measure or constrain the parameters q

and through the classical cosmological tests such as the Hubble diagram an

gular size as a function of redshift and galaxy counts as a function of redshift and

apparent brightness For example to construct the Hubble diagram one measures

the apparent brightness of a welldened sample of ob jects say the brightest galax

ies in clusters as a function of the ob jects redshift for galaxies of xed intrinsic

the scaling of apparent magnitude with redshift is a function of the

cosmological parameters Unfortunately galaxies at large distances where the dis

tinction b etween mo del parameters b ecomes observable are seen when they were

much younger than their nearby counterparts so a mo del for galaxy luminosity

evolution must b e used to interpret the results Signicant progress has b een made

in understanding galaxy evolution and there is hop e that the eects of evolution

and cosmology might b e disentangled in coming years but these tests currently do

not place stringent universally accepted constraints on the cosmological parameters

Recently it has b een p ointed out that the probability that a at a given

redshift is gravitationally lensed by a foreground galaxy is a sensitive test for the

cosmological constant in mo dels with one generally exp ects a higher lens

ing probability Based on surveys for lensed quasars the b ound has b een

inferred in the case of a spatially at k universe For more on the standard

cosmological tests the reader is referred to Peebles

H and the Distance Scale

The Hubble parameter relates the observed recession velocity v or redshift z of


a galaxy to its distance d for v c the recession velocity is v cz H d v

r r p

where v is the p eculiar radial velocity of the galaxy with resp ect to the Hubble


ow usually assumed to arise from gravitational clustering Galaxy redshifts can b e

measured quite accurately so all the diculty in determining H resides in nding

reliable distance indicators for extragalactic ob jects at distances large enough that

the Hubble term dominates over the p eculiar motion Observed p eculiar velocities

are typically of order kmsec so that distance measurements b eyond Mp c or

more recession velocities ab ove kmsec are required for reasonable accuracy

A wide variety of techniques has b een used to establish an extragalactic dis

tance scale and this is reected in the spread of results for H roughly

kmsecMp c Distance estimates made using metho ds such as the TullyFisher

relation b etween cm rotation sp eed and infrared luminosity for spiral galaxies

calibrated by observations of in several nearby galaxies have

yielded high values for the expansion rate roughly H kmsecMp c Two

newer metho ds planetary luminosity functions and galaxy surface bright

ness uctuations yield values for H in this range as well and are b eing further

developed On the other hand metho ds using Type Ia sup ernovae as standard can

dles have yielded low values H kmsecMp c SNe Ia are thought to b e

the explosions of white dwarfs which accrete matter from binary companions until

they reach the Chandrasekhar mass and there is some evidence that they form a

homogeneous class they also have the advantage that they can b e observed to great

distances In the future Hubble Space observations of Cepheids in other

nearby galaxies and p erhaps as far as the Virgo cluster which are hosts to SNe Ia

or which can b e used as TullyFisher calibrators should help improve the situation

The recent discovery of a probable Type Ia sup ernova at z also raises hop es

that a sample of SNe Ia at z could signicantly constrain q provided the

disp ersion in SNe Ia is suciently narrow

There are also a variety of metho ds b eing employed to measure the distances of

extragalactic ob jects directly bypassing the extragalactic distance ladder built up

from Cepheids Using the expanding photosphere metho d Schmidt Kirshner and

Eastman have determined the distances to type I I sup ernovae at large distances

and nd go o d agreement with the TullyFisher distances for these galaxies Other

direct metho ds which hold future promise include measurement of the Sunyaev

Zeldovich eect due to the Compton upscattering of CMBR photons by hot gas

in rich clusters and the dierential time delay b etween images in gravitationally

lensed quasars

The Age of the Universe t

Three metho ds have traditionally b een used to infer the age of the Universe

t Nuclear cosmo chronology is based on radioactive dating of r pro cess elements

that is heavy elements formed by rapid neutron capture most probably in sup er

novae The element ratios ReOs and UrTh generally indicate t Gyr

with a large uncertainty due to the unknown element formation history eg the

formation rate over time A second metho d involves the co oling of white

dwarfs when lowmass stars exhaust their nuclear fuel they b ecome degenerate

white dwarfs gradually co oling and b ecoming fainter The number of white dwarfs

as a function of luminosity drops dramatically for L L suggesting

w d

that there has not b een sucient time for them to fade b elow this value Coupled

with mo dels of co oling this implies that the age of the galactic disk is

ab out t Gyr

The most extensively studied technique for constraining t is the determina

tion of the ages of the oldest globular clusters in the galaxy When stars nish

burning they turn o the main sequence characteristically reddening

and brightening By observing the colormagnitude color vs apparent bright

ness diagram for a cluster one can determine the apparent brightness of stars

in the cluster that are now leaving the main sequence Knowing the distance to

the cluster then gives the absolute luminosity of stars at the turno On the

other hand theory relates stellar luminosity to the time a star

sp ends on the main sequence crudely a star turns o the main sequence when

a xed fraction f of its initial hydrogen mass M X M has b een con


verted into here X is the initial H mass fraction of the star


The conversion of H to He releases erg for every gm of H burned

Thus over the course of the main sequence the total energy radiated by a star

is E f X M f X M M erg and its evolutionary lifetime on the main


sequence is E L f X M M LL yr Now stellar mo dels indi

ms H

cate that the relationship b etween mass and main sequence luminosity is roughly

L M yielding a mainsequence lifetime of LL years


Thus the measurement of the main sequence turno luminosity gives an estimate

of the age of the cluster The turno luminosity in the oldest globular clusters in the

galaxy is slightly b elow that of the yielding the age estimate t

g c

Gyr This argument is a gross oversimplication of the complex pro cess of stellar

mo delling and cluster iso chrone tting but it gives a heuristic understanding of the

resulting age estimate The largest source of error is apparently the uncertainty

in the distances to the globular clusters It is hop ed that observations with the

corrected mirror successfully repaired in late could

reduce the uncertainty in t to as little There may also b e residual systematic

g c

mo del uncertainties asso ciated with the initial hydrogen or helium fraction X


opacities metallicity etc

We now turn to the nal cosmological parameter of interest the density of the


Cosmological Parameters and Dark Matter

It is convenient to parameterize the mass density of the universe in terms of

the masstolight ratio say in the V band hM LiM L Dividing the


present critical density

G h gm cm h M Mp c H


by the observed mean luminosity density j hL Mp c the critical



masstolight ratio for the universe is h and the cosmic density


parameter can b e expressed as h The masstolight ratio in

the solar neighborho o d is approximately while the central cores of ellipti

cal galaxies yield h so the density of luminous matter that is of matter

asso ciated with typical stellar p opulations is inferred to b e How

l um

ever it is well known that the luminous parts of galaxies are not the whole story

there is strong evidence from at rotation curves from a variety of

observations of galaxy clusters and from largescale p eculiar motions that there is

a substantial amount of dark matter in the universe

Dark matter in galaxies

An example of this phenomenon for galaxies is shown in Fig which shows a

mo del for the rotation sp eed of the galaxy as a function of radius The three lower

curves show the contributions from the luminous comp onents two bulge comp o

nents and the disk Clearly they cannot account for the observed rotation sp eed

b eyond a few kp c from the galactic center To match the observations taken from

the compilation in ref one assumes in addition a quasispherical distribution of

dark matter called the halo with a density prole of the form



a r

In Fig the adopted halo core radius is a kp c On large scales the halo mass

scales as M r r yielding a at rotation curve v GM r r kmsec



Figure Rotation curve for our galaxy an average over a number of dierent

observations solid p oints is shown with a mo del that includes luminous and dark


for the mo del shown in Fig Clearly eqn cannot extend to arbitrarily large

radii b ecause the enclosed mass would diverge the halo is presumably truncated by

tidal or other eects at large r The observation of high prop er motion stars in the

solar neighborho o d presumably b ound to the Galaxy implies that the lo cal value

of the galactic escap e velocity exceeds kmsec and this can b e used to

place a lower b ound on the halo truncation radius If the halo is sharply truncated

at r the escap e sp eed v at r r satises

t e t

lnr r v v


c e

Using v kmsec at the solar radius r R kp c and v yields

e c

r kp c and a total galaxy mass M M Comparing with the

t g al

luminosity of the disk plus the bulge L L in the V band this

g al

implies that the total masstolight ratio for the is at least


This is consistent with the requirement that distant globular clusters and satellite

galaxies are b ound to the Galaxy as well as with masstolight ratios inferred from

more extended at rotation curves in other spiral galaxies If these systems are

typical of the universe we infer h for the matter asso ciated with galaxy


It is interesting to compare these values with the baryon density inferred from


primordial nucleosynthesis see the lectures by Schramm and Walker which

has b een restricted to the range h Comparison with

B l um

ab ove suggests that some or most of the baryons are dark or in underluminous

p opulations Furthermore comparison with the escap e sp eed and rotation curve

b ound h shows that baryons could constitute some or all of the dark

matter in galaxy halos dep ending on their extent

One p ossibility for dark baryons in halos would b e degenerate brown dwarfs

substellar M M ob jects which did not reach suciently high temp era

ture to burn hydrogen Currently several indep endent groups are searching for halo

dwarfs which have b een dubb ed MACHOS for massive compact halo ob jects the

signature is a microlensing event in which a background star say in the LMC or the

bulge of the Milky Way symmetrically brightens and fades as a MACHO passes

near its line of sight Although they are distinguishable from ordinary variable

and are stars by the time symmetry and achromaticity of the light curve such

microlensing events would b e intrinsically rarethe probability that a given back

ground star is lensed is v c so a large number of stars must


b e accurately monitored The AmericanAustralian MACHO pro ject currently ob

tains CCD for several million stars p er night and has discovered many

p erio dic variable stars The French EROS and Polish OGLE groups are also mak

ing progress In September and Octob er all three groups rep orted the rst

evidence for microlensing events by ob jects in the Galaxy The most prob

able masses for the lensing ob jects are roughly in the range M As

data is accumulated over the next few years we will b e able to infer information

ab out the contribution of MACHOs to the Milky Way halo It is also worth noting

that microlensing in external galaxies has b een sought previously by monitoring

the brightness of gravitationally lensed QSO images over time In particular a mi

crolensing event in the lensed quasar has b een established but in this

case it is dicult to establish the MACHO mass since the microlensing probability

is closer to unity

Dark matter in clusters

Moving to larger scales for clusters of galaxies the traditional dynamical metho d

of estimating cluster masses and masstolight ratios rst used by Zwicky who

discovered the missing mass problem in the s has b een to apply the virial

theorem to measured cluster velocity disp ersions M hv ihR i where hv i



is the velocity disp ersion of the galaxies in a cluster and R is the separation


b etween them This metho d assumes that galaxies trace the cluster mass and

that the galaxy velocity distribution is isotropic b oth of which may not b e go o d

approximations Indep endent information on the dark matter distribution in the

inner cores of clusters comes from the giant luminous arcs and arclets high redshift

galaxies gravitationally lensed by foreground clusters These arcs are formed

when a galaxy is nearly imaged into an Einstein ring Measurements of the cluster

and background galaxy redshifts yield an estimate of the cluster mass within the

impact parameter of the lens for most of the cases studied these estimates are in

reasonable agreement with the masstolight ratios inferred from the virial theorem

but it should b e noted that the arc observations prob e only the inner few hundred

kp c of the clusters Work is presently b eing done to extend this idea to map clusters

on larger scales by lo oking for more minute statistical distortions in the alignments

of background galaxies Typical inferred cluster values are h which

would imply Since clusters are rare ob jects o ccupying a very small

fraction of the universe one exp ects this to b e a lower b ound in which case some

form of non is probably required given the limits on ab ove


Xray observations most recently by the ROSAT satellite have b egun to map

the density and temp erature proles of the hot gas which p ermeates many clusters

Since the gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium it can b e used to trace the cluster mass

distribution including dark matter directly

k T r dlnT dlnn

M r


Gm dlnr dlnr


where is the mean molecular weight of the gas and nr and T r are the gas

density and temp erature Cluster masses inferred from Xray observations are gen

erally comparable to but less than virial estimates Consistent with this

the Xray measurements indicate that clusters are surprisingly baryonrich in the

sense that the gas constitutes typically h of the inferred binding mass

within approximately h Mp c of the center of a rich cluster like Coma More

over the dark matter tends to b e more centrally concentrated than the gas out to

this scale suggesting that the gas fraction of the whole cluster is at least as large

as the value ab ove If this ratio is representative of the baryon mass fraction of

the universe then the nucleosynthesis b ound on would imply the upper limit


h Including the baryon stellar comp onent in cluster galaxies only

strengthens this limit This has b een taken as evidence against the universe having

closure density and would require advocates of ination which implies

k to fall back on a cosmological constant or some other smo othly distributed

comp onent The other p ossibility would b e to lo osen the nucleosynthesis b ounds

on through some nonstandard scenario such as inhomogeneous nucleosynthesis


but the upp er b ound on is not raised suciently in this mo del to get around


the argument ab ove One should p erhaps b e cautious ab out inferring the universal

baryon fraction from a rich cluster like Coma In particular clusters with higher

Xray temp eratures and therefore larger total masses may have a larger fraction

of their total mass in gas This trend coupled with the steeply falling distribution

function of cluster temp eratures dn dT T for k T keV suggests that


the mean gas and baryon fraction may b e substantially b elow the value for Coma

since the mean is dominated by the more numerous co oler clusters k T

C oma

keV This would raise the derived upp er b ound on closer to unity and suggests

that massive clusters like Coma may not b e representative of the baryon fraction

of the Universe On the other hand Nb o dy simulations of cold dark matter with

baryons indicate that the baryon fraction in a Comasize cluster should b e repre

sentative of the mean so the present situation is somewhat confusing

Largescale ows

Moving to still larger scales the deviations from the Hubble ow have b een

used to infer the cosmic density over scales of order h Mp c The basic idea is

to compare samples of the density p erturbation eld and the p eculiar velocity eld

covering the same volume assuming they arise gravitationally the prop ortionality

b etween them dep ends on the rate of growth of the density uctuations which in

turn dep ends on On very large scales as discussed ab ove the rms density

uctuations are small so linear p erturbation theory away from the FRW spacetime

is a reasonable rst approximation see the lectures by Scherrer In this case one

nds the relation

r v H


where the density eld x x and the p erturbation growth rate

enters through dln dlna If one expresses distances d in terms of their

equivalent Hubble velocities v H d then H drops out of Eqn so the

uncertainty in the Hubble parameter do es not undermine this metho d A number

of dierent approaches have b een used to extract in this way and they have

all given consistently high answers The top ographic correlation b etween

the observed galaxy eld and the density eld inferred from galaxy p eculiar velocity

surveys suggests that galaxies do broadly trace the mass distribution on large scales

in the sense that more galaxies are found in regions of high mass density that is

high r v but the galaxy distribution may b e biased with resp ect to the mass


In the simplest linear bias mo del the smo othed galaxy and mass density elds

are assumed to b e prop ortional x b x where b is the bias factor

g al g al g al

taken to b e constant for a given class of galaxies Since is what is observed

g al

the comparisons based on Eqn actually constrain the combination b

g al

where the bias factor refers eg to galaxies selected from the IRAS catalog Recent

determinations have found b For a bias factor of order unity this is

g al

consistent with which is pleasing to theorists and also buttresses the case

for nonbaryonic dark matter It is well to keep in mind however that biasing

is presumably a complex pro cess asso ciated with the nonlinear stages of galaxy

formation so that the prop ortionality of the galaxy and density elds may b e non

linear andor scaledep endent In addition even with substantial smo othing of

the density eld the p erturbation amplitude in many regions is not small and

corrections to the linear theory must b e taken into account

A summary of typical estimates of the density parameter on dierent scales is

given in Table

Nonbaryonic Dark Matter

If as the dynamical observations on scales larger than clusters sug


gest some form of nonbaryonic matter must b e invoked to make up the balance

Moreover since this matter must b e dark it is natural to consider

l um

weakly interacting particles as candidates It is convenient to distinguish two broad

Table Estimates of the cosmic density parameter


Luminous matter in galaxies h

Galaxy halos h

Clusters h

Largescale ows

classes of nonbaryonic dark matter hot and cold on the basis of their clustering

prop erties The prototypical hot dark matter candidate is a light with

mass m eV see Sec Since they are relativistic m T until rela

tively recent ep o chs light would freestream out of and damp out density

p erturbations up to the scale of galaxy clusters Galaxies would form after clusters

via fragmentation top down Due to phasespace constraints light neutrinos

would not cluster signicantly on the scale of galaxies baryons would constitute

the predominant dark matter in galaxy halos while neutrinos would dominate in

clusters Cold dark matter on the other hand is dened to have negligible free

streaming lengthit clusters on all scales In cold dark matter mo dels structure

generally forms hierarchically with smaller clumps merging to form larger ones

b ottom up For this reason many but not all theorists since the early s

have tended to prefer cold over hot dark matter but it is worth noting the recently

surging p opularity of a mix n match scenario a combination of cold and

hot dark matter say with m eV pro duces a favorable sp ectrum of largescale

density p erturbations in the context of ination with some apparent advantages

over pure cold dark matter

The theoretically favorite candidates for cold dark matter are weakly interacting

massive particles WIMPs with masses generally in the range GeV and the

an ultralight pseudoscalar with a mass of order eV The most attractive

WIMP candidate is the neutralino the lightest sup ersymmetric fermionic partner of

the standard mo del b osons its weak rate in the early universe naturally

leaves it with an abundance comparable to the present critical density The axion

is the pseudoNambuGoldstone b oson asso ciated with sp ontaneous breakdown of

a global U symmetry the PecceiQuinn symmetry introduced to explain why

the strong interactions conserve CP The global symmetry is sp ontaneously broken

at some large mass scale f through the vacuum exp ectation value of a complex



scalar eld hi f expiaf At energies b elow the scale f the only


relevant degree of freedom is the massless axion eld a the angular mo de around

the b ottom of the p otential At a much lower energy scale MeV the


symmetry is explicitly broken when QCD b ecomes strong and the axion obtains a

p erio dic p otential of height In invisible axion mo dels with PecceiQuinn


scale f GeV the resulting axion mass is m f eV



and Although light invisible interact so weakly with crosssection


f that they were never in thermal equilibrium they form as a cold Bose



Accelerator searches for neutrino mixing and b etadecay exp eriments on neu

trino mass should provide useful constraints on the p ossibility of neutrino dark

matter Active exp erimental eorts are also underway to detect b oth WIMPs and

axions Direct WIMP detection lo oks for the signals pro duced when a halo WIMP

collides with a nucleus in a kgsize cryogenic crystal dep ositing of order keV

in ionization and phonons detector schemes based on scintillation and excitations

of sup eruids and sup erconductors are also b eing developed Indirect WIMP de

tectors search for high energy neutrinos pro duced when WIMPs annihilate in the

Sun and the Earth large underground or underwater detectors currently in place

or under development with sensitivity to WIMP include Kamiokande

MACRO AMANDA and DUMAND Accelerator searches for sup ersymmetry also

will constrain the neutralino parameter space A largescale axion search based at

Livermore exp ected to come online in will search for resonant conversion of

halo axions to microwave photons in a cavity with a strong magnetic eld A scaled

up version of an idea originally prop osed by Sikivie this detector should approach

the cosmologically interesting region of axion couplings for the rst time

Finally given the paucity of direct evidence for dark matter it is probably

healthy to keep an op en mind to alternatives While it is natural to ascrib e at

galaxy rotation curves and large cluster velocity disp ersions to unseen matter

Milgrom and others have argued that they may instead signal a breakdown of

Newtons law of inertia at very low acceleration The extent to which Milgroms

mo died Newtonian dynamics MOND accounts for all the phenomena normally

imputed to dark matter is controversial and a full theory with which one could

explore cosmology has b een lacking Nevertheless at a minimum it provides a use

ful challenge to the accepted dogma On a relatively more conservative side the

p ossibility that the dark matter interacts by other longrange forces in addition to

has recently b een explored Such interactions are signicantly constrained

by galaxy and cluster observations but could nevertheless have interesting impli

cations for structure formation and biasing

Cosmological Parameters Taking Sto ck

With this brief survey in hand it is useful to pause and place these numbers for

the cosmological parameters in theoretical context If an extended p erio d of ination

to ok place in the early universe see b elow then the spatial geometry should now b e

observationally indistinguishable from k If the cosmological constant vanishes

from Eqn spatial atness implies with the concomitant requirement

of nonbaryonic dark matter and thus t H h yr This is

uncomfortably low compared to ages unless h t Gyr

and denitely problematic unless h t Gyr still on the low side of the

H observations However a nonvanishing is certainly allowed at some level by

observations and has sp oradically come into vogue most recently to alleviate b oth

this age problem and the largescale p ower problem for inationary cosmology For

example in a at mo del with Eqn gives t H

h Gyr consistent with the lower b ound t Gyr for the entire observed

g c

range of H and yielding a healthy t Gyrold universe for h This

lower value of is consistent with the dynamical mass estimates from clusters but

somewhat b elow the recent estimates from largescale ows Since there is currently

little theoretical guidance as to why j j is as small as it is and no rm pro of that it

should vanish it is probably b est to keep an op en mind although the fact that we

would b e living just at the ep o ch when is comparable to might seem to b eg for

explanation The third p ossibility is that theoretical prejudice is wrong and that

we live in an op en lowdensity p erhaps purely baryonic universe with negligible

in which case the globular cluster age range is also compatible with somewhat

larger values of H The challenge in this case is to explain the largescale ows

or attribute them to systematic distance errors and to form largescale structure

without violating CMBR anisotropy constraints In this case it also would b e an

o dd coincidence that we live just at the ep o ch when the curvature term in is

b ecoming appreciable compared to the matter term

The Early Universe

We have seen that the FRW mo dels provide a natural framework for under

standing observations of the universe on the largest scales in particular the Hubble

law Aside from the Hubble expansion two other observational pillars supp ort the

temple of the standard cosmology the thermal sp ectrum of the CMBR and the light

element abundances Both direct our attention backward to much earlier ep o chs in

the history of the universe the hot big bang

The Cosmic Microwave Background

The K cosmic microwave background radiation discovered thirty years ago

has since b een shown to b e remarkably isotropic to roughly one part in on angu

lar scales larger than a few arc minutes and to have an exactly thermal blackbo dy

sp ectrum to within the exp erimental errors The sp ectral measurements cover the

range of photon wavelengths from roughly cm while the most impressive

verication of the sp ectrum comes from the recent COBE FIRAS observa

tions in the range cm The measured FIRAS ux vs frequency is shown

in Fig it is indistinguishable from a Planck sp ectrum with a temp erature of

T K The error bars on the p oints are to o small to see so they have

b een multiplied by a factor of in the gure

The blackbo dy of the CMBR is indicative of a medium that has relaxed

to thermal equilibrium However there are strong grounds for b elieving that the

recent universe is transparent to CMBR photons that is that the mean free path

for microwave photon scattering is much longer than the present Hubble length i

we observe radio galaxies as p oint sources out to redshifts of order z which re

quires microwave transparency out to this scale ii even p ostulating a fully ionized

Figure CMBR brightness vs frequency inverse wavelength measured by COBE


intergalactic medium with closure density the mean free time for Comp

ig m

ton scattering is longer than the Hubble time back to a redshift z Therefore

the CMBR is not now in thermo dynamic equilibrium and could not have b een ther

malized at recent cosmological ep o chs The standard explanation is that the CMBR

is a remnant of a much earlier hot dense phase of the universe when the matter

and radiation were in equilibrium Indeed running the Hubble expansion backward

in time this is just what one would exp ect as the matter is compressed it heats

up b ecoming a dense ionized which eciently scatters and thermalizes the

radiation on a timescale much shorter than the expansion timescale

This argument suggests that the early universe can b e accurately describ ed as a

dilute adiabatically expanding gas of particles and radiation in lo cal thermal equi

librium uniquely characterized by the instantaneous temp erature T t While this

may reect conditions over much of the early history of the universe we know it is

not the full story b ecause a gas in thermal equilibrium is featureless and structure

less and the observed universe is not so b oring Although thermal equilibrium is a

go o d starting p oint the interesting ep o chs in cosmic historythe ones which leave

p otentially observable signatures or relics such as the light elements the baryon

asymmetry and particle dark matterare those in which a particle sp ecies i go es out

of thermal equilibrium b ecause the rate of interactions keeping it in equilibrium

falls b elow the expansion rate H t This happ ens at a temp erature T dened

i F





T is called the freezeout temp erature at temp eratures T T the particles


comoving number density is xed n a Thus the study of the early universe


requires b oth equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermo dynamics the Boltzmann

equation For completeness it is worth noting that there may also b e particle relics

such as magnetic monop oles and axions which were never in thermal equilibrium

It is helpful to have some characteristic numbers for the CMBR For ultra

relativistic particles in kinetic equilibrium at temp erature T the energy density


b osons

g T

i i


and the number density

b osons

g T n

i i


where g is the number of internal degrees of freedom and the Riemann zeta function


For blackbo dy radiation at T K the present CMBR energy

density is gmcm and the photon number density is n

cm For comparison the present baryon density is n m h

B B p B

cm and the baryon to photon ratio is






In the early universe baryons and photons are kept in thermal contact by Comp

ton scattering e e As the universe expands and co ols eventually it b e

comes energetically favorable for the ionized plasma to recombine to form neutral

hydrogen e p H When this happ ens the density of free electrons drops

precipitously and the Compton scattering rate p er photon n falls b e

e C omp

low the expansion rate H as a result the photons decouple freeze out from the

matter In the absence of subsequent of the matter the photons will

have travelled freely since that ep o ch which is therefore called the surface of last


It is a useful exercise to estimate when hydrogen recombination and photon

decoupling to ok place Since the recombination rate is initially rapid compared to

the expansion rate the baryons and photons maintain ionization equilibrium The

densities of the nonrelativistic baryons in thermal equilibrium are

m m T

i i i

exp n g

i i


where i e p H and are chemical p otentials Dening the ionization fraction


x n n n and using chemical equilibrium to relate the chemical p otentials

p p H

we arrive at the Saha equation for the equilibrium ionization fraction

p e H


x B T




x m T



where B m m m eV is the of neutral hydrogen

e p H

Using for and taking h from nucleosynthesis one nds that


x drops rapidly away from unitythat is the hydrogen eectively recombines


at a temp erature T eV Since the temp erature scales as T z

r ec

K this corresp onds to the ep o ch z This result is just what one exp ects

r ec

recombination takes place when there are to o few photons left in the highenergy tail

of the thermal distribution to ionize the hydrogen This happ ens at a temp erature

somewhat b elow the binding energy of hydrogen b ecause the number of photons p er

baryon is so large Once x drops appreciably b elow unity the Compton


rate p er photon x n so on falls b elow the expansion rate and the

C omp

photons decouple at a redshift z From this corresp onds to a


decoupling time t h sec h yr for


If photons decoupled at such an early ep o ch why do es the CMBR still have such

a precisely thermal sp ectrum The simple reason is that the expansion preserves

the blackbo dy thermal sp ectrum even in the absence of thermalizing interactions

At temp eratures T T the photons are in kinetic equilibrium with a Bose


distribution function

f p t t


expE T

where E jpj After decoupling the photons are free particles their energies just

redshifting with the expansion E t E t at at However since they are

dec dec

no longer interacting the o ccupation number must b e conserved for each momen

tum state As a result the distribution function maintains the form with

eective temp erature given by T t T t at at since this holds for each

dec dec

momentum state the sp ectrum remains thermal

In fact the issue of the preservation of the thermal sp ectrum is more subtle than

this argument suggests and the sp ectrum observation by FIRAS a more p owerful

to ol b ecause we have not taken into account the p ossibility that some physical

pro cess could distort the sp ectrum away from the form For example annihi

lating or decaying elementary particles or explo ding black holes could release energy

into the photonbaryon plasma that is not completely thermalized by the time of

photon decoupling Alternatively after decoupling an early generation of stars

quasars or active galactic nuclei might release enough energy to heat up and reion

ize the baryons which would then scatter o the CMBR and distort the sp ectrum

The kind of sp ectral distortion pro duced dep ends on the ep o ch when such a pro cess

releases energy into the photonbaryon system Energy released into the baryons at

z is completely thermalized by Compton scattering and bremmstrahlung

r el

emission the photons relax to a new equilibrium distribution at a higher temp er

ature leaving no distortion Energy released in the interval z

r el

cannot b e completely thermalized b ecause photon pro duction b ecomes inecient

in this regime multiple Compton scattering leads to a BoseEinstein photon distri


f p




where the chemical p otential is related to the energy density injected by

T The FIRAS results shown in Fig can b e translated into the

b ound jT j severely restricting the energy density injected at such

times If energy is released into the electrons later at z z e

dec r el

scattering pro duces a Compton y distortion which can b e expressed as a frequency

dep endent temp erature


T e

y for T



y T for T

T T e

The y parameter is related to the energy release by y Eqn states

that Compton scattering by hot electrons at T T moves photons from low to


high frequency depleting the sp ectrum in the lowfrequency RayleighJeans region

and enhancing it in the Wien part of the sp ectrum Comparison with the data in

Fig yields the observational constraint y These b ounds together

severely constrain any mo del in which energy is released b etween roughly one and

yr after the big bang

The Radiation Era

Summing eqn over all eectively massless sp ecies in equilibrium we can

dene the total radiation energy density by

g T


where g T counts the number of eective relativistic Bose B and Fermi F

degrees of freedom which may have dierent eective temp eratures



i i

g T g g

i i


iB iF

As the universe expands and co ols the function g T decreases whenever T drops

b elow the mass m of a particle sp ecies For the photon and assuming massless


neutrinos it is currently g T ab ove the e e mass threshold g

MeV and at temp eratures ab ove the masses of all particles in the

standard electroweak mo del g T GeV

From and assuming there are no exotic heretofore unknown relativistic

particles the present radiation energy density is t gmcm


Comparing with the critical density in eqn the radiation makes a negligible

contribution to the present density



conrming our assumption in Sec that the present universe is matterdominated

On the other hand since a the universe was radiationdominated at

r m

early times From the transition from radiation to matterdomination


o ccurred when


a T


z h


a T


which corresp onds to a photon temp erature T h eV For this


happ ened when the age of the universe was t h sec Note that for


the universe b ecomes matterdominated b efore but not long b efore



During the radiationdominated RD ep o ch t t the spatial curvature term


in the Friedmann equation can b e neglected since it scales with a more slowly than

or and we know that it is at most comparable to the matter density term

m r

to day The RD era solution is therefore describ ed by Combining and

we can relate the temp erature and expansion rate in the RD ep o ch


H g


P l

Since H t from we can also relate temp erature and age


P l

sec t


g T g

Table Thermal history of the universe

T GeV tsec Event

Planck era quantum gravity

Grand unication ination top ological defects

Sup ersymmetry technicolor

Electroweak transition SU U U


Quarkhadron transition chiral symmetry breaking

Neutrino decoupling

e e annihilation

Matterradiation equality

H recombination photon decoupling

Nonlinear structures form

Chicago Bulls threep eat

note this was given as a prediction at TASI

A timeline for the early universe with some imp ortant ep o chs delineated is shown

in Table The CMBR prob es conditions back to the time of photon decoupling

while the light element abundances prob e conditions at temp eratures comparable

to nuclear binding energies T MeV Going backward in time QCD predicts that

chiral symmetry should b e broken at a temp erature of order MeV At ab out that

time quarks should also b ecome conned inside hadrons but it is not clear if this is

a smo oth secondorder transition or a rstorder transition involving the release of

latent heat and the nucleation of hadron bubbles If the quarkhadron transition is

rstorder the resulting inhomogeneous baryon distribution might leave observable

signatures in the light element abundances

Going to earlier times the electroweak symmetry should b e restored at a tem

p erature of order GeV The dynamics of this transition is currently an area of

active investigation if it is a rstorder transition it is p ossible that the resulting

nonequilibrium conditions were rip e for the generation of the

If baryons and antibaryons had b een present in exactly equal numbers in the early

universe their annihilation would eventually have driven the baryon to photon ra

tio down to a value many orders of magnitude smaller than Thus when the

baryons were relativistic there must have b een a small asymmetry b etween the

density of baryons and antibaryons n n n n n As rst p ointed out

B b b b


by Sakharov the generation of such a baryon asymmetry requires baryonnumber

and CPviolating interactions as well as a departure from thermal equilibrium since

n n in equilibrium It is currently thought that takes place at the



GUT or electroweak eras

Going back earlier than sec we must invoke physics b eyond the stan

dard electroweak mo del and the events b ecome increasingly sp eculative Particle

physics mo dels suggest there may b e new physics lurking at the TeV scalep erhaps

sup ersymmetry technicolor or various extensions of the standard mo del In the

simplest grand unied theories the strong and electroweak interactions are unied

the symmetry b etween them restored at an energy scale of order GeV A cos

mological at that ep o ch might lead to ination or to the generation

of top ological defects such as monop oles cosmic strings or textures the resulting

density and gravitational p erturbations pro duced could provide the seeds for

largescale structure and leave a signature in the CMBR anisotropy Classical cos

mology runs into a wall at the Planck era t sec at that ep o ch quantum

uctuations in the spacetime metric are exp ected to b e large and a quantum theory

of gravity is required If sup erstrings provide the fundamental description of nature

inherently stringy eects would b ecome imp ortant around that scale

Relic Neutrinos and Hot Dark Matter

As an interesting example of interactions freezing out and leaving a relic sp ecies

consider light neutrinos The crosssection for e e scattering through W

e e

and Z exchange is of order p p M where is the weak ne structure



constant M M M is the gauge b oson mass and p are the fermion momenta in


the center of mass First consider the very early universe at temp eratures T M

In this case the momenta p T M resulting in a crosssection h v i T


Since the particle density n T the interaction rate is T Comparing


with the expansion rate H T M we nd that the interaction rate is larger

P l

H at temp eratures T M GeV If we b egin our consideration

w P l


of cosmology at the Planck era T GeV this tells us that gauge interactions

are initially out of equilibrium but lo cal thermal equilibrium is a go o d working

assumption b elow ab out GeV As a result inferences ab out physics near the

Planck scale which rely on equilibrium thermo dynamics should b e viewed with


The situation changes when the temp erature falls b elow the gauge b oson masses

T M In this regime we have M T p m and the e crosssection


b ecomes h v i T M G T where G is the Fermi constant G


w F

GeV Comparison with the expansion rate now gives H G M T which

w P l


falls b elow unity at the neutrino freezeout temp erature T MeV For light


neutrinos we have T m so the neutrinos are ultrarelativistic with a density


comparable to photons when they freeze out such particles are called hot relics as

opp osed to cold relics which are nonrelativistic T m when they freeze out


Consider the implications of neutrino decoupling for the present neutrino density

We will make use of the fact that in thermal equilibrium the total entropy in a

comoving volume is conserved by the rst law of thermo dynamics S sa

constant where the entropy density is




So on after the neutrinos decouple the electrons and p ositrons annihilate e e

at T m MeV converting their entropy into photons Since this takes


place after freeze out the neutrinos do not partake of the entropy b o ost Before

annihilation the e e entropy is s T and the photon entropy


s T After annihilation the photon entropy has b een increased by

the factor



which means the photons are heated with resp ect to the neutrinos

T s

T s

Using the present CMBR temp erature from COBE this implies a present neutrino

temp erature of T K and a neutrino density for a single neutrino sp ecies

n T T n n cm

We can also use this to calculate the present energy density in radiation assuming

all three neutrino sp ecies are massless we have

g T

which leads directly to

It is p ossible that one or more of the neutrinos is massive the current exp eri

MeV If a keV m eV m mental neutrino mass limits b eing m


neutrino is massive and stable or longlived compared to the age of the universe

it could contribute more substantially to the density of the universe From

and one nds

m n m

h eV



From sec neutrinos could provide the dark matter and close the universe

if h which would require a mass m eV While larger than the mass


limit either the muon and tau neutrinos could have masses in this range moreover

even an electron neutrino at the upp er end of the exp erimental mass limit would

contribute substantially to the energy density

If neutrinos are the dark matter an interesting argument due to Tremaine and

Gunn shows that they cannot cluster in galaxies so they would not provide the

dark halos of the kind shown in Fig To see the p oint supp ose neutrinos were

clustered in the halo of a galaxy like the Milky Way Their number density would


b e n d pf p f hp i f m v where the halo velocity disp ersion is


v kmsec By the Pauli exclusion principle the neutrino o ccupation number


v must satisfy f p which implies the constraint n m v m



The lo cal halo density in the mo del of Fig is of order GeV cm


eV for this to b e comp osed of neutrinos would require m v



Extending this argument to dwarf galaxies leads to the tighter constraint m

several hundred eV These numbers are signicantly higher than the closure

density neutrino mass turning the argument around we conclude that in a neutrino

dominated universe galaxy halos must b e baryonic

Relic WIMPS and Cold Dark Matter

In the discussion ab ove we assumed that the neutrinos are light compared to

their freezeout temp erature m T MeV If neutrinos or some other


weakly interacting particle were much heavier the situation changes the particle

b ecomes nonrelativistic b efore freezeout so its abundance relative to radiation

is depleted by annihilationssuch particles are collectively known as cold relics or

WIMPs Examples of cold relics are sup ersymmetric neutralinos fermionic partners

of standard mo del b osons with masses in the range m GeV TeV If R

parity is conserved the lightest sup ersymmetric particle LSP is stable and is a

prime candidate for cold dark matter with


Accurate calculations of relic WIMP abundances generally require numerical

solution of the which describ es how the WIMP abundance

relative to its equilibrium value evolves over time in the expanding universe How

ever one can get an order of magnitude estimate from eqn which states that

the relic particle abundance relative to the entropy density is approximately the

equilibrium abundance at freezeout Using the annihilation rate at equilibrium

n h v i with n given by the Boltzmann form here assuming

eq eq

and the expansion rate in the freezeout condition b ecomes dropping factors




mT e h v iM

F P l





Thus the relic WIMP to entropy ratio is



n mT e m

eq F

s T M mh v i T


P l F



For weakly interacting particles with masses in the GeV TeV range the ratio

mT at freezeout For concreteness consider a massive neutrino


other WIMPs are qualitatively similar but dier in quantitative detail for non

relativistic neutrinos of mass m the fourmomentum p m and the annihilation

crosssection estimated at the b eginning of the last section b ecomes G m


Substitution into gives ns mGeV Using eqns and

this corresp onds to a neutrino mass density of order h mGeV

This tells us that a particle with mass in the GeV range and annihilation cross

section typical of the weak interactions will have a relic density comparable to the

closure density of the universe Note that such cold particles have no trouble tting

into galaxy halos unlike light neutrinos

The Inationary Universe

Motivation the Horizon and Flatness problems

The inationary scenario originally arose out of the attempt to solve several

puzzles which arise when one extrap olates the standard cosmology back to the very

early universe The most imp ortant of these puzzles are the horizon and atness

problems which we consider in turn

Consider a light signal emitted from the origin at time t from eqn it


will reach a co ordinate distance r at a time t given by



t r


dt dr




k r


If the second integral converges as t then there exists a two


fundamental observers separated by a co ordinate distance larger than r t

h e

will not yet b e in causal contact at time t The prop er distance from the origin to

the co ordinate r t at time t is called the particle horizon radius d

h e h




d t at



In the standard cosmology in the early radiationdominated phase at t and

the particle horizon d ct Note that this is also comparable to the Hubble length


H t t More generally d is nite if the scale factor at grows more slowly


than t at early times from the criterion for this is p a reasonable

condition for most uids Now recall that in the absence of early reionization the

CMBR photons last scattered at a time t h sec If photons


emitted from two p oints separated by the particle horizon distance at the time of

last scattering would arrive with an angular separation of order degree at the

observer to day Therefore in the standard cosmology when we lo ok at a map of

the microwave sky we would exp ect it to lo ok very anisotropic on angular scales

larger than a degree b ecause we are seeing photons emitted from regions which were

not yet in causal contact with each other at the time of last scattering Yet the

microwave sky is remarkably isotropic over all scales larger than a few arcminutes

to of order one part in This is the the CMBR is isotropic

over scales which were not yet in causal contact when the photons last scattered

This argument might app ear circular for we have done this calculation using the

homogeneous and isotropic FRW mo del so by assumption the CMBR must app ear

isotropic over all scales and one might conclude that there is no problem This

ob jection is spurious we could easily rep eat the derivation of the particle horizon

in a cosmological mo del which is nearly but not exactly homogeneous and isotropic

say with temp erature uctuations which are of order instead of and

end up with essentially the same answer That is we do not need to assume exact

homogeneity and isotropy for there to b e a horizon problem

The second puzzle of the standard cosmology is the atness problem In essence

this is the puzzle of why the spatial curvature term in do es not presently

dominate over the matterdensity term by a large margin if k and we

can rewrite as

a tH t

jt j

From a H a is a decreasing function of time if w Consequently

in the standard cosmology with nonnegative uid pressure the observational fact

that is within an order of magnitude of unity means that t must have b een

extremely close to unity at earlier times at the Planck time for example it requires

In the absence of other prejudices one might have guessed that jt j

P l

the universe would emerge from the quantum gravity Planck era with the matter

density and curvature terms having comparable amplitudes but the result ab ove

implies that they must have b een identical at that time to one part in Another

way to state this is if conditions had b een just slightly dierent at the Planck time

the universe would have gone into free expansion a t or have recollapsed long

b efore the present ep o ch In other words the natural timescale for the universe to

sec yet our universe b ecome curvaturedominated is the Planck time t

P l

is still not strongly curvaturedominated at t sec t

P l

It is imp ortant to emphasize that these two puzzles are not inconsistencies of

the standard cosmological mo del Rather they p oint to features of the observed

universe which the standard mo del do es not explain and which moreover app ear

highly unlikely when the standard cosmology is embedded in a somewhat larger

class of cosmological mo dels That is they are b oth problems of initial conditions

in the phase space of initial conditions the set of initial data that evolve to a

Universe like ours is very small A more physical way to say this is that homogeneity

and spatial atness are unstable prop erties of the mo del so the present nearly

homogeneous and spatially at state of the Universe app ears to b e very sensitive to

the initial conditions Ination was designed to reduce this sensitivity by widening

the class of initial conditions which evolve to a nearly homogeneous and spatially

at state within the observable universe This is the sense in which ination is said

to solve the horizon and atness problems

Ination necessary ingredients

The discussion of the horizon and atness problems implicitly p ointed to their

solution what is wanted is an early era when the scale factor accelerates a for

this implies that a is increasing with time ie that a grows faster than t Because

of the rapid growth of the scale factor when it is accelerating this was dubb ed

ination by Guth From acceleration requires that the energy density b e

dominated by some uid with equation of state p How long must such an

inationary ep o ch last Supp ose the accelerated expansion b egins at an ep o ch t


and ends at t Then from we can compare the present and initial curvature



a H a H j j

i i e e




j j a H a H

i e e

In the last expression I have assumed for the sake of argument that the universe is

radiationdominated for t t that the ination ep o ch ends around the GUT scale


T GeV and that H H Here N is the number of efolds of growth of

e e i e

the scale factor during ination






at at exp H tdt e

e i



We would like the ratio on the left hand side of to b e of order unity so that


do es not have to b e extremely close to one The right hand side of then implies

that the scale factor must grow by at least N efolds during the inationary


ep o ch If this is identical to the condition that our observable universe have


emerged from a region that was causally connected at the onset of inationthus

solving the horizon problem as well

The pleasing feature of ination is that it drives the spatial curvature to zero

via rapid expansion of the spatial hypersurfaces After ination the curvature term

again grows in imp ortance but it has b een reset by ination to such a tiny value

that it is still catching up to the matter term to day In fact if the universe enters an

extended inationary p erio d it is quite plausible that it lasts considerably longer

than the required efolds of expansion in which case the spatial curvature term

would still b e exp onentially small to day In other words unless N is almost exactly


a suciently long p erio d of ination implies that the present universe should b e

observationally indistinguishable from b eing spatially at ie

There is a second necessary ingredient for ination to b e a viable scenario for

the very early universe The accelerated expansion not only drives the spatial

curvature to zero but it also drives the density of matter and radiation to zero

At the end of N efolds of expansion the radiation temp erature would b e at


most T T e which is less than eV if T M This would invalidate the

e i i P l

argument in eqn where we assumed T M and among other things

e GU T

make it imp ossible to account for the light element abundances through primordial

nucleosynthesis Thus a p erio d of accelerated expansion by itself is not enough to

solve the horizon and atness problems at the end of ination the energy density in

the uid that drives the inationary expansion must b e converted into radiation to

rep opulate and reheat the universe A minimal condition for successful ination is

that the reheat temp erature after ination b e high enough for the baryon asymmetry

to b e generated if baryogenesis takes place at the electroweak scale this implies



Ination Scalar Field Dynamics

In Guth prop osed that a scalar eld trapp ed in a false vacuum state

with nonzero p otential energy could act as the driving force of ination and thereby

solve the horizon and atness problems It is easy to see that this ts the bill for

accelerated expansion the energymomentum comp onents for a classical scalar eld

x t with p otential V are


p V




If the eld is trapp ed in a lo cal minimum of the p otential it will relax to a static


conguration with p V constant which satises the criterion


for accelerated expansion In this case eqn b ecomes H GV


constant and the solution is the exp onential de Sitter expansion of In

other words a eld dominated by constant p otential energy acts as an eective

cosmological constant

While a promising idea false vacuum ination did not satisfactorily incorp orate

the second necessary ingredient of reheating once the eld is trapp ed for suciently

long in the false vacuum state it must tunnel through the p otential barrier which

held it there in order to reach the true vacuum where V In this case


all the p otential energy of the false vacuum ends up in the walls of the nucleated

bubbles of true vacuum and is not converted into radiation by bubble collisions

eciently enough The remedy was so on provided by Linde and by Albrecht

and Steinhardt instead of the eld b eing trapp ed in a metastable minimum of

the p otential it can b e classically evolving on a very at p otential if it is initially

displaced from the p otential minimum If the p otential is suciently at the kinetic

and p otential energy terms in eqns will redshift away with the expansion

leaving the p otential term to dominate as b efore Ination ends when the eld

reaches a steep er part of the p otential the eld sp eeds up and eventually oscillates

ab out its p otential minimum If is coupled to lighter particles these coherent eld

oscillations lead to particle creation and thereby reheat the universe the scalar eld

energy is converted to radiation This new ination mo del thus solves the graceful

exit problem of the original false vacuum scenario

In these early ination mo dels it was assumed that the scalar eld driving

ination the inaton was a Higgs eld asso ciated with the sp ontaneous breakdown

of the grand unied gauge symmetry The eld would b e initially displaced from

its global minimum by nite temp erature eects It was so on realized however

that the inaton must b e extremely weakly selfcoupled in order for its quantum

uctuations to generate an acceptable amplitude of density p erturbations Since

Higgs elds are coupled to gauge elds however radiative corrections typically

generate large selfcouplings As a result the concept of ination was divorced

from Higgs elds and gauge symmetry breaking and a pandoras b ox of particle

physics mo dels was op ened up Nevertheless the dierent mo dels of ination share

many common dynamical features and it is those which I will fo cus on

To see how ination works in a little more detail consider the dynamics of the

evolving scalar eld Within each ie ignoring spatial gradients

the evolution of the eld is describ ed by the classical equation of motion for a

homogeneous eld t


where is the decay width of the inaton eld a phenomenological term which has

b een introduced to roughly mo del the backreaction eects of particle creation and

reheating on the scalar eld The expansion rate H aa is determined by the

Friedmann equation



P l

and it is also useful to have the second order Friedmann equation

h i



a M

P l

From the condition that the universe b e inating a requires that the

kinetic energy by subdominant V A sucient although not necessary

condition for this is that the eld b e slow ly rolling SR in its p otential In this

context slowly rolling is a technical term the eld is said to b e slowly rolling

when its motion is overdamped ie


so that the term can b e dropp ed in the equation of motion we assume

H during this phase From the dening SR condition implies that

V thus if the SR condition is well satised the universe is inating

Slowrollover is analytically convenient for it implies two consistency conditions

on the slop e and curvature of the p otential



P l

j V j H and


where the slowroll equation of motion has b een used in the last equality eqn

without the second derivativer term Supp ose ination b egins when the eld value

is t and the SR ep o ch ends when reaches a value at which one of

i i e

the inequalities is violated To solve the cosmological puzzles we demand

that the scale factor of the universe inates by at least efoldings during the SR




e e


d N lna a H dt

i e e i


M t

i i

P l

Once the p otential is chosen determines in terms of the parameters in V


The condition then constrains the initial value of the eld


Once grows b eyond the SR condition breaks down and the eld evolution is


more appropriately describ ed in terms of oscillations ab out the p otential minimum

These coherent oscillations excite the creation of particles to which is coupled

which in turn damps the oscillations and reheats the universe once the created

particles thermalize by scattering By energy conservation the phenomenological

damping term in the scalar equation of motionthe scalar decay rateacts as a

source for radiation


r r

We can identify two qualitative regimes for reheating i if H reheating is

very ecient nearly all the scalar p otential energy is converted to particles leading

to a reheat temp erature given by T V ii on the other hand if H



reheating is inecient and the scalar eld oscillations partially redshift away b efore

converting to particles In this case the reheating temp erature is lower and is given



M g T

P l RH

where g is the number of relativistic degrees of freedom Clearly the reheating

eciency is determined by the couplings of the inaton to other elds Ecient

reheating say with a reheat temp erature high enough to allow baryogenesis at

the GUT scale T GeV requires relatively strong couplings In many


mo dels however such couplings induce lo op corrections to the scalar selfinteraction

which would upset the requisite atness of its p otential As a result a high reheat

temp erature is not always p ossible

Quantum Fluctuations and Density Perturbations

So on after the arrival of false vacuum ination it was appreciated that ination

could in principle provide one of the holy grails of cosmology a causal mecha

nism for the origin of density uctuations that later grow to form largescale struc

ture The problem can b e seen by rst considering the standard cosmology without

ination in this case the physical wavelength asso ciated with a density p erturba

tion mo de grows with the scale factor at while the Hubble length scales

phy s

up more rapidly H t recall the current Hubble distance is d H h


Mp c Consequently at a redshift larger than z where z H p er

turbations with present scale were larger than the instantaneous Hubble radius

which sets the lengthscale for causal pro cesses For p erturbations on cosmologi

cally interesting scales to day say h Mp c this implies z

or T eV here for the sake of simplicity I have assumed matterdominated

expansion throughout the reader can insert the appropriate radiationdominated

corrections to make the numbers more rigorous In the standard cosmology how

ever curvature p erturbations cannot b e causally generated on scales larger than the

instantaneous Hubble radius b ecause of lo cal energy conservation Thus p ertur

bations on scales of galaxies and larger must have b een generated by some physical

eV after these scales crossed inside the Hubble ra pro cess acting at T

dius While some work has b een done on a late time phase transition at such a

scale such mo dels do require new physics at surprisingly low energy scales and

have not b een met with overwhelming enthusiasm Moreover the resulting CMBR

anisotropies in such scenarios may b e intolerably large If one do es not p ostulate a

latetime origin for largescale p erturbations then they must simply b e p ostulated

as initial conditions b ecause they could not have had a causal origin at ep o chs

z z Note that this argument applies to curvature p erturbations an imp ortant

lo ophole is the early generation of largescale iso curvature p erturbations

An early ep o ch of ination alters this situation during accelerated expansion

the Hubble radius H grows more slow ly than the scale factor in a de Sitter ep o ch

H is constant Thus a p erturbation of comoving wavelength could b e created

causally on a physical scale less than H during ination expand outside the

Hubble radius at some time t during ination and then eventually reenter


the Hubble radius in the recent radiation or matterdominated era at a time t


This hypothetical p ossibility was turned into a physical plausibility when it was

realized that quantum uctuations of the slowly rolling eld in new ination could

provide a mechanism for generating density p erturbations In a nutshell one

treats the spatial uctuations of the eld ab out its homogeneous classical exp ec

tation value as an approximately massless quantum eld in de Sitter space in its

vacuum state such a eld has a sp ectrum of zerop oint uctuations with an rms

amplitude H These spatial variations in corresp ond to uctuations in

the inaton energy density which are converted into adiabatic density uctuations

in all sp ecies during reheating The resulting density p erturbation amplitude when

a comoving wavelength reenters the Hubble radius is given approximately by


t t


It is straightforward to show that scales corresp onding to the range from the galaxy

scale to the present Hubble radius h Mp c crossed outside the Hubble

radius in the interval efolds b efore the end of ination During slowrollover

the inaton is eectively at its terminal velocity which changes slowly over time

since the p erio d of ten efolds of the scale factor is brief the right hand side of

changes very little over this interval As a result the density p erturbation

amplitude at Hubble radius crossing t is nearly constant


Now the density p erturbation amplitude at Hubble radius crossing is essentially

the gravitational p otential p erturbation on that scale G M G

H where we have used the Friedmann equation to relate G

phy s

H Thus ination predicts that the gravitational p otential uctuations are nearly

indep endent of scale constant Such a scaleinvariant sp ectrum of p otential

uctuations was rst prop osed on dierent grounds by Harrison Zeldovich and

Peebles and Yu ten years b efore ination Note that the gravitational p otential

also sets the scale for the largeangle CMBR anisotropy through the SachsWolfe

eect photons climbing out of deep er p otential wells at the time of last scattering

suer a larger resulting in the temp erature shift T T


this result holds for the Einsteinde Sitter mo del


Considerable excitement was generated when analysis of maps of the CMBR sky

from the rst year of COBE DMR data yielded a largeangle anisotropy consistent

with the scaleinvariant sp ectrum

To get a feel for the result I sketch out the steps of the calculation here

for a particularly complete discussion see The idea is to treat small uctuations

semiclassically by expanding the scalar eld and metric p erturbatively around their

homogeneous solutions eg

x t t x t


where t is the classical homogeneous solution to the scalar equation of motion in


the FRW background eqn and is a quantum eld op erator with equaltime

commutation relation

x t x t t i x x a t

A similar expansion is p erformed for the metric It is convenient to consider the

Fourier transform


h i

d k


a te hc x t



where a is the annihilation op erator for mo de k t is the classical mo de function



and k ak is the xed comoving wavenumber of the mo de We will consider

phy s

the p ower sp ectrum P k of the eld the contribution p er logarithmic wavenumber

interval to the variance of the uctuation



h i P k


The p ower sp ectrum is prop ortional to the Fourier transform of the twopoint cor

relation function of the eld in the vacuum


k k


d xe hj x ji j j P k


In general the mo de equation for can b e complicated since it involves coupled


scalar and gravitational degrees of freedom However at least in the synchronous

gauge g the term involving metric p erturbations can b e neglected yielding



k k k o k


The slow rollover conditions imply that the p otential term in is also negligible

reducing the equation of motion to that of a free massless eld in de Sitter space

The normalized solution is


expik dta


for k aH

k a



constant for k aH

The mo de crosses outside the Hubble radius during ination when H

phy s

ie when k aH The solution states that the mo de oscillates inside the

Hubble radius and then freezes out when it crosses outside This is the mathematical

statement of the physical intuition that microphysics only op erates coherently on

scales less than Hubble radius For mo des inside the Hubble radius from

and the p ower sp ectrum can b e written P k H k H a When a

mo de crosses outside the Hubble radius the rms uctuation on that scale is given



P k aH

k aH

To nd the resulting density p erturbation amplitude one must solve the p er

turb ed Einstein equations due to the gauge freedom in the choice of time co ordi

nate that is in the way spacetime can b e sliced up into spacelike hypersurfaces one

chooses a gauge to simplify the problem at hand It is particularly convenient to

make use of a gaugeinvariant measure of the p erturbation amplitude for adiabatic

curvature p erturbations


o o

where is an analog of the Newtonian p otential that completely sp ecies the in

trinsic Ricci curvature of the p erturb ed surfaces The variable is useful b ecause

it generally satises constant for p erturbations far outside the Hubble radius

k aH b oth during and after ination Moreover the p otential is negligible

at Hubble radius crossing so dening the p ower sp ectrum of by analogy with

we have


k aH o

P k

t t


where we have used and the slowroll equation of motion H V

This completes the sketch of the derivation of

Using the slowroll equation of motion the p erturbation amplitude can b e ex

pressed in terms of the height and slop e of the p otential





P l

A useful way to characterize the scaledep endence of the p erturbations is to consider

the density p erturbation p ower sp ectrum P k j j where is the Fourier

k k

transform of x and we relate dierent conventions for what is called the

p ower sp ectrum by using the notation P k P The density sp ectrum can b e



written as a p ower law in wavenumber P k k where n corresp onds


to the scaleinvariant sp ectrum ie to P constant To see this recall that

H and that the contribution p er logarithmic wavenumber

interval to the rms uctuation on scale is k j j Small deviations


from scaleinvariance can b e expressed in terms of the index n


One can carry through an argument similar to that ab ove for

p erturbations in de Sitter space Expanding the metric ab out the de Sitter FRW

solution the tensor mo des h satisfy the massless scalar eld equation

with no p otential term Dening a canonically normalized scalar eld for each


p olarization state h G the tensor amplitude at Hubble crossing is




k H a


P l

P l

The induced SachsWolfe anisotropy on large scales is T T h

k H a

Chaotic Ination a worked example

The result for the p erturbation amplitude provides a severe constraint on

the form of the inaton p otential To get a feeling for the numbers consider one

of the simplest forms for the p otential a pure quartic V an example

of Lindes chaotic ination In this case the eld rolls down to the origin from its


initial value the slow roll conditions are satised for M

e P l

and the number of ination efolds is given by



e i e

e i


P l P l

Thus the condition of sucient ination N requires M and the

e i P l

density p erturbation amplitude on the scale of the present Hubble radius is




P l

The p erturbation sp ectrum is almost exactly scaleinvariant in this mo del n


b ecause changes very little in the interval b etween and efolds b efore the

end of ination The COBE observation of CMBR anisotropy indicates P

which implies the inaton selfcoupling must satisfy

Naturalness and the Small Coupling Problem

The preceding example illustrates a general conclusion that applies to all in

ation mo dels the inaton eld must b e very weakly selfcoupled In dierent

mo dels this constraint app ears in dierent guises but it is alway present in one

form or another the p otential must contain a very small dimensionless number of


Attitudes concerning this problem vary widely among ination theorists it is

often said that constitutes unacceptable ne tuning but that is a

misapplication of the ne tuning concept in this context To others it is not an issue

of great concern b ecause we know there exist other small numbers in physics such

as lepton and quark Yukawa couplings g and the ratio M M

Y w eak P l

Partly as a consequence of the latter view in recent years it has b ecome customary

to decouple the inaton completely from mo dels to sp ecify an

inaton sector with the requisite prop erties with little regard for its physical


Nevertheless it is meaningful and imp ortant to ask whether such a small value

for is in principle unnatural Clearly the answer dep ends on the particle physics

mo del within which is embedded and on ones interpretation of naturalness A

small parameter is said to b e technically natural if it is protected against large

radiative corrections by a symmetry ie if setting increases the symmetry

of the system For example in this way low energy sup ersymmetry might protect

the small ratio M M by cancelling b oson and fermion lo ops However in

w eak P l

technically natural mo dels the small coupling while stable against radiative

corrections is itself unexplained and is generally p ostulated ie put in by hand

solely in order to generate successful ination Technical naturalness is a useful

concept for low energy eective Lagrangians like the electroweak theory and its

sup ersymmetric extensions but it p oints to a more fundamental level of theory for

its origin For example the underlying origin of the mass hierarchy M M in

w eak P l

sup ersymmetric theories is thought to b e asso ciated with hidden sector physics in

sup ergravity theories which start out with no small dimensionless couplings at the

Planck scale Since ination takes place relatively close to the Planck scale it would

b e preferable to nd the inaton in such particle physics mo dels which are strongly

natural that is which have no small numbers in the fundamental Lagrangian

In a strongly natural gauge theory all small dimensionless parameters ulti

mately arise dynamically eg from or instanton factors

like exp where is a gauge coupling In particular in an asymptotically

free theory the scale M at which a logarithmically running coupling constant

b ecomes unity is M M e where M is the fundamental mass scale in the

theory In some mo dels the inaton coupling arises from a ratio of mass scales


M M As a result in such mo dels is naturally exp onentially sup


pressed e

One example of a class of such mo dels is natural ination in which the role

of the inaton is played by a pseudoNambuGoldstoneboson in particle physics

mo dels an example of this is the axion In its simplest incarnation consider a

global U symmetry sp ontaneously broken at a highenergy scale f by a non

zero exp ectation value for a complex scalar eld the p otential for which takes the

familiar Mexicanhat or wine b ottle form At scales much b elow f the only

relevant degree of freedom is the massless angular variable around the b ottom of

the p otential At an energy scale f the symmetry is explicitly brokenthe

Mexicanhat is tilted generating a p otential for which is generally of the form

V cosN f

In axion mo dels characterizes the scale at which a running gauge coupling


b ecomes strong and is related to the fundamental scale f by f e For

f M GeV and M GeV this eld can drive ination in

P l GU T

this case the eective quartic coupling is f as required In the

standard mo del and in typical grand unied theories the only strong gauge coupling

is that of QCD with MeV However in sup ergravity and sup erstring


mo dels there is a hidden gauge sector which interacts only gravitationally with

ordinary quarks and leptons It has b een suggested that the hidden sector gauge

interactions b ecome strong at a scale comparable to that ab ove GeV in

order to break sup ersymmetry at the TeV scale in the observable sector

An interesting p ossibility in this case is that the p erturbation sp ectrum can

deviate signicantly from scaleinvariance the sp ectral index is given by


P l




The constraint that the universe reheat after ination to a temp erature T


GeV leads to the constraint f M which implies n allowing a small

P l s

but signicant break from scaleinvariance n Contrary to some erroneous


statements in the literature such a breaking from scaleinvariance do es not require

any netuning of the parameters in this mo del Arguments from the formation

of structure combined with the COBE observations at any rate indicate that the

sp ectral index n


A Brief Lo ok at Structure Formation

Let us nish with a cursory lo ok at how primordial p erturbations eg from

ination end up lo oking to day As discussed ab ove the primordial sp ectrum from



ination is generally a p owerlaw in wavenumber P k j t j Ak and

k i

the present sp ectrum is related to the primordial one through a transfer function

j t j T k j t j The transfer function T k enco des the scaledep endence

k k i

of the linear gravitational evolution of the p erturbation mo des it dep ends

on the nature of the dark matter hot or cold its density as well as and


H On scales which enter the Hubble radius after the universe b ecomes matter

dominated k k h Mp c all p erturbations undergo the same growth


rate so the transfer function T k on smaller scales k k it b ends over


to T k k as k reecting the suppressed growth of uctuations which

cross inside the Hubble radius while the universe is still radiationdominated For

standard cold dark matter CDM we have h and assume negligible baryon

density leading to the characteristic scale k Mp c A

B col d eq

reasonable analytic t to the linear transfer function for CDM mo dels is given by

k k k

T k

h h h

in the approximation For hot dark matter on the other hand

B col d

in the absence of seed p erturbations such as cosmic strings the transfer function is

also exp onentially damp ed by relativistic neutrino freestreaming for wavenumbers

larger than k m eV Mp c Finally the present density sp ectrum is

related to the galaxy p ower sp ectrum by a bias prescription for the simplest linear

bias mo del

k j t j T P k b P k b

k i g al

g al g al

As mentioned in Sec galaxy catalogs such as the CfA the IRAS Jy and

QDOT and the angular APM and EDSGC catalogs suggest that the sp ectrum

Figure The APM galaxy angular correlation function of Fig is shown with two

mo del predictions standard h CDM and a b estt lowdensity CDM mo del

h from ref The upp er and lower bracketing curves for each mo del

indicate the exp ected spread due to

predicted in and with standard CDM h linear bias and n


may not have exactly the right shap e to match the observed galaxy sp ectrum hav

ing relatively to o little to o much p ower on large small scales Solutions to this

extrap ower problem can b e classied according to which element on the right hand

side of Eqn one tinkers with In all cases the aim is to atten the shap e of the

sp ectrum at intermediate wavenumbers k h Mp c by increasing the relative

p ower on these scales compared to smaller wavelengths For example as indi

cates one can abandon standard CDM and increase the characteristic wavelength

where the transfer function T k b ends down providing more relative largescale

p ower by reducing from unity in the context of ination this requires either

a sp ecial choice of the number of efolds N or the introduction of a cosmological


constant to ensure An example of this is shown in Fig which again

shows the APM galaxy angular correlation function plotted against the prediction

for w b see b elow in linear theory for standard and lowdensity CDM

g al

b oth with n Recall that lowering also increases the expansion age H t


Another recently p opular alternative is to employ a mixture of hot and cold

dark matter with from eqn this can b e achieved

hot col d

with a light neutrino with mass m eV Due to freestreaming the neutrino

admixture partially suppresses p ower on small scales which is what is wanted A

third p ossibility is to retain standard CDM but consider primordial p erturbation

sp ectra with n from ination but it app ears that such tilting of the sp ectrum


when normalized to COBE do es not by itself solve the p ower problem without

violating other constraints Alternatively one can admit a more complex scheme for

biasing in which the bias factor in is scaledep endent b b k and increases

g g

at large scales Unlike the other xes in this case the extra p ower on large scales

is an optical illusion a prop erty of the galaxy eld but not the underlying density

eld This dierence leads to qualitatively dierent b ehavior of the higherorder

eg threep oint galaxy correlation functions an eect which should b e testable

against observations

Since all ination mo dels predict a deviation from scaleinvariance at some level

it is interesting to see what limits on the sp ectral index n follow from COBE in the


context of standard CDM For these mo dels the density p ower sp ectra form a two

parameter family characterized by the sp ectral index n and the normalization A


Instead of A it is common to normalize sp ectra by the rms linear mass uctuation

where in spheres of radius h Mp c h M M i


Rh Mp c


dk k P k W k R


and the window function

sin k R k R cos k R W k R

k R

lters out the contribution from small scales Redshift surveys of optically selected

galaxies in particular the CfA and APM surveys indicate that the variance in

galaxy counts on this scale is of order unity Thus in a linear bias mo del and

ignoring nonlinear gravitational eects the bias factor for these galaxies would b e

b for other galaxy p opulations b may dier from unity

opt g al

From the SachsWolfe eect for a given normalization and sp ectral index we

can calculate the exp ected largeangle CMBR anisotropy The rms temp erature

o o

uctuation on the scale of observed by COBE




then yields a relation b etween them e Thus mo dels which

obtain more relative largescale p ower by tilting the sp ectrum to n reduce


the p ower on galaxy scales If the p ower on small scales is reduced to

the p oint that galaxy formation would o ccur to o recently in the context of these

mo dels this leads to the constraint n This b ound assumes that


gravitational make a negligible contribution to the CMBR signal While

this is a go o d approximation for mo dels such as natural ination there are other

ination p otentials for which the gravity wave contribution to the largeangle CMBR

anisotropy b ecomes appreciable when n An example is p ower law ination


pro duced by an exp onential p otential for in this case the relative contribution

of the tensor mo des compared to the scalar density p erturbation mo des to the

largeangle anisotropy is R n However contrary to some statements in


the literature this relation is not generic to ination but only holds approximately

for a restricted class of mo dels Clearly for mo dels in which it do es apply the eect

is to lower the COBE constraint on the p erturbation amplitude for xed n For


mo dels with n this makes the ep o ch of structure formation more recent and


the corresp onding lower b ound on n even tighter As this sub ject has b ecome a


b o oming theoretical industry in the last year I refer the reader to recent issues of

Physical Review D for more details


I would like to thank the TASI organizers T Walker S Raby and K T

Mahanthappa for putting together an enjoyable school the students for asking go o d

questions without throwing anything and the Chicago Bulls for exp erimentally

verifying my prediction This work was supp orted in part by the DOE and by

NASA grant NAGW at Fermilab

App endix A Notation and Units

It is useful to b e able to translate back and forth b etween astronomical units

and high energy physics units The fundamental unit of distance in extragalactic

astronomy is the p c p c lightyears cm The typical

galactic scale is measured in kiloparsec kp c for example the is

approximately R kp c from the center of the Milky Way The nearest large

galaxy to our own is Andromeda at a distance of roughly kp c and the typical

distance b etween neighboring large galaxies outside clusters is a few Megaparsec

Mp c Absolute extragalactic distances are uncertain by a factor of order and

are usually given in terms of h Mp c where the Hubble parameter H h

kmsecMp c and observations indicate h see b elow Cosmological

distances are often estimated using redshifts via the Hubble law v cz H d and

so are sometimes expressed in terms of recession velocity kmsec h Mp c

Astronomical masses and luminosities are measured in solar units M

gm L ergsec Large galaxies commonly have a luminosity of order

L and mass of order M In particle physics it is often

convenient to calculate in natural units in which h c k In this case


all dimensionful quantities can b e expressed in units of energy say in GeV for

example Length Energy At the end of a calculation to convert an expression

to physical units insert appropriate p owers of hc GeV cm and convert

lengths to times by dividing by c cmsec When gravity is involved use

the Planck mass energy M G GeV Finally when converting

P l

energy to temp erature E k T and vice versa use eV K To


go from particle physics to astronomical units it is sometimes handy to remember

that the sun contains ab out ie GeV M


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